The secret formula of communication 2017

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Director of Partner Research Solutions



Director General, European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA)


57 YEARS OF PROMOTING AND IMPROVING INDUSTRY’S REPUTATION The Market Communications Association of Serbia (UEPS)




AMS Osiguranje







NEVENA KURTOVIĆ Managing Director, Fusion Communications


Director, Direct Media Serbia



ANA MIJAJLOVIĆ Managing Director


Project Coordinator, Drive agency

Managing Director of McCann Belgrade


Managing Director, New Media Team




DATA AND CREATIVITY FOR BETTER RESULTS Head of Regional Connection Planning and Digital, UM Belgrade

Marketing Director of Coca-Cola







Executive Director







”Color Media Communications” LTD, 21132 Petrovaradin, Štrosmajerova 3 TIN 107871532 • Matriculation number 20887303 Phone: +381 21 4897 100 • Fax: +381 21 4897 126 Office: Vase Čarapića 3/IV/38, Belgrade • 011 4044 960




Head of Regional Connection Planning and Digital, UM Belgrade

JOVANA MARKOVIĆ Advertising manager NATAŠA NEŠIĆ Advertising manager DRAGANA RADOVIĆ Advertising manager SNEŽANA BJELOTOMIĆ, MRP EDITORIAL Translation and lecture


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

M I RO S L AV ŠUTIĆ Director of Partner Research Solutions

THINK GLOBALLY, COMMUNICATE LOCALLY (OR MAYBE IT’S THE OTHER WAY AROUND) Although, by nature of things, we are going to lag behind wealthy and developed countries for years, the process of ‘globalization of individual communication’ will undoubtedly change the general map of all communication directions


lthough we often focus on motivational communication or the one that propels us forward, every time we think about communication in general, we cannot avoid also thinking about a phenomenon called ‘the global village’ without which it’s literally impossible to understand the present. Although it has been 50 years since this syntagm was concocted, it has become clear that


its unidirectional nature failed the test of time. As much as the idea of globalization pretended to make us all similar, the practice showed that similarity is possible only up to a certain point. Global, local, and individual all co-exist. And they will continue to co-exist even more. At the end of this road, individual (personal) will become global. However, we, in Serbia, seem pretty far removed from these (global) trends. The collision between global and local in our part of the world is far from being resolved. Our favourite division into two Serbias could be applied here – there is the Millennial Serbia, which is fully integrated in all global trends and value systems, and then there is the Other Serbia, which is desperately clinging onto old archetypes, failing to understand what hit it while, with one leg, is firmly standing in the time of Socialism, and, with the other, is shyly and reluctantly stepping into the unknown (which, by default, must be also bad). Consumer and public opinion researchers, to whom I belong too, are carrying this burden whenever they have to interpret ambiguous, irrational, and fatalistic views and doings of people in Serbia. Those professionals who want to motivate (evoke positive emotions) and move to action consumers, voters and the public in general share the same, if not bigger woes with us. “The sheep”, that are mudding our waters, are popping all over from digital media which have overwhelmed the Millennials. Although, picking the media to communicate with the Millennials is

not that difficult at all, they make up only ¼ of active consumers (or voters). The problem that communicators have is that digital media are undoubtedly conquering the middle-aged generation which makes up a half of all active consumers. Digital media are also starting to have a serious impact on the older generations, i.e. the remaining brigades of active consumers for whom digital communication culture is unacceptable (and incomprehensible). So, not only does digital communication needs to take into consideration three different lifestyles, but also communicators simply have to pair different media together in at least three different proportions and three different ways of consuming other media, which in turn, should be in opposite correlation to the consummation of digital media. I dare not imagine what would happen if the population were to split in more groups of different lifestyles and consumer behaviour formats. Today, as things are, communication is an already complicated and demanding skill. In five years’ time, we can expect for the digital media reach to be even wider and deeper for all ages. Does this make the job of (productive) communication easier? Hardly! On one hand, the domination of digital technology will lead to geometrical progression of communication (plat)forms which, in turn, means further diversification of communication content. At the same time, the segmentation of the population according to their age will be much more complex – the Millennials will gradually mature

We, in Serbia, seem pretty far removed from these (global) trends. The collision between global and local in our part of the world is far from being resolved


TWO SERBIAS Our favourite division into two Serbias could be applied here – there is the Millennial Serbia, which is fully integrated in all global trends and value systems, and then there is the Other Serbia, which, with one leg, is firmly standing in the time of Socialism, and, with the other, is shyly and reluctantly stepping into the unknown (which, by default, must be also bad).

into opportunists, and the opportunists will turn in conservatives with new inter-categories probably emerging. Let’s not even get into other segmentation criteria. The democratization of overall communication will bring the biggest changes, while communication will become fully available and simple to use for the most part. Although, by nature of things, we are going to lag behind wealthy and developed countries for years, the process of ‘globalization of individual communication’ will undoubtedly change the general map of all communication directions. When the awareness about the possibility of marketing your own viewpoint at the global level becomes stronger, the old archetypes of behaviour will inevitably grow weaker, while the space for imposing “planned” viewpoints will gradually diminish. This will be the real challenge for everybody whose task is to create viewpoints and actions of smaller or bigger groups of individuals with the view of, let’s say, increasing consumption. Undoubtedly, communicators will change too. They will acquire new skills and expand the field of innovation and creativity. Personally, I hope that analysts won’t lag much behind. Still, from today’s perspective, all of this looks very complicated and almost unattainable, especially for ‘the conservatives’. Luckily, the dynamics of change will be determined by new generations who are going to view this as their natural environment, and who are, probably, going to take care themselves of the ‘horrible’ changes that years ahead bring.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

DOMINIC LY L E Director General, European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA)


Instead of expecting a doomsday for the advertising industry we should discuss the emergence of the artificial intelligence in terms of new driver of efficiency and effectiveness of the industry. AI is far from providing what we offer and that is creativity



dvertising industry is not immune to the technological innovations brought by artificial intelligence. As a matter of fact, this would be one of the most important topics on the Evolution Lab 2017, a 3-day advertising agency gathering where national agency associations’ directors, international advertising and media agency networks, academics, top agency executives and advertisers meet to discuss burning industry issues and future needs. EvoLab is organised by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA). It combines EACA agency member meetings, a full-day conference on artificial intelligence and the Euro Effies’ Awards Gala, both taking place on 17 October. While many observers see AI as an enemy, Mr. Dominic

It will take a lot of time before machines are capable of feeling, sympathising or having other emotions which are the key to the greatest creative campaigns

Lyle, EACA Director General sees it as another helping hand in making the industry more efficient and effective. AI and Euro Effies’ Awards, today recognised as a major global brand as well as the premier effectiveness award, were just some of the topic we discussed with Mr. Lyle in this interview. Other topic included new legislation related to data privacy, global trends in the advertising industry and Serbia’s place in the European advertising family.

To what extent has the better overall economic growth which we are witnessing today, affected global spending on advertising? — According to the latest Dentsu Aegis analysis, ad spend has slowed down in 2017 in comparison to 2016. Advertisers may be

cautious about prospects of long term recovery this year, but as economic recovery is gaining ground, the agency predicts higher growth rates of ad spend on a global level, with certain regional caveats. What do you expect from the Evolution Lab 2017? — We expect an in-depth discussion about how artificial intelligence can help the ad industry drive efficiency and effectiveness. We have prepared a great lineup of speakers from across the industry: GroupM, WPP, Google, Dentsu Aegis, Accenture Interactive, Havas, the European Parliament and others. Apart from discussing the impact of AI on the industry, we will: aim to detangle whether agencies are following or lading the trend, look into how to train graduates for


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

the AI future and debate how to address ethical, primarily privacy, concerns which AI may bring. Until now we’ve got more than 200 attendees subscribed.

The highlight of EvoLab is the Euro Effies. For the first time it was organised in Serbia. What does it bring to the local context and at the EU level? — Effie is now a major global brand and is recognised as the premier effectiveness award. For marketers, effectiveness is becoming more and more important as a measure of success and the Effies answer the need for evidence-based proof of results perfectly. It is just as important at local level as it is at international level. What makes the Effie programme special is the consistency of standards across all markets, which makes comparison easy. One of the most debated topics in the world is the effect of the artificial intelligence on our work. How does it affect creative industries? — I think that there is too much doomsday thinking. I don’t think that AI will destroy creative industries - but it can boost human creativity by making it sharper

ABOUT 1 EACA 2 3 4 8

and more effective. For now AI is reduced to repetition and algorithmic learning, it will take a lot of time before machines are capable of feeling, sympathising or having other emotions which are the key to the greatest creative campaigns. So the final answer would be an evolution, hand in hand, of creativity and AI, rather than a revolution.

The work of EACA increasingly involves issues such as online ad fraud and data privacy. What are the major concerns? — Major concern surrounding privacy is regulation. We are currently vividly debating GDPR implementation and on top of that the EU will adopt the ePrivacy Regulation. Make no mistake, these two pieces of legislation will disrupt the way digital ad industry functions. From more transparency we will have to provide consumers with to a consent based world of data processing. The industry will have to change its game and become better organised and more transparent. But it is not necessarily a bad thing, we are talking about establishing a more trusting relationship with

consumers and creating value for them and for our clients.

How much is important for the candidate countries like Serbia to harmonise best practice standards and guidelines EACA is advocating for? — Highly important. Serbia is part of the European family and hopefully soon of the EU and therefore we should have shared values and standards. This will also open more opportunities to Serbian agencies to work abroad.


EU FAMILY It is very important for candidate countries like Serbia harmonise best practice standards and guidelines EACA is advocating for as Serbia is part of te European family.

EACA works closely with EU institutions to ensure freedom to advertise responsibly and creatively. How these goals are achievable in times of post truths? — It has always been challenging to advocate for the industry’s best interests, even more now, when the regulatory tide is stronger than ever, but if we are clear about the value we give to society and why advertising counts, and if we arm ourselves with undeniable facts, we can win. EU officials are usually open to dialogue and we take every opportunity there is to present facts and make our industry comprehensible, which is not always easy.

The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) represents more than 2500 communications agencies and agency associations from 30 European countries that directly employ more than 120 000 people. EACA members include advertising, media, digital, branding and PR agencies.They create and place adverts and develop brand-building campaigns. EACA promotes honest, effective advertising, high professional standards and awareness of the contribution of advertising in a free market economy and encourages close co-operation between agencies, advertisers and media in European advertising bodies. EACA works closely with EU institutions to ensure freedom to advertise responsibly and creatively. EACA brings together the advertising, media and sales promotion agencies across Europe, enabling international experience and issues to be shared and dealt with on a pan-European basis. It provides an important link between agencies, advertisers and the advertising media in Europe and around the world and participates closely in setting the standards in many aspects of the business across Europe. EACA represents the interests of communications agencies in Europe and addresses EACA members’ regulatory concerns both at European and national level and ensuring that their voice is heard by decision-makers. For this, EACA monitors closely policy debates around advertising and forms industry coalitions and engages in pro-active advocacy strategies that promote evidence-based and proportionate regulation.


The Market Communications Association of Serbia (UEPS)


he Market Communications Association was founded back in 1960, as the Association of Advertising Professionals of Serbia. It was launched by a group of enthusiasts and devotees of marketing industry with the goal of promoting their profession. In the last few years, UEPS has grown into a modern association which main task is to promote and improve market communications in all segments of economy and society. The most renowned industry experts made their first tenative steps at UEPS. This is a tripartite association which members are the most successful marketing agencies, the biggest companies in terms of advertising spending, and big media companies. UEPS TODAY – INNOVATION AND MODERNIZATION IN ALL SEGMENTS In the last year, UEPS has launched several new initiatives and campaigns in order to improve its communication with its members and surroundings. The Association promoted closer cooperation

between the national professional associations at the regional level, and, in June 2016, played host of the related meeting, and was an active participant in this year’s meeting that took place in Zagreb. The peak of all activities was the traditional annual competition for best projects, teams, agencies and advertisers which ended in an official award ceremony that takes place on the day the Association was founded. With this award ceremony, the Association rounds off the year and the innovation process which aim is promoting and boosting the profession’s reputation through active two-way communication with everybody in the industry. The Chairman of UEPS Managing Board, Viktor Nikolic talks about the changes: “We are living in the time of visual impressions and images as important communication medium. Hence, it is important for UEPS to promote and present the achievements of our industry to contemporary visual elements through its traditional annual competition. In the

In its 57 year of existence, UEPS has organized over 1,000 professional gatherings, presentations, seminars, round table discussions and creative workshops

process of organizing our annual award competition, we are guided by the expectations and needs of our members and industry professionals who are not our members because we believe that every initiative that boosts development and advancement of our profession is more than valuable. That’s why we expect for this year, just like the previous one, to be surprising and take us towards something new”. The last year’s jury chairman and a member of UEPS’ Managing Board, Veljko Golubovic says that UEPS awards are very important for the industry. “We need to nurture the institution of national festivals. These are the only local awards that are valued and appealing to global networks. Every agency network is more than willing to announce, on their global websites, that they won a UEPS award because they know that the award shows their market rankings, and their position in relation to other agencies, as well as because the award represents high standards in their respective segments. The profession needs to support itself, and we have to be visible and recognized as long as that makes sense. If we don’t value ourselves, why would anybody else value us? Although, there is this tendency in our country to chop down the oldest and most beautiful tree just because it blocks our view, figuratively speaking. We all know how important UEPS is, but as the saying goes ‘a lot of knowledge does not equal to a lot of cleverness”.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

WE ARE TRYING TO REPRESENT OUR PROFESSION WELL As a tripartite organization, the Association is trying to equally present the interests of all marketing communications disciplines – advertisers, agencies and media companies


hrough endeavours like AcademIAA and Effie Festival, the Associations is validating its existence and sends out a message that it is capable of implementing large-scale projects that are important for our branch. We are talking to the Executive Director of the Serbian chapter of the International Advertising Association (IAA Serbia), Jelena Jovanović about the Association's operations and current events in the marketing profession both in Serbia and the region.

During its 25 years of operations, how did IAA Serbia contribute to formation of a uniformed voice of the marketing profession? — As a tripartite organization that assembles representatives of advertisers, agencies and media, we have been striving all the time to work on issues that all stakehold-


ers should reach a consensus on. That hasn't been always easy, but we came up to the point where I can freely say that the IAA is a true representative of our profession. Unlike associations that assemble representatives of only one segment and which easier articulate their needs and interests, the IAA really represents a type of forum in which all the most important issues for us are debated. Also, the IAA has launched an educational programme for young people, and organizes the Effie Festival which is equally important for everybody involved in marketing communications. As a member of the relevant task force, we have also participating in drafting of the new Advertising Law. We are trying to involve our members as much as possible in resolving various issues and launching initiatives that are of interest to them. In the past, I believe that we have

J E L E NA I VA N OV I Ć Executive Director of IAA Serbia

been playing our role of an organization that is consistently implementing international standards.

Which are of the latest IAA's endeavours are the most successful and most ambitious? — This and the last year have been exceptionally successful for IAA Serbia. Last year, we launched the AcademIAA educational programme for young people, and, this year, we organized the Effie Festival. These two are huge endeavours and our strategic goals that we have been working for years on. Essentially, the both projects contribute to advancing the market and our profession, each in their own unique way. Via these endeavours, our Association validates its existence and sends a message that it is capable of implementing large-scale projects that are important for our branch.

What joint problems do the industries in the region that you assemble share? How can you provide a joint response to these problems as a professional association? — In the last few years, I have been given an opportunity to talk a lot to the representatives of other associations, both in our country, in the region and wider. To paraphrase... All successful associations resemble each other, and every unsuccessful one has its own reason why is it unsuccessful. Still, the exchange of information with other associations in the region is priceless. The similar social and economic framework, economy, and cultural heritage all facilitate communication among us and make us feel less lonely in dealing with the challenges that we are trying to resolve. Everybody is good or less good at something. The issue of market regulation is something that we regularly discuss at our meetings, as well as in direct communication that we have between the meetings where we exchange experiences, share best practice cases, and try to have a joint approach to many issues. Our profession's reputation is also an issue that consumes us all.

phase. We have invested a lot of effort into writing the Marketing Communications Code, and I believe that the time is near when the Code will be implemented with the help of the bodies that will regulate its implementation. Everything and anything that can contribute to a better regulation of this segment is welcome, whether we are talking about an EU standard or the local initiative.

Today, IAA Serbia has 98 full-fledged members and 90 Young Professionals

How many members do you have today, and what position do Young Professionals occupy in your structure? — Today, IAA Serbia has 98 full-fledged members and 90 Young Professionals. Recently, I have participated in IAA Europe meeting in Amsterdam which gathered the representatives of all national IAA chapters. The Serbian chapter is definitely one of the biggest and most active in Europe. If we consider the size of our country and our market, the IAA really does have a good reason to be more than happy. The Young Professionals section was formed less than six years ago, and two of our members

- Đorđe Janković and Ljubica Vukčević – have already been awarded with an international IAA Inspire Young Leader Award. Seniors have been cooperating with juniors on many projects which is yet another proof of their mature approach to the Association and their branch in general.

The first generation of the AcademIAA students officially completed the three—month-long education in marketing communications in December last year. What are your further plans in this training segment? — First and foremost, the AcademIAA is a nice, big and challenging project that we have implemented this year for the second consecutive time. The Association has an obligation to invest in young people, to offer them the know-how that our members possess, and enable their training and learning. After investing its resources in the younger generation, the Association has every right to expect from them to become the stakeholders in our branch and promote the IAA values. This is the only just, long-term investment in the

How satisfied are you with the legislative and self-regulating framework that regulates relations in this market segment, and what are your expectations from the new media strategy? — The question of satisfaction is of lesser importance here, to be honest. I believe that it is important that we are truly active in creating regulatory framework that we need for the job that we do. In the last few years, the IAA has initiated and participated in many processes much more than in the past. That might be insufficient still or in the volume that we think it should be, but it opens up space for us and provides opportunities. The most difficult thing is not to participate at all, and not being a part of these processes. Thankfully, we are out of that


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

business that we do. This year, AcademIAA started on 15th September and will last until 15th December. The list of lecturers is long and comprises of experts that have a lot to give to the students. This year's module coordinators were exceptionally professional and dedicated in their approach to this task, while the students have invested a lot of effort and knowledge in passing the selection process and being assigned one of the 30 places. Improving the candidate selection was our main task in terms of this year's programme because we think that the best lecturers deserve the best students. Also, their case studies this year will be conceived in a way that they clearly show the individual qualities of each student. This will help us with picking the best student and the best lecturer in December.

For the first time ever, the Effie Awards Festival took place in Serbia this year. What practical importance does this hold for us? — Effie Awards is an international festival which is why it was only logical for the IAA, as an international organization, to introduce it to this market. This was a rather complex and long process, primarily due to exceptionally complicat-



THE TIME IS NEAR We have invested a lot of effort into writing the Marketing Communications Code, and I believe that the time is near when the Code will be implemented with the help of the bodies that will regulate its implementation.

ed and clearly devised standards that we had to implement. Effie entails measuring effectiveness of marketing communications, and thus it differes from other festivals which is why its importance is indisputable for everyone in our branch. The first year is definitely the most difficult one, but we – both IAA Serbia and Effie Worldwide - are satisfied with the way in which the festival was organized. The whole process lasted eight months. There were 13 members of the Organizational Board, 28 jury members, 44 submitted works, 8 awards and over 150 guests at the gala. This year, nobody received the Gold Effie Award because none of the submitted works were up to the standards for this award. We expect next year that everybody will strive towards getting the Gold Effie, and that, thanks to the accumulated experience and knowhow, there will be someone who will be worthy of Gold Effie.

How much should your industry contribute to economic development, and what can be done towards this goal? — There is no doubt any longer that marketing branch contributes both to the economy and GDP, but the fact is that this is not

mentioned much which is partially our blame too. The statistical data that I am aware of and which dates back to five years ago shows that the marketing branch has a 4,6% share in the Serbian GDP, while the EU average is around 7%. In terms of export, this segment recorded a huge growth in the last five years. The branch's contribution to creation of new jobs is also very imporant, and our industry occupies the very top position when it comes to this aspect. We definitely have a lot of examples of created communications that have built strong and serious domestic brands and that is almost never the topic to be promoted in the public. The negative aspects are always talked more about, but they are not dominant in our branch. There are so many successful people among the IAA members and in our branch in general, that we don't get our fifteen minutes of fame, so to speak, amidst all the bad news and bad practice cases. Creative industry cannot be isolated from the rest of the society and economy, but it can certainly make its existence much easier and, in that way, boost its quality so that we are able to say – we did everything we could, it's everybody else's turn now.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

PEOPLE, FOR PEOPLE, FROM PEOPLE It is important to remain innovative as long as it serves accomplishment of a certain task given to us by our client


ur profession is still a profession of people for people from people, and the most important thing is to create a proper environment where human interaction can result in the emergence of good and different ideas

Heineken® is the first brand in Serbia to embark on a new era of communicating via Viber, in collaboration with Communis. What novelties does this approach bring? — Over 3 million people in Serbia use Viber and that is what makes it attractive, as well as the fact that its potential still remains very much untapped in terms of brands. Additionally, we think that dark social (i.e. sharing content outside social media, on platforms that are unreachable to web analytics) is something that we should pay more attention to because there is a lot of talk about brands there. Viber is quite suitable for brand communication because, unlike other chat applications and platforms, it offers numerous functionalities that brands and companies can use. Just as Facebook is focusing on having as many searches, views and activities as possible inside the network itself, and not on other websites, so does Viber, which just makes it logical for brand activation to be done on this platform. Chat is a universal format, and its use is intuitive for consumers so, bearing that in mind, it is completely irrelevant whether the consumer is chatting to an actual person or a chatbot. The most important thing is that the communication is clear, entertaining and motivating for the consumer. How important is for advertising companies to be innovative, and


what are the key resources for staying on top of innovation? — It is important to remain innovative as long as it serves accomplishment of a certain task given to us by our client. I am very much against insisting on innovation for innovation sake because we are not helping anyone by doing that – not clients, or consumers, or ourselves. All we do is bring ourselves into a situation where we have a bunch of solutions for non-existing problems. In order to develop useful innovation, the most important thing is for the people who are involved in campaigns to be open to new concepts, to be able to quickly grasp the basics of a technology or platform, to use them in a creative way, and by doing so, assign a completely new function to them from the consumer point of view. How much can new specialized tools and artificial intelligence's infiltration to your industry help with creating successful campaigns? — They can help a lot because they will enable us to have a better and more relevant insight that we haven't had before. Databases and their management is something that we have been actively engaged in, because we believe that they have a really big potential in terms of individual targeting of consumers. We leave a huge amount of data behind us every single day, and marketing people still don't know what to do with it although we have technology that we can process it with. It is a whole new science to manage these databases, while it is a real skill to use them in a way that it results in new and important insights about consumers. What potential does the region hold in your industry providing that announcements about better

LEA STA N KOV I Ć Executive Director, Communis DDB


ENVIRONMENT Constant learning and working, as well as good, creative and open people in our team who create conditions conducive to great ideas which are developed and shaped together with clients who are ready to think outside the box, so to speak.

regional connectivity? — That would certainly open up a lot of opportunities for the entire industry, particularly in regard of learning and presenting creative potential that does not exist on our market. I believe that the agencies from our country can be very competitive in the region and in Europe in terms of creativity considering the dynamics and the development level of our market. What we are missing here is a good regulation, and, in certain cases, courage to have good and different communication. Do you think that domicile companies are investing enough in recognizability of their brands? — There are quite a few famous domicile brands, and some of them have a long tradition. However, I am not sure how recognizable they are in terms of export, particularly outside the region. On the other hand, companies, which are mainly focusing on foreign markets, have the recognizability that you are talking about, but it is more a byproduct of successful products rather than well-thought out, strategically-oriented investments in branding. What are your secret communication formulas? — Constant learning and working good, creative and open people in our team who create conditions conducive to great ideas which are developed and shaped together with our clients who are ready to think outside the box, so to speak. Despite huge technical progress, our profession is still a profession of people, for people, from people, and the most important thing is to create a proper environment where human interaction can result in the emergence of good and different ideas. We, in Communis, nurture and foster that kind of environment.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

CENTER OF KNOWLEDGE, TEAMWORK AND SOCIALIZING The idea behind the Direct Media Academy (DMA) is a reflection of the vision of Direct Media System which says that, in the world of communications that is constantly changing, we are trying to find optimal solutions for our partners that are also beneficial to the industry and the society on the whole


o provide a service or a product that will make people’s lives easier, even if it means using artificial intelligence, to be present everywhere and in every moment in brand new places and in new contexts, to connect people to other like-minded individuals, to internally change your own company for the better (and to talk about it), and finally, to be different and unpredictable will be the five biggest trends in marketing in 2018.

The 8th Direct Media Academy is finished. How was this year's curriculum different from previous ones? — This year, we introduced an important novelty in Direct Media Academy. So far, the Academy opened its doors seven times and was reserved only for our staff. Now, we opened it to anybody


J OVA N STO JA N OV I Ć Director, Direct Media Serbia

Direct Media is constantly introducing new technologies to the market, like, for instance virtual reality

who expressed interest. The idea for doing this is a reflection of the vision of Direct Media System which says that, in the world of communications that is constantly changing, we are trying to find optimal solutions for our partners that are also beneficial to the industry and the society on the whole. DMA has grown into a real regional centre of knowledge, team work and socializing. It propels our staff, and we hope that all other students, as well as our entire industry, will feel its benefits.

What can students learn at Direct Media Academy, and who can attend it? — The curriculum is completely devised and taught by the people from Direct Media System. A team of seasoned communication professionals from our system guides students through a series of lec-

tures and workshops, which are shaped like modules, that have both a theoretical and practical part covering various marketing segments. The Academy has three basic stages – the Learn part, where lecturers talk about the foundation of the Academy's curriculum, the Practice part, where students are working on case studies, and the Implement part, where teams work on doing concrete tasks. DMA's message is that knowledge is valuable and it has kept us in the leading position. This is also the reason why anybody who realizes that continuous learning is the imperative in our profession can attend the Academy.

Which messages did the experts from Trendwatching relay to marketing professionals at the DMA conference in Belgrade?

— The world around us has drastically changed in the last few years, and the changes are so fast that it is often difficult to keep up with them. As a system that has been successfully dealing with communications for 16 years now, we are at the very source of changing trends, and we are trying to keep up with the latest developments in our industry. We are very careful in selecting guest lecturers and we usually choose those who really have something to say. The Trendwatching team spoke about changes in general business, as well as about what campaigns await us in the near future and how to boost our brands through communications. They gave recommendations to brands, media and marketing agencies which were summed up in five key trends that their teams have been scanning and analyzing worldwide. The


main message is that consumer behaviour and expectations are now changing faster than ever, and that it is the issue of survival whether we are going to recognize them on time and meet them.

How developed is advertising market in Serbia and the region today, and how much do trends in our country keep up with the global ones? — In 2016, Serbian market saw a 7% hike in advertising spending. Almost all countries that made former Yugoslavia, plus Albania and Bulgaria where Direct Media has its offices, have recorded growth. With the exception of Macedonia where advertising spending has declined slightly, the only market that has recorded a serious decline was Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this region, 56% of media budgets are spent


THE KNOWLEDGE Direct Media Academy has grown into a real regional centre of knowledge, team work and socializing. It propels our staff, and we hope that all other students, as well as our entire industry, will feel its benefits.

The leading marketing experts from Trendwatching talked about the latest trends in the shape of recommendations to brands, media and marketing agencies, at the Belgrade conference, held under the auspices of Direct Media Academy, with over 500 marketing professionals in attendance. “Consumer behaviour and expectations are now changing faster than ever. We need to recognize new consumer expectations before they affect our business, and to meet them by innovating our product or service. In an environment where changes happen fast, you need to become an observer of consumers and the trends they bring“,

on TV advertising. In the world, that percentage stands at around 36, which is exactly how much is spent on digital media advertising too. Despite these differences in consumption of media, we can say that the region is still somewhat successfully following in the global advertising trends, albeit with a two-year-lag. Direct Media is constantly introducing new technologies to the market, like, for instance virtual reality. On the other hand, we recongize the global need for Beneficial Intelligence, and we are already trying to find rational space for its implementation in our work. Then there is successful linking of consumers to brands through innovative e-commerce concepts, an increasing number of digital only campaigns, and many other successful examples from all over the region.

said David Mattin, Global Head of Trends and Insights at Trendwatching. Direct Media Academy (DMA) is a regional educational programme that was completed by over 300 students so far. DMA's organizational and programming board comprises of Direct Media experts from various fields of marketing and communications – brand strategy, communication planning, research, digital marketing, PR, social network communications... The programme is devised as a series of lectures and workshops, which are shaped like modules, that have both a theoretical and practical part covering various marketing segments.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

MAKE UP – THE RISE OF THE REGIONAL BEAUTY BIBLE A content marketing project changing the rules of the game


eauty for every woman. Is it one of those contemporary elusive ideals or an easily attainable goal boosted by the laws of the digital universe? With its high-quality content, numerous partnerships and a growing fan base, the marketing project named Make-up confirms the latter. Namely, here we are putting a spotlight on a regional digital content venture covering Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, also known as the Balkans’ beauty Bible. Why is this ambitious project so unique? Well, there are 3 crucial reasons behind its quick and smooth organic breakthrough. NOT YOUR ORDINARY BEAUTY AND MAKEUP ONLINE MAG For starters, while other online magazines across the region offer news on a multitude of different subjects, the 4 Make-up websites specialize in the hottest beauty topics and publish exclusively the industry’s trends, as well as professional tips and advice. Articles are disseminated daily in 4 local languages and are adjusted to the supply and demand of the 4 local markets. Furthermore, in total, around 4,000 original articles have been published in the 4 countries since February 2016 to date. They are created in-house as well as in col-


laboration with other publishing houses and regional media outlets. It is worth noting that apart from evergreen content such as ‘how to’ topics, Make-up texts offer prompt insight into the newest makeup fads as a means of creating viral material. INFLUENCER MARKETING IS HERE TO STAY Speaking of partnerships and content creation, one of the main pillars of this project is its recognition of the benefits of influencer marketing. That being said, the most prominent regional bloggers who partnered with Make-up write several beauty articles monthly each from their perspective. They share them with their fans, which creates a fusion of Make-up and bloggers’ fan bases. The columns are followed by the YouTube channel that display video makeup tutorials featuring these regional beauty bloggers. Also, their Instagram and Snapchat account takeovers always bring new followers to the project and are the epitome of a good way to use all the advantages of influencer marketing. You know of a new social media platform waiting to become the next Facebook or Instagram? You can be sure that Make-up and its partners will use it as soon as it comes out of the oven.


J E L E NA A Š KOV I Ć Project Coordinator, Drive agency


UNIQUNESS 4 Make-up websites specialize in the hottest beauty topics and publish exclusively the industry’s trends, as well as professional tips and advice. Articles are disseminated daily in 4 local languages and are adjusted to the supply and demand of the 4 local markets. Find our more:

PROFICIENT DIGITAL MEDIA PRACTICE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Last but not least, Make-up’s distinctive business model rests on the idea that never-stopping digital media updates are there for a reason and should be utilized for the benefit of the project. How does it function when this concept is put into action? Social is the keyword. The essence of Make-up’s social media presence is to navigate users toward the 4 namesake websites. To be specific, when you become a fan of any Make-up Facebook page, you don’t get just a generic picture & copy combo. Instead, you have the option to be directed to superior content created to cater to the needs of the pickiest digital media consumers. As a consequence of this approach, over 3,200,000 visits have been recorded for all 4 websites and the numbers are getting even bigger as we speak. Moreover, the Make-up team members pay close attention to the fans’ feedback in the form of likes, comments, shares, and, most importantly, link clicks, and based on these metrics, they adjust the websites’ future content. You need to see it to believe it? If you haven’t already done so, visit our 4 sites and find out why Make-up is so special in the region.


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THE SECRET Formula of Communication


In order to make a step forward in the direction of catching up with the more developed markets, we need to take that brave leap forward and make that shift


ust recently we had the opportunity to listen to the interesting lecture given by duo from TrendWatching that Direct Media organized as the final day of our Direct Media Academy. Listening to all the new trends, from Artificial Intelligence to brand cross promotions and joint activities of high luxury and street brands, I can conclude that we as a market are very aware of the trends, we are working on them and together, hopefully with our clients will make a step forward in the direction of catching up with the more developed markets

What characterized the Agency’s operations in the last two years in the light of the emergence of new technologies? — One of the most important things that the changes in the industry has brought us is that we all had to make the switch and change the way we are thinking and setting up our campaigns and communication plans. New technologies, continuous growth of new channels, different ways of communications and interaction has made a giant leap in our industry. The insight we receive has become much deeper and the communication has turned into an ongoing interaction between the brands and companies and their audience. We have the opportunity to set up our communication in


N E V E NA KU RTOV I Ć Managing Director, Fusion Communications

the right direction and with precise listening see the effect that we have with our communication. We all had to turn to the new technologies and learn how to communicate on them in the best possible way whilst still keep using the traditional channels. Before we had print and electronic media, now we have such a wider selection of channels that we should actually embrace the fact that we have so many options and opportunities. THE SECR ET

PEOPLE Our people and our clients. Coworkers are like family, clients over the years became true friends. The secret is to love what we do and do it with passion as one team on the same path.

Which market trends are the most important in the region, and which in Serbia? Is Serbia keeping up with developed countries in terms of communication industry? — Just recently we had the opportunity to listen to the interesting lecture given by duo from TrendWatching that Direct Media organized as the final day of our Direct Media Academy. Listening to all the new trends, from Artificial Intelligence to brand cross promotions and joint activities of high luxury and street brands, I can conclude that we as a market

are very aware of the trends, we are working on them and together, hopefully with our clients will make a step forward in the direction of catching up with the more developed markets. Most likely we need to take that brave leap forward and make that shift on the market.

What are your plans for further expansion and acquisition of new clients? — With our devoted team and constant investment in education, learning new trends and listening to the needs of the market, we will continue in the next years to come. We have some interesting ideas about the direction of our further development, stay tuned :) What are Fusion Communications’ secret communication formulas? — Our people and our clients. Coworkers are like family, clients over the years became true friends. The secret is to love what we do and do it with passion as one team on the same path.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication


The fact that Havas operates under the global leader, Vivendi Group means that we are at the very epicentre of creating content, communication and distribution thanks to which we are successfully creating relations between brands, consumers and entertainment


t is no big secret that our industry is at crossroads. Bearing in mind the advertising saturation, media fragmentation and constant increase in the number of advertising channels, it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands to distinct themselves and create meaningful and sustainable relationships with their audience.

What does the fact that you work for a global leader like Havas mean to you, and what advantage does this give you in local markets? — As a part of Vivendi Group, the global leader in content, media and communication with the unique positioning in entertainment, Havas offers unmatched opportunities for our clients in overcoming their business challenges and fulfilling


A NA M I JA J L OV I Ć Managing Director

The goal of Mobext is to create meaningful messages during mobile internet use

their goals, both globally and in the Adriatic region that we cover. Havas operating under such global leader as Vivendi means that we are at the very epicentre of creating content, communication and distribution thanks to which we are successfully creating relations between brands, consumers and entertainment. We are positioned in such a way that we create new, meaningful connections by getting in touch with consumers in real life through music they like (Universal Music Group), games they play (Gameloft), content they watch (Studio Canal), and places of entertainment they visit (Vivendi Live Events). Simply put, we are able to connect brands to consumers through their passions and interests in various segments of life.

In addition to that, at local markets in the Adriatic region, the advantages that stem from belonging to a global leader are, first and foremost, having access to all global information and expertise, expediting digital transformation, and development opportunities for all our talents.

Which services are most in demand with clients, and how open they are to new trends? — Today’s clients are very educated in terms of new trends and use of new technology in marketing communications. Most global brands, that are present in our part of the world, have access to global solutions, tools and plans. Then there are also numerous educational events and conferences which are becoming increasingly better in terms of the content they offer, so it often happens that world marketing experts share their experiences first hand here too. Last but not least, we can see a growing trend in clients recruiting people with agency experience which additionally adds to the width of knowledge and experience that clients possess. All of the aforementioned contributes to the fact that, in our country, innovative solutions, that we see applied in much more developed countries, are more frequently implemented through the use of new technologies (VR, AR), implementation of creative solutions that push the envelope and generate more interest, and the use of new TV, print and digital advertising formats. Today, Havas Adriatic offers through-the-line solutions, thus gathering an experienced team with the proven knowledge of ATL, BTL, Digital and PR services who have also demonstrated that this knowledge, coupled with proper media planning and buying, is a winning combination


PROSUMERS Prosumers are today the leading spokespeople, also popularly called influencers, and market drivers in general. They have been at the very centre of Havas’ research for over a decade now.

which ensures a better position for us in the eyes of regional clients, and puts us at the very top of our industry. How much did the rise of digital change marketing approach and the way in which agencies approach consumers? — For us, digital marketing is the most important part of the entire technological revolution which is already taking on historical proportions. Every single strategy that we create for our clients includes digital channels. Initially, we adapt the traditional creative elements to digital formats, while the activations that connect digital and BTL, as tactical solutions, have become the norm today. In a short amount of time, digital technologies have wiggled their way into every pore of our lives, with mobile phones being the most direct, most personal and most influential factors in this. An average mobile phone user has over 200 interactions with their phone on a daily basis. Mobext, which is Havas’ platform that focuses on this marketing communication format, has a goal of creating meaningful messages during mobile internet use, while taking into consideration consumer’s experience, relevance and context. It creates an eco-system and an added value through many points of interaction with a consumer, primarily by using geo-targeting and creating meaningful messages that are only relevant to the consumer. This boosts the effects of communication, budgets become far more efficient, and creative elements that are used set standards in mobile advertising.

Could you explain to us who are prosumers, and why is getting to know this type of consumer is important for launching new brands? — Prosumers are today the leading spokespeople, also popularly called

influencers, and market drivers in general. They have been at the very centre of Havas’ research for over a decade now. Apart from their direct economic influence, they matter because they influence other decisions made by consumers in purchasing particular brands. What prosumers are doing today, average consumers are probably going to be doing in 6 to 18 months’ time. Their main characteristics are readiness to accept innovation, constant research of available information and experience, enthusiastic approach to new media and technology, a very exacting approach to brands, and, of course, their far reaching opinions and recommendations. In principle, every research done by Havas includes about 20% of prosumers and 80% of standard consumers who are further divided into generational segments like the Millennials (ages 18 to 34), the Generation X (35-54), and Baby Boomers (55+). Research is done in numerous countries simultaneously, and our region is often included. Research topics are really diverse, and mostly follow current trends during the length of the research. For instance, at the beginning of this year, Havas’ Prosumer Report covered the topics like loans, consumption and cryptocurrency, while the last month’s topics were feminism and future that will be marked by women. This information carries huge importance in our everyday work, as well as in the process of making decisions when creating strategic and creative solutions for our clients, and for our pitches. Together with Havas’ tools, like CBI (Creative Business Idea) or Meaningful Business, we are creating powerful solution formulas which not only make sense in our part of the world, but are also focused on creating business results, first and foremost, through marketing communications.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication


Petrović: We love to play, test,

TA N JA P E T ROV I Ć Marketing Director of Coca-Cola

An innovative campaign by Coca-Cola and McCann Belgrade


hen a world-famous brand decides to thank local consumers in a special way for their loyalty and show how much it appreciates their tradition, the result is an unusual campaign. The Coca-Cola logo found its place on the Zlatibor pasture, on hand knitted billboards, while it also settled comfortably with the Pirot pattern on billboards woven on a loom. Innovative billboards are the announcement of the Coca-Co-


la gastronomic series "Unforgettable Tastes of Serbia" which will remind us of almost forgotten domestic recipes. Tanja Petrović, Marketing Director of Coca-Cola and Olivera Perković, Director of McCann Belgrade, will tell us how this idea emerged.

Coca-Cola Campaigns are among the most recognizable in the world. How did you opt for handmade billboards? What were the reactions?

O L I V E RA P E R KOV I Ć Managing Director of McCann Belgrade

and innovate at Coca-Cola. The campaign is the result of a joint effort with McCann Belgrade agency. We looked at things from a different angle and the idea itself came up, so we were brave to embark on this adventure. We tried to avoid viewing the world around us in the usual way, and we tried to examine what could be different. And so, with the help of five hard-working textile artists, after 60 days of hard work, the first two billboards were made knitted and woven. Perhaps this billboard will not be the largest knitted object in the history of the world, but it will be unique for its own purpose - as an innovative application of media communication channels. The reactions are positive, not only by domestic, but also by the foreign public. This initiative communicates with the local audience and reveals some of the less known parts of Serbia and their cultural heritage, old delicious recipes used by our great-grandmothers, wonderful crafts that may have been unjustly neglected, local music.

How did McCann Belgrade come to the idea of joining one of the largest global brands and local craftsmen? What did this campaign look like? Perković: The brand's distinctiveness is enormous, and the closeness with a brand is being built in local environment and culture, a personalized approach creates a deeper connection. Coca-Cola, as a global brand, has the power to launch and make a change, contribute to the community and this is a great inspiration. This campaign is an example of this kind of action and approach. "Coke and Meals" is an ideal platform for combining different food choices and authentic Coca-Cola taste. It is similar to the Serbian cuisine - the variation of taste and smell, and a unique sense of satisfaction. Billboards are the announcement of the campaign, followed by a lot more. An adaptation of "Taste the Feeling" song is done in ethno-manner, so we celebrate all the senses. Coca-Cola is an indispensable part of our meals and is most often synonymous with the so-called modern meals.

ditional meals in the Coke & Meal campaign? Petrović: Coca-Cola is a universal drink, which goes with a variety of dishes, with people from all backgrounds. It is drunk both in courts and favelas, by artists and builders, both young and old, on the Earth and space stations, by women and men. There are neither boundaries nor a time frame for Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola goes well with what we call modern cuisine, along with traditional dishes. That is why we wanted to show that it can be consumed with, for example, samsa, and with pizza. We are proud of our traditional dishes and we wanted to get them out of oblivion. What is McCann's experience in Belgrade, does the global exclude the local? Perković: For years, it has been told that globalization sends local culture and customs into oblivion. Here we have the opposite example, the global brand recognizes local specificities and helps the community; thus, retaining and living its universal values while recognizing and celebrating local specificities.

How did you come up with the idea of combining this drink with tra-

Can a strong brand, such as Coca-Cola, help revitalize old crafts,


in this case, revitalize traditional dishes? Petrović: It's the role of big brands. They are here to launch important social themes, help the local community and make a better place for the lives of future generations. We live in a time of exponential changes and sometimes we forget the roots, so it is good that we have the support. The Coca-Cola system celebrates 50 years of business in Serbia next year, and this campaign is just an introduction, there will be many more interesting stories that we want to share together.

Thanks to Coca-Cola, foreign public may have seen a part of our cultural heritage for the first time, heard about Serbian cuisine, noticed the wonderful handwork of our women and promoted a different image of Serbia. Someone could be intrigued to find out something else or perhaps visit Serbia.

McCann Belgrade is known for the inventive use of the media. How much are your clients open for unusual campaigns? Perković: Billboards, although based on old crafts, are in fact in line with the current trend of preserving local uniqueness and culture. Though it seems conventional, this is a very innovative campaign. When you mention openness of clients, it is important that we have a common goal, and then everything is possible. From the first moment, we had the same attitude, desire, energy and commitment of both parties to realize the idea.



THE SECRET Formula of Communication

COMMUNICATION IS OUR OXYGEN We ask the same question every day – how to push the existing boundaries and communicate more creatively? Every day, our clients get new suggestions, new analyses and new solutions about how to relay their messages


f you are doing things the same way and you are not happy with the result, change the way you are doing them. This is an important, but slightly paraphrased and changed quote by Albert Einstein. Communications have dramatically changed in the last few years. The huge use of the Internet has resulted in more information resources that people use in order for messages to be faster sent and shared. Actually, it is only now that we can talk about real two-way communication. The average attention span is reduced to only few seconds, and it is our, as in people who create messages for our clients messages and devise the way we are going to relay them, task to be as creative, different and clear as possible so that our message can be clearly visible in the sea of other messages that pop up on screens. Is this an easy task? Definitely not! But that’s what propels our teams at New Media Team to step up and offer our clients something new. We ask the same question every day – how to push the existing boundaries and communicate more creatively? Every day, our clients get new suggestions, new analyses and new solutions about how to relay their messages.


A L E K SA N D RA RA D U J KO Managing Director, New Media Team


STRENGTH New Media Team is, first and foremost, a team. In our agency, everybody contributes with their knowledge and experience, and it is this connection, the exchange of ideas and mutual respect that are unique to us and are our strength.

New Media Team is, first and foremost, a team. In our agency, everybody contributes with their knowledge and experience, and it is this connection, the exchange of ideas and mutual respect that are unique to us and are our strength. In the last few years, we have been working on developing new services and solutions not only in the communication sector, but also in putting together events and we organize close to a hundred of them every year. In the last year or so, our creative team developed close to 60 different campaigns, while our digital team doubled the number of clients and accomplished excellent results. Prior to that, we had adapted our work system to suit new challenges, new media and new information resources for the public whom we are addressing. Hence, today, we prepare for each and every project with several different types of communication materials, and we produce video material after each event which is intended for online media, TV stations and social networks. We create interesting news through which we additionally secure media coverage, and have fresh approach to social networks. We are cooperating with bloggers and influencers

on various projects through which we are promoting both them and our clients. At the end of each year, we give our clients strategies with unique creative solutions for next year. Every day, our teams are finding out whether there are interesting developments in our society that our clients could help with or join in. Finding the right moment is exceptionally important in communication. Every single one of us, i.e. the industry people, has to perfect their skills. The global trend is that writing is gaining on popularity so we tell stories. But it is up to us how successfully written these stories are going to be. Creativity, strategic thinking, producing creative content, and the ability to control and use digital communication channels offer endless possibilities. We are finishing this year with a portfolio that we are really proud of. Our clients are the biggest international companies from banking, finances, beverage industry, retail, fashion and sport. We are proud that the Serbian Public Relations Society has picked us as the best small and medium agency, and we are willing to continue giving our best. Don’t forget that communication is our oxygen.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication

OPPORTUNITY TO PUSH THE BOUNDARIES This diversity is what makes our PR beautiful and promising. It makes each client and campaign different and it provides an opportunity to push the boundaries, even our own, on a daily basis


e were given the BalCannes best regional project award at the Weekend Media Festival, for the project Tesla’s Time Machine that was realized in cooperation with Telekom Serbia. For the young agency such as Red Communication, this kind of recognition is one more confirmation of what we can and what we will do.

New channels of communications lead to chages in communications. What are market challenges today? — Accelerated shifting to new communication channels is part of overall change and it has given us a new target group and possibility for a diverse way of thinking compared to classic approach to PR. Even though our country undoubtedly keeps up with new trends, there are still many followers of the "old school", given the fact that our people are not especially fond of changes. Moreover, not all brands and companies are ideal for new communication channels. That represents the biggest challenge. It requires us to reconcile modern and traditional, to carefully target with whom and in what manner we communicate. We saw that even the best and creative campaigns are wasted if profile and habits of the person we want to address are not carefully analyzed and understood. What important characteristics an agency has to have, and what can clients count on?


— What comes on top, that personal touch, is what distinguishes you and makes a difference. Our clients know they can always rely on us and that we will never say that something is impossible to be done, since there are no obstacles that cannot be resolved. Such approach, i.e. when you perceive something that seems unachievable as a challenge, always brings a victory. At the end of the day, the most important is relationship is the one you have with your client, and that person you work with and communicate every day, sometimes more often than with your own family. Because when the working day is over, we are all people who are struggling with many obligations, good and bad days, and who wish to share with someone those little things that has made us sad or joyful. And that what our clients can always count on - a hug, a smile, a kind word on a cloudy day, party company, support for life.

What are the further plans when it comes to the development of your agency? — In less than three years of existence, Red Communication has become one of the fastest growing agencies in the market with numerous domestic and international industry leaders in our portfolio, winning awards at eminent festivals and having a constantly growing team of employees. There is a quote that says ‘don’t fix what is not broken’, our plan is to continue our quest for new challenges in the same manner, eager and motivated as we were on the very first day. It is really a remarkable feeling when courage and effort pay off, when you see the results of your work within the constantly growing agency, our beautiful office space where our

T I JA NA STEVANOVIĆ Executive Director

agency was born, and that, unfortunately, is no longer big enough for all of us. When you see your colleagues - your “war mates” - with whom you have become friends and, if I may say, who feel like family members…. Our plans for the future are to continue to grow and respect each other, be friends in hard times that are always ahead of us, and to have a laugh together whenever possible.

How much should the industry contribute to the development of the economy? — Nowadays everything is interconnected - industries, businesses, people, which makes the tie between the economy and our work natural and closer than ever. In comparison to marketing and other related industries, PR does not influence the incomes so directly. Economy crises that happened a few years ago resulted in a significant decrease in budgets and due to perception that PR does not generate sales, it did reflect deeply on our industry. However, in the abundance of „already seen“ and old fashion campaigns, to which consumers do not react anymore, PR offers a vastly refreshing approach. THE FORMULA

INGREDIENTS We can say that, knowledge, experience, knowhow, and keeping up with trends are necessary ingredients to be mixed together if you want to succeed in this business.

What are your secret communication formulas? — As our logo shows, love is what drives and guides us in all life spheres. Love for the business we do, the challenges we face every day, new experiences, our colleagues and victories. Hoping that I don’t sound like a cliché, I would like to say that when you have a unique and dedicated team, when you all share the same goal and a desire to help and support one another, when you laugh together at troubles and come to work smiling in the morning - then you truly do have a formula for success.


Technologies and data enable us to accurately measure importance of each individual communication channel in the ultimate business success


e are in a golden age of the industry. Almost the entire world is now wired and connected. In the last 20 years, we’ve seen shift from print, radio, and television to social media and digital formats.

What will happen with the communication industry? — The region's industry is a little behind global developments, as digitalization and the use of technology for the purpose of economic development hasn’t been carried out at the level of developed countries. Therefore, the full capacity of digital communication channels is still not visible at the same level in our region. The world of global communications will be dominated by the year 2020 with personalized advertising, smart devices connected to the Internet, devices that respond and work with voice control, VR and AR, and various new social media and platforms... Everything will move in the direction of the personalization of products, services, good experiences, things that make life easier and simpler. We expect seeing growth of e-commerce in the region, automated buying of advertising space as well as a content explosion. The whole industry is starting to recognize the importance of integrated communications with consumer experiences and devices at the centre and interpretation of data as a key to success.

J OVA NA P E T ROV I Ć Head of Regional Connection Planning and Digital, UM Belgrade

Being recognized by the professional public is something we are proud of


EXPERTISE & DATA Which channel works depends on so many factors. Therefore, expertise joined with data and technology is the key today in the overall process of understanding which channel will work the best.

How have campaigns been advertised, and what will future campaigns look like? — There are fewer and fewer agencies that operate like 5-10 years ago. The experiences that products deliver and sharing of users’ opinions on social media has prompted the entire industry to direct all its expertise into the understanding of the importance of a conversation with consumers, influence and subtle integration of brand stories into their lives. Now we need to understand everything we did 10 years ago plus which groups on social media are most popular, which video platform is the most viewed, which song is most listened to, what are the moments in life of consumers when brands can come in focus and catch the attention. Now more than ever we rely on our international knowledge and expertise, support of a global network, understanding of local circumstances, data, sophisticated tools, creativity and of course great ideas that will grab the attention. To what extent are companies in Serbia ready to invest in the campaign, in Communication? — Most of our clients are big international or regional companies present in the region and part of their business strategy is of course promotion and communications with consumers. Agencies today, with the help of data modelling and technology, can more easily than ever understand what is the importance of advertising in re-

lation to business success, which channels are most effective and how they influence sales growth. Therefore, today, more than ever we see and measure clearly the effect of communications on business and this is a great way to demonstrate that communications with consumers are not just an investment but have impact on business and can bring savings in other parts of the business development.

How important is the communication channel and how significant is the expert at the forefront who is leading the whole process? — Technologies and data enable us to accurately measure importance of each individual communication channel in the ultimate business success. Which channel works depends on so many factors. Therefore, expertise joined with data and technology is the key today in the overall process of understanding which channel will work the best. How important are awards and how much do they "pave the way" to further success? — Awards are extremely important part of our business. Being recognized by the professional public is something we are proud of. At this year’s Effie awards UM Belgrade with projects for our clients, was the Most Effective Media Agency in Serbia. Effie confirms that we were doing our job driven by client’s success and that we provide efficient and measurable results to our clients.


THE SECRET Formula of Communication


This is where the beauty of communication lies in because you are given an opportunity to help companies in creating authentic brands


+O Communication has been operating in Serbia since 2008. During this period, we have implemented a number of campaigns, and organized over 1,000 various events.

What challenges do clients and companies like yours have to face in the light of expansion of digitalization? — Communications are very dynamic, and they have to follow in the footsteps of all the changes brought on by modern times. Most of the changes are happening in the digital sphere. Consumers have become more sophisticated, know exactly what they want, and are not easy to reach. This is a great challenge that pushes us to constantly perfect ourselves, and to research, innovate and change. All of this also affects our awareness and commitment to following new trends and their adequate pairing, all with the view of further pushing the borders of professional engagement in communications which make difference both in clients’ lives and in the entire society. Which tools and techniques do you provide to clients so that they can create an authentic, transparent and different brand? — The tools and techniques that we use in order for our clients to meet their goals differ from client to client. Hence, it is very important to create tailor made solu-


tions that suit individual clients. This is where the beauty of communication lies in because you are given an opportunity to help companies in creating authentic brands. Sometimes you might use only traditional communication channels, while, with other brands, the emphasis will be on digital. In certain situations, you have to use crisis communication and take a stance of brand defender, while, in other circumstances, through CSR and other techniques, you will work towards supporting the brand love concept. Often, you might combine several techniques together in order to reach your goal, like in the case of brands from the FMCG industry, and from some other business segments.

What do you think of the development potential of the regional market, and how important is for regional countries to connect, infrastructurally and economically? — V+O Communication is one of the leading communication consultancies in the Southeastern Europe, with offices in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Albania and Cyprus. We are also present in Brussels which is a strategicaly important centre for all EU-related issues. To be a part of such group is very important in terms of internal sharing of the know-how and experiences

NATA L I JA RAC KOV I Ć General Manager, V+O Communnication



We have managed many different raising awareness campaigns for clients from FMCG industry related to health and nutrition topics, established collaborations with relevant institutions, experts, professional associations and NGOs.


We have created a communication plan for the negotiations regarding the Chapter 27, were at the helm of strategic communications regarding primary waste separation, implemented numerous raising awareness campaigns, and managed communications for different clients from this field.

from different markets. On the other hand, if we view the ex-Yugoslav market separately, we can see that lately there has been a growing trend of big international companies wanting a communication partner that will adequately follow them in these markets. This is absolutely understandable and natural because our markets are relatively small. As a response to such market demands, V+O Serbia has additionally forged partnershps with agencies from the ex-Yugoslav markets with which we share the same values and the same approach to work.

What sets your company aside from other similar companies on the market? — Although we have communication experts that can cover various industries, during years of our operations, we have profiled ourselves as a consultancy that can provide services to several different industries, including the ones from the environmental protection segment in which we have substantial experience. The other segment in which we also have impressive experience is the FMCG industry and Health & Nutrition. Lately, we have also been quite involved in youth empowerment issues in collaboration with our NGO partners and clients.


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