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Joint Base Journal Vol. 4, No. 42

November 1, 2013

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Volunteers ignite life-long passion for reading BY LT. CMDR. JIM REMINGTON JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS

WASHINGTON – Volunteers from Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) and other area bases joined the civic volunteer group City Year Washington on Oct. 25 to kickoff Madeline Leckie Elementary School’s reading program “What’s On Your Shelf?” Their task was to build 200 individual bookshelves and then help each student customize his or her bookshelf to be taken home at the end of the day with paint, brushes, and stencils. Heavy lifting on the volunteer side was carried out by City Year Washington, D.C. City Year, an AmeriCorps program, is a national service organization which unites young adults, ages 17 to 24, from diverse racial, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds for a demanding year of full-time community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. City Year D.C.

leaders Molly Vetter and Matt Zittle directed their team of sixteen and an equal number of JBAB volunteers who were more than excited to help kids build and paint bookshelves on a cold day in October. “That’s what working City Year is all about,” Vetter said. “For City, you volunteer a year of service to the organization. You can come right out of high school or college and say ‘I want to give a year of service giving back to the community.’ It’s an admirable thing. I’ve been able to watch people give a year and grow and I’ve grown myself.” Before any students emerged from the school to the blacktop area where they would spend part of their morning painting their own bookshelves, Zittle accurately predicted some big smiles and excitement to come. “Today will be a very pleasant surprise for a lot of kids at the school. I think they were under the impression that they were just going to be building stuff,” Zittle said. “They

didn’t realize that they would be able to take these bookshelves home.” The day started early with one group of JBAB volunteers assembling small bookshelves, 200 to be exact. The shelves are the center piece of a campaign that Leckie Elementary School Principal Atasha James titled in the form of a question, “What’s On Your Shelf?” Initially Capital One’s philanthropic group The Heart of America Foundation READesign was seeking a partner in Washington’s Ward 8. James spoke with them on behalf of Leckie Elementary and said she also sought a partnership that would be productive and meaningful. “I told them that I want my heart and soul to be poured into reading, because without that our kids are on a rocky foundation,” James said. “And if the students walk away with nothing else from elementary school it should be a real love for reading.” James added that she grew up

See READING, Page 2


Airman 1st Class Shaquile Garcias-Phillips, of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, shares a smile with a young girl from Leckie Elementary School while the two paint a bookshelf together as part of the school’s literacy program - “What’s on Your Shelf.” The program encourages children to develop a lifelong love of reading.

Study shows benefits of water taxi service BY PAUL BELLO JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING PUBLIC AFFAIRS


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Commander Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra discusses the possibility of a water taxi service to the region with Libby Garvey, a council member with Arlington County, and Amanda Chuzi, a transportation aide to Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

WASHINGTON – A year-long study commissioned by several area counties, including Prince William, Fairfax, Arlington and Charles County, Md., has determined there is a demand for a water taxi service to ferry commuters across the Potomac River and its tributaries. This comes as a result of the area’s robust population and the market of jobs located along the water, according to the study. Tim Payne, a principal at the firm handling the study, has combed over results that show a sustainable market to support a daily water taxi service to various places in the region, includ-


ing Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). To gauge a better understanding of this concept, guests from various agencies and municipalities from around the region, including JBAB Commander Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, were invited to take a tour aboard a water taxi Oct. 28. The tour included a visit to the Pentagon’s marina and docking area before returning to JBAB. “In Alexandria alone, we found there are a little more than 1,800 residents who currently work at either the St. Elizabeth’s U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, or at a building on JBAB,” Payne said during the tour. “A service like this could cut their commute and result in having fewer cars on the road during the morning or evening rush hour.”

Cody testifies to commission on total force

A coming home of sorts for new chaplain

Military parenting website assists communication

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While it must be decided whether a service like this should be operated by a public entity or through a public-private partnership, Payne said short connections among Alexandria, Reagan National Airport, National Harbor, the Woodrow Wilson Bridge and Washington are certainly worth pursuing. The Potomac Riverboat Company, which hosted the tour, currently operates a fleet of passenger boats out of Alexandria, Va. While providing service to National Harbor, Md., boats routinely dock just two blocks away from Nationals Park during baseball season. The idea of water taxis and ferries in the region has been talked

See WATER, Page 4


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, November 1, 2013

Joint Base Journal

Cody testifies to commission on total force BY STAFF SGT. DAVID SALANITRI AIR FORCE PUBLIC AFFAIRS AGENCY


Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody addressed members of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force Oct. 25 in Arlington, Va. During his testimony, Cody gave his perspective on the Air Force’s current total force status, and addressed his concerns for the future.

WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force’s senior enlisted Airman testified in front of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force Oct. 25 in Arlington, Va., giving his perspective of the total force and the challenges to building the best balance for the future. Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody shared his view on how the Air Force has performed as a total force during the past two decades of war, and addressed deployments for activeduty members, Reserve and Air National Guard. During the testimony, Cody said the effective integration and cohesion of the three components over the last 13 years at war has strengthened the relationship of the total force.

“We’ve been extremely successful,” Cody said. A topic heavily discussed and emphasized during the testimony was the concern about future deployment operations tempo for the Air Force. Cody said Airmen have been able to project air power around the world with success, especially during operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. He also noted there is concern about how much longer Airmen can be asked to deploy as often as they do without it negatively affecting Airmen and their families. Currently, active-duty Airmen have a dwell rate of 1:2, and reserve components are charged with deploying at a 1:5 rate. What a 1:2 dwell rate means is for every one month deployed, an Airman is at home station for two months, and for reserve components, for every one month deployed, they’re not deployed for five months.

“Performance has indicated that we are able to do what our nation asks us to do around the world, when they need us to do it,” Cody said. “But that doesn’t mean we can rely on the current construct going into the future.” During recent years, the Air Force has consistently reduced its active-duty force. Through this reduction, Cody is proud of the fact Airmen are accomplishing the missions asked of them. “The good news is our Airmen do get it done every day,” he said. Appointed by the Fiscal Year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, the commission is reviewing the Air Force’s structure to determine if and how it should change to meet future missions and funding challenges. The commission’s report and recommendations are due to the president by Feb. 1, 2014.

Naval Reserve Officer opportunities available at the U.S. Naval Academy BY LT. TENG K. OOI, AND CAPT. LINDA J. BELTRA NAVAL HOSPITAL JACKSONVILLE

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Any Naval Reserve Officer interested in an opportunity to teach, inspire, and empower the next generation of American leaders to serve our nation, the U.S. Naval Academy needs qualified individuals, especially at the ranks of lieutenant and lieutenant commander, with at least a master’s degree in an appropriate academic discipline to instruct in designated academic departments


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an avid reader and wants to impart some of that love on her students and community. The Heart of America told her that it would do whatever it could to help. To date, the organization has donated nearly 2,000 books to the school’s library, making Leckie’s holdings one of the largest library collections among elementary schools nationwide. In addition to library books, Heart of America donated funds for the materials necessary for the students’ personal bookshelves: wood boards cut to size, nails, paint, paint brushes, and more. But even with the materials, Leckie still needed one more ingredient, volunteers to make it all happen. What happened next is a testament to the importance of solid community relations. Dan Dunham, school liaison officer for JBAB and Naval District Washington, has maintained and strengthened the positive relationship the base has with Leckie Elementary. The subject of this potential project came up early in the summer after James heard that Capital One wanted to partner with Leckie. “She started to plant the seed that we’re going to need volunteers and I said ‘When you have a need

this semester and to serve as outstanding military role models and mentors to midshipmen. Recall opportunities will be considered for the following disciplines: cyber security, information systems, and information technology; electrical engineering, computer engineering, general engineering, nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, naval architecture, ocean engineering, aerospace engineering, and control systems engineering; mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, and oceanography; political science,

economics, English, history, and foreign languages, including Spanish, French, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese. Interested reservists should email the following: • A cover letter that states which discipline(s) you are applying for and your qualifications for the position. • A resume of experience (academic, professional, and naval experience, including any recent mobilizations, recalls, or extended active duty periods). • A full-length khaki photo.

Email: reserve.recall@usna.edu Reserve Recall Liaison Officer, Cdr. John Schedel United States Naval Academy, Code 11C 121 Blake Road Annapolis, MD 21402-1300 Telephone: (410) 293-6513 DSN: 281-6513 Fax: (410) 293-2591 To receive full consideration, interested officers for the academic year 2014-2015 should apply no later than December 15. Officers selected will be recalled to active duty and assigned orders for an officer-instructor tour, not to ex-

ceed three years, commencing July 2014. Recalled officers will remain on the reserve active status list and will remain eligible for promotion consideration before reserve selection boards. Selections will be made only after naval academy placement officers are confident that billets will not be filled from the active duty pool of potential officer instructors. Applicants will be made aware of their selection status by mid-April 2014. Final arrangements are contingent upon PCS funding being available through the Navy.

you give me a call and we’ll move it though our chain of command to see if we can get some people involved,’” Dunham said. Through JBAB’s solicitation for volunteers on base and through outreach to other National Capital Area bases and Department of Defense (DOD) agencies to include the Marine Barracks Washington and Fort George G. Meade, JBAB managed to pull together more than fifteen volunteers to include Sailors, Airmen, a Marine, and several civilians. “I think it’s a great turnout,” Dunham said. “Believe it or not we had the exact number that we needed. If we had more people we might have had people standing around.” The carpentry crew comprised of Dunham, JBAB Commander Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, a Marine and two Airmen assembled the bookshelves so efficiently that they completed the assembly portion far ahead of schedule. That meant that as each grade made its way outside to the blacktop, each student had an assembled bookshelf to call his or her own, ready to be decorated according to his or her own creativity and vision. The remaining volunteers were assigned to one of five painting stations where they engaged with students, asked questions about what sort of things the students like

from sports teams to characters to hobbies, and then helped develop plans on how to incorporate those subjects and themes into the styling and design of their bookshelf. It was through those initial discussions that the students and volunteers warmed up to one another. Dunham said that the students with their new bookshelves were not the only ones who got something out of the day; the volunteers came away with something, too. “I think the biggest thing that they’re getting is that instant gratification of helping somebody out and getting a reward for that,” Dunham said. “Kids are saying ‘thank you.’ I heard one student saying ‘I’d like to have that uniform,’ and then the Marine said, ‘Well this is the kind of uniform you have to earn. You can’t just buy this off the shelf.’ And the kid was really excited about that.” For Marine Sgt. Ryan Stitzel, of the Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., who has volunteered in a variety of capacities from soup kitchens to tutoring and mentoring middle and high school age kids, this experience was one of the most fun he’s had. He encouraged others who have not volunteered in the D.C. community to seize the opportunities that arise and to get to know the communities around them. “Considering this is an inner-

city area, a lot of people automatically think that a lot of these kids are troublemakers and have a really rough home life, but that’s not the case at all,” Stitzel said. “A lot of them obviously come from really good backgrounds and upbringings because you didn’t have to tell them how to act, they just did it.” When asked what he got out of the event, Airman 1st Class ShaquileGarcias-Phillips, of the U.S. Air Force Honor Guard, responded excitedly, “Joy! Joy! A lot of joy!” Garcias-Phillips also saw the day as an opportunity to pay forward the advice he received from military members that came to his school when he was the age of these Leckie Elementary students. “Back then when I was in school I had military people come to my school like this, and they told us if we wanted to be in the military we had to stay out of trouble,” GarciasPhillips said. “And their advice actually helped me out because here I am in the military and U.S. Air Force Honor Guard. So I just hope that what I told these kids today will help them out, too.” Navy Airmen Miles Franks, a casket bearer and armorer with the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, said he had nothing but great feelings at the end of the day. “It was fun putting a smile on their faces and changing their per-

spective on arts and crafts. A lot of kids came out here and they didn’t have any motivation and said ‘I don’t know what to do,’” Franks said. “But if you just give them some ideas and interact with them it just brightens them up. I saw a lot of frowns turn into smiles. For all of us, it made us feel great.” For Franks this was only the beginning of what he hopes will be future volunteering opportunities in the Ward 8 community. “I was talking to the staff to see if there are more programs like this because it would be very good for our command to show these kids that our command and the community supports and enjoys them and that there’s a big life ahead of them,” Franks added. “I’d also like to have these kids come see the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard perform and see what the military offers them.” Dunham, speaking of junior service members such as Franks and Garcias-Phillips, said, “We’ve got some service members who are fresh out of boot camp and they’re learning that it’s not just about the drill all the time. This is part of the mission too: giving back to the community and being a good neighbor.”

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, November 1, 2013


WASHINGTON – Air Force Chaplain (Capt.) Kraig Smith is quite content with his recent assignment to Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). A native of southern Maryland, he’s already familiar with the area and is excited to join a growing Protestant community on base. Smith joined the Air Force in 2006 after previously serving as a youth minister in nearby Lexington Park, Md. He’s deployed twice in his career – both times to Qatar where he helped counsel foreign workers and many of the natives there. He has also spent time on a missile base in Wyoming and at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, Okla. In addition to leading Protestant services at JBAB, he hopes to start an Airmen’s Ministry Center at Blanchard Barracks that will help focus attention on marriage and provide some outreach for single service members. He has also signed on as a liaison to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and is eager to get involved with the chapel’s youth programs. “I like to think of myself as a teacher


Air Force Chaplain (Capt.) Kraig Smith will lead Protestant services at Joint Base AnacostiaBolling (JBAB). by trade. It’s tremendously rewarding to help people understand who they are and where they stand in life,” Smith said. “I’ve always been interested and attracted to

Officials announce deadlines for holiday mail delivery

working alongside other services and agencies. That was certainly the case for him in Oklahoma City earlier this year, as Tinker Air Force Base was a focal point in aid for residents whose homes were decimated by an outbreak of tornadoes. Smith made himself available around the clock once Tinker’s Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) was stood up. As a chaplain, he said the biggest challenge is talking to people who outright refuse help. Though, when people do open themselves up, great things can happen. During his career, Smith has seen Airmen more willing to reach out to their colleagues and that he says speaks volumes – particularly when it comes to suicide awareness and understanding the symptoms of depression. As for his “coming home party” to JBAB, it was a pleasant surprise and one for which his family is grateful. He lives on base with his wife, Jennifer, and their two daughters, Kayla and Sierra. “My goal is to stay in the Air Force the standard 20 years. Personally, I would rather wear out than rust out,” Smith said. “I believe the best leadership is one that builds people up. I hope to help people become what they want to be.”

FDA issues warning about dietary supplement BY LARINE BARR

AMERICAN FORCES PRESS SERVICE WASHINGTON - Military Postal Service Agency officials recommend that parcel post packages for service members overseas be mailed by Nov. 12 for delivery by the holidays. Officials at MPSA, an extension of the U.S. Postal Service, have published a chart at http://hqdainet.army.mil/mpsa/xmas. htm that shows deadlines for various mailing options, broken down by the APO/FPO/ DPO numbers of various destinations. USPS is offering a discount on its largest Priority Mail Flat Rate box at $14.85. The price includes a $2 per box discount for military mail being sent to APO/FPO/DPO destinations worldwide, officials said. Priority Mail Flat Rate boxes are available free at local post offices, or can be ordered from USPS online. Postage, labels and customs forms also are available online.

the Air Force, so this makes all the sense in the world for me. It was a calling from God to join the service.” According to Smith, you learn a lot



WASHINGTON - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers to stop using OxyElite Pro, a dietary supplement, because of suspected links to acute hepatitis. The FDA, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Hawaii Department of Health are investigating reports of acute non-viral hepatitis in Hawaii where 29 cases are linked to a dietary supplement. The FDA urges consumers to stop using the product while the investigation continues. Distributed by USPlabs LLC in Dallas, Texas, the product is sold nationwide in retail stores and on the internet. The product has been pulled from Joint Base Andrews (JBA) and Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB).

Joint Base Journal JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING WASHINGTON, D.C. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE: PHONE: 202-767-4781 EMAIL: JOSEPH.CIRONE@NAVY.MIL This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DoD civilians and their family members. Contents of Joint Base Journal do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense, U.S. Navy or U.S. Air Force and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Air Force, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling or Comprint

“We are urging Airmen to stop using the product until the investigation concludes and results are confirmed,” said Col. John Oh, chief of Health Promotion, Air Force Medical Support Agency, Air Force Surgeon General. There have been a total of 29 cases of acute non-viral hepatitis with an unknown cause reported in Hawaii. Eleven of the 29 patients have been hospitalized with acute hepatitis, two have received liver transplants and one person has died. The CDC is also investigating other cases of liver injury nation-wide that could be related. Symptoms of hepatitis include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, clay or gray-colored bowel movements, joint pain, yellow eyes, and jaundice “Airmen who are experiencing

Military Publications of the products or services advertised. Published by Comprint Military Publications, a division of Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877, a private firm in no way connected with DoD, the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. The editorial content of Joint Base Journal is edited and approved by the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs Office. Tenant commands and others are encouraged to submit news, high-quality photos and informational items for publication. All submitted content must be received by noon on the Friday prior to publication. E-mail submissions to Joseph.Cirone@navy.mil. To place display advertising, call 240-473-7538. To place classified advertising, call 301-670-2505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

these symptoms should contact their health care provider immediately,” Oh said. Many Airmen reportedly use dietary supplements for weight loss or muscle building. In 2011, one-third of Airmen reported using legal bodybuilding supplements in the past year, including 15 percent in the last month, according to Oh. “We encourage Airmen to get educated on dietary supplement safety through Operation Supplement Safety, the Department of Defense dietary supplement education and safety campaign,” Oh said. Information about the campaign is found at: www.hprc-online.org/opss. Visit this link for more information about the FDA warning: http://www. fda.gov/Safety/MedWatchSafetyInformation/SafetyAlertsforHumanMedicalProducts/ucm370857.htm

Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, USN

Col. Michael E. Saunders, USAF

Joseph P. Cirone

Chief Master Sgt. Richard J. Simonsen Jr., USAF


Public Affairs Officer 202-404-7206

Vice Commander

Senior Enlisted Leader

Lt. Cmdr. Jim Remington, USN

Public Affairs Projects

JOINT BASE JOURNAL Paul Bello Photojournalist

COMPRINT MILITARY PUBLICATIONS Maxine Minar President John Rives Publisher Deirdre Parry Copy/Layout Editor


Friday, November 1, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

Your commissary offers more savings for the holidays BY SALLIE CAUTHERS DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY

FORT LEE, Va. – Military families facing the annual ritual of planning their holiday menus need to look no further than their commissary for quality and savings. “Your commissary has the most affordable, high-quality, name-brand ingredients for the perfect holiday meal,” said Randy Chandler, the Defense Commissary Agency’s sales director. “Whether the menu is a traditional roast turkey and potatoes, or a vegetarian meal with organic fruits and vegetables, you can find everything you need at your commissary to prepare a memorable holiday smorgasbord. Our industry partners are offering greater savings than ever before through high-value coupon booklets. Some promotions include a free turkey opportunity and there’s also a promotion benefiting wounded warriors.” Throughout November, the commissary’s industry partners – vendors, suppliers and brokers – are collaborating with stores to offer discounts beyond everyday savings. Overseas stores may have substitute events for certain promotional programs. Customers are asked to check their local commissary for details on dates and times for the following promotions: • The Third Annual “Get All the Fixin’s – Save Big on Your Bird. This world-wide promotion revolves around a 16-page recipe booklet with coupons valued at more

than $43. The coupons provide commissary shoppers with greater than normal savings or free turkeys when purchasing their holiday meal essentials. Terms and conditions are on the coupons. Vendors include Kraft Foods, Kellogg’s, Quaker Oats, General Mills, Hefty/Reynolds Wrap, Nabisco, P&G and Heinz. Look for these recipe booklets in your local commissary with coupons good through Nov. 28. • Nestlé’s Make Your Home Extra Special for the Holidays. This contest will award one grand prize of $6,000 along with 147 runners-up prizes of $25 commissary gift cards. Look for entry forms and boxes adjacent to Nestlé’s Good Food, Good Life name-brand products: Stouffer’s, DiGiorno, Hot Pockets, Nesquik, Toll House morsels, Libby’s Pumpkin and more. This promotion is being offered only in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Participants must be 18 years of age or older and eligible to use the commissary. Look for this promotion in November. • Acosta and its participating brand products present the “Believe in Heroes!” promotion. Commissaries worldwide will receive 250,000 flyers containing high-value coupons. During the sale, most participating brands will provide donations to the Wounded Warrior Project foundation. “Your commissary offers all the items you need for your holiday meals,” Chandler said. “Be sure to stock up now.”


A boat captain with the Potomac Riverboat Company steers a water taxi down the Potomac River Oct. 28. Guests aboard the water taxi were invited on a tour to gain an understanding of what water service would be like in the region.



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about for many years – usually culminating in a lengthy debate over cost and whether enough commuters would use the service and justify its purpose. Scott Davies, operations development manager for the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), said the idea is now more palatable due to increased traffic congestion on not only the roads, but on railways, as well. He said a marine highway program was

recently designated that includes the Potomac, Anacostia and Occoquan rivers. This could make commercially viable waterway routes eligible for federal funding, Davies said. “We still have a lot to figure out in terms of cost and land use, but having a maritime service is definitely a smart move,” Davies said. “We already have service to some parts and there’s enough to start a small network. It would be a huge benefit to the region.” Since taking command of JBAB, Calandra has been a proponent of having some type of water service to the base. If the project were to move forward, he promised continued support on his end.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, November 1, 2013


Military parenting website assists communication BY AMAANI LYLE


WASHINGTON - Service members who deploy or are otherwise separated from their families due to mission needs now have an online resource allowing them to hone their parenting skills as they reconnect with their children. Pam Murphy, the Defense Department’s lead psychologist for the website, said the launch of http://www.militaryparenting.org offers unprecedented, comprehensive and free computer-based training from a service member’s perspective on parenting and building strong relationships with their children. A clinical psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in community and private practice, Murphy said the Integrated Mental Health Strategy Program is a collaborative initiative between the Veterans Affairs Department and DOD. “We initially did an environmental scan of everything within the DOD as well as commercially available, and one of the areas that seemed to be at a deficit was a comprehensive parenting program that looks at the basics,” Murphy said. She noted that while a plethora of parenting information exists online, it was difficult to identify a free, private “militarycentric” program. “This is one of the first of its kind,” Murphy said. The interactive site, she explained, develops and reinforces parenting skills to help families reconnect through in-depth technology solutions that appeal to younger parents. “Many of the parents in the service

riences with parenting, reintegrating and making those everyday decisions,” Murphy said. The website consolidates and simplifies information that was previously accessible across multiple resources, said Air Force Senior Airman Matthew Siegele, a protocol specialist, and his wife, Air Force Staff Sgt. Sabrina Siegele, non-commissioned officer in charge of knowledge operations, both of whom work at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. “We’ve been through so many parenting classes, counseling and therapy, and a lot of the resources and advice is mirrored on this site,” Sabrina said. “This website is excellent -- it’s a one-stop shop instead of jumping around to multiple appointments.” During family separations, Murphy said, applications such as Skype and Facetime can help in keeping families connected, but the military parenting website provides ideas for technology-based activities that can help in reuniting parents and chilDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PHOTO dren after a deployment. “A lot of times, Air Force Staff Sgt. Sabrina Siegele and her husband, Air Force Senior Airman Matt Siegele, kids don’t know what to talk about with their parents when they are on the phone enjoy time after work with their daughter, Stephanie, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. or on the computer with them,” she said. The Siegeles say they like the age-appropriate scenarios of the new MilitaryParenting.org Murphy said the website can help miliwebsite. tary parents to reconnect with their children. member population are generally young- with their lives within the military. “Parents can benefit from this site, and She also noted that service members’ I believe they want their kids to grow up er,” she said. “Prominent age groups of personalized accounts interwoven into to be happy, healthy, fully functioning their children are typically 5 or below.” Murphy added that the site goes beyond the site make the situations and solutions adults,” she said. “Here, they’ll find stratethe job and hits home in terms of affecting relatable. gies and ideas to [get] even better in terms “We included videos of real service per- of helping kids to grow, mature and blosfamily relationships, building resilience and helping service members to be happy sonnel … to talk about their real-life expe- som.”

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Home library - One shelf at a time


A Navy service member from JBAB helps paint a bookshelf, one of many built and styled during the day.

After spotting a aspiring pilot, Calandra is more than happy to compare flight jackets with his new friend. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Anthony Hively, of the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, looks on.

Marine Sgt. Ryan Stitzel, a member of Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., rolls up the sleeves of a Leckie Elementary student before helping the student paint his own personal bookshelf.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Volunteers come together before getting to work.

Finished bookshelves lead away from Madeline Leckie Elementary School in southeast Washington, D.C.

One Redskins fan designed his bookshelf to depict a challenge against his father’s favorite, the Philadelphia Eagles.

Leckie Elementary School Principal Atasha James thanks volunteers for their dedication and participation in the school’s reading program. Marine Sgt. Ryan Stitzel, one of 15 service members participating during the day, listens.

Air Force Honor Guardsmen from Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) chip in and lend a hand during the event, which helps promote reading among children.

Volunteers from Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) and local non-profit City Year teamed up with children from nearby Leckie Elementazy School to build and paint bookshelves.


Friday, November 1, 2013

November is Military Family Appreciation Month Celebrating our brave service members, their family members and loved ones, who all share in the sacrifice and provide unending support!

Hiring Our Heroes and Military Spouse Partnership Event

Nov. 1 | 10 a.m.-1 p.m. | Bolling Club Join us for a job fair for veteran job seekers, active duty military members, guard and reserve members, and military spouses. This event will be a one of a kind FREE hiring fair for both employers and job seekers. Please call 202-463-5807 for more information.

Auto Hobby Shop

Brookley Ave, Bldg. 8 202.767.4571


November – January Available every Monday by appointment only Get your vehicles ready for the winter! $75 Winterization includes: oil change (filter & up to 5 Qts of oil), top off fluids, inspections (battery, wiper blades, tires, belts and hoses). Free on base transportation to and from work while your vehicle is being serviced. Transportation is only available for the Winterization special on Monday with appointment. Call to make an appointment.

Bolling Club

Theisen St, Bldg. 50 202.563.8400

Air Force Club Membership

Become a club member by Dec. 31 and get free dues for the first 3 months plus an instant win scratch card worth up to $100! Club member benefits include meals discounts, access to all Air Force clubs worldwide, $25,000 Annual Scholarship Program and more. Pick up an application at the Bolling Club or online at www.afclubs.net.

2013 White House Ornaments on sale now!

$18; Available at the Cash Cage or the Washington Dining Room

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

Tuesday-Friday | 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Washington Dining Room

2-for-1 Steak Night

Every Thursday | 5 - 8:30 p.m. | Wings Bar & Grill Choose from a juicy 12oz rib eye or sirloin steak Club Members: $23.95 for two people; Non-Members: $23.95 per person

Seafood Buffet

First Wednesday of each Month | 5 - 8:30 p.m. | Washington Dining Room Seafood Buffet featuring an abundant selection of crab legs, steamed shrimp, fresh oysters, fried oysters, fish and shrimp, the Club’s famous fried chicken, numerous sides, clam chowder, salad bar and home made banana pudding along with dozens of assorted cakes and pies. Club Members: $29.95; Non-Members: $34.95

Champagne Sunday Brunch

Every Sunday | 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Washington Dining Room Enjoy the best Champagne Brunch in the Capital Region featuring an abundant

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal

MWR Calendar

selection of shrimp, fresh oysters, baked and fried chicken, turkey, beef, fish, salads, grits, bacon, vegetables, starches, eggs benedict, made-to-order waffles and omelets, seasonal fruits, homemade banana pudding, assorted cakes and pies for dessert. Club Members: $17.95; Non-Members: $22.95

Paint Nite: Drink Creatively!

Nov. 13 | 6-8 p.m. | Bolling Club, Wings Lounge Sip cocktails with friends and unleash your inner Picasso during Paint Nite! Our master artist instructor will guide you through your painting so that you come up with your own unique masterpiece. At the end of the night, you’ll be amazed YOU created it. Furthermore, receive special framing discounts from the MWR Arts & Crafts Frame Shop so you can proudly display your artwork. Food and beverage will be available for purchase. Learn more at www.paintnite.com Price: $30 per person (Includes everything you will need, canvas, paints, brushes and even a smock) Advance tickets are available at the Bolling Club or Information, Tickets and Travel (ITT) Adults Ages 21 and older Call the Bolling Club 202-5638400 or ITT Office 202-404-6576 for more information.

Retro Soul Train

Nov. 15 | 5 p.m.-midnight | Bolling Club Dress to impress in your best 70’s attire as you dance the night away to the classics! Featuring a live band and DJ. Become a Club Member today to receive 3 months of FREE dues and get the chance to win great prizes! Entrance Fee: Club Members and Newly Recruited Members: FREE Non-Members: $10 Buffet: Entrance Fee: Club Members and Newly Recruited Members: FREE Non-Members: $10

Boss and Buddy

Nov. 22 | 3:30-5:30 p.m. | Wings Lounge Follow up that monthly promotion ceremony by taking your boss to the Club for Boss and Buddy Night! Club members enjoy a FREE buffet; cost for non-members is $10.

Thanksgiving Buffet

Nov. 28 | Bolling Club Two Seatings: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. - Washington Dining Room 1-3 p.m. - Capital Ball Room Make your reservations today for an unforgettable Thanksgiving Feast. This year’s buffet will feature all the favorites to include roasted turkey, prime rib, smoked Virginia ham, pork loin, seafood specialties and of course our famous dessert bar. Reservations are required by Nov. 25. Club Members: $25.95 Children 6-10: $12.95 Children under 5: FREE Non-members: $30.95

Thanksgiving Carry-Out

All orders must be placed by Friday, Nov. 22 Pick up your meal between 9 a.m.-8 p.m. on Nov. 27 Meals include: Roasted Turkey, Green Bean Almandine, Savory Stuffing, Whipped Potatoes, Candied Yams, Cranberry Sauce, Fresh Rolls, Gravy, Pumpkin Pie, Sweet Potato Pie and House Chardonnay Wine. Package #1

Feeds 4-6 people (1) Pie (1) Wine Club Member: $75 Non-member: $85 Package #2 Feeds 8-10 people (2) Pies (2) Wines Club Member: $120 Non-member: $130 Package #3 Feeds 12-16 people (2) Pies (2) Wines Club Member: $140 Non-member: $150

Capital Cove Marina

Giovannoli Way, Bldg. 90 202.767.9135 Winter Hours of Operation (NovemberMarch) Wednesday-Sunday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday- Tuesday: Closed

Child & Youth Programs Youth Center Arnold Ave, Bldg. 4485 202.767.4003

Youth Sponsorship and Monthly Birthday Celebration

Nov. 2 | 7-8 p.m. | Youth Center If your birthday is in November then this one’s for you! Current Youth Club Membership required. Youth who are new to the community are invited to come and find out what the Youth Center has to offer to you. Meet fellow members and hear what they have to say about our programs, trips and activities.

JBAB Keystone

Nov. 8 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Youth Center The Keystone club is a unique leadership development opportunity for teens ages 14-18. The club focuses on three areas: academic success, career prep and community service.

Parents Night Out

Nov. 15 | 6-11 p.m. | Pre-register by Nov. 13 Youth Center and Child Development Center II (CDC II) Enjoy a night out while CYP takes care of your children. Parents must be eligible for enrollment in Child and Youth Programs. Cost: $4 per hour; must pay 2 hours in advance. Children ages 6 weeks to 5 years (not in kindergarten) will register at CDC II and Youth ages 5 (in kindergarten) to 8 years will register at the Youth Center.

Date Night Idea

Retro Soul Train Nov. 15, 5 p.m.-midnight Bolling Club, Washington Dining Room Club Members and newly recruited members: Free Entry; Non-Club Members: $10

Pumpkin Pie Cooking Project

Nov. 23 | 7-9 p.m. | Youth Center Enjoy an evening of baking pumpkin pies. Recipe and ingredients will be supplied.

4-H Craft: Turkey Pins

Every Wednesday in November | 5:307 p.m. | Youth Center Make turkey pins to give to your family and friends. Registration required.

Youth Winter Sports Registration

Start Smart Basketball Registration Register: Nov. 1-15 Program begins Nov. 22 Cost: $35, includes a Start Smart Basketball T-shirt A current sports physical is required for the entire season. Sessions: Every Friday, 5–5:45 p.m. and 6–6:45 p.m. This 6 week program introduces children ages 3-5 to the sport of basketball. Your child will learn the basic skills and fundamentals of basketball, along with team spirit and social building skills. Basketball & Cheerleading Registration Open to ages 5-15 Register by Dec. 6 Program begins Dec. 11 Cost: $50, includes uniform; Late registration: $70 Registrations are contingent on available coaches. A current sports physical is required for the entire season.

4th Annual Operation: Keep Warm

Help the JBAB Youth Center collect gently used coats for their 4th Annual Operation: Keep Warm. Collection Boxes will be located throughout the base at various locations. Coats will be donated to several local shelters. All coat sizes are welcomed.

Month of the Military Family Fall Fun Day/Turkey Bowl

Nov. 16 | 10 a.m.-1 p.m. | Base Track Join the JBAB Youth Center for the Month of the Military Family Fall Fun Day! Activities include Pie in the Face, Quarterback Toss, Bean Bag Toss, Mouon Bounce, Rock Climbing Wall and Football Tire Run. After the Month of the Military Family Fall Fun Day, we invite you to stay and watch the Youth Flag Football Turkey Bowl at 1 p.m. at the base track.

Winter Break Care

Dec. 23-Jan. 6 Are you need of Winter Break Care for your child? Call the School Age Care Program at 202-767-4003 to find out what accommodations are available for this school year’s Winter Break Care.

Furnari Restaurant

Defense Blvd, Bldg. 418 202.433.2574/2391 Furnari Restaurant has a new items menu! Check it out for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) Arnold Ave, Bldg. 4472 202.404.6576

Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes

Nov. 23 | 7 a.m.-10 p.m. | New York, New York Transportation and show ticket: $114; Transportation only: $49 Bus departs at 7 a.m. from Fitness Center II and will return at 10 p.m.

The Nutcracker featuring the Washington Ballet

Warner Theatre, Washington, DC Show Dates and Times

See MWR, Page 9

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling


Miscellaneous items related to your health, your career, your life and your community Immunization Clinic has new hours

JBAB Cyclists on Facebook

The 579th Medical Group Immunization Clinic will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. On Thursdays, the clinic will be open from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. The clinic closes at 12 p.m. for training the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, call 202-404-6724.

Basically a forum for all JBAB riders to get together. We organize group rides over lunch and during commuting hours. Visit us online at www.facebook.com/groups/ jbabcyclists. For more information, email austin.pruneda@afncr.af.mil.

Toastmasters Club seeks members The Bolling Toastmasters Club is available for everyone on JBAB as a place to practice your leadership skills. Toastmasters clubs are where leaders are made, and leadership starts with good communication. The program is self-paced, and it works. The Bolling Toastmasters Club meets Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the JBAB Chapel Center. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call Jim Queen at 301452-6931.

Navy Marine-Corps Thrift Shop hours The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Shop has relocated to Enterprise Hall (building 72). The store hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. and the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 202-4333364.

AFOWC Thrift Shop The Air Force Officers’ Wives’ Club Thrift Shop is located at 13 Brookley Ave and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Donations are accepted during business hours only. Profits from


National Hot Fudge Sundae Day!

Dec. 7, 7 p.m. Dec. 15, 2 p.m. Dec. 19, 7 p.m. Orchestra Seating Price: $78.25 Tickets are special order upon request.

Make your own Holiday Mugs


continued from 8

Great Wolf Lodge 6

Dec. 7 | Williamsburg, VA Price: $220 per room, room capacity of

Check-in: 4 p.m. Enjoy cabin inspired suites and an indoor water park that your family and friends will love!

ELF the Musical

Dec. 22 | 1:30 p.m. | Kennedy Center Tier 1 Center Seating Price: $91. Tickets are special order upon request.

Liberty Center

Defense Blvd, Bldg. 72 202.685.1802

Indoor Go-Karts

Nov. 2 | 12:30 p.m. | Allsports Grand Prix, Dulles, VA Race into Liberty to sign up from indoor go-karting at the popular Allsports Grand Prix indoor track!

Cooking Class

Nov. 5 | 5:30 p.m. | Enterprise Hall Kitchen What’s cooking at Liberty? Pizza? Pasta? Cake? Do not miss your chance to cook a cool dish and make great friends.

Indoor Rock Climbing

Nov. 9 | 11:30 a.m. | Sportrock Climbing Center, Alexandria, VA Experience the physical challenge of indoor rock climbing. Whether you’re a pro or a rookie, instruction will be provided from novice to advance to teach you efficient and effective techniques to make for the ultimate indoor rock climbing experience!

Nov. 11 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center Celebrate the day by creating your own personal hot fudge sundae.

Nov. 13 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center Get ready for the holidays by making personalized coffee mugs for you and your loved ones.

PS4 Launch

Nov. 15 | 3 p.m. | Liberty Center Be the first to test out the next generation console!

Movie Night

Nov. 20 | 6 p.m. | Liberty Center Enjoy a movie along with free food and refreshments.

Xbox One Launch

Nov. 22 | 3 p.m. | Liberty Center Be the first to test the new Xbox One system.


Tinker St, Bldg. 4439 202.767.5578

Story Time

Every Tuesday and Thursday |10-11 a.m. Nov. 5: Love our Veterans! Nov. 7: Love our Military Families! Nov. 12: Love to our Native American Tribes! Nov. 14: Celebrating Military Families, November and Marine Corp Birthday! Nov. 19: Giving Thanks! Nov. 21: Heart of Powwow! Nov. 26: Native Ponies!

Patch Club – “ Award Winners”

Nov. 7 | 4:30-5:30 p.m. | Library Earn your patches for every reading project and activity you complete! This monthly book club for children features open book discussions with a different genre every month. The Patch Club also

Friday, November 1, 2013

the AFOWC Thrift shop go toward college scholarships and other military charitable organizations. For more information about the AFOWC or its Thrift Shop call 202-5636666 or email afowcthriftshop@verizon.net.

Navy Wives Clubs of America The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@me.com or visit www.facebook.com/NWCA37.

NAVY 311 “NAVY 311” is the place to go for all types of information to help support Navy military, civilian and retiree personnel and their families. Access NAVY 311 at 1-855NAVY-311 or (DSN) 510- NAVY-311. You can also email NAVY311@navy.mil or visit www. NAVY311.navy.mil.

Firth-Sterling Gate operations The Firth-Sterling gate is closed on weekends. Once the gate’s automated features become available, the gate will be accessible by any CAC card holder 24/7 during normal FPCON “A” conditions.

JBAB photo studio closure The JBAB Public Affairs photo studio features puppet shows, crafts, posters and private parties. Open to children ages 7-12.

Movie Madness

Every Friday | 4:30 p.m. | Children’s Room Enjoy new family friendly releases every week with free theater style popcorn and drinks. Visit the Circulation Desk or the Library’s mobile marquee for movie listings. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is 16 years or older.

Game Night

Every Friday | 4:30-6:30 p.m. Play games for Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3 or X-BOX 360! Game availability is first come, first served.

Outdoor Recreation

Giovannoli Way, Bldg. 928 202.767.9136

Massanutten Snow Trip

Dec. 14 | 7 a.m.-11 p.m. | Massanutten Resort ODR is going to Massanutten Resort for Skiing and Snowboarding for the first snow trip of the season! Transportation will depart from Outdoor Recreation at 7 a.m. and return at 11 p.m. Trip includes an 8 hour lift ticket and transportation Military ID cardholders, youth and seniors: $78; all others $88. Equipment is available for rent at ODR. Call to schedule your free fitting. Resale Lot: The Resale Lot is located on Duncan Avenue. If you are selling a car, truck, motorcycle, trailer, RV or boat, stop by Outdoor Recreation to register your vehicle. The cost is $12 for the first month, $22 for the second month, and $32 for the third and final month. A copy of the current registration and insurance is needed at time of payment. Equipment Rental: We have a large variety of sporting, camping and party equipment available! Stop by building 928 to check out the selection.


is closed until further notice. For official studio photography support, contact 11th Wing Public Affairs at 240-612-4430. Service members can also contact the Fort Belvoir photo studio at 703-805-2945 and the Pentagon photo studio at 703-697-2060.

JBAB Cub Scouts Attention all boys grades 1st through 5th interested in scouting. Please contact the JBAB Cub Scouts, Pack 343, at jbabcubscouts@yahoo.com for more information. Each den holds their own meetings each month along with one pack event. Boys will earn badges together and can work on individual achievements as well. Come join us for popcorn, camping and so much more.

Boys and Girls Club volunteers The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington needs volunteer coaches for their youth baseball league for 10-year-olds and 12-year-olds. For more information or to sign up, call 512-560-5548 from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. or email Michael.martinez@afncr.af.mil.

JBAB Girl Scouts Calling all Girls! Girls registered in Kindergarten - 12th grade this fall and interested in joining should contact JBABgirlscouts@yahoo.com. The troop meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the community center on Chappie James Blvd at 6 p.m. Girl Scouts; building girls with confidence, character and courage for 100 years.

Ski and Snowboard Rentals

Get ready to play in the snow! Outdoor Recreation has ski and snowboard equipment for rent. Stop by for a FREE fitting! Snowboard Package - $25, first day; $10 each additional day Ski Package - $25, first day; $10 each additional day Boots - $8 Poles - $5 Skis/Snowboard - $15 Skki - $15 Snow Shoes - $12 Helmet - $2


Edges dull? Calibration off? ODR can also service your personal equipment with edging, waxing, calibrating and complete tuning! Tuning - $10 Edging - $8 Waxing - $7 Calibrating - $10 Complete Tuning - $25

Resale Lot

Sell your car, truck, motorcycle, trailer, RV or boat! Registration is required. The cost is $12 for the first month, $22 for the second month, and $32 for the third and final month.

Potomac Lanes Bowling Center McChord St, Bldg. 1310 202.563.1701/1702

Book your next occasion with us!

Whether you are hosting a birthday party or an office meeting, bowling is fun activity that people of all ages can enjoy! We have group event packages that are available for all size groups. Come eat, bowl and celebrate at Potomac Lanes and leave the cleaning up to us!

Military Family Fun Night

Sundays in November | 5-9 p.m. | Potomac Lanes Get free shoe rental, pizza and drinks for only $20 for a family of 4. This is available for active military personnel and their families. Each additional person is $5.

See MWR, Page 10


Friday, November 1, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal



Sunday 9 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday 9:10 a.m. Chapel Center


Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Wednesday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Thursday11:30 a.m. Chapel Center Friday 7 a.m. Chapel Center Saturday 5 p.m. Chapel Center


continued from 9

Cosmic Bowling

Every Saturday | 8 p.m.-midnight Unlimited bowling and shoe rental for only $15; $12 for active military personnel and their families.

DJ Cosmic Night

Nov. 9 | 8 p.m.-midnight | Potomac Lanes DJ Chris lights up the night with great music and fun! Unlimited bowling and shoe rental for only $15; $12 for active military personnel and their families.

Turkey Bowl

Nov. 25 | 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Potomac Lanes Turkey Bowl is back! Come by the Bowl-

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Chapel Center


Sunday Worship

Gospel 11:30 a.m. Chapel Center General Protestant 11 a.m. Chapel 2

Sunday School

Sept - May 9:30-10:30 a.m. Any questions about these services or other religious needs call 202-767-5900

ing Center and bowl 3 consecutive strikes and you’ll win a turkey! Limited to 1 turkey per person per day. $2.50 per game and $2 shoe rental per person. Limit of 5 turkey winners per day.

Potomac Lanes Eatz

McChord St, Bldg. 1310 202.563.1701/1702

Special of the Month

November’s special of the month is a Grilled Cheese Sandwich with your choice of either Tomato or Chicken Noodle Soup and a 20oz drink for only $6.50.

Monday Night Football Special

Every Monday Enjoy a large, one topping pizza and 10 wings for only $16.95. Eat in or carry out.

Joint Base Journal

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Friday, November 1, 2013



Friday, November 1, 2013

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling

Joint Base Journal



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