Worship Psalms 145 1. Bless the Lord with the words of this Psalm. Bless Him for His love, goodness, and mercy. 2. “I will extol you, my God, oh King; and bless your name forever.�
Praise Psalms 146 1. Praise the Lord, O my soul. 2. While I live will I praise the Lord and sing praises to him while I have any being.
03/09 End time warning to the churches Revelations 1:18-20 1. The end is nearer than we first believed, let him that thinks he stands take heed – examine yourself and renew your Christian vows and experiences with God
04/09 Warning to the church in Ephesus Revelations 2:4 1. Thou hast left thy first Love, repentance is required – have you? 2. Pray for the many churches who started out well, but have now forgotten their first love and digressed from the pathway of truth
5/09 To the church in Samaria Revelations 2:8-11 1. Fear none of those things which you will suffer for my sake. – Lets pray for the Christians being persecuted all over the world 2. The devil will cast some of you into prison, tried, be faithful. – pray for the saints in Syria, Lebannon, Saudi Arabia, Northern Nigeria, North Korea, China
06/09 To the church in Pergamos Revelations 2-1:12-17 1. Also you taught how to cast stumbling block on believers way, repentAsk God to expose false teachers who daily corrupt the hearts of sincere seekers. That God should ruin the enterprise of all the Balaams of today
07/09 To the church in Thyatira Revelations 2:18-29 1. Jezebels abound in the church today, destroying men of God and ruining homes. Pray that God will expose and remove them 2. Insulate your family from Jezebellic attacks
To the church in Sardis Revelations 3:1-3 1. I have not found thy works perfect before God, repent. – Pray for yourself
and your local church that Christ will wrought perfection in everyone
2. You have a name as a living church but thou art dead, repent- Pray that
true revival will spring forth in our midst
09/09 To the church in Philadelphia Revelations 3:7-11
1. I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it. – Ask God to
open your eyes to see a soul ripe and ready to be won
2. Because you have kept my word and not denied my name.- Ask the Holy
Spirit to help you to be a recipient of this phrase on the last day
10/09 To the church in Laodicea Revelations 3:14-19 1. Pray that God should mirror you in His word and expose to you’re your true state with Him 2. Pray that you would not backslide, that God should uphold you with his everlasting arms.
11/09 Watchfulness the end time Nehemiah 4:1-9 1. when I made my prayer to God, I set watch day and night against them. – Pray that God will brighten your spiritual vision and help you to watch & pray 2. When Sanballat heard that we built the wall, he was wroth and took indignation – Pray that every Sanballat and Tobiah that have risen to hinder your progress be put to shame
12/09 Watching against the enemy Exodus 14:24 1. Oh that God would watch over us as He did in the wilderness through the pillar of fire and cloud 2. Pray for divine protection for the rest of this year, that the rod of the wicked will not rest on your lot
13/09 Watch at day and night
Matthew 14:25 1. Are you watching and waiting for the second coming of our Lord jesus 2. Ask for grace not to miss the day of your visitation
14/09 Watch and be ready for his imminent return
Matthew 24:43 1. Jesus is coming soon, how ready are you. If He came today would you be ready? 2. Pray for your family, your church and the whole body of Christ that He may find us waiting
15/09 Blessed are those servants
Luke 12:37-38 1. Pray for strength, grace and divine enablement to occupy till He comes 2. Ask for grace to lay up treasures for yourself in heaven today
16/09 Watch out for the wicked men Psalms 37:32 1. But, the protector of the righteous is the Lord.- God will keep His own from evil 2. The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him, but His Lord delivers and will yet deliver
17/09 Be spiritually sensitive Jeremiah 20:10 1. All my familiar friends watched for my halting. Ask God for the ability to discern 2. They say, peradventure he will be enticed, and we will take advantage of him. - Do you have friends that are not helping your walk with Christ. Ask for grace and strength to cut them off
18/09 Supplicating for nations 1 Timothy 2:1 1. Lift up the following nations before God: 1. Egypt 2. Syria 3. Pakistan
2. Pray that peace will reign in the land
19/03 Praying for trouble nations
Psalm 29 :11 1. Lets pray for these Countries: 1. Egypt 2. Tunisia 3. Nigeria
2. Ask that Prince of peace will visit these lands and bring healing to them
20/09 Prayer for wisdom
Luke 14:1-3 1. And Jesus asked them, is it lawful to heal on Sabbath day? But they kept silent. – Ask for unconventional wisdom today
21/09 Watch your tongue Luke 20:20 1. So they watched for an opportunity to ensnare him.- Pray for the Holy Spirit to control your tongue, that your words will be balm to soothe others and that you wont be ensnared by your words
22/09 They that sleep in the night 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 1. Let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober.War against end time spirits that cause Christians to sleep off at their spiritual duty post
23/09 Behold I come as a thief
Revelation 16:15 1. Lets us pray today against all forms of church tradition, that has been hindering the move of the Holy Spirit 2. Ask God to awaken His church from the sleep of worldliness and worldly amusements
24/09 Entering the Kingdom Matthew 26:41
1. Ask for the grace to be like a child, to love and forgive like a child 2. watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation
25/09 Praying against Spiritual weariness Acts 20:31 1. Pray that you will not become tired as you run this race, that God will continue to strengthen you 2. Ask for divine enablement to discountenance discouragement and other wiles of the enemy to remove your focus from the cross
Prayers for the Backslidden 1 Corinthians 10:12 1. Mention by name in prayers all those you know to have backslidden or turned back, ask God to restore them 2. Pray for the many preachers who have fallen into heresy and worldliness, that God in His mercies should restore them back to Him
27/09 Strengthening the fold
1 Corinthians 16:13 1. Pray for God to strengthen His church, confirming His name and presence through diverse miracles signs and wonders as He did in the acts of the apostles
28/09 Your prayer Life Colossians 4:2
1. Ask divine enablement to be earnest, unwearied and steadfast in prayer. 2. Ask God to make you an importunate intercessor
29/09 Resisting the Devil 1 Peter 5:8 1. Come against every plans, schemes, plots, machinations and devices of the devil and his agents against yourself, your family, your church and your country
30/09 Come unto me all ye that labour Matthew 11:28 1. Is there any burden you carry at the moment that seems it will be your ruin? Take it to the Lord in prayer today 2. Interceed for as many that are in so much despair that they can’t pray, ask that God visit them in the hour of their need