Annual Report of the TREASURER of the DUTCHESS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY May 18, 1934 Balance on hand Oct. 20th, 1933 Receipts from dues and interest
$1,446.23 825.81 $2,272.04
DISBURSEMENTS TO DATE 10-24-33, Helen W. Reynolds $200.00 11-24-33, Junior League, Glebe House 120.00 11-24-33, Lansing-Broas—reply postals 6.20 11-24-33, Amy VerNooy—Notices and Postage 22.00 12-15-33, Helen ''V. Reynolds, Cartage for Year Books 1.00 12-17-33, Dr. J. W. Poucher—Postage 14.77 12-18-33, Lansing Broas—Binding Year Book 25.60 1-2-34, Amy Vernooy—Reply PostaIs 3.00 5.00 1-2-34, Agnes Criblez—Work on Year Book 1-3-34, Rhinebeck Gazette—Work on Year Book. . . 272.77 50.00 1-31-34, Amy Vernooy—Services as Secretary 25.00 1-3-34, Allen Frost, Services as Curator • 1-3-34, Katherine B. Waterman, Services as Treasurer 50.00 3.00 1-10-34, New York Historical Society Dues 5.00 1-11-34, Katherine B. Waterman—Postage 5.00 1-23-34, Helen W. Reynolds—Postage 4.70 1-23-34, Lansing Broas—Statements 3.65 2-7-34, J. H. Fitchett—Paper and Cord 2-19-34 Helen W. Reynolds—Office equipment and 17.85 Supplies C. W. A. 7.50 2-20-34, Glendon Bates-15,000 Cards—C. W. A 6.75 4-5-34, Ethel Munger—Typewriter rental, C. W. A .42 Tax on 21 checks $ 849.21 Total disbursements Balance on hand May 18th, 1934 5-18-34, Balance in Permanent Account, $495.67.
Respectfully submitted, KATHERINE B. WATERMAN, Treasurer. 15