April Prayer Diary

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01/04/13 Praise and Worship Psalm 145, 146. 1.

Praise Him for your life & your family.


Praise Him for His promises to your family.


Praise Him for His protection and provision.

02/04/13 Putting first things first, in your family Romans 3:23 Galatians 3:22 1.

Pray that God will lead every of your family members unto Him.


Pray that God will give you the grace to have the right priorities

03/04/13 The Roman Road Romans-6:23 1.

Pray that God’s merciful provision of salvation will be heard all over the world


Pray that none of your family members will die in their sins, for this is not God’s desire.

04/05/13 Confess to receive the promise of God.

Romans-10:9-10 1.

Open your mouth and proclaim the lordship of Jesus over you


Ask for grace to live today and everyday pleasing God.


Ask God to reign supreme in your life.

05/04/13 The promise of Sonship John 1:12 Romans 2:15 1.

Pray that everyone in your family and also your friends will become a child of God.


Pray that the Holy Spirit will bear witness with your spirit of your salvation.

06/04/13 Access to God Mark 1:35-39 1.

Tell God you want to walk with Him


Express your Love to God.


Ask for His wisdom and understanding as you read the bible.

07/04/13 Consecration and Prayer Mark 1:35 Luke 18:1 1.

Pray that God will examine you and show you and reveal your standing with Him to you.


Pray that he will show you what evils to avoid.

08/03/13 Trials and temptation James-1:13-14 1.

Ask for grace to be spiritually ready for temptations.


Ask God to turn every of your trials into testimonies


Ask God to fill you with the blessings of overcomers

9/04/13 Sowing and Reaping Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 Malachi 3:8-10 1.

What do you have in mind to sow? Pray about it.


Pray God will lead you to sow on good soil.


Pray for divine help to be a cheerful sower.

10/01/13 Covenant keeping God Isaiah:54-10 1.

Recall the covenants you made with the Lord at the start of the year


“He said, my kindness shall not depart from thee”… - claim it


…and “Alas, my covenant of peace shall not be removed from thee”.- pray it in

11/04/13 Follow peace with all men Hebrews 12:14 1.

Meditate on your ways have they been peaceful?


Pray for the grace to continue to live in peace with your neighbours.


Remember that money can’t buy you peace. Ask God surround you with divine peace

12/04/13 Put on the whole armour of God Ephesians 6:13 1.

Pray on the belt of truth…


& … the breastplate of righteousness…


& …shoes of the gospel of peace…

13/04/13 Above all Ephesians 6:16 1.

Pray on …the shield of faith…


& …the helmet of salvation… & … and the sword of the spirit.


14/04/13 Prayer enjoined Ephesians 6:18 1.

Pray today in a different dimension, pray for things / people you don’t usually pray for


Make supplications in the Spirit for the souls of your friends and enemies.


Remember all the Saints worldwide in prayer.

15/04/13 The power of tongue James 4:5-6 1.

Ask God to help use your tongue properly.


Pray that you will blessings and not curses will come from your tongue


Pray that your tongue will heal hearts like medecine.

16/04/13 The Beatitudes Matthew 5:3-12 1.

Blessed are the poor in spirit. – Ask for a broken spirit and a contrite heart


Blessed are they that mourn. – Ask for the grace not to laugh at sin


Blessed are the meek. – Tell God to make you meek

17/04/13 Spiritual fullness Matthew 5:6 1.

God’s promise to those hunger and thirst for righteousness is that they will be filled. Express your hunger


Blessed are the merciful. Ask for grace to me merciful

18/03/13 Spiritual Vision Matthew 5:8


The pure in heart shall see God. Pray that you will be pure in heart.


The children of God are peacemakers, so pray that you will be a peacemaker.

19/04/13 Christian Influence Matthew 5:13 1.

Pray that you will be the salt of the earth.


Pray that you will influence your community for Christ.


Pray that you will be the shinning light in your corner of the world

20/04/13 Believer’s Power and Authority Luke 10:17-19 1.

Pray that you will always remember to use your spiritual authority.


Pray that God will make you an instrument of honour in His hands


Thank God for the power in the name and blood of Jesus Christ

21/04/13 Pray for Grace to Obey Mark 1:35-39 1.

Pray for opportunities for more fellowship with God.


Pray that you will be blessed with divine wisdom.


Pray for daily Spiritual growth.

22/04/13 Divine appearance Genesis 17:1 1.

As God to show up in your circumstances of life.


God demanded perfection from Abraham. Pray that you will also be perfect for the Lord.


Pray that as His promise to Abraham was fulfilled, so shall yours be

23/04/13 Isaac Genesis 35:2 1.

Divine instruction was given to Isaac. What instructions have you received today


Isaac got divine direction, ask for your


And finally Isaac also got divine promise. So have you

24/04/13 Jacob Genesis 35:9 1.

Pray for a change of name – Selah!


Do you seek a change is status? Its on offer today.


Jacob’s blessing flowed to his seed. Pray for your own seed

25/04/13 Moses Exodus 3:5 1.

Divine call of Moses, are you fulfilling God’s purpose for your life?


God dwell in holy places, can your heart host Him?


Moses got divine revelation – Ask God to reveal his will to you

26/04/13 Solomon 1 Kings 3:5 1.

God still speaks though dreams, are your dreams God-inspired / flesh-inspired?


Produce your cause before God.


Bring forth your strong reasons unto Him.

27/04/13 Believer’s Power to Reach Out Luke 9:1-2 1.

These signs shall follow you when you go. When last did you preach the gospel?


Ask God to help you to preach to someone today.


Ask God to make you a fisher of men.

28/04/13 Men and brethren what shall we do?

Acts 2:37-39 1.

There is Power in the Word. Ask God to empower your evangelistic outreaches


The Word that changes lives.


Men need the word. Ask God to lead you to a ripe soul today

29/04/13 Power and authority to the youth Jeremiah 1:8-10 1.

Pray for assurance of His presence.


Pray for power to be distinct.


Pray for Power to root out and to pull down.


Pray for Power to exceed your own expectations.

30/04/13 Can man rob God? Malachi 3:8-11 1.

Have you faithful to God? Repent if you haven’t


Ask for grace to be obedient and faithful to His commandments concerning tithes this year.

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