Spotlight on West Bridgford August 2015

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spotlightOn ISSUE 76 Aug 2015

West Bridgford

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month es and Businesses each m Ho 0 00 6, to ed er liv De d West Bridgford in Edwalton, Lady Bay an Inside this issue: • Bounty Hunters • Left Handers Day • Barbecued Fruit • Re-Invent Yourself • Choosing A Sofa • Business Focus • Puzzles • Your Community Info • What’s On Guide


Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile! It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Managing Director John Kendall feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving people money, although

that obviously helps. Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service the Mansfield & Chesterfield areas and John is finding that his approach is a major factor

in his success.‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve done work for,

which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give John a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!

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Allotments Week 6 Bounty Hunters 8 A Good Read 10 Choosing A Sofa 12 Re-invent Yourself 14 Barbecued Fruit 16 Clean Up 18 Local Events Guide 20 Camping Tips 22 Puzzle Pages 24 Local Info 26 Left Handers Day 28 Index of Advertisers 30 Published by Spotlight Local Media Ltd Company No. 6841257 Tel: 0115 822 4995 Suite 104, 1 Hanley Street Nottingham NG1 5BL Graphic Design and Layout: Spotlight Local Media Distributed by Best Distributions Trusted Delivery Partner of the Spotlight Magazine

Happy August..... Summer holidays! A cheeky pint in a pub by the trent... a day out to Skeggy on a sunny sunday... a weeks holiday with the kids... a nice walk in derbyshire.. Just some of the things we can do now the nice weather is here. Let’s all try to make the most of it, and not get too stressed out with the traffic jams and crazy queues. Whatever you are doing this summer, I hope you all have a good time. Please try to check out our website regularly, where we blog most days covering local interest stories. Spotlight magazine is delivered to 6,000 homes and businesses in the West Bridgford area each month, with similar magazines going to Mansfield South and Mansfield North. To Advertise or contribute: T: 0115 822 4995 E: Web:

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National Allotments Week

10th-16th August is National Allotments Week

During World War II and immediately afterwards, almost everyone with a garden grew fruit and vegetables. Food was rationed so people supplemented their diet with produce they’d grown in their own back garden, or down on their allotment. To me the very word ‘allotment’ evokes memories of my granddad and post-war community spirit. During the 1960’s allotments began to go out of fashion and continued to decline in popularity until very recently. As a society we were more affluent; more likely to buy what produce we needed from the local supermarket, and vegetable gardening just wasn’t considered sexy! There’s an old saying: what goes around comes around, and it encapsulates perfectly the fate of allotments which are currently enjoying a popularity surge. Suddenly we’re concerned about food in a big way. The number of food banks is growing as families struggle to put even the most basic provisions on the table. There are concerns about additives and pesticides on shop-bought fruit and veg, while the cost of organic food puts it out of the reach of the masses. And what about all those thousands of food-miles our strawberries and courgettes clock up on their journey to the supermarket shelves? Surely that’s damaging the environment. Then there’s the thorny problem of childhood obesity. The list of foodrelated concerns seems to be growing exponentially.

Yet modern housing often means tiny back gardens and frequently no front garden, so where are we going to grow all this lovely produce? The answer of course is to acquire an allotment and many people are doing just that. To join them simply approach your council. Price and availability varies around the country. In some areas there are waiting lists. But councils are taking allotments much more seriously and many are actively seeking to provide new sites. If a plot is too large for your personal needs you may be able to rent half or find a like-minded friend to share it with. Enquire today and you and your family could soon, quite literally, be reaping the benefits! Allotment Benefits Diet: You can harvest fresh, organic, fruit and veg Economic: You’ll save loads of money growing your own Environmental: Recycling organic waste into compost, reducing food miles and creating a wildlife-friendly habitat Health: Great for aerobic exercise and therapeutic calm Social: It’s a brilliant way to meet friendly, like-minded people of all ages. Useful Website: By Rachel Leverton

In the absence of clear leadership from the top, many of us are taking matters into our own hands, deciding to emulate our grandparents and grow our own food.

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Martin Page

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The Bounty Hunters

Modern day metal-detecting

I have happy memories of my dad, wearing comical over-size headphones, wandering up and down various beaches with his metal detector, pausing periodically to dig up yet another ring pull or bottle top. We kids hoped for treasure; instead dad found foreign coins, old pennies, and once, an engraved wedding ring, which we handed in to the local police station. Dad’s metal-detecting was a harmless and somewhat seasonal hobby, but recently I was surprised to learn that modern-day metal detecting is a subject which provokes controversy among archaeologists, the police and landowners. Most metal detectors admit that becoming rich or finding something of immense value is about the same as winning the lottery. But it does happen. In 2009 Terry Herbert, who had been metaldetecting for 18 years unearthed what has become known as The Saxon Hoard: the largest collection of Anglo Saxon gold and silver ever seen. Valued at £3 million it is still the most expensive treasure ever found on British soil. Terry did nothing wrong; he informed all the right people and behaved properly throughout his discovery, yet many archaeologists were very unhappy.

cover of darkness to raid them for artefacts, which they can then sell over the internet. They often cause considerable damage in the process. So does that mean we shouldn’t go out metal-detecting? No, it’s a fun hobby and can be absorbing, exciting and educational. But there are some rules all enthusiasts should obey. Do not trespass Adhere strictly to laws concerning protected sites. Minimise ground disturbance when you dig. Adhere to the country code (close gates, don’t litter etc.) Report any finds to the relevant landowner. Consider joining a metal detecting club – Not only is it fun and sociable, they will have current advice on the conservation and handling of artefacts, and often provide insurance too. Useful Website

Archaeology is a deeply political profession and a very academic one. Archaeologists feel that the past belongs to everybody; that finds should be in a public collection on display and accessible for study on the internet or in books. They see those who use metal detectors as being very object-orientated while they, the academics, are educated to take a broader view. Most metal detector enthusiasts do operate legitimately, but some work on the wrong side of the law. Archaeologists call these treasure hunters ‘nighthawks’. They go out to archaeological sites under

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A Good Read

Mum on the Run by Fiona Gibson

Robot Girl by Malorie Blackman

Running is increasing in popularity these days, and Laura decides to get in on the act. A disastrous attempt in the Mum’s race at Sports Day spurs Laura on to change her life. She joins a ‘fat club’ and takes up running, determined not to be humiliated at Sports Day the next year.

How would you feel if your dad created a robot? More specifically, a robot who looked like you, with your memories?

Oh yes, and there is the matter of Celeste: the young, alluring French teacher she sees flirting with her husband, Jed. So, the running sessions in the local park begin, spurred on by her new running partner. Who happens to be called Danny, but she doesn’t tell Jed that. Full of humour and wit this novel is a great summer read. Mums all over the country will identify with Laura as she tries to survive life as the mum of three children, including a hormonal soon-to-be-teenager and a pre-schooler. Fears that her marriage is over lead Laura to make decisions that have unforeseen consequences: ones that she would probably rather not repeat! Laura is a character that the reader warms to straightaway and you find yourself rooting for her to succeed – in her running and in her love life. The storyline may be a tad predictable at times, but that does not spoil your enjoyment of this book. A perfect summer read.


This is the situation that Claire finds herself in, when her inventor dad introduces her to AI-E. But all is not as it seems. Claire finds AI-E repulsive and surprisingly vulnerable with her squidgy soft skin. She wonders how her dad can do this to her. Sharing her concerns with her mum, she is reassured that everything will be okay if Claire can just learn to control her feelings. But she can’t, and so she plans to destroy AI-E. Until she learns … well, that would spoil it, wouldn’t it? This very short story (only 72 pages) from acclaimed children’s writer Malorie Blackman was originally published as a part of an anthology in 1997 and was published as a standalone book for the first time in 2015. Given its length this may be one for the library than purchase, but don’t let that put you off. Aimed at a younger audience than Blackman’s other novels (8+) this book is marketed specifically for struggling, reluctant, and dyslexic readers, but is sure to be enjoyed by everyone. By Willow Coby • 0115 822 4995 •

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Choosing A New Sofa

Buying a new sofa is a significant financial purchase. Here are a few pointers to help with your decision:

or patterns. Cushions can be changed more easily if you decide the look needs updating in the future.

Think about what size is most suitable. Proportions are important. For example if you have high ceilings a high backed sofa may look better than a low backed style.

To aid longevity, choose a sturdy frame with good joinery and springs. You can often get a protective coating applied to your new sofa to help protect against spills too.

A huge sofa in a small room can be overbearing and leave little room for other furniture. In some spaces two smaller sofas or a sofa and arm chair combination will be more aesthetically pleasing than one large one. Consider your comfort when deciding on the overall size too. The height and depth of the seat can make a vast difference. I am relatively short and often find I have to perch near the edge of the seat on some designs in order for my feet to touch the ground. So do try them out.

Finally many new sofas have extra features such as recliner options or built in audio. Or you may want a sofa bed. There’s a lot to consider, so don’t make a hasty decision as most of us keep our sofas for many years.

When considering shape and style you need to decide whether you want to create a relaxed style or a more formal look. Solid backs and styles such as Chesterfields’ are neater and more traditional, whereas loose-backed and corner sofa arrangements are more contemporary. Corner sofas are also ideal for creating a relaxation space within a large open-plan living space and can save space in smaller rooms. Other differences that can help you decide which style you prefer are arm shape: square, rolled, wide or narrow; the overall line of the sofa, straight or curved; and the design of the legs. There are many options in terms of upholstery: fabric or leather, plain or patterned. Think about durability in terms of the fabric and the look you are trying to create. Even if you decide on leather you will probably still have a choice between natural look, a smoother more even finish, or faux leather instead. Fabrics may be cotton-based, velvet and chenille types or microfibre. Most designers recommend a plain colour for the main sofa and the use of scatter cushions to add a splash of another colour

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Reinvent Yourself!

How to change for the better this school year

Growing up, I lived within throwing distance of the local primary school, yet every morning I arrived late and was greeted with a chant from other children: “You’re late, you’re late, your dinner’s on your plate!” I hated being singled out in this way and it has taken me years to shake off the ‘late’ label. I’m sure I’m not the only child to be labelled for a particular habit or behaviour. For others it might be “lazy”, “quiet”, “disruptive”, “noisy” or “disorganised”. But whatever the past may have held, the start of a new school year brings with it a clean slate and the chance to start anew. Defeat and discouragement should be left where they belong – in the past – while children take the chance to reinvent themselves and work towards a brighter future. Education experts say that getting a new school year off to a good start can influence a child’s attitude, confidence and performance both socially and academically. So how do we give our children the best chance of making a positive new start? First and foremost, our children need to want to change for the better and adopt the right attitude for achieving this. They need to accept responsibility for their own conduct and make a commitment to change.

Having the correct equipment such as pens, pencils, rulers, rubber and reading diary are all important, but so are getting enough sleep and having a decent breakfast at the start of the day. It’s been proven that adequate sleep, food and water all aid concentration. Some food and drink, however, is counterproductive. Foods high in sugar and caffeine can cause hyperactivity, so choose carefully what to eat at lunchtime to avoid a negative impact on their afternoon lessons! Though ultimately a child is responsible for their own behaviour and performance, parents do have their part to play. Take an interest in what they are doing, ask them about their day when they get home and become involved in school life when you can. Children are our real-life mirrors; they tend to imitate what they see. If they see that they are important to you and that school is important to you, they’ll take it much more seriously and be more responsible. The start of a new school year should be exciting, a time of celebration, a time to look forward, not back. Good luck as you and your child embark on a future of new possibilities!

For example, they might decide to be punctual or polite or to get their homework done on time. As parents we can help by being positive and encouraging. Our children need to arrive at school properly prepared.

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Barbecued Fruit

Grilling or barbecuing fruit is a lovely way to bring out its natural sweetness. You can use your own favourite fruits: mango, apricots and bananas also work well.

To cook the fruit Rub the bars of a clean grill, barbecue or griddle pan with a little vegetable oil. Make sure it’s really hot.

Serves 6

Lightly drop the fruit chunks on to the bars and let them cook for a few minutes. Different fruits cook at different speeds so keep lifting the pieces with tongs and checking underneath

Ingredients For the fruit kebabs 1 Pineapple 4 Peaches or nectarines Small punnet of strawberries Vegetable oil For the sauce A large knob of butter Zest from half an orange and juice from one whole orange. 3 Tbsp runny honey 2 Cloves 1 Cinnamon stick Method Stand the pineapple on its flat base, and use a knife to trim down the sides, cutting off all the skin. Cut out any remaining woody bits

When the fruit is soft, remove it from the heat. A little charring is fine and characteristic of barbecued food. To Serve Transfer all the cooked fruit to a bowl and pour the warm syrup over. Toss everything together until nicely coated. Divide the fruit between six plates. Serve immediately with vanilla ice cream or natural yoghurt.

Cut into quarters lengthways then carefully cut off and discard the core from each quarter. This leaves the lovely sweet flesh. Chop the pineapple into nice chunks. Halve the peaches or nectarines and discard the stones, then cut into large chunks Pick the leaves off the strawberries and leave whole. To make the sauce Melt the knob of butter in a pan over a medium heat Finely chop half the orange zest, add it to the pan, then add the juice. Add the honey, cloves and cinnamon stick. Warm through for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, then remove the cloves and cinnamon stick

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Clean up!

What To Use Where

Cleaning products will generally remove visible dirt and grease and create a cleaner-smelling atmosphere. They do not however kill germs, but disinfectants do. Whilst scientists say that many of the bacteria in our homes are friendly bacteria and do not cause diseases, they do recommend that danger areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, rubbish bins and drains are treated with a good quality disinfectant regularly. Of course new products are being developed all the time, but for most it will currently be appropriate to use some of the stand alone disinfectants around the home as well as multi-purpose cleaners. If you are using disinfectant however you need to remember that to be effective, it has to sit for at least 5-10 minutes in order to have time to kill the bacteria. Read the product label for exact instructions. Household disinfectants generally work by destroying the cell wall of microbes or by interfering with the metabolism of organisms that are living on the objects. In the kitchen, work surfaces and handles particularly cupboard and refrigerator handles can be home to germs. An E-coli bacterium comes from raw meats, listeria from soft cheeses, and salmonella from chicken and raw eggs.

transferred to the flush and the door handle. Viruses such as the flu, rotavirus, and rhinovirus which cause muscle aches, vomiting, and cold symptoms respectively can also breed well in bathrooms due to the warm, steamy atmosphere which germs love. As work surfaces and handles can’t be washed in a basin of hot soapy water, disinfectant sprays and wipes are ideal for these areas. In addition to sprays and wipes, disinfectant frequently comes in liquid form either in a regular formula or a concentrated variety.

There are special varieties for outdoor use for instance for paths and drains and also some versions usually prefaced by ‘antiseptic;’ which can be used on the skin. Read the instructions carefully though as most general disinfectants can irritate the skin so the use of rubber gloves is recommended and you should avoid contact with the eyes. They also generally have a strong odour so should not be used in tight airless spaces. Many household varieties have a chlorine base but in commercial and hospital environments forms using alcohol or ammonia are commonplace. Defra also provide regulation around disinfectants which can be used alongside animals. By Susan Brookes-Morris

In the bathroom, waste particles can stick to the hands, which may then be

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Spotlight Magazine

Local Events Guide Powered By:

West Bridgford Online

Your local website

Martin Taylor (aka The Badger) – Trent Friday 7th August Navigation DJ Fever – Fire & Ice Friday 21st August Roy Stone – Monkey Tree DJ Fever – Fire & Ice Joe Strange – Riverbank Roy Stone – Monkey Tree DJ Marriott – Southbank Adam Jay & Ben Sweet – Riverbank Dr Comfort & The Lurid Revelations – Trent DJ Marriott – Southbank Navigation Roscoe Levee & Southern Slide – Trent Steve McGill – Yumacha Navigation Saturday 8th August Ultra Lounge – Yumacha DJ Funky Monkey – Fire & Ice Saturday 22nd August SHIMMER feat. Damian Wells – Riverbank DJ Funky Monkey – Fire & Ice DJ Marriott – Southbank SHIMMER feat. Damian Wells – Riverbank Sunday 9th August DJ Marriott – Southbank DJ Marriott – Southbank Sunday 23rd August Quiz up in a Brewery – Trent Navigation Tom Ash – Escabeche Neil Lowe – Escabeche DJ Marriott – Southbank Monday 10th August Quiz up in a Brewery – Trent Navigation ‘On The Ball’ football quiz – Southbank Monday 24th August Thursday 13th August ‘On The Ball’ football quiz – Southbank Bob Wilmott – Copper Thursday 27th August Big Cheap Quiz followed by Richie Muir – Bob Wilmott – Copper Southbank Polly Yates – Fire & Ice Martin Taylor (aka The Badger) – Trent Big Cheap Quiz followed by Richie Muir – Navigation Southbank Friday 14th August Martin Taylor (aka The Badger) – Trent DJ Fever – Fire & Ice Navigation Roy Stone – Monkey Tree Friday 28th August Richie Howell – Riverbank DJ Fever – Fire & Ice DJ Marriott – Southbank Roy Stone – Monkey Tree Gwyn Ashton – Trent Navigation TI Funk – Riverbank Saturday Sons – Yumacha DJ Marriott – Southbank Saturday 15th August Richard Townend – Trent Navigation DJ Funky Monkey – Fire & Ice Steve McGill – Yumacha SHIMMER feat. Damian Wells – Riverbank Saturday 29th August DJ Marriott – Southbank DJ Funky Monkey – Fire & Ice Sunday 16th August SHIMMER feat. Damian Wells – Riverbank Kit Mason – Escabeche DJ Marriott – Southbank DJ Marriott – Southbank Sunday 30th August Quiz up in a Brewery – Trent Navigation Ben Haynes – Escabeche Monday 17th August DJ Jay – Fire & Ice ‘On The Ball’ football quiz – Southbank Ibiza Part 2 – Riverbank Thursday 20th August DJ Marriott – Southbank Bob Wilmott – Copper Quiz up in a Brewery – Trent Navigation Big Cheap Quiz followed by Richie Muir – Southbank Brought to you by West Bridgford Online – Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter - @westbridgfordol

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5 Tips For Camping Novices

Don’t travel too far. If it’s your first family camping trip it’s probably best to try a couple of local test excursions, particularly if you have young children. That way if unforeseen problems crop up it’s not too difficult to get back home, even in the middle of the night!

tend to occupy each other which will leave more time for the adults to relax.

Consider taking along other children or camping with friends. Children in a group

Pack a first aid kit. Include pain and cough relievers, bug spray and plasters. Also don’t forget the kid-friendly food and snacks.

Pack a couple of board games and books, just in case the novelty of camping wears off after a while, or for when the kids are worn out and need some quiet time.

Don’t over-schedule. Try playing it by ear. Building a campfire, bug hunting and pond dipping can make for a gentle pleasant afternoon. A camping trip is a chance to get back to basics in more ways than one.

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0115 841 0481 Landlords Periodic Inspection and Testing (EICR) Wiring regulations recommended that a periodic inspection for a domestic installation should be carried out at least every ten years. We provide a professional and efficient service at a fixed price for all electrical installation condition reports, based upon size of property. Prices start from £130 including vat.

Contact us for a free, no obligation written quotation. Email: WWW: • 0115 822 4995 •


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Puzzle Page

Crossword Clues Across 7 Voted in, chosen (7) 9 Concepts, notions (5) 10 Affirmative response (3) 11 Outward Behaviour (9) 12 Denigrate, exploit (5) 14 Enlightened, tolerant (7) 16 Analyses, observes (7) 18 Stick, cudgel (5) 19 Mobilising troops (9) 20 Blockade, stopper (3) 21 Bamboo-eating bear-like animal (5) 22 Ice river (7)

Quick Crossword

Down 1 A decade (3,5) 2 Chaos, disarray (4) 3 Filling, cloying food (6) 4 Baking soda (abbr) (6) 5 Not a Republican (U.S) (8) 6 Ruler, leader (4) 8 Destroying, breaking (11) 13 Supplanting (8) 15 Monument, feature (8) 17 Line joining points of equal pressure on a weather map (6) 18 Tramp, drifter (6) 19 Drug, sedate (4) 20 Trickle, plop (4)

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Spotlight Magazine

What’s happening in your area

This is a free page to publicise your local events and information. We would love to hear from you if you know of any event in or around the West Bridgford area; copy deadline is the 25th of each month. Please email: info@

If you are interested in astronomy, you are welcome to come along to our meetings. Most meetings include an illustrated talk by a guest speaker, and admission is free to occasional visitors. More information on the website at www.

The Photo Coach Club A new camera club based in Radcliffe-on-Trent Meeting every 1st and 3rd Thursday in the month from 7pm - 9pm throughout the year, membership to the club is just £5.00 and promises that the evenings will be fun filled and packed with top tips, projects, competitions, workshops and scheduled outings.

The Edwalton, Gamston and District U3A is going from strength to strength. It has a steadily growing number, with new members at every meeting. If you would like to join contact secretary1egdu3a@outlook. com or call/text 07581400419. See you there - each second Thursday, 2 pm, Gamston Community Hall (nr Morrisons).

To book your place or for further information please call 07570 973 88107570 973 881 or email

Radcliffe Sword Club Learn the exciting modern Olympic sport of fencing with Radcliffe Sword Club, meeting at the main sports hall, Clifton Leisure Centre, Southchurch Drive, Clifton, NG11 8AB. Juniors (aged 9-14): Tuesday 18:30-20:00; Adults (15+) : Tuesday 20:00-22:00 and Wednesday 20:00-22:00

The Poppy Folk Club Sunday 20th September is concert night at The Poppy & Pint with Mike Wilson and Damien Barber. Doors open 7pm concert starts 7:30pm. Tickets are £8. Please telephone Julie and Phil 0115 9812861, Dave 07790 943893, email or visit the website at There is no meeting of the club in August. Trent Valley Sailing Club has an active junior fleet. Sailing takes place on Friday evenings between April and September for children aged 7 to 16. We have several places available this year for new junior sailors. Come and have a go on the water. All enquiries to Angela

Making Tracks Badminton Club seeks players. We

play Wednesday evenings throughout the year in West Bridgford. For further information please contact Cherry on 0115 8461634 or Richard on 07967384491 MeadowCovertScoutGroup The popularity of Scouts is going from strength to strength and with that success we need to recruit more volunteers to lead Beaver Scouts (aged 6-8) and Cubs (aged 8-10). We’re based in Edwalton on Alford Road and If you’re interested please email me, Kerry, on Just Friends West Bridgford is a very friendly club for anyone aged 55 + who is lively minded and unattached. Club night is on the last Thursday of every month at 8pm in a private upstairs room at The Wolds pub next to ASDA. 25+ varied events each month. Check out our website or contact Lillian 8462225 The Nottingham Astronomical Society are a friendly group of amateur astronomers from all walks of life. Whilst providing regular guest-speaker events, we encourage active observing. The Society owns and operates an observatory near Cotgrave, which houses our 24-inch large reflector telescope.


Trent Karate Club @ Rushcliffe leisure centre Come and train with Trent Karate Club Every Monday and Thursday 7.00 - 8.30 First lesson is free, for all ages. Contact John Dornan on 01159 374706 Notts Orienteering Club is a not-for-profit community sports club run by volunteers. We offer beginners orienteering sessions in the community for people to learn how to read maps and get a bit of gentle exercise at the same time. We have three evening sessions available in Worksop, West Bridgford and Mansfield on Tues and Wed evenings. For more information call Catherine on 07940575758 or e mail Lady Bay Karate Club classes in traditional shotokan karate by fully qualified coach with over 30 years experience, at the scout headquarters,mona road, lady bay. every friday from 7.00 p.m. -8.00 p.m.we welcome everyone from 10 years to adults who wishes to learn what this fascinating art has to offer. especially suited for the more mature person ,non -competitive, by mature coach with emphasis on the developement of the individual. further details please contact. chris, on 01159821161, email,

MODERN LINEDANCING CLASSES:- Daytime and Evenings Held in West Bridgford, Radcliffe on Trent, Plumtree (also Bakersfield and Stapleford) Suitable for Beginners, Improvers and Intermediate Levels. For further information please contact Pat on 0115 9140673. Friends of Bridgford Park need volunteers of all ages to help keep our truly beautiful amenity in really good condition. The Friends plant, clear wooded areas, help all wildlife survive and increase. So we need people from all walks of life to join us Interested? Please contact Linda on 9819146 or Lorraine on 9816646 • 0115 822 4995 • To advertise or contribute call 07595 510190

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Left Handers Day

International Left Handers’ Day August 13th

Since 1976, sinistromanual people the world over have been celebrating their ‘right’ to be left handed - see what I did there?! Even though around 13% of the world’s population are left-handed they are, as one disgruntled leftie put it, “the most discriminated against minority” around! No one knows for sure why a person is lefthanded, but research suggests it is genetic and left-handedness does tend to run in families. As any left-hander knows, the world isn’t really designed to cater for them, so having a whole day dedicated to raising awareness of the everyday issues and challenges faced by the left-handed population is one way of changing that.

such as scissors, tin openers, vegetable peelers, knives and tape measures are all available for the non-right-handed. Left-handedness is controlled by the right side of the brain, which means that lefties are likely to be creative - excelling in music, the arts and media. They are also inclined to be good at ball sports and at anything requiring hand-to-eye co-ordination. Though being left-handed might once have been considered a disability, today’s lefties refuse to let it hold them back. “I may be left-handed,” says one, “But I’m always right.” I’m not going to argue!

In days gone by left-handers may have been forced to use their right hand (at school for example) but nowadays the world is becoming a friendlier place. Tools

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Index Of Advertisers Furniture

Painting / Decorating


Sliding Door Wardrobes.............11

Phil Sargeant................................22

Building Services

Garden Services

Adam Varley.................................29

Castle Construction.....................27

Charnwood Tree Surgeon.............7

Hallam Painting............................11

Unique Renovations....................19

T & A Fencing...........................28


Nottingham Handyman...............21

Bonington Tree Services.............9

Georges Tradition.........................1

Mornington Property Svcs..........23



Care Services

Helix House..................................5

GJ Flat Roofing...........................21

Carers Trust................................27

Keep Fit

Quality Roofing...........................31

Carpet Cleaning

Joy Parsons..................................9



Kitchens & Bathrooms


A1 Masterclean...........................21

Inspirational Designs...............9




The Boat Club.......................25

Thorpes of Ilkeston.....................13


Windows & Doors


Care For Cars.............................21

Lady Bay Art Glass...............22

Midland Data Services...............29

Lion Garage.................................7




Aerial Services

Stator Electrical...........................11

Puzzle Solutions

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