Jbj 092713

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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 37

September 27, 2013

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AF Honor Guard honors ‘The Greatest Generation’ New York State Sen. Greg Ball and members of his party accompany Paul Raphael, World War II veteran and two-time prisoner of war, to lay a wreath at the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.


WASHINGTON – World War II veterans, their accompanying family members, and more than a dozen volunteers gathered in Brewster, N.Y. on Sept. 17 to board buses bound for the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Nearly 300 miles southwest at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) U.S. Air Force Honor Guard Airmen began the meticulous preparation of their uniforms, rifles, swords and flags for a unique ceremony paying tribute to these veterans traveling so far. New York State Sen. Greg Ball, who is a retired Air Force officer, teamed with Heroes in Transition and the Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 21, in planning an all-expenses-paid bus trip for 42 World War II veterans from New York to visit the National World War II Memorial located on the National Mall. “According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, our World War II veterans are dying at a rate of 600 per day,” Ball said. “These brave men and women gave so much to fight for our nation’s safety and freedom. This trip will never be forgotten and is a true



Navy Ombudsmen/Air Force Key Spouses recognized for dedication to families BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON – It takes someone special to reach out to others in their time of need. That’s the primary role of Navy Ombudsmen and Air Force Key Spouses across the military and right here on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). As fellow military spouses, these groups are counted on to funnel information in times of emergencies, assist new families with housing concerns and help answer any questions regarding adult or children’s programs and activities on a particular base. At a recent luncheon recognizing the contributions of Navy Ombudsmen and Air Force Key Spouses, Naval District Washington Command Master Chief Christopher Adams told guests that Ombudsmen have been an irreplaceable link between command leadership and families for more than 40 years. “They help maintain the morale and welfare of our service members so that families never feel alone,” Adams said. “We all know

family readiness is tied to mission readiness. Having a strong family support structure allows our service members to do their jobs while the Navy and Air Force can accomplish their missions.” In the aftermath of the Washington Navy Yard tragedy, Adams believes the program is more important now than ever before, particularly on shore for Sailors and their families. In the case of the Navy, Adams said leadership can learn much more about issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sexual assault, domestic violence and depression if it has more of a focus on programs based on shore. JBAB Commander Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra added that it’s important to recognize the establishment of the Ombudsmen and Key Spouse programs on base. He said JBAB is committed to ensuring the Navy goal of at least 80 percent of its families being registered with the Ombudsmen program by Jan. 1. Another goal is to have every base command specifically designate someone to assist service members and families whenever needed, Calandra said.


Amy Inselmann, Navy ombudsman coordinator for Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, joins Aubrey Stull, Naval Support Activity Washington ombudsman, at a luncheon Sept. 18 recognizing the contributions of Navy ombudsmen and Air Force key spouses.


Influenza vaccine now available

Director forges ahead in finding the right people

Honor Guard pays tribute to ‘Greatest Generation’

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Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 27, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Roll Call to return, encourages face-to-face communication BY AIR FORCE NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody is bringing Roll Call back to the Air Force. Roll Call is designed to deliver messages to the field from senior Air Force leadership for Airmen to use as a topic of discussion when they gather for daily or weekly meetings. “Our Air Force has long valued each and every Airman,” writes Cody in the first Roll Call message. “Yet over time we’ve gravitated to communication methods that easily fall short of the personal connection we need to solidify the value we place in each other.” Cody said Roll Call is just one way he hopes to improve communication both to and amongst Airmen at all levels. “It’s not the solution to poor communication, but it is a step forward in the right direction,” he said. “Roll Call reminds us that we need to communicate with each other, and that doesn’t mean sending an email, it means getting together as a group and continuing a dialogue.” Roll Call began in late 2006

under the direction of then Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Rodney McKinley as weekly products Airmen could read during morning meetings or weekly gatherings. This time around, Roll Call will be a little different. The Air Staff will send messages as needed - at least once a month - and all the messages will have an overarching focus, according to Cody. “Airmen must understand how they are moving us toward the Air Force vision and how important they are to the Air Force mission,” says Cody. “The messages we deliver will help make that clear. They will focus on how Airmen are winning the fight, strengthening the team, and shaping the future.” In his first Roll Call, Cody lays out his vision, reminding Airmen that face-to-face communication is critical to future success. “Roll Calls provide the venue to connect with your Airmen, which builds trust and confidence and ultimately strengthens the team,” he said. “Airmen have questions and concerns -- we need to be there to provide answers and address these concerns. Airmen also have great ideas -- we need to bring them to the forefront.”


Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody meets with U.S. Air Force Honor Guard members during a visit this past summer. Cody is bringing Roll Call back to the Air Force.

Energy leader: The smart use of energy helps accomplish the mission, initiatives BY TECH. SGT. TAMMIE MOORE


WASHINGTON - Military and industry leaders discussed the role of energy in helping the Air Force accomplish its mission and current initiatives to improve resiliency, reduce demand, assure supply, and foster an energy aware culture. Dr. Kevin Geiss, the deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for Energy, weighed in on the challenge, one of many topics attendees explored during the 55-session, three-day Air Force Association Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition earlier this week. “The best way to do that is to get better at every single flight we make, every sortie making it more energy efficient and getting more productivity out of every gallon that we use,” Geiss said. “At the end of the day when you look back at 2012 we not only hit that 10 percent, but exceeded it.” Other panelists included Mark Dusynski, Johnson Controls Federal Systems vice president of strategic marketing and retired Col. Richard Fryer, Environmental Consultants Contractors, Inc., energy program manager. “We, in the Air Force, don’t care about energy for energy sake,” Geiss said. “We care about energy because it enables every single mission of the Air Force to fly, fight and win in air, space and cyberspace.” Geiss highlighted the force’s strategic energy plan which includes improving resiliency, reducing demand, assuring supply and fostering an en-


Dr. Kevin Geiss discusses energy considerations at the Air Force Association’s 2013 Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition, Sept. 19 at National Harbor, Md. Geiss highlighted the force’s strategic energy plan which involved improving resiliency, reducing demand, assuring supply and fostering an energy award culture. Geiss is the deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for Energy. ergy aware culture. “We have proven as an Air Force that it is a false choice to say that we can either save energy and be more efficient or complete the mission,” Geiss said. “We have shown time and again that we can complete the mission and at the same time reduce the amount of energy required for that mission as well as doing it more efficiently and effectively.” The Air Force has a $9 billion annual energy bill with about 84 percent of that allotted for aviation operations, but the Air Force, Geiss said, does not control the operations tempo. “When the (combatant command-

er) needs something, the Air Force is expected to provide the capability,” he said. “We don’t control how many times we get called upon; we don’t control the total amount of cargo that we have to haul each year.” Fryer noted how the Air Force reduced energy consumption during 2012 and why it remains important to continue the trend. “There are (federal) mandates and these mandates are not being relaxed,” he said. “They are calling for energy efficiency and renewable energies.” Geiss said he encourages individuals with energy saving ideas to engage with their installation energy experts.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 27, 2013


Influenza vaccine now available through 579th Medical Group BY MAJ. NICKITA R. COUNCIL

Flu Shot Drive


WASHINGTON - The influenza vaccine is now available for Department of Defense (DOD) Tricare beneficiaries at the 579th Medical Group (MDG) Immunization Clinic on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). All active duty members are required to receive the flu vaccine by December 31. “In an effort to help our beneficiaries stay healthy, we are hosting a flu drive Oct. 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Chapel Center. This gives our families the opportunity to receive their vaccine before the flu season starts,” said Col. Kathryn Tate, 579th MDG commander. “If you are unable to attend the drive, you can receive your ‘shot or sniff’ (injection or FluMist) at any time. Just stop by the Immunization Clinic during our duty hours from 7:30-12:30 p.m. and 1:30 to 4:15 p.m.” Each year the flu, a contagious respiratory illness spread by influenza viruses, occurs worldwide. While the timing of activity is somewhat unpredictable, it most commonly peaks in the U.S. during winter months, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the U.S., an average of 5 to 20 percent of the population gets the flu, and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from seasonal flu-related complications. Flu seasons are unpredictable and can be severe. Over a period of 30

11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Chapel Center. For more information, contact the 579th Medical Group Immunization Clinic at 202-404-6724. years, between 1976 and 2006, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the U.S. ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people. The CDC recommends a number of actions to prevent the flu. The first is to receive an annual influenza vaccine. This vaccine is updated every year to best match the top three predicted circulating virus strains. “It is especially critical that high risk persons are vaccinated to decrease their risk of severe flu illness,” said Lt. Col. (Dr.) Nicole Thomas, 579 MDG chief of medical staff. “This includes children younger than five, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and asthma and adults over 64 years of age. I can’t emphasize enough that everyone 6 months of age and older should receive a flu vaccine.” The next action is to take preventive measures to stop the spread of germs. “If you are coughing or sneezing, you should use a tissue or the crease of your arm in order to cover your mouth and nose. You don’t want to use your hands, as this will further spread the virus,” said Maj. Nickita


U.S. Air Force Band Commander Col. Larry Lang receives his annual flu shot from a service member with the 579th Medical Group. Council, 579 MDG infection preventionist. “Also, washing your hands with soap and water frequently, or using an alcohol based hand rub will help prevent the spread of infection.” The CDC also recommends avoiding close contact with sick people. If flu-like

symptoms appear, stay home for at least 24 hours. Seek medical care if needed. Individuals should also limit contact with others to help prevent them from becoming infected. For more information contact the 579 MDG Immunizations Clinic at 202-4046724.

Joint Base celebrates Oktoberfest

Christmas Cantata



The Blaskapelle Alte Kameraden band performs authentic German music for guests at this year’s Oktoberfest celebration, which was held Sept. 20 at the Slip Inn Bar and Grill.

Joint Base Journal JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING WASHINGTON, D.C. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE: PHONE: 202-767-4781 EMAIL: JOSEPH.CIRONE@NAVY.MIL This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DoD civilians and their family members. Contents of Joint Base Journal do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense, U.S. Navy or U.S. Air Force and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Air Force, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling or Comprint

Singers serenade the audience during the band’s performance.

Military Publications of the products or services advertised. Published by Comprint Military Publications, a division of Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. The editorial content of Joint Base Journal is edited and approved by the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs Office. Tenant commands and others are encouraged to submit news, high-quality photos and informational items for publication. All submitted content must be received by noon on the Friday prior to publication. E-mail submissions to Joseph.Cirone@navy.mil. To place display advertising, call 240-473-7538. To place classified advertising, call 301-670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

Please join us to sing this year’s Christmas Cantata, “The Jesus Gift”, created by Tom Fettke. Rehearsal will start on Thursday, October 3 and will be held every Thursday evening at 7:30 P.M. in Chapel Two. All voices are needed. Please come out and be a part of this musical celebration of our Lord’s birth. The Cantata will be presented to the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) community on Sunday, December 15 at 11:30 a.m. at the Chapel Center. For more information, contact Gee Soo Hall at 202-583-5304 or email pianogeesoo@verizon.net.

Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, USN

Col. Michael E. Saunders, USAF

Joseph P. Cirone

Chief Master Sgt. Richard J. Simonsen Jr., USAF


Public Affairs Officer 202-404-7206

Vice Commander

Senior Enlisted Leader

Lt. Cmdr. Jim Remington, USN

Public Affairs Projects

JOINT BASE JOURNAL Paul Bello Photojournalist

COMPRINT MILITARY PUBLICATIONS Maxine Minar President John Rives Publisher Deirdre Parry Copy/Layout Editor


Friday, September 27, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

Memorial service honors Washington Navy Yard victims BY KAREN PARRISH AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel were among the national leaders who gathered Sept. 22 for a memorial service honoring those killed in the shootings at the Washington Navy Yard. Hagel offered his deepest sympathy to the families in attendance, “on behalf of the more than 3 million men and women of the Department of Defense serving across the nation and all over the world.” The military family’s thoughts and prayers are with their families, the secretary told them. “Today we come together … to begin a long road of healing and recovery,” Hagel said. “It is a path we walk together. We walk with the families, all who loved the fallen, to help ease the pain, hoping that grief and sadness will one day end and cherished memories of those we loved so much will take their place.” The secretary said the department also walks beside “those injured and scarred by this senseless act of violence to help them regain their strength, hoping the horrors of last Monday will soon recede and together we will recover.” Every member of the department will remember the valor of the Navy Yard personnel, Hagel said, “and we will remember that in the face of tragedy, the United States Navy is once again responding with resolve.” The president told the families of the


Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus speaks to Washington Navy Yard personnel Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013 during their first day back to work. Navy Yard victims that the nation cannot begin to comprehend their loss. “We know that no words we offer today are equal to the magnitude, to the depths, of that loss,” Obama said. “But we come together as a grateful nation to honor your loved ones, to grieve with you, and to offer, as best we can, some solace and some comfort.” The 12 lives lost at the Navy Yard are not

statistics, Obama said. “They are the lives that have been taken from us,” he added. The tragedy that took those lives was extraordinary and unique, he said, just as the lives of those dozen public servants were unique. But the mass shootings that have plagued America, he said, are “part of … what wears on us, what troubles us so deeply as we gather here today.” “As president, I have now grieved with five American communities ripped apart by mass violence: Fort Hood, Tucson, Aurora, Sandy Hook, and now, the Washington Navy Yard,” the president said. “And these mass shootings occur against a backdrop of daily tragedies, as an epidemic of gun violence tears apart communities across America -- from the streets of Chicago to neighborhoods not far from here. “Once more, our hearts are broken,” he continued. “Once more, we ask why. Once more, we seek strength and wisdom through God’s grace.” The president said the issue of gun deaths in America “ought to obsess us; it ought to lead to some kind of transformation.” In other nations, he noted, similar killings spurred mobilization and change, “and mass shootings became a great rarity.” The president said he senses “a creeping resignation that these tragedies are just, somehow, the way it is.” “We can’t accept this,” he said. “As Americans bound in grief and love, we must insist, here, today, there is nothing normal about innocent men and women being gunned down where they work. There is nothing normal about their children being

gunned down in their classrooms. There is nothing normal about children dying in our streets from stray bullets.” The question now, he said, is whether Americans care enough. He quoted a doctor at a local hospital who treated some of those injured in last week’s shooting: “We are a great country. But there’s something wrong. All these shootings; all these victims -- this is not America. It is a challenge to all of us, and we have to work together to get rid of this.” That, the president said, is “the wisdom we should be taking away from this tragedy, and so many others.” Obama said the nation should ask what can be done to keep such incidents from continuing to occur. “I do not accept that we cannot find a common-sense way to preserve our traditions, including our basic Second Amendment freedoms and the rights of law-abiding gun owners, while at the same time reducing the gun violence that unleashes so much mayhem on a regular basis,” he said. The question to Americans in not whether they care, he said, but whether “we care enough.” “Do we care enough to do everything we can to spare other families the pain that is felt here today?” he asked. “Our tears are not enough. Our words and our prayers are not enough. If we really want to honor these 12 men and women, if we really want to be a country where we can go to work, and go to school, and walk our streets free from senseless violence, without so many lives being stolen by a bullet from a gun, we’re going to have to change.” Wisdom does not come from tragedy or resignation in the fallibility of man, Obama said. “Wisdom comes through the recognition that tragedies such as this are not inevitable, and that we possess the ability to act, and to change, and to spare others the pain. … In our grief, let us seek that grace,” he said. Killed in the attack were: -- Michael Arnold, 59, of Lorton, Va. -- Sylvia Frasier, 53, of Waldorf, Md. -- Kathy Gaarde, 62, of Woodbridge, Va. -- John Roger Johnson, 73, of Derwood, Md. -- Frank Kohler, 50, of Tall Timbers, Md. -- Kenneth Bernard Proctor, 46, of Waldorf, Md. -- Vishnu Shalchendia Pandit, 61, of North Potomac, Md. -- Arthur Daniels, 51, of Washington. -- Mary Francis Knight, 51, of Reston, Va. -- Gerald L. Read, 58, of Alexandria, Va. -- Martin Bodrog, 54, of Annandale, Va. -- Richard Michael Ridgell, 52, of Westminster, Md. Aaron Alexis, a former Navy reservist who has been identified as the shooter, was killed in a gun battle with police.

A sailor salutes during the playing of taps during a memorial for those killed during a shooting at the Navy Yard, at the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., Sept. 22, 2013. Twelve people were killed Sept. 18, 2013.



Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 27, 2013


“I have never been so proud in all my life as I am right now. God Bless America” - Herman Schreiber, a U.S Army veteran



Lt. Cmdr. Richard Evans is Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling’s director of manpower.

Director forges ahead in finding the right people for the right jobs BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON – For the past year, Lt. Cmdr. Richard Evans has been committed to finding the right people for the right job. Even with economic constraints, a regional hiring freeze and the possibility of a government shutdown, he remains steadfast in that goal. Evans, director of force manpower and administrative officer for Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB), has been in the Navy for 27 years. His career has taken him to submarines, aircraft carriers and places he never thought possible. Among his many highlights is attending Submarine School in Groton, Conn. and a tour as executive officer alongside Navy Seabees at the Submarine Support Center in Norfolk, Va. He’s now spearheading the charge of finding only the best for JBAB – an installation that has undergone significant changes since becoming a joint base three years ago. It’s a daunting task, particularly given the nation’s current economy, but one Evans has been willing to tackle head-on. “There’s an uncertainty with the whole military-to-civilian conversion. That’s the biggest obstacle. Though, it’s a challenge I welcome,” Evans said. “I really enjoy working with the group we have here. My goal is to make sure we have the appropriate manpower in the right spots. It’s also important that those people have the desire to be here and are being used to their potential.” A native of Warrenton, N.C., Evans is accustomed to tough challenges. He began his

military career at the bottom of the enlisted ranks before working his way on up to becoming an officer. While he admits attrition is another challenge to contend with, he said JBAB has come a long way in a short amount of time. “We’re getting there. Our leadership recognizes the importance of adjusting and having a balance in our workforce,” Evans said. “What I do comes down to matching people with the correct billets. We want our most critical positions filled with the right people.” An example of this can be found among JBAB’s military police and security forces, which has seen an increase in personnel since last summer. When not combing through resumes, Evans is also responsible for heading up JBAB’s Sexual Assault Response Training (SAPR). To date, this initiative has seen more than 20 training sessions conducted on base with various government and civilian personnel. “The feedback has been very positive from everyone who has participated,” Evans said. “It’s all about raising awareness. I don’t think anyone is taking it too lightly. There’s a lot of value in sessions like this.” When asked about future goals, Evans said his mark comes down to leaving a place better than when he got there. “One day I will hang up the uniform. Though, I can see myself doing something service-related, like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),” Evans said. “I’ve always enjoyed the type of work where you can help people and offer assistance. Until then, I have a job I enjoy. This is a great place to work. I strive to do the best I can.”

For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,

visit www.dcmilitary.com.

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and fitting tribute to the great sacrifices these brave souls have made.” U.S. Reps. Chris Gibson and Sean Patrick Maloney, both of New York, greeted veterans and their families upon their arrival at the ceremony. As the son of a Navy veteran, Maloney said it was a tremendous honor to welcome American heroes to the nation’s capital. “We can never fully repay our veterans,” Maloney said. “Simply pausing for a moment to thank them for their service is the least we can do. We must never stop honoring those who sacrificed so much in defense of our freedom.” The Honor Guard’s participation was possible because of a long-time friendship between Ball and Maj. Ryan VanVeelen, operations officer for the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard. “I follow Greg’s political web page, as well as being friends with him on Facebook. I saw a couple of his posts describing the trip down here and asked if there was any help he needed on this end,” VanVeelen said. “The Airmen in the Honor Guard are outstanding philanthropists. I know they are always willing and able to help out at events just like this.” Aside from making the day more special, VanVeelen also wanted to give his Airmen an opportunity to meet the veterans and

have a dialogue about service with them. “Our Airmen have the unique opportunity to honor our fallen heroes every day at Arlington National Cemetery. They do it with respect and they do it with pride,” VanVeelen said. “In my eyes, this was an opportunity to honor our national heroes face to face, to interact with them and to learn from them. Most importantly, it gives us a chance to show them in person the respect and pride we feel for them.” New York veterans and their families journeyed from a number of Hudson Valley towns in upstate New York. Making the trip was two-time prisoner of war Paul Raphael, of Montrose, N.Y. He helped Ball lay a wreath honoring America’s greatest generation. Accompanying him was Eugene Parrotta, a Vietnam veteran and two-time Purple Heart recipient and chairman of Ball’s Veterans’ Advisory Council. The day continued back at JBAB where guests watched a demonstration by the Honor Guard’s drill team. They were also entertained by a couple of musical numbers by the U.S. Air Force Band’s Strolling Strings. The group’s rendition of “New York, New York” particularly won many smiles and applause from the group of veterans and their families. “I have never been so proud in all my life as I am right now. God Bless America,” said Herman Schreiber, a U.S. Army veteran who was part of the trip. For additional photos of this event, see pages 6 and 7.



Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 27, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 27, 2013


U.S. Air Force Honor Guard pays tribute to members of New York’s ‘Greatest Generation’

Veterans and their families in place for the special wreath laying in their honor. The U.S. Air Force Honor Guard performed a special wreath-laying ceremony Sept. 17 at the National World War II Memorial to honor veterans of the war on their visit to Washington. New York State Sen. Greg Ball helped organize the trip. The trip was made possible through donations from private individuals and businesses in New York. U.S. NAVY PHOTOS BY LT. CMDR. JIM REMINGTON

Airmen rehearsing their unique, tailored ceremony for the New York veterans on-site at the National World War II Memorial ensuring every detail is perfected.

The Air Force color guard element is poised to begin the official wreath-laying ceremony honoring the 42 World War II veterans.

The veterans and their guests watched the special ceremony in their honor on the eastern steps of the National World War II Memorial, in the shadow of the Washington Monument.

Suzi McDonough, New York State Sen. Greg Ball’s chief of staff; Eugene Parrotta, chairman of Ball’s Veteran’s Advisory Council and a Vietnam veteran and two-time Purple Heart recipient; Ball (standing left to right) and World War II veteran and two-time prisoner of war Paul Raphael salute during the playing of Taps at the National World War II Memorial honoring the sacrifices of America’s ‘Greatest Generation.’

Senior Airman Shamika France and a World War II veteran from Somers, N.Y. exchange “thank you”s.

Above photos: The veterans arrived by bus from Brewster, N.Y. to a warm welcome from U.S. Air Force Honor Guard members and proud and appreciative fellow Americans.

The honor guard formed a ceremonial passage for the veterans to make their entrance, and for many of the veterans and their family members to see the National World War II Memorial for the very first time.

U.S. Air Force Honor Guard member shakes the hand of Paul Raphael, a World War II veteran and two-time prisoner of war.

The U.S. Air Force Honor Guard’s drill team performs for the New York World War II veterans in their drill hall aboard Joint Base Anacosita-Bolling.

Two veterans reminisced and shared a laugh with an honor guard member during the first few minutes of their arrival at the National World War II Memorial.

Maj. Ryan VanVeelen, operations officer for the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard and commander of troops for the ceremony marches in to lead the ceremony honoring America’s greatest generation.

A U.S. Navy veteran of World War II examines and expresses his admiration for the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard member’s decorations and awards and his sharp appearance.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Boss and Buddy

Sept. 27 | 3:30-5:30 p.m. | WASP Lounge Follow up that monthly promotion ceremony by taking your boss to the Club for Boss and Buddy night. Our Club Members enjoy a FREE buffet; cost for non-members is $10. Please call 202-563-8400 for more information.

4-H Colossal Chocolate Chip Cookies Cooking Project

Sept. 27 | 7-8 p.m. | Youth Center Join the JBAB Youth Center for an evening of baking Colossal Cookies. We’ll supply the recipe and all the ingredients. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Silence Hides Violence - Give victims the strength they need to break the silence that chains them to abuse.

For more information contact the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate at 202-4339743.

October is Gourmet Hot Dog Month!

Each week we will be adding a new gourmet hot dog for you to try. During the fourth week, you can vote on your favorite hot dog to enter for your chance to win a FREE meal! Please call 202-563-1701 for more information.

Monday Night Football Special at Potomac Lanes

Enjoy Monday Night Football with a

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

MWR Calendar

large one topping Pizza and 10 whole wings for only $16.95. Eat in or take out. Please call 202-563-1701 for more information.

Movie Madness

Every Friday | 2 p.m. | Library Enjoy new family friendly releases every week with free theater style popcorn and drinks. Visit the Circulation Desk or the Library’s mobile marquee for movie listings. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is 16 years or older. Please call 202-767-5578 for more information.

Game Night

Every Friday | 5-7 p.m. | Library Play games for Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3 or X-BOX 360! Game availability is first come, first served. Please call 202-767-5578 for more information.

Military Family Fun Night

Every Sunday | 5-9 p.m. | Potomac Lanes Enjoy 2 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and drinks for only $20. Available to active military personnel and their families. Each additional person is $5.

Story Time

Tuesday and Thursday | 10 a.m. | Library Oct. 1: Oktoberfest! Oct. 3: Baila Baila! Dance, Dance! (Fiesta with Air Force Band members) Oct. 8: Fuegos! Fire Safety Oct. 10: Feliz Cumplia-


Besides food and authentic German music at this year’s Oktoberfest celebration, guests to the Slip Inn Bar and Grill also had a chance to go rock climbing. nos with Navy Oct. 15: Adios Dora! (Hispanic Heritage) Oct. 17: Apples! Oct. 22: Popcorn Popping! Oct. 24: Get Spookie! Oct. 29: Scaredy Cat! Oct. 31: Spooktacular!

NBA 2K14 Tournament

Oct. 2 | 5:30 p.m. | Liberty Center It just came out, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find out who the best is on it. Show off your skills on the newest installment of the NBA 2K series. The winner gets a prize and of course bragging rights. Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Patch Club – “Scary”

Oct. 3 | 5:30-6:30 p.m. | Library Earn your patches for every reading project and activity you complete! This monthly book club for children features open book discussions with a different genre every month. The Patch Club also features puppet shows, crafts, posters and private parties. Open to children ages 7-12.

JBAB Keystone

Oct. 4 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Youth Center Looking for Keystone Club members ages 14-18 years old. The Keystone club is an organization that helps develop future members with leadership and character development. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Field of Screams

Oct. 5 | Field of Screams Olney, MD Face your fears and walk into one of the scariest haunted attractions in the DC area! Join Liberty at Field of Screams, a place filled with everything you fear from ghosts, monsters and of course Zombies! Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Line Dance Class

Oct. 5 | 7-9 p.m. | Youth Center Do you know the latest line dance? If so, come and join us for an evening of learning and enjoying the latest line dances. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Liberty Cooking Class

Oct. 7 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center What’s cooking at Liberty? Pizza? Pasta? Cake? Do not miss your chance to cook a cool dish and make great friends. Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.


Joint Base Journal

That Guy Happy Hour

Oct. 9 | 5-7 p.m. | Liberty Center How much is TOO much? Don’t be that guy or girl. Get the facts on binge drinking and effects it can have on you and your life. Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Navy Birthday Run 5K Run / Walk

Oct. 10 | 11 a.m. | Slip Inn Bar & Grill Celebrate the Navy’s 238th Birthday! Featuring an awards ceremony for the top finishers (male and female), a burger burn ($7- choice of two burgers or hot dogs, chips & drink), birthday cake and live music! FREE T-shirts will be provided to the first 400 participants. Hosted by MCPON. Contact Fitness Center I at 202-767-5895 for more details.

DC Geocaching to Celebrate the Navy’s 238th Birthday

Oct. 11-14 Geochaching is a free sport open to everyone with a GPS and a sense of adventure. MWR will hide caches (hidden treasures) and post the coordinates on the MWR Smartphone App, ABSalute. You must put those coordinates in your GPS, which will take you to the area of the cache. Once you’re there, you will have to search for the cache on your own. The adventure is to: 1. Physically find the cache(s) 2. Take something from the cache(s) 3. Leave something in the cache(s) 4. Write an entry in the log book 5. Replace the cache(s) as you found it 6. Leave a comment on the App to share your experience Every entry in the log book will be entered into the Navy Birthday drawing for a chance to win a pair of Medieval Times tickets! There are three caches so the more you find the better your chances are at winning. Work as a group or individually at your own pace. Winners will be announced on October 15. For questions or help, please call 202-767-1371.

Triple Play Football

Oct. 11 | 7-9 p.m. | Youth Center Test your football skills as we challenge you with the Triple Play Football Challenge (pass, kick & run). Sign up at the front desk. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

See MWR, Page 10

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling


Miscellaneous items related to your health, your career, your life and your community Immunization Clinic has new hours The 579th Medical Group Immunization Clinic will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. On Thursdays, the clinic will be open from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. The clinic closes at 12 p.m. for training the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, call 202-404-6724.

JBAB Cub Scouts Attention all boys grades 1st through 5th interested in scouting. Please contact the JBAB Cub Scouts, Pack 343, at jbabcubscouts@yahoo.com for more information. Each den holds their own meetings each month along with one pack event. Boys will earn badges together and can work on individual achievements as well. Come join us for popcorn, camping and so much more.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Boys and Girls Club volunteers

JBAB Girl Scouts

The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington needs volunteer coaches for their youth baseball league for 10-yearolds and 12-year-olds. For more information or to sign up, call 512-560-5548 from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. or email Michael.martinez@afncr.af.mil.

Calling all Girls! Girls registered in Kindergarten - 12th grade this fall and interested in joining should contact JBABgirlscouts@yahoo.com. The troop meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the community center on Chappie James Blvd at 6 p.m. Girl Scouts; building girls with confidence, character and courage for 100 years.

NAVY 311 “NAVY 311” is the place to go for all types of information to help support Navy military, civilian and retiree personnel and their families. Access NAVY 311 at 1-855-NAVY-311 or (DSN) 510- NAVY-311. You can also email NAVY311@navy. mil or visit www.NAVY311.navy.mil.

Navy Wives Clubs of America The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@me.com or visit our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/NWCA37.

Firth-Sterling Gate operations The Firth-Sterling gate is closed on weekends. Once the gate’s automated features become available, the gate will be accessible by any CAC card holder 24/7 during normal FPCON “A” conditions.

JBAB photo studio closure The JBAB Public Affairs photo studio is closed until further notice. For official studio photography support, contact 11th Wing Public Affairs at 240-612-4430. Service members can also contact the Fort Belvoir photo studio at 703-805-2945 and the Pentagon photo studio at 703697-2060.

Toastmasters Club seeks members The Bolling Toastmasters Club is available for everyone on JBAB as a place to practice your leadership skills. Toastmasters clubs are where leaders are made, and leadership starts with good communication. The program is selfpaced, and it works. The Bolling Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the JBAB Chapel Center. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Jim Queen at 301-452-6931.

JBAB Cyclists on Facebook Basically a forum for all JBAB riders to get together. We organize group rides over lunch and during commuting hours. Visit us online at www.facebook.com/groups/jbabcyclists. For more information, email austin.pruneda@afncr.af.mil.

Navy Marine-Corps Thrift Shop hours The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop has relocated to Enterprise Hall (building 72). The store hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. and the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 202-433-3364.

AFOWC Thrift Shop The Air Force Officers’ Wives’ Club Thrift Shop is located at 13 Brookley Ave and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Donations are accepted during business hours only. Profits from the AFOWC Thrift shop go toward college scholarships and other military charitable organizations. For more information about the AFOWC or its Thrift Shop call 202-563-6666 or email afowcthriftshop@verizon.net.



Friday, September 27, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal


Fright Night Movie

Youth Sponsorship and Monthly Birthday Celebration

Fall Aerobathon


continued from 8

Oct. 12 | 7-8 p.m. | Youth Center If your birthday is in October this one’s for you. Current Youth Center Membership is needed for this event. We invite youth new to the JBAB community to come and find out what the JBAB Youth Center has to offer to you. Come and meet fellow members and hear what they have to say about our programming, trips and activities. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Navy Birthday

Oct. 13 | 1 p.m. | Liberty Center Happy Birthday! Join Liberty as we celebrate 238 years with food, cake, prizes and of course FOOTBALL! Please call 202-6851802 for more information.

NAF Sale

Oct. 16 | 8 a.m.-2 p.m. | Base Pool Parking Lot Join us for the last sale of the year and check out a wide variety of items at bargain prices! Please call 202-767-9136 for more information.

Caramel Apples

Oct. 16 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center Got a sweet tooth? Stop by the Liberty Center and make a caramel apple! Please call 202-685-1802 for more information.

Oct. 18 | 7-9 p.m. | Youth Center Enjoy and evening of scary movies and popcorn. Register at the Youth Center. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Oct. 19 | 9 a.m.-12 p.m. | Fitness Center I The Fall Aerobathon will present a mixture of cardiovascular classes to elevate the heart rate. Come and enjoy the fun! Please call 202-767-5895 for more information.

Six Flags Fright Night – Teens

Oct. 19 | 2-8 p.m. | Bowie, MD Do the Monster Mash with the JBAB teens at Six Flags Fright Night! Purchase discounted tickets at the Information, Tickets and Travel Office located at the Commissary. Cost of admissions is the member’s responsibility. Current membership and signed permission slip is needed. Seating is limited. Register at the Youth Center. Please call 202-767-4003 for more information.

Paddle and Wine

Oct. 20 | 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. |Potomac River ODR is joining River & Trail Outfitters for their Paddle and Wine trip. The trip kicks off with a 4.5-to-7 mile kayaking or canoeing tour down the gently flowing Potomac River. After, enjoy an artisan cheese plate and a wine tasting. MUST BE 21 Years or OLDER. Cost for transportation, paddle, and tasting is $125. Please call 202-767-9136 for more information.

Chapel Schedule CATHOLIC SERVICES Reconciliation

Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday 9:10 a.m. Chapel Center


Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Wednesday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Thursday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Friday 7 a.m. Chapel Center Saturday 5 p.m. Chapel Center

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Center


Gospel 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center General Protestant 11 a.m. Chapel 2

Sunday School

Sept - May 9:30-10:30 a.m. Any questions about these services or other religious needs call 202-767-5900

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, September 27, 2013



Friday, September 27, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal



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