Capitol Heights holds third annual Community Day
Barnard speaks on nutrition for cancer prevention
AF Post-GI Bill benefit transfer phase-in period ends July 31 BY DEBBIE GILDEA
Some Airmen will be able to transfer all or a portion of their Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to their family members without incurring a four-year active duty service commitment thanks to a program phase-in extension implemented this month. When initially implemented, the Post-9/11 GI Bill education transfer program was phased in to enable Airmen nearing retirement to accept a 1-, 2-, or 3-year active duty service commitment. In some cases, no additional commitment was required. The phasein period expired July 31, 2012, but many Airmen were unable to take advantage of the opportunity before the expiration date. “Air Force leaders want to make sure all eligible Airmen have the opportunity to share this benefit with their families. The initial expiration date caught some members by surprise, so the phase-in period has been extended through July 31, 2013,” said Bruce Houseman, Air Force Personnel Center education services and benefits chief. Members must apply to transfer their benefits no later than July 31 to qualify under these graduated service obligations, and - as in the past - some members who transfer benefits will not incur an associated ADSC, while others will incur between one and four years. - Members on active duty who were eligible for retirement on Aug. 1, 2009 can transfer benefits
without incurring an ADSC. Active duty members eligible for retirement after Aug. 1, 2009 and before Aug. 1, 2010 will incur one additional year of service from the date of their request. - Members eligible to retire after Aug. 1, 2010 and before Aug. 1, 2011 will incur two additional years of service from the date of their request. - Members eligible for retirement after Aug. 1, 2011 and on or before Aug. 1, 2012 will incur three additional years of service from the date of their request. - Members who are retirement eligible after July 31, 2012 will incur a four-year active duty service commitment from the date of their request if they want to transfer their Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to family members. “Eligible Airmen can transfer all or some of their benefit to one or more family members, but no matter how much you transfer, you will incur the ADSC associated with your retirement eligibility date,” Houseman explained. “The ADSC begins with the approved application, so if you plan to transfer benefits, don’t wait until you’re near retirement.” For more information about transferring Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits to family members, go to myPers at https:// mypers.af.mil, and enter Post 9/11 GI Bill in the search window. To apply to transfer benefits, go to MilConnect at www.dmdc.osd.mil/ milconnect, the virtual MPF selfservice actions section accessible via myPers, or the Air Force Portal, and follow the instructions.
Labyrinth and healing gardens provide serenity minutes from JBA
Talking Baseball: NYC hosts All-Star Game and FanFest
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2013 | VOL. 2 NO. 27
WSSC shuts off water to repair Forestville pipe
Contractors work under the watchful eye of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission staff July 16 to transfer a new water main pipe to repair a failing portion of pipe in Forestville, Md. BY CHRIS BASHAM AND BOBBY JONES
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission announced Tuesday morning that customers in portions of southern Prince George’s County including Joint Base Andrews, Temple Hills, Oxon Hill, Morningside, Hillcrest Heights and National Harborhad to stock up on water in preparation for an impending water outage. A section of 54-inch concrete pipeline in Forestville was failing, and mandatory water restrictions throughout parts of Prince George’s County were ordered to begin 9 p.m. Tuesday to allow for repairs. The water restrictions, estimated to impact approximately 200,000 residents, were
intended to preserve the water supply for as long as possible and maintain the fire department’s ability to fight fires. Joint Base Andrews shut down several facilities and operated only “mission essential” programs because of the water issue. The commissary and Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic and Surgery Center were closed, although the Emergent Care Center stayed open. At press time, the pipe replacement has succeeded and WSSC staff are working to ensure that water going through that main pipe is safe to drink. Once the water is determined to be drinkable, the pipe will be put back in use and water restrictions will be lifted. The pipe repair came at a time when the county is also dealing
with extremely high summer temperatures, which would ordinarily attract residents to designated “cooling centers” in countyrun parks, pools and community centers. Due to the water shut-off, some cooling centers were closed or operated on a reduced schedule during the early stages of repairs to the Forestville pipe, while others remained open with restricted water availability, such as relying on temporary restroom facilities during the shut-off. By Thursday morning most facilities had reopened, with pools “topping off ” using only water from delivery trucks. Before visiting a pool or community center, call to verify that it is operating as usual.
see WSSC, page 5
JBA Youth Pitch Champions Nationals celebrate a win
The healing gardens include lush and colorful hydrangeas. STORY AND PHOTOS BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Barely a 25-minute drive south of Joint Base Andrews, along a quiet stretch of Route 4 in Calvert County, there is a place that can take you far from the stresses and dilemmas of everyday life and draw you deep into the center of your calm, inner self. The Labyrinth and Healing Gardens of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Sunderland, Md. offers selfdirected meditation for people of every faith tradition.
All Saints has been the home of an Episcopal congregation for more than 300 years. The labyrinth is a relatively new addition, having opened in 2006 in honor of Dorothy O.J. Ward, a congregant who is now buried near the labyrinth’s entrance. A labyrinth, unlike a maze, is not a place to get lost. There is only one entrance and one easy to follow path, comprised of 11 circuits turning right and left. After a quarter-mile walk, the path leads back out again through
see GARDEN, page 8
The Joint Base Andrews Youth Pitch Champions Nationals pose for celebratory photo at the conclusion of the game July 1.
Andrews Gazette
Retiree Corner Beyonce, Angelina, Kate Upton and me
Around Town
July 20
Pops on the Potomac Plaza, National Harbor, Md. 7 p.m. Enjoy lighthearted classical music performed by the Orchestra National Harbor. For information visit http:// nationalharbor.com/event/pops-on-the-potomac-with-thechesapeake-orchestra-3/2013-07-20/.
July 20
Miss Caribbean Metro USA Pageant Charles Herbert Flowers Performing Arts Center, 10001 Ardwick-Ardmore Road, Springdale, Md. 630 p.m. Women of Caribbean nationality or heritage compete in the seventh annual pageant, with entertainment by Shamain. For information visit www.misscaribbeanmetro.com
Now through August 24
Nostalgia Structures Brentwood Arts Exchange, Gateway Arts Center, 3901 Rhode Island Avenue, Brentwood, Md. 10 a.m - 7 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturdays See installations, sculptures and two-dimensional works with a playful attitude toward nostalgia by artists from Iran, South Korea and the U.S. For informaiton email tim. mcloraine@pgparks.com.
July 20
Kettering Family Day Largo High School, 505 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, Md. 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Get free health assessments from more than 40 health care organizations, enjoy fashion and talent shows, 3-on-3 basketball tournaments, arts and crafts vendors, food and children’s activities. For information email bruceodams@ hotmail.com.
Andrews Gazette is published by Comprint Military Publications, 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, Md., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or any branch of the United States military. The appearance of advertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, martial status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchases, user or patron.
Maxine Minar, president mminar@dcmilitary.com John Rives, publisher
Chris Basham, editor cbasham@dcmilitary.com Deirdre Parry, page design dparry@gazette.net Bobby Jones, photographer bjones@dcmilitary.com
Friday, July 19, 2013
OK, OK, I admit it: Sometimes I spend way too much time looking at celebrities online. Personally, every second I spend reading about the impending birth of the next heir to the British throne, or where Suri Cruise is spending her summer, feels like a colossal waste of time. I can practically feel my brain cells withering away. But that’s why they call it a guilty pleasure, right? The strong sense that a grown person has no business frittering away even five minutes on this stuff. Normally, five minutes is about all I can stand, anyway. I am not really all that interested in celebrity events. And there’s no way I’m ever
going to look as good as those women do. This morning, though, I saw one of those classic “what the stars REALLY look like” articles, comparing relatively candid shots with the heavily edited versions used in advertising and promotion. Oh, hold up. Beyonce Knowles? Ms. Carter, let me just tell you, from the cheap seats out here, you are pretty much perfect. All those nice things that Jay-Z says to you over dinner are absolutely true, whatever they may be. I look at her photos, casual and formal, and all I can think is, “Why are you letting them do this to you?” “This” is the consistent whitening of her skin and hair. It’s not a matter of covering a few under-eye circles or an unsightly birthmark. Some of
the promotional materials that feature Beyonce’s likeness have her so blonde and fair that she is barely recognizable. Angelina Jolie is another woman who, on her worst day, looks better than most of us ever could hope to look. To her credit, she has made efforts to show people her un-Photoshopped image, and to point out the alterations advertisers routinely make to her photographs. But why do we as a culture require that she looks, not just stunning, but fake? Don’t laugh, but I feel bad for Kate Upton. She’s gorgeous, too, in a voluptuous way that shuts down the brains of pretty much everyone who sees her, except for the loud and
Exchange partners popular
dedicated in 2006 on an elevated promontory adjacent to the southern boundary of Arlington National Cemetery, overlooking the Pentagon. The Air Force Memorial Foundation is a tax-exempt, charitable, historical and educational organization. The foundation, affiliated with the Air Force Association, works with the active force to help maintain the memorial, which is funded almost entirely by private contributions. For more information, call 703 979-0674 or email afmf@airforcememorial.org.
see COMMENTARY, page 7
Report deaths promptly
When a military retiree dies, family members need to report the death to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service as soon as possible. If unable to provide a Notification of Death form, call DFAS at 800-3211080 with the decedent’s Social Security Number and date of death. This will stop monthly payments and prevent overpayment. Ultimately, DFAS also will need a death certificate showing cause of death, and names of designated beneficiaries. Within 7-10 business days after reporting the death to DFAS, you should receive a letter containing a claim form for unpaid compensation of the deceased member and an annuity account form, if the decedent was enrolled in the Survivor Benefit Plan. Complete the forms and return them to DFAS U.S. Military Retired Pay, P.O. Box 7130, London, KY 40742-7130 or by FAX to 800469-6559.
While some retailers scale back on merchandise or services, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service continues to seek the assistance of local businesses to increase the product selection at exchange outlets. Partner businesses, called concessions, operate in exchange-provided space, primarily in the retail mall area. Benefits include contracts based on a percentage of revenue, a variety of space and merchandising setups and the convenience of being located with the anchor retail store and food outlets. The exchange helps market and promote partner businesses to help maximize awareness on and around the installation. Exchange shoppers continue to demand new and unique merchandise. Partnering with the exchange provides local businesses exposure to a great deal of foot traffic and the opportunity to serve military families.
Support your memorial
The United States Air Force Memorial is a national place of reverence, remembrance and celebration for the Air Force “family” and all Americans. The memorial was
The Retiree Activities Office is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Visit the office in Building 1604 at California and Colorado Avenues or call us at 301-981-2726. Our e-mail address is rao@andrews. af.mil. Call the office before your visit to ensure a volunteer is on duty. The RAO has a website at www.andrews. af.mil; Under “Helpful Links” click on “Retirees Activity Office” for information on retiree subjects, including past copies of “Retiree Corner.”
Friday, July 19, 2013
Andrews Gazette
Capitol Heights holds third Mandatory discharge for sexual annual Community Day assault holds Airmen accountable BY STAFF SGT. DAVID SALANITRI
DJ Ron Collins (with microphone) and Prince George’s County Council member Karen Toles (D-Dist. 7) in white dress and denim jacket, lead attendees at the Capitol Heights Community Day and Health Fair in a group dance. STORY AND PHOTO BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Nearly 200 people from in and around Capitol Heights, Md. gathered July 13 for the third annual Community Day and Health Fair at Green Hill Plaza, a recovered former shopping center that serves as office space for several area nonprofit organizations. The event included health screenings and information, music, fitness class and nutrition demonstrations, talent and fashion shows, children’s activities and a fresh produce distribution by the Capital Area Food Bank. “It’s all about making this a healthy community,” said Capitol Heights Mayor Kito James (D). As part of that effort, the Prince George’s County Health Department offered free HIV testing throughout the day. “We tested nine people, this morning. It’s not about judging people, it’s just important to know your status,” said a health department representative. Attendees and community leaders toured the Community Outreach and Development Community Development Center facilities to learn about current programs held at the center and plans for an expanded community center. “First we plant some trees, then we plant some people, make sure the resources and community are there,” said CODC CDC Executive Director Sandy Washington. “We’re going to transform the community.”
The center includes a computer lab offering young people a place to study and job seekers a way to find work in today’s Internet-oriented job market. The room’s decor is dominated by a wall of clocks displaying the current time in cities around the world. “We want people to know that the world is bigger than Capitol Heights, bigger than Prince George’s County. We’re training people for the world,” said Washington, who explained that approximately 80 percent of people who participate in programs at the center are from Prince George’s County, with the remaining 20 percent coming from inside Washington, D.C. Plans for expansion to the center were on display. “I like (the inclusion of) the green grocer,” said Prince George’s County Council member Karen Toles (D-Dist. 7) as she examined artist’s renderings and floor plans for the planned site. “Food deserts? We have them.” Washington credited Toles for her recent efforts which brought $79,000 in county funds to the center. “Councilwoman Toles--she filled the gap and had Prince George’s County step up,” Washington said. “It’s really not about District 7. It’s what organizations are working in this county that we as a Council can know about and support,” said Toles, who went on to praise the town of Capitol Heights as “awesome, awesome partners. It’s sustaining communities. You can’t sustain anything by yourself.”
The Air Force recently adopted two new measures to eliminate sexual assault from within the ranks, including requiring discharge for Airmen who commit sexual assault, and requiring the Air Force’s most senior commanders to review actions taken on these cases. According to Capt. Allison DeVito, chief of JAG’s victim issues and policy branch, both changes are part of the Air Force’s initiative to combat sexual assault and to foster mutual respect and dignity among fellow Airmen. When combined with existing programs, the Air Force’s efforts to end sexual assault and support those who report it have increased significantly throughout the past year. At the same time, the Air Force is experiencing a surge in its prosecution rates for sexual assault, with similar results being shared by other services. DeVito explained that as of July 2, after completing any disciplinary action for sexual assault, commanders must initiate administrative discharge processing for any Airman, officer or enlisted, found to have committed a sexual assault offense. This new requirement, which covers a wide range of sex offenses, is triggered by a finding that the Airman committed the offense. Once a commander has information alleging that an Airman has committed a sexual assault offense, the commander must promptly refer the case to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. If the commander believes that the evidence uncovered in the investigation substantiated the allegation, then the commander will take appropriate criminal or administrative action, and following that, he must process the offender for administrative discharge. In addition to the recent policy change, DeVito said a new provision explicitly states that an Airman who engaged in an unprofessional relationship while serving in a special position of trust, such as a recruiter or military training instructor, is also subject to administrative discharge. Airmen who are involuntarily separated from the Air Force under these provisions may receive a discharge under “other than honorable” conditions. DeVito added that another change made to the discharge process requires that an
Airman be advised of the right to request review by a general officer. The case can be reviewed if the Airman believes the commander’s recommendation for involuntary separation was initiated in retaliation for having made an unrestricted report of a sexual assault within the previous 12 months. This change further eliminates any perception that an Airman who reports a sexual assault may be subject to discharge simply for reporting. Also on the books, effective June 27, the Under Secretary of the Air Force directed that any commander who makes a disciplinary decision regarding an Airman who commits a sexual assault must report that decision to his servicing general court-martial convening authority, who has attained the rank of brigadier general or higher. The general courtmartial convening authority will then review the intended disposition and take any further action he deems appropriate. This change also requires that the general court-martial convening authority must review the case and its disposition after all disciplinary and administrative action is completed and must report the actions taken in the case to AFOSI in writing. Upon receipt of this report of command action, AFOSI will close out the investigative file by attaching a copy of the report of command action to the case file. DeVito said that, to date, 369 service members, most of whom are Airmen, have received legal services from an Air Force SVC. These SVCs are attending interviews by AFOSI, the prosecution and defense counsel. They are also attending trials of subjects with the victim-client, assisting victims in obtaining expedited transfers, and helping victims receive military protective orders to ensure the assailant does not contact the
see ASSAULT, page 4
Andrews Gazette
Friday, July 19, 2013
Prince George’s County and M-NCPPC designate “cooling centers” for County residents BY ANITA PESSES
Upper Marlboro, MD - In response to extreme summer temperatures this week, Prince George’s County and The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission designated Department of Parks and Recreation facilities as “Cooling Centers” for County residents. The Prince George’s County Office of Emergency Management warns that extreme heat can be dangerous and even deadly, if citizens do not take precautionary measures to protect themselves and their families. “We are encouraging citizens who are in need of relief from the heat to visit their local Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission recreational facility,” said Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III (D). “These neighborhood facilities have been identified as cooling centers for all County residents. If a M-NCPPC facility is not available in your community, residents are encouraged to seek relief in other air-conditioned locations such as theaters, shopping malls, grocery stores or one of our 19 public libraries.” “We are pleased to continue our partnership with Prince George’s County by designating the use of our community centers as neighborhood cooling centers,” said Elizabeth M. Hewlett, Chairman of MNCPPC’s Prince George’s County Planning Board. “Community centers and senior activity centers are conveniently located in neighborhoods, so they are accessible and require little travel time to seek relief from the heat. I hope that residents who
ASSAULT, from page 3 victim except as needed to prepare for trial. Currently, the Air Force is the only service providing SVCs to service members. “Sexual assault has no place in our Air Force,” said Gen. Mark Welsh III, Chief of Staff of the Air Force. “We live in a culture of respect. We cherish our core values of
visit these facilities will be able to see the healthy programs and activities provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation while they cool off.” “As we move into the summer months, it is very important that our residents take the steps necessary to stay safe and prevent heat related illnesses,” said Ronald E. Gill Jr., Director, Prince George’s County Office of Emergency Management. “Stay hydrated and drink water often, minimize outdoor activities and remember to check on your neighbors, especially the elderly, and on your pets to ensure that they do not fall victim to the heat.” Permanent M-NCPPC Cooling Center Locations open to the General Public: Weekday Hours of Operation (10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.); Weekend Hours of Operation - Residents are encouraged to call the facility to obtain weekend hours or check www. pgparks.com<http://www.pgparks.com/>. Baden Community Center - 13601 Baden-Westwood Road, Brandywine, 301888-1500; TTY 301-203-6030 Beltsville Community Center - 3900 Sellman Road, Beltsville, 301-937-6613; TTY 301-445-4512 Bladensburg Community Center - 4500 57th Avenue, Bladensburg, 301-277-2124; TTY 301-445-4512; Información en español: 301-445-4509 Bowie Community Center - 3209 Stonybrook Drive, Bowie, 301-464-1737; TTY 301-218-6768 Camp Springs Senior Activity Center 6420 Allentown Road, Camp Springs, 301449-0490; TTY 301-446-3402 Cedar Heights Community Center 1200 Glen Willow Drive, Seat Pleasant, 301-773-8881; TTY 301-218-6768
integrity, service, and excellence. But in order to ensure all Airmen experience and benefit from those values, we must eliminate sexual assault in our ranks.” For more information on the new policy changes, visit www.e-publishing.af.mil and search for AFI 36-3206, Administrative Discharge Procedures for Commissioned Officers, and AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen.
College Park Community Center - 5051 Pierce Avenue, College Park, 301-441-2647; TTY 301-445-4512 College Park Youth Services Center 4912 Nantucket Road, College Park, 301345-4425; TTY 301-445-4512 Deerfield Run Community Center 13000 Laurel-Bowie Road, Laurel, 301953-7882; TTY 301-445-4512 Glassmanor Community Center - 1101 Marcy Avenue, Oxon Hill, 301-567-6033; TTY 301-203-6030 Glenarden/Theresa Banks Complex 8615 McLain Avenue, Glenarden, 301-7723151; TTY 301-218-6768 Glenn Dale Community Center - 11901 Glenn Dale Boulevard (Rte. 193), Glenn Dale, 301-352-8983; TTY 301-218-6768 Good Luck Community Center - 8601 Good Luck Road, Lanham, 301-552-1093; TTY 301-445-4512 Hillcrest Heights Community Center 2300 Oxon Run Drive, Temple Hills, 301505-0897; TTY 301-203-6030 John E. Howard Community Center and Senior Activity Center - 4400 Shell Street, Capitol Heights, 301-735-3340; TTY 301218-6768 Kentland Community Center - 2411 Pinebrook Avenue, Landover, 301-3862278; TTY 301-445-4512 Largo/Perrywood/Kettering Community Center - 431 Watkins Park Drive, Upper Marlboro, 301-390-8390; TTY 301-2186768 Lake Arbor Community Center - 10100 Lake Arbor Way, Mitchellville, 301-3336561; TTY 301-218-6768 Langley Park Community Center - 1500 Merrimac Drive, Hyattsville, 301-4454508; TTY 301-445-4512 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center - 7120 Contee Road, Laurel, 301-206-3350; TTY 301-446-3402 Marlow Heights Community Center 2800 St. Clair Drive, Marlow Heights, 301423-0505; TTY 301-203-6030 North Brentwood Community Center - 4012 Webster Street, North Brentwood, 301-864-0756; TTY 301-445-4512 North Forestville Community Center - 2311 Ritchie Road, Forestville, 301-3508660; TTY 301-218-6768
Oakcrest Community Center - 1300 Capitol Heights Boulevard, Capitol Heights, 301-736-5355; TTY 301-218-6768 Patuxent Community Center - 4410 Bishopmill Drive, Upper Marlboro, 301780-7577; TTY 301-203-6030 Peppermill Community Center - 610 Hill Road, Landover, 301-350-8410; TTY 301-218-6768 Prince George’s Plaza Community Center - 6600 Adelphi Road, Hyattsville, 301864-1611; TTY 301-445-4512 Rollingcrest-Chillum Community Center - 6120 Sargent Road, Chillum, 301-8532005; TTY 301-445-4512 Seat Pleasant Activity Center - 5720 Addison Road, Seat Pleasant, 301-7736685; TTY 301-218-6768 South Bowie Community Center - 1717 Pittsfield Lane, Bowie, 301-249-1622; TTY 301-218-6768 Southern Regional Technology and Recreation Complex - 7007 Bock Road, Fort Washington, 301-749-4160; TTY 301-2036030 Suitland Community Center - 5600 Regency Lane, Forestville, 301-736-3518; TTY 301-203-6030 Temple Hills Community Center - 5300 Temple Hill Road, Temple Hills, 301-8946616; TTY 301-203-6030 Upper Marlboro Community Center 5400 Marlboro Race Track Road, Upper Marlboro, 301-627-2828; TTY 301-2036030 Vansville Community Center - 6813 Ammendale Road, Beltsville, 301-937-6621; TTY 301-445-4512 Designated areas in these facilities have been identified to accommodate those seeking relief from the heat. We ask that all residents check in with the Department of Parks and Recreation facility’s front desk upon arrival. Residents may call 3-1-1 to obtain information about cooling center locations in Prince George’s County and sign up for Notify Me Prince George’s Alerts at https:// notifyme.princegeorgescountmd.gov or by text 412912. Registered subscribers receive critical, real-time information on situations ranging from weather-related emergencies to traffic alerts.
Andrews Gazette
Friday, July 19, 2013
WSSC, from page 1
Nini Fitzpatrick, 19, Joint Base Andrews Commissary bagger, pushes a cart full of water out to a patron’s car.
A lone shopping cart with a plastic wrapper from a case of bottled water is left July 16 in the parking lot near a Giant Food Store in Temple Hills, Md.
A Joint Base Andrews patron loads up on water at the self checkout at the Base Commissary.
Joshua Addison, 13-year-old Oxon Hill resident, loads bottled water into his mother’s car purchased from a Giant Food store in Temple Hills July 16.
Contracters work under the watchful eye of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission staff July 16 to transfer a new water main pipe to repair a failing portion of pipe in Forestville, Md.
Patrons stood in long lines to buy water and food July 16 at Joint Base Andrews’ Commissary.
JBA Buzz How would you live if the aging process was reversed? “I would definitely prepare for weightlifting competitions without having to work around injuries that come with the aging process.”
Daniel Ladjevich
“If I was old I wouldn’t make as many mistakes. I would eat healthier and I would probably go to church more often and give praise to God.”
Retired Master Sgt. Dan Thomas
11th Force Support Squadron sports director “I would travel more and make more informed decisions. I would stay focused on college and take more advantage of the military benefits.”
Army Spc. Willie Brewton D.C. National Guard, 547th Transportation Company truck driver, Joint Base AnacostiaBolling
Alyssa Fort Waldorf, Md.
“If the aging process was reversed I would have more knowledge and become a teacher, to teach people life skills, health and religion. Because I love basketball I would also become a basketball coach.”
A new supply of bottled water is brought into a Giant Food Store in Temple Hills, Md.
Barnard speaks on nutrition for cancer prevention and survival
Barnard speaks on nutrition for cancer prevention and survival Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group is sponsoring a guest speaker on cancer prevention and survival through nutrition. The program, featuring Dr. Neal Barnard, will be held 5 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Aug. 1 at the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital via videoteleconference in the Oaks Pavilion, 1st floor, Room 332 and live at WRNMMC’s America Building, 2nd floor, Room 2525 (above lab). Dr. Neal Barnard is an internationally recognized clinical researcher, author and health advocate on faculty at George Washington University School of Medicine and the founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a nationwide group of physicians and lay supporters that promote preventive medicine and address controversies in modern medicine. His clinical research focuses on the effects of diet on health. Staff, patients, families and others interested in nutritional approaches to cancer prevention and survival are welcome to attend the free program; no registration is required. Attendees at the Walter Reed location without a military ID must call the Prostate Center at 301-319-2900 48 hours in advance to arrange for base access. For more information, contact retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or jane.l.hudak.ctr@health.mil.
Andrews Gazette
JBA Intramural Softball Standings American League Tuesday/Thursday TEAM WINS LOSSES TOTAL GAMES AFDW 7 2 9 811 SFS 6 2 8 113thWING 6 2 8 11 CES 4 2 6 744 COMM 3 2 5 779 MDG 3 3 6 11 SFG 2 4 6 NCMS 2 6 8 PAG 1 5 6 89 MXG 1 5 6
WIN % 78% 75% 75% 67% 60% 50% 33% 25% 17% 17%
National League Monday/Wednesday TEAM WINS 89 APS 10 89 COMM 10 1st HELI 7 NGB 7 11 LRS 7 FRC MA 6 NCWDG 5 VR-53 5 779 ASF 3 779 AMS 0
LOSSES TOTAL GAMES 4 14 4 14 3 10 3 10 5 12 6 12 5 10 7 12 11 14 12 12
WIN % 71% 71% 70% 70% 58% 50% 50% 42% 21% 0%
JBA Intramural Golf standings TEAM WINS LOSSES TIES 89 OG 2 0 11 SFG 2 0 11 LRS 1 0 2 744 CS (A) 2 1 459TH 1 0 1 779 MDSS (A) 1 1 1 744 CS (B) 1 1 PAG 1 1 11 CES 1 1 89 CS 0 2 779 MDSS (B) 0 3 89 APS 0 1
POINTS 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 0 0 0
Friday, July 19, 2013
Talking Baseball: NYC hosts All-Star Game and FanFest BY LT. COL. LANCE RODGERS
Tuesday ended a spectacular week at the T-Mobile Major League Baseball All-Star FanFest in New York City. I have been lucky enough to volunteer every year at FanFest as a coach on The Diamond since 2004. The host city for the Major League Baseball All-Star Game also hosts FanFest each year. This five-day event starts on the Friday and runs through Tuesday afternoon before the All-Star game that night. Hundreds of vendors gather in a convention center to sell or demonstrate their baseball paraphernalia. Others offer games and prizes. Lighthouse Productions, with whom I volunteer, sets up a miniature baseball field in the middle of the convention center known as “The Diamond.” Over 100,000 fans typically attend FanFest, and I help run many of the kids through 30-minute baseball clinics which include hitting, fielding, running, and sliding drills. Major Leaguers past and present occasionally serve as guest coaches and work with the kids on baseball fundamentals. This year, David Wright of the New York Mets, Bryce Harper of the Washington Nationals, and Andrew McCutchen of the Pittsburgh Pirates were some of the big name current players. Hall of Famer Lou Brock, Dwight Gooden, and Fred Lynn also helped coach some clinics. As a huge baseball fan myself, it’s always a pleasure to meet
see ALL-STAR, page 7
Lt. Col. Rodgers volunteers at the All-Star FanFest every year, and still manages to catch the All-Star Game.
JBA Intramural Golf standings
PLACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TEAMS 4 JUNE 89 OG 12 AFDW 10 PAG 12 NGB 8 779 MDG 4 11 SFG BYE 1st HELI 0 11 FSS 2
11 JUNE 9 8 BYE 4 3 11 12 1
25 JUNE 10 12 12 11 BYE 1 0 2
2 JULY 9 BYE 6 3 6 12 5 7
9 JULY 12 11 1 12 12 0 2 BYE
16 JULY 10 12 12 BYE RS RS 2 0
TOTAL POINTS 62 53 43 38 25 24 19 12
Chaplains perform religious wedding ceremonies at on-base chapels BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER
Active duty service members already know what it means to make a lasting commitment. Some sign on for a lifetime of togetherness while stationed at Joint Base Andrews, by having their wedding performed by a chaplain on base. “A lot of people who come to us to get married are not particularly religious but want to be married in a chapel or church,” said 11th Wing Chaplain Capt. Lisa Tice. There are several chaplains assigned to Joint Base Andrews, each with their own faith background, so while service members are encouraged to start the process by contacting their unit chaplain, odds are there is a chaplain ordained by a denomination similar to their own available to perform a wedding and the premarital counseling that goes along with it. “Every case is unique,” said Tice, depending on the couple’s faith background and the corresponding chaplain’s understanding of premarital preparation. For most couples, premarital counseling can be completed in just a few weeks, over about six sessions. Some chaplains encourage newlyweds to return for additional counseling “in a year, when this finally sinks in. So many are already living together; there’s so much they’ve already experienced and worked through. There are various premarital testing programs that are very good, very helpful, but are they helpful later? By then you’re going to want to do the test again. People change.” The chaplaincy also arranges for group retreat weekends for couples who are already married. “A lot of the marriage weekends are geared at ‘Before things get rough, because they will,’ stage,” said Tice. More than 120 couples attended this spring’s “Weekend to Remember.” Another marriage weekend is tentatively scheduled for this fall. “We never lack for people signing up for those opportunities.” On-base weddings can be an affordable option for couples. Since the chaplains consider performing religious ceremonies like weddings part of their normal duties, they do not accept honoraria. There is also no charge for the use of the chapel, although there can be fees for the services of a chapel-certified wedding coordinator, or for any musician, florist, photographer or civilian minister brought in for the ceremony. That makes them an appealing choice for retirees and for children of service members, but the chaplains generally perform wedding ceremonies only for active duty military, activated National Guard and Reserve members, and for people who consider one of the congregations that worships at a chapel on base their church home. Some couples, especially those who attend a church that does not have a building, bring their own certified minister to perform the ceremony. Most weddings, especially those which rely on a civilian officiant, enlist the aid of a wedding coordinator to open the chapel, set up the sound system, enforce rules for
Bridesmaids Tanya Sites and Phylicia McLaughlin, Ashley Mata, Chaplain Tice, Daniel Mata and groomsmen Kyle Gotch and Kyle Kisner participate in the Matas’ wedding ceremony, held earlier this summer.
proper use of the facility, and clean up after the ceremony. There are two Saturday time frames each available at Chapel One and Chapel Two. Midweek ceremonies can be held at any time that does not conflict with other scheduled events such as federal holidays, New Year’s Eve or Day, Ash Wednesday, the Saturday before Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, Independence Day, Thanksgiving eve or Day, the Saturday before Christmas, Christmas Eve or Day, the Saturday before or during a Wing Inspection, or the weekend before or of the Presidential Inauguration. Worship services take precedence over wedding ceremonies at the chapel, so there are no Sunday weddings. The chapels on base do not provide space for wedding receptions; they are available solely for the religious and civil ceremony itself. Though an on-base wedding can feel like an event separate from the wider world beyond the fence line, weddings still require a valid Prince George’s County Marriage License, available from the county’s Marriage and Business License Department. To get a license, couples apply at the Circuit Court Annex by presenting each person’s identification, place of birth, age, Social Security number and address, and the date of any previous divorce. If both members of a couple have U.S. Social Security numbers, only one member of the couple needs to be present to apply, although they will have to have all documentation for their future spouse with them. The license is granted while-you-wait, but can’t be used until two days later. Licenses are valid for six months from the day of issue. Military couples may invite people who do not ordinarily have base access to attend their weddings. It just takes a little preparation. Visitors Center representative Robert
Mrs. Ashley Mata kisses her new husband, Staff Sgt. Daniel Mata, after their wedding at the altar inside Chapel Two.
Young said that couples planning a wedding with more than 10 attendees who do not have base passes should contact Security Forces to provide a list of all the guests names (in alphabetical order by last name) and birth dates. Three days prior to the wedding, those lists are distributed to all base gates, where guests can gain entry to the base by displaying their driver’s license or other state identification. Though the wedding is a couple’s “special day,” that doesn’t mean it’s the only one the sentries are expecting. “Say what list you’re on. Usually on the weekends there are tons of lists,” said Young. To make an appointment with a chaplain to discuss having your wedding performed at a chapel on base, call 301-981-2111. As with any wedding, it makes sense to allow about 6-12 months for planning the event.
Andrews Gazette
Friday, July 19, 2013
Send your silly captions for this week’s photo to cbasham@dcmilitary.com. The funniest ones will be used in a future edition of The Andrews Gazette.
COMMENTARY, from page 2 vocal minority who criticize her for every ounce of tummy softness or thickness of thigh. The same things, basically, that some would say make her especially attractive. We’ve just got no room, anymore, for individual differences, for natural shapes and colors and contours. We’re sitting on the sidelines telling these women that no matter how perfect they are, no matter how many heads turn wherever they go, no matter how much they exercise or diet or cover themselves in cosmetics and no matter how many surgeries they may have, they are still not
ALL-STAR, from page 6 and work with these individuals. The Diamond also hosts the mascot home run derby. While this may seem like a silly event featuring a bunch of adults dressed in fuzzy costumes, there are actual Major League Home Run Derby tickets awarded to the child who draws the winning mascot. With fur gloves covering their hands, and limited visibility usually through the mouth of the costume, these mascots try to hit a spongy rubber baseball off a tee over the fence, which is approximately 140 feet from home plate. This year Orbit, from the Houston Astros, faced off against the Swinging Friar from the San Diego Padres in the final round. Orbit hit 12 home runs, but was outdone by the Friar who ended up with 13. Monday evening featured the actual home run derby. There are four hitters from each league (eight total) competing. Any ball which is swung at that is not a home run is considered an out. Each player gets 10 outs to hit as many home runs as they can. After the first round, the bottom four players are eliminated; the top four then compete for the final round. Home runs are cumulative in the first two rounds. Nationals center fielder Bryce Harper ended the second round with 16 total home runs to make it to the final round. Yoenis Cespedes from the Oakland Athletics launched 17 homers in the first round and did not even need to take his second round to continue into the finals. However, he continued hitting enough to give the American League the win. In the final round, the slate is wiped clean and the home runs from the first two rounds no longer count. Bryce Harper pounded out another eight homers, but
good enough. It’s insane. If these breathtaking women aren’t beautiful exactly the way they are, the rest of us have no hope. We might as well all put on our collective sweatpants and curl up, un-showered, with a bucket of ice cream and the remote control. Real people have flaws, however minute. And real people can see those imperfections and look past them, in another person, to appreciate the beauty that is there, even for those of us who will never be on the cover of a celebrity tabloid. We ought to be able to do that, anyway. Perhaps some day we’ll be able to celebrate beauty without demeaning the women who exemplify it.
was ousted by Cespedes, who hit nine for the win. In doing so, Cespedes became the first home run derby champion who was not selected for the All-Star team. Another big event on the Diamond this year was the MLB 2K13’s Perfect Game Challenge. This was a national baseball video game contest, which 21-year-old University of Oregon student Justin Chavarria won on Tuesday morning. He was a good pitcher in high school, but attributed most of his success to practicing six hours a day while attending school full time and serving as a practice player for the women’s basketball team. The top four competitors in the country were put up in New York City for the final rounds of competition. Justin won $250,000 grand prize and a trip to the All-Star game. The week concluded with the All-Star game itself. Though there was not a lot of offense, the pitching and defense were impressive. The highlight came in the bottom of the eighth inning. As the National League team cleared the field trailing 3-0, Metallica’s Enter Sandman began to play over the sound system. This is Mariano Rivera’s entrance theme song. Rivera, who announced his retirement at the end of this season, jogged in from the bullpen to a standing ovation. He tipped his hat to the crowd as the only player on the field at the time. The catcher then joined him, and started to throw his warm-up pitches. Finally, the rest of the American League players ran out to their positions. Rivera retired the three batters he faced in the bottom of the eighth and was named the MVP of the All-Star game. Lt. Col. Rodgers is the Administrator for the 779th Medical Group. He was drafted as a utility infielder after college by the White Sox organization, but released when Jose Mota signed.
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Andrews Gazette
Friday, July 19, 2013
GARDEN, from page 1 the entrance. The concept has been used for thousands of years. Many traditional labyrinths, like a more ornate version at the Cathedral at Chartres, France, were built into the stone floors inside a house of worship. Modern and secular users consider it an external, physical tool to re-set the brain’s inner thought patterns. The Chartres labyrinth is usually obscured by seating for worshippers, and uncovered only on an occasional basis for use by those who wish to walk where others have meditated since the turn of the 13th century. The labyrinth at All Saints, however, is set in the grass outside the church, where all are welcome whether or not they choose to follow an Episcopal doctrine. It’s an open space for all, to be used at any time. Tucked between the church building and its nearby cemetery, a burial place for parishioners who have participated in the life of All Saints since 1692, the labyrinth is surrounded by lush and colorful flower gardens, fragrant herbs, gazing globes and park benches for those content to sit with their thoughts. Pause at the entrance to the labyrinth and allow your mind to settle, if it can. Want to walk barefoot, feeling the cool grass with each step? That’s fine. Walk slowly, at a measured pace, or stomp through the path as you wrestle with the challenges of your life and heart. There is no wrong way to walk the labyrinth, and most days you will be there all alone, anyway, so feel free to think out loud, pray hard, stand in the middle of the labyrinth to soak up the sun or pay respects to the generations buried nearby. For information on the labyrinth or the church, visit www.allsaints1692.org.
The labyrinth’s path leads into the center and back again, with an equal number of left and right turns. The simple pathway provides a peaceful place to think, pray, meditate and relax.
Family burial plots near the labyrinth are surrounded by wrought iron fencing.
An angel stands watch over the cemetery next to the labyrinth and gardens.
Seniors can stay safe, cool on hot days
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visit www.dcmilitary.com.
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Summer often brings excessive heat, which can lead to heat-related problems caused by hyperthermia, an abnormally high body temperature. Older adults and people with chronic medical conditions are particularly susceptible to hyperthermia and are at high risk for heat-related death. The National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, has some tips to help older people avoid the hazards of hot weather. Hyperthermia is caused by a failure of the heat-regulating mechanisms of the body to deal with the heat coming from the environment. Heat fatigue, heat syncope (sudden dizziness after prolonged exposure to the heat), heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are forms of hyperthermia. These conditions can pose special health risks for older adults, and can increase with the combination of outside temperature, general health and individual lifestyle. Factors that may increase hyperthermia risk include: • Dehydration. • Alcohol use. • High blood pressure or other health conditions that require changes in diet. For example, people on salt-restricted diets may be at increased risk. However, salt pills should not be used without first consulting a doctor. • Heart, lung and kidney diseases, as well as any illness that causes general weakness or fever. • Use of multiple medications. It is important, however, to continue to take prescribed medication and discuss possible problems with a physician. • Reduced perspiration, caused by medications such as diuretics, sedatives, tranquilizers and certain heart and blood pressure drugs. • Age-related changes to the skin such as poor blood circulation and inefficient sweat glands. • Being substantially overweight or underweight. Lifestyle factors increasing risk for hyperthermia in hot weather can include not drinking enough fluids, living in housing without air conditioning, lack of mobility and access to transportation, overdressing, visiting overcrowded places and not understanding how to respond to the weather condition. Older people, particularly those with chronic medical conditions, should stay indoors on hot and humid days, especially when an air pollution alert is in effect. People without air conditioners should go to places
that do have air conditioning, such as senior centers, shopping malls, movie theaters and libraries. Cooling centers, which may be set up by local public health agencies, religious groups and social service organizations in many communities, are another option. If you suspect that someone is suffering from a heatrelated illness: • Get the person out of the heat and into a shady, airconditioned or other cool place. Urge the person to lie down. • If you suspect heat stroke, call 911. • Encourage the individual to shower, bathe or sponge off with cool water. • Apply a cold, wet cloth to the wrists, neck, armpits, and/or groin. These are places where blood passes close to the surface of the skin, and the cold cloths can help cool the blood. • If the person can swallow safely, offer fluids such as water, fruit and vegetable juices, but avoid alcohol and caffeine. Heat stroke is a life-threatening form of hyperthermia. It occurs when the body is overwhelmed by heat and unable to control its temperature. Heat stroke occurs when someone’s body temperature increases significantly (generally above 104 degrees Fahrenheit) and has symptoms such as mental status changes (like confusion or combativeness); strong, rapid pulse; lack of sweating; dry, flushed skin; faintness; staggering or coma. Seek immediate emergency medical attention for a person with any of these symptoms, especially an older adult. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program within the Administration for Children and Families in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services helps eligible households pay for home cooling and heating costs. People interested in applying for assistance should contact their local or state LIHEAP agency or go to: http://www. acf.hhs.gov/programs/ocs/liheap or http://www.acf.hhs.gov/ programs/ocs/liheap/brochure/brochure.html For a free copy of the NIA’s AgePage on hyperthermia in English or in Spanish, contact the NIA Information Center at 1-800-222-2225 or go to http://www.nia.nih.gov/health/ publication/hyperthermia-too-hot-your-health or http://www. nia.nih.gov/espanol/publicaciones/hipertermia (Spanish). The NIA leads the federal effort supporting and conducting research on aging and the medical, social and behavioral issues of older people. The Institute’s broad scientific program seeks to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. For more information on research and aging, go to www.nia.nih.gov.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Andrews Gazette
Andrews Gazette
Friday, July 19, 2013