selves as the carpenters. we have not had an oppertunity to Eat salt yet, least the fresh should Spoil. Veal and butter is brought us from peekskill, the commissioners brought oxen which they kill as they want, milk we get off of mamme Rose. Yesterday arrived here Captain Cusion as Commander in Chief at this post and Capt something, I forget what, of the Artilary with their companys Who left Boston after we had possession they breakfasted din'd and drank tea with us and were very entertaining with their sumer and winters Campain, did not you hear our Cannon fire last Saturday., but I did tho, now let the tories come if they dare, we'll shew 'em what we can do, we have thirty two pounders within twenty yards of this door. I was glad to hear by your letter of the 3d of April that you were all well, till then I have felt uneasy about Catey I don't expect to come home til week after next I wish it could be for good and all for tho' I can make myself pretty easy here yet it is not like being settled at home it is more like making the best of a bad bargain we have a very bad servant he is old and loves liqur but the commissioners dont look for another so that I have not so much time to write or sew as I have at home April II today I have moved in my own bedroom I have clean'd out my apple pye Closet and put all my cloaths in it ( ? ) peg is a washing we have had disagreeable weather ever since I've been here except 3 days I am sifted out and can write nothing more so must conclude with wishing you well Give my love to all friends kiss the children for me I hope it won't be as long again before I se them From your affectionate sister Catherine Livingston to save paper I inclose Hanahs you may read 'em both if she likes
Poghkeepsie July ye 19th 1776 My Dear We have been in great Confusion ever since you left us, first place almost every Tory in the County was hunted up by the 46