Andrews gazette 082313

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Phase 1 construction begins at Malcolm Grow



USAF Band performs ‘A Night at the Opera’


113th Wing earns Intramural Softball Championship

FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2013 | VOL. 2 NO. 32

New Prince George’s school leader shares vision on first day Blended services, programs in the works BY JAMIE ANFENSON-COMEAU THE PRINCE GEORGE’S GAZETTE

Prince George’s County’s new school system leader spent the first day of the new school year doing what he said he loves best — sitting in classrooms with students and teachers. “Getting out, visiting the schools, seeing what class sizes look like, seeing what instructional delivery looks like,” said new school system CEO Kevin Maxwell, adding that he intends to visit all 204 Prince George’s County Public Schools before the school year’s conclusion. Maxwell, Board of Education chairman Segun Eubanks and County Executive Rushern Baker III (D) started their day welcoming Bladensburg Elementary School students to their first day of class Monday. Both Eubanks and Maxwell owe their current positions to legislation passed by the General Assembly last spring that gives the county executive an increased role in school system governance. Baker said the change was needed to better integrate school services with other government services. Each of the five schools visited Monday serve communities that are the focus of Baker’s Transforming Neighborhoods Initiative, or TNI. TNI focuses on improving cross-governmental services to six highpoverty regions, with the goal of reducing crime and improving the quality of life, Baker said. “Having that last big piece, our education system, brought on board to support TNI in an integrative way is important,” Baker said. Maxwell, Eubanks and Baker visited Central High School in Capitol Heights. The stop was a homecoming of sorts for Maxwell, who served as administrative assistant and vice principal at Central from 1984 to 1990. “Dr. Maxwell was educated in Prince George’s County, so I know his heart is in doing right by the school system,” said Charoscar Coleman, now in his third year as Central’s principal. “He is bringing energy and revitalization to our school system and I am very happy to work alongside him.” Central is also the only school in the county with a high school French Immersion program. Maxwell said it is one of his long-term goals to expand such efforts as well as Montessori and high school Science and Technology programs. “With these programs, we’re going to get some of those parents who are now not choosing to send their

see SCHOOL, page 5


Army Sgt. Rebecca Ubert, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center tactical instructor, is all smiles as Staff Sgt. Matthew Speller, 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle operator, gives her backpacks full of school supplies during an Operation Homefront/SAIC giveaway at the Veterans of Foreign Wars parking lot in Morningside, Md.

Operation Homefront, SAIC donate backpacks, supplies BY BOBBY JONES


In an attempt to lessen the financial burden on enlisted families, Operation Homefront D.C. Metro and Science Applications International Corporation joined forces in donating more than 1,000 backpacks filled with school supplies for children of military members on Joint Base Andrews Aug. 16. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9619 in Morningside, Md. offered their parking lot as a distribution point for the backpacks, valued at approximately $80 each, to active duty jointservice enlisted members E-1 to E-6. Volunteers who supported the effort included Air Force members from various squadrons on Joint Base Andrews, SAIC, and Thermopylae Sciences and Technology, Roslyn, Va. School supplies were jointly donated by THIRTY ONE, Dollar Tree, private organizations and personal donors. The filled backpacks were distributed at five places around the National Capital Region. Operation Homefront serves military members through financial assistance, holiday and community events and other programs.


Chardonnae Brandon-Quarles, left, Thermopylae Sciences and Technology government contractor, and Staff Sgt. Kasey Cornwall, Air Force Office of Special Investigations 7th Field Investigations Squadron knowledge operations manager, inventory backpacks during an Operation Homefront/SAIC, giveaway near the Volunteers of Foreign Wars Post 9619 in Morningside, Md. Aug. 15.

Town of Morningside Town Council meets STORY AND PHOTO BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER

Parents escort their children through a cross walk enroute to Allenwood Elementary School in Temple Hills, Md. Aug. 19. It was the first day of school for all Prince George’s County students.

The Town of Morningside’s Town Council met Aug. 20 and discussed town financial matters, street improvement projects, ongoing renovations to the Town Hall, a memorial service held for late Morningside resident Jane Cowan, code enforcement statistics and praise for the Town of Morningside Police Department’s sponsorship of the town’s National Night Out celebration, along with other matters. Interim Chief of Police Sgt. W. Stevenson then briefed attendees on the continued investigation into two shootings which have occurred within the town since July 20. Two suspects have been arrested in the

Town of Morningside Recreation Council member Susan Frostbutter receives certificates of appreciation for each member of the Recreation Council from Vice Mayor James O. Ealey in recognition of the Recreation Council’s efforts in planning the July 4, 2013 Independence Day parade and festivities.

July 20 shooting. Stevenson said that Morningside investigators are cooperating with Prince George’s County District IV Police to pursue information leading to

the arrest of suspects in a second shooting, which happened on Larkspur Road. “We’re calling on all resi-

see COUNCIL, page 12


Andrews Gazette


Commentary: Welcome back

Around Town August 23 - 25

Buckwild Outdoors Expo Charles County Fairgrounds, La Plata, Md. Friday 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Meet the stars of “Swamp People,” visit hunting and fishing gear exhibits, enter the gun giveaway, archery tournament, waterfowl calling competition and whitetail deer mount judging while the kids participate in activities just for them. For information visit

August 24

Reggae in the Capitol ShowPlace Arena, 14900 Pennsylvania Ave., Upper Marlboro, Md.; 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Hear Morgan Heritage, Nesbeth, Destiny Sound, G Nice, Fyah Oats and other local reggae performers. For information visit

August 24 - 25

24 Hours of Booty Gateway Business Park, 7021 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Md.; 2 p.m. Join fellow bicycling enthusiasts in a 24-hour ride to raise funds for the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults and the LIVESTRONG Foundation. For information visit

August 25

Street Car celebration National Capital Trolley Museum, 1313 Bonifant Road, Colesville, Md.; noon - 5 p.m. Learn the history of modern street cars in the Nation’s Capital and ride a street car with the kids. For information, visit


Andrews Gazette is published by Comprint Military Publications, 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, Md., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or any branch of the United States military. The appearance of advertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, martial status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchases, user or patron.

Maxine Minar, president John Rives, publisher

Chris Basham, editor Deirdre Parry, page design Bobby Jones, photographer


Friday, August 23, 2013


Prince George’s County Public Schools opened to students this week, and private schools around the area are doing the same. Even home-schooled families are finding it a little easier to focus on the task at hand, as the community at large goes back to school and a regular schedule. If you didn’t manage to take a summer trip, well, your window of opportunity is closing, and even the weather is cooperating by giving us a cooler taste of fall, just a little earlier than we might expect it.

As we enjoy the cooler weather and the new school clothes, and sort through the giant stacks of forms for parents and children to sign and return, it’s a good time to take just a moment to ponder our own goals for this year. Teachers, parents, students and the rest of us are free to make goals for ourselves, above and beyond what we’re required to do and learn. And why not? Learning can take place in the classroom, but it doesn’t have to be restricted to it. Beyond those walls, the beauty and majesty of nature are still out there to explore. There are books to read, skills to practice, lessons to

learn, wherever we look. Local organizations that scaled back their activities during the summer months are looking for volunteers. Maybe some of that stretching and studying will pay off in advancement or a new career. Maybe it will lead to a hobby, or new friendships with people who hold similar interests. Maybe it will just end up being something you can do to entertain yourself, and a few friends. Regardless, there’s no time like right now to choose a challenge and pursue it. Even if there’s no grade attached. Welcome back, students. What did you do on your summer vacation?

records recovered from the fire are stored in temperature- and humidity-controlled conditions at a new NPRC outside St. Louis.

year. Compounded prescriptions are tailored for individuals by pharmacists and may contain both conventional medications and other ingredients.


Ashes yield information

A fire at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis 40 years still has repercussions today. The fire destroyed some 16 million to 18 million military personnel records, including documents veterans need to apply for Veterans Affairs benefits. Using modern restoration techniques, technicians continue to glean details from charred and water-damaged documents. The July 12, 1973 fire destroyed up to 80 percent of the 22 million records of veterans of the Army, Army Air Force and Air Force who served between 1912 and 1963. About 85 percent of the records of World War II and Korean War were lost. In addition, about 75 percent of the records of Airmen with last names beginning with H through Z who left service between 1947 and 1963 were destroyed. Requests for documents from the burned records roll in at the rate of 200 to 300 every day. Reconstructed records from many sources help fulfill some requests. While most seek documentation to establish benefits eligibility, other requests come from historians and genealogists working on family histories. The estimated 6.5 million

TRICARE evaluates prescription medications

TRICARE covers most prescription medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Medications may be available as part of the pharmacy or medical benefit. In general, for a medication to be covered by the TRICARE, it must be approved by the FDA; not be part of a procedure covered under the medical benefit; and be prescribed in accordance with good medical practice and established standards of quality. Details about prescribed medications, including medications covered by TRICARE, may be found in the TRICARE Formulary Search Tool. The Pharmacy Program also covers some vaccines for zero copayment at participating retail network pharmacies. All pharmacists administer vaccines, but state laws vary on which vaccines may be administered. TRICARE is evaluating its pharmaceutical compounds to ensure safe care for beneficiaries. During this evaluation TRICARE is delaying any change in practice on compounded prescriptions for the balance of the

Trade up your cell phone

Military shoppers can trade in old cell phones for credit toward a smartphone upgrade at the Exchange Mobile Center for instant credit toward the purchase of a new smartphone, accessory or insurance for a new phone. “Trade-Up and Save” is available only at in-store locations. Shoppers can trade in up to three handsets per transaction and the credit must be applied toward a purchase at that time. Trade-in values vary depending on model, condition, age and market factors. The Retiree Activities Office is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Visit the office in Building 1604 at California and Colorado Avenues or call us at 301-981-2726. Our e-mail address is rao@andrews. Call the office before your visit to ensure a volunteer is on duty. The RAO has a website at www.andrews.; Under “Helpful Links” click on “Retirees Activity Office” for information on retiree subjects, including past copies of “Retiree Corner.”


Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

JBA Buzz

What subject do you want to excel in this year? “I want to do my best in Reading, because I don’t know how to spell so well yet. I want to be great at it, so that I can read stories to my mom, dad and sister.”

Bryn Lent, 6 1st

Gianna Bacon, 8 3rd

Imagine Andrews Public Charter School

Imagine Andrews Public Charter School “I want to excel in all of my subjects, because ever since I was a little kid my mom and dad wanted me to do my best in all my classes. So I want to make them really proud of me.”

James Dawkins, 9 5th

Kaleb Archibald, 8 3rd

Imagine Andrews Public Charter School

Imagine Andrews Public Charter School

“I want to do better in both Math and Reading. Last year it was a little harder in both of them. But it is getting easier for me now because I’m practicing a lot more in school and sometimes with my friends.”

“I like reading because it makes my head smart and tells me about the book. But I want to get A’s in all of my classes so my mom and dad can take me to get a surprise. I can even pick where I want to go.”


Since 1955, the Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of D.C. has raised funds for service-oriented charities and promoted and preserved interest in the Navy. The annual Welcome Coffee acquaints new Navy families with Washington, D.C. and the programs and organizations here to support them. Our potential members are spread out in a large part of Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. We are a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit. The annual Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of D.C. Welcome Aboard Coffee will be held 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 16 at the Bolling Club, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, at 50 Theisen Avenue, Washington,

The Family Health and Pediatric Clinics are currently relocated to the Temporary Medical Buildings on the south end of the Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic and Surgery Center campus. These modular trailers are located near the intersection of West Perimeter and Boston Roads.

Phase 1 construction begins at Malcolm Grow

Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of D.C. hosts a coffee BY PAM ORTIZ-MARTY


D.C. This year’s guest speaker is Admiral Jonathan Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations. Browse the NOSC information tables to sign up for social and volunteer activities, group tours and neighborhood coffees. Visit with representatives from numerous non-profit organizations serving the needs of military members. Shop the wonderful selection of goodies at their own gift store, Temptations. Profits from Temptations go directly to NOSC DC charities and scholarship funds. A charge of $10, which includes a continental breakfast, is payable at the door. RSVP by Sept. 9 to Pam Ortiz-Marty at For more information about NOSC DC, visit their website,, or Facebook page,

Family Health and Pediatric Clinics move to temporary buildings BY MELANIE MOORE AND RON GRAHAM 79TH MEDICAL WING

The Family Health and Pediatric Clinics will relocate to the Temporary Medical Buildings on the south end of the Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic and Surgery Center campus Sept. 3, as Phase 1 of the military construction project at Joint Base Andrews, Md. begins. These modular trailers are

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located near the intersection of West Perimeter and Boston Roads. Most patient parking will also relocate to the current staff parking lot near the Temporary Medical Buildings. A large portion of the patient parking located near the main entrance of MGMCSC will be closed due to construction activities. Patients may contact the appointment line

(1-888-999-1212) to confirm their appointment location. Clinic signage, electronic kiosks, the Wing’s website ( and staff members in the clinic will also help direct patients during construction. Phase 1 also includes the relocation of the 779 MDG Education and Training Office to the 2nd floor of the MGMCSC, B-wing. This phase of military construction is anticipated to continue through 2014. The construction project involves multiple phases, and these clinics are expected to operate in the Temporary Medical Buildings well into 2015.

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Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

Airmen, soldiers bring heat to the kitchen BY AIRMAN 1ST CLASS JOSHUA R. M. DEWBERRY 11TH WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

“I like low-impact exercises,” Harley said. “Here I can do some meditation. I can just breathe and walk and talk with ladies.” Fitness instructor Tiffany Scott of Upper Marlboro led the free exercise. Harley founded the Women’s Group of Upper Marlboro in 2010 to get to know more people who live in the area. Harley said the group has become much more popular this year since she began posting events on social media sites such as Facebook. Some women, like Lynn Horton, 47, of Upper Marlboro, said going on the walks inspired them to meet their fitness goals. Horton said she has diabetes and walking with her “sisters” gave her the support she needed to make good, healthy decisions. “I know that I can walk diabetes away,” Horton said. Harley said that the group holds monthly events geared toward personal health and development. “If I have lots of things going on in my life, I can commit to once a month. If you push people too much they get discour-

Air Force flight attendants from the 89th Airlift wing and stewards from the United States Army Priority Air Transport gathered for a first-ever joint culinary training session Aug. 14 at the USAPAT command building on Joint Base Andrews. Six flight attendants from the 1st Airlift Squadron collaborated with three USAPAT stewards to improve their culinary skills and exchange ideas. “There are a million ways to make a meal, but we want to learn from each other and see what each branch brings to the table,” said Tech. Sgt. Crystal Dassance, a flight attendant and assistant NCO in charge of flight attendant training. “We are trying to start a culinary arts team and we wanted to reach out to the community to find prospective talent.” Dassance said it makes sense to start with a small group of participants to gage interest from other squadrons for future events and share their culinary knowledge. Army Staff Sgt. David Cantwell, USAPAT steward, contacted Dassance with the interest of starting a joint culinary team, leading to the organization of this training session. “Right now, the training is specifically for flight attendants and stewards. For our next event, we will invite the culinary staff from the dining facility on base and some Navy specialists,” Cantwell said. “It’s great to

see WALKING, page 9

see KITCHEN, page 12


LaSeandia Harley (left), founder of The Women’s Group of Upper Marlboro, leads a group of walkers while toting a portable speaker for musical inspiration Saturday morning during the “Sisters Supporting Sisters Walk” on the Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Trail in Glenn Dale.

Upper Marlboro women stay in step with walking group Program supports goals, encourages healthy lifestyles BY AMBER LARKINS


Jeana Harbison, 31, of Camp Springs is planning her August 2014 wedding and got some marriage tips on the run from complete strangers last week. Harbison was one of 15 Upper Marlboro-area women walking along the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis Trail in Glenn Dale for the final summer edition of “Sisters Supporting Sisters,” a spin-off of the Women’s Group of Upper Marlboro. “It’s nice to be out and walk. It’s really about the friendships you build with these ladies,” Harbison said. Beyond marriage advice, conversations covered healthy foods, hair and having children in exactly the type of relaxed setting group founder LaSeandia Harley, 34, of Upper Marlboro said she envisioned when she came up with the monthly summer walks in May.

Books on Bases comes to JBA All children ages 0-13 whose parents--Active-Duty, Reserves and National Guard--work or reside on Joint Base Andrews are invited to a FREE reading event 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sept. 7 at the 113th Wing Air National Guard – Milikan Building, 3252 East Perimeter Road, JBA. BOB is a program created by Blue Star Families to positively impact the lives of military children through the power of reading. BSF donates books to military children, base libraries, Department of Defense schools, militaryimpacted public schools, and community libraries. Each child in attendance will receive a free book. There will be activities, games and storytime readings. This event is co-sponsored by Alicia Hinds Ward - 2013 AFI Military Spouse of the Year and National Guard Spouse of the Year and co-founder of JBA Business & Community Support and Joint Base Andrews Spouse Forums Group; Jennifer Pilcher - 2013 AFI Joint Base Andrews Spouse of the Year and founder of Military One Click in conjunction with Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 102 and Michelle Vaughn of Blue Star Families. USO Metro will provide snacks. Register at PublicEventRegistration?id=a0Vi00000018avNEAQ. 1038553B



Army flight stewards brief their mission aboard an Army aircraft during a joint service culinary training session on Aug. 14 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Army flight stewards and Air Force flight attendants conducted a training class to obtain and develop new skills from one another.

Staff Sgt. Christine Kim and Kenyeta Brackett, 1st Airlift Squadron flight attendants, observe Army Staff Sgt. David Cantwell, U.S. Army Priority Air Transport flight steward, as he prepares a rice dish during a joint service culinary training session on Joint Base Andrews, Md., Aug. 14.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

Failure to obey = willingness to pay BY 11TH WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Even though planning ahead to ensure time for safe travel and paying attention to the road sans distractions, have always been paramount; morning delays and afternoon traffic can leave motorists rushing to work and racing to get home. As children are boarding and exiting school buses, on and off base, our situational awareness must increase tenfold. When school buses have their red lights flashing and stop arm deployed, children’s safety comes before personal circumstance. Whether you’re military or civilian, the costs for disregarding school bus stop signs are steep. According to the Department of Transportation, Maryland’s penalties for any offbase motorist who waives the right to go to trial after receiving a ticket for disregarding the school bus stop sign, opts to pay a fine of $570 and have two points taken off their license. The fine escalates to $610 and three points when the violation contributes to an accident. Active duty military members and Guard and Reserve on active status who get ticketed on base will receive a citation Department of Defense form 1408, armed forces traffic ticket. Civilians driving on base fall under Maryland state laws, according to security forces. Form 1408 has no monetary penalty for violations, but the standard reporting instructions are to report this violation to their commander and first sergeant within 24 hours or immediately upon returning to duty. This offense, as well as others, will impact the member’s on base driving privileges. By obeying the law and coming to a complete stop for school buses, regardless of the direction of the approach, money, time and stress can be saved, but most of all, children can be safer, to and from school.


Central High School Principal Charoscar Coleman (center) gives a tour of the school to new Prince George’s Schools CEO Kevin Maxwell (front, right) Monday in Capitol Heights on the first day of classes in the county. At left is Segun C. Eubanks of the Prince George’s County Board of Education.

SCHOOL, from page 1 children to our school system ... because they don’t believe they’re safe or they don’t believe in the quality of education,” Baker said. “That is going to change.” At Barnaby Manor Elementary School in Oxon Hill, Maxwell and company were joined by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and State Superintendent of Schools Lillian Lowery. “These next few years are going to be some of the best in Prince George’s Coun-

ty for education. A new day has dawned,” said O’Malley, who praised Maxwell as “one of the best school system leaders you could possibly have.” While at the school, they visited a fullday pre-kindergarten classroom, one of only eight schools in the county which have full day pre-k. All of those are schools that serve TNI communities, said Baker’s education adviser Christian Rhodes. The selection of Maxwell, a long-time resident and product of PGCPS, has generated excitement in a school system that has seen a high turnover of superintendents. Prince George’s County has had six

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superintendents over the last 10 years. Maxwell said he hopes to keep that excitement going indefinitely. “We have to believe that we can do better, we have to teach our kids to believe in themselves and you can sustain that, you can build this virtuous cycle of today’s success builds another success for tomorrow, and so on,” Maxwell said. “Honeymoons can last forever.” This story originally appeared in the Aug. 19, 2013 edition of The Prince George’s Gazette.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

USAF BAND PERFORMS ‘A NIGHT AT THE OPERA’ The U.S. Air Force Ceremonial Guard performs one of their signature precision drills in front of the Air Force Memorial statues at the United States Air Force Band’s concert, “A Night at the Opera,” Aug. 16 in Washington, D.C.

Below: Tech. Sgts. Mandi Harper and Emily Wellington take a bow after performing Delibes’s “Flower Duet” during the United States Air Force Band’s concert Aug. 16 in Washington, D.C. More than 100 people attended the free concert, held at The Air Force Memorial. U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTOS/ AIRMAN 1ST CLASS NESHA HUMES

Retired Col. Arnold D. Gabriel, United States Air Force Band conductor emeritus, concludes the performance of Giroux’s “The Italian Rhapsody,” during a concert at The Air Force Memorial Aug. 16 in Washington, D.C. Gabriel was a combat machine gunner with the United States Army’s 29th Infantry Division in Europe during World War II, and was awarded two Bronze Star medals, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the French Croix de Guerre.

Ask the Lawyer: May I sell personal property to another service member? BY MATHEW B. TULLY

When one service member is the buyer and another is the seller, there is the risk of the sale amounting to fraternization if the service members are of different ranks. That said, not all sale transactions between service members are prohibited. Fraternization is prohibited on multiple levels in the military. For starters, Article 134 prohibits commissioned and warrant officers from fraternizing “on terms of military equality” with enlisted members in a way that is prejudicial to good order and discipline or service discrediting. Generally, this type of Article 134 violation hinges on whether the “conduct has compromised the chain of command, resulted in the appearance of partiality, or otherwise undermined good order, discipline, authority, or morale,” according to the Manual for Courts-Martial. In the Navy, OPNAV Instruction 5370.2C likewise prohibits fraternization, which also covers “improper relationships…between officer members as well as between enlisted members, regardless of the service affiliation of the other officer or enlisted member.” The policy deems “commercial solicitations” and “private business relationships” as being “unduly familiar.” Army Regulation 600-20 goes so far as to specify that the branch’s antifraternization policy does not apply to landlord/tenant relationships and “onetime transactions” (e.g., for an automobile or house). However, Article 1111 of the Navy Regulations clarifies that “[n]o officer shall… accept deposits from, or have any pecuniary dealings [that concern money] with an enlisted person…except for the sale of an item of personal property which is for sale to other persons under the same conditions of guarantee and for the same consideration, and never having been the property of the Government.” As the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals noted in U.S. v. Moultak (1985), this prohibition not only “protect[s] subordinates from actual or perceived intimidation in financial dealings with seniors.” It also “reduces the number of disputes between officers and enlisted personnel

which might arise because of pecuniary transactions that have gone awry” and “prevents the officer from making decisions, or from appearing to make decisions, because of some investment or financial arrangement he has in or with an enlisted service member.” Moultak illustrates the problems officers can encounter when they cut special breaks to enlisted members with whom they are involved in pecuniary dealings. This case involved a Marine Corps captain who had a sexual and romantic relationship with a lance corporal. He was convicted at general court martial of violating a lawful regulation, conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman, fraternization, and false swearing in violation of Articles 92, 133, and 134, respectively. The Article 92 charge stemmed from his violation of an earlier but similarly worded version of Article 1111 (i.e., Article 1131.1). The captain and lance corporal jointly purchased an automobile that cost $9,113. The lance corporal, who used the automobile, paid only a third of the $1,500 down payment, with the captain paying for the rest. The lance corporal also only paid a portion of the initial monthly payment, and the captain covered the rest along with the subsequent monthly payments. Although the captain argued he did not abuse his rank for monetary gain in his pecuniary dealings with the lance corporal, the court upheld his conviction. Service members whose financial or business relationship with another service member resulted in a charge of fraternization or violation of a lawful regulation should immediately contact a military law attorney. Depending on the circumstances, an attorney can show the relationship was not unduly familiar or that the personal property sold was available to other persons under the same conditions of guarantee and for the same consideration. Mathew B. Tully is an Iraq war veteran and founding partner of the law firm Tully Rinckey PLLC. Email questions to The information in this column is not intended as legal advice.



Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fitness tip: ‘Prison workout’ keeps flab on lockdown wherever you’re doing time BY SABINE LOPEZ FITNESS AND OPERATIONS SPECIALIST WEST FITNESS CENTER

Workout fads come and go; often those fads are simply a renaming of a workout technique or idea that has been around for years. One such idea is pretty simple: body weight plus gravity equals a great workout. There’s nothing wrong with having weights, resistance bands and Swiss balls, but you don’t need all of that equipment to get a great workout. There are great exercises done without any weights to keep you in shape for life. The current name for this “fad” is the “Prison Workout.” It could easily be called the “Motel Workout,” because the idea is the same: All you need for a great workout is a fairly small, clear space on the floor (at least enough for you to lie down and stretch your arms out past your head), and a towel. You’ll need gravity, of course, but you’ll be able to find that just about anywhere you go. Prison is a place of restriction. While fitness is still on the minds of inmates, dealing with the extra time and stress of being in confinement can be replaced by working out and pumping iron. There is no excuse not to exercise during this time because there is unlimited time, especially for inmates who serve longer terms. Don’t be deceived; these training work outs are very effective and useful for an everyday lifestyle outside of the prison environment. These gals and guys create the best workouts without any equipment. The five most popular exercises used are Triceps Dips, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Squat Jumps and Jump Lunges. The most popular and effective gravity-based exercises are Burpees, Squats, Triceps Dips, Push-ups, Lunges, Planks, Crunches, and Superman. Do each exercise for one minute, and move to the next exercise immediately after finishing the previous one. You’re doing all exercises as a circuit, and each circuit will take about 10 minutes. Then do another circuit after a brief rest. As you get better at these exercises you can increase the number of circuits. It doesn’t matter how many of each exercise you can do; here in the Big House you have nothing but time, and time is how you’ll measure everything. The Burpee can be done in lots of ways. Here are the four most popular variations, in order of increasing level of difficulty: Phase 1 Burpees: From a standing position, drop to the push-up position. Return to the standing position. That’s one Burpee. Phase 2 Burpees: Do a Phase 1 Burpee, adding an actual push-up when you’re in the push-up position. Phase 3 Burpees: Do a Phase 2 Burpee, adding a jump off the ground when you return to the standing position. Phase 4 Burpees: Do a Phase 3 Burpee, and pull your knees up to your chest as you’re jumping (do a cannonball). The basic Squat looks like you’re preparing to sit on a

chair, with your knees over your feet and your rear end sticking out a bit while your back is straight. For this workout, get into the squat position and hold it for one minute. To make the Squat a whole-body workout, stretch your towel with your arms straight over your head, so that your arms and upper body make a “Y” shape. Your shoulders will thank you later. Triceps dips can be done on the floor, but they’re more effective if you have a chair. With the chair behind you, put your hands on either side of the seat so that your palms are facing each other and your legs are out straight in front of you. Dip, and return to the starting position. To make this exercise more difficult, elevate your feet while doing your dips. Push-ups don’t need much explanation; just keep your body straight (without raising your rear end) during the exercise. For variation, put your hands close together for one circuit, then far apart for one circuit. You can even put one hand behind your body, then switch hands for the next circuit. The basic Lunge involves stepping forward with one leg and dropping the knee of the other leg, until that rear knee almost touches the ground. Make sure the front knee stays over your foot, not going past your toes. Return to an upright position and switch legs. A really tough variation is to jump from the lunge position, switching legs in mid-air. There are three Plank positions: Left Side, Right Side, and Downward-Facing. In all cases, rest on one elbow and forearm (for Left and Right Sides), or both elbows and forearms (for Downward-Facing), with your body rigid and straight. Focus on your body as a plank supported only by your forearm and your feet. Do all three positions for 1 minute each. Crunches are pretty selfexplanatory. You may anchor your feet, or increase the difficulty by doing crunches without anchoring your feet. The Superman is a critical exercise, because it works your back muscles – the hardest muscles to exercise without specific equipment. Lie face-down on the floor, arms out in front of your head (so it looks like you’re flying forward). Raise your upper body and your legs off the floor, so that the only thing touching the floor is your pelvis and stomach. Hold that position, while humming the Superman theme music, for one minute. If you do all of these exercises for one minute each, you WILL be sweating when you’re done with a circuit. If you have a hard time finishing one minute’s worth for a given exercise, DO NOT give in to the temptation to cut the time short. Do as many repetitions or hold the pose as best you can during the full minute, then move on. As your body adjusts to this circuit you will be able to do more and more, and you’ll notice that you can go the distance. (You have moved to Phase 3 or Phase 4 Burpees, haven’t you?) At that point, it’s time to add a third circuit, then a fourth.


Members of the 113th D.C. Air National Guard, “113th Wing,” showcase their trophies after winning the 2013 Intramural Slow-pitch Softball Championship game Aug. 14 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. After playing about 20 regular season games and competing to make it into the top five from each division, the 113th D.C. Air National Guard team, 113th Wing, excelled throughout the playoffs to confront the unrelenting 811th Security Forces Squadron.

113th Wing earns Intramural Softball Championship BY AMBER J. RUSSELL


The final softball game of the season brought the best-of-the-best to West Fitness Center’s field one, to face off for the championship game. After playing about 20 regular season games and competing to make it into the top five from each division, the 113th’s D.C. Air National Guard team excelled throughout the playoffs to confront the unrelenting 811th Security Forces Squadron. The showdown that took place on a mild, 70 degree August evening was anything but in the doubleelimination-style games. “We’ve already lost one game in the playoffs, yet we came all the way to the championship game from the loser’s bracket,” said Staff Sgt. Patrick Harris, 811th SFS protection level 1 area supervisor and coach. “The 113th Wing has won all the way through the playoffs, and they beat us in the regular season as well, so we have to beat them twice tonight for my team to win the base championship. If we lose once, it’s over with and the 113th takes it.” The 811th team, who played as the guest team in the initial game, was comprised of an even mix of rookies and team veterans. Nevertheless, they played with true purpose, yielding a final score of 25-5. Senior Airman Jerome Foye, 811th SFS bravo flight response coordinator, aka “Primetime,” brought on hard hits, gaining four base hits and was on base four times, making it to the top of the second inning of the first game with a score of 8-1.

Senior Airman Adam Hughes, shortstop for the 811th Security Forces Squadron, hits the ball during the Joint Base Andrews Intramural Slowpitch Softball Championship game Aug. 14 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The 811th SFS beat the 113th Wing D.C. Air National Guard 22-5 in the first game double-elimination game, before losing the championship 22-6 the next game.

However, both teams played with similar setbacks. The 113th Wing was shy six of their players due to circumstances such as deployments and PCSs, while the 811th team played with unfamiliar teammates. “Quite a few guys are playing for the first time with us due to an issue with the amount of teams SFS put together,” said Harris. Regardless of any holdups, when the second game commenced, it was apparent that softball is truly a hitter’s game.

“The team that’s going to win is the team that hits,” said Harris. It appeared as if the 113th Wing team awakened from winter’s hibernation as they took on the second, fate-defining game with a vengeance, defeating the 811th SFS with a score of 22-6, claiming the title; champion. “They kept their heads up after the first game and I’m very proud of my team,” said Master Sgt. Brandon Termese, 113th Maintenance Squadron aircraft fuels craftsman and team coach.

Christmas in April Fort Washington hosts golf tourney teen wins Junior Olympics gold medal Prince George’s County Christmas in April is sponsoring its 24th annual Christmas in April Prince George’s County Susan Denison Mona Golf Tournament Sept. 23 at The Courses at Joint Base Andrews. All profits fund the 2014 program to renovate the homes of 90 elderly and disabled residents of Prince George’s County at no cost to the homeowner. Golfers and sponsors may call 301-868-0937 to register. Fees include a buffet, cart, tee and green fees, prizes, refreshments on the course and more. Christmas in April is still accepting applications from homeowners who need help repairing their home. Eligible homeowners must live in their home in Prince George’s County, be elderly or disabled and unable to do the work themselves. For information or to request an application, contact Mary Kucharski, executive director, at 301-8680937, email, visit or write to Christmas in April Prince George’s County, 7915 Malcolm Road, Suite 102, Clinton, Md. 20735.



D’nia Freeman, 14, of Fort Washington won the gold medal at the United States Track and Field Junior Olympics on July 27. Her coach, Donna Ray, said she is a great athlete on and off the track. “She won with a blazing time for her age,” Ray said. D’nia won the 400-meter gold medal with a time of 55.9 seconds, and she hopes to be in the 2016 Brazil Olympics, said her father, Dedglan Freeman. D’nia is going into her sophomore year at Riverdale Baptist School in Upper Marlboro, Ray said. “She’s a very hard, dedicated worker, and she’s willing to do what it takes to improve her time and work hard at it,” Ray said. This story originally appeared in the Aug. 15, 2013 edition of The Prince George’s Gazette.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

11th Security Forces Squadron wins playoff game


Glen Cook, 11th Security Forces Squadron midfielder, flips over Lawrence Hufford, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron goalie, after a collision at the goal line.

A wall of blue 11th Security Forces Squadron jerseys blocks an attempt at a point by an 11th Civil Engineer Squadron player.

The 11 SFS won 3 to 2 in the penalty kick-off Aug. 20. Glen Cook, 11th Security Forces Squadron midfielder, sustained a possible knee sprain during a collision with the 11th Civil Engineer Squadron goalie.

Daniel Hadley, 11th Security Forces Squadron, performs a lead pass. Glen Cook, 11th Security Forces Squadron midfielder, center, is carried off the field by team members. Cook sustained a possible knee sprain during a collision with the 11th Civil Engineer Squadron goalie.

Lawrence Hufford, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron goalie, saves a potential goal against his team.

Martin Ducas, 11th Security Forces Squadron, performs a lob kick to pass the ball backwards just before halftime.

JBA Intramural Soccer standings TEAM 779 MDSS (A) 744 CS (A) 11 SFG 89 OG 744 CS (B) 11 CES PAG 89 APS 11 LRS 89 CS 459TH 779 MDSS (B)

WINS 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 0

LOSSES 0 2 1 1 2 3 5 5 4 5 6 8

TIES 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1

POINTS 20 18 17 17 16 13 9 9 8 7 4 0

Intramural Golf Wrap-Up Congratulations to Team AFDW for winning Base Champions. They came on top over Team 89 OG with a final match score of 10-2. I want to recognize Team 89 OG for coming in 2nd Place for the title of Base Runner-Up. With that said, it has been a great season. I appreciate all the coaches and players for their participation and support of our intramural program. I hope to see each of you next year. If any of you have feedback or would like to make any recommendations to improve the league please provide that to me or Daniel Ladjevich. Thank you all for making another season a success! -Tanya Sites, Assistant, Fitness and Sports, Joint Base Andrews

An 11th Security Forces Squadron goalie successfully saves a goal against an 11th Civil Engineer Squadron member during a penalty shot series to win a game tiebreaker.

Air Force announces PT test enhancements to start Oct. 1 BY STAFF SGT. DAVID SALINITRI SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force senior leadership announced enhancements to the Air Force’s Physical Fitness Assessment program, to be implemented Oct. 1. In a letter to Airmen Aug. 20, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III explained the results of the comprehensive review, highlighting the strength of the program and the need for slight improvements. “We have a tremendous program that has fundamentally changed the Air Force’s overall fitness level over the past few years,” Welsh said. “The PFT itself is not going to change. But even the best program can be improved upon, so we are making changes in four different areas to enhance the overall program.” Of the changes coming Oct. 1, the most significant is to the abdominal

circumference portion of the test. The AC assesses an Airman’s body composition. Since the Air Force implemented the newest fitness program guidelines in October 2010, only .03 percent of Airmen have failed the AC portion of the test and passed the other three components with a composite score of 75 or higher. “In the future, if an Airman fails the AC portion of the test, and passes each of the other three components, we’ll measure that Airman using the Body Mass Index taping guidance in DoD instructions,” Welsh said. “If the Airman meets the DoD BMI standard, they pass the PFT.” Because AC measurement is integrated into the testing procedure, the Air Force is currently the only branch of the Department of Defense not required to have a separate weight management program. The other program modifications include realigning the fitness appeal

process back to wing commanders, adjusting passing standards for Airmen who can only test on one component of assessment, and changing and simplifying the walk test. In addition to these efforts, senior leaders are reviewing how fitness performance is documented on performance reports as part of a larger effort to examine the performance report itself. Those results are expected in the near future. Though senior leaders are looking to improve the current fitness program, Welsh said he is proud of the Air Force program, and the physically fit culture it has helped to cultivate. “I believe we have DoD’s best designed, best run fitness program, and as a result, we have a force ready for any mission our nation asks us to execute,” he said. “I’m extremely proud of how far we’ve come with our fitness culture.”


Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013


As the Department of Agriculture’s Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, I am on a mission to make sure all of our nation’s children have the best possible chance at a healthy life and a bright future. So, I’m very encouraged by some recent news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The rate of obesity among low-income, pre-school children appears to be declining for the first time in decades. The declining rates show that our collective efforts— at the federal, state and community level—are helping to gain ground on childhood obesity, particularly among some of the more vulnerable populations in our country. Low-income children are often at a big disadvantage when it comes to getting the food they need to grow up healthy and strong, which is why the nutrition programs and resources available through USDA are so vital. Programs like WIC— with its new, healthier food package offerings for pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers and young children, including more fruits and vegetables and more whole grains—and the Child and Adult Care Food Program—with its increasing emphasis on nutrition and physical activity for young children—are making a difference in the lives of millions of children. Our efforts don’t stop there. School-aged children


Dr. Janey Thornton

are now getting healthier and more nutritious school meals and snacks, thanks to the support of first lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative and historic changes implemented under the Healthy, HungerFree Kids Act. We’re supporting healthy, local foods in schools through our Farm to School grant program, and we’re improving access to fresh produce and healthy foods for children and families who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits. So what can you do to make a change in your home and community? Parents and caregivers can use educational materials from the USDA like Healthy Eating for Preschoolers and Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children to help teach young children healthy habits from the start. Teachers, principals and school food service professionals can use nutrition education materials like the Great Garden Detective curriculum provided through Team Nutrition to motivate older children

to eat healthy and try new foods. Kids can explore MyPlate Kids Place and take the MyPlate Pledge to commit to making healthy food choices at school and at home. And parents, teachers, and kids alike can get active and learn about healthy foods with Let’s Move! in school, at home and in their communities. Don’t get me wrong—we still have a long way to go before America’s childhood obesity epidemic is a thing of the past. Far too many— one out of every eight—preschoolers are still obese. Unfortunately, obesity in these early childhood years sets the perfect stage for serious health problems throughout the entire lifespan. We at USDA are proud of our ongoing efforts to ensure the health of America’s next generation, and we know that, combined with your efforts at home, we are beginning to see real results in the fight against early childhood obesity. Dr. Janey Thornton serves as USDA’s Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary. Before coming to USDA, Dr. Thornton served as School Nutrition Director for Hardin County Schools in Elizabethtown, Ky. and served as president of the 55,000-member School Nutrition Association during the 2006-2007 school year. Learn more about USDA’s efforts to improve child nutrition at www.fns.usda. gov/healthierschoolday and visit www.choosemyplate. gov for quick, easy nutrition and diet tips for families.


From left, National Awards Chairperson Viveca Wilson, Denice Whalen-White and National President Marie E. Castillo at the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.’s 78th National Convention.

Local nonprofit founder honored for her efforts BY KANASHA TRENT ALL SHADES OF PINK

Denice Whalen-White, founder and executive director of Capitol Heights, Md.-based nonprofit All Shades of Pink, received the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.’s National Achievement Award Aug. 17 as part of NANPBWC’s 78th National Convention in Baltimore, Md., attended by nearly 400 members from more than 100 adult and youth clubs across the country and two international clubs. National President Marie E. Castillo

WALKING, from page 4 aged,” Harley said. At the end of Saturday’s walk, each woman received a goodie bag with lemonade packets, a nutrition bar, a recipe and an inspirational card, which Harley said was to motivate the women to continue to make healthy choices. After the event, Dani Watson of Largo said the walk made her feel energized.

presented Ms. Whalen-White with the organization’s National Achievement Award for her efforts to educate women and their families about breast cancer. Risk factors for breast cancer include age, family history, and race. In the U.S., white women have an overall higher incident rate of breast cancer than African American women. However, AfricanAmerican women are more likely to die from this cancer due to delayed detection, diagnosis and treatment; inadequate follow-up; and lack of access to screening, among other factors. “I met a lot of people and learned different ways to lose weight and be happy,” Watson said. Harley said she plans to have a new walking event in the fall, which would likely take place monthly from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This story originally appeared in the Aug. 19, 2013 edition of The Prince George’s Gazette.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, August 23, 2013

Videos sought DoD anti-tobacco competition BY AIR FORCE SURGEON GENERAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS

The Department of Defense, Health Affairs, has recently announced a new tobacco countermarketing video competition aimed to target the message of tobacco being an enemy of our military as it degrades their health, fitness, mission readiness and work productivity. The competition entitled, “Fight the Enemy,” will run from now until Oct. 15 and is open to all DoD service members, families and DoD civilians to submit their best video entry with winners being announced in mid-November. “If you don’t believe tobacco impairs mission readiness, I encourage you to read the IOM report,” said Col. (Dr.) John Oh, chief, health promotion, Air Force Medical Support Agency, referencing the 2009 Institute of Medicine report Combating Tobacco Use in

Military and Veteran Populations. Although tobacco use causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and even impotence, it also can cause other problems that directly impact warfighters, such as reduced endurance, decreased night vision, hearing loss, decreased wound healing, and increased post-operative complications. Furthermore, DoD estimates that tobacco use costs $1.6 billion annually in medical costs and decreased work productivity - a preventable expense that DoD can ill afford in the current austere fiscal climate, explained Colonel Oh. Based on DoD survey data, 17 percent of Airmen smoke cigarettes, a figure slightly less than the national average. But 9 percent use smokeless tobacco, well above the 2 percent national average. “We need to change how tobacco is perceived by Airmen and call it out as the


The Department of Defense, Health Affairs has recently announced a new tobacco countermarketing video competition aimed to target the message of tobacco being an enemy of our military as it degrades their health, fitness, mission readiness and work productivity. The competition, entitled “Fight the Enemy,” will run from now until Oct. 15 and is open to all DoD service members, families and DoD civilians to submit their best video entry with winners being announced in mid-November.

enemy that it is, with adverse impact on health,

mission performance, and the economic sustainability

of our warfighting capabilities,” said Oh.

A humorous promotional video, contest rules, and additional information can be found at FightTheEnemy. Winners will be announced in conjunction with the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout. The first prize winner’s video will be featured on the Fight the Enemy website. Winners will receive official recognition and thanks from DoD senior leaders, and all entrants will receive a gift of appreciation. “The Fight the Enemy contest is a fun way for the DoD community to come up with an effective message on how we can win the battle against tobacco. I know we have some very creative Airmen and family members out there who are up to the challenge,” Oh added. For more information on how tobacco use affects you and those in your environment, as well as ways to quit tobacco, visit www.

Air Force initiates new inspection process BY MICHAEL P. KLEIMAN


Approximately 10 days after the Air Force District of Washington completed its first-ever unit effectiveness inspection in June, Under Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning signed Program Action Directive 13-01 implementing the new assessment system across the service. When the Air Force Inspection Agency conducted its five-day in-length UEI of AFDW, the appraisal represented only the fourth time the organization had performed the new process and the event served as the first for a direct reporting unit. “Since AFDW already began the transition to the new Air Force Inspection System by initiating elements of the Commander’s Inspection Program as a pre-


lude to our UEI, we have a head start in implementing PAD 13-01,” said Col. Russ Owen, AFDW Inspector General. “The PAD details 16 implementation milestones for Headquarters AFDW and our subordinate units to accomplish by Oct. 1, 2014 and we are well on our way to success.” Initially tested by United States Air Force in Europe - Air Forces Africa, the UEI model for the AFIS, consists of the following four major-graded areas: managing resources, leading your people, improving the unit and executing the mission. It also incorporates a survey distributed to Airmen prior to the inspection to annotate their perceptions of organizational leadership. During the UEI, inspectors discuss the survey data with selected groups of military and civilian personnel. In addition, UEI team members can review functional self-assessment results via the

Managers Internal Control Toolset before arriving on site so as to already know the unit’s strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, the new Air Force Inspection System also benefits commanders. AFIS affords organizational leadership the opportunity to concentrate on enhancing mission efficiency and effectiveness daily without having to ramp up for occasional inspections. As Stephen Covey addressed in his best-selling book, “The Seven Habits of Highly-Effective People,” the final habit, sharpen the saw, involves continuous improvement in your spheres of influence, which serves as the goal of the new assessment process. Likewise, empowering commanders to lead their unit inspection programs also plays a key role in the AFIS. Ultimately, the new assessment system seeks to instill compliance as a way of life for Airmen

24/7/365 so that inspections become a nonevent. Although AFDW experienced the new AFIS, two of its subordinate organizations, the 11th and 79th Medical Wings, have yet to do so. “The 11th Wing team is excited about the new inspection process and looks forward to achieving outstanding results during our UEI, which had been scheduled for this fall, but it has been pushed back,” said Col. William Knight, 11th Wing commander. “As a commander, I especially like the focus on mission readiness vice inspection readiness. Additionally, this process saves taxpayers’ dollars due to less frequent assessments.” By Oct. 1, 2014, all Air Force units will be required to implement the AFIS, which requires no changes to the service’s end strength or to federal law.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Andrews Gazette



Andrews Gazette

Religious Services


on base Islamic

Prayer Room in Chapel 1 Annex Daily Prayer Monday Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Prayer Service Friday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Chaplain Maj. Raphael Berdugo is the new Jewish chaplain. He can be contacted at the Chapel’s main line, 301-981-2111. Chaplain Berdugo hosts a Lunch-and-Learn each Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. in Chapel One. Bring your lunch and study the Torah portion of the week together with others of all faiths.


Tuesday Family Night at Base Theater Family meal 5 p.m. Christian Education and AWANA Kid’s Program 6 p.m.

Roman Catholic

Reconciliation by appointment, call 301-9812111 Daily and Saturday Mass have been temporarily suspended. Chapel 1, 1345 W. Perimeter Road. Mass Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Chapel 2, 3715 Fetchet Ave. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) classes Monday, 6 p.m.

Sunday Services Chapel 2, Traditional Service 9 a.m. Base Theater, Contemporary Service 10 Gospel Service 11:30 a.m.

For information, pastoral counseling and religious accommodation of all faith traditions call 301-981-2111 or visit the chapel office at 1345 W Perimeter Road.

COUNCIL, from page 1

been found on Williams’ property. When she confronted the neighbor about the tall grass, the neighbor allegedly assaulted Williams and threatened to burn her house down. The alleged assault and threat are under investigation. Code Enforcement Officer Tina Pryce said that the original complaint about the neighbor’s uncut grass was being processed by her department in compliance with regulations. Pryce also indicated that recent construction on the Metrorail extension, “has disturbed habitat for wildlife, including snakes,” and other animals which had not traditionally been found on residents’ lawns.

dents to call 911 if you see anything suspicious,” said Stevenson. “We have a lot of different faces coming out in Morningside.” Stevenson also reported that Town of Morningside Police made 12 arrests over the past month. “The arrests are up very high. Officers have been working very hard, and arresting a lot of suspects,” Stevenson said. Morningside resident Laura Williams spoke of an altercation with a neighbor over alleged code violations. Williams believes that the neighbor’s uncut grass is providing a habitat for snakes, which have then

Friday, August 23, 2013

Send your silly captions for this week’s photo to The funniest ones will be used in a future edition of The Andrews Gazette.

Largo site is front-runner for new hospital in Prince George’s BY JAMIE ANFENSON-COMEAU THE PRINCE GEORGE’S GAZETTE

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III (D) is backing a selection committee’s recommendation that a Largo site be chosen for a new, $654 million, state-of-the-art regional hospital. The board of directors for Dimensions Healthcare System, a nonprofit organization operating four hospitals in Prince George’s County, discussed the recommendation during its meeting Wednesday. “The selection committee will recommend the Largo site officially at the Dimensions board meeting,” Baker spokesman Scott Peterson said Wednesday. “This is the selection committee recommendation, not the county executive’s. Mr. Baker concurs with this recommendation.” The proposed 280-bed hospital would replace the aging Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly. Dimensions Healthcare also operates Laurel Regional Hospital, the Bowie Health Campus and Glenridge Medical Center in Lanham. On Tuesday, a selection committee comprised of members from county government, Dimensions Healthcare,

KITCHEN, from page 4 see such talent here today; not everyone who takes on this job has a cooking background.” Led by Cantwell, the stewards prepared the main course from scratch, with the flight attendants making the dessert. “I created part of the menu,” Cantwell said. “We used this same meal for training a couple months ago as part of a bigger selection. The food we prepared is an example of what we might serve on a flight.” In a blur of quick and precise hand

the University of Maryland Medical System and the Maryland Department of Health and Human Hygiene recommended the Largo site, located next to the Largo Metro station. The other contender for the hospital was the site of the former Landover Mall. The Coalition for Smarter Growth, a Washington, D.C.-based organization promoting walkable, transitoriented community development in the Metropolitan area, issued a statement Wednesday morning applauding the recommendation. “Prince George’s County took a big step forward toward a more sustainable economic and environmental future with the decision to place the new regional medical center at the Largo Town Center Metro station,” Cheryl Cort, Coalition for Smarter Growth policy director, said in the statement. The Largo site is comprised of 70 acres of land owned by Oak Brook, Ill.-based Retail Properties of America, and several adjoining properties under private ownership. It is adjacent to the Boulevard at Capital Centre shopping center and the Largo Metro station. The site is within close access to Interstate 495.

“A Metro-accessible regional medical center helps Prince George’s catalyze transit-oriented economic development and capture a larger share of the region’s growth,” Cort said in the statement. “Locating this major new medical facility at a Metro station brings both health care and thousands of jobs to a significantly more accessible location for county residents.” Dimensions Healthcare announced in July that the search for the new hospital had been narrowed to two sites: the Largo site and the site of the old Landover Mall, which was demolished in 2007. The Landover site provides bus service to the New Carrollton Metro, nearly three miles away. The Largo Metro station is somewhat closer than the Landover site, at 2.5 miles walking distance, but not directly accessible by bus. The hospital construction is being funded through state and county government, as well as Dimensions and the University of Maryland Medical System.

movements, and with the sounds of chopping knives and clanking pans, the artists went to work filling the air with delicious smells. The stewards displayed classical knife cuts and a plate presentation of the food once it was finished. The first course of the meal consisted of pork tenderloin roulade with roasted butternut squash risotto, haricots verts with fresh garden herbs and a morel and chanterelle mushroom cream sauce. The second course boasted a chocolate mousse pyramid with a shell so thin, that a coconut pecan filling gushed out of this culinary craftsmanship at the slightest tap

of a spoon. This was accompanied by macerated fruits and a mint crème anglaise. “At Fort Drum, we had a culinary team that went down to Fort Lee, and competed annually, and there were about five other teams that were joint (branch) teams at the Fort Lee Culinary Arts Competition,” Cantwell said. “When I came to Andrews, I didn’t see that same kind of partnership or competition, so that was something I wanted to produce.” Cantwell said he hopes to foster further interest for future participation from an Andrews’ culinary team at the Fort Lee competition next March.

This story originally appeared in the Aug. 21, 2013 edition of The Prince George’s Gazette.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Andrews Gazette



Andrews Gazette


Friday, August 23, 2013

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