10 minute read
Letters of Brig. General Jacobus Swartwout
LETTERS OF BRIG. GENERAL JACOBUS SWARTWOUT Read by MRS. EDWARD V. K. CUNNINGHAM Historical Society Pilgrimage. To the Honorable Provincial Congress at New York Feb. 20, 1776
By the within enclosed returns, you will see that those captains in town of my regiment have small companies, but at the same time, nigh a full set of officers.
I expect the following captains hourly, to wt; Capt. Woodford, from Pawlings Precinct, Capt. Lundington, from Precinct, Capt. Clearch from Beekman's Precinct, Capt. Durling from Rombout's Precinct.
Should it be the same case with the last mentioned companies to have so few men, and officers complete, it will be necessary for your honorable Board to fall on some plan, either by sending to the several Colonels of Melitia in our county to draft a sufficient number of men to fill the within mentioned companies or by reducing the officers to a proper number. If you should judge the latter to be best probably it would suit many of the officers to return to their families, as it answers no good purpose to have so many officers and so few men, but on the contrary creates great cost as it is natural to expect where troops are kept, there will be disorder attending them. As we have no doctor for said regiment, I should be glad that Dr. Tappan might be appointed for that purpose, as we have an over-plenty of officers. I have no other view in writing the foregofng than to acquaint you with the state of the regiment.
I am, gentlemen, your very humble servant Jacobus Swartwout, Colonel Enclosed was the following tally of his regiment:
3 Captains 6 Lieutenants 2 Ensigns 9 Sergeants 4 Corporals 4 Fife and Drums 79 Privates 10 Deserters 1 Clerk
To the Provincial Congress at New York February 26, 1776
Be pleased to let me have 624 pounds for the use of my regiment in order to enable them to provide themselves with blankets and other necessaries.
Jacobus Swart-wout, Colonel The Congress was informed by two of the Dutchess Co. members
that Col. Swartwout had told them 400 pounds will be sufficient for the present. It was ordered that Peter V. B. Livingston, Esq. as Treasurer of Provincial Congress of the colony, advance to Colonel Jacobus Swartwout of Dutchess County the sum of 400 pounds on account of the pay of his regiment and that the treasurer take his receipt for the same on account.
Meeting of the Committee of Observation at Captain Griffin's Monday August 31, 1775 Resolved: "That the committee in each Precinct to be attended by a sufficient guard and go to the persons called Tories and in a friendly manner request them to part with their firelocks for the use of the Continental Forces at a reasonable price to be affixed by one of the Committee and a person to be elected by the person parting with the firelocks, and upon refusal, to take such firelocks forceably and to value them and keep a list of the names of the persons from whom such firelocks shall be taken, together with the value of each firelock." The Chairman of the committee for Captain Griffins Co. was Jacobus Swartwout.
Jacobus Swartwout to Col. George Clinton, Ulster Co., Rombout Precinct May 6, 1776
Agreeable to your request and General Washington's order, we have secured the arms brought to this Precinct with Ensign Duncan Campbell of the 26th Regiment to the following amount:
7 fowling fusils 1 double barrel fusil 4 regimental fusils 1 French musket 1 gun barrel 6 steel mounted swords 2 silver mounted swords 1 silver mounted hanger 1 silver mounted pistol 1 Highland pistol 4- pouches with belt 3 sword belts 1 powder horn 1 powder canteen 1 hand saw
We shall await his Excellency General Washington's orders where to have them directed.
I am, Sir, in behalf of the Committee of Rombout's Precinct, Your very humble servant Jacobus Swartwout, Chairman
R. Yates to Colonel Swartwout New York Feb. 9, 1776
Dear Sir:
You will see by the enclosed resolution that Major General Lee
now at New York is authorized to call in as many of the Minute Men of this colony as he may think necessary.
I am directed by the General to have some regiments of Minute Men called here immediately. Your regiment is fixed by the Committee of Safety of this colony as proper to be called. You are therefore on receipt hereof to march with your regiment to New York with all possible dispatch. Take care that your men have their knapsacks and blanket with them and provision for their march. The quartermaster by all means to come with the regiment. It is not doubted but you will give orders that your Troop observe the greatest regularity in their march and if you order the several companies to precede each other a few miles in their march. They will be more easily accommodated. Suffer no delay in bringing in your regiment. I am respectfully yours, R. Yates Chairman ps: It is expected that Colonel Drake will leave a sufficient guard of his regiment at the cannon beyond Kings Bridge. He will be a proper judge how many will be necessary for the small service.
To the Honorable Convention at Fishkill Col. Swartwout to the New York Convention Fort Constitution, Dec. 20, 1776
Whereas the limited time we engaged in the service will expire by the last day of this month, which is well nigh at hand except we are relieved or stay longer than our time, this garrison will be left vacant, but in all probability you have provided a relief to relieve us at that day, but on the contrary, if you have not, it would be best to let me know per first opportunity in what manner to act. It is very reasonable to think that the greatest part of men will be very anxious to get home when their time expires, not withstanding. Believe with other officers, might prevail with a sufficient number to garrison this fort till a proper relief might be procured of the Continental Troops. But if you have already a sufficient number of Continental Troops, will be saving money to send them as they are under pay. Should be loathe to leave this garrison with my regiment till I heard from you gentlemen as there are many things here which will not admit of leaving without a guard such as cannon ammunition, etc.
Captain Bratt's and Capt. Baldings companies of Rangers arrived here the other day from Albany. Say they are sent here by the Committee of that place and their instructions are to come here to this fort and stay until 1st of January which will be just the time we have to stay. In my opinion they are of no service here for the present nor would they if they should be ordered to guard this for the winter for I ordered them to furnish their proportion of guards upon which the two captains came to me and told me their men was not listed to mount guard, but were willing to turn their men out for fatigue upon which I have
kept them getting of fire wood together with our men. We have had no boat from New Windsor these two days to be loaded with stone, I suppose by reason of the severity of the weather. All the timber handy here for rafts we have cut and sent up. Here is still a great plenty of pine timber in the swamp on this island which might be got out with sleighs when the ice is hard, to be ready for rafting in the spring.
I am, gentlemen, with esteem, your very humble servant, Jacobus Swartwout, Colonel
Ft. Constitution, Dec. 26, 1776
I now send by the bearer, Ensign Weaver, two yoke of oxen and cart which were the property of Mr. Frederick Van Cortland at King's Br:dge. The oxen and cart was pressed in order to carry the baggage of my regiment to the White Plains from Peekskill; were sent with medicines to Fishkill from which place I sent for them here to haul down timber to make rafts and as they can't be of any further service here, have thought best to have them sent to you gentlemen, to order them as you think fit. You will be good enough to direct the bearer to whom he must deliver the cattle and the receiver to give a receipt for them.
I am gentlemen with greatest respects your very humble servant. Jacobus Swartwout, Colonel
Poughkeepsie, April 12, 1779 I am directed by his Excellency, Governor Clinton, to transmit to you the enclosed commission appointing you Brigadier General of the County of Dutchess with his General order and copy of the law to which they refer. The safety of the Frontier so much depends upon the speedy embodying of these troops that it is conceived unnecessary to hold out any other consideration to excite you and the other officers concerned to the utmost dispatch in the execution of this business I am with great respect, Sir your most Ob'd't Serv't Rob Benson A. D. C.
To the Honorable Brig. Gen'l Swartwout
WILL OF SARAH BRINKERHOFF, MOTHER-IN-LAW OF GENERAL JACOBUS SWARTWOUT, 1789. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN — I, Sarah Brinkerhoff of Fishkill Town in the County of Dutchess ; in the State of New York, cons:dering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed by almighty God for the same, Do make and establish this my last Will and Testament in manner and
form following, That is to say: first, After my Decease, I will and positively Order that my Executors herein named, Do pay all my funeral charges and all my lawful Debts at the Expiration of Six months out of my personal Estate. Item: I give and Bequeath unto my Son-'n-law Jacobus Swartwout Esq. my Clock and my Desk. Item: I give and Bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Sarah Swartwout my Feather Bed and Bedstead and all the Furniture thereunto belonging as it now stands in my middle Room, also my Negro Girl Names I:d also my Large Silver Bowl. Item: I give and Bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Gieltie Swartwout my Negro Girl Named Theeb, also my Bed and Bedstead and all the Furniture thereunto belonging as it now stands in my Front room, also my Silver Tea Pot. Item: I give and beaueath unto my Grand Daughter Aaltje Swartwout my Bilstil Cupboard, also my Silver Cup, also my half Dozen Silver Spoons, also my half Dozen Silver Teaspoons, also my large Bistil Dining Table, also my large looking Glass now in the front room, and my Negro BoY named Israel, Provided he chuses to live with her, otherwise to be sold by my executors hereafter named, and the money's arising from Such Sale to be her property. AND LASTLY as to all the rest and Reisdue and Remainder of my personal Estate, Goods, Chattles of what kind or Nature soever, I give and Bequeathe the same to my loving Daughter Aaltje and her Three daughters named as aforesaid. Viz. Sarah, Gieltje, and Aaltje to be Equally Divided among them their Heirs and Assignes forever, Provided Nevertheless that my Negro wench Abb, also my Negro Boy names Sam, Shall have the Liberty to chuse themselves masters and to be Sold, and the mone7s arising from Such Sales to be Equally D:yided amongst my said Daughter and her Three Daughters as aforesaid.
AND I do Hereby Nominate and appoint my trusty Friends Roeloff Schenck and Abraham Schenck my Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking all former Wills by me made.
IN Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand Seal this Eighth
Day of January, In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Eighty Nine. Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the above Named Sarah Brinkerhoff to be her last Will and Testament. In the Presence of us, who have hereunto Subscribed our Names as Witness's, In the presence of the Testator: Gysbert Schenck John Menema His Aektje X Schenck Mark