2 minute read
Annual Pilgrimage, September 13, 1934
New History, the quarterly of the New York Historical Association.
The Quarterly Bulletin of the
Westchester County Historical
Proceedings of the Ulster
County Historical Society.
The Secretary reported that there had been a few resignations and that the society had lost the following members by death: Miss Frances E. Crouse, Mr. Guilford Dudley, Mr. John M. Gardner, Mrs. Harold R. Phalen, Miss Julia Reed, Mr. Albert D. Seaver, Mrs. C. S. Van Etten and Mr. Robert Wilkinson.
The Treasurer read her report, which was accepted and which follows these minutes. She reported that a considerable number of members had not paid their dues for 1934. The President and the Secretary asked for help in this matter and requested those present to urge their friends to keep their dues paid up and, if possible, to obtain new members.
The following names were proposed for membership: Mr. George H. Genzmer, Mr. Charles Griffin, Miss Emeline Guernsey and Miss Jane Thurston. They were elected and Mr. Harris N. Cookingham, an annual member, was elected to life membership.
Miss Reynolds gave a report of the recent pilgrimage and voiced the society's appreciation of the courtesies extended by the Ulster County Historical Society and the manner in which the traffic had been handled in that city.
Miss Reynolds reported also, for the Year Book Committee, that the material was well in hand and the volume would go to press soon after this meeting.
Dr. Ashley reported for the committee which had been appointed to look up the milestones in his own neighborhood and to consider what could be done to insure their preservation. This committee was continued and the members present were asked to communicate with Dr. Ashley and Mr. De La Vergne if they knew of the location of any of the mile-stones which had not been cared for.
The matter of the annual meeting to be held in May was discussed and the suggestion was made that it be held in Amenia. It seemed the concensus of opinion that the meeting held at Red Hook had been most successful and that it would be desirable to hold a meetfig in the eastern part of the county. This matter was left to the Board of Trustees for arrangements.
On motion, the meeting adjourned to the dining room where 123 members had luncheon and enjoyed the program of informal talks. Mr. Harry A. Haring, the author of Our Catskill Mountains, and a resident of Woodland Valley, spoke on the history of the Catskill Mountains and described the resources and the development of industries in that region. Mrs. Bruno Zimm, president of the Woodstock Historical . Society, told of the formation and work of that society. And Mr. Raymond H. Torrey, secretary of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society,