July prayer diary

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01/07/14 Thanksgiving Psalm 107, 118 1. Give thanks to God for the providing you with the grace to complete the first part of this year 2. Take time to express your appreciation for all he has done for you


Dedication Joshua 24:15; 1 Corinthians 9:27 1.Take some time to meditate on what it takes to be dedicated and sold out to God.

2.Re-dedicate yourself to God. 3.Ask the Holy Spirit to help you stay focused in your christian race.

03/07/14 A Consistent Prayer Life Daniel 10:12-21; James 5:16 1. Ask God to rekindle the fire upon your altar, that you want to burn even brighter for him 2. Pray for the many Christians who are struggling in their prayer life, that They may receive divine visitation for revival

04/07/14 Consistency in Studying the Word Psalm 1:1-3; Joshua 1:8 1. Ask that the Holy Spirit help you understand God's will better. 2. Ask for the grace that makes an individual meditating upon the Word of God more important than necessary food. 3. Pray that God help you rightly divide the word of truth


God’s Direction Psalm 32:8 1.Pray for the spirit of discernment in order to know God's will for your life per time.

2.Pray for the grace to be obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading, everytime.

06/07/14 Church Leadership Matthew 10:16; Ephesians 4:11-12 1.Pray that God will continue to uphold our leaders in the face of temptation.

2.Pray that the oil of anointing upon their lives will never run dry. 3.O! that God would bless our pastors with the wisdom to lead the flock aright.

07/07/14 Church Leadership (2) 2 Timothy 4:2; Acts 4:12 1. Pray that God grants our leaders the boldness to continue to preach the undiluted Word of God without compromising.

2.May God help them to be patient in listening to the Holy Spirit and those who they may be counselling.

08/07/14 Leadership (3) 1 Peter 5:2-3, Revelation 2:4-5

1. Pray that none of our leaders will fall into the trap of pride which led to King Saul's rejection. 2.Pray that their children will find them worthy of being seen as role models and not sanctimonious hypocrites. 3.Also pray for their children, that they will not be ‘sons of Eli’.

09/07/14 A Heart for Evangelism Matthew 5:16

1. Pray that more souls will come to know God through our Saturday Life Cafe outreach programme. 2. Pray that the Holy Spirit shall convince more church members to take corporate evangelism as a priority. 3. Pray that God grants you the grace to live a life that evangelises Christ.


Inspect Me Psalm 139:23 1. Ask the Holy Spirit to search you if there be iniquity in you and He convicts you so you may be able to follow the path of restitution in order to obtain mercy. 2. Pray for a new heart. 3.Pray that God will purge His church and keep her holy unto Him

11/07/13 Immorality 1 Cor. 16 : 18 ; Hebrew 12 : 16 1. As the world commemorate the World Population Day with the aim of raising the awareness of the issue of adolescent pregnancy, pray for the grace for our youth to remember that their body is the temple of the Lord. 2. Pray that our youths will stand up for chastity and purity like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 3. Pray for deliverance for those afflicted by the scourge of pornography and related vices.

12/07/14 Redemption Ps 51:10; Ez. 18:31; Matt 5:8; Ez. 36:26

1. Pray for a heart that is allergic to sin. 2. Pray for a mind that discerns and avoids temptation. 3. Ask for the grace to stay ever conscious of the work at Calvary.

13/07/14 Unity in Christendom Mark 3:25; Matthew 28:16-20 1. Pray for the unity of purpose among Christians, that our common goal will be the fulfilment of the great commission and nothing else. 2. Divine grace for us to be more understanding and tolerant of one another as individuals.

14/07/14 The Church of God Matthew 16:18b; Acts 20:28; Jeremiah 3:15 1. Pray for the spiritual, numerical, and physical growth of the church.

2. Pray that every time we congregate, we will enjoy a genuine experience of God (and his ways) in the fellowship.

15/07/14 Our Nation Revelation 12:11; Proverbs 14:34 1. Pray for a revival in Great Britain. 2. Pray that God shall instil His fear in the heart of our leaders. 3. Denounce every principality and power in high places that are influencing the youth to exhibit extremist behaviours.

16/07/14 Christian Identity Romans 1:16 1. Pray for confidence to identify with Jesus everywhere anywhere, all the time. 2. Grace to remain ever conscious of our Christian confession and our identity as children of God.

17/07/14 Christian Missionaries Philippians 4:19; Luke 14:26 1. The celebration of the World Day for International Justice reminds us of the challenges and lifethreatening situations Christian missionaries face around the world. May God comfort their families. 2. Pray for those at the forefront of persecution, that they would receive grace not to give up. 3. Pray for divine protection and provision for all missionaries.

18/07/14 Christian Missionaries (2) 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Psalm 91; Leviticus 17:11,14; Exodus 12:13 1. Pray for those that are suffering having being wrongly accused, pray that God shall a raise deliverance unto them.

2. Cover their physical and mental health in the Blood of Jesus.

19/07/14 His Promises Psalm 138:2; Isaiah 55:11; 2 Corinthians 1:20 1. Ask for the grace to stay worthy of receiving his promises. 2. Pray for the wisdom to discern God's will and promises for your life according to His Word. 3. Ask for faith to keep believing that God will fulfil His promises to you.

20/07/14 Protection Psalm 91:3; Psalm 91:11 1. Pray for divine protection in the face of persecution.

2. Pray for divine protection from natural disasters. 3.Cover your family with the blood of Jesus


The Youth (1) Psalm 37:4 1. Pray that our youth shall grow to know and love the Lord. 2. Pray that all who have written exams shall get good feedback. 3. Ask that God grants the desires of the heart of those who are in search of career jobs, holiday jobs and internships, etc.

22/07/14 The Youth (2) Joel 2:28; Psalm 144:12

1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help our youth to stay out of trouble during the summer holiday. 2. Pray that every youth will experience a personal life-defining encounter with God. 3. Pray the Holy Spirit to cause them to remember that they are children of God in the face of temptation and peer pressure.

23/07/14 DCLM Yorkshire Churches Luke 10:2 1. Pray for the growth of Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Huddersfield churches. 2. May God send members with an evangelical drive to join these churches.

3. Remember the leadership and workers of these churches in your prayers.

24/07/14 Heaven 1 Corinthians 15:51-55; 1 Thessalonians 4:15; Luke 21:36; 1. Spend your quiet time meditating on heaven and the possibility of the rapture happening the next moment.

2.Let the Holy Spirit guide you in praying.

25/07/14 Perfect Me Psalm 92:12 1. Ask for the grace to live a holy life. 2.Ask that God help you identify and purge away anything that may make you unworthy of His glory.

26/07/14 Global Peace Philippians 4:7 1. Pray for the Peace of God to reign in troubled countries like Nigeria, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine and other troubled lands. 2.Thank God for the political and social peace existent in the United Kingdom.

3.Pray against any form of intolerance that may put the peace and serenity experienced in this country into jeopardy.


God's Rest Matt 11:28-30, Hebrews 4:1 1. Lord bring me into your rest. 2.Help me Lord to remember that You only are my refuge in the day of trouble. 3.May I not be found unworthy of entering into Your rest on the last day.

28/07/14 Healing Jeremiah 8:22 1. Remember brethren who have been looking up to God for healing. Intercede for healing on their behalf 2. Pray against any form of deadly disease outbreak.


The Light of The World Matt 5:16

1. Pray that wherever there is hurt, He will use you to bring soothing. 2. That where there is failure, let the light of God in you shine. 3. Let my lifestyle be one that causes others to want to know Jesus.

30/07/14 True Love Rom 5:10,11; Pro 13:20; 18:24 1. Pray against every spirit of backbiting, slander, envy, strive, competition and gossip that ruin brotherliness 2. As the world promotes friendship & mutual understanding today, pray they come to the knowledge & acceptance of Christ's long waiting divine friendship request.


Discipline 1 Cor. 9:27 1. Ask for grace to do what I know is right at the right time. 2. Divine ability to stay undefiled. 3. Ability to persevere in the place of prayer everyday.

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