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Secretary's Minutes

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In Brief


The annual meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on Saturday, May 20, 1967 in Champangna Hall, Marist College. President Baltus B. Van Kleeck presided.

The minutes of the meeting held September 24, 1966 at Quaker Hill were read and approved.

The Secretary reported the following new members, all of whom were duly elected to membership: Charles J. Mylod, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Branson Erskine. The Secretary reported that the Society had lost the following members by death: Mrs. William M. Hadden and Mr. Charles L. McCann.

In the absence of the Treasurer, Mr. George M. Gill, his report was read by Mr. Van Kleeck and was accepted.

President Van Kleeck reported the receipt of One Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Estate of Carolyn T. Wells. He stated the matter had been in the Surrogate's Court for many years and spoke of the efforts of Mr. John A. Wolf, attorney for the Society to bring about an accounting and a final determination of the matter. Mr. Wolf had succeeded in bringing about a solution which was satisfactory to the Surrogate whereby the Society was to receive the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and the Northern Dutchess Health Center was to receive the decedent's house and the other assets. The proposal had been presented to our Board of Trustees and approved by it, and the matter was closed upon that basis. The Society had received the money in accordance with a Decree of the Surrogate's Court.

Mrs. C. Robert Southworth, chairman of the Society's Glebe House Committee was not present and her report was rendered by Mrs. Peter R. IVIund. The president gave high praise to the efforts of the committee in restoring and refurbishing Glebe House. Mrs. Mund announced there would be "Open House" at Glebe House the following day.

It was announced that the Trustees had appointed Mr. Van Kleeck Editor of the Year Book to succeed Mrs. Amy Ver Nooy. Mrs. Ver Nooy had asked to be replaced as Year Book Editor since she was spending a great deal of her time away from Poughkeepsie. Mr. Van Kleeck recalled that she had been assistant editor of the Year Book under Miss Helen Wilkinson Reynolds and had been editor since 1943. Miss Emeline Guernsey moved that a vote of appreciation be given to Mrs. Ver Nooy for her excellent work over so many years. The motion was enthusiastically carried.

The president reported that Mr. Edmund Van Wyck had given a lock for Glebe House. Mr. Van Wyck described it as a large wooden lock with a wooden case and large key, in weight almost one-half pound. The lock was from the grist mill of Moses DeGroff at Manchester,


which was built about 1792. Upon motion, Mr. Van Wyck was thanked for his gift.

Mr. Van Kleeck expressed the thanks of the Society to Marist College for granting it the use of the meeting room and for providing the use of its dining room facilities.

Mr. Richard A. Dwelley, chairman of the nominating committee gave his report and nominated Mr. Joseph W. Emsley for president. The nomination was seconded and upon motion, the secretary was instructed to cast one ballot for Mr. Emsley. The ballot was cast and Mr. Emsley was declared elected. Mr. Ernsley took the chair and asked Mr. Dwelley to continue his report. The nominations were as follows: Vice-President-at-Large Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Secretary Mr. Frank V. Mylod, Treasurer Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck, Trustees for a term of four years Mr. Walter Averill, Mr. Arnold P. Sable, Mrs. Peter R. Mund, and Mrs. William F. Gekle ; Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Mr. Edmund Van Wyck. Upon motion which was seconded and carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast one vote for those nominated. The vote was cast and those nominated were declared elected.

Dr. Henry Noble MacCracken, a past president of the Society, was greeted by the members, and amid applause Dr. MacCracken rose and acknowledged the greetings.

Dr. Balch made a motion wh:ch was seconded and carried requesting the president to appoint a committee to consult with Dr. MacCracken and offer the aid of the Society in his efforts to keep Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned for luncheon, to reassemble in the College theatre. Mr. Kenneth Pearce gave a very interesting historical sketch of making of glass in the early days of the new world. His discourse was greatly appreciated.

The Glebe House Committee presented slides with the "Glebe House Story," a very informative story of Glebe House which will be shown before groups and at the Open House. The Junior League, its producing staff and Mr. John Kuhn, commentator, deserve great credit for this excellent production.

The annual meeting adjourned.

FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary


The Fall meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held at the new Mid Hudson Libraries Auditorium on December 6th, 1967, due notice of the meeting having been mailed to all members.

President Emsley opened the meeting before a gathering of approximately one hundred members and guests. He spoke of the need for increased membership — stressing that membership was open to every-


one interested in history. He also announced that a committee had been appointed to explore with others the matter of a community building for the arts including accommodations for local history.

Upon motion made and duly seconded the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of the members was dispensed with.

President Emsley then introduced Mrs. Arlene Bondos, the speaker of the evening, giving the background for her interest in the preservation of old Dutchess County houses and landmarks worthy of note — the title of her talk being "County Heritage."

Mrs. Bondos, after an excellent definitive introductory statement, proceeded to show excellent slides of various dwellings throughout the County giving an informative account of each. She mentioned the need for informed groups or individuals to identify desirable buildings; an organized long range idea for saving the best examples and perhaps an incorporated fund raising organization to preserve them.

Mrs. Bondos announced that a book incorporating many of the pictures shown and accompanying data would be published this Spring.

Mrs. Bondos displayed a thorough knowledge of her subject which she delivered in a most interesting way. Everyone present enthusiastically gave her a vote of thanks for her presentation.

Mrs. Bondos then answered questions from the floor.

President Emsley called on Dr. Balch, chairman of the panel committee and he briefly outlined the idea of assembling interested groups to discuss the matter of permanent accommodations for the arts including history. He stated it was tentatively planned to hold the conference on Saturday, March 16, 1968. 1VIr. Frederic Smith was called on for a report of his pilgrimage committee. He gave credit for the success of the day to his committee naming the heads of the various activities. He mentioned the cooperaeon of the authorities of West Point and cited the excellent address on "General Knox" given by Major Luis Flanagan of the West Point faculty.

Mr. Smith presented to the society a photostatic copy of an old map of the Hudson River and Long Island territory together with a framed copy of an old newspaper.

After giving Mr. Sable thanks for obtaining the use of the auditorium which accommodated the gathering most comfortably, the successful meeting adjourned.

FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary


A meeting of the Trustees of the Historical Society was held at Glebe House, presiding President Van Kleeck, with a quorum present.


The purpose of the meeting was to plan the sprirg meeting of the Society. Dr. Balch stated that Marist College would be available for the meeting, and Mr. Pearce was appointed chairman. Mr. Dwelley was appointed chairman of a nominating committee.

The Secretary reported that the Society had lost because of death the following members: Mrs. Charles Oman, Mr. Harris N. Cookingham, Mrs. Louis Booth, and Miss Jean McFarland. He also reported that Mr. John Winthrop Aldrich and Lt. Ccl. G. G. Cr h hd resigned as members.

The following were elected to membership:

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bliss Mr. and Mrs. Davison F. Moore Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Elwood M. Waggnner Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Love Mrs. David N. Sanford Mr. Herbert Gindele Mrs. Johnson Heitman Miss Gertrude Allen Miss Helen Harden Mrs. Robert W. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Robe-t D-mahue Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Griffen Mrs. Donald Cameron, Sr. Mrs. Walter Averill Mr. and Mrs. Varich V. W. Stringham Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crum Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson Guernsey Mrs. Charles Moshier Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Wheaton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Dudley N. Van Kleeck Dr. and Mrs. Monroe Bevier

Mrs. Amy Ver Nooy asked to be relieved of the editorship of the Year Book since she was spending much of her time away from Poughkeepsie. The Trustees accepted her resignation with great regret. Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck was elected to fill the position.

The president reported that Mr. Arnold Sable, Director of the Adr:ance Memorial Library had offered space in the Library for the Society's books and records, some of which are at the Library, some at Vassar Institute, some at the Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park. The Trustees accepted the very kind invitation of Mr. Sable and the Library Trustees.

Mrs. Southworth, chairman of Glebe House Committee, gave a full report on the activities of her committee, and the Trustees passed a resolution thanking the Glebe House Committee for the very successful work that had been completed, especially for the dinner party given for Aldermen of Poughkeepsie, and for the Christmas Open House.

The meeting adjourned at 4:40 P.M. FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary

July 13, 1967

A meeting of the Trustees of the Historical Society was held at Glebe House. President Emsley presiding, and with a quorum present.

The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Society were approved.

Treasurer Van Kleeck read the final report of the past Treasurer Mr. George Gill. The report was accepted and ordered placed on file.


Mrs. Southworth and Mrs. Mund reported for the Glebe House committee with informaiotn regarding the Open House held in June. Over 650 people visited Glebe House that day. On motion, seconded and passed, the Glebe House committee was thanked for the work they had done, and especially for the continued task of restoration of the kitchen. The Glebe House Committee was authorized to have a corner cupboard put in good condition at a cost of about $75.00.

The finances of the Society were reviewed and the Treasurer suggested that the income and if necessary a portion of the principal of the Memorial Funds be used as follows:

William Platt Adams Fund: repairs, restoration, furniture for Glebe House.

Helen Wilkinson Reynolds Fund: Society publications.

Carolyn T. Wells Fund: general purposes of the Society, but only after the fund had been reimbursed for expenses of final settlement of the fund. The Trustees present agreed with the suggestions as outlined.

Mr. Emsley announced that plans for the Fall pilgrimage were being made and that southern Dutchess County had been chosen. He named Mrs. Edward V. K. Cunningham as hostess and Mr. Frederic A. Smith, chairman of the day.

The condition of old cemeteries in Dutchess County was discussed especially the Frear Cemetery at the end of Ferris Lane. Upon motion which was seconded and passed, the Secretary was directed to send a letter to the Common Council of Poughkeepsie requesting that the conditions of the Frear Cemetery be improved without delay.

Mr. Emsley announced he had appointed Mrs. Peter R. IVIund and Dr. Balch to join with him to confer with Dr. MacCracken regarding the efforts Dr. MacCracken is making to persuade the Trustees of Vassar College to keep the College in Poughkeepsie.

The following were elected to membership:

Mr. and Mrs. David Bagwell Mr. Robert Dietz

Mrs. George A. Schiavone Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walsh

Mrs. Dorothy D. Thatcher Mr. Arthur F. Wallenhaupt

Mr. J. John Hautman Mr. Walter Davis

Mr. Edmund Van Wyck described the historical value of the Theodorus Van Wyck, or John Jay House at Fishkill which the State Highway Department threatens to demolish in connection with the construction of the new Dutchess Turnp:ke. He moved that a letter be sent protesting the destruction, and suggesting moving the house to an adjacent location if necessary to save it. The Secretary was authorized to write a letter to the State Department of Public Works, to Mr. Sinacori, District Engineer, to Mr. Aldrich of the Hudson River Commission, the East Fishkill and the Fishkill Historical Societies in connection with the possible destruction of the historic Van Wyck-John Jay House.

Upon motion the meeting adjourned. FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary


August 1, 1967

A meeting of the Trustees of the Historical Society was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. Robert Southworth, Allen Road, Salt Point, New York, President Emsley presiding. A quorum was present.

In her report Mrs. Southworth outlined certain expenses for Glebe House that would be required during the balance of the year that were not in the budget. Upon motion an additional $260.00 was made available to the Glebe House Committee.

The Secretary read Supt. of Public Works J. Burch McMoran's reply to the Society's letter regarding the Van Wyck-John Jay House in Fishkill stating that the matter of saving the house would be given full attention.

The removal of the Milestone near the Roosevelt Library on Route 9 was brought to the Trustees' attention and the Secretary was asked to write to whomever he determined would be able to take action to recover the stone.

Mrs. Southworth reported that progress in furnishing the Glebe House was being made. Many of the articles of furnishing are on loan, and she hoped in due course the Society would buy and own the furnishings.

The President reported that additions to the Pilgrimage Committee included Colonel Moore, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Ralph Van Kleeck and Mr. Dwelley.

The following were elected to membership:

Mr. Wayne Kalemche Mr. Baltus B. Van Kleeck, Jr.

Mr. Arthur C. M. Kelley Mrs. Craig Vogel

Mrs. Louis Braig Mr. George Skau

Mr. Robert Eastwood

Mr. Sable and Dr. Balch were appointed a membership committee by the President.

Mrs. Southworth was given a vote of thanks for her hospitality in allowing the Trustees to meet at her home. The meeting adjourned. FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary

September 11, 1967

A meeting of the Trustees of the Historical Society was held at "Locust Grove," the home of Miss Annette I. Young, 370 South Road, Poughkeepsie. Miss Young is Vice-President of the Society, representing the Town of Poughkeepsie.

Mr. Emsley presided and a quorum was present. Also present by invitation were Miss Young and Mrs. Radford Curdy, president of the Fishkill Historical Society.

The minutes of the meeting held August 11th were accepted.

The Secretary read a letter of resignation as Trustee from Miss


Valere S. Voorhees, regretting that her business commitments prevented her from being present at meetings of the Trustees. It was moved, seconded and carried that her resignation be accepted with great regret.

An answering letter was received from the Hudson River Valley Commission stating that the Van Wyck-John Jay House in Fishkill was not in its jurisdiction. The Secretary announced two historical courses were being offered at Dutchess Community College, namely: "History and Culture of New York Indians" and "History of the Hudson Valley."

The Treasurer furnished a list of those members who had resigned or had been dropped from membership because of failure to pay annual dues.

Plans for the Fall Pilgrimage were outlined by chairman Smith, the date of the Pilgrimage, October 14th. Mr. Curdy answered several questions in connection with the tentative plans.

It was suggested that the Society should keep informed of activities of various governmental and other organizations that had to do with our County. Mr. Smith moved that the President appoint a fact finding committee to report from time to time upon current propositions as might involve the interests of the Society. Motion carried.

The President announced that there would be a meeting of the Society at a date to be announced, at which time Mrs. Arlene Bondos of the Dutchess County Planning Board would be the speaker. She will show slides of important houses located in Dutchess County.

Mr. William Gekle presented a proposal for an occasional news letter. It was decided to give the matter further study.

The motion to adjourn included a vote of thanks to Miss Young for her hospitality.

FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary

November 28, 1967

A meeting of the Trustees of the Historical Society was held at Glebe House, President Emsley presiding and with a quorum present. The minutes of the meefng of September 11th, were read and approved.

The following were elected to membership:

Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Vinall Dr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Mund, Jr. Miss Sue-Jane Kerbin Mr. and Mrs. James V. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Thomas Mrs. Edward G. Galle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Rawson Miss Margaret D. Quimby Mr. and Mrs. John N. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Connevey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strain Mr. C. Fred Close Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Gellert Mr. and Mrs. George N. Dutcher Miss Edith Gerard Mrs. George J. Lumb Mrs. Malcolm Orcha-d Mr. and Mrs. John C. Madden Miss Katherine Pete Mr. and Mrs. William R. White


The Secretary reported that Mr. John D. Gindele had resigned as a Trustee since he was unable because of business engagements to attend meetings. His resignation was accepted with regret. There being two vacancies on the Board it was moved, seconded and carried that Mrs. Lawrence A. Heaton be elected to fill the term of Miss Voorhees and Dr. Clyde C. Griffen be elected to fill the term of Mr. Gindele.

Upon motion that was seconded and carried, the Secretary was instructed to write the Vassar College Board of Trustees commending the decision to have Vassar College remain in Poughkeepsie.

Mr. Baltus Van Kleeck reported that Mrs. John R. Schwartz had presented the Society with her late husband's complete set of the Society's Year Books, a copy of "Troutbeck," and the book "Plant Life of Dutchess County," to be placed in the Adriance Library for public use.

Discussion followed in connection with the proposed County Center. Dr. Balch suggested that a conference of groups interested would be helpful and on motion, seconded and carried, it was voted that a committee be appointed to arrange such a conference. The President appointed Dr. Balch, chairman, Mr. Sable, Mrs. Mund, B. Van Kleeck, R. Van Kleeck, Mrs. Heaton, and Mr. Mylod.

Mrs. Peter Mund gave a report on the Glebe House progress, stating the City had agreed to repair or replace the front porch and to provide exterior lighting. There would be the usual Christmas Open House, Sunday, December 10th. Mrs. Mund also stated that Miss Catherine Babson, a student at Vassar College, was doing research on Peter DeRiemer who once was owner of Glebe House.

Mr. Ralph Van Kleeck stated he understood that the 1786 building at 90 Market Street would be rased under plans of Urban Renewal. The Secretary was asked to write the City Manager or the Common Council requesting the preservation of the house.

Mr. Sable, Mrs. Albert Powers, Mr. B. Van Kleeck and Mr. Mylod were appointed to a committee to arrange for indexing the materials owned by the Society and in storage at the Roosevelt Library, and to take steps to have the articles moved to the Adriance Library where they would be readily available for research and study.

Mr. Emsley pointed out that a picture of the late Miss Helen Wilkinson Reynolds is needed to be placed in the room at Glebe House dedicated to her memory.

The meeting adjourned at 5 :45 P.M. FRANK V. MYLOD Secretary


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