May Prayer Diary

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Praise & worship Psalm 145, 146 1.

Bless the name of the Lord for the great things he has done.


Praise him for the blessedness of year 2013.


Praise him for his protection& preservation.

02/05/13 His presence & leadership Through The remainder of the year Exodus 33:14-15 1.

Pray for his presence in our lives this year.


His leadership and direction.


His spirit. His love, Mercy & Grace.

03/05/13 Prayer for troubled Nations Matthew 24:6, Revelations 6:4 1.

Pray that God’s mercy will visit all countries at war


Pray that God in his mercy will touch all countries suffering natural disasters


Pray that people will become aware of the

04/05/13 Christ’s prayer for the Church John-17:14-24 1.

Pray that purity will be the pursuit of the church while we wait for Christ


Intercede for all believers, that the prayer of Christ for our sanctification will not be in vain

05/05/13 Awakening of sinners & Backsliders in the Church. Acts 2:37-39 1.

Pray that Gods word will be prick deadened hearts.


Pray for the restoration of backsliders and salvation for the many souls wallowing in sin

mountain Joshua 14:7-14 1.

Review your past achievements how has God helped you thus far?


Recognise your present desires and aspirations and present them before God


Request your divine assistance to posses your possession

09/05/13 If the foundation be destroyed Psalm 11:3 1.

Pray for grace for the church to overcome the scourge of modernity in Christendom.


That God will help you not remove the ancient landmarks.

07/51/13 And I will give you pastors according to my own heart. Jeremiah 3:15 1.

Pray that God will give the Church more good pastors


And that they will be fervent and efficient in feeding the flock with knowledge and understanding.

True Prosperity

Psalms 1:1-2 1.

Examine yourself in the light of ‘sitteth not in the seat of the scornful’


Ask for grace to seek not counsel from the ungodly


Ask that God in his gracious mercies will keep you unspotted in this end times

9/01/13 Secret things of God. Psalm 25:14 1.

The secret of the Lord is for them that fear him.


Ask him to reveal to you his secret


Some of his secret will require prayer, are you ready for that?

Who shall be with the Lord Psalm 15:1-3


He that walketh uprightly


He that worketh righteousness


He that speaketh the truth from his heart.


Are you on the Lord’s side ?

11/05/13 Dost thou still retain your integrity?

Job:2-9 1.

Ask for more grace to keep your integrity.


That you will live a holy life to please him always.


Pray for the brethren that men of integrity would not disappear in the fold.

Rejecting evil counsel

Job:2-9b 1.

Job was tempted to curse God – what heavy temptations are you going through.


Tell God going back to the world is not an option for me.


Ask that God will help you to be able to discern ungodly counsel.

The Lord is my shepherd Psalms 23:1 1.

Who is your shepherd ?


Ask the Good shepherd to lead you beside the still waters.


Are you cumbered with a load of care ? Hang it on the cross in faith

14/05/13 Goodness & mercy shall follow you

Psalms 23:6 1.

Happiness shall be your portion all year round


Receive God’d promise of protection and good health as promised in this Psalm

15/05/13 The Life that pleases God Psalms 25:14


Do fear the Lord ?


Do you obey him ?


Do you have a covenant with him ?

16/05/13 One thing Psalms 27:4 1.

What is your heart desire? – do desire to seek the Lord daily?


What is your heart desire? – do you desire to dwell in the house of the Lord?

My Son keep my words Proverbs 7:1 1.

Obedience is God’s requirement how obedient are you to biblical instructions


Ask for the grace to obey God’s word as he has laid it down in the scriptures even though others turn a blind eye.

18/05/13 Search the scriptures John 5:39 1.

Do you testify of JESUS – when last did u testify?


The Scripture is God’s gift of treasure to believers, do you spend time to dwell on the scriptures?

The glory of the Saviour John 1:14 1.

Glorify God for send Jesus - The word was that was made flesh


Thank Him for the privilege of sonship Christ paid for at Calvary


Ask for the grace to run the Christian race to the end

Gifts From God John 3:27 1. Man cannot receive nothing, except is given to him from above – thank God for everything you have 2. Pray for the needy, the sick, the homeless, the persecuted, the hungry

3. Pray about the things you desire.

For I came down from heaven not to do my will John 6:38

1. Do you know the will of GOD 2. Ask God for forgiveness for every time that you have done your will against His will 3. Do you hear from God if no today can be your first time if you desire

Mankind is helpless John 15:1 1. Jesus is the True vine without Christ it will all be crises. Pray for the gospel light to shine into crises laden lives 2. We are the branches – pray against backsliding in the church 3. Connect yourselves to the vine today

23/05/13 Abiding in Christ John 15:4 1. Pray that this will be the hope of every believer.

2. That believers will not be ignorant of his eminent coming. 3. That when the last trump you will make it


The outpouring of the Holy Ghost Acts 1:8

1. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? 2. If you are thirsty, today is your day ask for and receive in faith.

Promise of spiritual equipment


Acts 2:1 1. Thank God for the Holy Spirit 2. Ask for divine enablement to live a spirit–filled and spirit-controlled life 3. Tell God you want to begin to show forth the fruit of the spirit

26/05/13 Fulfilment of prophecy Joel 2:28

1. I will pour my spirit upon all flesh on these last days 2. Their sons and daughters shall prophesy

3. Old men shall see dreams, while the young men shall visions

The demonstration of the power through preaching Acts 2:14-39

1. When they heard that they were pricked in their hearts ask for power to preach convincingly. 2. Men and brethren what shall we do – invite the Holy Spirit to lead your evangelistic outreaches. 3. Do you ask questions when

28/05/13 The fearless of the apostles Acts 4:13 1. The boldness of John and Peter attracted your boldness will bring about conviction in people’s life 2. Pray for enablement to declare the word with boldness anywhere


Prayer for true soul winners Daniel-12:3 1. Pray for all soul winners 2. That will God will give them the right word at the right time.

3. That your evangelism will turn many unto the Lord

30/05/13 Christian Influence Matthew 5:13-16

1. Pray for grace to influence your community 2. That you will be salt of your neighbourhood 3. That you will be the light wherever you find yourself

31/05/13 Covenant keeping God


1. Remind God about the covenants you made with him

2. He said, my kindness shall not depart from thee. So shall it be 3. Alas, My covenant of peace shall not be removed from thee.

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