February Prayer Diary

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PRAISES AND THANKSGIVING UNTO GOD. Ps. 107:1,105:1-4 1. Praise for His goodness towards you and your family 2. Praise Him for grace, love & mercy 3. Praise Him for His protection & preservation. 4. Thank Him for His faithfulness to his promises.


THE POWER OF LOVE Jn. 3:16; 15-9,13 1. How is your relationship with God, with Jesus and with the Holy Ghost 2. How is your attitude towards God? 3. Do you also love the sheep he hath committed into your hands 4. Are you committed to the great commission?


THE HOLY BIBLE 2Tim. 3:16-17, Prov. 30:5-6, Rev. 22:18-19 1. Praise God for revelation of himself to us through his word. 2. That God will reveal himself to you as you read his word 3. That the Holy Ghost will be your teacher. 4. That Christ will be formed in you.


THE GODHEAD Matt 3:16-17, 2Cor 13:14, Matt 28:19-20 1. How is your relationship with God the Father 2. How is your relationship with Jesus? 3. How is your relationship with the Holy Ghost


THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF JESUS Isaiah 7:14, Matt 1:18-25, Rom 1:4, 1Cor 15:3-4 1. Pray that people will not deny Christ deity and his distinctive nature. 2. That they will believe that he is the only spotless lamb of God


DEPRAVITY, SINFULNESS AND GUILT OF ALL MEN Rom. 3:23,5:12-17, Ps. 51:5, Job 14:4, Mk. 7:21, Eph. 2: 1. Sin is the only thing that separates us from God 2. Pray for the grace to come out completely from sin 3. That you will see sin as God sees it. 4. That you will pray for sinners everyday


REPENTANCE Prov. 28:13, Is. 55:7, Ez. 18:21-23, Mk. 1:15, Lk. 24:46-47, Acts 3:38, 3:19, 20:20-21, 2Cor 7:10, Heb. 6:1-3 1. Thank Him for making His grace available to us turn from all known sins 2. That the same grace will lead us to make all our restitutions 3. That we will walk with pure conscience 4. That we will enter into the holiest of holy with boldness on a daily basis. 5. That people will believe He (Jesus) is the only gift of God to mankind


RESTITUTION Gen 20:1-8,14-18, Ex. 22:1:7, Lev 6:1-7, Num. 5:6-8, 2Sam 12:1-6, Pro 30-31, Eze 33:14-16, Matt 5:23-24, Luke 19:8-9, Acts 23:1-5,24:16, James 4:17

Pray for grace 1. to amend all wrong done against your fellow men 2. Restore stolen goods 3. To pay back debt 4. Give back to persons defrauded 5. Apologize to anyone slandered


JUSTIFICATION Psalm 32:1-2, Isaiah-1:18, Micah 7:19, Acts 13:38 1. Justification is the act of God’s grace 2. Praise God if you are truly born again 3. He has forgiving you your sins through Christ 4. Begin to enjoy all the benefit which God has given to those who love Him


WATER BAPTISM Matthew 28:19,3:13:17, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38,8:38-39,19:1-5, Romans 6:4-5 1. Have you publicly identified with Christ 2. Praise God if you are baptised in the name of The Father, of The Son and of The Holy Ghost 3. If you have identify with Him through baptism, pray that you will not sin against Him


THE LORDS SUPPER Matthew 26:29, Luke 22:17-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-30 1. Do you partake the Lords supper? If no, pray and amend your ways. 2. If you are a regular partaker, do you examine yourself properly before you dine with the brethren? 3. Do you easily forgive and forget? 4. Set your eyes like a flint on Jesus and him alone


ENTIRE SANTIFICATION Luke 1:74-75, John 17:15-17, 1Thess, 4:3,7,8, 5:22-24, Heb 2:11, 10:10,14, 13:11-12, Titus 2:11-14, 1John 1:7, Heb 12:14, 1 Peter 14-16 1. Are sanctified? It is the second work of grace. 2. Pray that God will crate thirst and hunger in your heart for it 3. Pray and receive it by faith in Jesus name 4. Begin to walk with God more closer than before

13/02 HOLY GHOST BAPTISM Acts 1:8, 2:1-18,Matt, 3:11, Luke 1:58, 24:49,Mark 16:17,John 1:3033,7:3739,14:16,17,26,15:1215,Acts 10:44-46,19:1-6

1. Have you receive the Holy Ghost since you gave your life to the Lord? 2. Are you evangelising since you received the power? 3. Are you fulfilling the purpose of receiving the power?


REDEMPTION, HEALING AND HEALTH Ex 15:26, Deut 7:15, Ps. 103:1-5, Prov. 4:20-22, Is.53:4-5, Matt 8:16-17, 1Pet 2:24, Mk16:15-18, Lk13:16, Jn14:12-14, 10:10, Acts10:38, James5:14-16, 3Jn 2, Gal 3:13-14 1. Pray that you will do that which is right in His sight. 2. That he will not put none of these diseases upon thee. 3. That the Lord will take away from thee all sickness and diseases. 4. That above all things you will prosper and be in good health. 5. Thank Him, Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law.


PRAYER FOR THE YOUTH IN THE CHURCH Jeremiah 35:1-8 1. Bless the name to the Lord for blessing us with children 2. Thank him for the Life of our children 3. Pray for academic success of our youths, and for grace to excel 4. Pray that the Lord will give them the grace to flee from every form of youthful lust


PERSONAL EVANGELISM Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-49,John 17:18, Acts 1:8,Daniel 12:3,Ezekil 3:17-21

1. Do you know that God has made you a watchman? 2. Do you know that the power of God is for witnessing? 3. Do you know that there is a crown waiting for those who will turn many unto Christ?


UNITY AND LOVE IN THE CHURCH Psalm 133:1-3 1. Bless him for his love towards his Church 2. Pray for grace to love all the brethren in the Church 3. Pray and get rid of all bitterness and malice 4. Against hatred, envying, strive, fault finding

18/02 MARRIAGE Genesis 2:24,Duet, 7:1:4,2Cori 6:1418,Malachi 2:14-15,Eph 5:3133,Matthew 5:31-32,19:3-9,Mark 10:2-12

1. Thank God for life partner 2. If you are still waiting for your life partner thank God for that. 3. Affirm that you will be faithful to your partner till the end. Pray for strength and grace all the way

19/02 THE RAPTURE John 14:1-3,Luke 21:3436,1Cori,15:51-58,1Thess,4:1318,2Thess,2:5_7 Phili,3:11,20,21, 1. How are you preparing for these last event? 2. This event is only for the true believers, pray that you will be part of it 3. It is not too late to be part of it examine yourself and make right your ways with Christ. 4. Pray that this gospel truth will reached all believers and sinners


THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD Job 19:25-27,,Daniel 12:2,John 5:28-29,1Thess,4:13-16Hebrews 6:1-2,Phili,3:-11, 1. Pray that as the Lord tarries, you will die in the Lord when at your appointed time 2. Pray that you will fulfil all your days in peace, and you will end up with the Lord in paradise 3. Pray for grace to present your body a living sacrifice unto him 4. Pray that holiness and purity will be your daily pursuit


OVERCOMING THE SPIRIT OF FEAR Deuteronomy 10:12-3, 13:4 1. Pray that the fear of God will abide in your heart - the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom 2. Pray against the fear of men 3. Pray that opinions of people will not rule you.


OVERCOMING DISCOURAGEMENT Numbers 21:4, Psalms 73:2-3

1. Pray that you will fit into, the narrow way. 2. To overcome all hindrances on your Christian journey 3. Grace to overcome the spirit of discouragement.


OVERCOMIMG MATERIALISM 1 John 2:15-17 Pray 1. Against the lust of the flesh 2. Against the lust of the eye 3. Against the pride of life


OVERCOMING TEMPTATION 1Chronicles 21:1, Matthew 4:3 1. Pray that you will not yield to temptation 2. That in times temptation God will enable to stand. 3. That you will not be overtaken by any temptation, that with every temptation God will make a way out for you.


CHRISTIAN INFLUENCE Matthew 5:13-16 1. Pray for grace to influence your community 2. That you will be salt of your neighbourhood 3. That you will be light wherever you find yourself


TRUE PROSPERITY Matthew 6:33 1. Grace to seek God till you find him 2. Communion with him on a daily basis 3. That he will bless you and bless you indeed


PROMISE TO SEEKERS Matthew 7:7-8 1. P.U.S.H that nagging need (Pray Until Something happens) 2. Spend time to seek the face of God for guidance with decisions 3. Knock at Heaven’s door for your loved ones till it is opened to you


OPEN DOOR Revelation 3:8 1. Pray that the Lord will perfect your work 2. That you will not be found wanting at his coming 3. That he will recommend you at his appearing

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