Civil War turning point
Squids battle Rapids in meet
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Vol. 60, no. 26 July 12, 2013
page 7
Published for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
Defense Department will muscle through furlough period
By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service
Col. Anthony S. Barnes, left, receives command of Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corps Henderson Hall from outgoing commanding officer Col. Ira M. Cheatham during a July 9 change of command ceremony.
Barnes takes command of H&S Bn., HQMC Henderson Hall By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer
The Headquarters & Service Battalion Headquarters Marine Corps Henderson Hall said farewell to one family member and welcomed a new one July 9. In a change of command ceremony, Col. Anthony S. Barnes took control of H&S BN-HQMC affairs from the outgoing Col. Ira M. Cheatham. Cheatham served as commanding officer on the
Marine portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall since July 2011. At the ceremony were Lt. Gen. Willie J. Williams, director of Marine Corps Staff; Lt. Col. Jennifer Blair, JBM-HH deputy commander; JBM-HH Command Sgt. Maj. Earlene Lavender and other distinguished guests. Before his retirement ceremony, which was held July 10, Williams made remarks to the outgoing and incoming commanders, their families and a
group of guests and Marines after the passing of the colors during a drizzly 40-minute ceremony at the battalion headquarters grounds. “This is an opportunity to say thanks to Ira and Krista [Cheatham’s wife] for their work within the battalion,” Williams said. “A couple years ago, we had him over to Quarters 2 when he first came aboard, and at that time, Ira said he could never imagine just what he was getting into. see COMMAND, page 8
As the Department of Defense enters the furlough period, the department will concentrate on the core mission of defending the United States and its interests, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said July 8. “That’s where our center of gravity is during this furlough period,” Little said. Because of sequestration, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel made the difficult decision to furlough about 85 percent of DoD civilian employees one day a week through the end of the fiscal year, a total of 11 days, the press secretary said. “My assumption is the vast majority of that population is on furlough at least one day this week,” Little said. Little estimated the action will save the department $1.8 billion by the end of September. Some missions in the department will be impacted, he said. “We’re very clear with our own staff that there will be some impact, and we expect other offices to have similar impacts,” the press secretary said. What happens in fiscal 2014 remains up in the air, Little said in response to a reporter’s question about the possibility of future layoffs. “We’re getting ahead of ourselves talking about layoffs at this stage,” he said. “Right now we’re in the furlough period and no decisions have been reached about what may happen going forward.” Much of what will happen depends on the government’s ability to move beyond sequestration, Little said. “[Hagel] has been clear that he would like for there to be a deal on sequestration, so we can lift this burden off of all our employees in the department,” Little said. Sequestration “was an unfortunate mechanism designed to avoid unfortunate consequences. We’re seeing some of those consequences already in regards to military training and readiness,” the press secretary said. “It’s unfortunate we’re in this period but we’re going to muscle through it best we can,” he added.
Larger base fireworks crowd, 50-gun salute highlight holiday By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer
An Independence Day early evening informal poll taken at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Whipple Field produced two results: more people than ever took in the national fireworks over the District of Columbia from JBM-HH and firsttime viewers greatly outnumbered fireworks veterans. A crowd estimated to be 25 to 50 percent larg-
Community Spotlight Commentary Community News Notes Feature Classifieds
er than previous years spread dozens of blankets and unfolded hundreds of lawn chairs for the Capitol Fourth, the District of Columbia’s fireworks display which originates from the National Mall. While Whipple Field repeat visitors were in the audience, the crowd was saturated with first-time visitors. A family of 16, the Montemayor family, jetted to Washington D.C. from Austin and San
p.2 p.3 p.4 p.4 p.7 p.9
Antonio, Texas for sightseeing and the Independence Day spectacular. Young and old joint base newcomers made cross-country and crosstown trips for an evening of district detonations. Teenager Matthew Gallegos of Boise, Idaho, made it a point to stop by JBMHH, while local Defense Department workers from as close as Alexandria relaxed and enjoyed the 24-minute
show, which began a couple minutes after 9 p.m. A number of groups ventured from Fort Belvoir following the 2013 discontinuation of their base fireworks show due to budget constraints. Megan and Alisha, a pair of military spouses from Belvoir, were game participants for hilltop seats. “We’ve wanted to see PHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE the D.C. fireworks this Viewed from Whipple Field on Joint Base Myeryear, since there are
Henderson Hall, fireworks explode over the Washington,
see HOLIDAY, page 8 D.C. skyline during Independence Day July 4.
Let’s go places
Health care
Pg. 7
Pg. 4
Guardsman’s efforts to restore car postponed
Prevention is focus at Belvoir hospital
Friday, July 12, 2013
Dress right
Soldiers stand in formation as Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan assumes command of Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and U.S. Army Military District of Washington from Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington during a change of command ceremony on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Conmy Hall June 24.
Community Spotlight • Name: Airman 1st Class Mark Brownlee • Job title/where do you work? Ceremonial Guardsman (firing party). • Military service? Air Force. • Favorite sports team? South Carolina Gamecocks. • Favorite book? The Bible. • Favorite food? Italian food. • Favorite band/music artist? The Civil Wars. • Favorite movie? “Top Gun.” • Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to or been stationed? Seattle. • What do you like most about working on JBM-HH? Being able to honor the fallen. • What are your goals for the year? Get married and become fully qualified in my job. • What do you like most about living in the National Capital Region? The humidity. • What’s your favorite attraction to see in the NCR? Lincoln Memorial. • What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Don’t quit. • If you won the lottery, what would you do? Invest.
Caption This
Caption This #25
If you’ve ever looked at a photo, read the caption underneath and thought you could do better, now is your chance. Each week, “Caption This” will have a photo taken from around the base. It’s up to you to figure out the best, funniest or craziest caption that describes what’s going on in the picture. The only rule is you have to KEEP IT CLEAN! “Caption This” submissions can be sent either by emailing them to, commenting on our Facebook page or just stopping by Headquarters Bldg. 59, suite 116 and dropping it off. Don’t forget to add the “Caption This” number, your name, rank or position and where you work. Commander, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Every week the Pentagram staff will pick their favorite. The winner’s Col. Fern O. Sumpter’s vision and philosophy: name, caption along with the photo, will be printed in the newspaper. Compete with your friends and coworkers and see who can come up with the best one. And if you have a photo you think would make a great With a team of resource management savvy and technically competent DoD professionals, establish JBM–HH as DoD’s premier provider of consistent, qual- “Caption This,” send it in. ity services that enhance readiness and the overall well-being of our customers. Caption This #24 We must be ... - Experts at what we do … constantly improving our skills and knowledge. “Red Rover, Red Rover, send David right - Focused … set priorities and complete the mission. over!!” - Committed … to the mission and each other, fostering a community of excellence. Dermita Crawford Schuyler - Professional/respectful … remain calm, even when others are not … count on each other at all times, treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Pentagram Printed on recycled paper
The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be faxed to (703) 696-0055 or e-mailed to Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Friday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the printer. Comprint Military Publications is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.
Editorial staff Commander Command Sergeant Major Director of Public Affairs Command Information Officer
Col. Fern O. Sumpter Earlene Y. Lavender Mary Ann Hodges Sharon Walker
Pentagram staff Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Photographer
Courtney Dock Michael Norris Rhonda Apple Julia LeDoux Jim Dresbach Rachel Larue
(703) 696-5401 (703) 696-7607 (703) 696-1363 (703) 696-7605 (703) 696-5488 (703) 696-7606
Safety tip Put a stop to shock at home Electricity, it’s a part of modern life we often take for granted. Every once in a while we get a shocking reminder that electricity can be one of the biggest hazards in the home. Even a low voltage current can be fatal, especially for children. Use the following guidelines to avoid electrical hazards in the home: • Inspect electrical equipment and cords for damage and wear, including extension and temporary cords. Look for frays, punctures, or any other kind of damage to the insulation on the wiring or damage to the plug. Replace damaged or worn-out equipment. • Don’t put cords in areas where they may get stepped on, tripped on, or driven over. Keep them well away from heat sources. Don’t yank on cords to unplug them as this can damage the wiring. • Never remove the third prong on a plug to make it fit in a two-plug hole. The third prong provides grounding for the electrical current and is an important safety feature. All major appliances and power tools should be on three prong plugs. • Don’t overload circuits with too many appliances. This can cause overheating and become a fire hazard. If the electrical load is heavy, use a cord designed to carry a bigger current. If the circuit breaker kicks in due to overloading, don’t just flip it back on without investigating what the problem might have been. Have it fixed if necessary. • Never operate anything electrical in a wet or damp place, or while standing in water. Water and electricity don’t mix. This may be a problem around leaky washing machines, when using power tools in a damp garage or workshop, or when using an electric lawn mower if the grass is still wet from rain or sprinklers. Keep electrical appliances away from bathtubs, pools and sinks. Consider installing ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) on any equipment that may accidentally contact water. These detect failures or leakages (interruptions) in electrical lines and quickly break the circuit before you get shocked or electrocuted. • Home repairs like roofing or gardening work like pruning might bring you into the proximity of overhead power lines. Contact with these is extremely hazardous so maintain a safe distance. Always assume a wire is “live” or energized. • Underground power lines can be just as dangerous. If you are planning to dig anywhere around your property for building or planting, call your utility company to mark out the power and gas lines for you. • Never use electrical space heaters near moisture. Unplug them when not in use and ensure they have an automatic switch off in case they get knocked over. Keep space heaters away from curtains, clothes and other combustibles, and ensure that electrical cords and plugs are in good condition. • Faulty wiring can be a problem, particularly in older homes. Get an electrician to do a safety check on your wiring if this is a concern. Most of us can’t imagine a life without electricity. Use it cautiously and sensibly, and it will bring more power to you.
If you have been sexually assaulted or think you have been: Go to a safe location away from the attacker. Contact your local sexual assault response coordinator (SARC), victim advocate (VA) or healthcare provider. You may also contact your chain of command or law enforcement (military or civilian). However if you do, an investigation will occur and you will not have the option of making a restricted report (restricted reporting is available at this time only to military personnel of the armed forces and the Coast Guard.) Seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. Ask the healthcare provider to conduct a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE) to preserve forensic evidence. If you suspect you had been drugged, request that a urine sample be collected. Preserve all evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, wash your hands or brush your teeth. Do not clean or straighten up the crime scene. Write down, tape or record by any other means all the details you can recall about the assault and your assailant. For more information regarding SHARP, contact the installation sexual abuse response coordinator, Nathaniel Robinson at 703-244-9087, your unit SARC or victim advocate.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Fort Belvoir hospital aims to redefine military healthcare By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service
When the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital opened its doors in August 2011, it represented a long list of “firsts.” It was the nation’s newest, most technologically advanced military treatment facility, the first one to receive gold-level LEED “green” construction certification and one of just two joint hospitals in the Military Health System. With a heavy focus on preventive care, the new Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Northern Virginia pairs patients and their families with teams of providers who make up their “medical home.” Less than two years later, the staff at the Defense Department’s newest treatment facility is implementing another first: an ambitious new strategy that its commander hopes will help redefine military healthcare. One of the most striking things about the gleaming new hospital is that despite its 1.3-million-square foot footprint, it has only 120 inpatient beds. Most of the facility is built around 440 examination rooms and 55 clinics that concentrate on outpatient care and preventive medicine, Army Col. Chuck Callahan, the hospital commander, told American Forces Press Service. “The outpatient arena is where healthcare takes place in 2013,” he said. “Good healthcare is focused on prevention, which means you don’t need to get hospitalized.” With that goal in mind, the hospital staff is working to keep patients healthy and, when they need medical care, to make it the most positive experience possible. This is the foundation of the new strategy Callahan began rolling out last year. Tapping the hospital staff and patients directly, he incorporated almost 700 of their suggestions into a plan designed to improve the care provided. “This strategy we have embraced really belongs to the staff and patients of the organization, and we are now in the process of beginning to implement them,” Callahan said. Early indications are positive, he said. Making appointments is easier than ever before. Parking is convenient. The facility itself is inviting. And most important of all, Callahan said, everything about the hospital operation is focused directly on patients and their families. People who have tried to see a doctor when they are sick probably know the pitfalls of a reactionary healthcare system. Getting squeezed in for a same-day appointment can be difficult, at best. If a condition requires a visit with a specialist, that draws treatment out even longer and often requires multiple appointments. “The notion of patient- and family-centered care means we look at the way care is delivered from the perspective of the patient, both individually and as a population,” Callahan said. “It’s a proactive approach that boils down to ‘what health care do you need and how do we provide it to you?’ rather than the opposite, ‘here is what we have and sorry if it is not what you need,’” he said. The centerpiece of this model is an ongoing relationship between patients and their providers. Patients are assigned to a “medical home” — a team of doctors, nurses and specialists who oversee their care. “This is a group that puts their arms around that group of patients and manages their health — not just treats their disease,” Callahan said. As a result, patients know who to call when they have health issues or questions. When they need to make an appointment, they can feel confident that they’ll get one, and be seen by providers who know their conditions and medical histories. Patients with complex medical issues also have ready access to the “medical neighborhood” within the hospital, Callahan said. No longer do they need to schedule multiple visits with a series of specialists who may never communicate with each other. Instead, providers from across the “neighborhood” coordinate through medical home to provide interdisciplinary care. “That’s all the providers, plus the patient and family, in the same room, talking through the treatment and management plan,” Callahan said. “It’s the model we are evolving as a hospital.” The facility itself incorporates what Callahan called “evidence-based design” that supports heal-
With a heavy focus on preventive care, the new Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Northern Virginia pairs patients and their families with teams of providers who make up their “medical home.” Here, Dr. Cathy Tieu gauges the reactions from LeAnn Redlinger’s patch test to diagnose skin allergies during a dermatology appointment, July 27, 2012.
ing. Design decisions were made to be therapeutic, incorporating natural light, outside views, healing gardens and pavilions inspired by nature: eagle, river, sunrise, oak and meadow. Sections of the hospital are color-coded so visitors can quickly get their bearings. All in-patient rooms have just one bed, and a pull-out sofa that Family members can sleep on. The design team tapped the Disney Corporation’s concepts of “onstage” versus “off-stage” operations, relegating non-medical services to back hallways or nonprime hours. While improving access to care when patients are sick and making the hospital experience as positive as possible are major goals of the new strategy, a foundation of the medical home concept is taking care of patients when they are healthy, Callahan said. Instead of waiting for patients to call, he said, providers reach out to initiate required tests and procedures. They also rely heavily on social media and a secure Internet-based messaging system to answer patients’ health-related questions and provide healthcare information aimed at promoting health and well-being. “The focus is on managing the patients so they get what they need and what they don’t even know that they need,” Callahan said. “It’s not just a matter of ‘what are you here for today?’ The goal is to keep you out of the hospital and keep you healthy. That’s much better than waiting until you are sick.” Making these investments up front changes the paradigm in delivering healthcare, creating healthier beneficiaries and improving their quality of life, Callahan said. As the Defense Department struggles with tough budget choices amidst skyrocketing medical costs, this proactive approach makes financial sense, he added. “Treatment of disease is almost always more expensive than screening for and preventing disease. Almost always,” Callahan said. “So we are making the investment up front. As we move toward health and well-being, we are not only providing better healthcare to our beneficiaries. We are also going a long way toward saving healthcare costs in the long run.” Callahan said he expects the new strategy to be fully in place within the next five years, but emphasized that he doesn’t anticipate a point where the staff will ever fully declare “mission accomplished.” “Performance improvement is a journey. It is not a destination,” he said “Getting better as an organization is a journey, so we are going to continue to evolve our strategy to adapt to healthcare changes and better ways to provide for our patients. “So there is never going to be a point of ‘arriving,’” he said. “In terms of healthcare, there will always be traveling.” (Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of two articles about Fort Belvoir Community Hospital.) PHOTO BY MARC BARNES
Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, which opened to patients in August 2011, is implementing a new strategy that Army Col. Chuck Callahan, the hospital commander, hopes will redefine military health care for the future. FBCH was the nation’s newest, most technologically advanced military treatment facility, the first one to receive gold-level LEED “green” construction certification, and one of just two joint hospitals in the Military Health System.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Recognizing the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg By Kim Holien Special to the Pentagram
“Sometimes the destiny of a nation is focused at the point of a bayonet.” — John F. Kennedy About half way through the movie classic, “Gone with the Wind,” Rhett Butler is asked by Scarlett O’Hara whether he knows how Ashley Wilkes is doing. Infuriated by the question, Rhett turns to Scarlett and says: “We should all know in a little while. The two armies have met at a little Pennsylvania crossroads known as Gettysburg.” The past two weeks have seen some 250,000 Americans visit the hallowed ground of Gettysburg, Pa., to join with some 25,000 re-enactors and the National Park Service to commemorate and remember the sacrifices by those whose military service endeared them to the nation. It was 150 years ago this June that Gen. Robert E. Lee led the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia northward across the Potomac River through Maryland onto the rich farmland of Pennsylvania. Lee felt he needed European recognition for securing the South’s independence against the ever increasing industrial strength of the North. He remembered that American colonies had won their independence only
with the recognition of France, Holland and Spain in 1781. Opposing Lee would be Gen. George Meade and his Army of the Potomac. July 1 saw an engagement in which the two armies struck each other on the northwest outskirts of the town of Gettysburg. A Union cavalry delaying action was initially successful in buying time for Union infantry reinforcements to arrive, but eventually the Confederates outflanked the Union, and with superior numbers, drove them back through Gettysburg to the high ground of Cemetery Ridge and Culp’s Hill. Lee requested a Confederate assault, but it was not forthcoming because troops were too exhausted from earlier fighting. On the morning of July 2, Lee wanted to attack and roll up the Union left flank near the famous Little Round Top and Big Round Top. But as his men advanced, they were spotted by a Union Signal Corps unit on Little Round Top, forcing the unit to turn around and attempt another
News Notes Death notices Anyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Spc. Emily Beverley, Andrew Rader Health Clinic, must contact Capt. Glenton Atwell, the Summary Court Officer for the Soldier, at 301-57-4157. Beverley passed away June 25, 2013.
Anyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Spc. Vicent A. Crapps, Fort Myer Honor Guard Company, must contact 1st Lt. Jonathan Buckland,the Summary Court Martial Officer for the Soldier, at 703-963-6466. Crapps passed away on July 1, 2013.
These two graphic depictions from the Battle of Gettysburg come from the Army Heritage and Education Center's collection of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS), Massachusetts Commandary.
route of attack. Finally, around 4 p.m., Confederate troops launched an assault, crushing the Union left flank and causing the 47th and 15th Alabama Regiments to make their famous assault on the 20th Maine on the spur of Little Round Top. You can go to Little Round Top today and walk the defensive position of the 20th Maine and observe that it is about the size of a tennis court. Look around and you will observe the ground over which the 20th Maine
made their famous bayonet charge, saving the left flank of the Union Army. Around 7 p.m. that evening, Confederates assaulted Cemetery Ridge and Hill, along with Culp’s Hill. Onward they advanced through heavy artillery fire. Striking the Union infantry at the base of Cemetery Hill, Confederates pushed them back to within 200 feet of the red brick cemetery gatehouse, but were beaten back by Union reinforcements. Today you can go and stand in the artillery lunettes where fierce hand-to-hand combat took place. Not until late in the evening did the regular Confederate cavalry under Gen. J.E.B. Stuart arrive, but they arrived too little, too late and too exhausted to have any positive effect for the Confederate Army at Gettysburg. Lee then found himself low on artillery ammunition and foodstuffs for his men and horses. He decided on a frontal assault against the Union center on July 3. At 1
p.m. some 150 Confederate cannon started an artillery bombardment against more than 100 Union cannon on Cemetery Ridge. This duel lasted some three hours and was so loud that it could be heard on the hill in northwest Washington where the National Cathedral now stands. Sometime after 3 p.m., Lee sent forward approximately 13,000 infantry in the tradition of Napoleonic warfare. These battle hardened veterans crossed nearly one mile of open fields toward Cemetery Ridge only to be met by heavy Union artillery fire and infantry fire. Several hundred broke through the Union center, but because of a lack of reinforcements, Confederate higher command structure failed Pickett’s Charge. The next day, July 4th, heavy rains came and Lee started his retreat back to Virginia. In November, President Abraham Lincoln received a request to deliver remarks at a dedication of a national cemetery. In so doing, his 274-word Gettysburg Address became immortal. The house that Lincoln stayed in at Gettysburg is now open for tours by the National Park Service. In 1895, legislation helped establish Gettysburg National Military Park, preserving the battlefield and making it available for the study of the art of war. This is why there are tall iron observation towers still standing on parts of the battlefield. In April of 1963, President John F. Kennedy and the first lady visited the Gettysburg battlefield. The president had made plans to return for the centennial commemoration of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, but because of political considerations, he had to be in Dallas that week. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy was quite taken with the Eternal Peace Light Memorial at Gettysburg. This is where she got the concept of the Eternal Flame that sits above JFK’s gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery. For additional information, contact Gettysburg National Military Park at or the Gettysburg Convention and Visitors Bureau at: (Holien is the former historian for Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall.)
Potomac-Great Falls area closure The Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board has placed the Potomac River-Great Falls area off limits to all military personnel. The area along the Potomac River that is closed due to strong undertow currents extends from Sycamore Island to Chain Bridge. Steer clear of this area. Undertows are dangerous. The surface of the water can be calm, but beneath the surface of this calm, strong water currents pull in opposite directions. The area has caused deaths of servicemembers and their Families in the past. The off limits restrictions by the AFDCB coincide with restrictions outlined by the state of Maryland. For more information, contact the Military District of Washington safety office at 202-685-3015 or the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall safety office on the Henderson Hall side of the joint base at 703-6141900/7264. Fort Myer Exchange upgrades and hours For the next five months, the Fort Myer Post Exchange will be relocating sections of the store, including the customer service area, PowerZone, electronics section, sporting goods, hardware, linens and pet departments. Hours of operation: are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-7p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information, call 703-522-0664.
New aquatics training for Marines Marine Corps Community Services Semper Fit is offering AMP-IT, aquatics maximum power intense training for active duty Marines only. Sessions are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool. For more information, call 703-693-7351. Punt, pass and kick CYSS Youth Sports and Fitness presents NFL Punt, Pass and Kick 2013. Come be a part of the NFL’s commitment to PLAY 60. This program is free and open to boys and girls 6-15. Grab your sneakers (no cleats) and come on out July 19 from 2-6 p.m. This is your chance to PLAY 60 with the NFL. Sign up to participate at Parent Central Services, Bldg. 483, 703-696-0313/4942. For rules, visit Contact Annette Engum, 703696-3728, or for more information. Swimming lessons The SKIES program offers swim lessons this summer with sessions running July 22-Aug. 1, and Aug. 5-15. Register at CYSS Parent Central Services by calling 703-696-0313/4942. For more information, contact Annette Engum at 703-6963728 or Learn to cope with stress Marine and Family Programs offers a 12-session evidence-based class on coping with work and Family stress by learning to develop and apply effective coping strategies. The sessions are open to active duty personnel, Family members, and retirees. Dates for the workshops, in Bldg. 12’s conference room, are July 16 and 18, July 23 and 25, July 30 and Aug. 1, Aug. 13 and 15, and Aug. 20 and 22. The workshops run from 3-4:30 p.m. Participants must complete all sessions to receive a certificate of completion. For additional information or to register, call 703-614-7204. Prostate cancer support group meeting The prostate cancer support group meets at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the third Thursday of every month. The next meeting is July 18 from 1-2 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the America Building, River Conference Room (next to the prostate center), third floor. Spouses/partners are invited. Military identification is required for base access. For men without a military ID, call the prostate center at 301-319-2900 48 hours prior to the event for base access. For more information, contact retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or or Vin McDonald at 703-643-2658 or
July Justice tickets Tickets for the July 13 July Justice amateur boxing event are on sale. The event brings boxers from the region to the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gym on JBM-HH for an amateur boxing show open to the Continues on next page
Friday, July 12, 2013
News Notes Continued from previous page
Speechcraft class Helmsmen Toastmasters will be sponsoring a speechcraft class, a sixweek, public speaking class Tuesdays, starting July 16 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. Class syllabus available upon request. Registration is $65. For more information, contact Carl Sabath at or by MCX resumes longer hours calling 703-695-2804 or Bert Romero Beginning July 15, the Marine at or by callCorps Exchange and The Vineyard ing 703-695-3443. Wine & Spirits on the Henderson HITT instructor training Hall portion of JBM-HH will remain Nominations are being accepted open until 8 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays. New hours are weekdays for motivated noncommissioned offi10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m.-8 cers and above (first come, first serve, p.m.; Sundays 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For limited to 30 slots) to attend the level more information, call 703-979- one high intensity tactical training instructor course July 15-18, from 8 8420. a.m.-4 p.m. in the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Job search classes Gym/HITT Center.For more informaThe Marine Corps Community tion, contact Gunnery Sgt. Daniel Services resource management cen- Jackson at jacksondm@usmcter has classes scheduled in July to or 703-979-8420 ext. 389. assist servicemembers and their TARP training families with their job searches. On Threat Awareness and Reporting July 16, cracking the code to the federal hiring process will be held from Program annual training will be held 1-3 p.m. This class explains how to July 17 at the Town Hall building on apply for federal jobs, including how the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH at to prepare the appropriate resume. 10 a.m. The training is conducted by On July 17 from 9:30-11 a.m., learn the 902nd MI Group, Fort Belvoir, how to generate leads and create a and is mandatory for all U.S. Army job search plan. On July 24 from employees every year. For more infor9:30-11 a.m., social media and your mation, call 703-696-0756. job search will explain how to use ID center closed social media in your job search. A The Henderson Hall ID center will military connections intake session will be held July 31 from 10 a.m.-2 be closed July 23 and July 24 for an p.m. All sessions are held in Bldg. 29 equipment upgrade. If you need on the Henderson Hall portion of DEERS assistance or an ID card, call JBM-HH. Registration is required the Fort Myer center at 703-696-3030 or visit them in Bldg. 202 on Custer by calling 703-614-6828.
public with government-issued photo ID. Food and beverages are available for purchase. Tickets are $10 for adults, $7 for active duty personnel, and free to children under 10. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. and the event begins at 4:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the Semper Fit office in the gym, Bldg. 29, and at the door. For more information, call 703-6972706.
Road on the Fort Myer portion of Hall portion of JBM-HH. A free walkJBM-HH. ing tour of the Henderson Hall portion follows the brief, and after a Army Ten-Miler break for lunch, there is a bus tour of JBM-HH team qualifiers the local area, including downtown Registration is now open for this Washington, D.C., starting at 12:30 year’s 2013 JBM-HH Army Ten-Miler p.m. To register for the brief, call 703Team qualifiers. This year’s Army 614-7202. In addition, classes on the Ten-Miler will be Oct. 20. FMWR will Marine Corps lifestyle, information host an ATM qualifier this summer on the local area, a lending locker, are for active duty military only on July other resources available through 26. The ATM qualifier is a 10K race Marine and Family programs. For a on JBM-HH beginning at 6:35 a.m. at comprehensive overview of the classthe Fort Myer Fitness Center, Bldg. es and resource offered, visit 414. Online registration will close the or call 703-614Wednesday before the race date. Race 7200. day registration will be accepted on Twilight Tattoo runs through each date from 5:30-6:15 a.m. inside August the fitness center. To register, visit Twilight Tattoo, held through Aug. For more information, contact Todd Hopkins at 703- 28, is an hour-long military pageant 939-1045 or email todd.a.hopkins.civ featuring Soldiers from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) and The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Autism class scheduled Own.” Experience a glimpse into The Joint Base Myer-Henderson American history through performHall’s Army Exceptional Family ances by The U.S. Army Blues, Member Program is sponsoring a Downrange, The Old Guard Fife and “Top 10 things you need to know Drum Corps and The U.S. Army Drill about the IEP process and extended Team. Performances are free and school year for military and DoD open to the public. There is no formal civilian parents with children with seating. Grass seating is available autism and other cognitive disabili- and spectators can bring a blanket or ties” class and support group, Aug. 8, lawn chairs. For information on from noon-3 p.m., at Fort Myer Army group reservations, contact the Army Community Service, Bldg. 201, Military District of Washington at Custer Road, on the Fort Myer por- 202-685-2888. Performances through tion of the joint base. For reserva- Aug. 28 will be at Whipple Field on tions, contact Marcia O’Connor, the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base EFMP manager, at 703-696-8467. Myer-Henderson Hall. For more details, log onto twilight.mdw New in town? prior to attending Marine Corps Community Services on a specific date. has a wealth of information for newly arrived Marines and their families. Please send your news notes to The next welcome aboard brief is the Pentagram at penta Aug. 13 from 8-10:30 a.m. at the Marine Club aboard the Henderson
Friday, July 12, 2013
Hagel details defense ‘Plan B’ if sequestration continues By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service
If sequestration continues into fiscal year 2014, the Defense Department will be forced to consider involuntary reductions-inforce for the civilian workforce, draconian cuts to military personnel accounts and a virtual halt to military modernization, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a letter to Senate leaders July 10. The senators had requested detailed information on how continued sequestration could affect the military. In the letter, Hagel detailed the “Plan B” the department must confront if Congress does not pass legislation that averts sequestration in fiscal 2014. If the process continues, DoD will be forced to cut $52 billion more from the budget that year. Hagel stressed in the letter that he fully supports President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2014 budget request and noted that if sequestration remains in effect,
“the size, readiness and technological superiority of our military will be reduced, placing at much greater risk the country’s ability to meet our current national security commitments.” Congress gave DoD some flexibility to handle the cuts need for fiscal 2013, but more than 650,000 DoD civilians must still be furloughed without pay for 11 days. However, the cuts in 2014 are too great even for flexibility within accounts to handle. DoD hopes to avoid furloughs in 2014, the defense secretary said, but if sequestration remains in effect, “DoD will have to consider involuntary reductions-in-force to reduce civilian personnel costs.” Readiness has already been diminished this year, Hagel said, and it will continue to decline if sequestration continues in 2014. Hiring freezes will also continue and facilities maintenance funds will further erode, he added. If the sequestration mechanism is applied to military personnel funding, “DoD could
accommodate the required reductions only by putting into place an extremely severe package of military personnel actions, including halting all accessions, ending all permanent-change-of-station moves, stopping discretionary bonuses and freezing all promotions,” Hagel wrote. He called on Congress to work with the department to avoid sequestration in fiscal 2014 and to approve the president’s defense budget request. The president’s budget request slows military pay raises and raises fees for some military retiree’s health care. It also looks to retire older Air Force and Navy assets and calls for a new base realignment and closure program. “If the cuts continue, the department will have to make sharp cuts with far-reaching consequences, including limiting combat power, reducing readiness and undermining the national security interests of the United States,” Hagel said.
JBM-HH adjusted hours and closures The following is a list of activities on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall that will have abbreviated operating hours, which began July 8, due to sequestration and furloughs. This list is not all encompassing and it is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. • Commissary: closed Mondays. • Directorate of Resource Management: Payroll Customer Service Representative Section: closed Mondays. • Religious Support Office: reduced hours on Saturday/Sunday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. • Security Office: closed Fridays. • Directorate of Human Resources — ID section: closed Fridays. • Retirement Services: closed Mondays. • Education Services: closed Fridays. • Directorate of Safety — JBM-HH Safety Office: closed Fridays. • Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation- ACS: closed Fridays. • CRD Community Activities: closed Mondays. • CRD Auto Crafts Skills Center: closed Mondays. • Fort Myer Legal Assistance and Claims: closed Fridays. • Fitness Center on the Fort McNair portion of JBM-HH: closing at 2 p.m. on Fridays. • Myer Flyer: will not run on Fridays during the furlough period. • Rader Clinic: The civilian staff will be furloughed on the Rader-designated furlough day, Friday. On Rader’s furlough day — Friday — operations will proceed as follows: On Fridays, the clinic, to include pharmacy, laboratory, and radiology, will only be open to Raderassigned patients who have acute care appointments; the pharmacy staff, reduced to one pharmacist and one pharmacy technician, will only fill medications for the patients with appointments on that day. On Fridays, because civilian personnel will be furloughed, the clinic will be staffed by active duty personnel who will address acute treatment issues only. Monday through Friday during this time, the TRICARE service center will be open for business as usual. Check periodically for updates on closures due to the sequestration and furloughs. For more information about sequestration, furloughs and resources available, log onto
Dempsey calls on DoD leaders to mitigate sequester effects By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service
Sequestration is causing problems in the Defense Department, but military and civilian employees are working together to get through this period, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said July 9. In a videotaped message to the department posted on his Facebook page, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said that solid leadership at all levels is crucial to meeting the challenges sequestration imposes. Sequestration is set to add $500 billion in budget cuts to the department over 10 years on top of $487 billion in cuts already planned. He spoke as furloughs kicked in for about 700,000 civilian DoD employees. About 85 percent of them are being furloughed one day a week through the end of the fiscal year, a total of 11 days. “About 90 days ago, I sent a short video out to the field as the reality of sequestration came upon us — the day it was signed into law,” he said. “I asked you at that time to help us lead our way through this period of uncertainty, and you have. “I also want to come to you today because it’s the day after some of our civilian teammates began furloughs, an outcome that I find both discouraging and disappointing. But again, I look around and I see that you are leading your way through this. “My commitment to you is that we’ll do the same here in the Pentagon,” he continued. Sequestration’s effects are delayed, but they are starting to become apparent — especially in readiness, Dempsey said. “Those effects will deepen, and they will be difficult to overcome,” the chairman said. “Once again though, it will take solid leadership and communications as we try to understand what we can accomplish and what we cannot.” Sequestration is illogical, but it is the law, Dempsey said, and the department will, of course, follow it. “We will do the best we can with it,” he said. “We’ll articulate the consequences and we’ll work our way, hopefully, toward a better outcome.”
Vacation Bible School
The JBM-HH Chapel conducts Ecumenical Vacation Bible School in Memorial Chapel on JBM-HH June 26. Children age 3 through 6th grade participated in the week-long event.
Tough choices ahead for Army Family programs By J.D. Leipold Army News Service
Speaking before 500 service spouses and educators, July 8, the Army’s vice chief of staff didn’t pull any punches about the negative impact continued sequestration could have on military programs for children. During a presentation at the Military Child Education Coalition’s 15th national training seminar here, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. John F. Campbell made clear that fiscal woes facing the country and the Army as it transitions out of Afghanistan and changes into a leaner force structure will also mean leaner funding for programs. “I used to say that everything in Afghanistan was hard, but this is really hard and has to do with sequestration; it has to do with budget; it has to do with downsizing,” Campbell said. The general said that what is happening now is not new, however. He pointed out that the conclusion of every major conflict has also involved a downsizing of military forces. Two weeks ago the Army announced just such a cut. The number of active brigade combat teams, known as BCTs, in the Army will be reduced from 45 to 33. Army leaders also said at the time
they expected to eventually name an additional brigade to be eliminated. It’s expected that eventually a total of 13 BCTs would be eliminated — many Soldiers in those brigades would move into other brigades. Those moves are in response to force cuts put forth in the Budget Control Act of 2011. That act mandated an Army reduction in end strength of 80,000 Soldiers. That reduction will reduce the force to 490,000 Soldiers by 2017. The reduction does not take into consideration any additional cuts that might need to be made as a result of sequestration. Campbell said that if sequestration continues, the Army would have to continue downsizing — possibly by an additional 100,000 Soldiers from the active, Army National Guard and Army Reserve forces. “[Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno] are committed to making sure that the critical Family programs, and the programs that have the most impact on our children will continue to be funded at the levels they are now,” Campbell said. Campbell also said the Army’s chief of staff is determined to keep the school liaison officers program at the same funding levels currently in effect,
Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John F. Campbell told attendees at the Military Child Education Coalition's 15th national training seminar July 8 that the Army would be facing tough choices on what Family programs would remain following sequestration.
though the Army doesn’t yet know if its fiscal year 2014 budget request will be fully funded. Campbell said the Army’s goal is to make sure programs that “benefit our children most, and that give us the biggest bang for the buck” are able to continue. “But we shouldn’t fool ourselves,” he said. “It’s not going to be the way it was the last 10 years — our nation cannot afford it.” The vice chief also explained that
money for many Army programs came as part of funding tied to fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — funding known as the “overseas contingency operations,” or OCO, budget. Now that the Army is out of Iraq, and moving ahead with pulling out of Afghanistan, OCO funding for those conflicts will diminish. “We had different programs that came on board because we could, and in most cases it was for the right reasons,” Campbell said. “What we’re doing now is taking a look at all these programs and making sure we’re not redundant where we don’t have to be.” Campbell said the Army would try to do the best it could with the budget it gets. “The bottom line is, the programs that we have we’re taking a very hard look at and making sure we pick the right programs that impact the most people — but that will be different at each post, camp or station,” he said. “So we’re going to power down and depend upon the senior mission and division commanders to provide us that input.” Campbell said audience members, upon returning to their home stations, could serve as advocates to their commanders for programs that work, and could also draw attention to those programs that do not work.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Cascades Rapids outlast Twenty-seven-year-old works Fort Myer swimmers at restoring 38-year-old car Dorville said. “The meet [score] was a roller coaster through the [butter]fly [events] — with our The morning of July 6 started teams being tied, up, and down — promising for the Fort Myer Squid [the lead was] changing after almost swim team at the Officer Club pools, every event. When you’re close but the relay portion of the dual throughout the meet, it always meet against the Cascades Rapids comes down to the relays. That said, team was the difference in the the Squids dropped time in almost FMST’s latest Colonial Swimming every event and had some great, League encounter. unexpected races.” The Squid swimmers led early, Also winning in the pool were Squid thanks to multiple first-place indiswimmers Jack Mowery, Katherine vidual victories from Jack Kunkel, Kennedy, Elizabeth Romano, Maria Jay DeLancey, Claire Mowery, Alvarado, Mariah Bowman, Greyson Caroline Ousley Naseman, Noah Devine, Michael Emanuel and Ousley Naseman and Vincent Michael DiLeonardo. The eight and DiLeonardo, but the Rapids under 100-meter medley relay teams outscored the Squids 70-14 during of Noah Ousley Naseman, Ryan the relays to capture a 257-187 CSL Kennedy, Jack Kunkel and Greyson red division victory. Devine and Adeleine Rogers, Claire “The team really stepped up and Mowery, Kaitlin St. Pierre and Maria showed their strength in the individ- Alvarado notched the lone FMST ual events,” FMST Coach Kristina relay victories. By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer
Fort Myer Boys swimmer Michael DiLeonardo springs off the wall at the start of the 10-11-year-old 50-meter backstroke race July 6 at the Fort Myer Officers Club pools. DiLeonardo finished second with a time of 39.88 seconds.
By Michael Norris Pentagram Assistant Editor
The idea was to finish work on the car so it could be driven out of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Auto Skills Center to his next duty station. That was the plan, anyway, that National Guard Soldier Staff Sgt. Jose Gonzalez had in mind when he began restoring a 1975 Toyota Celica after purchasing the nonfunctioning coupe last November. Alas, the day before Independence Day, a truck arrived to tow the inert vehicle to Gonzalez’s family home in Massachusetts while he heads back to Florida with his Florida National Guard unit. It was always the contingency plan. Gonzales had finally run out the clock. Gonzalez had always wanted a vintage Celica, and had nearly given up looking for that particular model when he happened upon one for sale on craigslist. He bought the car for $2,800, even though the Blue Book value listed it at half that price. “When it was brand new, it sold for $4,000,” he said. “I’ve probably already put another $2,800 into it with parts.” In addition to replacing parts to get the car running again, Gonzalez has been customizing the vehicle to deter would-be thieves who specialize in nabbing vintage cars. The steering wheel is removable, the stereo is ensconced in the Celica’s glove compartment and a switch under front seat padding disconnects the ignition. “Nothing’s foolproof, of course. It’s about slowing thieves down,” Gonzalez said. “If they see it, they’ll go for it.”
Staff Sgt. Jose Gonzalez, from a Florida National Guard air defense unit based out of Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, works on his 1975 Toyota Celica in the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall auto shop June 26.
Gonzalez has painted the original tan leather-upholstered seats black and is resetting the engine block because the vehicle has a non-standard engine that didn’t come with the American version of the Japanese car. Once he gets the car running again, he said he’ll probably deassemble it so he can repaint it. It’s a time-consuming process, he admits, “but a labor of love.” Gonzalez grew up the son of a mechanic in Massachusetts and said he’s always been mechanically-inclined. Still, he said he’s gotten a lot of good advice from other auto enthusiasts in the shop, citing mechanic and shop steward Milton Hawthorne as being particularly helpful. “Milton is the master mechanic,” Gonzalez said. “I haven’t asked him a question yet he can’t answer.”
Friday, July 12, 2013
Command, from page 1 He was taking command during a time that was the most difficult period that I can think of. We were just coming into BRAC [Defense Base Realigntment and Closure], and we were converting from a Marine barracks to a joint base. “You executed this mission to a tee,” the general said to Cheatham. “Ira is one of the most fiercely dedicated Marines and commanders I’ve worked with in a long time. He sets his mind to things, and he knows what he’s doing is right, and he sticks to his principles, and that’s one of the things that impressed me.” Following the general’s remarks, Cheatham acknowledged and thanked his families — his immediate one and his battalion colleagues. “The Marine Corps does everything in threes. In the Marine Corps, we have three types of families,” Cheatham said. “There’s the one you are born into … there’s the family you marry into … and then there’s the family you join when you raise your right hand and you solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That includes my civilian forces —maybe you didn’t raise your hands — but you stood side-by-side with me whether you’re a civilian Marine or a contractor.” While he addressed Barnes, Cheatham mentioned that he anticipated superior command from his successor. “You’re walking into a great, great command,” Cheatham told Barnes in front of a crowd of 300. “I expect you to do better than what I’ve done. Because nobody takes it [command] and stays status quo.” Barnes was the final Marine to speak and promised to continue to serve the 1,700 Marines under his new command.
“I’m really looking forward to taking over here,” he said. “It says service here [pointing to a decorative Marine floor mat used in the ceremony] and that’s what I expect it to be – world class service. It will be an honor to serve the Marines, Sailors and families and civilian Marines. I’m looking forward to getting it done.” Barnes resides in Arlington with his wife, Liz, and the couple have two sons, Mitch and Matt. The new Henderson Hall commanding officer is originally from Pensacola, Fla. He joined the Marines in 1990, and his deployments include noncombatant evacuations in Liberia, Central Africa Republic, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He has additionally supported operations in Kosovo, Turkey and Iraq. His personal decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Joint Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Strike/Flight Air Medal with numeral 4, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Gold Star and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. He received his Wings of Gold at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas, in 1992. During the ceremony, Cheatham was recognized for improving the quality of life and morale for more than 1,700 Marines on his two-year watch. Cheatham was also cited during the presentation of the Legion of Merit Gold Star medal for “providing outstanding support through the senior Marine leadership … and continued the transition of Henderson Hall from a Marine Corps installation to a joint base” and his leadership to the Marine Corps community services and providing barracks improvements. Cheatham is now assigned to Marine Corps Cyberspace Command at Fort Meade, Md.
Holiday, from page 1 none at Fort Belvoir,” the women explained. “We saw the Fort Meade fireworks last night [July 3], and we’re here tonight.” The U.S. Army Band, “Pershing’s Own,” Downrange performed close to 30 songs from late afternoon to predusk. Nine hours before the National Mall fireworks display, a 50-gun salute to the nation was executed by 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Presidential Salute Battery in honor of the holiday. The noontime event drew a crowd of close to 200 spectators to Whipple Field including Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, commander of Joint Force HeadquartersNational Capital Region and U.S. Army Military District of Washington. Col. James Markert, Old Guard regimental commander, spoke of the significance of independence and the thousands lost protecting freedom.
People on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Whipple Field wait for the fireworks to begin above Washington D.C., July 4.
“This celebration, a 50-gun salute to the nation, is all about numbers, and that will be my theme today,” the colonel began. “We have celebrated our independence on the Fourth of July for 237 years. We have enjoyed the liberties that are enshrined in our Constitution for 225 years. Our nation has been represented by the flag and defended by its Army for 238 years.
“As we celebrate this nation, it is worth remembering the Soldiers and servicemembers of the Armed Forces who earned our independence and kept us free,” he continued. “The most important number seen in the [news]papers this week is the number 40. Since July of 1973 – for forty years – this nation has sustained an all-volunteer force.”
Young visitor gets an Old Guard surprise Hollis Taylor of Texas never had the decorations subject breached as deeply as it was past Fourth of July. She asked, and she received. “Do you have any questions?,” A post 50-gun salute to the nation Taylor, who is a battery watchman, question-and-answer session with asked Banks. the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The “Can I have a medal?” the eightOld Guard) Presidential Salute year-old matter-of-factly replied. Battery landed 8-year-old tourist Taylor reacted by removing a Sonja Banks an invaluable keepmedal from his lapel and presented sake. it to the youngster. The noon Independence Day “I’ve never had that question salute was followed by an informal asked before,” said Taylor, who is a meet and greet where visitors to five-year Presidential Salute Battery Whipple Field may have pictures veteran. “That was the first time, so taken with Old Guard Soldiers and I might as well give it to her.” ask questions about the firing. Many Sonja, daughter of a former Old inquiries are made about Soldier’s Guard Soldier, deemed it an honor dress and their medals, but Spc. to receive such a prize. By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer
Outgoing Headquarters & Service Battalion Headquarters Marine Corps Henderson Hall Commanding Officer Col. Ira M. Cheatham salutes Marine Corps Staff Director Lt. Gen. Willie J. Williams during the July 9 change of command ceremony which installed Col. Anthony S. Barnes as the new commanding officer.
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Eight-year-old Sonja Banks of Hammond, Ind., accepts a medal from Presidential Salute Battery Watchman Spc. Hollis Taylor following the 50-gun salute to the nation on Whipple Field July 4. Sonja is the daughter of former Old Guard Soldier Mark Banks. The 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) Presidential Salute Battery fired a round to salute each of the 50 states. The 50gun firing, which honors the signing of the Declaration of Independence, is a 236 year-old tradition. For more photos from the Fourth of July celebration on JBM-HH, visit
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Friday, July 12, 2013
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Friday, July 12, 2013