11. If the presiding officer or Secretary be absent from any meeting, either of the society or the board, then the society or the board shall elect one to serve at that meeting. 12. The funds of the society shall be appropriated by the majority of the same, to the objects of the institution, and to no other purpose whatsoever. 13. All premiums shall be adjudged and bestowed by a majority of the society, at the semi-annual meetings. 14. Honorary members shall be elected in the manner prescribed for the election of ordinary members. 15. All correspondence is to be carried on in the name of the Secretary of the society, and all letters are to be addressed to him. 16. None but farmers shall be ordinary members of this society. 17. No person elected an ordinary member shall, after the first March meeting, be entitled to the privileges of the society, unless he shall have subscribed to these rules and regulations, and have paid his arrears, if any are due, to the society. 18. Each proposed member of the board shall be nominated by one member of the society, and seconded by another, his election to be determined by ballot. 19. Officers of the society shall have a voice at the board, when present at its meetings. 20. The second election of officers of the society shall take place the Wednesday following the first meeting of the March Court, in the year 1807. 21. All members of the society shall have liberty to be present at the meetings of the board, but shall have no voice in its decisions. 22. The Treasurer shall receive the subscriptions of the members and all other money which shall become due to the society, and shall pay the same agreeable to its orders, certified by the President, one of the VicePresidents, or member in the Chair, when the order is made; he shall keep a regular account of all money received or paid by him as aforesaid, and once every year he shall render an account to the society of the stock in his hands, and of the disbursements made by his orders.
The preceding articles being read and agreed to by the gentlemen present as a constitution, they have hereunto subscribed their names: Henry Livingston, William Broom, John Johnston, Henry A. Livingston, William Bard, John B. Van Wyck, Gilbert Livingston, Samuel A. Barker, Theophilus Anthony, Levi M'Keen, William Akin, Derick A. Brinckerhoff, James Sleght, Moses Downing, Thomas Nelson, Joseph S. Dean, Jacob Schryver, Peter Lossing, Koert DuBois, Jacob Bush, Robert G. Livingston, Timothy Martin, Matthew Mesier. 56