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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 10

March 15, 2013

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Carter reassures defense industry amid budget uncertainty BY NICK SIMEONE AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter recently pledged that the Pentagon will not allow a $46 billion cut in spending and uncertainty over future funding to keep it from focusing on challenges facing the nation even though the current fiscal situation will lead to “perverse, unsafe and wasteful consequences.” While calling the current budget sequester and the continuing lack of a defense appropriation bill harmful to the entire defense industry, Carter sought to reassure defense industry representatives attending a conference here that the department intends to “think and act ahead of today’s turmoil” by making strategic budget decisions for the future. “We must continue to look above and beyond this year to the future, to the great strategic transition that is before us and to provid-

ing the country the defense it needs for the amount of money that it has to spend,” he said. That transition comprises ending more than a decade of conflict and shifting focus toward the AsiaPacific region, “where America will continue to play its seven-decadeold pivotal stabilizing role in the future,” he said. At the same time, Carter said, “threats to the United States have not been sequestered,” mentioning North Korea, Iran, cyber threats and al-Qaida. Carter acknowledged the ongoing budget uncertainty likely will create “second-order effects” that will last for years, with one of them perhaps being a pivot of the defense industry itself. “The act of sequestration and longer-term budget cuts and the prolongation of uncertainty could limit capital market confidence in the defense industry,” he said, adding that “companies may be less willing to make internal invest-

ments in their defense portfolios. “Some of them have certainly told me that,” he added. A $46 billion across-the-board cut in defense spending through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year took effect March 1 after Congress failed to reach an agreement on how to reduce the federal budget deficit. As he has in the past, Carter predicted the impact the cuts will have on everything from military readiness across the force to furloughs for the department’s 800,000 civilian employees. “[Defense] Secretary [Chuck] Hagel and I and the entire DOD leadership are committed to doing everything in our power under this deliberately restrictive law to mitigate its harmful effects on national security,” the deputy secretary said. But he called the sequester and the ongoing continuing resolution now funding government operations in the absence of a federal budget a “double absurdity.”


Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter delivers remarks during the McAleese Credit Suisse Defense Programs Conference at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., March 12. Carter discussed the budgetary impact sequestration will have on defense programs and national security.

Racquetball clinic held for disabled veterans, wounded warriors BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS


Steven Harper, left, founder and executive director for the Military Racquetball Federation, goes over some game techniques with Tom Owens, a disabled veteran with the Washington, D.C. Veterans Affairs Medical Center, during a clinic March 12 at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Fitness Center I.

Missile, Space Intelligence Center saves warfighter lives Page 2

JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING, D.C. – The Washington, D.C. Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), in conjunction with the Military Racquetball Federation (MRF), hosted a one-day racquetball clinic at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) Fitness Center I March 12. More than a dozen disabled veterans and wounded warriors from the area took to the courts for some fun and simple camaraderie. The MRF is dedicated to promoting racquetball programs and events for service members in the continental U.S. and abroad, including support of events for troops in warzones. Additionally, the MRF is committed to assisting wounded warriors and disabled veterans with their rehabilitation through


its Racquetball Rehabilitation Clinics (RRC). This program focuses on the use of racquetball as a tool for both the physical and mental challenges service members suffered while in combat. Steven Harper, founder and executive director for MRF, is a retired Navy supply officer. His passion for racquetball goes back more than a decade. He started the nonprofit organization in 2008 while still in service and hasn’t stopped – even after retiring as a lieutenant commander. One of his first endeavors was to spearhead the installation of a portable racquetball court on the flight deck of a U.S. naval vessel. He later explored racquetball as a therapy for soldiers who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, the loss of a limb or post-traumatic stress. Along with the help of certified trainers, he helps teach wounded warriors and disabled

First AF woman 4-star comes full circle

Learning robotics through STARBASE 2.0

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veterans to play within their limits. “I once saw a Marine with an amputated leg in a hospital out in California. That’s when I started thinking about what I could do to help disabled veterans and wounded warriors like him,” Harper said. “I hope to branch out and get their family members involved, as well. Having a partner they know and feel comfortable with will help keep them motivated. This is all about having fun and getting some exercise.” Harper hopes to one day expand the program to include an eightweek course on the fundamentals of racquetball, where he would teach anyone willing to participate. Partnering with the VAMC is nothing new to him or his staff, as he’s slated to visit various centers in major cities like Portland, Denver



Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Missile, Space Intelligence Center saves warfighter lives BY CHERYL PELLERIN AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - Engineers, scientists and analysts of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center provide high-confidence assessments of foreign missile and space systems and other critical intelligence products that help to keep warfighters from harm. Spread out over some of the 38,000 acres of the Army’s Redstone Arsenal in the Appalachian highlands of northern Alabama are the laboratories, high-performance computing operations, test areas and hardware storage spaces that make up MSIC’s vast engineering complex. “The work itself is pretty detailed and geeky,” MSIC Director Pamela McCue explained during an interview with American Forces Press Service. “We’re a bunch of engineers and scientists, and by nature we love to figure out how things work.” McCue, an electrical engineer, said the work involves looking at all sources of intelligence and figuring out the characteristics, performance and operations of threat weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank guided missiles, ground-based anti-satellite systems and shortrange ballistic missiles. Service members who conduct operations anywhere in the world are likely to encounter a variety of weapons, McCue said. “Our job is to understand the threat weapons and push intelligence to the military so they will be prepared,” she added. “Hopefully, we can do it so our service [members] won’t even encounter the threat weapons, but if they do, we want them always to come out on top.” MSIC engineers and scientists focus on how a weapon works, how well it works, and how it’s vulnerable or how it can be defeated, she said. Air and missile defense is a key mission. “These are surface-to-air missiles primarily that fire at our aircraft, … so anywhere that we have an air operation going, we are likely to face these kinds of systems,” McCue noted. The missiles range from air defense systems that a person can carry and fire from the shoulder to long-range air defense systems that can engage targets over hundreds of miles. The director said millions of “man-portable” systems are in use around the world. With the knowledge its scientists and engineers gain, MSIC works with those in the services who design air survivability equipment, the director said, “so if you’re carrying that on an aircraft, it will detect that a missile has been launched against it, and it will take action so the missile, hopefully, will not hit the aircraft. “It can do that either with some kind of countermeasure,”

she continued, “usually a laserbased countermeasure, or perhaps even [by] dropping flares, which are electro-optical infrared devices [designed to] distract the missile and pull it off course. These are techniques that we can equip our military aircraft with -- and especially our helicopters, which have to operate in harm’s way -- so even if they are engaged, they won’t be hit.” Another important area for MSIC includes ground-based weapons that fire missiles or directed energy at platforms in space. These include anti-satellite missiles and directed-energy weapons. “We in the United States haven’t had a lot of [directedenergy weapons] programs for a while, [but] others around the world are still developing directed-energy weapons -- Russia and China are the two big ones,” she said. Very-high-energy weapons include laser systems, she added, and such weapons either would damage sensors on airplanes or satellites, or as technology evolves, physically destroy a platform in air or space. The other important mission area for MSIC involves shortrange ballistic missiles -- those that can engage targets from tens of miles out to 600 miles out. “These systems are important because they’re the weapon of choice for a lot of [nations] to reach beyond their borders, … and they can be fitted to carry weapons of mass destruction, so they’re a big concern for us and our allies,” McCue said. “They’re certainly a big player in the Middle East and North Korea.” Today, MSIC helps to defend against ballistic missiles on the same ground where, in 1950, German rocket developer Wernher von Braun and his team of top rocket scientists began working with the Army to develop the Jupiter ballistic missile and others. The work was done as part of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency, which von Braun headed, and McCue said the organization had a small intelligence cell that was “taking a look at what was going on around the world in similar developments.” MISC began then as an Army research and development center, the director added, and in the 1990s, it became part of the Defense Intelligence Agency. “We’ve had some of our missions since the very first days, like looking at those threat missile developments to compare them to what we were doing on this side,” McCue said. “We picked up additional missions as weapons evolved and new things came online, like the ground-based antisatellite mission.” In the beginning, the weapons were pretty basic, she said. “For instance, a surface-to-air mis-


GTR-18 surface-to-air missile simulators are fired at incoming aircraft during nighttime warfare training at the Yodaville close air support range near Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., April 11, 2011. The Defense Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center helps to protect U.S. forces from similar real weapons. sile would be capable of tracking a single aircraft at a time,” she explained. “It would have a very tightly controlled process for controlling the missile to the target, and it would be very straightforward.” Now, the director said, there’s a lot more flexibility. “On the surface-to-air missile side, you have systems that can track many targets at one time and send many missiles to different targets at the same time,” she added, and on the ballisticmissile side, a simple ballistic trajectory may be replaced by extreme maneuvers and countermeasures. “A lot more complexity in the weapons has come from having more capability, more technology and more computers,” the director observed. Computers have boosted capability on the analysis side, McCue said. “It makes the weapon systems harder to figure out,” she said, “but it makes our analysis a little easier and more capable.” The center also has put more emphasis on command and control, as the processes and communications surrounding the launch of a rocket or missile become more computer-driven, she said. MSIC now has fewer people than it did during the Cold War. But amid the geopolitical instability of much of the world today, MSIC’s scientists, engineers and analysts have many more kinds of

weapons to deal with. Computer power helps keep the pace, along with a good priority system, McCue said. “We don’t have more people, but we do what I like to call ‘risk management,’” the director said. “Every weapon system out there in the world doesn’t have an equally high probability of being in an engagement at any given time, so we’re constantly assessing priorities and putting the resources we have on the most important weapons, knowing that we can’t cover everything.” Over time, major developments in technology could drive changes in MSIC’s work, but McCue said she believes being an engineering organization gives MSIC an advantage. “We tend to keep up with technology, because we use it in our analysis techniques. The folks in the … labs we work with and the national labs across the country also keep up with technologies, and we’re well-linked there,” she said. “So … we have the right mindset, and we are following the technology as a matter of course. The trick is anticipating how that might play into threat weapons.” Technologically, she added, one game-changer could involve people who do unexpected things with weapons, driven by conflicts such as the unrest in Syria or North Korea’s use of missiles. Along with keeping up with evolving technology, working

with partners is an important aspect of the work at MSIC these days. “We are very integrated into the whole intelligence system,” the director said, adding that MSIC also works closely with the services and with U.S. allies and partners. Each service has aircraft they have to fly, she added, “so they have to worry about surface-toair missiles, [and] they’re all what we call customers of ours. We make sure we understand what they need [and] we understand what kind of intelligence they need to put the right things on their military systems, … and we push intelligence to them in the right form.” Where international partners are concerned, McCue said, “with virtually every partner that the United States has, we work with our counterparts in those countries.” The budget problems plaguing the nation and the Defense Department present a challenge that McCue said the center’s scientists and engineers will have to tackle. “In my observation over the years,” she said, “there’s a lot of innovation that can come from tight times -- when you’re really focused on getting the job done and you’ve got to figure out some way to do it. We’re adaptive and we’re flexible, and we’re going to keep putting those priorities up there and making sure we get the important things done.”

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013


Victim advocates: Front line for help and confidentiality BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING, D.C. - Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes in the country, according to U.S. government officials. The lack of reporting is what led the Department of Defense (DoD) to launch its Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program several years ago and why military installations like Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) value their unit victim advocates so much today. JBAB’s SAPR Office, located on Brookley Avenue next to the Aerobics Center, recently held a week-long training course for prospective Air Force victim advocates from around the National Capital Region (NCR). The course consisted of 40 training hours that combined classroom discussion, video presentations, guest lectures and mock scenarios that will enable trainees to best assist victims of sexual assault. A course, held many times per year, is also conducted at JBAB for Navy victim advocates and command liaisons from around the NCR, according to JBAB’s Staff Judge Advocate, Navy Lt. Kyle Fralick.


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and Dallas in the coming weeks. The MRF has also garnered support from the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC), which recently awarded a grant to the organization to help in its efforts. “I found out about the clinic through the VA. I’m sure glad they told me,” said Tom Owens, a retired Army sergeant and one of those who signed up for the clinic on JBAB. “I like it. Its fun and I like the flow of the game. I just need to get better.” Will Rodgers, a retired sergeant from the Army Air Corps, also participated and found the clinic to be a healthy diversion for veterans like himself. “I like basketball and tennis. Now, I can add racquetball to my list,” Rodgers said. “This was a lot of fun. It’s also nice to be out here with people who are just like me.” Michael Parry, assistant complex director for JBAB’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation, said the clinic was a great way to give back to veterans and thank them for their loyalty and service to the nation. For more information on the Military Racquetball Federation, visit www.militaryracquetball.com.

William Torian, a sexual assault response coordinator (SARC) for the Air Force 11th Wing and a victim advocate course trainer, said those coming aboard are provided essential information on medical, psychological, legal and investigative processes to enhance their response capabilities. “Victim advocates work with the SARC and walk victims through a step-by-step process towards healing,” Torian said. “Some of those steps could include taking victims to the hospital, making a restricted or unrestricted report and arranging appointments with the chaplain or mental health facilitator.” In some cases, the victim advocate accompanies the victim to the Office of Special Investigations, and possibly through legal proceedings against the attacker, Torian said. Tina Helmick, SAPR program manager for JBAB and the Pentagon, said the course is offered twice a year at either location and that trainees will also be nationally certified upon its completion. She said a course like this has significant value to the military community and that she is always impressed with the interest shown by trainees. “This particular group was very in-tune

with what was being discussed and very inquisitive,” Helmick said. “That tells me they’re interested in doing what’s best at heart for victims. Those are the kind of people we need.” Emily Moore, who volunteered roughly 1,000 hours of service last year, has been a victim advocate since 2011. She found her training incredibly valuable, particularly when it came to learning the many legal aspects surrounding sexual assault and understanding the emotion that comes with working with victims. According to her, becoming a victim advocate stands as one of the best decisions she’s made in her own life. “Victim advocates encourage victims to seek medical treatment right away and provide options and resources that are available to them. That’s a huge comfort to those who are still in shock and not sure on how to proceed,” Moore said. “It’s also about empowering victims and letting them know this was not their fault. It’s important to give control back to them. That’s a vital part of the healing process, as well.” A fellow victim advocate since 2008, Air Force Master Sgt. Stacia Rountree, of the Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC), volunteered nearly 1,300 hours

last year to JBAB’s SAPR program. She agreed with Moore that reporting options and understanding the difference between what’s restricted and unrestricted is another integral part of the whole process in helping victims. If a supervisor or anyone in a chain of command is alerted to a sexual assault, military policy states that it must be reported and that the SARC is the only person allowed to assign a victim advocate, Rountree said. She noted the SAPR program and its training courses also have immense value in erasing a stigma that follows anyone who has been sexually assaulted. “The course is vital in educating people. We also want to ensure that survivors know there are people like us that can help,” Rountree said. “Privacy is also an important part of this program. We pride ourselves on confidentiality and letting victims know they have a voice and can speak up. Bottom line, if I’ve had too much to drink, the only thing I expect in the morning is a hangover. Not to be sexually assaulted.” A 24-hour hotline is available at JBAB for anyone looking to report a sexual assault: 202-767-7272.

NAVFAC, Seabees, Civil Engineer Corps celebrate unique heritage FROM NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND PUBLIC AFFAIRS WASHINGTON (NNS) -- More than 500 people assembled in Crystal City, Va. March 9 for the annual celebration of the anniversaries of the Seabees, Civil Engineer Corps (CEC), and Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). NAVFAC Commander and Chief of Civil Engineers Rear Adm. Kate Gregory hosted the special occasion to honor these organizations’ past, present and future. “As we celebrate our storied past and many accomplishments, let us always remember to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and those wounded in service of our country. I am truly blessed to serve with each one of you. May god bless you and your families, the United States Navy, and our nation,” Gregory said. This year’s ball marks the 71st anniversary of the Seabees, the 146th anniversary of the Civil Engineer Corps, and the 171st anniversary of NAVFAC, which was established in 1842 as the Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks. Joan Bennett, widow of Seabee Medal of Honor recipient Construction Mechanic 3rd

Joint Base Journal JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING WASHINGTON, D.C. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DoD civilians and their family members. Contents of Joint Base Journal do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense, U.S. Navy or U.S. Air Force and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Air Force, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling or Comprint Military Publications of the products or services advertised. Published by Comprint Military Publications, a division

Class Marvin Shields, was the guest of honor and keynote speaker at the event. Shields was the first and only Seabee to receive the Medal of Honor. He was also the first Sailor to receive the Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. She spoke of his accomplishments. “Seabees believe he exemplified the ideals of a construction man and a fighting man by making the ultimate sacrifice to save his team members,” Bennett said. “Marvin would have been embarrassed and humbled (to receive the Medal of Honor), and would have been the first to say that so many people did heroic things that day.” During the anniversary celebration, two Seabees were recognized for their outstanding achievements last year by the CEC/Seabee Historical Foundation. The Steelworker 2nd Class Robert D. Stethem Award, recognizing outstanding individual moral courage in support of Seabee traditions while conducting actual operations, went to Builder 1st Class (SCW) Nicholas Mileham of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 11. The Rear Adm. Lewis B. Combs award, named for the Assistant to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks under Adm. Ben Moreell during World War II, and is present-

of Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. The editorial content of Joint Base Journal is edited and approved by the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs Office. Tenant commands and others are encouraged to submit news, high-quality photos and informational items for publication. All submitted content must be received by noon on the Friday prior to publication. E-mail submissions to pbello@dcmilitary.com. To place display advertising, call 240-473-7538. To place classified advertising, call 301-670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

ed to the individual who has made the most outstanding contribution in perpetuating the legacy of Seabee, CEC, and NAVFAC accomplishments and traditions, went to Chief Warrant Officer Christopher Vollmer of the 30th Naval Construction Regiment. Also during the event, the Peggy B. Craig Lifetime Service Award was presented to 11 NAVFAC and Naval Construction Force employees, who were recognized for 20 or more years of “selfless and dedicated” service to NAVFAC, the 1st Naval Construction Division, the Center for Seabees and Facilities Engineering, or any subordinate unit. This year’s winners were: *James Aitken, NAVFAC Public Works Dept. Millington, Tenn.; *Louis DiFilippo, NAVFAC Headquarters; *Patricia Hankins, NAVFAC Atlantic; *Ernesto Hinojosa, NAVFAC Southwest; *Mary Ellen Kuhn, NAVFAC Atlantic; *Ronald Matsuo, NAVFAC Far East; *Arthur Mosley, NAVFAC Public Works Dept. Jacksonville, Fla.; *Carolyn Richard, 1st Naval Construction Division; *Ernest Richardson, NAVFAC Public Works Dept. Washington, D.C.; *Raymond Taylor, NAVFAC Public Works Dept. Silverdale, Wash.; *Robert Whitehorne, NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic.

Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, USN

Col. Michael E. Saunders, USAF

Joseph P. Cirone

Chief Master Sgt. Richard J. Simonsen Jr., USAF


Public Affairs Officer 202-404-7206

Vice Commander

Senior Enlisted Leader

Lt. Cmdr. Jim Remington, USN

Public Affairs Projects

JOINT BASE JOURNAL Paul Bello Photojournalist

COMPRINT MILITARY PUBLICATIONS Maxine Minar President John Rives Publisher Deirdre Parry Copy/Layout Editor


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013

New hours of operation for MWR facilities BY MWR MARKETING JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING, D.C. - Due to recent budget cuts, patrons will see a change in the hours of operation and select services among several Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) MWR facilities effective March 18, 2013.

New Hours of Operation FITNESS CENTER 1

Monday - Friday: 5am-8pm Saturday – Sunday: 10am – 5:30pm Holidays: 10am – 4pm


Monday - Friday: 5am-8pm Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: CLOSED


Monday - Friday: 5am-8pm Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: CLOSED


Monday - Friday: 10am-6pm Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: CLOSED


Monday - Friday: 3-10pm Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: 1 – 8pm


Monday: Appointments only Tuesday – Friday: 11am-7pm Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday & Holidays: CLOSED In addition to the new hours of operation, the Fitness Centers and Aerobics Center will discontinue the free towel service at all

three locations beginning April 1, 2013. Towels will still be available for purchase on site. A small towel costs $2 and a large towel costs $5. Group fitness classes will continue to be offered for a fee of $4 per class, $20 for 8 classes or $50 for 20 classes. Coupons can be purchased at Fitness Center I and are valid for all group fitness classes and do not expire. All classes remain free for activeduty service members. “Even with the recent budget cuts, MWR continues to focus on service members, families, DoD civilians and retirees that we are here to support. We, as an organization and community, continually work together to deliver customer-driven, quality of life programs and services to JBAB,” said Mick McAndrews, Warfighter & Family Readiness deputy director. MWR marketing director, Dawn Sykulla, stated, “It is our goal to bring exciting events to our customers and we will succeed. We have a long list of scheduled upcoming events to give families opportunities to enjoy time together. Current events include the Easter Egg Hunt on Mar. 23, Easter Brunch on Mar. 30, Super Yard Sale on Apr. 6, Earth Day Fun Day on Apr. 20 and Month of the Military Child Celebration on Apr. 26, just to name a few.” For more information on MWR facilities, programs and events visit our Facebook page at www. facebook.com/jointbase or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter. com/jointbase. You can also stay updated by signing up for our weekly E-News. Email us at jbab. marketing@gmail.com.

Joint Base Journal

Air Force suspends military tuition assistance BY STAFF SGT. DAVID SALANITRI AIR FORCE PUBLIC AFFAIRS AGENCY

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- In the wake of sequestration, the Air Force officially suspended military tuition assistance March 11. Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley announced the Air Force has officially suspended military TA for the remainder of fiscal 2013. The program will continue to be evaluated to determine the way ahead in fiscal 2014. The Defense Department’s comptroller issued guidance to all of the services to “consider significant reductions in funding new tuition assistance applicants, effective immediately and for the duration of the current fiscal situation,” said Navy Cmdr. Leslie Hull-Ryde, a Pentagon spokeswoman. The Army and Marine Corps canceled their TA programs March 8. Effective March 11, Airmen are not permitted to submit new requests for TA. Airmen currently enrolled in, or approved for future courses, are not affected and are allowed to complete those courses. “The Air Force has reached a turning point after a decade of war and substantial growth in its operations and resources,” Donley said, adding that the Air Force


has had to make difficult choices to preserve readiness, to include: deep cuts to flying hour programs, cancellation of Air Force training and education programs and civilian furloughs. “This is an additional step the Air Force unfortunately had to take to operate within mandated budget limitations.” “We know how education strengthens our force,” he said. “We encourage Airmen to continue their pursuit of higher education through the variety of programs that are available.” Those include the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty, (Chapter 30), Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606), Reserve

Education Assistance Program (Chapter 1607), the Post 9/11 GI Bill, federal grants and federal financial aid. National Guard Airmen may also be eligible for their state’s individual TA benefits. “Believe me, this was a tough decision because our Air Force truly values education,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Cody. “We’re still looking at the impacts for fiscal year 14 and will do our best to have TA reinstated, although we’ll likely need to review the eligibility requirements to ensure sustainability.” Airmen should contact their local education centers with questions and to get updates.

Women’s History Month Luncheon Tuesday, March 19 12 p.m. Tuskegee Room - The Bolling Club

Air Force (Retired) President Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation

Special guest:

Italian Buffet:

Brig. Gen. Wilma Vaught, U.S

$16 for members

$18 for non-members For more information, contact JBAB Protocol, Karen Smith at 202-767-7710 or karen.f.smith@ navy.mil.


WASHINGTON (NNS) -- While many military installations across the nation concern themselves more and more with energy efficiency, Naval District Washington (NDW) is taking a step further by utilizing innovative technology to improve energy efficiency with the implementation of its Smart Grid Pilot Program. The Navy’s Smart Grid Pilot is comprised of interconnected technologies that collectively intelligently monitor, predict, control, and respond to building and utility management systems. Using Smart Grid technologies, the Navy can adjust energy distribution and controls to lower cost and divert energy to power critical assets during an emergency. “In fiscal year 2012, OPNAV funded the NDW smart grid pilot activity with the goal of establishing foundational capabilities to enable the energy mandates

in a cyber-secure fashion,” said Rear Adm. David Boone, director, Shore Readiness (OPNAV N46). “They have accomplished the development of the smart grid industrial control architecture that has been tested, validated and certified by fleet cyber command for Department of the Navy use. I’m excited about the progress that the NDW Pilot has made in achieving their goals.” The requirements of the NDW Smart Grid Program are to reduce cost and energy consumption, as well as support mission assurance. The core of Smart Grid is a cyber-secure command and control infrastructure for utility and building systems and is a modernized integration of utilities and energy industrial control systems and its infrastructure. “The NDW Smart Grid Pilot will provide information supporting command and control of shore operations including facility, utility, security, and space management enabling the Navy to meet its shore energy goals,”

said Jody Davenport, NDW Smart Grid Pilot Program manager. “NDW Smart Grid will enable the Navy to develop policies to enable the most cost-effective approach to phased Navy-wide enterprise implementation, to include determination of total ownership costs and efficiency gains to inform future budget cycles.” Davenport explained that within NDW, the Smart Grid Pilot Team initially pilots a technology, leveraging existing assets and identifying new opportunities. Independent testing and fleet cyber accreditation ensure a clean solution that can be competitive in the industry for a commercial off-the-shelf acquisition and is part of the pilot process. Once these capabilities have been piloted, the team will deploy them throughout the region to validate the scalability and interoperability and collect data to support a return on investment and savings cost. These projects have already seen success throughout the re-

gion, said Davenport, with more expected. “NDW currently has approximately 90 active projects focused on building the foundational capabilities of the secure network platform, security system integration, advanced metering infrastructure and connectivity, industrial control systems and command and control elements,” Davenport said. “Additionally, the Pilot has competed and won four projects supported by the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program [ESTCP]. For FY-13, the Pilot was selected for two out of 22 selected ESTCPs from the 468 proposals submitted by private firms, universities, and federal agencies. As projects mature, advanced capabilities can be piloted and continue to inform the Navy enterprise.” Davenport said the output of the NDW Smart Grid is a cybersecure environment that enables visibility and control of energy distribution and demand at the individual building, installation,

and regional levels while also assuring the physical security of critical assets. NDW Smart Grid will affect existing Navy investments in systems such as the Public Safety Network, Shore Sensor System Platform Network, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Direct Digital Controls systems, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems, Virtual Perimeter Monitoring System, Navy Emergency Response Management System, and base/building access controls systems to provide an accredited and horizontally integrated environment to enable compliance with federal and Navy mandates. “The interconnection of these technologies will provide decision makers with the capability to intelligently monitor, predict, respond to, and control facility building and utility management systems,” Davenport said. This story is part one of a fourpart series on the NDW Smart Grid Pilot Program.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013


Navy Housing Early Application Tool helps service members make earlier, more informed decisions FROM COMMANDER, NAVY INSTALLATIONS COMMAND PUBLIC AFFAIRS WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Navy Housing offers the Housing Early Application Tool (HEAT), an online tool for service members and their families to get housing information and start the application process. Service members can use HEAT and begin gathering information with or without orders in-hand. The first of its kind for service members and available Navy-wide,

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HEAT connects customers with multiple Navy Housing Service Centers (HSCs) so they can review all of their housing options at any potential duty stations before accepting orders. HEAT can also start the housing application process for those interested in military family housing (privatized, government, and leased). “Service members want to make smart decisions when negotiating their orders, and we recognize that housing cost, types and availability are key to that decision-making process,” said Michael Bowlin, Navy Housing Services program analyst.

“HEAT enables them to research their housing options and make the best choices for both their careers and their family.” Even family members can use HEAT, as it is accessible from any computer. Navy Housing released a short, informational video about HEAT that can be found on the Navy Housing HEAT website. Service members and their families can visit the website to begin their housing search online and to contact their next HSC at www. cnic.navy.mil/HEAT.


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Andrews kicks off Air Force Assistance Fund campaign BY STAFF SGT. TOREY GRIFFITH 11TH WING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- Stars and Stripes filled the Distinguished Visitor’s Lounge as senior officer and enlisted leaders from around the installation gathered to kick off the 2013 Air Force Assistance Fund campaign here, highlighting the importance of “Airmen helping Airmen.” The AFAF was established more than 70 years ago as an annual effort to raise funds for the charitable affiliates that provide support to any member of the Air Force family--active duty, retirees, reservists, guardsmen and their dependents, including surviving spouses--in need. “The Air Force Assistance Fund is unique among charities in that it focuses solely on current and former Airmen and their families.” said Lt. Col. Jason Wollard, Joint Base Andrews AFAF project officer. “Through AFAF, we have the opportunity to be that wingman to surviving widows and widowers, spouses, and eligible Airmen and family members in need. It is our honor to be able to extend a helping hand to those in our Air Force family who may be facing tough times.” Team Andrews members may choose between four charity or-

ganizations: The Air Force Aid Society, which grants around $20M each year to some 40,000 Airmen and family members; the Air Force Enlisted Village, which provides more than $1.1M annually to the spouses of current and former enlisted members; Air Force Villages (AFV), which cares for the widows and widowers of officers; and the General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation (LEMAY), which cares for widowers and widowed spouses whose incomes fall below the poverty line. This years’ campaign runs from March 18 through April 26. AFAF representatives from each unit aim to offer every member the chance to donate. Cash in any amount is accepted and encouraged, as are donations by check or payroll deduction. Anyone may help Airmen, regardless of their military status--active duty, reserve, Air National Guard, retiree, civilian, contractor. All that is required is the desire to help. “Donating to AFAF is really easy,” said Master Sgt. Russell Foley, assistant project officer for Joint Base Andrews’ 2013 campaign. “For my donation, I visited http://www.afassistancefund. org/fund/form.cfm and filled out the contribution form online. I printed it, signed it, added my social, and e-mailed it to my unit POC. It took less than two minutes to complete and I know the dona-


Air Force senior leaders come together to kick-off the 2013 Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) campaign at Joint Base Andrews, Md., March 4. AFAF raises funds for charitable affiliates that provide support to Air Force families in need. tion will help my Air Force family.” To inaugurate the 2013 AFAF campaign, the 11th Wing is slated to host a two mile “fun run” on March 18, which begins at 11:00 a.m. at the Military Personnel Flight track. All Team Andrews

members are welcome to participate. Donations to any of the four AFAF charities will be accepted at the start/finish line. “The success of Air Force Assistance Fund depends on the willingness of Airmen to take care

of their own,” said Wollard. “Any donation, no matter how great or small, makes a difference.” For more information about the AFAF, contact your unit AFAF rep or visit http://www.afassistancefund.org/#.

Dempsey: Education provides foundation of democracy BY AMAANI LYLE AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - Describing himself as both a student and a teacher, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stressed the importance of education in remarks last night at the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C.hosted annual education gala. “There’s nothing more important in democracy than education,” Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said in his keynote address. “Most democracies succeed because education provides the foundation.” “What makes our country great is that we dare to be great,” Dempsey said. “Part of being a leader is a deep dedication to lifelong learning. If you don’t continue to learn, you’re stagnant and you fall behind.” The general called himself the military’s “highest-ranking student” and said he is on a “personal campaign of learning” that enables the armed forces to benefit from insights he gains through industry, academia and nonprofit organizations. Noting that earlier in his career he taught at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., Dempsey


Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaks at the World Affairs Council of Washington D.C.’s annual education gala, March 7. said he also considers himself the highest-ranking teacher in the armed forces, engaging in ongoing dialogue with other senior leaders to explore educational growth in the military. The chairman emphasized his commitment to education and the people who need it to help in scripting the future. “We care because we know

that education is a national strategic resource,” he said. “Education is what feeds the hot fusion of innovation of trust, commerce and what makes our nation great. It illuminates the path to our greatness.” The performance of American students and teachers has a direct impact on the prosperity of the nation, Dempsey said. “In a

time when the acoustic telegraph has evolved into a high-powered computer that fits into your pocket, … education is the price of admission into an increasingly competitive global economic marketplace,” he added. In addition, the chairman said, the quality of educational institutions has a direct impact on national security. “The military is a customer of our nation’s education system,” he explained. Hundreds of thousands of the young men and women who matriculate through today’s classrooms move on to lead tomorrow’s squadrons and ships, he said. What the military learns matters, Dempsey maintained. “War remains a contest of wills,” he said. “Preventing wars and winning wars calls on us to outmaneuver our potential adversaries by out-thinking them.” Today’s forces understand that an international environment isn’t optional, the chairman said, noting that young service members must solve some of the world’s most challenging, complex problems, often in difficult locations. The more they understand the history, the culture

and the power dynamics in play, he added, the better and more enduring the results. Over nearly a dozen years of war, the general said, the ingenuity, imagination and intellect of those who wear the nation’s uniform have delivered outcomes. “In Iraq and Afghanistan, we gave them tremendous responsibilities, pushing capability and even authority to the very edge of the battlefield, to the lowest levels of command,” he added. Having performed admirably with responsibility and authority that formerly belonged only to high-ranking leaders, Dempsey said, today’s veterans have much to offer. Veterans who share their knowledge with industry and institutions as leaders, mentors, guest lecturers and advisors can have a profound effect on educational and national security endeavors, he added. “As these soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen return home, … we have to keep challenging them,” the chairman said. “We need to leverage this incredible resource to drive their energy and curiosity into productive pursuits that benefit the entire nation.”

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013


First AF woman 4-star comes full circle BY AIR FORCE NEWS SERVICE FORT MEADE, Md. (AFNS) -- Young Janet Libby was definitely someone going places at Beavercreek High School near Dayton, Ohio. She was in the National Honor Society, on both the German and Ski clubs and a soccer athlete as well. But even those friends and well-wishers who would have signed her senior yearbook with words like “you’ll go far,” and “you’ll be a success in life,” could never have imagined that the young daughter of an Air Force pilot would go on to become the first female in the Air Force to attain the rank of four-star general, and only the second in military history. Today, Gen. Janet C. Wolfenbarger has come full circle from those Beavercreek roots as the commander of the Air Force Materiel Command, a major command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, just a few miles from where she graduated from high school. She is responsible for more than 80,000 Airmen and civilians worldwide, along with a $60 billion annual budget, leading an organization that supports the warfighting efforts through state-of-the-art technology, weapon systems management, systems development and evaluation and a global supply-chain management system. It didn’t take long following her graduation from high school for Wolfenbarger to make her mark. After a suggestion from her dad a year earlier, she applied and was accepted in 1976 into the first class at the Air Force Academy to accept women. “The Air Force Academy was an opportunity for me to be stretched in so many ways: physically, mentally and emo-


Gen. Janet C. Wolfenbarger has come full circle to become the first female in the Air Force to attain the rank of fourstar general, and only the second in military history.

tionally,” Wolfenbarger said at a women’s conference in San Diego in 2011. “It was an opportunity to prove to myself that, in fact, I could withstand those kinds of experiences, and come out on the other end realizing that I was far more capable than I ever thought I would be. The experience gave me a belief in myself that I have relied upon ever since.” Commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1980, she has spent most of her career in the acquisition field, leaving her imprint on the purchase, testing and implementation of the F-22 Raptor, the B-2 Spirit and the C-17 Globemaster III

programs. She went on to earn a master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in aeronautics and astronautics. Although Wolfenbarger is proud of her accomplishments and the direction women are headed in the Air Force, she said that she never wanted to be recognized for simply being a woman. “I wanted to do well and be recognized because I worked hard,” said Wolfenbarger. “I did the very best I could at every job I held.” During the early 1980s, when Wolfenbarger was in the early stages of her career, she told stories of women who could be discharged for getting pregnant or even adopting a child. There were also many more career fields closed to women at the time. She believes that over the past three decades, women have made tremendous strides. “We now have, not only maternity leave, but also paternity leave for our service members,” she said. “Also, when I joined, there were a host of career fields closed to women, but we can now, as a service, proudly say that we have 97 percent of our career fields open to women.” Even though Wolfenbarger believes many women entering the Air Force today may take for granted their equal status, she said there are still areas of progress yet to be overcome. “I think one of our challenges when we serve our country is that there is such a drive to support our nation in whatever mission we are assigned. I think there has to be a constant reminder that we all have to search for that work and life balance because, in the end, it is our families, our friends and our health that we have to rely on when our careers are over.”


LEXINGTON PARK, Md. - Each Thursday after the final class bell, the media center at Spring Ridge Middle School fills up with 24 eager blue-shirted students and their committed NAS Patuxent River mentors for an afternoon of problem solving, learning and just plain fun-all part of a Department of Defense youth program known as STARBASE 2.0. STARBASE 2.0, an extension of STARBASE-Atlantis Academy, is an after-school program that mentors at-risk youth and introduces them to activities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. “Our purpose is to get these kids involved in something at school that gives them a positive attitude toward school and introduces them to activities they may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience,” explained Julie Guy, director of STARBASE-Atlantis Academy at Pax River. This year’s program focuses on robotics and meets two hours after school, each week, for ten weeks. Using LEGO Mindstorm kits, the kids must first build a robot and then program it to carry out a series of five mini-challenges developed by Guy, an educator by profession. The challenges demonstrate how well the robots have been programmed to accurately perform tasks such as moving forward, stopping, pivoting, traveling a specified distance, maneuvering a maze or being sensitive to light and touch. The students, a mixture of boys and girls from grades 6 through 8, are broken into teams of three and each team works with one or two mentors who direct them, give suggestions and answer questions. “Our volunteer mentors are all Pax River engineers-some civilian, some military,” Guy said. “They encourage the students by pointing out their strengths and giving positive feedback. They push them to realize their own potential so they can nurture it in themselves and set goals to be successful in life.” Jazz Parker, also known by his STARBASE 2.0 call name, “DJ Jazzy Jazz,” initially got into the program because he “likes building LEGOs and thought it would be neat to try a robot.”

Now, after just a few weeks, he has impressed himself with his accomplishments so far. “It was really hard, but I’ve learned a lot already,” he said. While Myla “Elmo” Davis ran her robot through a distance challenge on one side of the room, and other students were busily hunched over computer screens and notebooks on the other side, Myles “Terminator” Davis sat at a desk attempting to modify the wheels on his team’s robot. “The axle is bumping into the chassis, limiting the robot’s ability to turn around,” explained his mentor, Blaine Summers, project engineer with NAWCAD Special Communications Requirements Division. “He’s trying longer shafts to extend the axle below the chassis to see if that will work out the problem.” Summers, like all of the program’s mentors, became involved because he wanted to share his passion and experience with the kids. “We get to teach them about engineering in a fun, collaborative environment,” he said. “They get so caught up in the excitement of the robots, they don’t realize they’re learning and practicing key problem solving and engineering principles.” Guy believes that when the students see the mentors’ enthusiasm, it helps them realize that work can be fun. “The mentors show these kids how the engineering process can be related to real world careers, how school subjects are important to what they can do in their own life, and how math and science fit into the work environment,” she said. “They demonstrate that work doesn’t just have to be work, it can also be fun. When the students see the mentors are excited, it helps make them more excited.” There are 76 STARBASE locations nationwide, each at a different military site in all branches of the armed services, including 15 Navy STARBASE-Atlantis academies. Opened in fall 2007, the Pax River academy is the Navy’s newest. For information on the Navy academies visit www.netc.navy.mil/community/starbase/; or to learn more about the DOD STARBASE 2.0 program, visit www.dodstarbase.org.


Spring Ridge Middle School STARBASE 2.0 student participant Jose “Dark Eagle” Martinez, lower left, cheers on his team’s robot during a performance challenge. STARBASE 2.0 is an after-school program offering opportunities for students to explore hands-on STEM activities.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal


WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The U.S. Navy honored two unknown Sailors, found inside the sunken USS Monitor during an expedition to recover artifacts in 2002, with an interment ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, March 8. Special guests at the ceremony included Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Kathryn Sullivan and James McPherson, professor of American History, emeritus, Princeton University. Mabus spoke on the sacrifice the Sailors made during the Civil War and the importance of honoring the crew who paved the way for the modern Navy. “This ceremony also honors every individual who ever put to sea in defense of our country,” Mabus said. “From the Marblehead men who rowed Washington across the Delaware, to these brave souls, to those who serve today in nuclear-powered carriers and submarines, Sailors have always been the same; they are at heart risk-takers, willing -- even eager -- to brave the unknown to peer past distant horizons.” The date for the ceremony was chosen to recognize a historic day in naval history, the day Monitor arrived in Hampton Roads before its famous battle with Confederate iron clad CSS Virginia which took place 151 years ago March 9, 1962. Known as the Battle of Hampton Roads, it was the first fight between two iron-armored ships. Although the battle


One of two Sailors recovered from the ironclad USS Monitor is escorted by Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class Nathaniel Crow, a member of the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, during a funeral service at Arlington National Cemetery. ended in a draw, Monitor fulfilled her orders to protect the Union ship Minnesota. “This was one of the most important naval battles in history, one of those rare occasions when technology raced ahead of our understanding of how to fully employ it,” said Capt. Henry Hendrix, director of Naval History and Heritage Command. “The battle between USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia will always serve as an anchor point for U.S. naval history.” The Monitor would only serve until Dec. 31, 1862 when she sank near Cape Hatteras, off the coast of North Carolina. She remained sunken for 112 years until the wreckage was discovered in 1974, and was designated the nation’s first national marine sanctuary. In 2002, during an expedition to recover the ship’s gun turret, the remains of two


Relatives of Sailors killed aboard the ironclad USS Monitor offer their last respects during a funeral service at Arlington National Cemetery. Monitor sank off Cape Hatteras, N.C., in 1862. Sailors were discovered and transported to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC). During Sullivan’s remarks to the more than 200 who attended the chapel service, she read a letter written by Dr. Grenville Weeks, the surgeon aboard the Monitor, which expressed his feelings on losing the sunken ship and his devotion to ensure she is remembered by future generations. “Just as the crew of the Monitor fought tirelessly to keep their ‘old-time knight in armor’ afloat that day, so have many worked tirelessly since her loss to fulfill Dr. Weeks’ commitment to the ship, and her crew and to the 16 souls who were lost that night,” Sullivan said. “Today we take another somber step, laying two of her Sailors to rest in the hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery. As we do so, let us all reaffirm our own commitment, to forever remember the work of the Monitor and to ensure her story is told to our children’s children.” With the help of facial reconstruction created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Louisiana State


University’s Forensic Anthropology and Computer Enhancement Services Laboratory, JPAC continues to search for the identity of the two Sailors. In keeping with the Navy’s tradition to honor a service member’s final resting place, possible descendants of 30 family members from 10 different families, confirmed through a biological profile created by JPAC, were invited to take part in the ceremony. “It’s amazing -- what they went through and what we have today, and it’s a blessing to be here to pay final tribute to the [service members] who have given their lives to help us have a better life,” said Jamie Nicklis, descendant of Jacob Nicklis, one of the 16 Sailors honored during the ceremony. “It was a beautiful service that they provided for us, and we are very thankful for the government and our country and for all the families here today.” The unknown Sailors and 14 other crew members who died as the Monitor sank will be memorialized on a group marker in section 46 of the cemetery.

Joint Base Journal

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and Liberty has plenty fun filled activities that will help promote a healthier lifestyle. March 16: National Health and Fitness ;zxExpo: Join us as we venture out to the National Health and Fitness Expo at the Washington Convention Center that features interactive activities, educational sessions and speakers. Location: Washington Convention Center Time: Noon

Story Time

Tuesdays and Thursdays|10am | Library March 2013 themes include: March 19: Its Spring Time! March 21: Meet Clara Barton March 26: Be the Artist! Me Frida March 28: Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Preteen Ice Skating at Pentagon Row

March 16 | 2 to 7pm | Youth Center | Ages 9-12 Join the JBAB Youth Center Staff for an afternoon of outdoor ice skating at the Pentagon Row Ice Skating Plaza. The cost for this great afternoon is $10 plus $$ for a late afternoon dinner at a nearby fast food restaurant. Each member will be responsible for their admission plus $$ for dinner and a smart trip card. Please call the front desk to sign up, as space is limited.

March Fitness Challenge: Pull Ups

March 20 | Fitness center I Challenge yourself and test your upper body strength!


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

MWR calendar

Wii Wipe Out Challenge Night

March 22 | 8 to 10pm | Youth Center | Ages 9-18 Have you taken the Wii Wipe Out Challenge? If not, we have an opportunity for you to join us for an evening of playing Wii Wipe Out! Sign up at the front desk.

Liberty Paintball Trip

March 23 | 8am | Southern Maryland Paintball Pull out a camouflage suit, grab a gun and get ready for some paintball action! Join Liberty for some action where you will have to duck, roll and run for your life as your fire back at the opposing team. Need equipment? $25 for admission, paintball gun, mask, harness, air and paintballs. Have your own? $15 for admission and paintballs.

Zumba Fiesta

March 23 | 9am to Noon | Fitness Center I Let’s party! Zumba is one of the largest dance fitness programs in the world and we have it for you at the JBAB Fitness Center. Come join us for a fun-filled, calorie-burning, party-rockin`, 3-hour dancecrazed event. Enjoy the latest sounds and moves—hip-hop, samba, salsa, meringue and mambo. Refreshments will be served. Contact Michael Pitts (Michael.a.pitts@ navy.mil) for more information

Base Wide Easter Egg Hunt

March 23 | 9:30 to 11:35am | JBAB Soccer Field Bring your Easter basket for a morning of hunting colored Easter Eggs on the JBAB soccer field by the base track. Children will be placed into appropri-

ate age groups. The Easter Eggs will offer a sweet reward to those collected by the children and a select few eggs will hold a special prize. Parents don’t forget to bring your camera to capture those special moments with the Easter Bunny. Easter Egg Hunt Schedule 9:30am - 2 years old and under 9:50am- 3 to 4 years old 10:10am- 5 to 6 years old 10:30am- 7 to 10 years old 10:50am- 12 years old and up

Triple Play Jump Rope Challenge

March 23 | 6 to 9pm | Youth Center Gym Come and test your jump rope skills! All preteens and teens are invited to come. Sign up at the front desk.

Teen Dance

March 30 | 6:30 to 10:30pm | Youth Center | Ages 13-18 | Sign up by March 29 Dance the night away at the Youth Center! Signed permission slips are needed for this event. Cost for each member is $7 and $10 for guests. Each member can bring up to three (3) guests with signed permission slips and a payment of $10. Current membership forms are needed.

Easter Brunch

March 31 | Two Seatings: 11am and 1pm | Bolling Club Make your reservations now for the Bolling Club Easter Brunch Buffet! The brunch will include a carving station with roasted turkey, baked ham, and prime rib as well as, baked chicken, fish, seafood newburg, assorted vegetables and potatoes. We will also offer a full break-

Friday, March 15, 2013


fast menu to include waffles, French toast, scrambled eggs, eggs benedict, bacon and sausage. Our dessert and salad bars will also be available. The brunch also includes coffee, tea, iced tea and juice. Bring your camera because we’ll have a special guest! Price for Club Members: $26.95 NonMembers: $30.95 (Children 6-11 are ½ price and children 5 and under are free)

Easter Sunday March 31 | 3pm | Liberty Center Join Liberty as we celebrate Easter with Easter egg decorating and a competitive Easter egg hunt! Plus fun prizes, snacks and refreshments.

Atlantic City Day Trip April 13 & May 18 | 8am to 10pm Is Lady Luck on your side? Join ITT as we head to Atlantic City, NJ for the day! Walk the boardwalk, shop at the outlets, test your luck at the casino and dine at a new restaurant. For information on the casino and casino credit, please contact the ITT office. Price: $38.75 per person

Day in New York City April 27 & July 20 | 6am to Midnight We are headed to New York City! Enjoy the city either sightseeing, catching a Broadway show or shopping until you drop. Reserve your seat today. Price: $48.75 per person


Friday, March 15, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal


Miscellaneous items related to your health, your career, your life and your community Navy Wives Clubs of America The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@me.com or visit our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/ NWCA37.

JBAB Girl Scouts Calling all Girls! Girls registered in Kindergarten - 12th grade this fall and interested in joining should contact JBABgirlscouts@yahoo.com. The troop meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the community center on Chappie James Blvd at 6 p.m. Girl Scouts; building girls with confidence, character and courage for 100 years.

Toastmasters Club seeks members The Bolling Toastmasters Club is avail-

able for everyone on JBAB as a place to practice your leadership skills. Toastmasters clubs are where leaders are made, and leadership starts with good communication. The program is self-paced, and it works. The Bolling Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the JBAB Chapel Center. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Jim Queen at 301452-6931.

JBAB photo studio closure The JBAB Public Affairs photo studio is closed until further notice. For official studio photography support, contact 11th Wing Public Affairs at 240-612-4430.

Change to Firth-Sterling Gate operations The Firth-Sterling gate is closed on weekends. Once the gate’s automated features become available, the gate will be accessible by any CAC card holder 24/7 during normal FPCON “A” conditions.



Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday 9:10 a.m. Chapel Center


Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Wednesday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Thursday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Friday 7 a.m. Chapel Center

Saturday 5 p.m. Chapel Center Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday Worship

Gospel 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center General Protestant 11 a.m. Chapel 2

Sunday School

Sept - May 9:30-10:30 a.m. Any questions about these services or other religious needs call 202-767-5900

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, March 15, 2013




Friday, March 15, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

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