InFocus China 2017

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The Chinese invented paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing. All these inventions were later “invented� or accepted in the West.

China is often considered the longest continuous civilisation, with some historians marking 6000 B.C. as the dawn of Chinese civilisation.

On September 27, 2008, Zhai Zhigang made the first spacewalk by a Chinese astronaut, thus beginning the Chinese cosmic explorations.

While the dragon is typically seen as an evil creature in Western culture, it holds first place among the four greatest creatures in Chinese mythology.

The Forbidden City was so named because commoners were forbidden to enter the city. Any commoner who saw the emperor was killed.



We Have Built a More Solid Foundation of Cooperation The exceptional results that China and Serbia have accomplished under the framework of the Belt and Road initiative reflect a great potential for the future cooperation, and further solidify our friendship, political trust and more advanced networking



hina has a great interest in cooperating with Europe and the region of Central and Eastern Europe, as it also has great experiences in cooperating with Serbia – says the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Li Manchang in an interview for D&C.

How important is the Belt and Roadproject for the Chinese-Serbian relations? › the Belt and Road is an important co-

operation initiative that was launched in accordance with the development requirements of the countries that are located on this road and the countries in the region, while adhering to the principles of mutual agreements, upbuilding and sharing. Its focus is on economic cooperation, and especially on mutual networking and construction of infrastructure. At such, this initiative has become an important platform for promoting globalization and stepping up international cooperation. In the last four years, the development of the Belt and Road initiative has progressed a lot, and yielded results beyond our expectations. All of the interested parties have reacted positively to it and have been very supportive of it.


China and Serbia have accomplished exceptionally good results in cooperation in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. Several projects are currently being successfully implemented including the ironworks, construction of roads and railways, etc. This fully reflects the volume of the existing cooperation between the two countries and a huge potential for the future cooperation which, for the two countries, means further solidifying the traditionally good friendship, boosting the mutual political trust, expanding the practical cooperation, and creating a more solid foundation for that cooperation. What areas of cooperation between the two countries does this project open? › Under the auspices of the Belt and Road

initiative, China and Serbia have accomplished bountiful results in practical cooperation in the areas of transportation, energy, construction of infrastructure, interconnectivity, production capacities and in many other segments. Thanks to this cooperation, advanced technology and equipment, as well as a wealth of Chinese experience in management, have entered the market of the Central and Eastern Europe, while the Serbian side received capital and resources which

H.E. LI MANCHANG Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China

We are pleased to see how the ChineseSerbian relations play an important role in advancing the cooperation between China and Europe

were invested in construction of infrastructure and other projects that are of exceptional importance for the social and economic development of the country and for improving the quality of life of its citizens. In this way, both sides have reaped mutual benefits and have triumphed together. Stepping up communication and deepening of mutual understanding are also an important part of the Belt and Road initiative. Our goal is to increase exchange and interconnectivity between all nations and different cultures and civilizations through boosting cooperation. The visa abolition treaty concluded by China and Serbia officially came into force in January this year, while the contacts between the peoples of the two countries are becoming more frequent on a daily basis. The Chinese airliner, Hainan Airlines will fly directly from Beijing to Belgrade, and I believe that this will create important prerequisites for further deepening of the exchange between the peoples and boost tourism cooperation between China and Serbia. President Vučić was at the helm of the Serbian delegation participating in the international forum in May. What impressions do you have of the Fo-



rum, particularly in terms of expanding cooperation? › The Belt and Road Forum for Interna-

tional Cooperation is an international forum of the highest rank within the framework of the eponymous initiative, and is an important multilateral diplomatic event of the highest level and the highest volume that China has hosted and initiated since its inception. This forum took place during the crucial phase of the global economic development, China’s development and the development of the Belt and Road initiative, and is of great importance for China and the entire world because it sends a positive signal which will, through joining forces, further improve international cooperation within the Belt and Road initiative, and positively contribute to humankind’s destiny. The forum had many participants who had a strong presence and were more than willing to come. There were over 1,500 participants from more than 130 countries and 70 international organizations, including the presidents of the states and prime ministers from 29 countries, who came from almost all of the biggest regions on five continents. This high-level forum brought multiple results and had many great moments. First and foremost, more light was shed on the direction of the future cooperation under the Belt and Road initiative. Secondly, a concrete road map of development of the Belt and Road was drawn up, and thirdly, we have identified a group of important projects that will be implemented. The forum participants reached several important consensuses about cooperation in all segments, and especially in construction of infrastructure, transport, energy and telecommunications, with

over 270 individual results accomplished. President Xi Jinping announced a new investment in the Silk Road Fund in the amount of 100 billion Chinese Yuans, and encouraged Chinese financial institutions to launch Chinese Yuan into oversea business funds while providing even stronger support to the Belt and Road in terms of investing and funding. All of this will bring benefits to three continents with almost 6 billion people. The Serbian side sent a strong and large team to the forum. Following the invitation from President Xi Jinping, the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić attended the forum while several Serbian ministers participated in the high-level dialogue that took place at the forum. During his visit to China, President Vučić had separate bilateral meetings with President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang. The leaders of the two countries had meaningful talks and achieved a wide consensus on further developing the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia and Serbia’s participation in the development of the Belt and Road which all indicated a direction of the further development of bilateral relations and created an important plan. You have announced recently that China would make up to $10-billion-worth of investments in the Serbian economy. Why is Serbia so appealing to China? › The first thing is the traditionally good

friendship between the two countries. This friendship between China and Serbia has been long-standing and the two nations have special feelings towards each other. Back in the 1970s, when the reforms and opening to the world were


IMPORTANCE Developing the Belt and Road is of great importance for China and the entire world, and it sends a good signal that we can contribute to better destiny of humankind through joining forces.

in their infancy, China learned many valuable lessons from its Serbian friends. In the last few years, the Chinese-Serbian friendship has been continuously developing, whether we are talking about the friendship between the leaders of the two countries. or the friendship between ordinary people who have started to communicate more. The Chinese people, especially entrepreneurs, are very knowledgeable and understanding of Serbia as a country and a market, so the two sides have built a strong foundation through expanding the cooperation in practice. Secondly, there is the mutual complementarity. Serbia is now committed to developing its economy and improving the living standard of its citizens. Construction of infrastructure and other projects are directly related to the quality of people’s lives, and are being implemented one after the other. China has gone through a development period that has lasted over 30 years. We have gathered an extensive business experience, bountiful financial resources and advanced technology. China is willing and ready to improve the international cooperation especially with Europe and the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The two sides complement each other wonderfully in many areas which is why Chinese companies want to invest in Serbia to mutual benefit and triumph. How does Serbia fit into the Chinese plans in the framework of the cooperation with the EU? › In the last few years, the relations be-

tween China and Europe have matured and achieved stable progress especially when we know that the Belt and Road initiative complements the European investment plan which is a new positive development in the cooperation between China and Europe. The 16+1 cooperation, as an important supplement, has been continuously boosting the Chinese-European cooperation. Serbia has been actively participating in developing the Belt and Road and the 16+1 cooperation. Together with the Chinese-European cooperation and its future, we share the same focus. Serbia is also committed to the European integration process and we are pleased to see how the Chinese-Serbian relations also play an important role in advancing the cooperation between China and Europe. As a good friend and partner of Serbia, China supports the Serbian people in choosing their own development path with sincere wishes for Serbia to enjoy perpetual success on that road. <




Great Opportunity for Serbia China has set its priorities in regard to economic cooperation – infrastructure, advanced technology, and environmentally friendly technology - which speaks volumes about the importance that this country gives to scientific cooperation, and it provides a great opportunity for us


he scientific cooperation on bilateral projects between the People’s Republic of China and Serbia is exceptionally dynamic and, so far, through three different calls, the two countries have finalized over 50 joint scientific projects. The fourth call is underway, and it has generated a lot of interest from both sides – the Chinese and the Serbian.


P rofe ss o r VLADIMIR P O P OV I Ć PhD, State Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

How do you, from the aspect of scientific cooperation, see the collaboration between the CEE countries, including Serbia, and China? › In 2013, the Chinese president, Xi Jin-

ping announced the launch of the initiative called ’One Belt, One Road’, as a kind of revival of the ancient merchant road called the Silk Road which now comprises of the land segment called Silk Road Economic Belt, and the maritime segment 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The 16+1 Mechanism is an important part of this initiative, and it entails cooperation between the CEE countries and China in coordinating development strategies in 17 countries, and collaborating in areas like investments, infrastructure, transport, science, education, culture, tourism and agriculture which, in turn, will create a platform for faster growth and development of the member countries. What does this cooperation bring in terms of technology transfer and new know-how? › I had an exceptional opportunity to

helm a delegation of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Techno-



PARTICIPATING We expect a number of line Chinese ministries and the CEE countries to participate in the fifth EPD, while 60 top university officials from the countries that make the 16+1 Mechanism are expected to attend the fourth HEIC meeting.

logical Development that took part in The 1st China – Central and Eastern European Countries Conference on Innovation Cooperation in Nanjing in November 2016. This conference was also a part of the 16+1 Mechanism with the member states participating at the governmental level. The establishment of the One Belt, One Road Institute at the University of Novi Sad, as well as the recently officiated Agreement on Establishment of Regional Centre for Management of Scientific Projects under the 16+1 Mechanism, signed by the International Politics and Economics Institute and the European Studies Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, are activities that our Ministry is very supportive of, and that we expect will yield good results and new initiatives. In which way is the Ministry involved in state’s plans regarding the New Silk Road? › The first dialogue called Education

Policy Dialogue (EPD) took place in China in 2013, and was focused on development and education strategies in the time of globalization. The second one, also held in China the year after that, dealt with education reform, and was also the place of the first meeting of the Higher Institution Consortia (HEIC). The third EPD and the second HEIC meetings were held in Warsaw in 2015 with an emphasis on the quality and internationalization of higher learning, and collaboration between the

industry, higher learning institutions and scientific institutions. The fourth EPD and the third HEIC meetings took place in Beijing and there were all about inter-institutional recognition of academic grading with the goal of securing equal mobility of students, and strengthening education in areas of entrepreneurship and innovation with the view of sustainable economic and cultural development. Serbia will host the fifth EPD and the fourth HEIC meetings that will take place at the University of Novi Sad, on 21st and 22nd September respectively this year. Our country and the line ministry treat these meetings as very important for further positioning of Serbia both in the framework of the 16+1 Mechanism and in relations with China. What impact will this initiative have on regional cooperation? › The 16+1 Mechanism should definite-

ly be used as a factor of integration with the goal of having a more intensive regional collaboration, and it can serve as the foundation for a new grouping of forces around the same goal, namely developing scientific and educational capacities in all regional countries. On the other hand, there is also unlimited room for scientific and educational cooperation between our country and China, firstly because of the excellent political relations between our two governments, and secondly because of the research community that we have formed with our Chinese peers. <



Returning to Tradition in Modern Way There is no country, nation, or human community that does not apply what we call alternative / traditional / complementary medicine. Today, we are going back to it in a completely new way


oday's medicine, which we are prone to calling Western or conventional medicine, and in which herbal medicine has involved into pharmacotherapy, gives the answer to HOW 37 trillion cells in our body perform around 27 sextillion (sextillion is a number with 21 zeros) functions in one second. Alternative medicine, on the other hand, is searching for an answer as to WHY. This is the reason why we are, slowly but surely, remembering the knowledge of our ancestors. The Serbian Healthcare Law, which dates back to 2005, introduced diagnostic and therapeutic procedures associated with alternative medicine into legislative practice. The rulebooks from 2007 created a foundation for regulation and implementation of this field. For the past decade, the centre for continuous medical education Academia Integrativa, which operates under a professional association called Quanttes, has been organizing seminars, courses, and practical training relating to alternative medicine. All of the programmes are accredited by the Serbian Healthcare Council, which is the highest accreditation body for continuous medical education. THE ALFIEGO CONCEPT This is a multidisciplinary area which entails a mix of medicine, physics, biophysics, information technology, and, above all, philosophy in order to understand the link between metaphysics and the currently adopted scientific concept. The centre for informal adult learn-


ing, the ALFIEGA Institute and Academia Integrative, which work together within the framework of the General Association for Alternative Medicine and Alternative Treatments ALTERA, under the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, have adopted the alfiego education concept and practical implementation of knowledge and skills (protected by the Intellectual Property Office). The main postulates of the alfiego concept are - holism - self-evolution – salutogenesis. Alfiego therapists / practitioners develop and establish the processes of the knowledge of unity of body / soul and spirit, and love and respect themselves and others, the planet Earth and the Universe. They build and upgrade the Universal Holism of Existence. Alfiego practitioner, alfiego user, the planet Earth and the Universe all have the resources / fields of health. The Alfiego concept develops the principle of salutogenesis and takes place in a spatial / temporal environment that we call health resorts. GOD'S GIFTS TO THE COUNTRY OF SERBIA One of the possible health resorts is the energy fields in the village Drenajići near Valjevo, a unique place in Serbia where the strength of the magnetic field changes during the day in relation to the environment. Experts in biomedical engineering believe that this site could have a therapeutic effect. Until this is con-

D r S L AV I C A A RA N Đ E L OV I Ć Coordinator of the Centre for Education Accademia Integrative of the Quanttes Association, Director of the Centre for Informal Education ALFIEGA Institute and President of the General Association for Alternative Medicine and Alternative Treatments ALTERA

The Alfiego concept provides unprecedented opportunities, not only in diagnostics and therapy, but primarily in preserving and improving the quality of life

firmed by a strictly controlled biomedical study, there is a personal experience of the disappearance of the lumps on the thyroid gland, which has been corroborated by a healthcare professional. INSTEAD OF CONCLUSION At the diploma ceremony for the new health workers who graduated from the acupuncture school in the school year 2016/2017, the guest lecturer, Professor Luquan Chen, Head of the Acupuncture Department at the BEIJING TONGREN HOSPITAL of the Capital Medical University, spoke about the several centuries long experiences of Chinese traditional medicine. Head of the Acupuncture School, Ana Žikić, MD, who graduated from the Faculty of the Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and has an Acupuncture specialization from the Harvard Medical School, Boston, spoke about the history of acupuncture in Serbia since 1934. Future generations of alfiego therapists and practitioners will be able to go a step further by studying primarily the Lepenski Vir culture (7,000 B.C.E.) and its healing legacy. < International Association for the Promotion and Development of Quantum Medicine - Quanttes Belgrade, Resavska 78a Tel/fax: 011 2687 - 497, 063 354 143 E-mail:




Multiple Benefits for Serbia Economic relations between China and the EU are very strong, and the cooperation with the candidate countries, including Serbia, are a part of these general relations with the EU INTER VIEW


he Belt and Road is a new development strategy by China, a new strategic project of cooperation between China and a number of countries implemented both on the land and in the maritime space between Asia and Europe, and the cooperation between the said countries with the goal of establishing a better infrastructural connections and advancing the mutual economic and political cooperation. What kind of new global foreign policy future does the Belt and Road concept bring? › The Belt and Road project represents

both, an offer for cooperation and an opportunity for development of all countries that are included in the project, i.e. that are positioned on the Europe-Asia stretch. All of this makes it special on a global scale, and different in relation to the earlier development projects (like the New Deal or the Marshall Plan). Not only that, with this project, China has become a global development leader of the 21st century. What position small countries, like Serbia, have in this new vision of geopolitical relations, and how important is all of this for Serbia? › This is an opportunity for many coun-

tries, especially small ones, to advance their own infrastructure and to revitalize and make new energy facilities, as well as to engage domicile companies or open new ones, boost employment, and implement projects in various areas. This is also an opportunity to build not only a transport network through regional infrastructure projects that involve two or more countries, but also to facilitate flow of people and goods, and increase mutual understanding and cooperation. Serbia can reap huge benefits from participating in this project, as well as in the 16+1 process, which is an integral part of the Belt and Road initiative. This is validated not only though the implemented


projects, but also through the projects that are ongoing or planned like the construction of a Danube bridge, the construction of the Serbian leg of the Belgrade-South Adriatic motorway, the construction of a new block in the Kostolac B thermo-power plant, boosting the capacity of the Drmno strip mine, acquisition of the Smederevo Ironworks by the Chinese company Hesteel, the commencement of reconstruction and modernization of the Belgrade-Budapest railway, and many others.

P rofe ss o r Ž A R KO O B RA D OV I Ć PhD, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman of Serbian Parliament

You have met recently with a delegation of the Chinese professors from Shangai's University of Social Sciences. How important is their visit and what does it mean for Serbia? › Chinese colleagues visiting us is excep-

How does this initiative fit into Serbia's future as an EU member and in regional cooperation? › The participation in this initiative cer-

tainly does not jeopardize Serbia's future in the EU. On the contrary. I would like to remind you that, under the 16+1 process, China has been cooperating with 11 EU member states and 5 candidate states, including Serbia. All documents pertaining to the implementation of this project have to be realized in accordance with the EU norms and standards. For China the implementation of this project is an integral part of the cooperation with the EU. EU imports most of its goods from China, and China is the second biggest export market for the EU. Serbia's participation in this initiative will improve the relations in our region which could be best seen from the project of construction of the Budapest-Belgrade railway and the motorway between Serbia and Montenegro. In which way does the Serbian National Parliament participate in expanding and boosting the relations between the two countries? › The National Parliament is the highest

legislative body and its primary role is to ratify international treaties related to cooperation with China and the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative. Additionally, the Parliament can monitor the implementation of all the activities that other state bodies undertake in coopera-

tion with China. The relevant Foreign Policy Committee, in cooperation with its counterparts from the Chinese National People's Congress, can launch various initiatives for advancing bilateral relations with China, including those under the Belt and Road project. We should not forget the Parliamentary Group dedicated to the friendship with China which also spurs the cooperation between Serbia and China.

The participation in the One Belt, One Road initiative certainly does not jeopardize Serbia's future in the EU

tionally important for Serbia for several reasons. First and foremost, it is important because we have signed an agreement on establishmnet of a regional centre for management of scientific projects which are implemented under the Belt and Road initiative and the 16+1 process. This is the first regional centre of this kind that is formed under the auspices of the cooperation between China and 16 CEE countries. On top of that, this centre is established in Serbia which gives our country a special advantage over other regional countries. Through this centre, we are going to boost the scientific work in our country in terms of the projects that are related to the Belt and Road initiative and the 16+1 process. At the same time, we are cooperating with our peers from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, based in Beijing, and the peers from the European countries that are going to participate in these scientific projects. The benefits of this are doublefold – the cooperation is of pan-social character in regard to improving our scientific cooperation with China and other countries, but also specialized in terms of improving the scientific fund and cooperation with the colleagues both from the region and from China. <



Important Initiative for Regional Networking The most important thing both for Serbia and other CEE countries is that they are a part of the long-term 16+1 cooperation mechanism which, in turn, is an integral part of the New Silk Road concept


he participation in the 16+1 Mechanism provides an opportunity for the regional countries to boost their mutual cooperation at all levels, and to work on their compatibility so that they could become a unified and equal partner to China.

Which security, political, economic and cultural aspects does the New Silk Road have? › The idea about revitalizing the New Silk

Road was presented in autumn of 2013 when the Chinese President, Xi Jinping announced the reinstatement of first the land segment and then the maritime segment of the Silk Road. This is an initiative that is an open development platform and it is of geo-economic nature at its core. We can see that in the fact that the New Silk Road has two facets – the internal and the external one. The external facet is reflected in China trying to integrate itself into the global economy by establishing new financial institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund, while the internal aspect is more based on development and ‘opening’ of the three undeveloped west Chinese provinces. Both aspects have their security, political and economic components and entail political cooperation, a dialogue about security challenges, trading, investments, infrastructure investments, and better networking via cultural exchange, expertise exchange in various segments and increasing the number of tourist visits. How do these Chinese priorities fit into today’s geopolitical developments?


P rofe ss o r B RA N I S L AV ĐORĐEVIĆ PhD, Director of the Institute of International Politics and Economics (IIPE)

› Back at the time when China announced its intention to reinstate the Silk Road, global economy was going through a big crisis and the reactions to China’s plans were not positive. There was fear that China could expand its influence to include Europe, and these opinions were particularly prevalent in the leading EU institutions, the political elite in the founding members of the EU, and across the Atlantic. In the meantime, the awareness about the development potential of this project has grown, and every single of the aforementioned sides is now trying to establish the best possible cooperation with China. What importance does connecting to China have for Serbia and the CEE countries? › In terms of Serbia, our geographical


FOUR PILLARS Since Serbia is in tune with all developments, our foreign policy is based on four pillars – the EU, the US, Russia and China

position is an important factor because it ensures implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects. However, infrastructure has to be accompanied by economic projects which are important for the countries in which this infrastructure is located. The Chinese have done the first step and it is now up to us, the partners, to add new quality to that dynamic and to facilitate goods exchange in both directions. Serbia should have the lead initiative in this respect, i.e. in establishing social and economic ties on the micro-level because it has the most dynamic cooperation with China out of all regional countries. Serbia is the only CEE country that has a visa-free regime with China, and soon to become the only one to have direct flights to China too.

Considering the complexity of the relations between the EU and China, do regional countries and Serbia already have an established framework for building their relations with China? › The EU is working on developing its

relations with China and on finding new cooperation modalities that would be mutually beneficial. The reasons for this cooperation are more of an economic than political nature. Bearing this in mind, the limitations that the EU has been trying to impose on its member states and/or candidate countries in terms of boosting their relations with China seem very hypocritical. While the EU member countries have to abide by their internal legislation, Serbia should use its position to raise economic relations with China to the highest possible level through its membership in the CEFTA and its relations with the Russian Federation. How mindful we should be of Asia, as the emerging epicentre of political and economic power, in forming our long-term foreign policy in the neighbourhood? › Planning foreign policy is of excep-

tional importance for every country, and it should entail a detailed analysis of developments in international relations. For some time now, it has been clear that we are formally moving from the unipolar to the multi-polar world. A substantial number of countries are economically strong which, in turn, brings strong political influence on the global scale. It is up to each country’s individual perception to formulate their key foreign policy directions. <




Implementation of MEDIS, Professor Jovica Milisavljević, Member of AGE team, interprets professors global warming

AGE of MEDIS – New Technologies in Education Implementing contemporary information and communication technologies is a prerequisite for successful schooling in 21st century CORPORATE


EDIS (Multimediia EDucational Interactive System) is an integrated, complex system developed purposefully for education, and, as such, is unique to Serbia and the Balkan region. In other parts of the world, there are solutions that partially resemble MEDIS. Belgrade-based company AGE is the creator of the AGE of MEDIS concept and the integrator of the MEDIS system. With the use of MEDIS, teaching natural sciences in their most sensitive segments - demonstration experiments and laboratory exercises - becomes essentially more efficient. Years of experience of professors involved in the project, as well as professional know-how and experi-


ences of engineers, programmers and designers, have created a good basis for development and implementation of MEDIS, a modern system for top notch schooling. The MEDIS system comprises of the following segments: • Interactive projection-presentation system with UST (Ultra Short Throw) projection and interactive board. Of course, this is functionally an absolutely identical version to the one with an intractable screen, but considering the size and popularity of the interactive smart board, it is easily applicable. • Data measurement and collection system • Set of professional sensors and probes

LJ U B O M I R A DA M OV Electronics engineer and proprietor of the company AGE - Belgrade

• Durable, mobile, multifunctional construction with metal cabinet for safe storage of laboratory components (sensors, probes, PCs, laptops) and a set of usual laboratory equipment • Set of classical laboratory equipment for experiments done via the classical method • Software applications for biology, chemistry, physics and ecology (over fifty processed exercises) • Dedicated system control software • Software used in communication and control of student workstations • Detailed instructions and methododology materials, in Serbian, Croatian and English



• Electronic records of completed exercises (and the course of exercises) with all relevant data for each student, in Serbian, Croatian and English • Network infrastructure for connecting computers, i.e. workstations in the system. The MEDIS system successfully replaces the classical method of performing laboratory experiments and exercises and allows for interactivity that did not exist in the usual teaching process so far, thus increasing the efficiency of acquiring knowledge. Thanks to the integration and capabilities provided by ICT, MEDIS has consolidated the theoretical and practical / laboratory schooling into one interlinking entity. In addition to developing the subject competencies for directly supported subjects (biology, chemistry, physics, informatics and computing), the MEDIS system also develops appropriate inter-sectoral competences, primarily digital, and a responsible attitude towards environment / ecology. Given that the Serbian education system is facing a great challenge of developing competencies for the emerging working and learning conditions, students must adopt knowledge and master modern technologies in a timely and proper manner. Unfortunately, our schools have not successfully followed this global trend so far, although it is clear that partial, unrelated knowledge gained from individual subjects does not (qualitatively or functionally) result in students becoming professionals / future experts. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the knowledge gained from individual school subjects by having more teachers corroborating simultaneously, thematically handling the problem and innovating their practice. It is the MEDIS system that requires students to simultaneously use the acquired subject knowledge and interpersonal competencies because the student applies the acquired knowledge in new, more complex situations. Students can work individually or in small groups, in the MEDIS system. This promotes cooperation within the group and develops personal responsibility, which, in addition to acquired knowledge, is an essential element of successful future professional work. For example, here are the exercises and demonstration experiments from the subject of ECOLOGY, derived from the current science that explains the dramatic changes in the global eco-system (which we witness on a daily basis), and, at the same time, helps us to find and ap-

ply adequate solutions. - EKO pH value of the soil - EKO acid rain - EKO Greenhouse Effect - EKO soil temperature - EKO thermal pollution - Water quality - Relative humidity - Dew temperature - The seasons and the angle of insolation - Fossil fuels - Solar houses Dedicated software interlinks all the components of the MEDIS system into a functional entity. The image below shows what the system control screen looks like. The left zone of the interactive screen is used to intuitively start the integrated components. The right zone of the interactive screen shows student workstations. With the help of dedicated software it is possible to inspect the work done by students and, if necessary, take control and help students with their tasks. This modern approach considerably facilitates work done by the teachers, while the students get feedback from teachers almost instantly. Classes become more dynamic and more interesting to students because it a well-known fact that the use of modern technologies additionally stimulates learning. The use of MEDIS stimulates how students think which helps them with solving problems through using acquired knowledge on multiple subjects. Digital competence is substantially enhanced. MEDIS does not only contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge, but it also greatly enhances students' competencies in applying acquired knowledge in a real environment when solving specific tasks. By using the "internet-global village"

The MEDIS system successfully supersedes the classical method of performing laboratory exercises, and facilitates interactivity which did not exist in teaching so far

connection, it is possible to perform simultaneous laboratory experiments from any two (or more) networked MEDIS locations around the world. Tesla's idea from the beginning of the 20th century in the 21st century - humanely used! The MEDIS student workstations are required if the MEDIS system is used for individual student work. Every workstation has an indentical MEDIS laboratory kit and a networking device with the MEDIS system for teachers. The optimum number of workstations per natural sciences classroom is 10. In this way, in the average computer department, 2 to 3 students can use one workstation which is optimal for carrying out mandatory and laboratory exercises. The MEDIS workstations can be installed successively. For more information, please go to <

AGE D.O.O. BELGRADE +381 64 85 93 090





On the Rise No visas, no boundaries


s the first and only country in Europe to abolish visas for Chinese citizens, and vice versa, Serbia is profiling itself as the tourism and economic hub for Chinese travellers and businesspeople. Many of them have flocked to Serbia since the beginning of the year, visiting the Exit festival, which

was an obvious destination. Serbian tourists are now more frequent than ever in China, while business is booming thanks to the Chinese competitive quality-price ratio. However, now China is seeking to go deeper, to our mutual benefit. EARLY ACHIEVEMENTS The volume of Serbia’s economic cooperation with China reached a record level of 1,650 million USD by 2016. This cooperation is reflected in the crediting and construction of the Zemun-Borča Bridge




SILK ROAD Serbia occupies a very important place on the new Silk Road and connects China with all other countries of the world.

(constructed by the China Road and Bridge Corporation), construction of the Obrenovac-Ljig motorway (Shandong Hispeed), the Kostolac thermoelectric plant and corresponding mine, investments in mining research, financing and compiling a feasibility study on the Danube-Morava-Vardar waterway etc. It was initially merely a trade partner, but now China has become Serbia’s most important Asian foreign trade and financial partner. During the last few years, the focus of bilateral economic cooperation shifted from commodity exchange to a higher level, through major investments, energy and other projects, while enormous efforts are being exerted to increase the inflow of Chinese capital. There is also the Budapest-Belgrade high-speed rail link, which is set to connect the Chinese-managed port of Thessaloniki in Greece with other parts of the EU via Serbia, which has been designated as a hub for Chinese investments in Europe. Telecommunications is championed by Huawei and its investments, while company ZTE is now also appearing. Between 350 and 400 million euros should be invested in the Serbian section of the Belgrade-Budapest railway line. The length of the track through Serbia is 184km, while 166km extends through Hungary. The aim is for this rail link to carry trains up to speeds of between 160 and 200 km/h. This major project will connect Belgrade, Novi Sad

and Subotica through Vojvodina, thus effectively helping the economy of Corridor 10 cities and towns, as well as helping in the development of industrial zones along the line. China and Serbia’s mutual trade totalled a value of US$1,629 million in 2016, with Serbian exports growing constantly at a rate of 25-35% annually. According to the Serbian Economy Ministry, the value of projects with Chinese partners realised to date and currently underway is over 3.1 billion euros, while new project are also on the way, including the benefits of the One Belt – One Road infrastructure projects and the Smederevo Steelworks, which was taken over a year ago by China’s Hesteel Group. As Steelworks are not in a good position worldwide, and China has an insatiable appetite for steel and further construction projects, both in China and around the world, this might be something of a golden hen. Serbia occupies a very important place on the new Silk Road, but overcoming space and time constraints, merging the present with the past, and in accordance with the principles of peace, development, cooperation and wellbeing, Serbia connects China with all other countries of the world, say the Chinese. During the visit of Xi Jinping in 2016, China and Serbia signed a strategic partnership declaration and some 20 interstate agreements. This marks the beginning of great cooperation that is yet to flourish. <



One-step Ahead Everyone Else Nectar Group’s annual turnover is above €110 million and we have a lot of plans and projects in pipeline so we are looking forward to 2018 with great optimism


he key for success is to have an excellent product. That is why we are confident we can access any market in the world. We spoke with Mihailo Janković, CEO of Nectar Group about the company’s plans for expansion in different markets including Eurasia and particularly Chinese market. What is the key of your business philosophy owing to which you have been the leading soft drinks producer and fruit and vegetable processor in this part of Europe? › Ever since its foundation in 1998, Nec-

tar, a true leader in soft drinks sector in Southeastern Europe, has been constantly tuned in to consumers’ needs and interests and we have been continuously investing in the production and technology to improve quality of our products and to expand our portfolio. Our philosophy that is deeply enrooted in everything we do is based on two principles - „from the farm to the final product“ and in our slogan „it does matter.” These two constantly push us to improve and demand from us to always provide the best for our consumers. Continuous investments are strategically important because we think that was the decisive factor in Nectar becoming the market leader in the region. And that is why Nectar Group will continue to strategically and robustly invest with the aim to improve and expand its business. Our strengths and our growth engines are within our operational efficiency, commercial excellence, constantly improving people capacities and further development and expansion of our portfolio through numerous innovation that enables us to move the boundaries and go one step beyond everyone else.


What advantage do regional companies like yours have in the light of ever growing competition? ›On the group level, we have a very large

family of brands in numerous categories that are favorites with our consumers even beyond the region. Apart from the ex-Yugoslavia markets such as Montenegro and Macedonia where Nectar brands are dominant, Fructal, our Slovenian company, has strengthened its leading position on its domicile market where it is an undisputed leader but it also strengthened its position on other EU markets such as Croatia and Italy. Nectar Group, with its portfolio of companies: Nectar, Fructal, Heba and Delises Hani, has production facilities in six locations in Serbia, Slovenia and Macedonia with 1,500 people working in operations. That enables us to easily and successfully adapt to consumers’ needs in different markets. Nectar processes more than 120,000 tons of fruits and vegetables yearly, and we plan to expand our facilities to be able to process even more. What is your turnover on the domicile market, and how much revenue do you generate from export? › Quality of our products is recognized

also on our export markets and that is backed by the fact that the value of our export, apart from the sales on our domicile markets, is above €36 million or 1/3 of the total turnover of the Nectar Group. How unique is the Euro-Asian markets that you have been exporting to recently, and do they require a different marketing approach and different product range?


We are very much interested in finding the strategic partner for the Chinese market as we see it as both a challenge and an opportunity

› Every new market is different and to succeed you need to adapt your strategies. But the key for success is to have an excellent product. That is why we are confident we can access any market in the world. Our strength and self confidence are coming from the strong base of integrated Nectar and Fructal brands, significant production capacities organized in 3 countries and 6 plants (production facilities in both EU and non-EU European countries), vertical integration, continuous technological improvement, new products development and quality control, with innovative and effective marketing. Currently we are exporting to Hong Kong, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, and we have entered the China market. Hence, we are very much interested in finding the strategic partner for the Chinese market as we see it as both a challenge and an opportunity. We are starting to get to know the market dynamics and to build strategy on how to make it work for our products. Chinese market is a very large one with more than 1.2 billion people to serve. Soft drinks sector is huge in volume with more than 98 billion liters a year comparing to Serbia’s juice market of 131 million liters. Water is dominant with 40% of volumes in sales while fruit drinks make app. 21% or 21 billion liters in yearly sales of soft drinks in China. So, it is both different and same but we are certain that with a great Chinese distribution partner and with our diverse portfolio of products, we can make all these economy of scale figures work for us. We are certain that through such partnership we can continue to report successes, from the Chinese market as well. <




TIENS – Health for Everyone! There are many contemporary institutes in China and worldwide that are engaged in scientific research of the basic postulates of the traditional Chinese medicine. TIENS is one of the most successful companies and the leader in this segment



he traditional Chinese medicine has been developed on the back of a centuries-long tradition, owing to wise people, and accomplished and recognized results. Today, this medicine is conquering new areas all of the world and has been drawing attention of many doctos, of different specializations, and anybody wanting to discover its secrets and experience its efficiency and beneficence. The company operates in Serbia and Russia, where it is known as TIANSHI. In addition to receiving many awards and recognitions, TIENS has also been declared as the Best Enterprise in Contribution to Green Civilization by the United Nations. Apart from the ISO, USA FDA, KOSHER, and HALAL certificates, as well as the certificate issued by the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS), we also have the certificate issued by the Russian Federal Space Agency which used our products on their space voyages. The President of the TIENS corporation, Mr. Li Jinyuan was also given an honourary diploma by this Agency. Mrs. Milka Orlić, who was the first to bring and present TIENS products in Ser-


bia, speaks about her experiences and the company's products. Led by a true desire and unbelieavable life circumstances, while understanding that everything happens for a reason, she has personally benefitted from TIENS products. She has also spent years working hard, constantly educating other people and widening her network of associates trying to get as many people acquainted with TIENS products so that they can experience for themselves just how widely applicable and efficient these products are in preventing and correcting even the worst of health conditions including celiac disease which is something that one of the users of TIENS products can testify to. You can read more about this at . „My health problems started unexpectedly early, right after I turned 20“, says Mrs. Orlić. She had problems with her complexion, unbearable headaches, gynecological problems (fibroids and cysts which appeared as a result of excessive consumption of mature cheese and eggs), and a serious lymphatic disorder. „Everything I did to make myself better, all the drugs and therapies, did not yield any results“, she says. After several years, she heard of a

Mr s. M I L KA ORLIĆ Professional associates of TIENS with The Honor Title of Golden Lion

Food is the key! Dr Hay has scientifically proven how beneficial is combining certain food groups in one meal

macrobiotic diet, a sort of a food health treatment. She immediately started learning about it and, eventually, she and her entire family changed their diet accordingly. „At one of the seminars I asked a question about my feet swelling, and got a very exact answer – you are eating too much fruit. This is the sentence that marked the beginning of my healing. I started eating fruit in reasonable quantities and my feet stopped swelling. Also, my headaches stopped and the reasons why I had them in the first place was too much fructose from the fruit. However, this excess fluid in my body created additional, more serious problems like the prolapse of cardiac mitral valves and enlarged heart, which are known to be incurable diseases. I remember a Chinese proverb that goes: „There are no incurable diseases, just incurable people“, which proved to be so true in my case although I was not aware of it at the time. The Cordyceps and Holikan supplements have concretely contributed to my healing“, Mrs. Orlić adds. „I have never thought I would be able to solve the problem with my complexion but thanks to the unbelieavable properties of Chistosan, which doesn't leave



the usual keloids on the face after use, I have succeeded. Also, I did not expect for the pain in my knee to subside. Thanks to the Vejkan supplement, it did and it never returned. This supplement regulates cartilage wear“, she says. „TIENS also produces organic cosmetics which I readily use. At the age of 71, I can say that my complexion is clear and almost wrinkle-free. It was the product called Ozonizator which also contributed to this. Its main task is to remove all the chemicals found in food with the use of ozone. I regulary use it in my bath, as I also use all of the TIENS products. My friends jokingly say that I look like a Chinese woman because I don't look my age at all“, Mrs. Orlić explains. Inspired by her own life story and experiences, Mrs. Orlić wrote two books – „Fat- and sugar-free desserts“ and „To live healthy according to Dr Hay“ who was the first to prove the effectiveness of properly combining food groups and had been treating diabetes patients eight years before insulin was discovered. Apart from the supplements, TIENS also offers products that promote a balanced health concept, intended for cleansing, rejuvinating, and tightening of the skin (face and body). Additioanlly, it also offers innovative products like TIENS mattress, pillow and health cover, a multi-functional head device, a cup of health with hydrogenated water and the TIENS DiCHO ozonizator which purifies water, air and food. For more information, please go to <

Health Balance – Cleansing, Revitalizing and Becoming Stronger The complete revitalization of our body is boosted through cleansing and supplementing what our body is missing

The In the traditional Chinese medicine, the first step is cleansing. We would like to highlight the following products: CHITOSAN – Derived from the cellulose that is found in the shell of the red sea crab; binds and eliminates toxins, several times its quantity; closes wounds without scars, the skin remains smooth, wounds on the cervix disappear, regulates body weight and LDL-cholesterol in the blood. HOLIKAN - Derived from black grape seeds: it contains Resveratrol, which is also known as the best medicine for the heart. Rasveratrol works on improving circulation, and protects DNA from oxidative stress. VEJKAN - Derived from wheat germ oil: it protects the skin,

it is soothing, regulates cholesterol, normalizes eyesight, regulates blood circulation. Very quickly regulates the joint cartilage wear and tear. REVITALIZATION – reach your absolute best health, prevent disease and early aging. We would like to highlight the following products: CORDYCEPS - It works on all energy channels in the human body. This is the only symbiosis of the plant and animal world that takes place in Tibet in the cordyceps, which is why it is considered the most potent product in the world. TIENS CALCIUM – The only organic Calcium, absorbed up to 98%. It contains easily absorbing minerals and other ingredients naturally found in healthy bones.

Ozonator Tiens DiCHO The new generation of DiCHO devices doubles the emission of ozone per unit and improves sterilization. Purifies air, water and food, kills bacteria, eliminates pesticides, enriches water and air with oxygen, disinfects it from bacteria, fungi and mites. Eliminates unpleasant organic and inorganic odours. For more information, please go to

TIENS SRBIJA - Contact person and advice on product use: Belgrade, Serbia Mrs. Milka Orlić, +381 063 276- 198, e-mail:,





Socialist Market Economy The Fruits of Comrade Deng



ao had gone and the country was deep within a Cultural Revolution, poor and disenchanted with the Party. Deng Xiaoping took the wheel and made the moves. He was the architect of the kind of new thinking that completely changed the face of the country, and the planet. Instead of countless military-looking citizens with little red books riding bicycles, now we have China as the most dynamic economy, the world leader and an economic miracle never before seen. LET THE THOUSAND FLOWERS BLOOM Deng called it “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, which in practise meant a combination of socialist ideology with market principles, foreign investment and a single-party system. When asked what type of property China will allow: private, state, common, foreign? He laconically answered: Let the thou-


sand flowers bloom in the garden. He was aware that there would be some flaws: “If we open the windows for some fresh air, certainly some flies will get in.” But China has become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world for several generations, raising the standard of living of hundreds of millions of people. CHINA TODAY Now it’s time for some official facts: China's socialist market economy is the world's second largest economy in terms of nominal GDP and the world's largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity, according to the IMF. Until 2015, China was the world’s fastest-growing major economy, with growth rates averaging 10% over 30 years. Due to the historical and political facts of China's developing economy, the Chinese public sector accounts for a bigger share of the national economy than the burgeoning private sector. China has proudly de-

clared itself as “the world's factory”, becoming a global manufacturing hub, taking that title away from the U.S., Japan and Europe. However, China also represents one of the fastest-growing consumers of luxury goods in the world, and definitely the largest exporter and second largest importer of such goods worldwide. But all that is going to change, as it is also the fastest-growing consumer market of any goods.

You can say that it is far cry from the Socialism conceived by Lenin and Mao, but China is thriving, while the USSR and Yugoslavia are dismembered and mostly poor

FLIES IN THE ROOM AND EXPANSION The flies in the room that came along with the fresh air are, of course, air, water and soil pollution. This is emphasised by the central government’s plans to shift China towards more advanced industrial development with high-tech, low carbon emissions, better allocation of national resources to innovation and R&D for sustainable economic growth in order to reduce the impact of China’s heavy industry. Electric cars and all sorts of innovations will emerge in China first. EPILOGUE China decided not to use Gorbachev's glasnost, together with perestroika. There was just perestroika: economic development without political change. And it worked tremendously well. You can say that it is far cry from the Socialism conceived by Lenin and Mao, but China is thriving, while the USSR and Yugoslavia are dismembered and mostly poor. We did not make the right move, while Deng's China did. We can only sigh deeply and wish China good luck on its journey towards its future position as the world's leader, which will happen somewhere between 2025 and 2030. <



Quality That Speaks All Languages The Chinese market will become the 80th country where Peštan’s products can be found. This represents the crowning glory of the company’s business strategy to date, as it shows its potential and readiness to establish a strong brand through partnership and cooperation on this huge and highly competitive market CORPORATE


eštan’s company origins date back to 1989, when Božidar Petković, founder and owner of Peštan, established trading company Bukulja Promet, which dealt in the trade of pipes for water supply and sewage systems. He soon realised that the Serbian market had a growing demand for plastic pipes, and so he made the decision to launch production of less demanding polyethylene pipes. Two years later, Peštan began producing PVC pipes and fittings for domestic sewage. We launched production of the PP-R programme in 1996. After four years of delays in the investment, Peštan began producing corrugated pipes in 2000. The company’s owner then made an important strategic decision that resulted in the opening of a new manufacturing plant, leading to a strong increase in production capacity of all products. With the outbreak of the economic crisis, Peštan’s management decided to change the business strategy and become export-orientated. We simultaneously launched the PP-RCT programme project for North America. The implementation of SAP ERP brought improved business processes to Peštan, while the logical consequence of the implementation of the BI reporting system was the resulting more efficient decision-making process. Production of the first Confluo drain began in 2012, with production of Hiro drip tape beginning a year later. This year is significant to the company as we

have commenced and finalised the production and sale of PP-RCT pipes and fittings for the U.S. market. PEŠTAN TODAY Today Peštan is recognised as a very distinctive and significant company at the international level, with a focus on exports to many foreign markets, and with respect for the requirements of each individual customer. Annual revenue exceeds €70 million and is generated with the help of 1,000 employees. Peštan has a direct presence, through its subsidiary companies, in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Romania, as well as through its representative offices in Albania, Croatia and the United Arab Emirates. Peštan operates in more than 60 countries worldwide, through a global network of agents and distributors. Primarily export-orientated, the company is present on the markets of Europe, Russia, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America and the United States. EXPORT TO CHINA Peštan started exporting to China in the second quarter of 2017. After many years of efforts, the company’s management finally signed an agreement on the distribution of water pipes with a Chinese distributor. This is very important, as China represents Serbia’s most important financial and foreign trade partner. According to Ivan Terzić, director of the company’s business sector, this was

I VA N T E R Z I Ć Business Sector Director, Peštan

Peštan is today a renowned and respected company, with annual revenue exceeding €70 million and 1,000 employees

one of the sales team’s biggest ever endeavours, due to the simple fact that Chinese producers are among the biggest in this field globally. It is a huge and selective market of 1.5 billion people and they showed interest in our quality. We can state proudly that we are one of only a few companies that record an increase in exports to this country throughout the year. Our Chinese partner has recognised our potential and readiness to establish a strong brand on the Chinese market, through partnership and cooperation. We started exporting these products to the United States around three years ago, and with this we are realising our five-year plan related to the positioning of our brand with this agreement. The Chinese market will become the 80th country where our products can be found – says Terzić. <





The Art of Equilibrium Harmony is the King


hen Western critics suggest that China needs more democracy, the Chinese reply by saying that the West needs more harmony. Democracy, as conceived in the West, has little to do with the traditional collective spirit of the Asians, both Communist and Capitalist, ranging from Japan to Korea and Vietnam to China. Here it is harmonious relations that are the most important thing. No individual can thrive if society goes down. HARMONY FIRST Needless to say, this concept has deep roots. In the long history of the Chinese civilisation, harmony has always been a highly valued virtue. Chinese people have always placed an emphasis on harmony. It encompasses the fundamental principles of nature, society and humanity. It is also a prerequisite for cultivating one’s morality, protecting one’s family, governing one’s nation and stabilising the world. Harmony is at the core of Chinese traditional culture. It originates in the family, and this is how you plan to organise a society and an entire state, right? FROM CONFUCIUS ONWARDS It all has something to do with Confucius, as with everything in China. To many people, harmony means open-mindedness and a balance of firmness and gentleness; it means a proper equilibrium. But that is only for an individual person. For a community, it means that people get along with each other peacefully and amicably. The ancient Chinese, however, didn't sacrifice their principles in the pursuit of harmony. “Gentlemen are harmonious, but aren’t the same as each oth-


er. Lesser men are all the same, yet they are not harmonious,” says Confucius, in his Analects of Confucius. You don't have to be spineless, as many people think, in order to get along with others. It is about respect. No matter what, the “admiration of harmony” has always been an esteemed moral tradition of the Chinese people.


A combination of old principles and new development, all in harmony, is what represents the spirit of China today, as well as pragmatism, of course

THREE PILLARS OF THOUGHT To make things even more complicated, ancient Chinese religions often interlace and overlap. This is similar to Japan, where 80% of people are said to be Buddhists and 80% are Shintoist, making 160% of the population. However, there the same person can respect and accept multiple religions. The Chinese case is even more complicated, with religion having been supressed at some points, and if we count Confucianism as a religion (it is a combination of a religion and a philosophy, but, hey, which religion isn’t?), we have not-particular-theism combined with yet another religion, individualistic Taoism, and of course the omnipresent Buddhism. And within all of them, unsurprisingly, harmony rules above all. And this leads us neatly on to the fact that China never colonised others, even if it had a superior economy and weapons, and a monstrous fleet. The Chinese conquered with science, an alphabet, culture, customs and a calendar, even though they were fierce warriors. The world's culture – pottery and ceramics, for instance, were invented in China. Chinese pictograms are enormously complicated to use, but they are still in use. A combination of old principles and new development, all in harmony, is what represents the spirit of China today, as well as pragmatism, of course. One country – two systems, this is perhaps the most original way to unite a single country, and the Chinese spirit of harmony is yet to be experienced and studied, carefully. <




The Splendour of the Orient

The high-tech touch TOUR ISM


y carefully fusing high-tech advancements with its historical spirit, China is luring millions of tourists, while at the same time becoming a supplier of tourists to other countries. This all changes the shape of China, a country that cannot be visited twice with the same impression – this is how quickly it changes China was like North Korea up until 1974, with restricted tourism entries, until Comrade Deng took over the leadership position and changed that element too. The expansion of domestic and international air traffic and other tourist transportation facilities made travel more convenient. Over 250 cities and counties had been opened up to foreign visitors by the mid-1980s. Travellers required only valid visas or residence permits to visit 100 locations; the remaining locales required travel permits from public security departments. Approximately 1.4 million foreigners visited China in 1985, with nearly US$1.3 billion generated from tourism. By 2007 international tourist arrivals to China had increased to 54.7 million. And it is continuing to rise at a rate of some five million more per year! What can we say about Chinese tourism in such a short overview? It is necessary to visit China many times, for sure. The first glance is usually Beijing and its Forbidden City, The Great Wall, vibrant Shanghai with Pudong, the Bund and Maglev trains, Xi’an’s Terracotta Army, the Leshan Giant Buddha statue, or the colourful rice fields of Yunnan. Sanya and its beaches host Miss Universe competitions, while Tibet is quite another magical story. Lovers of the Old Slik Road will

enjoy the tastes of Sinkyang and Kashgar, while the Great Wall, or the Chinese Wall, as we call it here, is arguably the most important symbol of the country. The greatest defensive structure project in the history of human civilisation, it dates back more than 2,000 years, to the periods of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States, and is huge in its scale and grandeur. More than ten sections of the Great Wall are open to tourists, including the passes, blockhouses and beacon towers at Badaling in Beijing, Laolongtou in Hebei and Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu. The Leshan Giant Buddha, carved

Most tourists to China come from South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia, Russia and the U.S. Now that we no longer require visas for China, Serbs are expected to join the flock

into a cliff face, seventy-one metres tall and 28 metres wide, is the world’s largest stone sitting Buddha and testifies to the carving skills of ancient craftsmen. It was made to stop the turbulent water from sinking ships, and indeed the Buddha helped. Now this reddish stone statue is one of the country’s most important religious symbols. The glass bridges and distant monasteries are somehow for the bravest people among tourists. Tsingtao, or Qingdao, is a city with traditional German spirit, as a former colony, and its eponymous beer is world famous. And what can we say about the two special autonomous regions of Macau and Hong Kong? The former was influenced strongly by Portuguese culture and is now a major gambling destination, while the latter was a British economic centre, with its capital of Victoria, and is recognisable for its skyscrapers and junks, as well as its British buses. If you like kung-fu and Zen, the Shaolin Temple is just for you. Most tourists to China come from South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia, Russia and the U.S. Now that we no longer require visas for China, Serbs are expected to join the flock. China really needs a full special magazine dedicated to its tourism, as this is merely a glance. <




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Some things is impossible to predict, hence it is good to think advance

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