Jbj 091313

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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 35

September 13, 2013

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9/11 — WE STILL REMEMBER WHY WE PROUDLY SERVE Joint Base remembers victims, first responders BY PAUL BELLO


WASHINGTON – Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) paused Wednesday to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, as well as recognize the emergency responders that captured America’s strength and resiliency in the face of its greatest tragedy. To mark the 12th anniversary of that fateful day, JBAB leaders, police, fire and other civilian personnel, converged at the center of MacDill Boulevard for a remembrance ceremony that included a solemn bell ringing for each of the hijacked planes and the playing of taps by a member of the installation’s Air Force Honor Guard. Following prayers by Navy Chaplain (Cmdr.) Wes Sloat, JBAB command chaplain, and Air Force Reserve Chaplain Jeff Schlenz, JBAB Commander Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra added that while that day created a nationwide panic, it also

The American flag flies at half staff in memory of those who lost their lives that fateful day. led to one of America’s finest hours. “When reflecting on the terror, fire and confusion of September 11th, some would say it was a dark day for America but I submit it was one of our finest hours, as the confusion and fear waned quickly and was replaced with a renewed patriotism and sense of unity,” said Calandra. “Today it is important we remember the terror so it is not repeated but it is more important to memorialize those heroes who fell that day, the victims and the first responders.”


Personnel from Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling pause for a moment of silence Wednesday during its Sept. 11 remembrance ceremony off MacDill Boulevard.

Help create an ACE: Mentors needed for local school STEM program BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON – School is officially in session for students, parents and teachers around the district. It also signifies another year for the successful Area Coalitions for Education – Excellence (ACE-E) program at schools in nearby Ward 8. ACE-E is a non-profit organization that supports underprivileged children by providing technology-based mentoring, supporting the DOD’s emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) in local public schools near military bases and other federal installations. The program was introduced to

the Washington, D.C. area two years ago at Leckie Elementary School and Hart Middle School. Since its introduction, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) service members have volunteered their time as mentors to students in grades 2-5. JBAB Commander Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra is an ACE-E volunteer mentor along with his wife, Tamara. He started with the program shortly after taking command and said it’s one of the most rewarding things he’s ever done in his career. He’s hoping many fellow service members, civilian employees and contractors join him again this year and help mentor a young boy or girl. “When kids see someone in a military

uniform walk into their school, it motivates them and changes the entire atmosphere. It’s a big deal when someone wants to spend time with them,” Calandra told a group of prospective volunteers earlier this week. “Most of these kids have never even been out of Ward 8. If we can help improve the school, that goes a long way to improving our community.” Based on the program’s structure, Calandra said a student who completes three separate computer-related projects with a score of 90 or better will receive a free laptop computer courtesy of ACE-E. Projects include writing a student biography or résumé using Microsoft Word, developing an independent living budget through an Excel


spreadsheet and later presenting their résumé and other information to ACE-E board members and trustees through a PowerPoint presentation. A banquet is then held at the program’s conclusion to congratulate students and thank volunteers for a job well done. “I’m looking forward to volunteering this year because the program has reason,” said retired Air Force Col. Richard Cooper, who works on JBAB as a member of the region’s Civil Air Patrol. “It’s very rewarding. It also means a lot to know these kids value what I have to say.” Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer mentor with this year’s ACE-E program, email anthony.calandra@navy.mil.

Joint Task Force commander visits joint base

Fall savings for commissaries’ regular hours

JBAB remembers 9/11

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Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 13, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Navy Housing Joint Task Force commander visits joint base launches annual satisfaction survey FROM COMMANDER NAVY INSTALLATIONS COMMAND NAVY HOUSING OFFICE From Sigonella to Sasebo, Whidbey Island to Wallops Island, and everywhere in between, Commander, Navy Installations Command’s Navy Housing Office and its privatized housing partners are gearing up for their annual resident satisfaction survey (RSS). The annual survey, which is mailed to residents of military housing at the end of August, asks residents to provide feedback and thoughts regarding their Navy Housing experience. The RSS measures all aspects of customer satisfaction with Navy Housing, including our staff services, the condition of the homes and barracks, and other provided amenities such as loaner furnishings and the use of housing community centers. A comment card accompanies the surveys, and residents are encouraged to mention particular issues and request follow-up as a way to seek resolution of these issues. “Navy Housing is a customer-focused organization, and hearing from our customers is critical for us to understand and meet their needs,” said Cindy Mogan, Navy Housing RSS project manager. “We encourage everyone that receives an RSS to take the time to complete and send it in. It’s an easy way to give us impor-


Family housing surveys must be returned by Oct. 21; unaccompanied housing survey must be returned by Nov. 12.

tant and anonymous feedback on how we’re doing.” The RSS is also used to target funding for facility and amenity improvements. “Our residents play a vital role in improving the services and facilities we provide,” said William Pearson, acting Navy Housing program director. “RSS results assist housing professionals to prioritize projects that best meet service members’ needs.” Service members living in family housing will receive their surveys late August, early September depending on location and it must be returned by Oct. 21. The family housing survey can be filled out and returned by mail or electronically on the survey website, and a link to the website will be included in the survey. Service members living in unaccompanied housing will receive their survey by mail the second week of September and must be returned by Nov. 12. This survey is available by mail only. For more information about the RSS, visit www.cnic. navy.mil/HousingSurvey.


Commander, Joint Task Force - National Capital Region, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan arrives at Joint Base AnacostiaBolling from a Coast Guard Station Washington boat on Sept. 5 to meet with Coast Guard and Navy representatives.

Navy fitness reports, evaluation changes: See how they affect you BY MC1 XANDER GAMBLE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY

WASHINGTON - Navy fitness reports and evaluations continue to change as Navy priorities and requirements evolve; with each change comes a clear definition of what it takes to be a 5.0 Sailor. Now it will take more. Navy Leaders need to do more to prevent sexual assault and harassment, according to Vice Adm. William Moran, chief of naval personnel. This has prompted an update to the way annual evaluations are written, holding Navy leaders responsible for developing a climate of transparency and accountability. A recently released NAVADMIN, effective immediately, lays out these changes. “The accountability aspect of that is, in part, dealt with in how we hold people accountable in writing, and also give credit to people in writing for those that are doing great things in the fleet,” Moran said. With the new instruction, Sailors will be held accountable on their evaluations and fitness reports for command climate. For officers, petty officers, and below, the blocks set aside for Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity (block

35 enlisted, 34 officer) and Military Bearing/Character (block 36 enlisted, 35 officer) will be tied to sexual assault and harassment prevention efforts. For the chiefs, this is related to Professionalism (block 35) and Character (block 37). To receive high marks in these categories, Sailors will have to prove their efforts in promoting a positive command climate. The change to the evaluations and fitness reports show that sexual assault prevention is more than an annual training topic. It requires Sailors to be proactive in their approach at all times. “It is the Navy’s way of showing Sailors that we’re serious,” said Ens. Melissa Caban, on the USS Hue City (CG-66). Caban said that during the six years she spent as an enlisted Sailor, the annual sexual assault prevention training got her to the point where she is not embarrassed to talk about it with her Sailors. “It is to make sure that the commanding officers and those that are responsible for writing fitness reports and evaluations are addressing the climate and the culture of commands that are encouraging ... supporting the right kind of behaviors that we all would agree are part of who we are as Sailors and that are consistent with our core values,” Moran said. “Now that we are a more con-

scious Navy,” said hospitalman Carlos Rangel-Manjia, at the Medical Education Training Campus, “we know what the indicators [of sexual assault] are, how to communicate it in the command, be able to report it if it happens, or report it if one becomes a victim of it.” Regarding sexual assault prevention, Logistics Specialist 1st Class (EXW) Jamie Osborne, at the precommissioning Detachment Zumwalt (DDG-1000), said, “It’s coming along; it’s just not there yet.” “It’s a beginning,” Rangel-Majia said. “We still have to be more preventive.” “Sailors will look at this and say, ‘are there ways that I can get involved. That I can help to a greater degree - allow me to contribute to an overall positive command climate,’” Moran said. “The more we stand behind, and we help push, and we talk about it, the more people will understand how serious it all really is,” Osborne said. This puts emphasis on the Sailorevery Sailor-to work hard to improve command climate. “We want commanders to be held accountable and to hold their Sailors accountable for both the positive and the negative aspects of creating the right command climates,” Moran said.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 13, 2013

Memory’s requiem: 12 years after 9/11


JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS, Va. (AFNS) -- She held the Airfone receiver close to her mouth and spoke in a clear, concise manner. “The cockpit’s not answering,” the flight attendant said as her voice wavered slightly. “Somebody’s stabbed in business class, and um, I think there is mace that we can’t breathe. I don’t know, I think we’re getting hijacked.” For the next four minutes, Betty Ong stayed on the Airfone and tried her best to communicate what was happening inside American Airlines Flight 11. “Somebody’s calling medical and we can’t get a doc…,” Ong’s voice was replaced by the metallic beep of a disconnected call. She never got the chance to call back. Twenty-seven minutes later, at 8:46 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, the airplane piloted by Egyptian hijacker, Mohamed Atta, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, which stood in the heart of New York City. Hundreds of people, including everyone on board Flight 11, were instantly killed when the fully-fueled Boeing 767 jet erupted into a ball of fire that rained ash and debris on the city below. Nearly three miles away, across New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, a 17-year-old girl was in gym class at the Science Skills Center High School for Science, Technology and the Creative Arts, when she saw a plume of smoke rising from the direction of Manhattan. “I left class, went outside and saw a dark cloud coming up from Manhattan,” said Master Sgt. Oniqua White-Muldrow, as she vividly recalled events from 12 years ago. “I was scared because no one knew what was going on. Planes were crashing, buildings were getting hit – it was horrifying.” In a daze, Muldrow left the gymnasium and walked outside, her eyes scanning the area looking for some kind of explanation. Settling her gaze on the massive spires of the bridge, she saw what first began as a trickle of people making their way toward Brooklyn. The trickle quickly turned into a stream, and eventually a river, as men and women fled the city – unable to use the nowdisabled public transportation system. “They were all gray, covered in ash and blood,” she said. “They looked like zombies, walking across the bridge and asking for the nearest hospital.” Utterly shocked at the scene before her, Muldrow turned and walked toward her English classroom, where the television was already tuned to the horrific event.

Two-thousand-nine-hundred-twentynine miles away at McChord Air Force Base, Wash., Airman 1st Class Jonathan Williams was getting ready for work when his suitemate began furiously banging on the door between their rooms. “Dude, turn on the TV!” Williams’ suitemate, Airman 1st Class Jason Haley shouted, through the door. “What man?” Williams, now a staff sergeant stationed at Langley Air Force Base, Va., asked. “We’ve got to go to work.” “Just turn on the TV!” Haley shouted again. Frustrated, Williams remembered clicking his television on and staring in awe as he watched a replay of Flight 11 striking the World Trade Center. “I thought it was a joke at first,” Williams said, recalling his initial reaction. As the graphic scene replayed over and over, Williams said he kept telling himself that this was some kind of sick prank. Then, as if to shock him back to reality, the sirens throughout McChord began to wail menacingly. “The whole base was put on lockdown,” Williams said. “It was straight craziness! There were cops manning .50-calibers mounted to Humvees blocking the main entrance.” Unable to leave due to the lockdown, Williams sat in his room, mesmerized by the television. He shook his head and asked himself how this could have happened. “We live in America, we have the best of everything,” Williams said. “I thought that there was no way this could have happened. I was wrong. I was really, really wrong.” As Williams watched the news from his dorm room across the country, Muldrow and the rest of her English class were taken to the roof, by their teacher, for a better look. “We had a clear view,” Muldrow said. “When I looked at the building I saw these tiny specks falling from the hole.” Muldrow paused, swallowing hard to force the lump in her throat down. “I thought it was ash,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief at the still-vivid memory. “I don’t know why I thought it would be falling ash. It was people. They were jumping to their deaths.” She paused again as her eyes began to water. “There were so many dots.” Muldrow turned from the horror and made her way back into the school, just as the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 began its sharp descent from the skies above into lower Manhattan. Inside the cabin, former Air Force fighter pilot Brian Sweeney tried to call his wife, Julie.

Joint Base Journal JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING WASHINGTON, D.C. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE: PHONE: 202-767-4781 EMAIL: JOSEPH.CIRONE@NAVY.MIL This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DoD civilians and their family members. Contents of Joint Base Journal do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense, U.S. Navy or U.S. Air Force and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Air Force, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling or Comprint

“I thought that there was no way this could have happened. I was wrong. I was really, really wrong.” Airman 1st Class Jonathan Williams “If things don’t go well, and it’s not looking good, I want you to know I absolutely love you,” Brian said to the answering machine at 8:59 a.m. Four minutes later, Brian, and everyone on board Flight 175, was killed when the plane slammed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. At McChord AFB, Williams, who had been released from the dorms, watched the television at his office in stunned horror as a second plane crashed into the twin towers. “The entire office got silent,” Williams said. “It was ominous – everything sunk in at that point. I still get butterflies in the pit of my stomach, like it was yesterday.” Feeling butterflies of her own, Muldrow sat with her classmates as WCBS 880 Radio described reports of the South Tower strike. “It’s exploding right now, Tommy,” the announcer said. “We’re seeing another plane... It’s been another one.” Muldrow began to cry just as a strong hand reached out to her. She turned and saw her older brother, who had left work to come find her. “I don’t know how he did it,” Muldrow said. “He found me through all the chaos and the sea of students and teachers.” As Muldrow and her brother left the school and started the 90-minute walk through the city to his job, Keisha Pearson was riding the bus home from her school on Long Island, still trying to process the news she received earlier while at her own school. “They wouldn’t let us turn on the TV or see what was going on while we were in class,” recalled Pearson, now a second lieutenant in the Air Force. “None of us believed it. We didn’t understand what it meant.” As the wheels bounced along the road leading from Bellport High School, Pearson’s thoughts drifted back to when she first heard the news from the school faculty. The doors were shut and locked as students hid under their desks.

Military Publications of the products or services advertised. Published by Comprint Military Publications, a division of Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. The editorial content of Joint Base Journal is edited and approved by the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs Office. Tenant commands and others are encouraged to submit news, high-quality photos and informational items for publication. All submitted content must be received by noon on the Friday prior to publication. E-mail submissions to Joseph.Cirone@navy.mil. To place display advertising, call 240-473-7538. To place classified advertising, call 301-670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

“It was crazy, a bunch of people began screaming and crying,” Pearson said. “The school thought we were still in immediate danger. It was a total lockdown.” The bus lurched to a stop, snapping Pearson back into the moment. Both she and her brother stepped off the vehicle and bolted for the relative safety of their home, her thoughts turning to their mother and father, who had not yet come home from work. Fortunately for Pearson, neither of her parents worked at the towers. Another girl in her class had not been so lucky. “She sat next to me,” Pearson said, as she searched her memory for more details. “The teacher hurried to take her away after they broke the news – both her mom and dad had been killed in the World Trade Center.” Not long after she walked in the door, Pearson’s mother came home, wrapping both son and daughter in her arms. Together, they huddled on the master bed, waiting for Pearson’s father to come home while watching their world come undone on the television. The first time Pearson saw what had truly happened was when the screen flickered to life and a replayed image of Flight 11 crashing into the North Tower flashed across her 13-year-old eyes. “All they had told us at school was that a plane had crashed into the towers,” she said. “They didn’t - they couldn’t describe the destruction it had caused.” For Pearson, seeing the carnage on television was not the worst part of the day - it was the smell. When the wind shifted, it brought the acrid, caustic fumes wafting from ground zero. “It smelled like…” Pearson paused. “Burning chemicals – it was really bad. We could smell it all the way in Long Island.” The odor lingered long after her father came home and huddled together with his wife and children. “We weren’t sure what would happen next,” Pearson said. “If we were going to die, we wanted to be with our families at the end.” They all sat together, leaning on one another and praying the worst was over. Then, nearly 387 miles away, Hani Hanjour and four other al-Qaida terrorists stormed the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 77. They forced the passengers and crew to the rear of the aircraft before Hanjour assumed control of the flight and began turning the plane toward Washington, D.C. At 9:37 a.m., after executing a 330-degree turn and descending 2,200 feet, Hanjour pushed the plane’s throttles to maximum

See 9/11, Page 7

Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, USN

Col. Michael E. Saunders, USAF

Joseph P. Cirone

Chief Master Sgt. Richard J. Simonsen Jr., USAF


Public Affairs Officer 202-404-7206

Vice Commander

Senior Enlisted Leader

Lt. Cmdr. Jim Remington, USN

Public Affairs Projects

JOINT BASE JOURNAL Paul Bello Photojournalist


COMPRINT MILITARY PUBLICATIONS Maxine Minar President John Rives Publisher Deirdre Parry Copy/Layout Editor


Friday, September 13, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

Making every dollar count through state lodging tax exemptions BY HOWARD SEELEY


WASHINGTON - The Air Force encourages you to stop paying taxes. Well, not your personal taxes, but it turns out that several states exempt uniformed service members and federal government employees from paying state lodging taxes when on official travel orders. Unfortunately, travelers have to know to ask for these exemptions, and as a result Air Force members pay about $4.5 million in lodging taxes needlessly in these locations each year. If you are traveling to Florida, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Missouri, or one of seven other states and territories that offer these exemptions, a few simple steps can save your unit and the Air Force real money. Considering today’s fiscal challenges coupled with tomorrow’s uncertainties, the Air Force is continuously searching for costsaving initiatives. In a memo to comptrollers across the Air Force, Assistant Secretary for Financial Management Jamie Morin said, “The vice chief of staff has taken a key step forward with the ‘Every Dollar Counts’ campaign and we have received a huge response from Airmen around the world. One idea that caught my attention pertains to state lodging tax exemptions, which could save millions for reinvestment in mission needs.” Eleven states, plus Puerto Rico and the U.S.



Virgin Islands, exempt U.S. military members and employees of the U.S. government from paying state taxes on hotel lodging charges which are directly reimbursable by the government. This lodging sales tax exemption applies to both TDY and PCS travel paid using the Government Travel Card. (All government travelers are already exempt from lodging tax if their lodging bill is paid directly by the government using a centrally billed account.) Government Services Administration (GSA) maintains a website and map with state tax information at this URL: https://smartpay.gsa. gov/about-gsa-smartpay/tax-information/ state-response-letter. Some states require a form and some do not. Puerto Rico and six states (Fla., Mass., N.Y., Pa., Texas and Wis.) do require a form and can be downloaded from this GSA website. The U.S. Virgin Islands and the other five states (Ark., Del., Kan., Mo. and Ore.) do not require any special forms. All travelers should take advantage of this tax savings and be aware of these state laws. If you are about to go on official travel to one of these locations, you should visit the GSA website before traveling and obtain the tax exemption form, if applicable. All travelers should check with their hotel to verify state tax law compliance. If the hotel does not comply, the traveler should consider another hotel. Approving officials should review travel authorizations and vouchers for strict compliance with this requirement.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 13, 2013


Fall savings highlight commissaries’ return to regular hours BY SALLIE CAUTHERS DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY MASS MARKETING SPECIALIST

FORT LEE, Va. –As commissaries resume pre-furlough operations, patrons will see plenty of savings with sales events throughout the store promoting half-off sales, recipe contests, Oktoberfest celebrations and highvalue coupons. “We want our patrons to know all our stores are back to their normal hours,” said Tracie Russ, the Defense Commissary Agency’s (DECA) deputy director of sales.“As we head toward the cooler days of autumn, we’re offering plenty of events help our customers save money and maximize their benefit. One event in particular is a series of scan-down days in September offering 50 percent off certain items in our stateside commissaries.” Throughout September, DeCA’s industry partners – vendors, suppliers and brokers – are collaborating with commissaries to offer discounts beyond everyday savings. Overseas stores may have substitute events for certain promotional programs. Customers should check with their local store manager to verify when they will be offering the following sales events: • Scan-down days. On Sept. 12, commissaries in the continental United States will offer manager’s specials at 50 percent off on Bartlett pears, Kraft mayonnaise (regular and light), Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, Kellogg’s Fruit Loops Cereal and Healthy Choice Chicken Margherita Café Steamers. Look for future 50 percent off scan-down days on Sept. 18 and 25. This event is not available for commissaries in Alaska, Hawaii, Europe and the Far East. • Soup season begins. September is the start of the soup season. Look for commissary displays promoting special savings on Progresso soups.


• Oceans Spray’s Labor Day Sale. Through Sept. 15, stateside commissaries will display Ocean Spray products from cranberry, grapefruit, diet and light cranberry, sparkling multipacks and the new cranberry lemonade. Look for product demonstrations. • “The Great Eggo Waffle Off Contest.” Throughout September, Eggo waffles and Breyers ice cream brands are sponsoring a recipe contest. To enter, find details on packages of six-, eight-, 10-count Eggo waffle containers that say, “The Great Eggo Waffle Off Contest.” Shoppers can also find contest information on Eggo and Breyers Facebook sites. Look for the Eggo and Breyers display in your commissary along with store coupons for both brands and product demonstrations. • The Oktoberfest in Munich runs from late September until early October, and

commissary shoppers are encouraged to have their own celebrations if they can’t make it to Deutschland. Commissaries have a full line of discounted German products available from chocolates, cookies, sauerkraut, mustard and red cabbage to rich German coffee and more. • “We Are Family.” Quaker and Tropicana present a family-focused promotion exclusively to military commissaries worldwide. Look for large displays to include banners, posters, entry forms and high-value coupons that will cross promote with the commissaries’ produce, offering $3 off fresh fruit. Twenty-five commissary shoppers will



be chosen as a “free breakfast” winner to receive more than 10 products from Quaker and Tropicana brands. • Unilever is offering its 17th annual “Italian & American Festival of Savings” through Sept. 25. This year’s promotion will again feature Unilever brands such as Ragu, Hellman’s, Lipton, Wishbone, Bertolli, Slimfast, Skippy and more. More than 125,000 highvalue in-store coupon flyers will be distributed worldwide. • Gatorade will offer the “Salute to Service” promotion exclusively to military commissaries. This unique continentalU.S.-only event will award commissary shoppers NFL tickets plus a VIP experience. Thirty-two winners (one winner and one guest per team) will be chosen. Look for the in-store display representing the NFL team of choice along with an entry box and entry forms. These displays are located at the 32 commissaries in close proximity to an NFL team. Other CONUS commissaries will be provided football and Gatorade prizes for giveaways. Russ reminded commissary customers they can quickly locate their commissary and participate in the savings they’ve earned by going to www.commissaries. com, clicking on the “Locations” tab, then “Alphabetical Listing” to locate their store and clicking on “Local Store Information.” “Whenever you consistently use your commissary benefit you’re saving more than 30 percent compared to buying groceries in commercial stores,” Russ said. “We hope this month’s promotions will help keep even more money in your pocket.”


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 13, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling remembers

Chief Master Sgt. Richard J. Simonsen, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling’s senior enlisted leader, sits with other JBAB personnel during Wednesday’s remembrance ceremony.

A bugler with the Air Force Honor Guard plays taps as a tribute to those who lost their lives.


Seaman Russell Hardester, of the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, rings the bell four times in memory of the four hijacked planes that crashed on Sept. 11, 2001.

Top leaders commemorate 9/11 anniversary at the Pentagon BY TERRI MOON CRONK AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - More than the stone and water that commemorate those who died at the Pentagon, the lives of survivors of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack are the greatest tribute to those who were lost, President Barack Obama said during the 12th anniversary wreath-laying ceremony for the attacks at the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial Wednesday. Surrounded by hundreds of family members and survivors of that day -- when American Airlines Flight 77 struck the northwest side of the Pentagon -- the president, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey offered words of solace to those in attendance. “From scripture, we learn of the miracle of restoration,” Obama said. “‘You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again. From the depths of the earth, you will bring me up again. You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.’” Hearts still ache for the futures snatched

away and the lives that might have been, the president said. “The victims slipped from their loved ones’ grasp, but it was written what the heart has once owned and had it shall never lose,” he said. “What your families lost in the temporal, in the here and now, is now eternal, the pride that you carry in your hearts, the love that will never die. Today, we remember not only those who died that September day, we pay solemn tribute to more than 6,700 patriots who have given their full measure since -- military and civilians,” the president said. The nation sees their legacy in friendships they’ve forged, attacks they’ve prevented, innocent lives they’ve saved, and in their comrades in Afghanistan who are completing the mission and who, by the end of next year, will have helped to end the war there, he added. “Let us have the wisdom to know that, while force is at times necessary, force alone cannot build the world we seek, so we recommit to the partnerships and progress that builds mutual respect, and deepens trust, and allows more people to live in dignity, prosperity and freedom,” the president said. “Let us have the confidence and the val-

ues that make us Americans, which we must never lose, the shining liberties that make us a beacon of the world, the rich diversity that makes us stronger, the unity and commitment to one another that we sustain on this National Day of Service and Remembrance,” Obama said. “And above all, let us have the courage, like the survivors and families here today, to carry on no matter how dark the night or how difficult the day.” Hagel began his remarks by noting the significance of the timing and location of today’s observance. “Twelve years ago, at this hour, in this place, a horrific act of terror claimed 184 innocent lives,” he said. “We comfort the loved ones they left behind who still mourn and grieve, despite the passage of time,” the secretary continued. “And our thoughts turn to others whose lives [were affected] by the fateful events that clear September morning, the first responders and survivors whose heroism we celebrate, the Pentagon personnel who came to work the next day with a greater sense of determination than ever before, and the men and women in uniform who have stepped forward to defend our country over 12 long years of war, bearing incredible

sacrifices, along with their families.” In all of those men and women, the strength, resilience, and the sense of purpose that have always defined the United States of America is evident, he said. “And that, too, is what the American people reflect upon today, for it is in these timeless qualities that we find hope for a better world and a better future,” Hagel said. Dempsey noted that at the point of Flight 77’s impact, the Pentagon halls are lined with handmade quilts created by people from all around the country to “honor the selfless efforts” of responders and ordinary Americans who came to the rescue that day. “And they wanted to affirm that our nation’s fallen would be forever sewn into our hearts,” he added. Sept. 11 is a day that always will stand apart in the nation, the chairman said, “not because of what we say up here about service and selflessness and sacrifice, courage and character.” “It’s something more,” he said. “It’s what those things say about us as Americans. No acts of terrorism can strike who we are. Nothing can steal away that for which we stand.”

Joint Base Journal

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power and smashed the Boeing 757 into the western side of the Pentagon. All 59 passengers were killed, along with 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building. Two blocks away, U.S. Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer 2 Clifford Bauman was walking from his office at the National Guard Bureau in Crystal City, Va., when he saw an explosion erupt from the Pentagon. Seconds later, Bauman was knocked off his feet by the air concussion that followed. As soon as he was able to pick himself up, Bauman was running toward the Pentagon, looking to see if someone, anyone needed help. “It was mass confusion there, with everybody trying to get people out of the building,” said Bauman, now a Chief Warrant Officer 4 stationed at Fort Eustis, Va. “I helped a few folks for maybe two hours before I was called back to my building.” Returning to the National Guard Bureau, Bauman filled his leadership in on what he had seen at the Pentagon. From there, he began working with an Air Force reservist to develop a means of locating possible survivors. “We had devised an idea of using a piece of equipment to track cell phone frequencies,” Bauman said. “Once we determined that the technology would work, we left out the morning of the 12th and returned to the scene.” Armed with this device, Bauman teamed up with other personnel and began searching the Pentagon, desperately trying to find survivors amidst the destruction. “It was hard in the beginning,” he said. “You’re seeing things you’re not used to seeing.” Finding nothing at the front side of the building, Bauman and his team proceeded to E-corridor, where they had to wade through knee-deep water. “There was stuff floating everywhere,” he said. “We made our way back around between C and B-corridor and saw where the nose of the aircraft detached and shot through the building.” Immediately, the team stepped outside, set up their equipment and went to work searching for cell phone signals. “Once we started pinging I reentered the building, crawling,” he said. Bauman retrieved cell phone after cell phone as he tirelessly dug through the wreckage and debris for what seemed like an eternity. “We were there all day and into the night, looking for people,” he said. “Eighteen hours and no survivors – not one.” At one point during the search, another Army warrant officer entered the scene and made his way to Bauman, who was taking a break. Rounding the corner, the warrant officer saw the sea of carnage Bauman had been wading, crawling and feeling his way through. “He just lost it,” Bauman said. “I had to take him aside and calm him down because he was now seeing what I had been dealing with. Once he calmed down, we got right back to the mission.” Looking back at what he did – what he forced himself to do - Bauman said there was only one word to describe everything he experienced. “Horrific,” he said. “Seeing your fellow Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines lying dead in an area where you would think it was impossible was hard to deal with.” Even though Bauman had steeled himself to seeing the remains of fallen service members and comrades, he continued to work through the night and the painful reality began to fester inside him like an open wound. “When I went home I really didn’t talk about it,” he said. “I took my uniform off and threw it in the wash. I took my boots,

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling gloves and hat off and stuck them in a box they’re still in that box to this day.” For Bauman, the shutdown was automatic. He would discuss general details, but never mention the bodies. He would never talk about the sights, sounds and smells from the flooded hallways and burned-out corridors that stayed buried deep inside his soul like a cancer. “I didn’t talk about it,” he said quietly. While Bauman silently wrestled with his own demons, Pearson and her family sat in horror as every channel broadcast the same footage over and over. The planes slamming into the towers, along with their dramatic collapse onto the streets below; the deliberate crash of United Airlines Flight 93 at a field in Somerset County, Pa. and the emergency responders desperately searching for signs of life at the Pentagon all dominated the airwaves as the voice of the broadcasters echoed through their home. “Terror had come into our home,” Pearson said. “It was surreal. This was America – nothing like this was supposed to happen here. This was the worst thing to happen to our generation.” Even in the seclusion of their home, removed from the chaos of Manhattan, Pearson could not escape the chilling reminders all around her. Practically every channel was singularly focused on what had become a devastating and nationwide tragedy. “Every single person was affected by it,” she said. “It was just this giant, gaping hole in the skyline.” As the days, weeks and months slowly rolled by, Pearson said the wounds from Sept. 11 would reopen every time she walked along the Long Island shore. “Walking along the water, I could still see the smoke rising from Manhattan,” Pearson said. “It stayed there; it lasted for two months.” For Bauman, two months seemed like a drop in the bucket as his own personal war raged inside him. “It really started coming to the surface about a year later, close to the anniversary,” Bauman said. “The Washington Post had run an article where some of the victims’ family members had written in. One son was writing about his mother who had died at the Pentagon.” He paused and swallowed a lump in his throat. Bauman had discovered the woman’s body during his search for survivors. “That really started my downward spiral.” Whenever Bauman would close his eyes and try to sleep his mind would take him back to those twisted hallways. As he spent his nights tossing and turning, his days were filled with an inconsolable depression he tried to alleviate at the bottom of a bottle. “As you start going down that road, things change inside you,” he said. “People started noticing there was something different about me, even though I didn’t see it within myself.” The more people who tried to reach out and help Bauman, the more stressed he would become. “My family knew something was wrong with me,” he said. “But I couldn’t explain to them what was wrong with me. I didn’t know how to express that.” As time dragged on, Bauman withdrew more and more. He internalized his feelings and memories, lying to counselors and hiding the post-traumatic stress disorder he would later be diagnosed with. Weeks turned to months as Bauman said the stress and guilt he felt became poison in his veins. “I didn’t have an outlet for the stress I was feeling because I wasn’t talking to my psychologist about how I truly felt,” he said. “I just wanted to get the counseling over with because I was fearful for my military career.” With his days spent worrying over his future in the Army, and his nights spent in torment, Bauman decided he needed to get


U.S. Army National Guard Chief Warrant Officer 4 Clifford Bauman reflects on the boots, gloves and hat he wore during search and rescue missions at the Pentagon, Arlington, Va., after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. After the missions were over, Bauman placed the work gear in a closet and did not touch them again until 12 years later.

away for the Christmas season and return home to Kansas City, Mo. Unfortunately, home was where he felt the entire weight of the world crash down upon him. “To this day I have no idea what triggered it,” Bauman said. “I was alone at my brother’s house when an overwhelming sense of guilt came over me. Everything I had been dealing with just built up all at once and I didn’t want to deal with it anymore.” Life, Bauman said, had become too much for him to handle. Slowly, almost robotically, he penned a note on a napkin. “I didn’t want to live with the guilt of not finding anybody alive,” he said. “I told everybody I loved them, then took 20 sleeping pills and laid on the couch.” Darkness enveloped Bauman as he prepared to close his eyes for the last time. Meanwhile, only a few hundred yards from where Bauman’s personal tragedy began, Pearson was driving along the highway near the Potomac River when she caught sight of the Pentagon. It was the first time she had ever seen the building, except on television. “I thought to myself, ‘oh my gosh, that’s where they hit,’” she said. “This tragedy didn’t just bring New York together, it brought everyone together.” Even though Pearson describes Sept. 11 as a rallying cry for her generation, she doesn’t like to visit ground zero. “A lot of my friends and I don’t really have a desire to go there, even now that it’s been rebuilt,” Pearson said. “It’s just too terrible a memory.” For many like Pearson, the memory has remained as fresh and vivid as it was the day of the attacks. For Williams, who experienced the tragedy at a distance, the memory was rekindled by a specific event that occurred during a visit to Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. “I got to go to Tyndall and actually see a strut from the World Trade Center,” Williams said. “It was huge, charred and rusted.” As he stared at the damaged hulk of metal, part of him wanted to reach out and touch it – but something stopped him. “This was the first time, other than the TV, that I saw any part of what had happened,” Williams said. “I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to touch, didn’t even want to

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look at it for too long. All this thing meant to me was a real and tangible reminder that people had died.” It was guilt and remorse that gave Williams pause; just as it had been guilt and remorse that prompted Bauman to harm himself. The darkness that surrounded him began to break away as light streamed into the world again. Slowly and weakly, Bauman opened his eyes and found himself lying in a hospital bed a mile from where he tried to take his own life. As errant thoughts and unanswered questions ran through his mind, Bauman kept returning to one inescapable fact – he had woken up alive. “After I was awake for a while I started feeling like a big weight had been lifted off me,” he said. “At that point I realized what I was doing wasn’t the right way to do things. I no longer cared about my career; I only cared about fixing what was wrong with me.” Almost immediately, Bauman felt his world begin to change. He began opening up with his therapist, which led to a proper diagnosis and treatment of his PTSD. As the words of his story flowed out, he began that overwhelming pain and stress melt away. “My life changed from night to day,” he said. “It’s still a process, though. It never really goes away, but you learn how to control the triggers that lead you down negative paths.” Now, 12 years after Sept. 11, 2001, Bauman stands as a changed man. He proudly wears his uniform, and celebrates the two promotions he earned since that fateful day at the Pentagon. It also boasts a small, unassuming ribbon that represents the highest non-combat award available – the Soldier’s Medal. Bauman earned this distinction when he saved three men from drowning in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay, Oct. 3, 2009. He freely admits that none of it would have been possible had he not made the decision to take control of his life. “It’s okay to go and get help when you need it,” Bauman said. “There are some things you just can’t handle yourself. I understand what it means to get to that point where you think suicide is the answer. I’ve been there. I understand what it’s like when you don’t want to deal with the family anymore, to deal with the stress of trying to explain what you’re going through. But suicide is not the answer.” Looking down, Bauman eyed a cloth bag sitting on the floor. Reaching inside, he pulls the boots, hat and gloves he wore when he crawled through the Pentagon. For the first time in more than a decade, Bauman ran his fingers along the smooth leather of the boot and the rough fabric of the gloves. “It’s hard,” he said, as his hands trembled slightly. “Even after all this time, it’s still hard to hold these.” Bauman sighed deeply and smiled broadly. “But, I’m alright,” he said, confidently. “I’m really alright.” Memory can be a curious thing. It can break a man down to the point where all hope seems lost, only to rebuild him again, stronger than before. It can bridge the gap between space and time in a single moment of painful clarity. It can unite a generation and stir the soul to action. It can even be all the fire, rage and sadness of the world funneled into the horrified eyes of a 17-year-old girl, standing on the roof of her school and watching how the hatred of a few caused the suffering of so many. Memory can be all those things, and more. (Editor’s note: Some excerpts and firsthand accounts used in this article are courtesy of the National Sept. 11 Memorial & Museum, www.911memorial.org. © 2004-2011, National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center Foundation, Inc.)


Friday, September 13, 2013


Miscellaneous items related to your health, your career, your life and your community

Immunization Clinic has new hours The 579th Medical Group Immunization Clinic will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. On Thursdays, the clinic will be open from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. The clinic closes at 12 p.m. for training the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, call 202-404-6724.

JBAB Cub Scouts Attention all boys grades 1st through 5th interested in

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling scouting. Please contact the JBAB Cub Scouts, Pack 343, at jbabcubscouts@yahoo.com for more information. Each den holds their own meetings each month along with one pack event. Boys will earn badges together and can work on individual achievements as well. Come join us for popcorn, camping and so much more.

Toastmasters Club seeks members The Bolling Toastmasters Club is available for everyone on JBAB as a place to practice your leadership skills. Toastmasters clubs are where leaders are made, and leadership starts with good communication. The program is selfpaced, and it works. The Bolling Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the JBAB Chapel Center. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Jim Queen at 301-452-6931.

JBAB Cyclists on Facebook Basically a forum for all JBAB riders to get together. We organize group rides over lunch and during commuting hours. Visit us online at www.facebook.com/groups/jbabcyclists. For more information, email austin.pruneda@afncr.af.mil.

Joint Base Journal

Navy Marine-Corps Thrift Shop hours The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop has relocated to Enterprise Hall (building 72). The store hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. and the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 202-433-3364.

AFOWC Thrift Shop The Air Force Officers’ Wives’ Club Thrift Shop is located at 13 Brookley Ave and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Donations are accepted during business hours only. Profits from the AFOWC Thrift shop go toward college scholarships and other military charitable organizations. For more information about the AFOWC or its Thrift Shop call 202-563-6666 or email afowcthriftshop@verizon.net.

Boys and Girls Club volunteer opportunity The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington needs volunteer coaches for their youth baseball league for 10-yearolds and 12-year-olds. For more information or to sign up, call 512-560-5548 from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. or email Michael.martinez@afncr.af.mil.

NAVY 311 “NAVY 311” is the place to go for all types of information to help support Navy military, civilian and retiree personnel and their families. Access NAVY 311 at 1-855-NAVY-311 or (DSN) 510- NAVY-311. You can also email NAVY311@navy. mil or visit www.NAVY311.navy.mil.

Navy Wives Clubs of America The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@me.com or visit our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/NWCA37.



Joint Base Journal

Youth Sponsorship and Monthly Birthday Celebration

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

MWR Calendar

balls. Experts will be available to discuss each ball and help you determine the best combination of ball and layout for you. The cost of the Demo Day is $25. Active Military is only $15. These fees will be applied to any ball drilled during the Demo Day. Please call 202-563-1701 for more information.

Sept. 13 | 7-8 p.m. | Youth Center Join the JBAB Youth Center Staff for our Monthly Birthday Celebration. If your birthday is in September this one’s for you. Current Youth Center Membership is needed for this event. We invite youth new to the JBAB community to come and find out what the JBAB Youth Center has to offer to you. Come and meet fellow members and hear what they have to say about our programming, trips and activities. Please call 202767-4003 for more information.

Karaoke Night

Half Marathon and Navy 5 Miler

NFL Tailgate Party

Sept. 14 | Washington, DC Volunteers Needed! Runner’s Expo and Packet Pick-up: Sept. 12-13 Navy-Air Force Half Marathon and Navy 5 Miler: Sept. 14 For more information or to register as a volunteer, visit www.navyairforcehalfmarathon.com.

Pro Shop Grand Opening / Brunswick Ball Demo Days

Sept. 14 | 12-6 p.m. | Potomac Lanes Come and meet our own Bowling experts at the Pro Shop in Potomac Lanes. In addition, you can talk with our pro bowlers Johnny Petraglia and get to see Brunswick’s latest additions to their ball line at the Brunswick Demo Days and much more! During the ball demo, you can actually try out all of the Brunswick’s newest bowling


Sept. 14 | 7-9 p.m. | Youth Center Do you have a favorite song and like to sing? If so, come and join us for an evening of Karaoke! Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Sept. 15 | 12-7 p.m. | Liberty ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL??! The place to be is Liberty’s NFL Tailgate party! Watch your favorite teams out of market on the Sunday Ticket and enjoy some food, refreshments and prizes provided by the USO! Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Story Time

Tuesday and Thursday | 10-11 a.m. | Library Sept. 17: Skippy Jon Jones! Sept. 19: Fall into Autumn! Sept. 24: Marco the Flamingo! Sept. 26: Please and Thank You!

Ombudsman/Key Spouse Appreciation Luncheon

Sept. 18 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. | Bolling Club – Tuskegee Room This appreciation luncheon is to honor

the Ombudsman and Key Spouses who devote their volunteer hours to serve the families in the command/squadron. Tickets: Club Members- $20 / Non-Members- $22 (tickets must be purchased by Sept. 16). Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Club Membership Appreciation Burger Burn

Sept. 18 | 11 a.m.-2 p.m. | Commissary Parking Lot Calling all Non-Bolling Club Members, we will be accepting new applicants or transferring of memberships during our Club Membership Appreciation “Burger Burn”. Become a member and take advantage of one of our Club Membership benefits a FREE meal. Free for Club Members. Non Members: Hamburger/Cheeseburger: $6 Bratwurst: $5 Includes a bag of chips and soda Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Speak Up, Stand Up Against Suicide

Sept. 18 | 4 p.m. | Liberty Join Liberty in the effort in bringing awareness to the silent killer “Suicide.” Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Oktober Fest

Sept. 20 | 4-8 p.m. | Slip Inn Bar & Grill Sounds of Summer presents Oktober Fest featuring the Alte Kameraden Band! Food specials include Bratwurst or Knockwurst, Sauerkraut and German Potato Salad

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for $6. German draft beer for $5 and receive a complimentary mug for free (while supplies last). Please call 202-767-5840 for more information.

Third Friday

Sept. 20 | 5 p.m.-12 a.m. | Bolling Club – Washington Dining Room Join us on the every third Friday of each month featuring DJ Bobski. Club members will be given access to FREE hor d’ouevres from 5 to 7 p.m., non members can enjoy these items for only $10. In addition, the Club’s famous fried chicken and Chef’s specials will be available for purchase in the WASP lounge from 7 to 10 p.m. Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

Nationals Baseball Game

Sept. 20 | 5:30 p.m. | Liberty Liberty is providing transportation to and from the Nationals Park when the Nationals play the Marlins. Please call 202-6851802 for more information.

JBAB Keystone Club Meet and Greet Social

Sept. 20 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Youth Center Come and learn about the JBAB Keystone Club at a Meet and Greet Social. The Youth Center is looking for members ages 13-18 years old. The Keystone Club is an organization that helps develop future members with leadership and character development. Refreshments will be served. Please call 202767-4003 for more information.

See MWR, Page 10



continued from 9

Luray Caverns VA

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sept. 21 | 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Luray Caverns,

We are visiting one of the world’s most spectacular wonders! Luray Caverns! A one hour tour, from well lighted, paved walkways lead visitors through cathedral-sized rooms with ceilings 10 stories high. Enormous chambers are filled with towering columns, shimmering draperies and crystal clear pools. Also included in the ticket price is a self-guided tour of the Car and Carriage Caravan and access to the Luray Valley Museum. Free admission to Toy Town Junction. Price for admission and transportation is $50 for adults and $35 for kids 6-12. Pack a picnic lunch or enjoy the on site café. Please call 202-767-9136 for more information.

Ultra Laser Zone

Teens: Sept. 21 Pre-Teens: Sept. 28 12-8 p.m. | Falls Church, VA | Sign up by Sept. 25

Do you like to play capture the flag? If you do, join the Youth Center Staff for an evening of dodging lasers and strategizing with your teammates in a futuristic version of the game. The cost of a single game is $8.99, $19.99 for 3 games or play all day for $24.99. Current membership and signed permission slips is needed for this activity. There are limited seats available on the bus. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Trip to Baltimore

Sept. 21 | 12 p.m. | Baltimore Inner Harbor | Sign up by Sept. 20 If you’ve wanted to check out the National Aquarium or Baltimore’s beautiful Inner Harbor, join Libert on our day trip to Baltimore! Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Fiesta DC

Sept. 22 | 10:15 a.m.-3 p.m. | Washington, DC Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Fiesta DC, the Latino Festival of Washington, DC. The Parade of Nation’s starts at 11am and features hundreds of dancers

Joint Base Journal

from Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean. Then enjoy the Latino Festival from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. which features 5 stages that will incorporate performances from outstanding artists, international & local folklore acts, theatrical performances and much more. ODR will provide transportation to and from the event.

Wii- U Pick Tournament

Sept. 25 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Pick your game and do battle amongst your peers in our Wii- U Pick Tournament. Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Boss and Buddy

Sept. 27 | 3:30-5:30 p.m. | WASP Lounge Follow up that monthly promotion ceremony by taking your boss to the Club for Boss and Buddy night. Our Club Members enjoy a FREE buffet; cost for non-members is $10. Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

4-H Colossal Chocolate Chip Cookies Cooking Project

Sept. 27 | 7-8 p.m. | Youth Center Join the JBAB Youth Center for an evening of baking Colossal Cookies. We’ll supply the recipe and all the ingredients. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Download the FREE “ABSalute” App

The Warfighter & Family Readiness Marketing Department developed a free smartphone application, bringing its resources to customers and employees on a mobile platform at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. “ABSalute” is a fast and easy-to-use application designed to allow quick access to events and programs. Download the app and receive the latest information about MWR, as well as Warfighter and Family Readiness programs. The app features: • Facility finder including hours of operation, phone listings, and GPS capabilities • Upcoming special events and programs that can be added directly to your calendar • Outdoor Recreation and Capital Cove Marina equipment and boat rentals • Full dining facility menus • Quick links to the Navy-Air Force Half Marathon and Navy 5 Miler website, CNIC JBAB website, Naval District Washington (NDW) Facebook page and the current edition of the 411 magazine • Facility and Event Photos • Push notifications to alert users with the most current information Perfect for iPhone and Andriod devices. Email us any suggestions.

For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,

visit www.dcmilitary.com. Chapel Schedule CATHOLIC SERVICES


Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday 9:10 a.m. Chapel Center


Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Wednesday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Thursday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Friday 7 a.m. Chapel Center Saturday 5 p.m. Chapel Center

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday Worship

Gospel 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center General Protestant 11 a.m. Chapel 2

Sunday School

Sept - May 9:30-10:30 a.m. Any questions about these services or other religious needs call 202-767-5900

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 13, 2013



Friday, September 13, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal


Hole-In-One Tournaments sponsored by Harley Davidson of Washington DC on the East Course and by Toyota of Waldorf on the South Course


ANDREWS AFB FISHER HOUSE “CAPTAIN’S CHOICE” GOLF TOURNAMENT The Courses at Andrews AFB www.aafbgc.com SEP 20, 2013 – 1:00 REGISTRATION - 2:00 SHOTGUN START Member Entry Fee – $75.00, Authorized User Entry Fee – $85.00, Civilian Guest Entry Fee – $95.00 per person RANK/NAME AMOUNT PD




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Make checks payable to Andrews AFB Fisher House, Inc. and mail them to: Andrews AFB Fisher House 1076 W. Perimeter Rd, Andrews AFB, MD 20762 Team Members: Please list all names if you have a pre-selected foursome. If not, we will be happy to pair you up with a great team. *e-mail used to send confirmation and directions only, not solicitation. 01040756



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