21 minute read
Secretary's Minutes
June 14, 1977 Minutes President John Jenner appointed Radford Curdy as chairman of the Library Research Committee. Mr. Curdy will appoint his own committee. A motion was passed to allocate $300.00 for their expenses. They plan to index all the material in our collection and to sell discarded books so that we can acquire funds to purchase other desirable items. A motion passed to thank the Glebe House Committee for their work on the restoration of Glebe House. A motion was passed that we buy a mirror which had originally been at College Hill and which is presently being offered for sale for $300.00. Another motion was passed that we give the mirror to the Cuneen-Hackett Cultural Center with the proviso that we may reclaim it if and when we should have a permanent location for a museum. A plaque will be placed giving the history of the mirror. Mrs. Velma Pugsley, who is planning to write a second book about the portraits of Dutchess County, would like to use some of the paintings in Glebe House and has asked our Society to underwrite the cost of having them photographed. A motion was passed that up to $200.00 be allowed her for the cost.
September 13, 1977 Minutes Felix Scardapane said they are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the museum in Fishkill (Van Wyck House). Ezra Benton reported that Asa Beckwith is planning to establish a museum village in Pleasant Valley. Clara Losee said that Red Hook is planning to organize an Historical Society in Octobei. Helena Van Vliet reported on Clinton's Community Day on September 3. Their group is photographing old mill sites and mapping the location of nearby streams. Trudy Briggs talked about the October 15 Pilgrimage which will include visits to the New Hamburg cemetery, the Moore home and the Robert Miller Colonial House among other things. Melodye Andros said there are problems in distributing the Newsletter to the various communities. It is mailed to the members of the Society. It was suggested that copies might be given to the County Legislators when they meet every month for distribution in their own communities. Hubert Spross suggested our sponsoring a showing of the film "Tall Ships" which has had wide acclaim and which would make a fine winter program. It was considered a possibility. A discussion about whether or not to have the Old Yearbooks indexed was tabled. A letter was read from Joseph Emsley concerning an old milestone on Route 44 near the DeLaval plant which is in disrepair. After discussion, a motion was passed that a letter be sent to the Highway Department, since maintenance is supposedly their responsibility.
October 11, 1977 Minutes About 90 reservations to date have been made for the Pilgrimage. A motion was passed to give an appropriate gift to the Millers and the Moores for opening their homes
to the members. Old Gravestones or a commemorative plate were suggested. President Butts announced Wilhemina Powers' retirement from the Adriance Library staff, but said she would continue as Curator for the D.C.H.S. President Butts said he had had a letter from the Hudson River Psychiatric Center announcing the closing of their School of Nursing. The letter asked for a donation towards the cost of a commemorative plaque. A motion was passed that we give $25.00. Radford Curdy will contact them to discuss any historical material they may have. Hubert Spross mentioned the article in the Poughkeepsie Journal about the 50-year class reunion of the Poughkeepsie High School. He suggested inviting the class to Glebe House for a showing of the old Poughkeepsie film and to see the changes in Glebe House. The matter will be referred to the Glebe House Committee. Melodye Andros said that she was working on a display of Henry Livingston memorabilia, the things to be loaned by Mrs. Willis Reese and by Stephen Thomas of Rochester, New York, a direct descendent of Livingston. Plans include having a semi-annual meeting with Mr. Thomas as speaker, and perhaps a small reception at Locust Grove. A motion was passed that a sum of up to $200.00 be allowed for implementation of the plans. Emily Johnson announced a program on October 23 at Kaal Rock Park commemorating the occasion of the British invasion in this area.
November 8, 1977 Minutes Several members told of the activities of their local societies. Melodye Andros reported on a meeting held at Locust Grove on November 5. Kenneth and Alfred Hasbrouck are executors for Annette Young's estate, and they are interested in establishing an historical district in the area. President Butts said the Fall Pilgrimage had been enjoyed by all. A gift from the Society had been given to both the Millers and the Moores for opening their homes. Tentative plans arc to have the Spring Pilgrimage in Poughkeepsie. Melodye Andros announced the semi-annual meeting of the Society for December 10. She said that Mr. W. Stephen Thomas, a direct descendent of Henry Livingston, will be the speaker. There will be a small reception at Locust Grove from 4 to 6 p.m. There will be a display of Livingston memorabilia at Glebe House on December 11 for the Glebe House Open House. President Butts stated that he had been in contact with John Taylor of the Poughkeepsie Area Fund as to the possible use of Vassar Institute by the Historical Society. He said we would have a report by John Jenner about the matter, in the near future. A discussion was held about the fact that some members are not receiving our mailings. A motion was passed that the Membership Chairman (who is currently Herbert Roig) should handle new memberships rather than the treasurer. The membership chairman would be responsible for keeping the mailing list up-to-date. The problem of what to charge for old Year Books was
discussed. A motion was passed that the charge for a single back copy would be $3.50, that $2.00 per copy would be charged for 10 or under, and for over 20 a charge of $1.00 a piece would be charged up to the maximum of $50.00. Hubert Spross announced that the 1912 class of Poughkeepsie High School were being entertained at Glebe House on December 1. It was announced that some of our commemorative plates have been placed on consignment with Ken Hasbrouck on Huguenot Street, New Paltz. Hubert Spross said that he would make copies of pictures of the milestone markers in the area.
December 13, 1977 Minutes A report on the party for the Class of 1912 of Poughkeepsie High School at Glebe House on December 1 was given. A letter from Mrs. John Darrow thanking us for the party was read. President Butts thanked Melodye Andros for all the plans made in connection with the December 10 meeting. A letter from Stanley Willig resigning as Town VicePresident of Stanford was read. President Butts will appoint someone to serve as Stanford's representative until the Annual meeting. Herbert Roig and Kenneth Toole talked about Harvey Eastman, who was a leading citizen in the history of Poughkeepsie. He died nearly 100 years ago and they suggested that we might recognize him by publishing some facts about his life. They mentioned some research on his life done by Joseph Einstein of Skokie, Illinois. The secretary will write Mr. Einstein asking him more specifically about his research and his plans for its use. President Butts said that the final graduation of the Hudson River School of Nursing will be December 15, and he had been asked to present the commemorative plaque. He said that he and Radford Curdy had urged Mrs. Matthews of the Nursing School to make a complete inventory of the memorabilia stored there in the interest of its preservation. We will suggest to her that our Society be appointed custodian of the collection. President Butts stated that one of the previous Newsletters had included a questionnaire requesting members to indicate areas of interest. He is anxious to activate committees to utilize the services of those members volunteering.
January 10, 1978 Minutes President Butts said a letter had come from a 5th grade class at the Hagan School requesting someone to come speak about local history. Melodye Andros will plan to go. Peter Van Kleeck reported that our curator, Mrs. Powers, was sick in a Texas hospital and urged members of the Board to communicate. President Butts announced that Mrs. Archie Lawson, who is President of the Stanford Historical Society, will serve on our Board as a Vice President from Stanford, until the annual meeting. Gordon Hamersley reported that the Year Book is now in the process of being mailed.
Hubert Spross reported that he has many requests for the showing of the old film of Poughkeepsie. He does not feel that young children would appreciate the film without some teacher preparation, although he has had some requests from grade schools. He would like us to sponsor the movie "Tall Ships" for a meeting of the Society. A motion was passed that we plan a meeting for the early spring with this program. The motion included covering miscellaneous costs in connection with its presentation. President Butts did present the commemorative plaque at the final graduation of the Hudson River School of Nursing, and he said we are being considered as a custodian for their historical memorabilia. The Society's desire to begin an Oral History Project was discussed. Hubert Spross will investigate how to begin. A motion was passed that the Society secure its own mailing permit. Gordon Hamersley will investigate. Since distribution of the Newsletter is still a problem, President Butts will write the different local societies and ask for suggestions. Radford Curdy feels we should review prices of items that we have, for sale. He will make some suggestions at the next meeting. Melodye Andros showed the Board a copy of a Parke Bernet catalog, which displayed a Chippendale table originally owned by the Van Kleeck family which is being sold February 1-4 at the Gallery. There was considerable interest in the table and there was concern to have so many things leave our area. A motion was passed that $200.00 be allocated for the cost of materials to have some portable display panels made for exhibits. Hubert Spross has volunteered to make them.
January 31, 1978 Minutes A special meeting of the Society was held to discuss the selling of the Van Kleeck table at Parke Bernet. A letter was read from the Glebe House Furnishings Committee to both the Poughkeepsie Junior League and the Historical Society. The committee recommended the purchase of the Van Kleeck table by the two organizations, each to donate a maximum of $4,000.00 for bidding at the auction on February 4. The Junior League's reply to the letter was read stating that they could not act before their February 6 meeting. After discussion Herbert Roig moved that the Historical Society make available up to $4,000.00 towards the purchase of the table, provided matching funds could be obtained from another source. An amendment was added to this motion that if these funds were not obtained, that the McCann Foundation should be approached to see if there was any possibility that they could aid in securing the table. The motion was passed unanimously. Norma Van Kleeck was selected to go to John J. Gartland of the McCann Foundation with the authority to act on behalf of the Society.
February 14, 1978 Minutes Peter Van Kleeck told of our need for new members and suggested that each Board member be responsible for suggesting 5 new members. He said Herbert Roig is now handling membership. Also, Marist College is no longer able to do
our mailing labels due to changing their computer, but he said various alternatives are possible. Norma Van Kleeck reported on developments since the special meeting having to do with the sale of the Van Kleeck table. She said she had approached the McCann Foundation without success. However, the table had been purchased by Robert Van Kleeck, whose mother is a member of the Society, and we can expect to have the table on loan at Glebe House for an indefinite period. President Butts thanked Norma Van Kleeck for her efforts. President Butts said that Frank Mylod had recently died, and because he had been such an active and devoted member he had asked Joseph Emsley to write a testimonial to be incorporated in our minutes. Mr. Emsley read his tribute which was accepted. It will be printed in the next Yearbook. A motion was passed that our commemorative plates be offered to the local societies for $5.00 on consignment. Such societies can resell them to their members. President Butts will write the Societies about our decision. Hubert Spross reported about the March 5 meeting of the Society to be held at the Bardavon 1869 Opera House at which the movie "Tall Ships" will be presented. He said that Commodore Dideo, who is a local resident, will give a commentary on the events depicted. Melodye Andros expects to have an appropriate display in the lobby. A motion was passed that we spend up to $150.00 on a newspaper ad announcing the showing and sponsorship by the Dutchess County Historical Society. Hubert Spross reported that our cost to begin an oral history project would be about $100.00 for a tape recorder and tapes. President Butts said he would try to find someone to chair such a project. A motion was passed for us to buy a projector bulb for the Reformed Church who has loaned us their project for the showing of the Poughkeepsie film. Gordon Hamersley was congratulated for the latest Year Book. President Butts said that Mrs. Matthews of the Hudson River School of Nursing had turned over to him several folders of historical material which had been at the school. President Butts announced that the Spring Pilgrimage in May will be in Poughkeepsie.
March 14, 1978 Minutes In the absence of President Butts, Felix Scardapane conducted the meeting. He thanked Melodye Andros, Hubert Spross and Radford Curdy for their work on arrangements for the "Tall Ships" program which had been well attended. $100.00 had been spent for advertising. Norma Van Kleeck reported that due to the bad weather Glebe House had developed a number of leaks in the roof. These are not covered by our insurance. She said the committee is investigating the possibility of getting funds for heating coils in the gutters from the City's budget. Letters have been sent to local Societies relative to our offering our commemorative plates on consignment for $5.00. Mr. Scardapane said we still need someone to head the Oral History Project.
He also announced that the Spring Pilgrimage has been set for May 6 and that 2 buses have been reserved. Mrs. Sterling Carter will talk in the morning to the group and the buses will tour in the afternoon. The exact itinerary has not as yet been selected. Herbert Roig told the Board that in the renovation of Soldiers Fountain several parts had not been replaced. A Motion was passed that the secretary write a letter to the mayor, with copies of the letter to the City Manager and Frank Eberhard, asking the whereabouts of the parts. Melodye Andros said that she had been contacted by a Larry Gordon of New Hamburg, who has done a slide presentation about New Hamburg, and who would like some financial help from the Society. The consensus of the group was that we could not finance equipment for showing the presentation, but that we would be interested in seeing what he has done. Mrs. Andros will communicate with him. Rev. Harmelink told the Board that the Reformed Church will be getting an historic plaque for the site of the first Reformed Church which was at Market and Main Streets on the South side. A motion was made that June 24 be the date of our Annual Meeting. Emily Johnson expressed her interest in seeing that we properly commemorate the year 1778, which was an important year in our history, and that perhaps our speaker for the annual meeting could emphasize happenings in 1778. Ezra Benton displayed a geneological book which he has just published about his family. He offered copies to Board members who have use for it.
April 11, 1978 Minutes President Butts introduced Larry Gordon who is working on a slide presentation of New Hamburg. Mr. Gordon told the Board about his project and showed some of his slides. He would like to apply for a grant through the New York State Council on the Arts, but would need to be sponsored by a group. After his departure, Radford Curdy made a motion that we encourage him with his project, that members aid him in finding other old pertinent photographs to copy. The motion passed. It was noted that several local societies have requested some of our commemorative plates. A motion was passed that we terminate our membership in the Hudson River Valley Association. The yearly dues are $50.00. Melodye Andros told the Board about a group of people who have met to discuss ways of promoting the Historical Society through the use of displays. The group has come up with the idea of putting in a display in the old City Hall in August, September and October. Dr. McDermott, president of the Clinton Historical Society and a guest at the meeting, briefly told about the proposed concept for the exhibit. A motion was passed approving this concept for an exhibit, that it be a Historical Society project, and that funds of up to $1,000 be made available for its implementation. Mr. Scardapane reported that the Fishkill Homestead had had an interesting display of old chairs and of etiquette practices recently.
President Butts said he would talk with Mrs. Sterling Carter about Joseph Einstein's research on Harvey Eastman. President Butts appointed the following to the nominating committee:
Emily Johnson Clara Losee Herbert Roig They will report at the annual meeting. President Butts said he had appointed a committee to discuss and recommend future directions for the Society and in what areas we should focus our attention. The committee will be composed of Melodye Andros, Peter VanKleeck, Radford Curdy, Barbara Case and Norma Van Kleeck. Melodye Andros noted that there is a movement toward having New York State and the federal government designate a 16-mile strip of land between Ogden Mills Estate and Clermont a National Historic District. She feels a letter should be sent by our Society to the executive director of the State Board for Historic Preservation urging its adoption. The motion passed. A motion was also passed to send a letter to the Huguenot Historical Society of New Paltz congratulating them on their anticipated celebration of the town's 300 years in existence. Hubert Spross announced additional showings of the Old Poughkeepsie film and said there would be another showing of "Tall Ships" on April 16 at the Ogden Mills Estate. Melodye Andros said that we have been approved for a mailing permit.
May 9, 1978 Minutes Peter Van Kleeck said that our mailings would now be done by Dutchess Community College rather than Marist College. The Glebe House Committee has requested additional funds. They would like $3,000 from each of the Junior League and the Dutchess County Historical Society. In view of the fact that we did not know the reason for the additional funds, it was decided to keep our contribution at $2,000 at this time. $1,600 will come from the Adams fund and the remainder from current income. President Butts thanked all those for making the spring pilgrimage a success. Mr. Scardapane will send a letter of thanks to Mrs. E. Sterling Carter. Also, a motion was passed to send a letter of appreciation to the Reformed Church. Emily Johnson reported for the nominating committee and said they were contacting all the town vice presidents to see if they would still like to serve. The question of whether or not the vice presidents should be required to attend Board meetings was discussed and it was suggested that the minutes be researched to try to find any amendments which might pertain to this matter. The Annual meeting will be held on June 24 in the Pawling area. Various suitable speakers were suggested. George 0' Donoghue has asked that the Historical Society address a letter to him in support of the movement to have the Verplanck-Stoneykill Practice Farm and Environmental Education Center placed on the National Historic Register. Felix Scardapane will draft the letter.
It was reported that Mrs. Carter hopes to have an article about Harvey Eastman in the Year Book. It was suggested that Tim Aired, who is initiating the restoration of Eastman Terrace Apartments, might be of help to Mrs. Carter.
June 13, 1978 Minutes Walter Averill, a former member of our Board, spoke about the aims of the Hudson River Valley Association and urged us to reconsider our decision to resign. Yearly dues are $50.00. President Butts spoke of the difficulty of ascertaining the most up-to-date version of our By-Laws. The secretary was asked to contact Van Cunningham, the previous secretary, to see if he had any old records. One of the unresolved questions is whether or not the Town Vice Presidents are voting members of the Board of Trustees. Emily Johnson made a motion that Elizabeth Carter and Clifford Buck be made honorary members of the Society. The motion passed. A motion was passed that a committee be appointed to study possible changes in the By-Laws. When it is brought up-to-date, it was felt that it should be printed in the next Year Book. President Butts reported that Tim Alred has been allocated some funds from N.S.O., which is part of Community Development, to plan a day of celebration for Harvey Eastman. July 15, 1978, has been selected and there will be a celebration in Eastman Park and an exhibit of memorabilia in Adriance Library. The annual meeting was announced for June 24, and Emily Johnson suggested that this would be a good time to recognize our 2 new Honorary members. A motion was passed that a document be prepared for the honorary members. President Butts told the Board about the AAUW's sponsoring, along with Dutchess County Landmarks, Junior League of Poughkeepsie, and Dutchess County Historical Society, the making of a film depicting the history of Poughkeepsie. They are anxious to have any of our members' expertise. A meeting is scheduled of interested parties. A motion was passed that we rejoin the Hudson River Valley Association. President Butts told the Board that he had had a phone call from Arthur Levinson regarding our material at Adriance Library. The Library would like us to remove all of our "nonbook" items. A motion was passed that the Library Research Committee take the matter up with Mr. Brock of the Library Staff and that they look into some long-range plans.
Annual Meeting, June 24, 1978 The annual meeting of the Dutchess County Historical Society was held on June 24, 1978 at Birch Hill Inn Ming Hoy Restaurant, on Route 22, Pawling, New York. A meeting followed luncheon. Emily Johnson made a report for the nominating committee which included besides herself, Clara Losee and Herbert Roig. Nominated for a 4 year term were: Jonathan Clark, PhD. Mrs. Robert Kendall Mrs. S. Velma Pugsley William McDermott, PhD. 12
The slate was elected as read. Hubert Spross announced that approximately 8,000 people have seen the 1912 old Poughkeepsie film. He said that Central Hudson has located an old movie about Poughkeepsie, which, if it can be revived, will be added to the showings of our old film. It will add about 5 or 10 minutes to the program. President Butts announced that the Fall Pilgrimage will be to the town of Washington. He told the group of our plans to sponsor an exhibit in the Mid-Hudson Arts and Science Center during August, September and October, under the direction of Dr. William McDermott; which would emphasize the fact that Poughkeepsie was the State Capital in 1778. President Butts reported that we have received notification from Adriance Library that they would like us to remove our "non-book" items, since they need more room. A committee, consisting of Barbara Case, Melodye Andros, Radford Curdy, Norma Van Kleeck and Peter Van Kleeck will study the matter. He told the members that Mrs. E. Sterling Carter and Clifford Buck were elected to Honorary Membership at the last Board meeting, and that a presentation will be given them at a later date. Mr. Fuller Walker, our speaker of the afternoon, spoke of his experiences in the reenactment of the 1775-1776 epic trek of Colonel Henry Knox from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston in 1975. He illustrated his talk with slides taken during the reenactment.