James F. Baldwin, Ph. D., of Vassar College, speaking for Education. Alexander C. Flick, Ph. D., State Historian; speaking on the Act of 1683, under which the county was created. The Hon. Hamilton Fish, Jr., Member of Congress, speaking on the Period of the Revolutionary War in Dutchess. The Hon. Edmund Platt, formerly Member of Congress, speaking on the Constitutional Convention at Poughkeepsie in 1788. Address at the Luncheon by: Miss Helen Wilkinson Reynolds on the Story of Dutchess County. Of the foregoing addresses, that made by Mr. Platt was printed in full in the issue of the Poughkeepsie Eagle-News for November 2, 1933, which is on file in the Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie; the address made by Miss Reynolds is printed in this Year Book; the others were more or less extempore. At the conclusion of the address given by Miss Reynolds at the luncheon there was read the following special letter of greeting from the President of the United States. The audience rose and remained standing to receive the message sent by the Chief Executive. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October, 30, 1933. My dear Miss Reynolds: I wish I could come to the Dutchess County birthday party on November first but though I cannot be with you all I shall be there at least in spirit and I hcpe that you will give every body the warm regards of a son of Old Dutchess who for the moment is very much immersed in national problems. Of one thing I am very certain on this 250th Anniversary of the creation of our county—its good people are continuing 23