Reach military in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC in our military newspapers, special sections and annual newcomer guides.
9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (301) 921-2800
Effective January 1, 2013
Why You Should Advertise to the Military Community • 100% of the military audiences is employed. They not only receive pay every two weeks, but they receive housing stipends, moving stipends, and more. • Military active-duty, retired, and their families pursue degrees and receive monies from the government toward that education. In the new Post 9/11 GI bill, active duty military with 7 or more years of service will be able to transfer their tuition assistance to their spouses or dependants. They can use TA and spouses can use My CAA. • In 2008, 39,950 active duty military personnel received degrees of higher education. (DANTES, 2009) • Military are required to move when given a new PCS (permanent change of station). They need to know about homes and neighborhoods right for their families. • Military often retire in areas where they last served. Communities around military installations are great communities for these retired military to settle into and still be close to the base commissary and exchange. • Military are accustomed to travelling and often book travel to return to home or to get-away with their families as they have leave each year. • 60% of all military moves take place during the May - Sept timeframe, when children are out of school for the summer. • 95% of the military members and their families live off of base/post, making them vital parts of local communities (using local community businesses vs. on post/base services). • 1/3 of all officers live in the Washington, DC area; officers’ pay, along with housing allowances, affords them a large amount of disposable income for local purchases • Between the Pentagon and the many military installations in & around the Washington, DC area, there are 100's of thousands of military/DoD/civilian workers that commute throughout this metro area each day, giving businesses a chance to reach customers at work that will be living in and spending money in their communities.
2013 Comprint Military Newspaper Display Advertising Rates** (Rates effective January 1, 2013)
Joint Base Journal Patuxent Tester WRNMMC Journal
Military Tabloid Newspapers
Column Inch Rate
NDW Waterline
(Net to Publisher)
Ft. Detrick Standard South Potomac Pilot
Military Broadsheet Newspapers
Full Page
Full Page
10" (6 col) x 13"= 78 column inches
10.75" (6 col) x 19.9"= 119.4 column inches
10.75" (6 col) x 9.9" or 5.33" (3 col) x 19.9" = 59.4 column inches
5.33" (3 col) x 9.9" = 29.7 column inches
Half Page
10" (6 col) x 6.5" or 4.968" (3 col) x 13" = 39 column inches
Half Page
Quarter Page
4.968" (3 col) x 6.5" = 19.5 column inches
Quarter Page
Eighth Page
3.291" (2 col) x 5" = 10 column inches
Pentagram (Army at Pentagon, Andrews Gazette Ft. Myer, Ft. McNair, Henderson (Joint Base Hall MCB) Andrews)
Eighth Page $197.30
Multiple Paper Discount
10% - Any 2 papers 15% - Any 3 papers 20% - Any 4 papers 25% - Any 5 papers or more
Frequency Discounts* 10 % - 6 times 15 % - 13 times 20% - 26 times 25% - 50 times
5.33" (3 col) x 4.925" = 14.775 column inches
Color Rates
$4.25 per Column Inch
*Frequency must be on contract and completed within the calendar year to earn this discount. Rates are per paper, per week, & effective 1/1/2013. Publisher reserves the right to change rates as market dictates during the calendar year.
2013 Comprint Military Newspaper Display Homes Advertising Rates** (Rates effective January 1, 2013)
Military Tabloid Newspapers
B&W Column Inch Rate (Net to Publisher)
Joint Base Journal Patuxent Tester WRNMMC Journal
NDW Waterline
Ft. Detrick Standard South Potomac Pilot
Full Page
10" (6 col) x 13"= 78 column inches
10.75" (6 col) x 19.9"= 119.4 column inches
10.75" (6 col) x 9.9" or 5.33" (3 col) x 19.9" = 59.4 column inches
5.33" (3 col) x 9.9" = 29.7 column inches
Half Page
Quarter Page
4.968" (3 col) x 6.5" = 19.5 column inches
$31.69 Full Page
Half Page
10" (6 col) x 6.5" or 4.968" (3 col) x 13" = 39 column inches
Military Broadsheet Newspapers
Pentagram (Army at Pentagon, Andrews Gazette Ft. Myer, Ft. McNair, Henderson (Joint Base Hall MCB) Andrews)
Quarter Page
Multiple Paper Discount
10% - Any 2 papers 15% - Any 3 papers 20% - Any 4 papers 25% - Any 5 papers or more
Frequency Discounts*
10 % - 6 times 15 % - 13 times 20% - 26 times 25% - 50 times
Color Rates
$4.25 per Column Inch
*Frequency must be on contract and completed within the calendar year to earn this discount **Rates are per paper, per week, and NET to publisher and effective 1/1/2013. Publisher reserves the right to change rates as market dictates during the calendar year. Homes Rate Card available only to Home Builders, Realtors, Apartments.
2013 Comprint Military Newspaper Display Automotive Advertising Rates** (Rates effective January 1, 2013)
Military Tabloid Newspapers
Column Inch Rate (Net to Publisher)
Joint Base Journal Patuxent Tester WRNMMC Journal
NDW Waterline
Ft. Detrick Standard South Potomac Pilot
Full Page
10" (6 col) x 13"= 78 column inches
10.75" (6 col) x 19.9"= 119.4 column inches
10.75" (6 col) x 9.9" or 5.33" (3 col) x 19.9" = 59.4 column inches
5.33" (3 col) x 9.9" = 29.7 column inches
Half Page
Quarter Page
4.968" (3 col) x 6.5" = 19.5 column inches
$31.70 Full Page
Half Page
10" (6 col) x 6.5" or 4.968" (3 col) x 13" = 39 column inches
Military Broadsheet Newspapers
Pentagram (Army at Pentagon, Andrews Gazette Ft. Myer, Ft. McNair, Henderson (Joint Base Hall MCB) Andrews)
Quarter Page
Multiple Paper Discount
10% - Any 2 papers 15% - Any 3 papers 20% - Any 4 papers 25% - Any 5 papers or more
Frequency Discounts*
10 % - 6 times 15 % - 13 times 20% - 26 times 25% - 50 times
Color Rates
$4.25 per Column Inch
*Frequency must be on contract and completed within the calendar year to earn this discount **Rates are per paper, per week, and NET to publisher and effective 1/1/2013. Publisher reserves the right to change rates as market dictates during the calendar year. Auto Rate Card available only to Auto Dealer & Manufacturers.
2013 Comprint Military Newspaper Insert Rates* Number of Pages (cost per thousand in net amounts)
Single Sheet
Insert Rates
$ 51
$ 54
$ 57
Joint Base Journal
Andrews Gazette
The Journal
South Potomac Pilot
Standard (bi-weekly)
Deliver Inserts F.O.B. destination (prepaid) to: Comprint Printing; 13501 Virginia Manor Road; Laurel, MD 20707 Phone: (240) 473-7609 Insert Receiving Hours: Monday- Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 P.M. ALL INSERTS MUST BE RECEIVED 7 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE. Bill of Lading/Pallet Tags must include: Newspaper to be Inserted, Name of Advertiser, Total # of inserts shipped, # of inserts on each pallet/skid, Total # of pallets/skids in shipment, Insert Run Date, Advertiser Contact Information
Size Requirements: Maximum size is 9 ½" height x 11 ½" width; Minimum size is 7" height x 5" width (size measured across the width would be the fold/spine of product.) Thickness Requirements: Single sheet inserts: minimum page thickness is .006 of an inch (6/1000); 60# stock preferred; stock characteristics, such as basic weight, caliper, permeability, tear strength and finish can affect inserting efficiency. Four (4) page tabs: must be quarter-folded. Non-standard Inserts: Z folded inserts cannot be machine inserted. Any non-standard insert (includes envelopes, consumer sample packets, perforated cards, self-sealing envelopes and similar pieces should be submitted prior for approval to run. Sample quantities of 300 pieces must be furnished for evaluation & test run before being accepted and approved for run. Packaging Requirements: All pallets should be four-way entry type, not stacked higher than 5' high or loaded beyond 2,500 lbs. Pallet tops must be sturdy and be the same dimensions as the pallet/skid. Inserts must be suitable for machine insertion with individual bundles not tied or banded. Inserts must be evenly jogged; brick stacked in turns of 4" and not to exceed 12" in height, with interlocking layers. Plastic wrapping of pallets/skids is recommended. Pallets should be secured with a minimum of four (4) bands and not double stacked. Card/Envelope Insert Requirements: All cards/envelopes packed in cartons/boxes must be placed in rows with dividers between rows. If more than one layer is included in a carton/box, there should be a separator on the top of each layer. All boxes must be fully packed. If cartons/boxes are skidded, please follow skid instructions above. Weight of individual boxes/cartons should not exceed 40 lbs. *Rates are per paper, per week, and NET to publisher and effective January 1, 2013. Publisher reserves the right to change rates as market dictates during the calendar year.
Comprint Military Publications Advertising Terms and Conditions Advertising Acceptance Policy: Comprint Military Publications reserves the right to reject or revise all copy submitted. In any event, the advertiser assumes liability for the content of all advertising copy and images printed and agree to hold Comprint Military Publications harmless from all claims arising there from made against any division of Comprint Military Publications. All advertising that might be mistaken by a reader as news, a feature or other non-advertising material must be clearly marked PAID ADVERTISEMENT. Comprint Military Publications shall not be liable for any damages or loss that might occur from errors or omissions in any advertisement in excess of the amount charged thereof. In the event of non-publication of copy, no liability shall exist on the part of Comprint Military Publications except that no charge shall be made thereof. All advertising must be paid in advance unless the advertiser has established credit with the Comprint Military Publications. When credit is established, all bills are due and payable within 30 days. Comprint Military Publications assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in advertising when copy or camera-ready illustrations are accepted after proof deadlines, or when proof has been approved by the advertiser or his agent, and in no case for more than the cost of that part or parts of the advertisement in error. No more than one proof of an ad will be shown prior to publication of the ad. No proofs will be shown on ads 4 inches or less. A cameraready ad is defined as one ready for publication that does not require any ad composition or production adjustments. Charges for changes (not corrections) from original layout or copy will be based on current production charges. Comprint Military Publications is not responsible for materials or art left in any office of Comprint Military Publications after 30 days or if advertiser or advertising agency has not requested artwork to be returned.
Page placement: We cannot guarantee page position for any advertiser. Premium placement for a 15% additional charge is an option on a space available basis. Competitor's ads: We cannot guarantee that you will not be placed on the same page as a similar business segment. Deadlines: To ensure we have time to create the best ad possible, we like to allow a minimum of 7 days before publication to receive space reservations and ad copy (for those we are creating). Our final deadline is Friday at noon prior to the Thursday/Friday publication date, except for holiday weekends. We cannot guarantee proofs, or be responsible for errors, if the ad is reserved or submitted after deadline. All ads must have final approval by Monday at noon. Credits: If errors occur, our priority is to do everything we can to correct the problem and ensure you are satisfied with the resolution. Every ad that runs has value, provided that any reasonable person would understand the message and have the opportunity to respond to it. If the ad is unreadable or otherwise rendered useless, then Comprint Military Publications will run the ad again free or provide a full credit. Other errors will be considered on a case-by-case basis and we will respond with partial credits or other means of compensation, provided the error was our responsibility. Comprint Military Publications assumes no responsibility for errors in camera-ready ads or changes submitted after deadline. Billing: A billing statement is mailed to you once a month for the previous period's advertisement(s) if there is a balance on the account. All accounts must be paid by the 30th of the statement month. Credit policy: First-time customers must pay in advance. Anyone wishing to apply for credit must complete a credit application, which is usually processed within 2-3 business days. We do provide a courtesy credit limit of $500.00 that can be used during the credit evaluation process. If the application is approved, payment for the entire balance is due by the 30th of the statement month. If the application is not approved, you must prepay for all advertising.
How to Submit Print Ad Files & Mechanical Specifications Artwork
• Print Ready - Email attachment (3 MB size limit) • FTP - Our FTP site is available for uploads using software such as Fetch. Address: User ID: gazette / Password: ads Or through your web browser at: User ID: gazette / Password: ads • AdSend - service that you may subscribe to. We are set up only to receive via AdSend. The password to submit an ad file to The Gazette is MDGGN. • AdDirect - Internet based ad delivery system. Please log onto from your internet browser for more information on how to use this system.
Acceptable Formats
• PDF files w/embedded fonts • Embedded fonts • Job Options in Distiller: Leave "Color Unchanged" to prevent conversion to RGB • CD/DVD
Print Ready Specs:
• Resolution Grayscale halftone & CMYK images: 300 dpi Line art (such as type): 600-1200 dpi • Line screen is 110. Total ink coverage should not exceed 220% known as TAC. • All fonts must be included in delivery of native files, .eps, .jpg or PDF files. • We recommend using the setting "Dot gain 30%" when doing image corrections to account for this. Screens over 85% may reproduce as black.
Design Tips:
• Images taken from website are not recommended. Images from a website use 72dpi in RGB mode. They will reproduce poorly on newsprint. Printed version will be muddy, very bitmapped and extremely poor in quality. • Ink spreads more on newsprint stock, due to the porous material, compared with standard laser paper. Take note when designing.
We accept the following native PC Software formats:
• Creator Professional 8 • Photoshop 7 • Illustrator CS2 • QuarkXPress 7 • Adobe Acrobat 7
Display Mechanical Specifications Full Page Image Area
10" x 13" (tab) TAB 1.614" 3.291" 4.968" 6.626" 8.323" 10"
10.75" x 19.90" (broad) BROAD 1.72" 3.52" 5.33" 7.13" 8.94" 10.75"
Military Newspaper Circulation & Publication Schedule Weekly Thursday Delivery - 15,000 copies distributed at Patuxent Naval Air Test Center in Southern MD
- 9,000 copies distributed at the Washington Navy Yard and the U.S. Navy at the Pentagon - 12,000 copies distributed at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda
Weekly Friday Delivery - 24,000 copies distributed at Fort Myer, Fort McNair, Henderson Hall MCB and the U.S. Army at the Pentagon in Northern VA - 15,000 copies distributed at the Joint Base Andrews in Prince George's County, MD - 15,000 copies distributed at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington, DC
- 8,000 copies distributed at Naval Testing Center Indian Head , MD Naval Testing Center Dahlgren, VA
Bi-weekly Friday Delivery - 6,000 copies distributed at Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD and at Forest Glen Annex in Silver Spring, MD
Military Special Sections PCS/Relocation Guides (Publishing Feb. 28 & March 1, 2013, and October 3 & 4, 2013)* With the people still settling in from the Base Realignment & Closing in the MD/DC/VA region, there will be two special sections covering all military and civilian personnel need to know about moving to our area. We will publish two guides which will focus on where to move (real estate, apartments, single family homes and condos), how to move (storage and moving companies), where to send your kids to school (private and charter schools), local medical facilities, veterinarians, local retail shopping, banking and local places to work for spouses and much more. Distributed to over 100,000 military and civilian personnel within 8 military newspapers in MD/DC/VA.
Higher Education & Lifelong Learning (Publishing Feb. 28 & March 1, 2013; September 12 & 13, 2013; and October 31 & Nov. 1, 2013)* My CAA, TA and the GI Bill all provide opportunities for active duty military, military spouses, and veterans to attend higher education institutions and received certifications, degrees and licenses that will open new doors for their careers. Editorial will cover online education, continuing educational opportunities, advanced degrees, graduate programs and much more. These special sections include full and half page profiles of your college/school/university when you purchase a full or half page ad. This detailed information helps those looking to return to school learn more about your institution and come enroll with you. These special sections are distributed to over 100,000 military and civilian personnel within 9 military newspapers in MD/DC/VA. 4,000 copies are sent to 15 Education & Lifelong Learning Centers at military installation in MD/DC/VA for them to distribute to potential students who visit their centers. Supplement to The Pentagram, Journal, Standard, Joint Base Journal, Trident, Tester, Waterline, Capital Flyer and South Potomac Pilot
Combined Federal Campaign (Publishing September 19 & 20, 2013 and October 24 & 25, 2013)* The Combined Federal Campaign provides Federal employees the opportunity to give generously through payroll deductions. Donations from Metropolitan D.C. area military installations in 2009 were over $60 million dollars. The average gift is $349 a person. This important group of contributors is strongly encouraged to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. Comprint Military Newspapers can also deliver your organization's special message to this audience throughout the campaign in our weekly papers. Distributed to over 100,000 military and civilian personnel within 8 military newspapers in MD/DC/VA.
Military Special Sections DC Military Family Life Special sections for military spouses, children and family members to share information, help one another and be recognized for their efforts on the home front. Articles written by military spouses and MWR offices. Copies distributed in 8 military newspapers published by Comprint Military (100,000 copies) and additional copies sent to 5 MWR offices including Ft. Meade, Ft. Belvoir and MCB Quantico. See below for the themes for each issue! April 18 & 19, 2013 - Month of the Military Child-Summer Camps for our Kids May 9 & 10, 2013 - Military Appreciation Month & Family Vacation Time June 13 & 14, 2013 - DCMilitary Family Life’s Wounded Warrior Caregiver of the Year Award* August 22 & 23, 2013 - Back to School & Getting Settled After Your PCS November 21 & 22, 2013 - Month of the Military Family December 12 & 13, 2013 - DCMilitary Family Life’s Military Spouse of the Year Award* * Inquire about event sponsorships.
Veteran's Day Tribute (Publishing November 7 & 8, 2013)*
Thousands of veterans have served our country and each year we take an opportunity to thank them for their service. If your company wants to support our military veterans by hiring them after their service, offering special discounts at your restaurants and stores, offering discounts on travel or just want to say thank you, then you must be advertise in this special section. Editorial will include coverage of special Veterans Day events in the National Capital Region and could include a story on what your company has done to support the veterans in our country. This special section will be distributed to over 100,000 military and civilian personnel within 8 military newspapers in MD/VA. *Please note that space reservations for all special section are 3 weeks prior to publication date and artwork is due 7 working days prior to publication.
Military Special Sections PRICING Special Sections**
Full Page (4 column) 9.25" x 10" 4/C - $3,200 Half Page Horizontal (4 column) 9.25" x 4.8" 4/C - $1,800 Half Page Vertical (2 column) 4.55" x 10" 4/C - $1,800 Quarter Page (2 column) 4.55" x 4.8" 4/C - $999 Eighth Page (2 column) 4.55" x 2.2" 4/C - $575 **This pricing is for all special sections except for Higher Education & Lifelong Learning. Pricing includes color.
Higher Education & Lifelong Learning***
Full Page (4 column) 9.25" x 10" - $3,650 (includes a full page school profile) Half Page Horizontal (4 column) 9.25" x 4.8" - $2,100 (includes a half page school profile) Half Page Vertical (2 column) 4.55" x 10" - $2,100 (includes a half page school profile) Quarter Page (2 column) 4.55" x 4.8" - $999 Eighth Page (2 column) 4.55" x 2.2" - $575 ***This pricing is ONLY for Higher Education & Lifelong Learning special sections. All pricing includes 4/C.
DCMilitary Family Life Full Page Half Page Horizontal Half Page Vertical Quarter Page Eighth Page (H)
(9.25" x 10") 4/C (9.25" x 4.8") 4/C (4.55" x 10") 4/C (4.55" x 4.8") 4/C (4.55" x 2.2") 4/C
1x $2,995 $1,947 $1,947 $1,198 $749
3x $2,546 $1,655 $1,655 $1,018 $636
6x $2,037 $1,324 $1,324 $815 $509
2013 Comprint Military Newcomer Guide Rates (per Guide)
GUIDE FULL 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 1/8 BOX BOLD LIST X-LIST X-LINE
NDW Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling
$5,347 $4,059 $3,206 $2,348 $1,757 $1,346 $1,018 $457 $243 $82 $45
$4,457 $3,429 $2,648 $1,980 $1,480 $1,135 $854 $384 $201 $66 $36
$4,244 $3,229 $2,439 $1,866 $1,395 $1,070 $801 $372 $189 $62 $32
$3,798 $2,892 $2,226 $1,666 $1,279 $964 $701 $363 $169 $57 $28
$2,898 $2,243 $1,725 $1,292 $972 $747 $544 $238 $109 $37 $17
JBM-HH Andrews
Detrick Pax River
FULL 3/4 1/2 1/4
$1,626 $1,279 $884 $481
$1,310 $1,010 $765 $398
$958 $753 $550 $319
$802 $628 $459 $265
$472 $384 $288 $186
CIRCULATION Fort Belvoir - 30,000 Fort Meade - 18,000 Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall - 16,500 Patuxent River NAS - 13,000 Joint Base Andrews - 13,000
Multiple Guide Discount
10% - Any 2 guides 15% - Any 3 guides 20% - Any 4 guides 25% - Any 5 guides 30% - Any 6+ papers or more
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda - 13,000 Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling - 10,000 Naval District of Washington - 8,000 Fort Detrick - 6,000 Indian Head - 5,000 Dahlgren - 5,000
Guide Premiums
Back Cover - 25% Inside Cover - 20% Glossy Page - 15% Other Special Positioning-10%
Color Additional. Cancellations must be in writing 6 weeks prior to publication date on confirmation order.
2013 Rates & Specs (All rates are net to publisher窶馬o discounts available beyond 12 month rate)
Run of Site Leaderboard 728w x 90h $375 a month (10% discount for 12 month run guarantee)
Run of Site Half Page
300w x 600h $425 a month (10% discount for 12 month run guarantee)
Run of Site Page Breaker 980w x 90h $275 a month (10% discount for 12 month run guarantee)
Run of Site Big Box
300w x 250h $325 a month (10% discount for 12 month run guarantee) sells all space for a monthly charge. Impressions and click-throughs are NOT guaranteed. 1,116,092 page views* and 683,458 daily unique visitors* in 12 months. There are 8 advertisers rotating in each spot. *12 month period from Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2012.
Call your rep. today to place an ad at (301) 921-2800
2013 Rates & Specs Runs on Home Page when page first opens the ad pushes down to expanded version. Everytime page is visited after that collapsed version appears unless mouse rolls over the ad and then it expands again.
Ad size 980x30 pixels
Ad size 980x336 pixels
Great to promote SALES, EVENTS AND MORE
Rates: 3 day (Fri., Sat., Sun.) 5 day (M-F) 1 Week (7 days)
$300 $400 $500
Contact Us Office Location: 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Phone: (301) 921-2800 Fax: (301) 948-2787 Web address: Maxine Minar, President John Rives, Publisher