June prayer diary

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01/06/13 Praise & worship Psalm 107:1, 105:1-4 1.

Praise him for His grace, love & mercy for bringing you into June.


Praise him for his protection & preservation so far this year.


Thank him for his faithfulness in his promises.

02/06/13 Promise to the reader and the obedient Revelations 1:3 1. You are blessed for reading the Bible. Ask God for help to read and understand the scriptures 2. Ask for the divine enablement for continued unconditional obedience to God’s word

03/06/13 Divine approval Revelations 2:1-5 1. He knows your labour and patience. Pray for grace to continue to serve Him 2.

Examine yourself, have you forgotten your first love? If yes, its time to retrace your foot steps to the cross. If no, ask for grace to continue to abide

04/06/13 Poor but rich in his sight Revelations 2:8-10 1. He knows about your financial distress, only be patient, and ask in faith. 2. Are you rich God-ward, laying up treasures where no moth or rust can attack them?

05/06/13 Holding fast Revelations 2:13-17 1.

Pray for those who are being persecuted for holding fast the name of Christ and the truth.


War against all lying spirits false doctrine and fake prophets that are raiding into the fold of Christ.

06/06/13 Power of Love. John-3:16, John: 15-9, 13 1. Pray that true, brotherly love will grow in the church. That we would dwell together in love 2. Pray that God will envelope your family in love 3. War against wolves who come into the fold to lure away sheep to destruction through false love.

07/06/13 The relationship between believers & Christ John 15 1.

Pray for yourself, that nothing will separate you from the love of Christ

2. Pray for that God will continue to purge His church that He may present it to Himself holy and acceptable without blemish



Total dependence John-15:5-6 Depend upon him for fruit. Ask Him for grace to be fruitful in every sector of your life


Know your helplessness and ask him for help


He is abundantly able to do all things – all you need do is ask in faith

09/06/13 The master key of prayer John 15:7 1.

Abiding in him is the master key. A life without Christ is a life-full of crises. Are you abiding?


Abiding is the only condition that guarantees answers to prayers. Pray for a more abiding church

10/06/13 Abundant Grace 2 Corinthians 9:8 1.

God will make all grace abound towards you as long as you desire and ask.


That you may be able to do good works like Jesus our Lord and Master

11/06/13 Abundant Power Ephesians 3-20 1. His power works in all true believers, oh that we may see miracles as of old ! 2. That power gives you boldness to do all things. Ask for power to influence your community for Christ and to work the works that Christ worked as He promised us

12/05/13 Abundant Supply Philippians 4:19 1. Our God is rich in everything you can think of 2. According to his riches he is able. 3. Just present your empty cheque at his presence.

13/06/13 Separation from evil association Exodus 23:2 1. Know that the multitude is not always right. Ask for Grace to avoid evil association and to break away any unholy alliance that you may be in at the moment 2. Neither speak evil of no one – ask for a tongue that blesses, supports and uplifts others

14/06/13 Stick to his Warnings Exodus34:12 1. Thank him for making his grace available, which makes us turn from all known sins 2. That the same grace will lead and guide in making all restitutions 3. That we will enter into the Holiest of Holy with boldness on a daily basis.

15/06/13 Companionship Psalm 119:63, 2 Timothy 3:14 1. Ask for grace to always desire to be in a company of those who obey the Lord 2. Ask for grace to always desire to be in a company of those who love God.

16/06/13 The Church, The Salt. Matthew 5:13 1. You are the salt in your community pay that you will not lose your saltiness. 2. Pray against all the worldly influences that are creeping in to destroy the fabric of the church. That God will keep is church purified and unspotted

17/06/13 The Touch of CHRIST Matthew 9:20 1. This women purpose in her heart to see Jesus. Ask that Jesus show up in your circumstances today 2. She saw Jesus as her last hope, pray for everyone with longstanding issues and problems to receive the touch of Christ today

18/06/13 The cleansing touch Matthew 8:3 1. Jesus will always touch those who sincerely ask for his touch. Do you seek His touch today? - ask and receive 2. Intercede on behalf of as many are laid into your heart, who need the touch of Christ

19/06/13 The Quieting touch Matthew 8:14-15 1. Pray that every storm in your life, family, work, business will receive a quieting touch 2. Pray for every troubled nation, every storm plagued city you know; that they receive a quieting, healing visit from Jesus

20/06/13 Spiritual test Matthew 9:28-29 1. Do you believe that Jesus is able to touch you? Be it unto you according to your faith. 2. How is your quiet time, dry? Mechanical? Unfruitful/ hurried? Blissful? Power-laced? Refreshing?

21/06/13 Great Faith Matthew 9:29-30 1. Then he touches their eyes and opened it - ask him to touch your spiritual eyes 2. Lord help our faith, help the Faith, revive our faith in you.

22/06/13 Conditions of spiritual power Matthew 17:19-20 1. Lord, why could I not cast him out? Are there things you have been wanting achieve but have not been able to? Today is the appointed day to receive power to do exploits

23/06/13 Church Authority Matthew 18:-19 1. Pray for the universal church of Christ, that the church will march on and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. 2. Pray for the leaders in the church, that God will renew their vision and uphold them with His right hand of righteousness

24/06/13 Unlimited forgiveness Matthew 21:22 1. Our duty to our enemies is to pray for them, and do them good. Ask for a more forgiving heart 2. As God through Christ forgives us so also we ought to forgive our enemies. Ask god to fill the hearts of as many as call upon His name with a forgiving heart

25/06/13 Search the scriptures John 5-39 1. The scriptures testify of Jesus You will truly find Jesus if you sincere search it. Ask for divine help in your study of the bible 2. Pray for more understanding of the scriptures, that the Holy spirit Himself minister to you through the Word

26/06/13 Promise of spiritual equipment Acts 2:1

1. Thank God for the Holy Spirit 2. Ask for divine enablement to live a spirit–filled and spirit-controlled life 3. Tell God you want to begin to show forth the fruit of the spirit

27/06/13 The divinity of Christ John 1:1 1. Christ is the Word. Affirm your faith in Him as that he fills you more and more 2. Pray that as God the Father is one with Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, so will you be one with his church

28/06/13 The light of the world John 1:9-10 1. Walk in the light and you will never stumble. Pray that God fill your pathway with light. 2. Carnal mind cannot walk in the light, Pray against every carnality in your life as well as in the church of God

29/06/13 The witness of John to the light. John 1:15 1. John was not ashamed of the gospel. What are you doing for Christ? 2. Pray that God makes you an effective witness of His grace and salvation offer to all men

30/06/13 John announces his office John 1:22-23 1. Know your office in the kingdom? Ask that God reveals to you what His calling is for you 2. Ask for divine strength and fortitude to occupy your duty post till he comes.

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