Andrewsgaz 110813

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SFS take arresting lead over LRS during playoff berth



Imagine Andrews students embrace Literary Character Dress-up Day


Survivor: Ready to wear the pink ribbon

AFLOA host WIngman Costume Dodge Ball tourney

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 | VOL. 2 NO. 43



Her story begins with doubt that she had any serious health issues. Brandi Jackson, a military spouse and mother of two who decided to schedule her annual “Well Woman” appointment at Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery Center her for Sept. 14, 2012. The decision to make the appointment came after growing concerns and question of when to expect her postpartum, post-nursing body to go back to normal.. According to Jackson, during the appointment everything seemed to be checking out fine. The doctor conducted the physical as well as explained how long it truly takes for a woman’s body to return to normal after childbirth. In following with routine procedures, the doctor also asked Jackson if she wanted a breast examination. “Of course, I never turn down this offer,” said Jackson. This time something was different; something was out of place. It was then that Jackson learned that there was a lump in her breast. In the following months she had multiple appointments at radiology in MGMC. But it was a month before she was officially diagnosed with breast cancer. With the holiday season approaching, most celebrate with family and friends, and perhaps it is known as joyous time of year, but for Jackson and her family, things were a bit different. “[It was] three days before Christmas and my world fell apart, my three year-old daughter and one-year-old son didn’t understand why we couldn’t travel to Maine to see Meme and the rest of the family for Christmas,” Jackson explained. “I was in complete shock, I believed nothing was going to be wrong, without a doubt - I am a healthy 33-year-old woman,” she said. Tears streamed down her face as she was overcome with shock and disbelief. After a biopsy from the 3.5 centimeter tumor, she learned she had breast cancer. Shortly after being diagnosed, she was assigned to a Breast Care Team at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. There she learned what treatments she’d be receiving to combat the cancer. With her life quickly changing and not knowing what to expect in the upcoming months, Brandi turned to her family, friends, Mothers of Preschoolers, the Exceptional Family Member Program and the Chaplains for support. Her family and friends came and

see SURVIVOR, page 3

Resource day helps homeless, veterans BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER


Airman 1st Class Travis Tierney-Kanning, left, and Senior Airman Eric Coswell, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron electrical apprentice and electrical journeyman respectively, top the ceremonial tree with a star and string lights Nov. 6 for the upcoming holiday season on Joint Base Andrews.

Same-sex spouses eligible for FMLA benefits BY DEBBIE GILDEA


JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Federal employees with same-sex spouses are now provided the same Family and Medical Leave Act coverage as those with opposite-sex spouses, according to an Oct. 21 Office of Personnel Management memorandum. Following a June 26 Supreme Court decision finding Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, OPM officials implemented a review of guidance governing FMLA. Federal agencies now define spouse as a partner in any legally recognized marriage, regardless of the employee’s state of residency. Included in FMLA benefits are the

right to take FMLA leave to care for a spouse with a serious health condition or who gives birth to a child, to care for a spouse who is a covered service member with an injury or illness incurred or aggravated in the line of duty on active duty, or for qualifying exigencies while a spouse is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to activate. Normally employees cannot retroactively invoke FMLA leave entitlement, but employees who had to use other leave to care for a same-sex spouse between June 26 and Oct. 21 may be able to re-designate that time off as FMLA leave.. That re-designation must be done by the end of the second pay period after their agency received the OPM memo. For information about civilian benefits and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at https://mypers.

For the third straight year, veterans, homeless residents and people at risk of becoming homeless in Prince George’s County gathered at the Veterans Stand-down and Homeless Resource Day, held Nov. 2 at the Wayne K. Curry Sports & Learning Complex in Landover, Md., to take the next step in building strong, stable futures for themselves and their families. “It’s really huge,” said Congresswoman Donna Edwards, D-Dist. 4, who noted that approximately 70,000 of the state’s 500,000 veterans live in Prince George’s County. “Any time we have a one-stop shop for veterans to get on their feet and keep on their feet, that’s really important.” For Edwards, that means “rethinking what it means to have quality, affordable housing, and looking at housing in a holistic way. It’s not only the higher end and home ownership. We need to look at all the steps, so that veterans do not fall through the cracks. Women veterans fall through the cracks significantly.” More than 300 heads of households attended the event, which offered health screenings, education and job placement assistance, substance abuse and suicide counseling, domestic violence assistance, legal aid, dental and vision care, help getting official documentation, and assistance in working through the benefits systems provided by the Veterans Administration, the Department of Social Services and other organizations which focus on veterans, homeless and disadvantaged citizens. “We have had a steady stream of people,” said Prince George’s County Department of Social Services Director Gloria L. Brown, who estimated midway through the event that between 400 and 600 individuals and families would attend the program by day’s end. Unseasonably warm weather made the outdoor shower tents and laundry facilities, staffed by volunteers from the Maryland National Guard, more welcoming than they had been for the 2012 stand-down. Students from the Suitland High School NJROTC served as color guard. Hosted by the DSS in cooperation with the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, other county agencies and the Homeless Services Partnership, the event is staffed each year by a growing army of volunteers. “I’ve been recruiting volunteers from the county government, from local nonprofits

see VET, page 7

Community Outreach and Development CDC brings new life to Capitol Heights BY CHRIS BASHAM STAFF WRITER


Corae Young, assistant director for Community Outreach and Development CDC, works out of her Capitol Heights, Md. office to help people in need find the resources to get back on their feet.

Capitol Heights is changing, and Community Outreach and Development CDC is working to make sure those changes benefit county residents, even in tough economic times. The nonprofit, which has taken over the former Green Hill Plaza shopping center, offers space to other social services organizations and is pushing ahead with plans to revitalize the Capitol Heights neighborhood. The changes come in large part from the requests of people who live nearby. “People walked the neighborhood with fliers. We collected about 125 surveys,” with the assistance of local volunteers and churches, said Corae Young, assistant director of COD CDC. “We didn’t want to come in and tell them what they needed. You tell us, and we’ll work together. It’s important: When doing community development, you must engage the community from the start, so they’ll stay involved.” After four years of effort, COD hosts a food pantry; a computer lab where students can study and job-seekers can apply for work; emergency financial assistance

for those struggling to pay for housing, prescriptions and utilities; a clothes closet offering both business and casual attire; a summer lunch program for children who might not have access to healthy and sufficient food at home and a senior center that operates two days a week, providing social and educational programs, breakfast and lunch. A program in cooperation with the Capitol Area Food Bank provides free distribution of fresh produce to approximately 160 families struggling to afford food. An education center provides subsidized child care, and will soon open a playground constructed with a $15,000 KABOOM donation. The most important service on offer there, though, is in advocacy and referral support. “One challenge of the community is that people don’t know how to advocate for themselves. We can help them find resources to be able to financially sustain their households,” said Young. That process can be frustrating for individuals facing financial hardship. COD works with clients to “get the best bang for the buck,” Young said, whether they are unemployed, underemployed or living

above their current means because of job loss, reduced work hours or a health crisis. Serving clients who have not always required the social welfare safety net poses challenges. “Some of our clients are ‘stuck in the lifestyle,’ with a house or a car based on the incomes they had (before a member of the household lost a job). People are driving a Mercedes or a BMW to the food pantry, and other people don’t know the whole story. They might not fit the federal income guidelines for assistance,” explained Young. “Our requirements are not based on income. They’re based on need. When people come to us, they’ve already hit bottom.” As the newly needy look around and try to restore their previous lifestyle, COD’s community services coordinators serve as a “primary caregiver” for people experiencing financial sickness. They ask tough questions, and help people find the answers. “We ask, ‘Can you move? Are their family or friends who can take you in?’ How do you assist people in thinking through their next step when they are emotionally

see OUTREACH, page 7


Andrews Gazette



World War II veterans still stand tall

Around Town November 8

11th Hour Poetry Slam Busboys and Poets, 14th and V Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 11 p.m. - 1 a.m. 2Deep the Poetess hosts poetry lovers who enjoy competitive, late-night performance poetry! Audience chooses a winner. For information visit www.busboysandpoets. com.

November 9

Trash to Treasure Fair Watkins Nature Center 301 Watkins Park, Upper Marlboro, Md. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Shop from more than 45 vendors at the 5th annual green fair, while the kids try hands-on activities. For information call 301-218-6702.

November 9

Lost Childhood: A Post-Holocaust Opera The Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, Md. 8 p.m. Pre-concert lecture begins 6:45 p.m. The National Philharmonic and the National Philharmonic Chorale premiers Janice Hamer’s opera Lost Childhood on the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht. The opera is based on the memoir of Yehuda Nir, a Holocaust survivor. For information and tickets visit


Andrews Gazette is published by Comprint Military Publications, 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, Md., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or any branch of the United States military. The appearance of advertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, martial status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchases, user or patron.

Maxine Minar, president John Rives, publisher

Chris Basham, editor Deirdre Parry, page design Bobby Jones, photographer


Friday, November 8, 2013


One of my best days as a writer for military newspapers happened a few years ago, thanks to an unexpected phone call. Someone on the base where my paper was produced was heading up to D.C. to meet a plane full of World War II veterans, coming from out of state to see their Memorial on the Mall. It was my first encounter with the Honor Flight Network, and a powerful experience. We spent the day escorting veterans around the monuments and memorials, listening to stories of great courage and grim terror, learning about the things these men had not told a living soul in more than 60 years. We held hands and brushed

away tears. We took photos and gave hugs. And we watched young admirals and generals in uniform, coming out in the misting rain to shake the hands of men who served before, while they still could. It made me proud to be an American, and grateful to be there. Like all of us, I find myself busy most of the time, but when I can, I try to seek out those men and women who served our nation and saved the world when we needed it--before most of us were even born. This Veterans Day, there’s another opportunity to honor World War II veterans, while they are still here to experience it. Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley will present a wreath at the Freedom Wall at the National World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.

and give the keynote address at a ceremony which will include the unveiling of World War II Medal of Honor Forever stamps. Three of the surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipients are expected to attend the dedication. The ceremony will begin at 9 a.m., and will include performances by the USAF Band Brass Quintet. For more information about the ceremony, email At a time when many continue to think that the military is too large a part of our government, let us remember that the role service members play can be of vital importance to our nation and the world. And when war is over, should that day ever come, may we all remember whose sacrifices built our peace.

the men and women who have worn and now wear the uniform. In every generation, brave Americans have stepped forward and served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States. Each one of you deserves the admiration of our nation.

Arlington grave sites are searchable


Veterans Day is Monday

Veterans Day recognizes American service members past and present. It originated from the signing of an armistice Nov. 11, 1918, effectively ending World War I. A year later, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 to be Armistice Day. The legal federal holiday was approved by Congress in 1938. In 1954, Congress replaced “Armistice” with “Veterans,” amending the original Act to commemorate Nov. 11 as a day when veterans of all wars are honored. Today, Veterans Day is a celebration to honor all America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. It is also a day for reflection. Whether you wear the uniform today, or wore it decades ago, you represent a fundamental truth. It’s not the powerful weapons that make our military the greatest in the world. The true strength of our military is the spirit and skill of our service members -- and the true strength is seen in

FDCs speed VA claims decisions

Filing a Fully Developed Claim is the fastest way to receive a decision on VA claims. An FDC includes all supporting evidence, submitted together when a veteran submits his claim. When supporting evidence is missing, the VA must attempt to collect it; often it is evidence the veteran could easily obtain. Typically, VA processes FDCs in half the time it takes for a traditionally filed claim. FDCs can be filed digitally through the joint Department of Defense-VA online portal, Veterans who cannot file online can work with an accredited Veterans Service Organization. Veterans submitting their first compensation claim as an FDC may be eligible for up to one year of retroactive disability benefits.

A massive electronic database detailing grave sites of about 400,000 people buried at Arlington National Cemetery is available through the cemetery’s website, You can see when a person was buried, the dates of their birth and death and photos of the front and back of the headstone. About 99.4 percent of the nearly 260,000 grave sites, niches and markers have been verified. The remaining few deal largely with some of the cemetery’s oldest graves and records, which date to the Civil War.

The Retiree Activities Office is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Visit the office in Building 1604 at California and Colorado Avenues or call us at 301-981-2726. Our e-mail address is rao@andrews. Call the office before your visit to ensure a volunteer is on duty. The RAO has a website at www.andrews.; Under “Helpful Links” click on “Retirees Activity Office” for information on retiree subjects, including past copies of “Retiree Corner.”


Andrews Gazette

Friday, November 8, 2013

JBA Buzz

What are your plans for Veteran’s Day? “I plan on going out and enjoying what the community has for me by taking advantage of free dining at restaurants honoring Veterans Day.”

Airman 1st Class Robert Benjamin, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron electrical systems apprentice

Brandi Jackson embraces her daughter Elsie while relaxing at their home on Oct. 29 at Joint Base Andrews, Md. After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Jackson leaned on her family, friends and church family for support, ensuring her two children were taken care of while she received treatment.

SURVIVOR, from page 1 showed their support by offering to watch her kids while she was at doctor’s appointments, cooking dinner and even throwing a Hat Party where each guest provided a hat to wear while going through chemo treatments. Her husband did what he could to support her too. “I tried my best to take time off to go and sit with her during her treatments when I could,” said Joint Base Andrews, Naval Air Facility Washington Aviation Warfare Systems Operator First Class Dave Jackson. What kept her strong through the process was her faith in God and will to be strong for her two children, Ike and Elsie Jackson. “We are a family who places our hope and faith in God,” said Jackson. “When you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, your world doesn’t stop.” “You have to keep going and that’s what I did, I continued to live my life, I trusted that since God brought


Tech. Sgt. LaShondra Ferrell, 11th Security Forces Group knowledge Operations Center “I plan on sleeping in, enjoying a free meal offered to veterans at a local restaurant, and visiting the memorial in D.C.”


me to it, he’d get me through it.” Jackson underwent a variety of treatments including a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation treatments, physical therapy and hormone therapy treatments. She had four biopsies before proceeding with surgery to remove the tumor. “I am ready to wear the pink ribbon because I am no longer in denial,” Jackson said, “I am a survivor.” “I am alive today because of their extensive training and expertise,” she said. “It’s been one year since my health began to spiral downward, I am alive today and will before many years.” Jackson applauds the team of doctors at WRNMMC for their professionalism and dedication in combating cancer. She stands tall less than a year after being diagnosed with cancer. “If there’s any advice I could give, if there’s anything I want people to take away from my story it’s, “’Take charge of your own health-- Check your boobies!’ Set a reminder to do it once a month.”

“My plan is to take care of some family needs and possibly go to spend time at a senior citizen’s home with my fellow church members.”

Navy Yeoman 3rd Class Nicholas Emanuel, Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 53

“I plan on enjoying a meal at a local restaurant offered to veterans.”

Capt. John Dinan, 779th Dental Squadron Dental resident

Scan your ID at the Commissary Starting Nov. 11, all customers at the Joint Base Andrews Commissary must present their ID for scanning to verify eligibility to shop at the commissary, determine usage by service and help the commissary better understand their customers to improve the benefit for all eligible shoppers. Commissaries agencywide will be using the new scanning system by mid-January. Scanning IDs at checkout is intended to reduce the amount of personal records the Defense Commissary Agency must maintain on computer systems, while providing more detailed demographic information

about shoppers as a group. The scanners will not use personal information such as names, addresses or phone numbers. Instead, they will collect ID card number, rank, military status, branch of service, age, household size and zip codes of both home address and duty station. The goal is to help each commissary meet local needs better. People who come to the commissary as agents for authorized shoppers are still able to do so, using the same Agent Letter or Agent Card they have been using in the past.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, November 8, 2013

Talking Baseball


World Series recap

BY LT. COL. LANCE RODGERS For those of you who missed the World Series that ended last Wednesday evening, it was an strange but exciting World Series bout between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Boston Red Sox. Because the American League won the All Star game in New York earlier this year, they earned home field advantage. This meant the Red Sox would open and close the series at Fenway Park. In six games, the Cardinals out-hit the Red Sox 45 to 41 and had fewer fielding errors (5 errors compared to 8 by the Red Sox). However, the Sox dominated the series where it counts, by outscoring the Cardinals 27 to 14.

Game 1 (Boston)


Herman Elefant, 11th Security Forces Squadron wide receiver, out runs a pair of 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron defenders to the end zone for a touchdown during the second half of an Intramural Flag Football Playoff game Nov. 5.

Cardinals ace pitcher Adam Wainwright found out just how tough it can be to pitch in Fenway. The 6’ 7” pitcher banged his head on the dugout roof as he was getting ready to enter the field at Fenway for the first time in his major league career. He claimed this didn’t affect his pitching, but he didn’t pitch like he had most of the season, walking the first Red Sox batter, Jacoby Ellsbury, and then giving up five runs in the first two innings. The Cardinals defense didn’t exactly help, committing three errors and misplaying other balls that should have been caught. Cardinals right fielder Carlos Beltran did make a spectacular leaping grab to rob David Ortiz, aka “Big Papi,” of a grand slam home run in the second inning, or the score would have been even more lopsided. Beltran had to leave the game and played the rest of the series with a bruised rib. Later in the game, Ortiz got his due, belting a two-run homer to lead the Red Sox to an 8-1 victory.

Game 2 (Boston)

An 11th Logistics Readiness Squadron quarterback, left, lobs a short pass to wide receiver Joey Carfagno, against a pair of 11th Security Force Squadron defenders.

An 11 SFS linebacker leaps high to defend against a pass by the 11 LRS quarterback. The 11 SFS eventually won 13 - 7 against the 11 LRS.

Andrews Officers’ Spouses Club seeks members BY MICHELLE BURGO


Do you want to meet other Joint Base Andrews Officers’ spouses? The Andrews Officers’ Spouses Club is for you. We are a nonprofit organization wanting to reach out to others to promote the Armed Forces way of life. We provide social, educational and charitable activities throughout the JBA community. The AOSC raised and awarded almost $40,000 last year. Our functions range from Crystal –Silver Bingo to Mystery Jewelry Heists. We also have a great group of people who get together for book club, movie night, Bunko and more. See what we’re all about. New members are always welcome. We are on Facebook at Andrews Officers’ Spouses Club. Check us out at to find out how you can join in the excitement and fun as you meet new friends.

The Cardinals took advantage of a couple bad throws in the seventh inning of Game 2 to score three runs in their 4-2 win. David Ortiz launched another tworun homer to account for the Red Sox’s only two runs. Incidentally, the Red Sox had swept four games from the Cardinals in 2004 and again from the Rockies in 2007, so this was their first loss in World Series play since game seven of the 1986 series against the Mets.

Game 3 (St. Louis)

After splitting the first two in Boston, the series moved to St. Louis for the next three games. Game 3 ended with what baseball analyst Tim McCarver called, “the craziest ending to a game, World Series or otherwise,” he’d ever seen. The Cardinals won by a score of 5-4 in the bottom of the ninth with a walkoff obstruction call. Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina blooped a single to center with one out in the ninth. Pinch hitter Allen Craig then ripped a double down the left field line. With runners at second and third and one out, John Jay hit a grounder toward the middle. Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia made a nice backhand stop and fired home in time to get Molina trying to score. Allen Craig was on his way to third, and the pursuing wild throw from Red Sox catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia went into foul territory down the left field line. As Craig jumped up and tried to scramble home, he tripped over Boston third baseman Will Middlebrooks. Left fielder Daniel Nava made a strong throw to the plate ahead of Craig, but the obstruction call had already been made: Craig scored;

game over. The Cardinals led the series, two games to one.

Game 4 (St Louis)

The Cardinals jumped out to an early 1-0 lead. In the sixth inning, Dustin Pedroia singled. Cardinals pitcher Lance Lynn then intentionally walked Ortiz. Jonny Gomes launched a three-run homer that ensured the Red Sox victory. Gomes was hitless in the series prior to that at bat, and wasn’t even scheduled to play in Game 4, but delivered the big hit at the right time. Game 4 ended in another unusual manner. This time, Cardinals rookie Kolten Wong was picked off at first. Boston won by the score of 4-2 to tie the series at two games each.

Game 5 (St Louis)

Not much was unusual about the fifth game of the World Series. This was just another night of Jon Lester pitching his way past the Cardinals again, scattering four hits and allowing only one run. Adam Wainwright was also on fire, striking out 10 Red Sox, but a few timely hits gave Boston the 3-1 win. This also gave them a three-games-to-two lead in the best-of-seven series.

Game 6

The Red Sox won two World Series titles in the last 10 seasons, but both were clinched on the road. The last time Boston finished the World Series at Fenway was in 1918 against the Chicago Cubs. That all changed last Wednesday evening as the Red Sox beat the Cardinals 6-1 to clinch the 2013 World Series. Shane Victorino got the Red Sox started in the third inning with a bases-clearing double off of Cardinals rookie pitcher Michael Wacha. Stephen Drew drove a fastball into the bullpen to lead off the fourth inning. Ellsbury then doubled, Ortiz was intentionally walked for the second time, and Wacha was done. Mike Napoli and Victorino then singled to drive in the fifth and sixth runs for Boston. An RBI single by Carlos Beltran in the seventh was all the Cards could muster, and that was it. The Red Sox win the World Series. David Ortiz was named Most Valuable Player going 11 for 16 (.618) with two home runs, six RBIs, eight walks and seven runs scored. Big Papi accounted for 27 percent of the Red Sox hits. Lt. Col. Lance Rodgers provided baseball commentary this season with the “Talking Baseball” column. Rodgers was drafted out of college by the White Sox organization, but cut when Jose Mota was signed.


Michelle Burgo




The patient drop-off area in front of Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery Center has reopened, giving closer access to the pharmacy and lab.

Send your silly captions for this week’s photo to The funniest ones will be used in a future edition of The Andrews Gazette.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, November 8, 2013



Due to ongoing construction on Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery Center, traffic on West Perimeter Road between the Fisher House and Menoher Drive has been intermittently limited to one lane since Nov. 4. Traffic will be impacted 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. Construction in this area is expected to last until Dec. 1, contingent upon weather. Flagmen will be working in the area and directing traffic. Drivers should expect delays and should ensure they are obeying the posted speed limit.

U.S. Naval Academy Trident Scholar left legacy BY LT. TENG K. OOI, PHD




The United States Naval Academy Mathematics Department is honored to receive personal papers including books, photographs and other memorabilia of one of the USNA’s most successful Trident Scholars, Navy 4-Star Admiral Donald Lee Pilling. The items were donated by his widow, Dr. Barbara Orbon Pilling, in a dedication ceremony held recently in Chauvenet Hall, USNA in Annapolis, Maryland. The Naval Academy established the Trident Scholar Program in 1963 to provide an exciting opportunity to a select number of exceptional midshipmen to pursue independent study and research during their senior year. This year marks the 50th anniversary of this elite program. The program pairs each Trident Scholar with an assigned faculty adviser and other area special-


Dr. Barbara Pilling (right) at the dedication ceremony attended by members of the Naval Academy Class of 1965, the Mathematics Department faculty members and midshipmen.

ists to coordinate and supervise a research project. At the end of the academic year, the Trident Scholars present their findings at a research lecture hosted at the Naval Academy. The most outstanding research project is awarded the Office of Naval In-

Gen. John Paxton to speak at Navy League breakfast BY REBECCA GRAPSY NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES

Gen. John M. Paxton Jr., assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, will speak on the state of the Marine Corps at the Navy League Special Topic Breakfast Wednesday, Nov. 13. The event will be held at at the Ritz-Carlton, 1250 South Hayes Street, Arlington, Va. Breakfast will commence at 7 a.m. with remarks and a question and answer period to follow at 8 a.m. Gen. Paxton earned his fourth star and was promoted Dec. 15 to his current rank as 33rd assistant commandant of the Marine Corps. Prior to his current assignment, he served as the commanding general of Marine Corps Forces Command, commanding general of Fleet Marine Force Atlantic, commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe, and commanding general, II Marine

Expeditionary Force. He has led at all levels of the Marine Corps in his 39 years as a commissioned officer, working on the Joint Staff as director of Operations, as director Strategic Plans & Policy, serving as chief of staff for MultiNational Force Iraq, and commanding at the platoon, company, battalion and regimental levels. The Navy League of the United States is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to informing the American people and their government that the United States is a maritime nation, and that its national defense and economic well-being are dependent upon strong sea services — U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine. It offers this series to provide up-to-the-minute information on acquisition programs, requirements and events that matter the defense community.

telligence Harry E. Ward Trident Scholar prize. Pilling graduated 4th in his 1965 Naval Academy Class with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and was one of the school’s first Trident Scholars. His Trident Scholar project, “Dis-

tributivity and Completeness in Implication Algebra,” involved the study of partially ordered systems. Under the direction of his adviser, the late Dr. James C. Abbott, Naval Academy Mathematics Department, Pilling won the Harry E. Ward Trident Scholar prize. Pilling went on to earn a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in 1970 with a dissertation, “The Algebra of Operators for Regular Events,” under Dr. John H. Conway, University of Cambridge. His clarity of critical thinking and demonstration of excellence was clearly evident in his early years. He published articles in mathematical and professional journals and was the author of a 1989 Brookings Institution monograph, “Competition in Defense Procurement.” Pilling enjoyed a distinguished naval career culminating with a tour as the Navy’s 30th Vice Chief of Naval Operations in November 1997. He retired as a 4-Star Admiral in October 2000. Admiral Pilling died on May

26, 2008 and rests on top of a hill at the Naval Academy Cemetery, overlooking the scenic Annapolis Harbor in Annapolis, Md. Admiral Pilling is survived by his wife of 42 years, Dr. Barbara Pilling, whose generosity of providing his works is gratefully acknowledged. They have two daughters, Kathleen Pilling Posivak and Jennifer Pilling Stopkey. The Mathematics Department is truly excited to add this collection of Pilling’s personal papers to the library’s holdings of materials that continue to motivate, inspire and guide midshipmen. The papers will be immensely valuable to contemporary scholars including faculty, staff and midshipmen, who will have the opportunity to study these documents and use them to supplement their studies of defense acquisition, national security issues, and foreign policy implications for future naval forces. Readers will gain an insight into Admiral Pilling’s decision making, logical reasoning, and methodical thinking process as well as his legendary intelligence and enduring wit.


Photos/Bobby Jones

Students dressed like their storybook characters listen intently at a fellow student give a presentation.

Bakers needed for annual Cookie Drive The Andrews Officers’ Spouses Club is collecting homebaked cookies to ship to service members stationed abroad this holiday season. The AOSC has a goal of 600 dozen cookies to make this event a success. Joint Base Andrews’ Annual Cookie Drive will be accepting drop-offs of home-baked cookies 10 a.m. 3 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, Dec. 1 -18 at the

AOSC Thrift Store on JBA, at 1676 Brookley Ave. Help bag the cookies for shipment to troops serving abroad 7 a.m. - noon Dec. 19 in Chapel 1. Last-minute cookie donations are accepted on bagging day, at Chapel 1. To help bag cookies on the 19th or for more information contact Erica Gantt at ganttm@att. net or Mina Baldinger at mina.

Aiden Mohler, an Imagine Andrews Public Charter School student tells his classmates that he dressed like his father because he’s a soldier and is strong.

Carmen Berces, Imagine Andrews Public Charter School counselor, chats with Jaidyn Spath, 10, about her character, McKenna Dog and her book presentation.


Andrews Gazette

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Friday, November 8, 2013

ESGR accepting nominations for award to civilian employers BY BETH SHERMAN


ARLINGTON, Va. – Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, a Department of Defense office, is accepting nominations for the 2014 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award, the DoD’s highest honor presented to civilian employers for exceptional support of their National Guard and Reserve employees. Guardsmen and Reservists, or family members acting on their behalf, may submit nominations at by Jan. 20, 2014. Guard and Reserve members comprise nearly one-half of the nation’s military force, providing essential services to national security and humanitarian efforts at home and abroad. Supportive employers, with their enduring commitment, have helped keep our military strong and our nation secure. “Across the nation, employers have shown noteworthy support to their service member employees and families,” said Paul

Mock, ESGR National Chairman. “Whether on routine duty, responding to natural disasters or serving in a deployed location, employers who encourage military service make it easier to serve. By submitting a Freedom Award nomination, a member of the National Guard or Reserve can acknowledge and thank their employer for the critical role they play in our nation’s defense.” Each year, up to 15 deserving employers are selected as Freedom Award recipients and honored in Washington, D.C. Examples of past recipient support include continued benefits and health care for deployed service members, home maintenance and childcare support and veteran hiring initiatives. Created in 1996, the Freedom Award has been presented to 190 employers. For questions or information on the Freedom Award, please contact Beth Sherman, ESGR Public Affairs, at 571-372-0705 or by e-mail at


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Andrews Gazette

Friday, November 8, 2013


VET, from page 1 and churches,” said Brown. “This is our third year, so people know it’s coming and they reach out to us.” Brown said that the event is funded in part through grants from the faith community, as well as a $5,000 contribution from the Maryland Department of Human Resources and approximately $13,000 from the Prince George’s County general budget. “From a budget perspective, it would be easier to do every other year, but the need is there,” said Brown. “They keep asking us to come back every year.” Though the stand-down emphasizes local efforts, the recent federal shut-down had an impact. National Guardsmen had to get a special exception to the shutdown to continue their preparatory work, Brown said, and the Department of Social Security was unable to participate this year because the shut-down created a backlog they are still working to remediate. Other service providers boosted their offerings this year; last year’s free barber services expanded to include hair styling for women as well in 2013, and a clothes closet offering business, casual and winter clothing had an expanded selection of plussized clothing in response to requests from last year. Many homeless people and people who are at risk of homelessness lose track of their vital records. Sandy Washington, president of the Capitol Heights-based nonprofit Community Outreach and Development CDC, was on hand with her crew of volunteers to help homeless people get official copies of their birth certificates and other identification, as a foundation for looking for work and a stable place to live. “We provide ‘homeless certification’ and give them an address, so they can get benefits and a job,” said Washington. Mobile medical units from the Mary Center, the Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind and the Governor’s Wellmobile provided maternity and baby care; vision and hearing testing and eyeglasses and screenings for diabetes, high blood pressure, suicide risk, sexually transmitted diseases and other illnesses.. It’s a step toward the more comprehensive health care services Brown hopes to see as a result of Obamacare implementation. “Under the Affordable Care Act, we can get people insured, and hooked up to a medical home,” Brown said. “With better prevention, there will be less emergency care.” Though the event targets residents of Prince George’s County, participants do not necessarily reside only within the county lines. “They don’t recognize those borders. Those are government borders. They go where they can get the services they need,” Brown said. With that in mind, partnerships between Prince George’s County and the District are strong and flexible, to stretch each jurisdiction’s budget and help the most people wherever they happen to attempt to access services. “If we can get somebody off the streets and into a house, we are going to be open-minded.” Volunteer Kai Boggess-DeBruin spent the day guiding visitors through the more than 80 stations offering various services. “Some people don’t know what to expect, and some are kind of targeted (toward specific areas of need),” BoggessDeBruin said. “I think that depends on the circumstances in their life.” Volunteers like Boggess-DeBruin helped clients determine what their most pressing needs might be, and then walked them through each necessary station. For some, the emphasis was on getting children enrolled in school, while others sought health care or housing information. The volunteers made what could have been an overwhelming experience manageable. Sometimes, that was as simple as encouraging parents of young children to take advantage of the day’s on-site childcare so they could make the most of their time. “We learned that last year,” said Brown. Parents of young children were sometimes hesitant to leave their children behind in the childcare room, but volunteer Carliece Lee said, “First, the mom will sit here and we’ll talk, and the children will get comfortable and so will the moms, and then Mom and Dad can go get the information they need..” The Veterans Stand-down Homeless Resource Day offered an opportunity to reach an under-served community

Between seeking out practical services and resources, veterans also stopped to ponder the challenges they face after returning from war.

who might not ordinarily identify themselves at a shelter or a DSS office. “At initial screenings, they won’t even disclose that they’re veterans. The resources open up to them, when they do, but they are very proud,” said Brown. “They don’t walk in and say, ‘I’m a vet.’”

OUTREACH, from page 1 and mentally drained?,” asked Young. Sometimes a referral sends clients just down the hall to tenant organizations such as All Shades of Pink, which serves breast cancer survivors; Labor of Love, which provides basic “safety net” services; the Maryland Foster Youth Resource Center; Families Forward, a housing services organization; God’s TOUR counseling and supportive services for homeless women and sex workers or Destiny, Power and Purpose, a group dedicated to helping women escape from life on the street. Approximately 1,400 families take advantage of services offered through one or more of the offices at COD, all at no cost to them, whether or not they have an appointment. “Our partner agencies all refer back and forth, and all are in walking distance, within one block along Marlboro Pike,” Young said. Beyond the social services organizations already in place at the former strip mall and revamping each office space one at a time as budgetary constraints allow, COD has plans to construct a shopping center featuring businesses that are not common in the neighborhood, and topped with affordable housing. “We’ll be a one-stop service center with other businesses, things not available here, based on community assessments that were not available about five years ago,” said Young. The work and the accompanying construction are funded through county, state and federal grants, as well as foundation grants. One of the most anticipated parts of that construction will provide for a green grocer on site. “This is a food desert. It’s a definite need,” said Young. Within an annual budget of just $1.3 million, the organization is also working to transform the Marlboro Pike corridor, and building a partnership base with other local and regional organizations, churches and businesses. “Marlboro Pike is the western gateway to Prince George’s County, so it’s important to give a good first impression for drivers who drive down Marlboro Pike,” Young said. That includes replacing garbage-strewn walkways with attractive plantings, and working with local law enforcement to keep the streets feeling safe.



Prince George’s County Department of Social Services Internal and External Affairs Liaison Dee-Dee Bass, left, guides Congresswoman Donna Edwards, D-Md./Dist. 4, through stations offering services to veterans, homeless residents and people at risk of homelessness in Prince George’s County.


Andrews Gazette

Friday, November 8, 2013

Camp Springs hosts free Community Shred

Crossland High School student volunteers help Camp Spring Civic Association members and Office Shredding workers compile trash for shredding. BY BOBBY JONES


The Camp Springs Civic Association hosted its first free Shred Day Nov. 2 at Centerpoint Church in Camp Springs, Md. Residents of surrounding jurisdictions and Camp Spring business owners were invited to safely dispose of personal documents and help the environment by recycling unwanted paper.

Sponsored by the Camp Springs Civic Association, the community event was also supported by Prince George’s County District 8 Councilman Obie Patterson, Centerpoint Church, Crossland High School, Thurgood Marshall Middle School students, Prince George’s County District IV & V COPs Officers, Camp Springs Neighborhood Watch organizations and two Camp Spring’s businesses, Allthingz Creative printing company and Infuse Restaurant.

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Andrews Gazette



Andrews Gazette

Friday, November 8, 2013


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