Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook Vol 016 1931

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was an attendance of 53 members. will be found elsewhere in this isDue to the fact that the Presi- sue. Mr. Whitcome made a motion, dent's arrival was delayed, Mr. Jacob Brill, vice-president for the which was seconded and passed, Town of Beekman, was appointed that the secretary convey to Mrs. Come the appreciation of this sochairman, pro tern, and presided. Mr. Brill called the meeting to ciety for the kind hospitality of the Columbia County Historical Soorder. The minutes of the annual meet- ciety on the occasion of the recent ing, held on May 16, were read pilgrimage. Miss Reynolds reported that the and approved. There had been no and death notices from marriage other meetings held during the between the years newspapers the summer. of 1826 and 1834 had been copied The Secretary reported that the in preparation for the second volfollowing members had died since ume of these notices. She reported the last meeting: Mr. George R. that $354.00 had been expended Bishop, Mr. Henry S. Elting, Mrs. and that about 4,000 items had John H. Keane, Mr. H. N. W. been copied. She expressed the Magill, Mrs. Douglass Merritt, wish that sufficient funds might be Mr. James Myers, Mr. Frederick available after the new year to conR. Newbold, Mr. Joseph Tucker- tinue the copying of these items man Tower, and Mr. George and that they might be published Worrall. during the following year. He also reported the following Miss Reynolds reported, for the resignations to take effect January Year Book Committee, that the 1, 1932: The Hon. Willard Baker, material was well in hand for volMiss Marion Hammond, Mrs. ume 16 and that she had every reaGeorge Landis and Mr. James S. son to expect that it would be in Polhemus. the mail in November. The treasurer's report was given The Secretary reported that the by Mrs. Waterman, the assistant- following applications for membertreasurer. This was accepted and ship had been received: Mr. Albert C. Burdick, Dr. Chester T. Cadfollows these minutes. The assistant treasurer asked for well, Mr. Eugene H. Callison, some action in the matter of mem- Mrs. Eugene H. Callison, Columbers who had neglected to pay dues bia University Library, Mr. Frank for several years. After discussion A. Denton, Mrs. Frank A. Denton, it was moved and seconded that the The Rev. J. M. L. Eckard, Mrs. name of any member who had made J. M. L. Eckard, Mr. Edward W. no response to the communications Elsworth, Mrs. John T. Howell, of the society for more than two Mr. Thomas Jabine, Miss Gladys years might be dropped. E. Knight, Miss Margaret Mac The secretary gave a report of Intyre, Mrs. Mary C. Moore, Mr. the annual pilgrimage. This report John Tartaro, Miss M. Ethel Tay12

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