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DCMilitary Family Life - Advertising Supplement

November 2013


Traveling to military sites around the country and in Europe

By Alice Swan


ilitary life has allowed the Swan family to live across this great country, as well as in Europe, and to visit some unique places. Invariably, those family trips focused on famous military sites, from the beaches of Normandy to the rolling hills of Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. On every adventure one thing has stood out—the fields of white at each location. The white ranged like flowers in the green lawns of hallowed fields, standing tall and straight, row by row, shouting the name of each brave soul the stones represented. Like silent, ghostly sentinels, these tributes stand on the cliffs overlooking Omaha Beach at the Normandy American Cemetery. The end date—June 6, 1944—on so many of the markers is a stark reminder of the significance of the location. At a field northwest of Verdun, France, is the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial. The tall white crosses bear

witness to an earlier time, when the “Great War” was going to be “The war to end all wars.” The sloping lawns hold more than 14,000 treasured souls, little knowing that in less than three decades they’d be joined by a new generation of American soldiers— “The Greatest Generation.” These same silent sentinels march in rows on fields throughout America. They stand witness on a slope overlooking a cornfield in Gettysburg, where Blue and Gray battled on stifling July days. On a wind swept Wyoming prairie, they mark the spot where the members of Custer’s 7th Cavalry fell. At the crossroads of western expansion, the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery is the final resting place of soldiers and family members who perished on the frontier. At Hampton National Cemetery, the Civil War and the Peninsula Campaign come to life as visitors stroll past markers for the Boys in Blue. The shells of the Monitor and Merrimack may have echoed over the grounds and the first graves there in 1862. Those living in the Military District of

Washington have the privilege of being able to visit the country’s largest national military cemetery—Arlington. It is interesting to note that though originally developed in bitterness, Arlington National Cemetery has become a place of love and honor. Imagine you are a senior Army officer at the start of the Civil War, a proud West Point graduate and a firm believer in service to nation. You learn that a fellow officer and West Point graduate is resigning his commission to lead the Army of the Confederacy. That senior officer was Quar termaster General of the Army Montgomery C. Meigs, who oversaw the establishment of military cemeteries in the early years of the conflict. As recounted on Arlington National Cemetery’s website, Meigs’ belief that Robert E. Lee betrayed the Union led to the appropriation of the Lee Plantation for a military cemetery. The bitter feelings may have been reinforced after the death of his son in the war in 1864. He made sure that the first soldiers buried were near the Lee House and around

Mary Anna Lee’s precious rose garden. That spirit of bitterness has long since left the grounds, perhaps as a result of Meig’s own creation of the burial vault for the Civil War unknowns near Mrs. Lee’s rose garden. It holds the remains of casualties from the Battle of Bull Run, where both Union and Confederate soldiers lie in peace, because it was impossible to distinguish them. Now Arlington’s grounds hold brothers and sisters in arms, their family members, and the humble gratitude of a nation still sending its treasure into harm’s way. Among those buried at Arlington National Cemetery, you will find ... … an inventor (George Westinghouse), … a sportsman (Abner Doubleday), … and actors, like Lee Marvin and Charles Durning, … who at the end of their lives, despite all the fame they achieved, wanted to be with their comrades, to be remembered for their service to the nation. On this Veterans Day and always, we remember, and we say thank you.

DCMilitary Family Life John Rives, Publisher Comprint Military Publications 301-921-2800 Maxine Minar, President Circulation of 110,000 printed by offset as a civilian enterprise quarterly magazine for installations within the National Capital Region by Comprint Military Publications, a division of The Gazette. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone 301-921-2800. Editorial content, including graphic art and photographs that support messages, new stories, and feature articles, are prepared in the Marketing Offices of the installations that contribute the information and blogs from DCMilitaryFamLife.com. Letters and suggestions may be mailed to DCMilitary Family Life Publisher, Comprint Military Publications, 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. The printer is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense. Opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors to this Marketing publication, and they are not to be considered an official expression of the Department of Defense. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Defense of the products or services advertised. Cover photo by Tracy Lee Carroll 1036262

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Tributes and ceremonies in the greater Washington, D.C., area By Jim Mahaffie On Monday, Nov. 11, America will celebrate Veterans Day. The federal holiday honors and celebrates all veterans who have served during peace or wartime. The holiday was originally known as Armistice Day, which commemorated the signing of the agreement that ended World War I on Nov. 11, 1918, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. In 1954, the holiday was changed to Veterans Day to honor all men and women who have served in the armed forces of the United States. There are dozens of public and private tributes and wreath-laying ceremonies at various sites across the metro area. The following is an at-a-glance look at larger events. Photo by Jim Mahaffie

On Veterans Day and often during the year, Vietnam veterans and families visit The Wall at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and do rubbings of soldiers they knew.

Manassas Veterans Day Parade Manassas,Va. Nov. 9 at 11 a.m. This is the largest Veterans Day parade

in northern Virginia and the Washington D.C., area, and includes military and high school bands, pipe and drum corps teams, various military units and vehicles, and members from local veteran organizations. The Greater Manassas Veterans Day Parade honors all veterans and active military for protecting our nation at home and overseas. The parade route begins in Old Town at Quarry Road and Prescott Avenue and travels south on Prescott and then west on Center Street ending at West Street. “The parade is free and open to all military veterans and the general public,” said Ginger Harvey, who is managing publicity for the event. “It pays tribute to all veterans and active military for protecting our nation, here at home and abroad. I expect more participants this year and more people to watch the parade.” The parade will pay special recognition to all Desert Shield and Storm veterans. Joseph Ortiz (E-5 enlisted, U.S. Army veteran) of Manassas, Va., will be grand marshal. Ortiz said he felt, “humbled and in a sense

unworthy of the high honor of representing the hundreds of thousands of veterans who so honorably served their country during Desert Shield and Storm.” The local Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Chapter 15 has partnered with Golden Corral restaurant of Manassas to provide free dinners to all veterans on the evening of Nov. 9, said Steven M. Botello, DAV chapter commander of Manassas, Va. “Here at the local restaurant in Manassas, we are planning a big day with a live, local radio broadcast; raffles; and many giveaways for veterans. Each year we usually have lines out the door well into the parking lot with a lot of participation from helpful volunteers.” www.vetpar.org

American Freedom Foundation Benefit Concert George Mason University’s Patriot Center in Fairfax,Va. Nov. 10


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November 2013

Legendary rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd will perform, honoring veterans and men and women of America’s armed forces while benefiting local organizations that serve and support veterans, wounded warriors, military service members and their families. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster. com, the Patriot Center Box Office and Phonecharge at 800-745-3000. A Veterans Career Hiring Event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in conjunction with the event. www.americanfreedomfoundation.org www.patriotcenter.com www.ticketmaster.com Patrons with disabilities call 703-993-3035.

Vietnam Women’s Memorial The National Mall Nov. 10 at 5 p.m. At the adjacent Vietnam Women’s Memorial, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial Foundation will host a reading of names of women who served during the Vietnam era and who have died. Events will be held all Veterans Day weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the memorial, including oral histories, receptions, reunions, a candlelight service and performances. 866-822-8963 www.vietnamwomensmemorial.org

Veterans Day 10K & Tidal Basin Walk Washington, D.C. Nov. 10 at 8 a.m. The Veterans Day 10K and Tidal Basin Walk course follows Ohio Drive around Hains Point and up the Washington Channel. Water stations are located at 2 and 4 miles. The Tidal Basin Walk is a scenic 2.25-mile course that passes the Thomas Jefferson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorials while circling the Tidal Basin. runpacers.com/race/veterans-day-10k-tidal-basin-walk/

Arlington National Cemetery Arlington,Va. Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. to noon The national Veterans Day service in the memorial amphitheater includes a wreath-laying ceremony at the adjacent Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The ceremony is free and open to the public; no tickets are needed. Attendees should arrive early, as there are security screenings and a limited capacity. Cemetery gates open at 8 a.m., and a free shuttle service will begin transporting guests from the welcome center to the memorial amphitheater. Walking from the welcome center to the memorial amphitheater is prohibited. Fort Myer will November 2013

Photo by Jim Mahaffie

The Wall at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has become a place for people to leave memories and messages for their loved ones.

also operate a free shuttle for Department of Defense identification cardholders from the Fort Myer Memorial Chapel parking lot. Parking is free all day. 877-907-8585 www.arlingtoncemetery.mil

Veterans Day Observance at the World War II Memorial The National Mall Nov. 11 at 9 a.m. One of the National Mall’s newest memorials is dedicated to the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S. during World War II, the more than 400,000 who died and the millions who supported the war effort from home. It was opened to the public in 2004. Hosted by the Friends of the National World War II Memorial and the National Park Service, a special ceremony will be held at the memorial in celebration of America’s World War II veterans. The ceremony will feature remarks by Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and the unveiling of a U.S. Postal Service commemorative stamp. Park Service: 202-619-7222 800-639-4WW2 www.nps.gov/nwwm

Vietnam Veterans Memorial The National Mall On Veterans Day, many Vietnam veterans and their families congregate at The Wall to remember and honor those who served.

There are speeches, individual and group ceremonies, wreath layings and more. www.vvmf.org/rsvp-veterans-day-2013

‘Women Veterans ROCK!’ Rally & Veterans Day Celebration THEARC, Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus, located at 1901 Mississippi Ave. SE,Washington, D.C. Nov. 11; noon to 3:30 p.m. The free community service event honors all military women, including women veterans, active duty, National Guard, Reserve service women, military spouses and military families, too. Each year the women of Women Veterans ROCK! gather in the nation’s capital to honor those women veterans who have served and passed on—and to honor and celebrate those women veterans who have served and live on. Deborah Harmon-Pugh, campaign chair of the “Women Veterans ROCK!” Rally & Advocacy Campaign said, “I am honored to be serving with a dynamic coalition of women veterans and women advocates as we honor, serve and celebrate America’s women veterans and military families every Veterans Day here in our nation’s capital. Each year we successfully engage the business, civic, faith and academic communities in a collaborative public/private partnership that empowers and enriches the lives of transitioning women veterans with the tools they need to succeed in civilian life. Women Veterans ROCK! is putting a female face on Veterans Day celebrations and we invite America’s military women to join the celebration.”

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womenvetsrock@gmail.com www.womenvetsrock.org

The Cause Veterans Day Gala Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium at 1301 Constitution Ave. NW,Washington, D.C. Nov. 11; VIP reception at 5 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. A national event held each year on Veterans Day, the Cause Gala honors, supports and thanks America’s military wounded. Cause’s mission is to organize programs that support recreation, relaxation and resiliency, and reach thousands of injured service men and women facing months of medical care and rehabilitation far from home and family. 703-591-4965 www.cause-usa.org

Mount Vernon Salutes Veterans 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway in Mount Vernon,Va. Nov. 11; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To honor veterans, George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate admits all active duty, former or retired military personnel free. Flowers may be placed at Washington’s tomb, and the Sons of the American Revolution and Daughters of the American Revolution will conduct a wreath-laying ceremony in honor of our nation’s veterans. Other activities include a free patriotic community concert in the Robert H. & Clarice Smith Auditorium at 11 a.m. 703-780-2000 www.mountvernon.org Page 5


in & around the Washington, D.C., area

By Jim Mahaffie The nation’s capital is a city of memorials, markers, museums and more. Here, at a glance, is a look at war memorials that honor services and service people, from World War I onward.

Arlington National Cemetery Arlington,Va. Across the Memorial Bridge from Washington, D.C., is this cemetery—over 620 acres and the final resting place for more than 400,000 active duty service members, veterans and their families. Arlington also contains the graves of President John F. Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, world champion boxer Joe Louis and the Tomb of the Unknowns, among other notable Americans. Between 27 and 30 funeral services are performed there daily. Open daily, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 877-907-8585 www.arlingtoncemetery.mil

Women In Military Service For America Memorial Arlington,Va. Located at the gateway to Arlington National Cemetery, this is the only memorial to honor the 2.5 million women who have served in America’s defense in times of war. Entrance is free and includes an education center, exhibit gallery, theater, gift shop and a searchable register of women veterans’ stories. Open every day except Christmas. Oct. 1 to March 31, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; April 1 to Sept. 30, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 703-892-2606 womensmemorial.org

The National World War II Memorial The National Mall One of the capital’s newest memorials, the National World War II Memorial honors 16 million service people who served in the armed forces of the U.S. during the conflict and the spirit, sacrifice and commitment of

the American people. The memorial opened in 2004 at one end of the Reflecting Pool, with the Washington Monument to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week 202-619-7222 (National Park Service) www.wwiimemorial.com or www.nps.gov/ nwwm

Vietnam Veterans Memorial The National Mall Adjacent the Lincoln Memorial, at Constitution Avenue and Henry Bacon Drive NW, this iconic memorial is a V-shaped granite wall built into the ground and inscribed with the names of more than 58,000 Americans who were killed or missing in the Vietnam War. A life-size bronze sculpture of three servicemen stands across from The Wall. Open daily, 8 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. 202-426-6841 thewall-usa.com or www.nps.gov/vive

Women in Vietnam Memorial The National Mall Adjacent to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in a grove of trees along one of the pathways is this sculpture, which depicts three military women waiting for an air evacuation of a wounded soldier. The first memorial in Washington honoring women’s military service, it honors all the women who served in the Vietnam War. Dedicated in 1993, the sculpture is part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Constitution Avenue and Henry Bacon Drive NW. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week 202-426-6841 thewall-usa.com or www.nps.gov/vive

Korean War Veterans Memorial The National Mall Adjacent to the Lincoln Memorial at Daniel French Drive and Independence Avenue SW, this memorial honors service people who were killed, captured, wounded or remain missing in action during the


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November 2013

Korean War (1950-1953). A granite wall with 2,400 faces of land, sea and air support troops supports statues of 19 figures representing every ethnic background. A Pool of Remembrance lists the names of the lost Allied Forces. Open daily, 8 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. 202-632-1001 www.nps.gov/kowa

nent exhibition. Passes are not required for entering the museum, the children’s exhibit, “Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story,” or special exhibitions. Open every day except Yom Kippur and Christmas. Call or check the website for specific hours. 202-488-0400 www.ushmm.org

U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial

District of Columbia War Memorial

Virginia, near Arlington National Cemetery Popularly known as the Iwo Jima Memorial, this large statue is located on George Marshall Drive, accessible from the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Arlington, Va. Depicting the iconic photograph of Marines raising an American flag on the island of Iwo Jima during World War II, it is dedicated to the soldiers who gave their lives during one of the most historic battles of World War II, the battle of Iwo Jima, as well as the Marines who have died defending the United States since 1775. Open daily, 6 a.m. to midnight. Ranger Programs: 703-289-2553 www.nps.gov/gwmp

Pentagon Memorial The Pentagon This outdoor memorial plaza is designed to honor the 184 men, women and children who lost their lives at the Pentagon during the events of Sept. 11, 2001. Built into a park and gateway on 2 acres, lines denote victim’s ages and memorial benches honor each of them. Accessible from Interstate 395 at Boundary Channel Drive in northern Virginia, it was dedicated on Sept. 11, 2008, and is the first of three 9/11 memorials to be dedicated in the United States. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week (Restrooms 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

Photo by Kathleen T. Rhem

Arlington National Cemetery is a site of wreath laying and remembrance on Veterans Day.

301-740-3388 pentagonmemorial.org

United States Air Force Memorial Arlington,Va. Honoring the millions of men and women who have served in the United States Air Force, the memorial features three soaring spires that are up to 270 feet high and can be seen from many places in Washington, D.C., and northern Virginia. Sited on a hillside overlooking the Pentagon and adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery, it was completed in September 2006. It is located at 1 Air Force Memorial Drive. Open every day except Christmas. April 1–Sept. 30, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Oct. 1- March 31, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 703-979-0674 www.airforcememorial.org

United States Navy Memorial Washington, D.C. Located at 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, between 7th and 9th streets, the United States Navy Memorial features a large outdoor plaza, as well as the Naval Heritage

Center, which features rotating exhibits about the sea services and daily screenings of the film “At Sea.” The plaza features a map of the world, masts with signal flags, fountain pools and waterfalls, and The Lone Sailor statue. Through ceremonies, band concerts and other public events, the Navy Memorial honors and celebrates the service of sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and Merchant Mariners. Plaza is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Heritage Center open Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 202-737-2300 www.navymemorial.org

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Washington, D.C. Between 14th Street and Raoul Wallenberg Place SW, this internationally renowned museum tells visitors about the Holocaust of the 1930s and 1940s through artifacts, films, photos and oral histories. The living memorial inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide and promote human dignity. Note that from March to August, timed passes are required to enter the perma-

The National Mall This small domed temple structure is located in West Potomac Park near 17th Street and Independence Avenue SW, down the Mall from the National World War II Memorial. It honors the 26,000 citizens of Washington, D.C., who served in World War I. It was dedicated in 1931 on Armistice Day, which marked the official end of the World War I. Restored in 2009 and 2010, the memorial was reopened in 2011 with $7.3 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Inscribed in the base are the 499 names of Washingtonians who lost their lives during World War I. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial West Potomac Park In the trees next to the Tidal Basin on the far side of West Potomac Park near the Jefferson Memorial, this memorial honors the president who brought America out of the Great Depression and through World War II. Visitors take a walk through time through four outdoor galleries, one for each of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s terms in office from 1933 to 1945. It’s the largest presidential memorial on the National Mall. Open 8 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. www.nps.gov/frde

Honoring our veterans on November 11, and all year long


The World War II Memorial on the National Mall is a meeting point for veterans organizations and wreath-laying ceremonies on Veterans Day.

By Alice Swan

ailing our heroes has been a tradition practiced across the ages. Perhaps these tributes began with prehistoric cave drawings celebrating the best hunters, who kept their tribes alive. Laurel wreaths were presented to the victorious in ancient Greece and Rome. The wreaths evolved to elaborate medals forged then pinned to the chests of a nation’s military. It seems we have always recognized the need to honor those who have stood up to serve, protect and sacrifice for the greater good. Veterans Day provides us with a yearly opportunity to salute those who have served and all who are currently serving in the United States military. Born from the cessation of hostilities during World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day on Nov. 11, 1919. In 1954, Nov. 11 officially became Veterans Day to honor those who have fought in all of

Photo by Richard Latoff/Latoff.com

See HONORING continued on page 8

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HONORING continued from page 7 America’s wars and conflicts. From hand salutes to parades to special discounts, it seems that everyone across the country takes time to say “Thank you” to those who answered the call of duty. Another one of the glorious traditions of veteran tributes is the “Flags In” ceremonies at America’s national cemeteries each Memorial Day. Volunteers and staff often place flags at each grave in cemeteries in the U.S. and overseas. At Arlington National Cemetery (ANC), the sacred duty is carried out by the soldiers of The Old Guard. According to ANC historians on the website, since the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment was designated the Army’s official ceremonial unit in 1948, soldiers of the regiment have proudly performed Flags In each May. A few days before Memorial Day, all available soldiers place flags before the 260,000 gravestones and 73,000 niches at Arlington and the 13,500 graves at the United States Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. In the space of three hours, a flag is precisely placed one foot in front and centered before each marker. Flags are also placed at the graves of the four unknown service members at Arlington’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. When the soldiers have completed their duty, it is an impressive sight, seeing the expanse of white marble markers graced with fluttering flags.

While citizens aren’t able to help with Flags In at Arlington in May, there is an opportunity for individuals to pay tribute to the veterans resting there each December. The nonprofit Wreaths Across America has been supplying evergreen wreaths for Arlington National Cemetery and 800 other cemeteries for more than 20 years. The organization has announced that Saturday, Dec. 14 is the scheduled wreath-laying day this year. On that morning, volunteers will meet at a designated location at 9:30 a.m. for a quick briefing. Then everyone lines up behind the delivery trucks to get their wreaths. The organization urges its volunteers to approach their duties with the same care as The Old Guard soldiers. “When you place the wreath, please remember you may be the first person to visit this grave in years, so take time to read the stone and honor the memory of that hero,” is one of the instructions volunteers receive. A final, formal wreath-laying ceremony will be held at noon at the Tomb of the Unknowns. To learn more about sponsoring a wreath or volunteering to lay wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery or one of the other locations visit the Wreaths Across America website, www. wreathsacrossamerica.org. Whether on Veterans Day, or any day of the year, take time to reflect on our nation’s heroes and say “Thanks.” You can visit a Veterans Affairs hospital, shake the hand of a passing service member or volunteer to lay a holiday wreath. It will all be appreciated.


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November 2013

NSA South Potomac, NSF Dahlgren Dahlgren Aquatics Center – Winter Pool hours run through Memorial Day Open year-round for Red Cross CPR & Life Guard Training, swimming lessons, lap swimming and aqua aerobics classes. Please call the pool for hours of operation, prices and facility rental at 540-653-8088. Auto Skills Center – Open Tuesday through Saturday for ser vice or the do-it-yourselfer. The Auto Skills Center is available for all of your basic car maintenance. Classes offered every other month. Qualified staff will assist you in doing it right. For more information, call 540-653-4900. Cannonball Lanes Bowling Center – Open seven days a week Cannonball Lanes offers 10 lanes of bowling, featuring AMF equipment with a state-of-the-art Bose sound system, bowling accessories and shoes available. Activities include open bowling, special event nights, leagues and party rentals. For details, contact 540-653-7327. Child Development Center (CDC) – Open five days a week from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. The CDC provides a full-time child development program for children 6 weeks to 5 years old. The CDC is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, holds DoD certification, and participates in the USDA child and adult care food program. For information, please call 540-653-4994. Craftech Hobby Shop – Open five days a week Stop in to view a wide assortment of gift ideas and learn about laser engraving for trophies, awards, plaques and more. Craftech offers classes in stained glass, framing and matting, and offers seasonal events. Bring your items in for monogramming! Craftech will personalize towels, linens, tote bags, shirts and much more. For more information, please stop by the Craftech Hobby Shop or call 540-653-1730. Dahlgren Fitness Center – Open seven days a week You can join a variety of group fitness classes, including Spinning, Power Yoga, Cardio Boxing and Kettlebells. Other intramural sports and tournaments are offered, such as softball, soccer, flag football and basketball. Ballet and jazz classes are offered during the school year. For class schedule, please contact 540-653-8580. Gear Issue & Equipment Rental – Open five days a week Located within the Auto Skills Center, November 2013

NSF Dahlgren MWR Events Celebrate November as ‘Month of the Military Family’ Every Friday in November - All-U-Can Bowl 7 p.m. – midnight at Cannonball Lanes Bowling Center November 1-22 - Turkey Bowl Call for times at Cannonball Lanes Bowling Center November 1-8 - Holiday Cards to the Troops Call for times at the Dahlgren General Library November 13 - Family Bingo Night Starting at 6:30 p.m. at the DahlgrenYouth Activities Center November 21 - Annual Turkey Trot 5k Run 11 a.m. at the Dahlgren Fitness Center November 26 - Thanksgiving Crafternoon 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Dahlgren General Library

Gear Issue & Equipment Rental offers a selection of recreation equipment for fishing, camping, picnics, special events, sporting equipment and more. Rentals can be daily, weekly or for the weekend. For more information, please contact the Auto Skills Center at 540-653-4900. Gray’s Landing on the Potomac Restaurant (MWR Restaurant) Menu available in facility or call 540653-3077. Open seven days a week Breakfast 6-9 a.m. Lunch 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Dinner 4-6 p.m. Weekends and Holidays Brunch 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Dinner 4-6 p.m. Gray’s Café – Located inside of Gray’s Landing - Open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m.-3 p.m. Gray’s Café proudly serves Starbucks Coffee, fresh brewed lattes, cappuccinos

and espresso, as well as fresh baked goods, grab-n-go meals, wraps and other beverages. Lounge with Wi-Fi hotspot and television is available. Information, Tickets and Tours (ITT) – Open five days a week The ITT office offers information, maps and directions to local shopping, restaurants, historical sites and entertainment. Discount tickets are available to local theaters, as well as many Washington, D.C., museums and activities. Don’t forget to ask about Disney World specials and the Armed Forces Vacation Club! For more information, please call the ITT Office at 540-653-8785. Liberty Center (Single/Unaccompanied Sailor Program) – Open six days a week The Liberty Center offers recreational activities and trips year-round for single or unaccompanied active duty military personal, particularly ages 18 to 24. The Liberty Center is equipped with pool tables,

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computers, wireless Internet access, video gaming systems, gaming tables, fax machine, big screen TV, 8mm movies and more. Contact the Liberty Coordinator at 540653-7277 for information and scheduled events. ID required for Liberty discounts. General Library – Open five days a week The library offers a variety of fiction, nonfiction, periodicals, reference materials, movies, audio CDs, daily papers, and a reading lounge with Wi-Fi hot spot and television. Patrons also have access to copy and fax machines. Computer classes offered seasonally, story time for the kids every Friday and a variety of events offered monthly. For details, contact 540-653-7474. The Dahlgren Movie Theater – Shows every Friday and Saturday evening with special matinees throughout the year. The Dahlgren Movie Theater has gone digital with 3-D capability! Come view newly released movies at a discounted price when compared to other theaters. Special matinees, sneak previews and holiday showings. Concessions are available including food and beverages. Eligible patrons include all with base access. For more information, please contact the movie info line at 540-653-7336. Show are at 7 p.m. unless otherwise specified. Subway – Open seven days a week Located inside of Cannonball Lanes Bowling Center. Subway offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as special callahead catering. Stop in today for a healthy alternative to your usual routine. Youth Activity Center - Open five days a week from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. The Youth Activity Center offers a before- and after-school program and, during the school year, Friday Teen Night from 6-8 p.m. for ages 12 to 17 and Saturday morning Open Recreation from 10 a.m.12 p.m. for grades K to 12. Our caring staff members supervise a wide range of activities from crafts to homework time. For more information, please contact 540653-8009. Send your name and email address to dahlgrenmarketing@verizon.net for a weekly update of MWR special events, movie schedules, restaurant menu, seasonal sports, Fleet and Family Support Center classes and more! Like NSA South Potomac on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NSASouthPotomac. Don’t miss out on base events and news— let NSASP and Facebook keep you up to date! Page 9






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$10.00 OFF A BATTERY REPLACEMENT & CHARGING SYSTEM CHECK-UP. VALID ON ANY ACURA OR HONDA. Coupon must be presented to service consultant at time of write-up. Coupons may not be used in conjunction with other advertised specials. Taxes and shop supplies not included. Dealership is not responsible for any typographical errors. Coupon can not be utilized for repairs previously performed.Expires 12/31/2013

10 OFF



OIL AND FILTER CHANGE, $10.00 OFF WITH A MULTI POINT INSPECTION PERFORMED. VALID ON ANY ACURA OR HONDA. Synthetic and all Acura Legends extra. Coupon must be presented to service consultant at time of write-up. Coupons may not be used in conjunction with other advertised specials. Taxes and shop supplies not included. Dealership is not responsible for any typographical errors. Coupon can not be utilized for repairs previously performed. Vaid only at Radley Acura in Falls Church. We only use genuine acura and honda parts.



703-824-5780 703-82 3-824-5 4-5780 780

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5823 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041 1037712

DCMilitary Family Life - Advertising Supplement

November 2013


November 2013

DCMilitary Family Life - Advertising Supplement

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DCMilitary Family Life - Advertising Supplement

November 2013

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