November prayer diary

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01/11 Worship

Psalms 103 1. Bless the Lord, oh my soul: bless his holy name all that is within me – Worship God for who He is 2. Bless the Lord and forget not his benefits – thank God for seeing you thus far through the year

02/11 Praise Psalms 107 1. O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds. – Enumerate the testimonies you have had so far this year and thank Him for each one 2. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him declare his wondrous works

03/11 HOW IS YOUR COVENANT WITH GOD? 1 Samuel 18:3 1. As we draw towards the close of the year, prayerfully examine your relationship with your maker, have your personal spiritual targets?


1. How healthy is your relationship with your spouse ? Is it the way God meant it to be? 2. How about your interactions with your children / parents / siblings? 3. Ask God for grace to repent and reconcile if need be

5/11 GOD’S COVENANT WITH NOAH Genesis-9:12-16 1. God promised Noah that He would not destroy the world with water again. Thousands of years after He still keeping His word 2. Has He promised you anything specific this year? Remind Him today.

06/11 THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT Genesis 17:7 1. Claim the blessings of Abraham upon you, your family and your friends 2. Pray that God makes you a channel of blessings

07/11 THE ARK OF THE COVENANT Numbers 10:33 1. Pray that you will experience the peace that comes with dwelling in God’s presence 2. Pray for the abiding presence of God in your family / church

08/11 PROMISES FOR THE OBEDIENT CHILDREN Deuteronomy 28:1-14 1. Ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you for all the times you have grieved him. 2. Tell God to help you to be obedient and submissive to His will everytime

09/11 DIVINE UPLIFTMENT Deuteronomy 28:1-14 1. Lord lift me up to where we belong according to your word. 2. Pray for divine assistance for allround success in your life

10/11 JOURNEY MERCIES Deuteronomy 28:6 1. Pray that as you, your family and your friends travel during the festive period, that God will divinely protect you 2. Commit all your planned trips into God’s hands, that they will be fruitful


PROTECTION Deuteronomy 28:7 1. Cover yourself, family and friends with the blood of Jesus 2. Pray for those who are being abused, tormented or afflicted, that God should hasten to their rescue


PRAYER FOR FRUITFULNESS Deuteronomy 28:11 1. Pray for everyone that you know that is seeking the face of God for the fruit of the womb. 2. Pray for fruitfulness in your walk with God, that you will be a fruitful bough

13/11 FINANCE Deuteronomy 28:12 1. Commit your finances into God’s hands 2. Pray that God will bless your finance that you may be able to bless others according to His word 3. Pray for all those struggling to come out of debt

14/11 RUNNING THE CHRISTIAN RACE Ephesians 6:10 1. Re-consecrate yourself to Christ to follow Him to the end 2. Ask for the grace to carry your cross and never to look back

15/11 CHRISTIAN WARFARE Ephesians 6:12 1. Come against every spirit of compromise that is attacking the church 2. Pray for the persecuted Christians in Syria, Pakistan and Egypt.


CHRISTIAN WARFARE c’td Ephesians 6:13 1. Pray for revival of righteousness in our land. 2. Destroy every altar of secularism and every spirit exalting itself against the knowledge of Christ


Ephesians 6:14 1. Dear Lord make me a Daniel in today’s Babylon; a Malachi; a Mordecai 2. Lord I ask for the grace never ever to fall to the temptation to tell a lie. Cause your righteousness to flow through me

18/11 SPREADING THE GOSPEL Ephesians 6:15 1. Ask god to make you an effective and a ready witness of Christ 2. Commit people you have preached to into God’s hands that the Holy Spirit will minister to them and bring about genuine repentance in their hearts


FAITH Ephesians 6:16 1. Oh! Lord that I may increase in faith!

20/11 HELMET OF SALVATION AND THE WORD OF GOD Ephesians 6:17 1. Pray specifically for the salvation of three people you have been longing to preach to 2. Ask God to give you a perpetual thirst for His word

21/11 WATCHING and PRAYING Ephesians 6:18 1. Lord help me not the become complacent. In my weakest moments please show yourself strong. 2. Lord keep me spiritually alert to those little foxes that spoil the vine.

22/11 PRAYER FOR THE SAINTS Ephesians 6:18-20 1. Pray for Christians facing persecution all over the world 2. Pray missionaries and evangelist in the field that God will grant t hem open doors and utterance


PRAYING FOR WORLD LEADERS Exodus 18:21 1. Pray that the fear of God will prevail in the hearts of our leaders. 2. Pray that their decisions and actions will be guided by wisdom and the fear of God

24/11 PRAYING FOR OUR SPIRITUAL LEADERS 1 Thessalonians 5:25 1. Pray for the unction to function for our pastors. 2. Pray that the vision God has given them will never grow dim


PRAYING FOR REVIVAL 2 Chronicles 7:14 1. Lord send a revival into our land cause that men will hunger for God. 2. Lord revive your churches, purge out every leaven and dross.

26/11 PRAYING FOR CHURCH SERVICES – Bible Study Joshua 1:8; James 1:22 1. Pray that we shall not be hearers only, but doers of His word. 2. Pray that God should illuminate His word in the hearts of men

27/11 PRAYING FOR CHURCH SERVICES – Prayer meeting

1 Kings 8:28-49 1. That God will make his church a praying church. 2. Pray that God will continue to manifest His presence in our services with testimonies, signs and wonders

28/11 PRAYING FOR CHURCH SERVICES – Sunday Worship Matthew 18:20

1. Pray that God will give his church a teachable spirit. 2. Pray that according to the scriptures, our gathering will never be devoid of the presence of God.

29/11 PRAYING FOR CHURCH SERVICES – House Fellowship meetings Acts 2:46,47 1. Pray for unity and brotherly love in all our house fellowships. 2. Pray for spiritual and numerical growth in all our house fellowship units

30/11 DECEMBER RETREAT Mark 6:31 1. Pray for great attendance, that people will flock to every retreat venue 2. Pray that there will be signs, wonders and miracles 3. Pray for manifestation of power as of old

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