Need to Know Facts about this School:
• Online Courses are offered! • The Top 5 Programs offered are: 1. Homeland Security 2. Nursing 3. Engineering 4. IT Training and Certification 5. Business • CSMD tuition costs for the 2014 academic year: Charles, Calvert and St. Mary’s County Residents $113.00/ credit; Other Maryland residents $195.00/credits; Out-of-State residents $252.00/credit; Credit by examination (not refundable) $20/credit. Unfortunately, we do not offer credit for work experience. Also, we are not a Servicemember Opportunity College member at this time. However, we are a Yellow Ribbon program participant.
Admission Requirements 2 Year Public; Certificate Programs www.csmd.edu Address: 8730 Mitchell Rd La Plata, MD 20646 Admission Phone: 301-934-7765
Financial Aid Phone: 301-934-7531 Military Programs Contact: Robert Henry 301-934-7656 veteransbenefits@csmd.edu
Applicants will be admitted to the college who have met one of the following: 1. Have graduated from high school; or 2. Have earned high school equivalency; or, 3. Have met the criteria of one of the college’s special admission program described in the catalog. Certain review courses or reduced-credit loads may be required for new students who need further preparation. Admission to the college may be denied to those persons whom the college considers to be a potential danger to the safety, security, and educational environment of the college. The college may revoke (or may subject to certain conditions) the admissions of any already admitted person who is deemed to be a potential danger to safety or security or threatens to disrupt educational processes. Such persons shall be afforded due process as required by law. Additional admission requirements for the Certificate of Practical Nursing and Associate of Science degree in Nursing are described online at the Nursing and Allied Health Department Web site. Additional admission requirements for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography and Respiratory Therapy programs are outlined in the Programs of Study section in this catalog.
Why is this School the Right Choice for Military or Family Members?
Jay McKeown, Veteran CSM Criminal Justice Graduate.
CSM provides resources and support services for Military Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve personnel, and Veteran students including spouses and dependents. Our goal is to assist each student with a smooth transition to college life, leading to achievement of academic success and increased employment opportunities. Qualified students may use their GI Bill benefits or military tuition assistance to help pay for over 100 academic programs as well as a hand full of continuing education programs. As a commitment to assisting our Military and Veteran students; CSM has a dedicated, full time Veteran staff providing specialized assistance at the La Plata, Leonardtown, and Prince Frederick campuses. Students at CSM can complete their classes at multiple campuses as well as on line; creating wonderful flexibility for Veterans and Military personnel. CSM also has two active Veterans Clubs (La Plata and Leonardtown campuses) with contacts to a multitude of outside resources to assist our Veteran students. HIGHER EDUCATION & LIFELONG LEARNING • November 2013
UMUC Student Profile
Meet Rebecca Johnson Stone Veteran raises awareness of sexual assault By UMUC Global Media Center
niversity of Maryland University College (UMUC) students are well known for juggling a lot of obligations and opportunities, but Rebecca Johnson Stone seems to be taking it to new heights. A former head princess of her native Chickasaw Nation tribe in Ada, Okla., Stone was in her third year at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, majoring in biochemistry and math and well on her way to completing her degree when the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, changed her plans. “Service to our country is profound among the people of my tribe,” she said. She immediately dropped out of college and followed the tradition of her father, uncle and grandfather by joining the military. Enlisting in the Army, she has worked in intelligence, rising to staff sergeant while serving nine months in the Iraq war and at other bases as an analyst. For three years she served in England,
which gave her time to complete her associate degree through UMUC in general studies. Then she turned her attention to earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology, with a minor in biology, which she is close to completing, along with an undergraduate certificate in applied behavioral and social sciences. “I may not have had this opportunity if it wasn’t for the flexibility that UMUC gave me,” she said. “I have been to several different countries, sometimes for a couple of days and sometimes for a couple of months. I have been able to take my schoolwork with me and have professors who understand that every once in a while I may be delayed because of a mission or a crisis.” After her tour in Iraq ended in 2009, Stone served for one year in a White House internship program, working in the Vice President’s office of national security affairs. “On my first day, I answered the phone and the caller asked for one of the advisors,” she recalled. “I asked who was calling, and he said, ‘Joe.’
I asked, ‘Joe who?’ And he said, ‘Joe Biden.’ I said, ‘Mr. Vice President, sir, I am not going to call you Joe.’” Now based at Fort George G. Meade and living with her husband in Columbia, Md.—and with her enlistment coming to an end in a few months— Stone, 31, said she is ready to begin a graduate program through the University System of Maryland. “I want to put my love of the intelligence field together with my love of sciences and then still be able to use what I went to school for—my psychology degree—and put them all into one place,” she said. “I didn’t think that was going to be possible until I went to the National Science Foundation and found these were fields that are really needed.” Along the way, she has taken up a different kind of cause. A victim of sexual assault herself, Stone launched “Walk Against Rape” to try to raise the level of awareness, much the way the Susan G. Komen foundation has raised public awareness of breast cancer. “One in 6 female civilians will be sexually assaulted and 1 in 3 female service members will be sexually assaulted,” Stone said. “They have all these races
and walks and resources for cancer, so why is it that something that affects a much larger percentage of people has nothing?” Her goal is to organize 52 walks in 52 cities across the country in one year. The money raised will stay in the respective communities to support services, such as hotlines for rape victims and training for nurses. More information can be found on her website: walkagainstrape.org. Stone has already organized three walks, which attracted a few hundred participants. But the relatively modest turnout hasn’t discouraged or surprised Stone. “It’s a taboo topic,” she said. “A lot of people are afraid to say sexual assault or rape. I want to change that.” Republished by permission of UMUC Global Media Center
(301) 921-2800
Classified Advertising
(301) 670-2543
Higher Education & Lifelong Learning is published by Comprint Military Publications, 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, under exclusive written contract. Contents are not the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Department of Defense. Everything advertised in this supplement must be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. 1037730
37 & O Streets, NW , Rafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 474, Washington DC, 20057 georgetownmeansbusiness.com
Important Numbers Admission Phone: 202-687-2691 Military Programs Contact: David Shearman Military Programs Phone: 202-687-2708 Military Programs Email: veteranservices@georgetown.edu
5 Need to Know Facts about this School: • Online Courses are Available! • The Top 3 Majors offered are: 1.Georgetown Executive MBA, 2. Georgetown-ESADE Global Executive MBA, 3.Georgetown Executive Master’s in Leadership • Tuition Costs for the 2013-2014 academic year: $ 65,000 - $145,000. • We are Yellow Ribbon Participants and offer $7500 to about 45 students a year. • Unfortunately, we do not offer credit for work experience at this time. 4
Admission Requirements At Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, we seek individuals who endeavor to enrich the business environment and who also possess diversity in every sense of the word: gender, age, ethnicity, variety of industry and job function, and geographic location. Applicants are required to hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in the United States or the equivalent from an international college or university. A business background is not required; however, all applicants should demonstrate high potential for leadership. Additionally, applicants must possess a minimum of eight years of work experience and are required to submit for review a resume, a statement of purpose, two letters of recommendation, a letter of support from their current employer, and official transcripts from all academic course work. All applicants also are required to interview with a member of the Admissions Committee.
Why is this School the right Choice for Military Members or Military Family Members Georgetown’s executive degree programs are designed to train leaders to identify where their organization stands in relation to the current global environment, shows them how to best position their enterprise for the future success, and equips them with the tools to achieve desired objectives. A combination of course work, residencies and a capstone project provides the framework to attain personal and professional leadership. Our classes are led by experienced faculty who offer practical and applicable knowledge and are equally committed to our students as mentors beyond the classroom. Our students span a wide range of industries and functional areas. Global in nature, our curriculum integrates all functional business areas, and incorporates international consulting projects. It also capitalizes on our location by providing a world view that can only be derived from Georgetown’s access to the key institutions and leaders in Washington, D.C.- the epicenter of global business and policy. 1037984 HIGHER EDUCATION & LIFELONG LEARNING • November 2013
Official explains tuition assistance quality-assurance program By Amaani Lyle American Forces Press Service
o increase stewardship and optimize service members’ educational experiences, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) officials have developed a multifaceted quality-assurance program to improve tuition assistance. In testimony before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations’ defense subcommittee, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness and Force Management Frederick E. Vollrath said new policies will mandate that all participating institutions sign a memorandum of understanding requiring them to adhere to specific principles of excellence. “This will help end fraudulent recruitment on our military installations … address other predatory practices by bad academic actors, and provide students with personalized, standardized forms outlining costs, financial aid and outcome measures,” Vollrath said. The memorandum also requires that military students have access
to a streamlined tool to compare educational institutions using key measures of affordability and value through the Department of Veterans Affairs’ eBenefits portal. Vollrath told the panel that 3,100 institutions and more than 1,050 subcampuses have signed the memorandum of understanding. He also reported that DOD is part of an interagency team that is finalizing the development and implementation of a centralized complaint system to resolve concerns raised by students receiving tuition assistance. The departments of Veterans Affairs, Education and Justice and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will have access to all complaints as they work to resolve issues, he added. “Underpinning this effort is the requirement that all postsecondary education participating in the Tuition Assistance Program must be accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education,” Vollrath said. Meanwhile, he said, the DOD will continue to provide lifelong learning opportunities through
off-duty, voluntary education programs, noting that each year, a third of service members enroll in postsecondary education courses leading to associate, bachelor’s and advanced degrees. In fiscal year 2012, more than 286,000 service members enrolled in nearly 875,000 courses, Vollrath reported, and more than 50,000 service members earned degrees or certifications. “All service members enrolled in the voluntary education programs are nontraditional students, in that they attend school part-time while they are off duty, taking, on average, only three courses per year,” Vollrath said. But military missions, deployments and transfers frequently impinge on the troops’ ability to continue their education, he noted, adding that this often results in breaks of months or, in some cases, years between service members taking courses and completing their degrees. With that in mind, colleges and universities are delivering more classroom instruction online as well as on military installations around the world, Vollrath added.
“There are no geographical confines,” he said. “Courses are offered aboard ships, submarines and at deployed locations such as Afghanistan—this is the kind of instruction our service members want.” Vollrath also said that more than 76 percent of the courses taken last year were delivered through distance learning. Still, he stressed, the rigors of military service will not relax strict requirements in place for participating service members. “Prior to enrolling in courses using tuition assistance, service members must establish an educational goal and a degree plan,” he said. An educational counselor must review tuition assistance requests outlined in the approved degree plan. Service members who either fail or do not complete the course must reimburse the DOD for tuition assistance received for that course. “Service members failing to maintain a 2.0 undergraduate grade point average (GPA) or a 3.0 graduate GPA must pay for all courses until they raise their GPA suffi-
ciently,” Vollrath explained. “Our voluntary education program is a key component of the recruitment, readiness and retention of the total force, an all-volunteer force.” To further illustrate the value of the education program, Vollrath cited an example of retired Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Eric Combs, who entered the military with a general education development certificate before earning his Community College of the Air Force and bachelor’s degrees with tuition assistance while on active duty. After retirement, he went on to earn his master’s degree in education in 2005. Upon his retirement, he participated in the Troops to Teachers program and earned acclaim with his selection as the Ohio Teacher of the Year in 2006. He now serves as a principal in the public school system. “The skills he learned and the education he received while serving in the Air Force ultimately benefited him, the Air Force and the nation,” Vollrath said.
10945 Boulevard Circle, Owings Mills, MD 21117 Admission Phone: 1-877-531-7118 (Graduate and Professional Studies) Financial Aid Phone: 443-334-3200 Military Programs Contact First Name: Kymber Taylor Military Programs Phone: 443-334-2610 Military Programs Email: kltaylor@stevenson.edu Type of School: (Choices include: 2-year public; 2-year private; 4-year public; 4-year private; Online Only; Undergraduate/Graduate Public; Undergraduate/Graduate Private; Certificate Programs; Technical School; Other) 4-year private, undergraduate and graduate
Top 5 Majors Available at Your School: RNBS (bachelors) Forensic Studies (masters) Graduate Nursing (masters) Business and Technology Management (masters) Business Administration (bachelors)
What makes this school the right choice for a member of the military, veteran, and/or family member?
are expected to complete many of their assignments and coursework outside of class, using the web, email, and other means.
Accelerated programs are bachelor’s degree programs designed for working adults. The SU Accelerated Learning Program offers undergraduate courses taught at an accelerated pace. Most undergraduate degrees can be completed within eighteen to twenty-four months depending on the number of credits a student has acquired before entering the program. Many undergraduate degree programs can be completed by taking courses that are scheduled in a mixed 8-week accelerated hybrid or online format, or in a traditional 16-week format. Depending on the courses, classes meet either once or twice weekly in the evenings, or on the weekends. Class work incorporates hands-on projects, practical knowledge that is applicable to everyday work challenges, and group interactions with fellow students. Students
Stevenson University offers six accelerated master’s degrees. Pursuing a master’s degree at SU is a powerful investment in your future, designed to fit your lifestyle as a busy, adult student. Many of the university’s accelerated graduate degrees can be completed in as few as eighteen to twenty four months. The University’s Forensic Studies and Business and Technology Management programs are offered in 8-week sessions, either on-site or online. A graduate degree in Forensic Science is offered in an accelerated hybrid format. The graduate degrees in Cyber Forensics, Nursing, and Healthcare Management are offered completely online.
Earn your degree in 18 months at our Arlington, Virginia campus
A Great Fit: Why the Virginia Tech Executive MBA is Right For You. The Virginia Tech Pamplin School of Business Executive MBA Program is tailored to business leaders interested in taking their careers to the next level. The program focuses on an exceptional educational experience, with the quality and challenge you expect of a well-established, fully-accredited executive MBA program that emphasizes strategic leadership in a global environment, while providing opportunities for relationship building. The program’s broad curriculum seeks to provide an understanding of the major elements of business, examines the ethical and global implications of management, and prepares managers for making decisions in a rapidly changing world. Why is this Program right for you? Here are 10 reasons:
Virginia Tech Executive MBA
Address: 900 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, Virginia 22203 www.mba.vt.edu/emba Important Numbers
Admission Phone: 571-858-3107 • Financial Aid Phone: 540-231-5179 Military Programs Contact: Keshia Pyles • Military Programs Phone: 540-231-5815 Military Programs Email: keshiap@vt.edu
Admission Requirements • Interview with EMBA staff • Complete Online Application • $90 Application Fee (waived for early applicants) • Professional Resume • Short Answer • Official Academic Transcript(s) • 1 Letter of Recommendation • 1 Letter of Corporate Support • No GMAT Required • Minimum of 8 years Work Experience
Military Friendly
Virginia Tech is a community with long military history and is one of only six schools in the nation classified as Senior Military college. The University established the Office of Veterans Services in Mary 2012 to serve as a first point of contact for our military veteran and dependent students. As a top 15% military friendly university (Victory Media, 2013), we value the experience, dedication and discipline military officers and veterans bring to the classroom. Virginia Tech offers an 18 month EMBA Program in its new , state-of-the-art facilities in Arlington, VA. Classes are held on alternate weekends, Friday 2pm-9pm and Saturday 8:30am5:30pm. Cohorts start in August and January. In Arlington, Virginia, 48% of our students in the Executive MBA program have some type of military background.
Visit Us
Find out for yourself. Join us for a Class Visit or Information Session at our Arlington Campus. Are you a morning person? Morning Coffee Sessions are available too. Please visit our website at http://www.mba.vt.edu/emba/events or call 571-858-3107.
Convenient Location: Our campus is located on Glebe Road in Arlington, Virginia, about half a mile from route 66. We are Metro accessible. Parking is provided during class weekends in the garage beneath our building. For those students who live or work outside the DC metropolitan area, residency is available literally across the street from our campus at the Westin hotel. Convenient Schedule: The Executive MBA can be completed in just 18 months and is family and work friendly. We have two start dates: January and August. Classes meet every other Friday from 2 pm – 9 pm and Saturday from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm. Therefore, you do not need to quit your job or take several evening classes. The course schedule has planned winter and summer breaks allowing students to focus at work, reconnect with family and friends, and take a vacation. Students are able to apply what they learned during their weekend class at work on Monday. This schedule allows students to thrive and take their career to the next level. Affordability: The Virginia Tech Executive MBA program is one of the most affordable programs in the Greater Washington Area. In fact, our tuition is approximately 20% less than other reputable EMBA programs. But we don’t stop there. Your tuition also includes the following amenities: • All required course materials, registration, and graduation fees • Catered meals on class days • Free parking during class time • Program documentation and career management assistance • 3-day Opening Residency (transportation, lodging, and meals included) • 2-day Residency to New York City (transportation, lodging, and most meals included) • 10-day International Study Abroad Course (round-trip airfare, lodging, and most meal costs while abroad) • Laptop computer Networking: Virginia Tech has a strong presence in the DC corridor, with over 35,000 alumni residing and working in the area. Virginia Tech Alumni live throughout the United States and around the world. An Executive MBA degree from Virginia Tech will connect you with a vast network. Faculty: Many of our faculty travel from the Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus to our Arlington Campus to teach on weekends. Many professors in the highly ranked Evening MBA Program also teach in the EMBA. We combine the educational resources of Blacksburg with the industry resources of Washington DC. We maintain a smaller class size to give you the personal attention you deserve. Technology: The Executive MBA program is housed in the Virginia Tech Research Center, a highly visible state-of-the-art facility designed to enhance learning through advanced technology. Reputation: Virginia Tech has an excellent reputation in the highly competitive higher-education marketplace. The Executive MBA program is fully accredited by the AACSB, Association to Advance the Collegiate Schools of Business, the top MBA accreditation organization. Graduates of the Executive MBA program are awarded a full-time Masters of Business Administration degree on their diploma. Diversity: The Virginia Tech Executive MBA prides itself on the diversity of its current students and alumni. Not only diverse with ethnicity and gender, but our current students and alumni come from a myriad of industries. This diversity supplements the learning process and students gain insight from different perspectives. Customer Service: The same dedicated and experienced staff is not only accessible during the week but we are also available during class time on weekends. We genuinely invest our time and resources assisting our students and building relationships with them. An Investment: Getting your Executive MBA with Virginia Tech is an investment in you. The program is designed for a diversified group of experienced professionals, future leaders, and entrepreneurs with a minimum work experience of 8 years. The program is tailored to business leaders interested in advancing their careers to the next level by applying their knowledge gained in the classroom to their current position and beyond. Our goal is to utilize high-quality educational resources to get you there. 1037984
Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals (Graduate Private University) 6810 Deerpath Road, Suite 100 Elkridge, Maryland 21075 www.ep.jhu.edu
Important Numbers
Admission Phone: 410-516-2300 Financial Aid Phone: 410-516-8028 Military Programs Contact: Gail Rauenzahn
4 Need to Know Facts about this School: • Online Courses are Available! • The Top 5 graduate degrees offered are: Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Environmental Engineering Science, and Management • Tuition Costs for the 2013-2014 academic year is $3,330 per course. Additional fees are a $75 application fee, $100 graduation fee, and $330 per course transfer credit fee. • JHU EP is a Yellow Ribbon Program participant. They offer six Yellow ribbon awards in the amount of $500.00 each.
Admission Requirements General admission requirements for master’s degree candidates and others seeking graduate status are as follows: 1. applicants must be in the last semester of undergraduate study or hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. 2. Applicants must have earned a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (B or above) in the latter half of their studies or hold a graduate degree in a technical discipline. In considering applications to the Systems Engineering program, both academic record and experience will be considered. Students must complete the master’s degree within five years from the start of the first course in the program. Only one grade of C can count toward the master’s degree. Please note that the programs may also have additional admission requirements specific to the academic program of study. Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals offers Graduate Programs in the following disciplines: Applied and Computational Mathematics; Applied
Biomedical Engineering; Applied Physics; Bioinformatics; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Science; Cybersecurity; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Science, Environmental Planning and Management; Information Systems Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Systems Engineering; and Technical Management.
Why is this Program the right choice for Military Members or Military Family Members?
Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals (EP) offers flexible programs for active duty military professionals, veterans and family members. With ten degree programs available online, it is even easier to complete a graduate education with EP even if you and/or your family are stationed across the country or if you are deployed. EP’s on-site programs are designed with the working adult in mind. Courses are scheduled during weekday evenings and Saturdays. EP offers courses in eight convenient locations in the Baltimore/DC area and southern Maryland. Students learn from top engineers and applied scientists within the private and public sectors of their fields. Our faculty incorporate the latest trends and use their own work experience to make courses relevant and applicable to each student’s profession. 1038544 HIGHER EDUCATION & LIFELONG LEARNING • November 2013