Spring 2015 DC Life Magazine

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DC LIFE Spring 2015

Cultural Fusion for Social Change

Ed Kowalczyk: Lightning (Still) Crashes

The Watergate Hotel: Reviving an American Icon Dining In With Relay Foods AR T IC L E S | N E W S | HE ALT H | LI F ESTYLE | F O O D






Sparkling in Springtime


Wellness Tips for 2015


The Basics of Bioidentical Hormones


GYM SHORTS Doonya Know Cardio Like This?! 20 22

Uncovering Craft Beer

Dining In with Relay Foods


A Wintery Escape to a Spring Garden


SHOPPING Back to Basics with Byer California 48 It’s in the Bag!

For Success in Marriage, Treat It Like a Business 26




The Revival of an American Icon 62 SPOTLIGHT


TECH TALK Appify the Solution




Fear Based Management: Can Your Company Afford It?



A Health Book That Actually Works

Hardcore at [solidcore]



Currently In Rotation



70 ON THE COVER The Watergate Hotel U.S Landmark flickr.com/haddensavix PHOTOGRAPHY


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

SUSTAINABLE DC PLAN WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE DC? Sustainable DC is a District Government-led plan to make the city the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the United States. It is a citywide initiative crafted for and by the city’s diverse community with the ultimate goal of making DC more socially equitable, environmentally responsive, and economically prosperous.


Photo | longislandernews.com

“It was a natural progression for me to go out and re-connect with the fans and the world and it has been a remarkable and incredible experience.“


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

Editor’s Note Spring 2015

Spring is a season of conflicting personatilites. Sometimes it thinks it’s Spring, other times, Winter. Take Cherry Blossom Parade Day , for example, when parade marchers and spectators bundle up in long wool coats in one year and short sleeves the next. However confusing, Spring has no shortage of lovely days, filled with excitement for what’s to come ahead. New trends, new restaurants, and possibly a new perspective for you. Perhaps you’ll find a new way to torch calories for your bikini body like I did with [solidcore] on page 22. Discover a new way to experience that farm-to-table dinner with Relay Foods on page 42. Washingtonians know that our city is a wonderful city that enjoys all seasons throughout the year. For Springtime, there’s no greater anticipation in DC than the annual blooming of the cherry blossoms along the Tidal Basin. It inspires the community to get out, enjoy our local landscape, and get involved in many of the events our city hosts. Just remember to pack sunglasses and ear muffs, sunscreen and mittens. Don’t forget to grab an umbrella for good measure. It is my hope that this issue will deliver insightful information that may help you. Our small and dedicated team continue our commitment to diversity by infusing cultural anecdotes from the Washington, D.C. area into our magazine, both online and on our digital issues. I appreciate your loyalty and patronage for the many causes DC Life Magazine sponsors. I request that you continue to share news of our publication and its stories socially as we grow our reach into the year 2015. There is an abundance of ways to enjoy early spring in our city. Take some of our suggestions or discover your own spring breaks in DC — go to our Facebook page and let us know what you find. Thank you, Gigi Smith


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

DC LIFE Publisher Eugene Smith Editor-in-Chief Gigi Smith Advertising Account Executive Eugene Smith

Contributors Daniel Fecht, Eric North, Jem Bahaijoub, Mariah Cooper, Tina Morris Interns Johanna Malmberg, Samantha Rhodes DC LIFE Magazine is published four times a year by Mestizo Media Group, Inc. ©2015 To subscribe: subscriptions@dclifemagazine.com To submit calendar eventts: events@dclifemagazine.com For advertising information: advertising@dclifemagazine.com To contact an editor: editor@dclifemagazine.com DC LIFE Magazine DCLIFEmagazine.com 718 Seventh Street, NW, Second Floor Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202.670.4373

“DC Fall Foliage Mirror” photo by T.D. Ford

Contributors Spring 2015 Eugene Smith

Eugene is the Founder of the Life Diverse Network, a cultural-centric network of web properties whose focus is to uncover and share opportunities for cultural fusion in and around major markets. As Editor at Large, Eugene writes about his experiences as a world-traveler, foodie and aspiring wine expert. Hear more from Eugene at his blog: www.eugeneosmith.com

Eric North

Eric North is owner and President of Potomac Rejuvenation Center in Washington, DC. Having had symptoms of Andropause in his forties, Eric conducted extensive research and began a personal journey that led him to launching Potomac Rejuvenation Center. The center has served the health and wellness needs of countless men and women who are experiencing the life-changing benefits of a customized program, just like Eric did. He is a lifelong believer in the transformative power of healthy living.

Jem Bahaijoub

Jem has over a decade of experience in the international music and entertainment industry. She has worked with major labels including Universal Music Group, SonyBMG, Warner and EMI, as well as independent labels and organizations such as Instant Karma Records, Vince Power Music Group, Rage Music and New Note. Jem is particularly passionate about working with new talent and has been instrumental in catapulting up and coming music projects into the mainstream media arena. She is the founder of imaginePR, a music marketing company in Washington, DC. She also co-hosts the monthly music industry networking event the Metro Music Source, and is a regular contributor to industry websites IndieAmbassador.com and MusicThinkTank.com.

Daniel Fecht

Daniel Fecht is Food Editor at DC Life Magazine and a cultural journalist who writes about Food, Music and media as it intersects with business, culture and the overall human experience. He is a self-published author, world traveler and accomplished grill master. His leadership in the kitchen has been used to raise money for U.S. Service members in the 2013 Safeway Barbecue Battle in Washington, D.C. and earned his team a trophy in the most difficult “Grilled Lamb Category�. Hear more from Dan at his blog: www.allpepperedup.com


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015


A Health Book That Actually Works

by Samantha Rhodes

Have you been looking through the shelves upon shelves of health and self-help books, hoping to find one that will actually work? Well, put down that diet book you don’t actually want and pick up Discover Your Nutritional Style by Holli Thompson!Nutritional-Style-Cover-2 Holli Thompson, former Vice President of Chanel, has recently published an incredibly empowering and engaging health book, Discover Your Nutritional Style: Your Seasonal Plan for a Healthy, Happy, and Delicious Life. The aptly chosen title genuinely explains Thompson’s approach to healthy living. In her relatable, up-beat writing style, she tries to connect with all of her readers and convince them that there is not just one way to be healthy. Thompson opens with a personal narrative, which explains how she decided to give healthy living a try and implores her readers to do the same. She intersperses intimate anecdotes from her every day life in between the health tips and fun, easy recipes. Thompson makes it clear that she has suffered through hardship and felt “down and out” for months at a time, but with


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

the tips she writes about in her book, she found a way out – and, as she says, you can too! No matter who you are, there are always days when you feel like eating some junk food or not going on that run you have been avoiding, and Thompson acknowledges that. She does make sure to warn you against some of the foods you should avoid, but does not judge her readers for mistakes in the past or slipups in the future – she just tries to guide you as best as she can. One of the most important facets of this book, and what makes it stand out from the countless others that focus on health, is how well Thompson accommodates each of her readers. She never once mentions quick-fix diets or far-fetched weight loss programs that require an endless amount of dedication. Instead, she focuses on the gradual process of getting healthy – for your mind as well as your body. If you are looking for a feel-good self-help book that will actually galvanize you to get out there and start living a healthier life, then Discover Your Nutritional Style is for you!


Wellness Tips for 2015 by Susan Bodiker

You’re probably up to your well-plucked eyebrows with the latest food and fitness trends for 2015. But before you set out for Whole Foods or the gym, take some time to think about your bigger goals and the resolutions you can make—and keep—this year and beyond. - Give yourself permission to follow your bliss. It’s healthy and good to set aside the time to nurture your own needs, emotions and desires. If you’ve lost touch with yourself, take the time to find out who you are and who you want to be. If you don’t advocate for your own interests, you can’t expect others to respect them. - Just say no. Losing yourself in work, pleasing others, conforming to what society says you should do— overscheduling, overdoing, over committing—won’t satisfy what you’re really hungry for. It won’t make your unhappy or guilty feelings go away. It can be a one-way ticket to anxiety, depression, self-defeating perfectionism and disordered eating. Figure out what you want to do and then do it. – Shed the “should.” “What should I do?” is a yes-or-no question that usually implies there’s only one right answer. “Should” I eat this…,go back to work…take on this new challenge? Or not. It limits your options and can leave you feeling trapped. Better to ask yourself, what could I do? What could I do to achieve my bigger truth and better life? What could I do to eat or feel healthier…find greater satisfaction…live more authentically? Suddenly, you have choices and with them, the freedom to think and act in ways that resonate with your values and result in more satisfying resolutions you can keep for the long term.

- Go big. Live beyond the plate and find new interests that nourish your ambition and intellectual, professional and emotional growth. - Treat your gut right. Learn to recognize the difference between physical and emotional hunger and let food be food. It’s nourishment, not a drug or distraction from painful feelings or events. When cravings attack, think creatively. With a little advanced planning and supportive friends or family, you can outwit the siren call of sugary or salty snacks or whatever you’re looking for to satisfy the hole in your heart. – Let it go. What’s past is past, what’s done is done. Don’t punish yourself for what you did or did not do or hold on to regret, anger or sorrow from events long ago. Find forgiveness for the person you were and compassion for the person you’ve become. – Be your own change agent. Honor your dreams and make them a reality. Because they—and you—are worth it. If you’re looking to achieve greater well-being in 2015, visit One Girl Wellness (onegirlwellness.com) to set up a free coaching consultation. Susan Bodiker founded One Girl Wellness to help girls and women overcome the image disorders that eat away at their self-esteem and prevent them from engaging confidently in their world. Her new e-book, “Fat Girl: how to let go of your weight and get on with your life,” will be available for purchase on January 27. Visit www.susan-bodiker.com for details.

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine


The Basics of Bioidentical Hormones by Eric North What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?

with commercially produced products.

BHRT has existed for over 20 years. The major benefit of BHRT is that treatment doses are individualized because the mixture of products may not be commercially available.

Categories of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical (natural) are used to treat menopause symptoms, perimenopause, and post-menopause symptoms. Bioidentical hormones are those that are molecularly identical to the hormones that are produced in the body. These hormones are chemicals that are derived from sources of yam or soybean. Steroids and hormones are taken from animals and plants then altered to be identical in molecular structure. The steroids and hormones are then formed as a cream, oral, suppository or injections so the body can absorb them quickly. Why BHRT? Bio-identical hormones are much different from synthetic hormone replacement drugs in that bio-identical hormones are metabolized by the body, stored, and converted into other hormones naturally.

1. Natural Estrogens Most of the prescription estrogens when taken orally are converted in your GI tract and end up predominantly as estrone. Three estrogens to consider are Estrone, Estradiol and Estriol. ○ Estrone If you want to get your estrogen levels up to where they were before menopause then estradiol is your natural estrogen. ○ Estradiol The primary estrogen produced by the ovary is Estradiol and estrone which is formed by the conversion of estradiol. Vaginal rings, estradiol creams, and transdermal patches, provide pre-menopausal levels of estradiol. ○ Estriol Is prevalent primarily during pregnancy because very large amounts of Estriol are produced which leads to the protection against breast cancer. 2. Natural Progesterone


There are fewer side effects with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy because the hormones are natural and our bodies metabolize bioidentical hormones naturally. Synthetic hormones can often be quite strong and produce negative side effects.

○ Natural progesterone is made by the ovaries prior to menopause and by the adrenal glands and fat cells after menopause and is the precursor for natural estrogen. It is the single most important hormone in the female body.

The compounded bioidentical hormones can be made to match each woman’s individual needs. This is something that’s just impossible

○ Natural progesterone corrects hormone imbalance of the two primary female hormones. This will protect from the effects of Estrogen Dominance.

DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

Photo | studiopure/Fotolia

○ Natural progesterone has many positive benefits. Some possible benefits include

Facilitates Thyroid Hormone Action

Natural Anti-depressant

Natural Diuretic

Normalizes Blood Sugar Levels

Normalizes Zinc & Copper Levels

Normalizes Blood Clotting

Helps to Normalize Ovaries

Osteoblast Stimulated in Bone Tissue Cells

3. Natural Androgens The body uses natural or supplemented androgens as a source of estrogen. Produced by the female ovaries, Androgens are essential to normal sexual development and are a major part in maintaining sexual desire along with strong and healthy skin, muscle and bone. The natural testosterone will not produce the side effects of synthetic testosterone.

Eric North is the co-founder and CEO of Potomac Rejuvenations Center, a wellness and longevity clinic specializing in hormone replacement therapy. www.prtindc.com

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine



Doonya Know Cardio Like This?! by Johanna Malmberg

Have you ever felt captivated by the colorful Bollywood motion pictures filled extravagant dance numbers and beautiful costumes? The Indian actresses make the dance routines look effortless and playful, but boy are the moves tricky! Priya Pandya and Kajal Desai have together co-founded the Bollywood inspired dance and fitness movement called Doonya. The Doonya classes are a mixture of different traditional Bollywood dance styles and fitness routines – challenging at first, but oh so fun! To learn more about Doonya and the brilliant minds behind it, I had an interview conducted with the co-founders Priya and Kajal. First and formal I was curious about the name and wanted to know where “Doonya” came from and what I meant, Priya responded. “Doonya, as well as variations of the word, means ‘World’ in many different languages, including Hindi, the language most commonly used in Doonya’s playlist of songs.” She continued. “We felt the word perfectly captures our vision of a boundary-less world, dancing together to promote health and wellness of the body and the mind.”

I feel like Priya and Kajal truly have an inspiring outlook on fitness and wellness, which has influenced their business and contributed to their success. Kajal expressed herself in a manner I find inspiring, when asked about their inspiration and idea of the company; “Doonya is and has always been a passion project. The growth of the company is credited to the Doonya community and their openness with the benefits they experienced. We’ve listened to our students to create programming that is universal and that embodies a philosophy of no judgment, pure happiness, and unearthing confidence. As long as we succeed daily in reaching students in this way and witnessing the positive change in their lives, we’re succeeding.”

I myself attended one of their classes at the Reebok FitHub in Georgetown. I arrived there with an open mind and with no expectations, but left the location with a smile on my face feeling happy as could be. The Bollywood dance routines were a bit challenging at first, since it was my first time, but after I stopped caring about how silly I might have looked it turned out to be a blast.

Doonya started here in DC, but has moved to cities like New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, San Diego and soon coming Houston. Priya and Kajal would like for the Doonya movement to expand to nations outside of the US too.Last April they headed to India in conjunction with Reebok International Ltd for a Doonya launch in Mumbai and Delhi. Whilst there, they traied instructors in both cities as well as held open classes for the public.

The dance instructor, Khushboo Rami, kept encouraging us to smile, to have fun and sing along to the music if we knew the lyrics. Khushboo made me feel beyond comfortable and her incredible energy seemed to have rubbed off on us all, everyone looked radiantly happy whilst sweating and getting our workouts on.

Not only is their business expanding from city to city in the US, but Priya and Kajal have also had a YouTube channel up for quite some time, spreading the Doonya message to the world, with more than 3.5 million views! The channel, www.youtube.com/doonya, has been visited by people from all over the globe, giving people motivation and strength in this boundary-less world of one.

“Through Bollywood-inspired movement, we blend science and art with awareness and expression. We stand at the intersection of Eastern and Western outlooks on wellness, celebrating the oneness


of all cultures. One world, one Doonya.” Priya beautifully said, when I asked about what makes Doonya unique compared to other fitness movements.

DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

With Instagram, the Doonya movement has continued to spread in video and picture format, You can join the Doonya world by hash tagging OneWorldOneDoonya, or by following their page,

DoonyaWorld. Social media is a fantastic medium, especially for expanding businesses of today. What’s even more fascinating, I believe, is the fact that Priya and Kajal isn’t simply promoting their company through various platforms on the internet, but also the important and inspiring messages of which their business stands for.

them as people, when hearing about their aspirations for their company and their futuristic views of a united world, which they are fighting towards creating. I think that is beautiful. I think their ambitions are pure and strong, I therefore encourage all of you readers to check out Doonya either on their website, on their YouTube channel I preciously mentioned, or on Instagram.

Priya and Kajal are promoting equality, no judgment and celebrating the oneness of all cultures. These two powerful business women have together shaped Doonya into the successful company it has become, with help of their team of course, but they didn’t stop there. I think it says a lot about

The Doonya classes are joyful, challenging and will give your body a great workout, as well as your soul. Priya and Kajal encourage everyone to try Doonya for at least three classes, simply because before learning the routines they might feel a bit tricky. The most important thing is not to worry about

how you might look, but about how moving your body makes you feel. When I tried Doonya for the first time I had no expectations walking in, but when leaving the Reebok FitHub I felt energized and happy, truly happy. Don’t be afraid to try something new, because it might just be the best decision you will ever make. Checkout Doonya right here, www.doonya. com, for class schedules and for more information about the company!

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine


Hardcore at [solidcore] by Gigi Smith

It comes to no surprise that fitness resolutions made in January cause mass crowding in commercial health gyms in the early months of the year. Especially in the fittest city in America. All those resolutioners (yes, I made that up) join a gym in January, flock to the gym equipment, and proceed to camp there while scrolling through their Instagram feed. Add a busy schedule to that scenario, and what’s left is a spot in the next class at the fitness studio. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to get a good workout if the entire women’s changing room is taking the same BODYPUMP™ class.

time. Basically, this method used at [solidcore] is an advanced form of Pilates using a beefed up reformer machine, a bedlike machine with a rolling carriage to offer versatility to any Pilates workout. Pilates is a workout that improves flexibility and strength through controlled movements. The Legree Fitness Method is an amplified version of Pilates, specializing in strength and muscular endurance. It targets so many muscle groups from all different angles, and the effect from the muscle fatigue can burn up to 800 calories from just one 50-minute session!

So, what’s the remedy? How else can you get access to that hardbody look? In short, boutique fitness studios. Boutique studios such as [solidcore] offer a more personal interaction from a smaller class size and a sense of community. They typically have much better ambiance than larger gyms. Often, you’ll find the price of many fitness classes in DC on the high side. What else can you expect from the nation’s most expensive city to live in? However, many are willing to pay a premium for innovative and effective workouts. Also, small class sizes mean that each fitness client receives personalized attention from coaches who are able to manage different fitness levels in the class.

DC Locations: Adams Morgan – 1841 Columbria Road NW, Washington, DC 20009 Shaw – 1821 7th Street NW (7th & S St. NW), Washington, DC 20001 Mt. Vernon Triangle – 433 Mass. Ave. NW (4th & Mass. Ave.), Washington, DC 20001 Cathedral Commons – 3308 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016 Virginia Locations: Ballston – 650 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA 22203

[solidcore] is the first fitness studio in DC to offer Pilates classes using the Lagree Fitness Method on a Megaformer. The what on a what?! I know, I felt the same way when I read it myself the first


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

Alexandria – 1111 Belle Pre Way, Alexandria, VA 22314 (Opening March 2)

In an torturous act of self-love on Valentine’s day weekend, I took a class last week at their Ballston location in Arlington, Virginia. Deemed as the “Pilates on Steroids” workout, I was intrigued immediately. Yelpers give each of the four locations a collective four and a half stars or higher, and some boldly say they “have a love/hate relationship” for them. Sounds very 50 Shades of Grey, if you ask me. There were six of us in the class, and it offered the right amount of personal coaching for my needs. My coach, Alex Perrin, and her assistant helped familiarize me to the Megaformer and the particular verbal cues to move from one exercise to the next. Within two minutes, I had the shakes–the kind that rival a recovering addict at a rehab center. The shakes, apparently, are what you strive for in this workout. Along with the shakes were the sweats. The kind of sweat as defined only by an intense amount of resistance training. This is when I humbly submitted to the Megaformer for the next forty-eight minutes. I obediently moved and contorted my body to work my legs and glutes, my obliques and the rest of my not-

so-solid core, my arms, and finally my chest and back. It was B-A-D-A-S-S. It was a 50-minute shock and awe fitness campaign, and it was glorious! Having used more traditional and popular workouts in the past, I would suggest this to anyone looking for something new and different, as an inspiration to what the body can achieve with a little creativity. Most importantly, in my opinion, this workout is not for beginners in fitness. This workout is for those who seek to find the strongest version of themselves. So, what’s the price? Well… it depends on what you want. First timer clients are offered a class at $19.

people to come and take a class, you get a 10-pack of complimentary classes – no fine print, no strings attached. AND If your 10 referrals come in during the month of February, you will receive 15 complimentary classes. Talk about sharing the love! Additionally, as [solidcore] prepares to open their Alexandria location on March 2nd, they are offering an “Old Town Opening Special”: Any new or existing client can purchase and use exclusively at the Old Town studio on 1111 Bel Pre Way – 10 classes for $250 (typically, 10-class packages are $310). This deal is only valid for purchase this weekend, February 20 -22, 2015. More information can be found on solidcore. co

There’s also a 3-class package for $85.

Afterward, your first unlimited month (if you If you plan to try this new workout, make have taken 3 classes or less) is $259 a month. sure you mention me, Gigi Smith, or DC Life Magazine. I’d love to get some complimentary classes. Sharing is caring! Truth is, there are many packages to choose from, but the best value is if you refer 10

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine



For Success in Marriage, Treat It Like a Business As an immigrant from India who feels blessed to be an American citizen, Sukhjiwan Singh remains puzzled by the divorce rate here, estimated by PolitiFact.com in 2012 to be 40 to 50 percent.

dating,” say Singh, author of “Marriage and the Love Myth,” (www. authorsukhsingh.com), who offers tips for committing one’s life to the right person.

“I come from a time and place in which arranged marriages were common practice – and there was no dating allowed. It seems to me that our society today should have more successful marriages since singles can date here and get to know their future spouse before taking the plunge,” says Singh, CEO of a real estate firm, a mother of two and a happily married wife to her husband of 35 years.

• Don’t ignore the parallels between business and dating/marriage. Just like marriages, businesses fail all the time. Both demand your best effort and resources, including an inexhaustible amount of time, dedication and, usually, as much money as you can spare. As the fate of your business or romantic relationship goes, so goes your fate. While the experiences of both are often different, both require self-awareness, sound decision-making, and the willingness to give if they are to be successful. Of course, this means finding the right niche in business, or the right person for love…

Singh has extensive experience as a counselor to victims of domestic violence, which has piqued her fascination for what works, and what doesn’t work, when searching for a lifelong partner. “If you truly want to commit your life to a future husband or wife, but haven’t found him or her yet, there are many things you can do to ensure a successful marriage while testing the waters via


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

• Follow the 80-percent rule in terms of compatibility for the “big stuff.” No two people are exactly alike, so where should a single person start measuring compatibility with another? Define the “big stuff,” which may mean religion, culture and ethnicity for some. Another take on big stuff could be personality traits, physical

Photo | Leland Francisco

characteristics, social skills and more. Still another take could mean where two people are in life, such as profession and education. Define the big stuff; if you’re compatible on about 80 percent of the list, you should strongly consider purchasing a warranty for a great relationship. In other words, getting married.

not good for business. The same follows for a sweetheart who may seem perfect in every other way. Make sure communication is a two-way street, and watch out for frequent sarcasm toward you, which is a sign of disrespect. You should be able to talk and listen with care, respect and proper appreciation.

• Communication skill – the glue of a lasting relationship. While establishing a relationship, take note of the conversation. Does it flow and is it enjoyable, or do you find yourself bickering frequently? As with a business, you can have the ideal partner or employee who may look stellar on paper, but if you do not work well together, it’s

About Sukhjiwan Singh: Sukhjiwan Singh is the founder and CEO of New Dimensions Realty, a real estate brokerage. Through her extensive experience as a volunteer counselor for victims of domestic violence, she has become deeply aware of the causes of divorce and its devastating impact on families. Born and raised in Punjab, India,

she received a master’s degree in English from Punjab University and immigrated to the United States in 1979. Since then, she has lived a happy lifestyle with her two sons and the love of her life – her husband of 35 years, Malkiat.

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine



Fear Based Management: Can Your Company Afford It? By Tina Morris

Improvement is a resident topic in project managers’ minds. Streamlined processes, earned value, minimizing risks, and maximizing profits are buzzwords in our daily vocabulary. Yet one key bottom-line influence remains principally taboo in water cooler conversation - management styles. Self evaluation seems too scary and therefore becomes unfortunately regulated to the lesser practiced analysis. Which leads to the under explored questions: Do your managers hurt or help the bottom line? Are their management practices costing the company? Peruse any bookstore business section and the shelves are stocked with expert renderings on every management function. Navigating change, for example, is a hot topic. Who Moved My Cheese? sold over 11 million copies worldwide and small wonder. Change can be scary. Change may also be necessary to retain a skilled workforce. While many companies purport their official mantra as ‘People are our most important asset,’ management practices often fail to support this core statement. Management, as both an art and a science, must continually evolve. Stanford Professor Bob Sutton’s The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t tackles


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

the same problem as clinical psychologist Jane MiddeltonMoz’s extensive study Bullies: Playground to the Boardroom. Adult bullies cause harm to coworkers, subordinates, and the organizations that host them. In answer to the question, “Do adult bullies really exist?” the Workplace Bullying Institute says, “Yes.” Their 2007 nationwide study identifies the significance of bullying to the American workforce. 54 million Americans responded that they had been bullied on the job and 72% of bullies were bosses. Left unchallenged, bullying poses a potent threat to companies and workers.

Cost of Bad Management Unintentionally, every company hires their share of managers who view subordinates as personal fiefdom chess pieces. What actions the company employs to safeguard workers and create a productive, healthy environment however, are deliberate and a blueprint of their own corporate culture. Inaction is an action. Tolerance can be viewed as acquiescence. When working relationships fail the workers, human cost is reflected concretely in spreadsheets and the less obvious but real, lack of goodwill towards the corporate name. Further, health of employees may be affected by managers who cause undue stress or prolonged

stress. Workers may also choose to leave due to loss of job satisfaction and as any budget analyst will testify, turnover costs. Workers who remain feel the residual effects. Cost categories cataloged by the Workplace Bullying Institute study include: Loss of productivity: distracted workers, loss of motivation, absenteeism, stress symptoms that contribute to Health care cost Dispute resolution time Time spent in damage control Recruitment, replacement costs. Anger-management, counseling for bullies Legal fees for council Lawsuits and settlements Measuring and tallying the indirect costs

of turnover is difficult but must factor into the equation. Estimates from The Annie Casey Foundation’s HR Turnover Calculator rank replacement costs as high as 70% of an employee’s salary. With so much of the bottom line at stake, the cost of management training becomes marginal. Organizations can best minimize their risk by training managers to employ proved practices rooted in policies of fairness.

Best Practices Right or wrong, many managers learn on the job and merely mimic predecessors. This practice is principally unwise. The work environment is fluid and a one-sizefits-all solution is nonexistent. Effective management is situational as what works on the battlefield is largely inappropriate for the business world. Combat yields little time for Socratic roundtables but software is not constructed in a vacuum. Inclusion of

everyone’s professional best yields a better product. Management styles can be boiled down to two types, fear-based and respect-based. Everyone understands what fear-based management is and how to apply it. Punish one or two employees and the rest are controlled by fear. Instilling terror takes little work. Respect-based management, on the other hand, isn’t instant and it ain’t Jell-O. Respect is earned over time and can be maintained only by continuity and fair play. Everyone wants to work for the boss who treats his/her people well. A few characteristics of each style:

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine


Fear-Based Management

Respect-Based Management

- Extremely old school, heavily dependent upon control.

- Hands-on management. Must get to know employees. - Professionals expected to employ their skill set and grow. - All opinions are welcome. Everyone has a chance to contribute. - Focused on long term goals and mentoring employees. - Earns loyalty to the team and the organization. Guiding principle – Hire professionals and provide a professional environment.

- Employees are bad, incompetent, and stupid. If management did not dictate every move, the world would cease to turn. - Ensures that ‘subordinates’ understand who can punish them and to watch constantly for their smack. - Short sighted. Focused only on the immediate. Guiding principle – Hire professionals and watch them closely.

In an environment where brown-nosers are rewarded for copiously agreeing with the boss, fresh ideas are stymied. Fiefdoms may serve the ego of the ruler but not the needs of the organization. The difficulty in drawing a box between bad behavior and harassment further complicates the issue. Clearly, grey areas exist. When the subject of stopping adult bullying arises, many nod their heads in agreement yet few can actually define it. Certain types of abuse are covered under United States law, chiefly sexual harassment and age and race discrimination. What types of behavior are considered bullying?

well below their competency level and micromanaging simple tasks. Prevention and Intervention Yogi Bear once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” This philosophy or lack thereof holds true. There comes a point when a left vs. right decision must be made and while employers are free to bury their heads in the sand and hope their personnel issues just go away – they won’t. Sometimes the choice to root out the problem is already made. When turnover become mission critical, cost can no longer afford caution.

Bullying 101: Australia is one of the few countries that have legally defined bullying but they are the aberration rather than the rule. That may soon change in the United States. As reported in a September 2010 issue of CFO Daily News, 12 states are currently contemplating anti-bullying legislation. Further, they define five of the top ways to recognize bullying as: Verbal insults of employees. Absolutely never appropriate. Slandering a co-worker’s name. Repeating/ misusing privileged information such as Suzy’s possible drinking problem or innuendos about Bob’s sexual orientation. Excluding certain workers. Just like grade school – it always hurts. Unwelcome contact. Touching is never o.k. Unreasonable management. Working people


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Hospitals depend on the strength of their nursing staff. The reputation of any healing institute rests on the professionalism of trained healers and caregivers. When an Australian hospital found they had an extraordinarily high nursing turnover and subsequent shortage an intervention was in order. HealthAffairs magazine chronicled the 2002 case study Nursing Workforce Retention: Challenging a Bullying Culture and its findings. Spanning five countries, over 43,000 nurses participated. What the study uncovered was a prevalent, bullying culture that operated on the premise that business should run the way it always had. Supervisor behavior was learned from predecessors who felt that younger nurses needed to go through the same ordeals they had. Breaking the cycle took a serious commitment from upper management. Focus groups, therapy, retraining supervisors, and the

creation of enforced anti-bullying policies were necessary stabilization measures. Because the issue reached critical mass before the problem was acknowledged, the resolution was costly indeed. Next Steps Understandably, supervisors who have made other positive contributions to the company are hard to part with. Senior leadership is reluctant to let them go as investments were made in these individuals. In truth, firing is not always the cure. Provide Anti-Bully Training Companies can protect themselves and their managers by providing anti-bullying training. This may be the wave of the future as state laws change and allow workers to sue supervisors. Federal and state statues have historically protected managers by permitting lawsuits only against companies. Lawyer Matthew Effland’s Business Daily column reports that the Indiana Supreme has now led the way for this practice to change. Companies and individuals may soon find they have a vested interest in understanding and guarding against bullying. Executive Training Executive coaching/anger management courses paid for by the company may be necessary to retain a rogue manager. Managers and supervisors who have consistently engaged in aggressive, destructive behavior will not change with a good lecture and a slap on the wrist. The help of an experienced professional will be needed to define positive behavior.

Take Quick Action Quick action is the best defense. Since the eyes and ears of upper management cannot be everywhere all the time, the best legal defense may be proof of decisive action. Manager’s are like dentists. Everybody needs them and some cause hurt while others remain relatively painless. Both types may get the job done but only one should be trusted with the family and when everyone rows for the same team, they are part of a family. Threats do not earn loyalty for anyone. Fostering professional relationships with employees and grooming managers to do so pays organizational dividends.


Appify the Solution Spring season has a way to rejuvenate our senses. We garden. We plan weekend trips. We host parties. We visit friends and family. We’ve listed some of the latest apps out on the market to help you get that lifestyle on the go.


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

Get in the Neighborhood

Use the new app Compass to help you find a great place to live in the DC area. Search thousands of listings with realtime inventory of sales and rental listings in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia, keep track of every place you’ve visited and manage your search on the go and at home with the integrated app and website, Compass.com.

Get on the Road

BlueDriver® is a Premium Diagnostic OBD2 Scan Tool used by professional mechanics, auto enthusiasts, and everyday vehicle owners who want to know more about how their vehicle is operating and how their vehicle can be fixed if the Check Engine Light comes on. Plug in the monitor, download the app to run the reports, and save your worries.

Get Your Grub On

Never lose friends over how you split the bill. With Dash, you can itemize it, let the app do the math, and pay your share of the bill all in one fell swoop. This app also offers real-time gauge of a restaurant’s atmosphere before stepping one foot in the door. Currently available in New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.

Get Beautified

We know you can’t bring your personal glam team of everywhere you go, but by using Bella you can get you and your man red carpet ready whenever and wherever you need it. This full service beauty agency currently services New York City and Washington, D.C. with stylists from top-rates salons and spas.

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RECIPE BOX Courtesy of Laura Collins Design

Sparkling in Springtime It’s been a long icy winter, and the last bits of deep winter have been stubborn to melt away. While the locals stir around awaiting for Spring to appear, Mother Nature is slow to make it happen. Driving along George Washington Parkway proves that our Spring this year will be a sparkling one, with its miles long stretches of icicle-laced tree line. As the days get longer and the flowers begin to bloom, enjoy the cool weather and try one of these seasonal drinks.


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

Strawberry Aqua Fresca Courtesy of Taqueria Nacional Makes one pitcher 6 pints of ripe strawberries, washed, and stems removed ¼ cup sugar, or more to taste 1 cup filtered water, or more to achieve desired consistency Optional: A bottle of your favorite light rum or tequila In a blender, purée the strawberries with some sugar and 1 cup of water. Check for sweetness and add more sugar if desired. Transfer the purée into a larger container and stir in more water until you achieve the consistency and concentration that you want. Strain the mixture into a pitcher to remove some of the seeds and chill until ready to serve.

Willard Mint Julep Courtesy of the Willard InterContinental Hotel 6-8 Mint leaves 1 Tablespoon sugar Lemon Cracked ice Powdered sugar Sparkling water 2 oz. Maker’s Mark Bourbon Place mint leaves, 1-tablespoon sugar and a small measure of Woodford Reserve Bourbon in a crystal tumbler. Gently muddle with a spoon. Place a scoop of freshly cracked ice in tumbler and stir vigorously. Top off with more ice. Add equal measures of Maker’s Mark Bourbon and sparkling water to fill glass. Place a sprig of fresh mint on top; zest with a twist of lemon and dust with powdered sugar. Photo | shewearsmanyhats.com

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Uncovering Craft Beer By Mariah Cooper

The difference between craft beer and non-craft beer comes down to three qualities. According to craftbeer.com, a craft brewer is small producing 6 million barrels of beer or less. Brewers must also be independent with less than 25 percent of the brewery owned by a beverage alcohol industry member that is not also a craft brewer. Finally, the craft brewer must keep their brewing traditional getting its beer flavor from traditional brewing ingredients. Now with this in mind there are some beers that many people think are craft beers. You may have had some of these beers yourself thinking you were finally breaking out in the craft beer scene. Think again. Here are three beers commonly mistaken for craft.


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Infographic | beerhunt.com

Cracking open a Bud Light after a long, hard day or ordering a draft pint while out with friends may be something you do instinctually these days. However, if you find yourself asking the bartender for their best beer recommendations because you know nothing yourself or thinking Coors Light is as good as it gets, think again. Read on to learn more about craft beer so you can amaze your bartender, and maybe pick up a different kind of six-pack for your kitchen.

Photo | Ansel Olsen/Getty Images

Blue Moon: Lots of people may think this is a popular craft beer but don’t let the slice of orange on the side fool you. Blue Moon is manufactured by MillerCoors, the company that makes Coors Light and other Miller products. Leinenkugel: This popular brand pops up in bars all over the area in the summer with its Summer Shandy beer. Summer Shandy is enhanced with lemon flavor to give a fresh, crisp taste. In the fall and winter, its Orange Shandy flavor is also popular with its orange taste. But don’t be fooled, this brand is owned by SABMiller, Miller Brewing Company’s brewer.

Three Floyds Dark Lord: This is one of the more hardcore craft beers. Brewed by Three Floyds Brewing Co. in Munster, Ind. this American beer isn’t for the faint of heart. The taste is rich and hearty giving it a harsher taste than other beers. Yet, if a true craft beer experience is what you want its essential to try Dark Lord. Allagash White Beer: If you’re looking for a craft-friendly version of Shock Top this is the beer. Allagash Brewing Company located in Maine brews its own version of a traditional Belgian wheat beer. A sip gives the flavor of wheat, coriander and Curacao orange peel for a more mellow craft beer experience.

Shock Top: It promotes itself as unfiltered wheat Belgian beer and its colorful, fruity labels give a good impression of being a fancy craft beer. Yet, Shock Top is not a craft beer. Its manufacturer Anheuser-Busch InBev also owns some beer brands you may be familiar with such as Corona Extra and Bud Light.

Big Daddy IPA: Straight from Speakeasy Ales and Lagers in San Franciscoli, this beer is perfect for those who love fruit. Although still a little bitter, notes of grapefruit soften any harshness to the flavor. It’s a good craft-beer for any beginner.

Now that you know what beers aren’t craft here are some true craft beers to broaden your palate.

So put down that Bud Light and pick up a craft beer for a new beer experience.

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine



Dining In with Relay Foods By Eugene Smith One of my goals in 2015 is to drink more wine! In order to increase my wine intake, I would need to increase my availability……In order to do this I have to cut-down the amount of time I spend shopping. I mean fighting traffic and the weather to get to a store that may be out of what I want when I get there…Arrgh! Additionally, I have an interest in eating healthy foods, which takes extra time to find once I’m in the store. So to maximize my time I’ve decided to try shopping at relayfoods.com! Relay Foods claims they are attempting to build the best grocery shopping experience available. They offer hundreds of locally grown, organic products. I can browse the aisles from my computer or mobile device. I can read reviews for each product, and fill my cart with everything that I want. I love the fact that everything that I buy can be local,and I have real people that I can reach that will stand behind their products.


Their Tango Malbec is suggested with this recipe. Williamson’s Tango Malbec is a big & bold wine that stands up to the strong flavors of grilled grass-fed beef and cracked black pepper. I find that wine has health benefits that go beyond the physical, there are some less overt pros to drinking wine. Firstly wine and food go hand-in-hand, and foodies have proven to be some of the most lovable characters I have communed with. I have had the pleasure of spending time immersed in many groups of enthusiasts; entertainers, fashionistas even athletes. However, I find “foodies”are my favorite group of enthusiasts, because they seek a casual and pleasurable way of sharing culture through cuisine.

So I made an order for one of their meat sampler packs. It featured boneless-skinless chicken thighs and breasts, pork chops, skirt steaks and sausage. All of the Artisan Meats came fresh never frozen (except the sausage) and Relay Foods will deliver it to my door, or I can pick-up at my local metro stop. I had the wife stop by the Eisenhower Metro to grab the groceries on the way home. She reported that everything went really smoothly.

It doesn’t hurt that I came to this epiphany at a concert beneath a grove of redwood trees while touring the Wine Road of Sonoma County, California. I was learning about the process of the wine making industry in the heart of artisanal wine growing, Healdsburg California. I got a chance to meet the many families and their farms that contribute their crops to Napa Valley and other regions throughout the country. I discovered my favorite wines in Healdsburg California along The Wine Road, and I have been determined to become a Sommelier ever since. In the meantime I will continue to cook and grill wonderful dishes and share the wonderful wines that compliment them.

With my goal in mind I grabbed my recipes that pair perfectly with my favorite wines the first of which is the grilled skirt steak and chimi sauce from Williamson Wines out of Sonoma County, CA.

I offer a recipe directly from Volume 14 of the “Tasting Along The Wine Road” from the beautiful wineries of the Wine Road of Northern Sonoma County.

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Photo | Eugene Smith

*Relay Foods Grilled Skirt Steak Ingredients: 5 Pounds of skirt steak 2 Cups of cilantro (Roughly chopped) 2 Cups of parsley (Roughly chopped) 1 Teaspoon finely ground black pepper 1 Clove of garlic 2 Jalapeno peppers (Roasted, peeled & roughly chopped) 1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar 3 Tablespoons Williamson Tango Malbec Wine 2 Tablespoons water 1/2 Cup of extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tablespoon brined capers (Optional) Season the steaks generously on all sides with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Let the steaks sit for at least 1 hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the chimi sauce by adding all other ingredients into a blender and pulsing til you reach you desired consistency. Season to taste with salt. I added capers to mine because I like more TANG. A delicious skirt steak is all about INTENSE HEAT throughout the entire cooking process. If you are cooking indoors on a stove top, I suggest a cast iron that is heated for about 5-10 minutes on high before placing the steaks. If cooking outdoors on a grill be sure to have a red hot bed of coals before you set you steaks on. In either case once your steaks are on do not touch them for 4-5 minutes. After 4 minutes flip your steaks and cook the other side for 4-5 minutes. After they have cooked on both sides remove from heat and loosely tent them with foil immediately. Allow them to rest for at least ten minutes before serving, Serving flank steak is a easy process, be sure that the with of your steaks is 4-5 inches across. Always slice across the grain on a slight bias to keep pieces tender and not stringy. Plus 4-5 inches in a good fork size for dabbing in your FRESH CHIMI SAUCE! Enjoy!

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine


Courtesy of Clarins

A Wintery Escape to a Spring Garden By Gigi Smith Although it may not feel like it, Spring is officially here. It’s time to swap out the dark, rich plum and berry colors that ruled Winter for more youthful, cheery shades. Enter Clarins, a family-owned French cosmetics company. Founded in 1954, Clarins pioneered the infusion of biotechnology in the cosmetics industry when it first launched wth six body and face oils made with 100% natural plant extracts. Sixty yers later, botanical elemnts in skincare and cosmetics have become a major trend with beauty brands. Clarins continues to take inspiration from nature with its Spring 2015 Garden Escape Collection from Clarins. This collection launches several new products and shades that are perfect for welcoming Spring to your makeup collection.

Inspired by a walk through a Parisian garden in springtime, Clarins introduces a limited edition Garden Escape 6-Colour Eye Palette that can be used in both wet and dry applications. The palette is encased in an etched gold packaging and is contained in a red velveteen pouch out of the box. The shadows are embossed in an artful design with a diamond pattern that matches its etched gold packaging. In the palette, are soft greens, pink hues, a versatile taupe, and a pearly white highlighter. The shades give a pretty, soft effect with its luxurious, sheen finish. The colors are universally flattering, can be layered for intensity, and blends beautifully. It’s a work of art!

To complement the Garden Escape Palette, Clarins has released a new shade for the Crayon Khol eyeliner. Named Intense Green, this beautiful shade works well with all eye colors. The fomulation of the khol liner is soft enough to glide easily on the eye and quite blendable with its accompanying brush on the opposite end. Clarins also released a new shade for the Blush Prodige Illuminating Cheek Colour. Though introduced as part of the Garden Escape Collection, Sweet Rose is a shade that will continue as part of the permanent line. This particular shade is a medium warm rose that has just enough pink to it that will make it work for neutral or cool complected skin tones for a combination of looks. As with all shades in Blush Prodige, there are two finishes (matte and iridescent) in the mosaic palette to enable an added radiance to your complexion. Pucker up to Spring as Clarins launches two new lip products this season–the Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil and the Instant Light Lip Balm Perfector. Clarins created new textures for lips that are both indulgent and addictive. Ever so glossy to enhance the lips and with the comfort of moisturizing oils, Clarins created a breakthrough product for women who like to showcase their lips as candy without the tackiness that comes from typical lip gloss products. The Instant Light Lip Comfort Oil is comprised of mirabelle, organic jojoba oil, and hazelnut oil. Hazelnut oil is a common ingredient found in all of Clarins Face and Body Oils and is used for its nourishing properties. This non-sticky, gel-like lip oil is packaged in two shades–Honey, and Raspberry, a limited edition color for Spring 2015, that carries a fruity fragrance and a pretty pink color to the lips. One easy swipe of the Instant Light Lip Balm Perfector, and lips will feel hydrated with its creamy texture and nourished by its moisturizing formula. This tinted lip balm is available in six shades that enhances lips with a subtle natural-looking color and a comforting, soft sheen. Of the six shades, the “My Pink” shade is the most unique. Ingredients in this shade react to the pH level of the lips, and the shade adjusts to your lip color to create a natural pink tint. Two new shades are added to the Joli Rouge Brilliant Sheer Shine Lipstick line–Coral Dahlia and Rose Petal. These lipsticks combine the transparent color and shine of a lip gloss with the creamy texture of a lipstick. Light and long lasting, the formulation of this lipstick will continue to moisturize as shimmers. Both shades offer a pop of color and translates well for a fresh Spring look. All products are available for purchase at Clarins counters nationwide and on www.clarins.com.


Back to Basics with Byer California By Gigi Smith Mornings lately, at least for me, have become an annoying reminder of seasonal change. I wake with itchy, red eyes, and as I rub away last night’s sleep, I sneeze in succession to what’s become my morning workout of crunches. As I look into my closet, I’m challenged to find a quick change into work clothes that are both easy to pair and seasonally appropriate. Living on trend has its limits, and it’s clearly done that to my wardrobe. Interestingly enough, I’ve read on the Facebook grapevine that trending in fashion is no longer trendy. Cue the Spring cleaning effect, and I’ve found another reason to shop again! This time, I’m buying the essentials.

As it turns out, Byer California [byerca.com] has created a Basics Box out of these golden rules. In it contains a white button down shirt with convertible sleeves, a black two-button fitted blazer, a black high-waisted pencil skirt, and a black low-waisted pants. At a very affordable $98. the Byer Basics Box arrives with these four foundation pieces to build an office-ready outift. If fit ia a concern, I can attest that the sizing runs true on my body. The cut, on the other hand, largely depends on the body type. On Byer’s website, The blazer and shirt are offered in a Small/Medium/Large sizing scale, and the skirt and pants on a numeric scale from size two to size twelve.


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

It’s in the Bag! We’ve rounded up the latest products to get you ready for those weekends trekking to all the Spring music festivals. Take a look!


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SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine




By Daniel Fecht Album Cover courtesy of Ed Kowalczyk I can say it with conviction now. Hands down, my favorite people are bald, and so are yours: Bruce Willis, Steve Jobs, Larry David, Michael Stipe, Seal, Elmur Fudd, Daman Wayans, Kevin Costner, Eugene O. Smith, Gandhi, Yoda, Michael Jordan, and Ed Kowalczyk. So does a lack of follicles atop one’s noggin lead to a deeper perception of life? Or an inflated level of artistry/business sense? More friends? A higher paying job? Better sleep patterns? More likely to be in a happy relationship? Least likely to get pregnant? All in all, certainly not a Cambridge university study. I guess we will never know the answer since I forgot to ask Mr. Kowalczyk. Most of us are familiar with the song “Lightning Crashes” as it was a defining song of the ‘90’s and is still heard on rock radio around the world with honorable mention to the songs “I Alone” and “All Over You” and “Heaven” too. “Overcome” was also a song released coincidentally right around the time of the September 11th terrorist attacks which turned out to become a major song of comfort during those uncertain times. These are of the better


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known songs from LIVE, the former band of exlead singer Ed Kowalczyk. Yet, these days, Ed finds himself in a much better place now which was the feeling that I had after speaking with him, a few years after his separation from LIVE and onto his solo career. No jaded band members to tug along for the ride anymore either, only a strong sentiment for passion and the future. Since I’ve always viewed being in a band much like being in a marriage, you know that for some it’s great, and for others it’s more forced and unnatural. Somewhere along the way, the other person (or persons) can potentially lose that particular magic and end up chasing a fish that they will never lure inland the same exact way again. After all of those years with Live (1991-2009) of bleeding soul and spirit on stage and in the studio, times change and you must move forward. Ed’s solo career is equal to the pedestal that many held Live to in their heyday. Think lyrical and vocal superiority in the rock music scene of not only yesterday but today as well. I was able to catch up with Ed on the road.

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DC LIFE MAGAZINE: You’re in the midst of your 20th anniversary tour for the renown “Throwing Copper” album by your former band Live. How’s it feeling running an entire album of that caliber from top to bottom instead of a mixture of songs throughout the years like a normal show?

connect with the fans and the world and it has been a remarkable and incredible experience.

ED KOWALCZYK: It feels great. It’s something I have never done before. We started running the entire album straight through in Australia and the reception was much better than we could have hoped for and that’s how this tour came about.

EK: Ever since I began my solo career and released my first album, which has been 5-6 years now, I have had a partnership with World Vision. With a focus on clean water. World Vision and myself have made an incredible reach to make it count for those in need in countries that don’t have access to clean water. A child under 5 dies every 30 seconds due to contaminated water and poor sanitation in underdeveloped parts of the world and World Vision and myself and you can work to change that. Water effect starts at only $17 a month.

DC: You are a supporter of World Vision. What can you tell me about this organization?

DC: When you’re not playing in the US it seems your country of choice is Holland. What is the connection like there? EK: The people in Holland have always been incredibly loyal and excited as well as very tuned in and their support for me is unique. I love playing there. DC: Any artist these days that you really think have potential to do big things? EK: Well, to start I am a spotify fanatic. As for a band that I am really enjoying I would say Alt-J. Other than that, 90% of the music I listen to is 1975 or before. I’m a pretty vintage kind of guy.

Photo | longislandernews.com

DC: When you think back to the making of Throwing Copper, what memories from the studio stick out the most? EK: It was very speedy and a much more traditional budget that we were working with then. The entire time we were under the gun, it was very intense process. We recorded the album in Cannon Falls, MN in a blur of only a couple of weeks. A cool fact is that Nirvana recorded their last album, “In Utero” in the same studio as Throwing Copper was recorded. DC: Your latest record, 2013’s The Flood and the Mercy and your previous solo effort, Alive, have this sense of energy I found on Throwing Copper. In the nicest way possible, I feel you needed to clear the brush and work with other musicians to get back to what you needed to do. What do you think? EK: Oh absolutely. We (Live) were together for 20 years plus and it began to feel like an over and over routine. I guess you could you could say it was a natural progression for me to go out and re-


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DC: We love food at DC Life Magazine. When you are on the road is there is there any meal or any restaurant that you know you have got to have asap? EK: Everyone on my touring crew is a foodie but when we need to find something good and available then I would say a Chipotle burrito. I usually try to stay away from the red meat side of things though. DC: Another thing that seems pretty obvious is your addiction to coffee. If you need someone to talk to about this, I’m here to talk to. Seriously. EK: That’s funny you say that. One of my biggest trials on tour has been how to fit my pour over kettle into my luggage so that I can have coffee all the time. It’s not easy to fit into my suitcase. You can find Ed Kowalczyk on facebook at facebook.com/ edkowalczyk Please visit World Vision at worldvision.com


The Revival of an American Icon A true American icon situated on the banks of the Potomac River and just steps away from the capital’s chic Georgetown neighborhood, The Watergate will once again open its doors in summer 2015 following an extensive $125 million renovation. With a modern reinvention from its scandalous past, the restoration infuses intriguing design within one of the most fascinating hotels in history. The Watergate Hotel will create an original luxury experience for the world’s most discerning leisure and business travelers. Originally designed by Italian architect Luigi Moretti in 1961, the hotel made waves with its groundbreaking contemporary style and quickly came to epitomize the fabulous lifestyle and sophistication of its time. Now the hotel’s current owners, Euro Capital Properties, have tapped world-renowned designer Ron Arad to complement the flowing, avant-garde architecture with classic elegance and bold mid-century modern design. In a nod to the hotel’s Italian heritage and inspired by its distinctive undulations, Arad looked to sculptural, modern furnishings by Italian designer Moroso. “The Watergate is undoubtedly one of the most glamorous and


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illustrious hotels in the world,” said Rakel Cohen, Director of Design and Development, Euro Capital Properties. “We have paid meticulous attention to every detail in its renovation. With luxurious amenities and exceptional service in tandem with the sophisticated aesthetic, we are excited to bring our vision to life and make this a truly spectacular property. Its intrigue is driven by evocative design, from the retro feel that we have infused to the mystique that lies behind every curve of the hotel’s architecture.”

Extraordinary Rooms With a View

The hotel will consist of 343 upscale and stylish guestrooms, 95 percent of which will feature breathtaking views of the Potomac River. Enhancing its idyllic riverfront positioning, approximately half of all guestrooms will boast lavish balconies. Guests will be able to enjoy multiple premier suites including five exquisite Diplomat Suites and two stately Presidential Suites offering the highest standard of luxury. Each guestroom will feature spectacular natural light and stunning views along with plush bedding, floor-to-ceiling

marble bathrooms, superior in-room amenities and cutting edge technology. Tech-savvy guests will appreciate the ability to control virtually every aspect of their stay via a supremely innovative smartphone application. Additional guest amenities include 24-hour in-room dining, dry cleaning and full laundry services, complimentary shoeshine and a daily newspaper of guests’ choice.

modern vibrancy of the hotel, is poised to become a favorite for Washington’s most powerful. A signature undulating art sculpture of exclusive metals and whisky bottles defines the space, which features the best Scotch, American craft whiskeys and an array of liquors, creating an exclusive setting for high-caliber meetings or an intimate tete-a-tete.

Destination Dining

The Watergate will also boast a palatial rooftop with 360-degree views of the river, the Capitol and the Washington Monument. Home to a bevy of well-appointed amenities including a fire pit and bottle service options, the rooftop will serve as a luxurious respite from the bustling city. It will be the perfect place for an after work cocktail or to host an exclusive event with the best view in town.

Guests and local residents will have an array of options for gastronomy and libations on property, including inventive casual and fine dining establishments. A lively casual restaurant will entice guests, residents and visitors alike with an energetic bar, contemporary dining room, elegant and seasonally inspired menu, and an outdoor patio overlooking the river. For more intimate occasions or sophisticated events, the fine dining restaurant will envelop guests with subtle luxury and tranquil hospitality. The innovative menu will showcase ingredient-driven American cuisine with a French twist, paired with an impressive wine list celebrating some of the world’s best-known regions.

Places to be Seen or Unseen

An opulent whisky bar, fusing historic Washington, D.C. with the

Sensational Spa Services

Catering to guests’ health, wellness and beauty needs, The Watergate will offer a capacious spa and fitness facility. The world-class spa will feature eight tranquil treatment rooms, sauna and steam rooms and a relaxation area for guests to unwind pre- and post-treatment. The space boasts an over-sized 15-yard indoor swimming pool, a whirlpool, and superb group studios for yoga and fitness classes. Manicures and pedicures will also be available at the spa.

Rendering | The Watergate Hotel

Meetings & Events

One of the key aspects of the hotel’s renovation was the addition of extensive meeting and event spaces, which previously did not exist in the building’s footprint, and is sure to be one of the most sought after locations in Washington, D.C. For those looking to host lavish events, The Watergate will offer 17,000 square feet of meeting and function space catering to a multitude of occasions including corporate training sessions, weddings, galas and more. The 11 flexible indoor spaces include several rooms with natural light and river views, an elegant 7,000 square-foot grand ballroom that features state-ofthe-art technology and several configurations, as well as an additional 10,000 square-foot outdoor terrace overlooking the Potomac. The Watergate Hotel is conveniently located near many of Washington, D.C.’s most popular destinations including The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the Georgetown Riverfront. Situated in the heart of the Foggy Bottom neighborhood, a mere one mile from The White House, leisure travelers can be in walking distance to Georgetown shopping, George Washington University, Embassy Row and the picturesque Dupont Circle. Business travelers will be in close distance to the Central Business Districts of K Street, L Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, and The U.S. Department of State. The Watergate is approximately ten minutes by car from the Ronald Regan Washington National Airport and the Metro is accessible via the Foggy Bottom Metro Station. For more information on The Watergate Hotel, please visit TheWatergateHotel.com.


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Rendering | The Watergate Hotel

Rendering | The Watergate Hotel


Currently In Rotation By Jem Bahaijoub

John Aulabaugh “Sins of Past and Present” John Aulabaugh is an alt-country rock n’ roll singer and storyteller with aspirations beyond just a musical career. A philanthropist, businessman, writer, father and husband, every aspect of John’s life informs and inspires his music. His debut solo album, entitled ‘Of Sins Present and Past’, is a compilation of songs about people who have touched his life, with a central focus on the devastating effect of drug and alcohol addiction. The album is produced by Rami Jaffee (Foo Fighters, WallFlowers), and features Jessy Greene (Foo Fighters, Wilco) on strings and Dave Krusen (Pearl Jam) on drums. John has written a richly illustrated companion book to the album, with chapters corresponding to the backstories behind each song. The album is released in March 2015, with a portion of the proceeds funding the substance abuse treatment facility Transitions. The pillars of John Aulabaugh’s life and his music are hope, understanding, honesty, and empathy. He has witnessed friends and family members struggle with addiction, and he has channeled his energies into making those pillars an integral part of his efforts to inform and to entertain. The album’s first single, ‘Road Less Traveled’, draws inspiration from the story of a good friend whose world is shattered when youthful child’s play meets unsafe gun storage. One parent’s irresponsibility sets in motion a life of substance abuse and self-loathing. The surreal


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015

‘Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore’ documents the tragic tale of a high school friend who took the ultimate trip down the rabbit hole. John’s real-life recollections are contrasted in terms of the dichotomy of mythology and logic against the backdrop of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The edgy track ‘The Stranger’, on the other hand, recounts the sexual escapades of a friend perpetually lost in the bowls of West Hollywood, set to a smokey vaudevillian blues backbeat. The album will be accompanied by a 300-page book, a website, and a tour. This multimedia project will provide a richer and more intimate depiction of the people and stories behind each song and behind John’s own rock n’ roll re-awakening. A portion of proceeds from the project will benefit Transitions, a Cincinnati-based charity providing addiction recovery treatment in the Ohio Valley. His album ‘Of Sins Present & Past’ is released in March 2015, with his book release in Summer 2015. For further information and to download music and photos, please visit www.johnaulabaugh.com

Riverfront Rooptop View at the Watergate Ho Photography By Washington DC Studios


Unboxing of Byer California’s Basic Byer Box Photography by Gigi Smith

Presentation of Clarins Spring 2015 Skin Care and Makeup Photography By Gigi Smith


DC LIFE Magazine | SPRING 2015


Caudalie Retail Boutique and Spa Launch at CityCenterDC Photography By Joy Asico

Unveiling of Soft Goods Design at the Watergate Hotel Photography By Gigi Smith

Fashion show by world-famous Turkish haute couture designer Cemil İpekçi at The Embassy of Turkey & Vital Voices Global Partnership Raise Awareness of Violence Against Women at DC Benefit Dinner Photography By Washington DC Studios

SPRING 2015 | DC LIFE Magazine






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