Pentagram 071913

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Musical note


AUSA rewards TUSAB diplomacy

Training combat athletes

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Vol. 60, no. 27 July 19, 2013

page 8


Published for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall

DoD leaders understand pain caused by budget cuts, Hagel says


By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service




The Pentagon with the Washington Monument and National Mall in the background. The Department of Defense began its mandatory furloughs of civilian employees July 8 around the world.

Furloughs in full effect on JBM-HH By Courtney Dock Pentagram Editor

The new fiscal reality is here. The Department of Defense began its mandatory furloughing of civilian employees July 8 around the world, and after two weeks, the reality is starting to sink in. Like many military bases, the furloughs have brought some closures and amended operating hours for services and activities on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.

“Normal operating hours are no longer the standard. Some offices will be closed because we don’t have the personnel to rotate schedules through the furlough allowing us to stay open Monday through Friday,” said JBMHH Commander, Col. Fern O. Sumpter. “It’s really important that people call ahead to make sure the service or office they’re about to visit is actually open that day. Normal operating hours should not be assumed.” (See

furlough operating hours on page 3). Civilian employees affected by the furloughs received letters the first week of June notifying them that the administrative furlough was necessary due to the serious budgetary challenges the DoD is facing for the remainder of fiscal year 2013. The joint base commander has a comprehensive order she must follow in implementing the furloughs on JBM-HH. see FURLOUGH, page 7

Pentagon leaders understand the pain military and civilian workers are going through as the effects of deep spending cuts unfold, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in South Carolina July 17. Speaking to civilian employees at Joint Base Charleston, Hagel assured them that Defense Department leaders know that furloughs and other sequestration effects are not just numbers, but people. The secretary promised to work with Congress to end the next round of sequestration spending cuts scheduled to kick in when fiscal year 2014 begins Oct. 1. If sequestration continues into fiscal 2014, the planned defense budget would take a $52 billion cut. “We are unwinding from the longest war we’ve ever been in,” Hagel said. “And as you do that, not unlike any other time in the history of our country — World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War — there are ramifications and consequences to budgets, to capacity, capability, priorities.” The bottom line is that it is still a dangerous world, the secretary said, and while the challenges have changed, the need to confront them has not. “Sequestration is a mindless, irresponsible process. You know it; I know it,” Hagel said. “I’m hoping that our leaders in Washington will eventually get that and come to some policy resolution.” But the secretary said he must plan for it to happen, because it is still the law of the land under the Budget Control Act of 2011. That being the case, he added, his responsibility for the nation’s security includes preparing the department for the cuts. Hagel reminded the civilian employees he commissioned Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter see BUDGET, page 7

Management collaborates with unions to improve working relationships By Michael Norris Pentagram Assistant Editor

There is often the perception of an adversarial relationship between management and unions, as if supervisors and workers have diametrically opposed goals in the workplace, whether it’s a private corporation or a government entity. This can be true when certain issues arise, but overall it’s usually in the interest of both parties to communicate and collaborate with each other to achieve organizational goals. Depending on job classification, not all federal GS civilians on Joint Base


Community Spotlight p.2 Commentary p.3 Community p.4 News Notes p.4 Feature p.6 Sports p.11 Classifieds p.12

Myer-Henderson Hall belong to a union, but those who are, are protected by a collective bargaining unit, said Dietrick Glover, a labor relations specialist with the Army’s National Capital Region Civilian Human Resources Agency. Glover said the issues that come up between management and labor run the gamut, from employees getting reassigned to a different work area or the implementation of a new uniform policy to disputes over comp time, sick leave or other concerns. Issues arise anytime an employer wants to implement a new working condition, he said. As a liaison between management

and labor, Glover said he sees his job as “ensuring that management maintains its rights and that employees are treated fairly, all in one fell swoop,” and to “ensure that employee X isn’t treated any differently than employee Z…” It’s mostly about getting two sides to sit down and talk, the labor relations specialist said. “I don’t do mediation [in the formal sense], but I try to sit down with people and find common ground.” Sometimes, however, even good will gestures can get misinterpreted. Glover cited one example of how management neglected to consult employees before it upgraded a break room with new furniture and modern appli-

Switching uniforms

Former assistant police chief becomes physical security inspector

Pg. 4

ances. It turns out some of the employees missed that “dusty old couch and TV,” he said, explaining how the contretemps could have been avoided if management and workers had only communicated with each other. “Before you do anything with a civilian employee, contact your labor relations specialist,” Glover advised. “See me as the honest broker. Don’t do anything that’s contradictory of [labor] law.” Glover regularly sits down with joint base managers and union representatives to negotiate policy and personnel issues. JBM-HH holds quarterly labor see COLLABORATE, page 6

No home-court advantage

Nationally-ranked tennis pros visit JBM-HH courts

Pg. 11


Friday, July 19, 2013






Soldiers of the Presidential Salute Battery, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), fire a gun salute to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, June 30, in Gettysburg, Pa. More than 10,000 participants turned out for the anniversary reenactment of the Civil War’s bloodiest battle.

Community Spotlight • Name? Denesha Henderson • Job title/where do you work? Cashier/ Fort Myer Officers Club Pool. • Military service? My mom is retired Army. • Favorite sports team? Lakers fan. • Favorite book? The Holy Bible. • Favorite food? Lasagna. • Favorite band/music artist? Robin Thicke, T.I. and Justin Timberlake. • Favorite movie? “Mean Girls.” • Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to or been stationed? Fort Campbell, Ky. • What do you like most about working on JBM-HH? My customers. They are great. • What are your goals for the year? To finish college and start my career. • What do you like most about living in the National Capital Region? All the different colleges, events and cultures. • What’s your favorite attraction to see in the NCR? Visiting the White House. • What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Stay focused and never give up on your goals. • If you won the lottery, what would you do? I would donate to the homeless and charities. • What advice do you have for someone getting stationed at JBM-HH? Hard work and dedication.

Caption This


Caption This #26

If you’ve ever looked at a photo, read the caption underneath and thought you could do better, now is your chance. Each week, “Caption This” will have a photo taken from around the base. It’s up to you to figure out the best, funniest or craziest caption that describes what’s going on in the picture. The only rule is you have to KEEP IT CLEAN! “Caption This” submissions can be sent either by emailing them to, commenting on our Facebook page or just stopping by Headquarters Bldg. 59, suite 116 and dropping it off. Don’t forget to add the “Caption This” number, your name, rank or position and where you work. Commander, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Every week the Pentagram staff will pick their favorite. The winner’s Col. Fern O. Sumpter’s vision and philosophy: name, caption along with the photo, will be printed in the newspaper. Compete with your friends and coworkers and see who can come up with the best one. And if you have a photo you think would make a great With a team of resource management savvy and technically competent DoD professionals, establish JBM–HH as DoD’s premier provider of consistent, qual- “Caption This,” send it in. ity services that enhance readiness and the overall well-being of our customers. Caption This #25 We must be ... - Experts at what we do … constantly improving our skills and knowledge. “OOOOH! OOOOH! There he is!” - Focused … set priorities and complete the mission. - Committed … to the mission and each other, fostering a community of Carol Ann Kelly excellence. - Professional/respectful … remain calm, even when others are not … count on each other at all times, treating everyone with dignity and respect.

Pentagram Printed on recycled paper

The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be faxed to (703) 696-0055 or e-mailed to Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Friday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the printer. Comprint Military Publications is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.

Editorial staff Commander Command Sergeant Major Director of Public Affairs Command Information Officer

Col. Fern O. Sumpter Earlene Y. Lavender Mary Ann Hodges Sharon Walker

Pentagram staff Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Photographer

Courtney Dock Michael Norris Rhonda Apple Julia LeDoux Jim Dresbach Rachel Larue

(703) 696-5401 (703) 696-7607 (703) 696-1363 (703) 696-7605 (703) 696-5488 (703) 696-7606


Friday, July 19, 2013

Safety tip Water wise By Allen Moore Installation Safety Office U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif.

One beautiful morning, my family joined some friends for a boat ride on Lake Nacimiento on the central coast of California. The water was cold, so we had no plans to go swimming. We just wanted to spend some time on the beautiful lake. My wife, father and I arrived at the lake about 8 a.m. and met two of our friends at the launch ramp. We put the boat in the water and loaded up with no issues. I noticed there wasn’t a single personal flotation device in sight, but didn’t mention it. Little did I know that my silence would almost lead to tragedy. As we got out on the water, there were only two other boats on the lake. We cruised around at a nice, leisurely pace, enjoying the scenery and fresh air. As we entered an area the locals call the “narrows,” one of our friends handed out beers. Everyone accepted, including my father, who was 68 years old at the time. After a couple of beers, nature called, so we decided to make a pit stop. The only way off the boat was to walk along the rail to the bow (front). I was the first one off, and one of my friends followed. As we relieved ourselves, my father decided he needed to get off the boat too. My wife and our other friend were in the cabin preparing snacks and didn’t realize my father was attempting to get off the boat. As my father got onto the rail, he lost his balance and fell into the water. My wife heard the splash and came running out of the cabin. Initially, she didn’t see anything, but as she looked around the boat, she saw my father underwater, looking up at her! She jumped in and brought him to the surface. My friend and I rushed back and helped them out of the water. They were both blue from the frigid water, so we warmed them up with blankets and put a sweatshirt on my father. We decided we’d better cut the trip short and head home for some dry clothes and hot coffee. The ride back to the launch ramp was quiet as everyone reflected on what had just happened. My wife broke the silence by asking my father why he didn’t swim to shore. His answer surprised us all. He said, “I didn’t swim to shore because I don’t know how to swim.” The boat went silent again. I never knew my father couldn’t swim. My father had lived with us for the past 10 years because of health issues. He was very thin, but his lung cancer was in remission. He was happy and feeling good at this time in his life. I often reflect on how I almost lost him and my wife that fateful day. My father finally succumbed to lung cancer at the age of 79. I hate to think what those last 11 years would have been like without him or my wife in my life. What might have happened if my father had panicked? If we hadn’t been drinking, this close call probably would’ve never happened. Please don’t find yourself in a similar situation. It was bad enough we’d been drinking, but not wearing a personal flotation device was inexcusable. For the safety of everyone on the boat, leave the alcohol on shore and ensure PFDs of the proper classification are available for each passenger. Know who can and can’t swim, and don’t allow anyone on the boat who’s not willing to abide by the rules. By being water wise, you can help prevent a fun day on the lake from ending in disaster. FYI According to the U.S. Coast Guard, in 2011, 533 of the 758 boating fatalities resulted from drowning, with 84 percent of the victims reported as not wearing a life jacket. The USCG urges recreational boaters to make sure everyone on board wears a life jacket at all times on the water. To learn more about boating safety, visit “Lost on the Lake” is a public service announcement from the U.S. Coast Guard that shares a family’s heartache as they mourn the loss of loved ones who were boating and not wearing life jackets. To view or download the video, visit: /674/Lost-On-The-Lake.aspx. (From Knowledge, the official safety magazine of the U.S. Army.)


Fort Belvoir Community Hospital strives for health care excellence By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service

The old adage that “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t necessarily apply to military hospitals, the commander of the new Fort Belvoir Community Hospital recognizes. That’s particularly true in places like the Washington, D.C., area where servicemembers, retirees and family members can choose from an array of top-notch civilian facilities to get their medical care, Army Col. Chuck Callahan told American Forces Press Service. But with a gleaming 1.3-million-square-foot facility and a strategy centered on taking care of patients and their families, Callahan has set out to attract more of the 164,000 military health care beneficiaries in the region that currently use TRICARE to seek their care at Fort Belvoir. “Because Fort Belvoir Community Hospital is not the only game in town, we must compete with civilian facilities who also want to care for our patients,” Callahan said. “My opinion is that the way to do that is to build a system that people want to come to.” The new hospital stands in stark contrast to the 1950s-era DeWitt Army Community Hospital it replaced. Built in compliance with the congressionally mandated 2005 Base Realignment and Closure reorganization plan, the new hospital is part of a sweeping plan to improve the efficiency of military health care in the Washington, D.C., area. While the renamed Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., serves as the military’s premier referral medical center, Fort Belvoir provides primary and specialty care to a largely regional clientele. Shortly after assuming command last year, Callahan unveiled an organizational strategy aimed at making the hospital the facility of choice to an estimated half-million eligible beneficiaries in the national capital area. In the most basic terms, it boils down to economics, he explained. The Defense Department spent $19 billion on health care in 2001 and will spend $49 billion this year. That figure is expected to skyrocket to $92 billion by 2030 — consuming almost 10 percent of the entire DoD budget. As Callahan sees it, paying for patients to get care at civilian facilities when military ones can accommodate them doesn’t make financial sense. “We are buying the care twice,” he said, paying for the new $1 billion Fort Belvoir hospital and its staff, but also picking up the tab for 164,000 people enrolled in the regional TRICARE network. “Something has to change,” Callahan said, particularly with rising health care costs on a collision course with shrinking budgets. So Callahan has taken matters into his own hands, working to create an environment “where patientand family-centered care meets evidence-based design in a culture of excellence.” That boils down to a facility where patients and families have hassle-free access to the highest-quality care and services, and where they feel comfortable and welcomed as they receive them, he explained. Everything about the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital supports this vision. The new facility has greater capabilities than standard community hospitals. It includes 120 single-inpatient rooms, a 10-bed intensive-care unit, 10 state-of-the-art operating rooms, a behavioral health unit, an advanced cancer care center, breast care center, emergency department, pharmacy, diagnostic centers and modular clinic space for outpatient services. Planners have made getting these services as simple and convenient as possible. Appointments are easy to make and parking is plentiful. Once inside the hos-



Fort Belvoir Community Hospital is a state-of-the-art military medical facility that opened in August 2011. The hospital, along with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., and other military health care facilities in the Washington D.C. area, is part of National Capital Region Medical — a joint-service organization providing health care for military beneficiaries throughout the region.

pital, patients and their families are treated to a beautiful, calming environment designed to be therapeutic: lots of natural light and outside views, décor inspired by nature and color-coded wings that help visitors maintain their bearings. One of the most soothing features is what visitors don’t see. There's no click-clacking of laundry carts crowding the hallways, and maintenance and other logistics activities are relegated to non-prime operating hours. The staff took a cue from The Walt Disney Co., instituting its strict standards of “on-stage” and “off-stage” activities, Callahan explained. “The idea that health care should have at least the same service standards as any other service industry is not the way health care has always looked at itself,” he said. “But this is really evolving, and it is part of the culture of excellence that we are working to establish here.” It’s all part of a plan to make care at the facility centered on the patient and family, he said. That begins the moment they pick up the phone to make an appointment and continues when they arrive at the facility and throughout their treatment. But most importantly, Callahan said it centers on a relationship between patients and the health care providers who make up their “medical home.” Unlike most civilian doctors whose focus is on treating patients when they are sick — necessitated largely by the way insurance reimburses them for services — medical home providers concentrate on keeping patients healthy, he explained. It’s a formula Callahan said the entire military health system is embracing, and that makes Fort Belvoir Community Hospital particularly attractive to military health care beneficiaries. “People like coming here,” he said. “But they also have a choice” about where they get their care. “As we implement this strategy, we are building a culture of excellence and an [environment] that people will want to come to,” he said. “We know that consistent, predictably accessible, and convenient health care created around the medical home and medical neighborhood will build trust, foster communication and provide opportunities to promote health and well-being for our beneficiaries,” Callahan said. “This is the mission and the vision of the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital.” (Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series of two articles on the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Northern Virginia.)

JBM-HH adjusted hours and closures The following is a list of activities on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall that will have abbreviated operating hours through September 20, 2013 due to sequestration and furloughs. This list is not all encompassing and it is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. Monday closures • Commissary • Directorate of Resource Management: Payroll Customer Service Representative Section • Retirement Services • CRD Community Activities Tuesday closures: • Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool: No Tuesday classes Wednesday closures: • Auto Shop Friday closures: • Security Office • Directorate of Human Resources - ID section • Education Services (JBM-HH, Fort Meade, Fort Belvoir) • Directorate of Safety - JBM-HH Safety Office • Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation - ACS • Fort Myer Legal Assistance and Claims • Fitness Center on the Fort McNair portion of JBM-HH: Closing at 2 p.m. on Fridays

• Myer Flyer: Will not run on Fridays • JBM-HH Consolidated In-Processing • Fort McNair Health Clinic • Rader Clinic Friday operations will proceed as follows: On Fridays, the clinic, to include pharmacy, laboratory and radiology, will only be open to Rader-assigned patients who have acute care appointments; the Pharmacy staff, reduced to one pharmacist and one pharmacy technician, will only fill medications for the patients with appointments on that day. On Fridays, because civilian personnel will be furloughed, the clinic will be staffed by active duty personnel who will address acute treatment issues only. It is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. For more information about sequestration, furloughs and resources available, log onto // ources/.


Friday, July 19, 2013


Keeping it in the Family By Julia LeDoux Pentagram Staff Writer

Tracie Miller may have a new job title, but she’s still very much an integral part of the Directorate of Emergency Services and the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Family. As civilian police Capt. Tracie Miller, she served as the joint base’s assistant chief of police. Now Miller is taking on a role on the civilian side of the workforce as a physical security specialist/physical security inspector. “Switching uniforms, everyone keeps making fun of me,” she said with a laugh. “That’s cops, though.” Miller has worked in both military and civilian law enforcement for all of her 17-year career and has been with JBMHH for the last eight. She began her career here as a civilian desk sergeant, was promoted to lieutenant, then captain, and was the assistant chief of police from 2011-2013. About two years ago, she was sent to physical security school by her organization. “I was straddling both lines,” she said. “I was working as the assistant chief of police, and I was working with elements of the physical security realm as well.” When the opening came on the physical security side of the house, Miller jumped at the chance to take on new responsibilities. “There was room for growth and what was really beneficial about it was I was able to stay within my organization,” she said, acknowledging that it was a difficult decision to leave law enforcement. “I think the only way I was able to do it is because I was able to stay within my organization. I was able to stay within the Family. I was in the same building. I worked with the same people. I just moved offices. Instead of being the right hand of law enforcement,

I’m the left, so to speak,” said Miller, who sees the switch to the physical security side as a way to “pay back” DES for the training and money it has invested in her. She called the relationship between law enforcement and physical security symbiotic. “Physical security is allencompassing,” she said. “We deal with prevention, detection, a lot of preventative measures, not only of the installation, but individual buildings as well as

board.” Miller and the team are responsible for ensuring the security of everything from cars in the installation’s parking lots, to chain-link fence, to what’s on computers and in desk drawers. “It’s the inherent responsibility of all of us as human beings and representatives of the government to protect government property,” she stressed. “We’re all agents of the government in that regard. We all have that responsibility.”




Former civilian police Capt. Tracie Miller now works as the physical security specialist/physical security inspector on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Miller posed for a photograph in her office July 16.

government property, personnel and information. So, it’s a more preventative field and a tool for commanders as opposed to the law enforcement side of the house.” Miller said the installation’s five-member physical security team has more than 75 years combined experience in their field. “It’s a sister occupation to the police, but it’s more about infrastructure, personnel and property,” she underscored. “I work with a team that has a lot of experience and knowledge. While I have a lot of law enforcement experience, in physical security I’m the new guy on

Miller said educating the public, the installation’s organizations and tenant agencies about the benefits of the physical security section can be a challenge. “Even though each of us are part of individual organizations and units we’re all part of a bigger post, a bigger directorate, a bigger Army and we each play our part,” she explained. “If there’s an opportunity in an organization or section that can strengthen security and we can aid you in accomplishing that goal, that’s good for [personnel] to know and reach out to us.” To contact the physical security section, call 703-696-8887/ 5213 or 703-588-2810/2811.

Furloughed vent over missed work By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

As calendars and appointment books are now dotted with days off, and checkbooks and bank accounts shrink, federal employees are taking to social media sites and relaying their financial and overall experiences regarding the sequestration-mandated furloughs. Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Commander Fern O. Sumpter offered advice to the 1,500 civilian joint base employees – the majority of whom face losing up to 20 per cent of their annual pay. “Financially, look at what you can do that’s not a cost,” the colonel said during a Pentagram interview. “I’m not going to tell someone how to manage their finances. There are a ton of free museums. Read a book, go to the library, volunteer, take a class. There are a lot of things people can do to get beyond the stress and strain of the furlough.” Through the winter, Department of Defense civilian workers were warned to prepare for up to 11 furlough days; those first days of unpaid leave began July 8. The month of July now heads toward August and more furlough days are accumulating, and online posts are getting edgier explaining government staffers’ plights, feelings and observations. One furloughed government worker mentioned via Facebook that “anger/resignation and disgust” have set in. “Even though I knew it [seques-

tration] was coming, I’m a little shell shocked myself,” she said in a post. One government worker noted that she had home improvement payments deferred “so I can survive.” One thread, which informally was titled “congressmen of the day to contact,” paid attention to how furloughed employees may contact Capitol Hill. While frustration and anger is vented and tweeted daily, one female readied for week three of furloughs by providing a positive attitude on just having work. Her post read: “I’ve worked for DoD for 28 years, dedicated my career to helping our war fighters, and I’m not happy about the furlough. But, I have a job, I live a

decent life. Life is good.” Then there are those new government employees who will soon be juggling sequestration with another widely-debated hot potato – student loans. Just-graduated Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office intern Lauren Poindexter faces the double whammy of furlough and student loan payments. “I won’t see a true check until after furlough,” Poindexter said. “I won’t know what a true, full check is until the furlough is over. I can’t really properly budget. My loan payments start in October.” The government stresses that furlough dates and the end of the current run of unpaid leave could change at any time.

Helpful tips for civilians facing furloughs • Think about what is essential to your family’s wellbeing. • Look at expenses that can be reduced. Some areas could include clothing, entertainment, food and gifts. • For now, hold off on large purchases. • If you’ve been able to free up some money in planning for furloughs, hold on to this as an emergency fund. • If you have to, stop or reduce voluntary deductions like retirement savings plan contributions until the furlough ends. • Be aware of any fees if you have to borrow money; shop

around for the lowest interest rate. • Check with your financial institution to see what information they have. Ask if and how your financial institution will be able to help. • If you are a retired veteran, Army Emergency Relief may be able to help you. For more information call Trina Reliford at 703696-3510. For additional resources or more information, give Carol Frazelle, Employee Assistance Program coordinator a call at 703-696-3787 or send an email to


News Notes Death notices Anyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Spc. Emily Beverley, Andrew Rader Health Clinic, must contact Capt. Glenton Atwell, the Summary Court Officer for the Soldier, at 301-57-4157. Beverley passed away June 25, 2013.

Anyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Spc. Vicent A. Crapps, Fort Myer Honor Guard Company, must contact 1st Lt. Jonathan Buckland,the Summary Court Officer for the Soldier, at 703-963-6466. Crapps passed away on July 1, 2013. Potomac-Great Falls area closure The Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board has placed the Potomac River-Great Falls area off limits to all military personnel. The area along the Potomac River that is closed due to strong undertow currents extends from Sycamore Island to Chain Bridge. Steer clear of this area. Undertows are dangerous. The surface of the water can be calm, but beneath the surface of this calm, strong water currents pull in opposite directions. The area has caused deaths of servicemembers and their Families in the past. The off limits restrictions by the AFDCB coincide with restrictions outlined by the state of Maryland. For more information, contact the Military District of Washington safety office at 202-685-3015 or the Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall safety office on the Henderson Hall side of the joint base at 703-614-1900/7264. Fort Myer Exchange upgrades and hours For the next five months, the Fort Myer Post Exchange will be relocating sections of the store, including the customer service area, PowerZone, electronics section, sporting goods, hardware, linens and pet departments. Hours of operation: are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.7p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information, call 703-522-0664. New aquatics training for Marines Marine Corps Community Services Semper Fit is offering AMP-IT, aquatics maximum power intense training for active duty Marines only. Sessions are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool. For more information, call 703-6937351.

Bloxon Road resurfacing Construction crews will resurface parts of Bloxon Road on the Fort Myer side of JBM-HH, from the south side entrance of Bldg. 205 all the way to the west side of Bloxon Road on July 19 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Parking lots in the vicinity of this area will be inaccessible during this time and flagmen will be on hand to direct traffic. For more information, call 703-696-8692. “Pershing’s Own” event schedule The U.S. Army Orchestra will feature several works for solo violin and French horn during its Sunsets with a Soundtrack performance July 19 at 8 p.m. on the west steps of the U.S. Capital in Washington, D.C. Staff Sgt. Hannah Eldridge, violin, will perform two lively virtuoso pieces, one by Fritz Kreisler and the other by Manuel de Falla. Staff Sgt. Evan Geiger will perform two movements from Richard Strauss’ famous concerto for horn and orchestra. The program will begin with the first movement of Robert Schumann’s Symphony No. 1, and the vocal talents of Sgt. 1st Class Colin Eaton will round out the evening’s music. Punt, pass and kick CYSS Youth Sports and Fitness presents NFL Punt, Pass and Kick 2013. Come be a part of the NFL’s commitment to PLAY 60. This program is free and open to boys and girls ages 6-15. Grab your sneakers (no cleats) and come on out July 19 from 2-6 p.m. This is your chance to PLAY 60 with the NFL. Sign up to participate at Parent Central Services, Bldg. 483, 703-696-0313/4942. For rules, visit Contact Annette Engum, 703-6963728, or for more information. Service station closed The JBM-HH service station will be closed from 8 a.m.-noon on July 22 due to Burns and McDonnell’s integrity management plan-POL at Fort Myer. For more information, call 703-6967137. Swimming lessons The SKIES program offers swim lessons this summer with sessions running July 22-Aug. 1, and Aug. 5-15. Register at CYSS Parent Central Services by calling 703-696-0313/4942. For more information, contact Annette Engum at 703-6963728 or

Learn to cope with stress Marine and Family Programs offers a 12-session Continues on next page


Friday, July 19, 2013


News Notes Continued from previous page evidence-based class on coping with work and family stress by learning to develop and apply effective coping strategies. The sessions are open to active duty personnel, family members, and retirees. Dates for the workshops, in Bldg. 12’s conference room, are July 23 and 25, July 30 and Aug. 1, Aug. 13 and 15 and Aug. 20 and 22. The workshops run from 3-4:30 p.m. Participants must complete all sessions to receive a certificate of completion. For additional information or to register, call 703-614-7204. ID center closed The Henderson Hall ID center will be closed July 23 and July 24 for an equipment upgrade. If you need DEERS assistance or an ID card, call the Fort Myer center at 703-696-3030 or visit them in Bldg. 202 on Custer Road on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Anger management class An anger management class (introductory level presentation for adults) class is set for July 24 from 9-11 a.m. in the Army Community Service classroom, Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Individuals attending will be given information on the basics of identifying what occurs in their personal life when they make the choice to react to situations with anger. Pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, call 703-696-3512/6511. Powell book signing Gen. Colin L. Powell, former secretary of state and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, will sign copies of his latest book, “It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership,” on July 25 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Henderson Hall

Marine Corps Exchange. Books will be available for purchase and Department of Defense personnel without exchange privileges are welcome to bring books to be signed. Everyone is encouraged to arrive early, and servicemembers in uniform will have priority. For more information, call 703-979-8420. Smooth move Smooth move is an informal joint service brief for servicemembers planning a permanent change of station. Learn about your new duty station, moving with TRICARE, arranging household goods shipment, sponsorship, housing and more. The next class is set for July 25 from 1-3 p.m. at the Marine Corps Community Service building, Bldg. 12, on the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH. To register, contact Kelly Weidner at or call 703-696-0153.

Moving families through change A moving families through change class is set for July 30 from 1-5 p.m. in the ACS classroom at Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. This seminar is designed to provide parents with tools to create an effective co-parenting relationship through the separation and divorce process. Preregistration is required. For more information or to pre-register, call 703-696-3512/6511. Military spouse career connections intake The Marine Corps Community Services career resource management center holds an intake session for military spouses July 31 from 10 a.m-2 p.m. in Bldg. 29 on the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH. A local job placement agency will be on site to

interview military spouse candidates O’Connor, EFMP manager, at 703for employment opportunities. For 696-8467. more information or to pre-register, Outdoor movie series call 703-614-6828. Want to catch a free family-friendly Splish, splash and summer fun movie under the moon? The 2013 Join the JBM-HH New Parent summer outdoor movie series features Support Program Aug. 1 from 10 a.m.- “Grease” at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at Spates noon at Virginia Highland Park, 1600 Community Club on the Fort Myer Hayes Street in Arlington for a morn- portion of JBM-HH. Get a look at ing of water fun. Parents and children what’s showing at www.jbmhhmwr (ages 0-5) are welcome. Swim diapers .com/index/FMWR_HOme/2013are required. Rain date is Aug. 15. Summer-Movie-Schedule.pdf. Registration is encouraged. Call 703New in town? 696-3512 or email The next welcome aboard brief is for Aug. 13 from 8-10:30 a.m. at the more information and to register. Marine Club aboard the Henderson Nutrition for cancer prevention Hall portion of JBM-HH. A free walkand survival ing tour of the Henderson Hall portion Dr. Neal Barnard will discuss nutri- follows the brief, and after a break for tion for cancer prevention and sur- lunch, there is a bus tour of the local vival Aug. 1 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the area, including downtown Walter Reed National Military Washington, D.C., starting at 12:30 Medical Center, America Building, p.m. To register for the brief, call 7032nd floor, room 2525. The program 614-7202. For a comprehensive will also be available at Fort Belvoir overview of the classes and resource Community Hospital via teleconfer- offered, visit ence in the Oaks Pavilion, 1st floor, Baby bundles room 332. For more information, contact retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301Join us at our next class for couples 319-2918 or via email at or individuals expecting a child or with an infant under a year old. Class will be held Aug. 22 from noon-2 p.m. Autism class scheduled in the ACS classroom, Bldg. 201 on the The Joint Base Myer-Henderson Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Each Hall’s Army Exceptional Family participant will receive a bag containMember Program is sponsoring a “Top ing parenting resources, baby care 10 things you need to know about the items and a hand knit blanket. IEP process and extended school year Registration is required. Call 703-696for military and DoD civilian parents 3512 or email Karen.a.stpierre with children with autism and other to register or for more cognitive disabilities” class and sup- information. port group, Aug. 8, from noon-3 p.m., at Fort Myer Army Community Please send your news notes to the Service, Bldg. 201, Custer Road, on Pentagram at the Fort Myer portion of the joint base. For reservations, contact Marcia


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Friday, July 19, 2013


Collaborate, from page 1 management council meetings that include Col. Fern O. Sumpter, JBM-HH commander, and Debora Richert, senior advisor to the JBM-HH commander. As the business manager for Local 572 of the Laborers International Union of North America, Larry Doggette represents civilian employees at the Army’s Central Issue Facility, Transportation Motor Pool, Child Development Center and the Directorate of Public Works on JBM-HH. “We get together to talk about the mission and what needs to be done,” said Doggette. “When employees have input, things go a lot smoother. If we work together it shows we both have stake in the process. When [labor] is brought into the equation, [it] assumes ownership along with management. “When Glover came on board it was the best thing that ever happened to [JBM-HH],” he said. “[Glover] brought a breath of fresh air to the overall relationship [between labor and management].” Doggette also credited JBM-HH Commander Col. Fern O. Sumpter for “making sure everything runs smoothly” in meetings between unions and management. Ron Quarles, LIUNA Local 572’s chief steward, credited manager training Glover brought to JBMHH for helping improve relations between management and unions. “Managers didn’t always understand their role in the negotiating process,” he explained. The goal in the two sides getting together is to “avoid misunderstandings,” he added. Quarles praised the labor management council and Richert for helping diffuse small issues before they became big ones. “It’s important for management and labor to come to the table and talk, to address concerns before they become an issue,” Quarles said. “Any changes in working conditions have to be negotiated,” he added, taking into account “I&I” – a policy’s impact and implementation on workers. The union isn’t just about protecting worker’s rights, Quarles emphasized. “The union encourages good work ethics – making sure you’re coming to work on time – it encourages responsible conduct. We’re not here to tell [workers] they can do whatever they want.” Jeffrey Affolder, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters union Local 253, said bargaining between union and management works like it’s supposed to do. “You have to know what to fight for and what to let slide,” he said, adding that being in the middle of negotiations seeking compromise means “you sometimes get it from both sides.” “The union helps maintain relationships between firefighters and management,” said Michael Jackson, IAFF union Local 253. “We’re sort of the gobetween for [issues] that otherwise could be over-


Listed below are the union representatives for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Pick up the July 26 edition of the Pentagram for more information about each of the representatives. Laborers International Union of North America, Local 572 Larry Doggette, business manager Ronald Quarles, chief steward

American Federation of Government Employees Cynthia Lee, president Eduardo Bodmer, chief steward International Association of Fire Fighters Jeffrey Affolder, president Michael Jackson, vice president

looked.” Jackson explained that because the base fire station was already understaffed, it wasn’t hit as hard by furloughs as other organizations on post. Given their compressed work schedules and role as emergency first responders, only two firefighters received furloughs – a safety inspector and a training director. “We’re not just looking out for [JBM-HH], we’re going out into Arlington County as well,” Jackson said, noting the reciprocal agreement among local jurisdictions to back each other up in emergency response calls. “Even before the furlough began, we had to negotiate with the unions here,” the joint base commander said. “The negotiation process resulted in an agreement between the management and the unions on how we would implement furloughs, [such as] how we would implement calling individuals back if they happened to be off on furlough and we needed them to come in. Procedures like that. I have to do what [the Department of Defense] tells me and then I have to do what [Installation Management Command] tells me and then using the IMCOM guidance, I also then have to negotiate and come to an agreement with my unions so I’m staying within my agreement with the unions during the furlough as well. “The unions have been very cooperative,” Sumpter continued. “Everybody understands, to include the union representatives, many of whom are government workers, this furlough is something that we’re being directed to do. Where we don’t agree on everything on how to implement the furlough, both management and the union representa-

tives have done a great job coming to the table and trying to figure out how to best do this in the best interest of not only the employee, but the joint base and the U.S. government.” Cynthia Lee, who represents workers at Andrew Rader U.S. Army Health Clinic, civilian police officers at the Directorate of Emergency Services and other civilian workers on base under the American Federation of Government Employee’s union Local 2, said there’s sometimes the perception that union civilians are telling management how to run a business. “Management has the right to make changes” in how business is conducted, she said, but workers also “need to have input” into working conditions. It’s about, “How can we all reach the same goal,” she emphasized. “The goal [for both] is the same; it’s mission oriented.” Lee said the union always tries to resolve problems at the lowest possible level. “It’s about allowing employees to voice their concerns,” she said. “Unions are for those [workers] who can’t speak for themselves.” Employees just want to feel that you recognize their situation, she continued. “They don’t want to feel overlooked.” “It’s important to have communications with all levels of management and all levels of employees,” said Eduardo Bodmer, AFGE local 2’s chief steward. “Employees feel like they have a voice now,” he said, explaining that previous commands weren’t as open to listening to unions. “The colonel has been an enormous help. She’s more open to communication and wants to create an environment between civilians, supervisors and the military. She wants it to work like a family.” Lee said Sumpter came to JBM-HH having had previous experience with unions. “You can tell that she is geared toward being a positive influence,” she said. “Colonel Sumpter believes in doing what’s right,” Glover said. “She supports me in my ability to do my job.” “Colonel Sumpter is the architect of a strategy or method … of eliminating a wall that existed between labor and management,” Quarles said. “There used to be a partition between labor and management. Now there is clarity of values and responsibilities. “I look forward to continuing to improve the relationship between labor and management,” Quarles said. “I think we’re going in the right direction.” Glover, who comes to JBM-HH two days a week from his station at Fort Belvoir, is available for consultation with employees and management Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. He can be reached at 703-696-6728.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Furlough, from page 1 “I have to do what DoD tells me, and then I have to do what IMCOM tells me,” the colonel said. “The Installation Management Command commander has published an [operation order] and [fragment order] directing commanders on how we’re supposed to implement the furlough.” She is held accountable for managing the command’s resources and abiding with the order with minimal exceptions to the furloughs. “During the furlough, not only are the normal operating hours for some places going to change, but the only way I’m allowed to have someone come in, or a service to be provided during a furlough day, is if life, health or safety is impacted,” said the commander. “If I have a life, health or safety issue on a day when the person who responds to those issues is furloughed, there are procedures spelled out on how to recall them. It’s not a unilateral decision where I can make the decision. It really is driven by the IMCOM order,” she said. While she empathizes with customers who are inconvenienced by furlough closures, she said it isn’t a justification for making an exception if it’s not a matter of life, health or safety. “I have to honor the furlough,” she continued. “It is very difficult because I have some very super-stellar, highly-dedicated, motivated employees who don’t want the mission to fail. Either having to close an office for a day, meaning a customer doesn’t have access or having to alter a service in any way, to them is a certain failure. And they don’t want to accept that. “I have to reiterate that this is something that we have to do,” Sumpter explained. “The customers will understand. Everyone is doing this furlough. And where I appreciate everyone’s dedication, the one thing I cannot allow them to do is work on their furlough.” This includes answering their government cell phones, responding to work emails or doing any government business on a furlough day. She explained how she’s learning to manage her expectations based on the new operating Budget, from page 1 and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to conduct a strategic choices and management review to provide him with options. “We do know this: regardless of what comes out of 2014, ... this institution’s going to be





Civilian employees affected by the furloughs received letters the first week of June notifying them that the administrative furlough was necessary due to the serious budgetary challenges the DoD is facing for the remainder of fiscal year 2013.

reality. “For me personally, it’s been a challenge to not be able to pick up the phone and call somebody that I know can get a job done and who I’ve relied upon a lot, because it’s their furlough day. As the commander, I also have to exercise some restraint. “Reality versus expectations really runs the full spectrum from the customer all the way up to the most senior person,” she said. “All of us as leaders set the example. We can’t ask for more than our employees can provide. This is not a do-

living with less,” he said. “If there is an adjustment or a compromise or a change, even to sequestration, it’s still going to mean less.” The dramatic drop in spending under sequestration gives DoD no time to make the responsible adjustments needed, he added. Hagel said his last choice was to


more-with-less policy. “I’ve said that from the beginning,” she continued. “I will not ask my people to do more with less. We will do the very best with the resources available. We will strive to provide excellent customer service.” Sumpter said she understands that this is a very difficult time for the workforce, and it’s hard to keep spirits high when facing a decrease in pay. “I’m mostly concerned about everyone’s morale. It’s hard. You’re losing 20 percent of your pay by no fault of your own. That’s hard on people,” the joint base commander said. “We’ve been talking about this furlough since I arrived in July 2012. People have been prepping for it. There’s a huge difference between the preparation and the execution. This is only the very beginning of the furlough. We won’t really be able to gauge how employees are surviving — either financially, mentally, or emotionally — until we’re halfway through when it really starts to impact finances.” While it is tough to see the cuts to personnel pay as a workforce leader, Sumpter stressed the main expectation of her as a base commander during these furloughs is to save money across the board. “The bottom line is we’re all expected to gain savings across the DoD. We all have to do our part. If there are commanders that are not paying diligence to what we’ve been directed to do, that only further impedes the process to help our government with the budget,” she said. “I just ask that the entire community bond together and accept that this is a reality from now until the end of September. And personally I pray that it doesn’t go beyond September,” said Sumpter. “The impacts are unavoidable. I just ask the entire community’s patience with my workforce and each other. It’s going to be challenging. “We’re in this together. We need to come together as a community to embrace our new reality,” she said.

furlough civilian employees, but his hand was forced. “It’s unfair,” he said. “It’s wrong to do this to families, to people who have given their lives to this country. It’s the wrong way to do it.” He has tried to make the process as fair as possible, he added, and furloughs will result in saving $2 billion

for the department. “I know it doesn’t change anything,” the secretary said. “I know it doesn’t make you feel better. But you needed to know from me, because I made the decision, [to understand] why I made it and what the realities are, and then [have] anticipation of what’s ahead.”


Friday, July 19, 2013


Marines, Soldiers certify to lead HITT center workouts and in pay grades E4 and Marines. The level one cer- level one instructor trainabove; those who will learn ing July 18. Jackson said tification training allows this is the second certifica- this [program] and take the Marines and Soldiers knowledge back to their “Marines train for a spe- access into the HITT center tion course held at the Henderson Hall HITT cen- Marines or Soldiers and to lead Marines and cific reason and that’s for start implementing this in combat. We are combat ath- Soldiers in the workout of ter since it opened April their daily PT regimes,” 15. letes and we have a train- the day,” Jackson said. “HITT [instructor train- Jackson said. ing program to specifically “They’ll also become certiThe level one training fied instructors on tactical ing] is on a volunteer, firstprepare for combat,” said resistance exercise suspen- come, first-serve basis. It’s course combines classroom Marine Gunnery Sgt. leadership driven, so I ask and physical instruction. sion bands.” Daniel Jackson, who is Participants learn flexibilifor candidates who are Twenty Marines and assigned at Headquarters ty and stability of particinoncommissioned officers Soldiers completed HITT and Services Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corp Henderson Hall and a certified High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) instructor. “HITT is a functionalbased fitness program, similar to the training of professional athletes. We should be training our bodies for the optimal result in combat. That is the basic principal of HITT – to combine the warrior and athlete,” said Jackson. “The advantage of having a HITT center located in Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gym on the Marine side of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall is both Marines and Soldiers can attend instructor-led sessions,” said Jackson. He said military personnel from both services can also attend the quarterly instructor training. PHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE “This is the only installa- Participants in the High Intensity Tactical Training try different techniques under the direction of TRX tion that offers this train- Master Instructor Lynne Virant in the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium July 16. Once the participants fining to a service outside the ish the course, they will be able to access the HITT center and lead those attending the workout. By Rhonda Apple Pentagram Staff Writer

pants through functional movement screens; warm up exercises and performance assessment. HITT program components are taught, including exercises with the ammo can, partner training, tactical resistance and endurance exercises. Class participants also learned to work out with conditioning ropes and Olympic lifts; agility training and plyometrics (jump training exercises utilizing muscles to exert maximum force in as short a time as possible with the goal of increasing speed and power). “These exercises can be done in combat if you’re out in the middle of nowhere and there’s no gym available,” said Jackson. “With HITT, we put forth more effort with form and technique rather than repetitions and weights. It’s a great program. I’d like everyone to come to one instructor-led session and give it a shot, even if it’s only one visit,” he said. Jackson encouraged soonto-deploy servicemembers; in particular, to attend a HITT session. “This is where they need to be to prepare for that deployment. Everything we do focuses on things we would be doing in combat.”

The Barracks continues uniform evaluation for female Marines By Sgt. Dengrier Baez Marine Barracks Washington

Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., is conducting an ongoing evaluation of female uniforms and covers during the 2013 parade season. The testing process, being conducted at the direction of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos, is to evaluate the use of a modified male blue dress coat and dress cover on women who march in the Friday Evening and the Tuesday Sunset Parades. Female Marines who are in a ceremonial hosting capacity during these parades will only evaluate the dress cover. Given the frequency with which Barracks Marines wear the blue

dress uniform, the highly visible unit is uniquely positioned to evaluate the use of what are traditionally male uniform items on female Marines. It’s unknown at this time whether or not this change will be instituted on a Corps-wide basis. At the end of this parade season, the command at the Barracks will gauge feedback from its diverse population of Marines and report this information to the Commandant. At that point, the way ahead will be determined. PHOTO



Maj. Sarah Armstrong, parade staff commander, reports retiring personnel and all colors present during a retirement ceremony for Lt. Gen. Willie Williams, former director of Marine Corps staff, at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., July 10.

JBM-HH Marines and Soldiers stand side by side in training Company on Fort Myer and three Marines from Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corps, Henderson Hall brushed up on their land navigation, communications, combatives, and MOUT (military operations on urban terrain) skills. “This is a little brush-up for me,” said Lance Cpl. Mitchell Taylor, one

of the Marines who participated in the training. “I’ve been in the NCR (National Capital Region) for two Soldiers and Marines from Joint years, so it’s been a little while Base Myer-Henderson Hall “invadsince I’ve done it. ” ed” Fort Lee, Va., last week for The training was broken up into training at the Warrior Training two cycles, with one session runCenter there. ning July 8 and 9 and the other Approximately 30 Soldiers from session running July 11 and 12. Headquarters and Headquarters “We all learned from each other,” said Army Sgt. 1st Class Keith McGrew, HHC S-3 NCOIC. “Our terminology is different, but we’re doing the same thing.” The training consisted of the same classroom work and field exercises for both groups. On the first day, the servicemembers gathered on JBM-HH at 5 a.m. to make the drive to Fort Lee. Once they arrived there, they were issued the gear they would need for the training and headed to a land navigation class, said McGrew. “They were taught to point plots on grids,” he explained. After the classroom portion of the land navigation training, the group headed outside, where they were given five points to find throughout Fort Lee and completed the task in roughly an hour and 45 minutes. “They did a lot of walking,” PHOTO BY SGT. CIRILO DEJESUS Soldiers and Marines from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall visited Fort Lee, Va., July McGrew laughed. “It was hot and 8-9 and July 11-12 for training at the Warrior Training Center there. For more photos, sweaty and stuff.” On the second day of training, log onto By Julia LeDoux Pentagram Staff Writer

servicemembers worked on their communications skills by working with synchronized radios. “They learned how to install the battery, attach the antennae,” said McGrew. “They also learned how to put the codes in there and what each code means.” They also got some hands-on time with both the M16 and M924 rifle. “The learned how to break the weapon down, its different parts, how many parts go to each weapon,” explained McGrew. During the MOUT portion of the training, the servicemembers learned how to clear a room, and the combatives portion had them facing off against each other in hand-to-hand combat. “The training was a good thing for all of us,” said McGrew, who noted that while stationed in the National Capital Region, both Soldiers and Marines are sometimes chained to their desks or busy with other duties and simply don’t have the time for this type of training. Marine Capt. Andrew Pallis, H & S Co. executive officer, noted that the Army and Corps have two different cultures and training like this helps each branch to familiarize itself with the other. “It’s good to learn each other’s customs and courtesies,” he said.


Friday, July 19, 2013


TUSAB receives award from AUSA chapter By Michael Norris Pentagram Assistant Editor

The U.S. Army Band, “Pershing’s Own,” received the 2012 Commander-inChief Award from the George Washington chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army July 17 at an Army Navy Country Club luncheon. The award, which was first given in 1979, goes out to exemplary individuals and organizations that represent the Army. According to AUSA criteria, the recipient must be a current or former member of the armed forces, a past or present elected or appointed government official, or a leader in academic, business or community affairs. Past recipients of the award include: Congressmen G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery

and John Murtha; U.S. Senators John Warner, Sam Nunn and Robert Dole and Daniel Inouye; Generals William C. Westmorland, Maxwell R. Thurman, John M. Shalikashvili and Colin Powell; and just last year, Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell. The governor won in part for making Virginia one of the most veteran-friendly states in the nation, said AUSA George Washington Chapter President Todd Hunter. This year is only the second time the award has been bestowed on an organization. Another Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall-based unit, The 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), took home the award in 2006. “We note with great admiration the long, distin-




From left, The U.S. Army Band Command Sgt. Maj. Mitchell Spray, TUSAB Leader and Commander Col. Thomas Palmatier, AUSA George Washington Chapter President Todd Hunter and Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and Military District of Washington Commander Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan pose with the Commander-in-Chief Award at the AUSA luncheon July 17.

guished history and tradition of excellence maintained by the band since 1922,” noted a letter sent TUSAB leaders first notifying them of the award. “Pershing’s Own plays a very important role nationally and internationally, from battlefields to our nation’s capital, and last fall, the historic trip to China to collaborate with the Military Band of the People’s Liberation Army of China.” Karen Lowe, chair of the nominating committee for the George Washington chapter, said AUSA selected the Army Band from eight nominations put forward for 2012. “We looked at everything the Army Band has done,” said Hunter, a former Old Guard Soldier. Because the band serves as ambassadors for the Army, he said it was only a matter of time before the organization received its due. “They finally got the recognition they deserve,” Hunter added. Attending Wednesday’s ceremony was MDW Commander Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, Army Band Leader and Commander Col. Thomas H. Palmatier, and TUSAB Command Sgt. Maj. Mitchell Spray, along with representative musicians from various Army Band ensembles. In remarks accepting the award, Palmatier thanked the AUSA chapter for the Soldier morale programs it helps fund; the Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army Sherwood “Woody” Goldberg, who was instru-




The U.S. Army Band Leader and Commander Col. Thomas Palmatier addresses the audience after accepting the AUSA award on behalf of “Pershing’s Own.”

mental in finessing the band’s trip to China; and also the working Soldiers in the U.S. Army Band. “I think the Army and the American people value what the Soldiers of Pershing’s Own do each and every day,” Palmatier said after the ceremony. “There were seven funerals today. The day-today business is valued, but I think it’s just assumed. And that’s fine, that’s our job. But the trip to China was an example of where we got to be used as an instrument of public diplomacy at the national level, where we truly got to be a strategic tool. That clearly made this year different than other years in terms of what we were able to donate to the nation.” “It’s a great honor. It’s very flattering and humbling to honor us this way,” said Spray. “One of the things I really appreciate is that we were able to bring some of our folks over [to

the ceremony]. It wasn’t just the colonel and myself, we were given the opportunity to bring some of our Soldiers in and have their role acknowledged.” “Too often me and the command sergeant major are the only ones who hear praise for the things that [Army Band] Soldiers do,” said Palmatier. “We tried to [bring in] a cross section from all the different groups and different ranks, so it wasn’t just all the sergeant majors or something like that. Usually the Soldiers out there doing funerals don’t know how appreciated they are. I’m really grateful to the chapter for inviting a group of Soldiers to be part of the award.” Members of the U.S. Army Chorus performed a medley of Soldier songs as part of the luncheon, including: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home,” “Over There” and “The Ballad of the Green Berets.”

Department of Defense celebrates Iftar meal at the Pentagon By Julia Henning Army News Service

The Department of Defense celebrated its 15th Iftar meal July 12 at the Pentagon. Attending the event were senior defense leaders, White House and congressional staffers, foreign dignitaries, defense attachés, imams, Gold Star families, and Muslims who work in the defense community. “The month of Ramadan focuses on a lot of things,” said Col. Thomas Waynick, the Pentagon chaplain. “Among them, focusing one’s heart away from worldly activities, the cleansing of one’s soul to free it from harmful impurities, and the practices of self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice and empathy, especially with the less fortunate, and thus encouraging generosity and charity. These things are common to many of the world’s religions.” During the month of Ramadan, which this year runs from July 8 through Aug. 7, Muslims are required to fast during daylight hours. The Iftar meal, following sundown, is when Muslims break their fast for the day. In 1999, the Pentagon Chaplains Office first hosted such a dinner to show solidarity with and support for the Islamic community. They have been doing so each year since. U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a Muslim, was the guest speaker at this year’s

Iftar meal. The lawmaker spoke about serving humanity. Serving others by tutoring, visiting shut-ins, volunteering time to feed the homeless and building relationships with people less fortunate will help change America, Ellison said. “I would challenge you to think creatively about what you can do on an individual basis to reorient our society one engagement at a time,” Ellison said. Ellison’s son serves in the Army. Having that connection to the military, and being a Muslim, makes an Iftar meal at the Pentagon a significant event for him, Ellison said. “I worry about [my son] and I want him to be around people who care about him,” Ellison said. “He’s Muslim, like his father is. I want him to be in a good environment. I feel like coming here [to the Pentagon Iftar] is very special.” The significance of celebrating Iftar at the Pentagon is two-fold, said Air Force Col. Shakir Kahn. First, it informs Muslim Pentagon employees that the Department of Defense supports them. Second, it also allows the senior leadership at the Pentagon a view into the Muslim community. Command Sgt. Maj. Sultan Mohammed said he believes that the yearly Iftar meals at the Pentagon show that the Department of Defense continues to feel solidarity with the Muslim community, and that healing has happened since

9/11. “It just shows that America is recovering from its wounds and overcoming its fear of the image that’s been portrayed of Muslims,” Mohammed said. “We [are] all in one Army, and that when we [were] attacked [on 9/11], not only was America attacked, but Muslims [were] attacked. For us to be able to sit down at an Iftar like this shows [we are] healing. We understand and we appreciate each other and it’s time to heal. It’s actually taken too long.” Those in attendance at the Pentagon Iftar were not all Muslim. Steven Redmann, executive director of U.S. Army Headquarters Services, said that though he is not Muslim, he was able to learn from the congressman’s message about service, and find common themes that aligned with his Catholic faith. “We need to respect [Muslims fasting during Ramadan] and understand why they do that,” Redman said. “If we could all just be more accepting, I think we’d all be better off.” At the Pentagon, approximately 30-40 Department of Defense personnel make up a core group of Muslim worshipers, Waynick said. Across the Army, there are more than 1,600 Muslims, said Lt. Col. Claude Brittian, the deputy Pentagon chaplain. He said that number is not exact, however, because many Muslims do not declare their religion for fear of being ostracized.

Operation Rising Star calling garrisons; deadline looms By Tim Hipps U.S. Army Installation Management Command

Army Entertainment is getting set to host another season of Operation Rising Star, a singing contest for Soldiers and military Family members based on the American Idol format. Installations and garrisons interested in hosting 2013 Operation Rising Star events must apply by July 29. Local competitions will be contested in September and/or October. Fort Hunter Liggett in Jolon, Calif., was first to apply this year. “We are very excited about our

ninth season,” said Tim Higdon, executive producer of Operation Rising Star. “It’s this kind of Family and MWR programming that year after year provides fun, exciting, and relevant entertainment for our Soldiers and their Families.” Operation Rising Star is open to active duty military, National Guard and Reserve personnel and their 18and-older Family members. Local Operation Rising Star performers will receive $500 for first place, $250 for runner-up, and $100 for third place, along with a $300 spirit award to encourage audience participation and Internet exposure of local competitions via social media

and Local winners and, in some cases, second-place finishers, will have a shot at becoming 2013 Operation Rising Star champion. Army Installation Management Command encourages garrisons to collaborate with their food and beverage facilities, recreation programs, marketing teams and Better Opportunities for Single Servicemembers programs to ensure success of Operation Rising Star. IMCOM’s program aims to showcase Soldiers and their Family members’ singing talents on stage and on the Internet. Past shows have been televised by The Pentagon Channel.

“Operation Rising Star is a unique opportunity for the talent in our Army family to be shared with a worldwide audience,” Higdon said. Operation Rising Star bolsters morale among troops and delivers positive reinforcement to Soldiers, military civilians and Family members. “It helps maintain our strong esprit de corps, especially during these challenging times,” Higdon said. Operation Rising Star also introduces new customers to Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation food and beverage facilities, which in turn helps generate income that is invested in other MWR programs.


Friday, July 19, 2013


Military police officer honored Rader Clinic reduces service By Cory Hancock JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public Affairs

The U.S. Army Military District of Washington’s military and civilian police officer of the year award was presented to Spc. Timothy Mardirosian of the 289th MP Company during a June 28 ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. MDW’s military and civilian police officer of the year/Directorate of Emergency Services best practices award program recognizes employees with superior work records and those who have performed meritorious acts or services both on and off duty, which contribute to the mission, quality of life at MDW, or its role as a good neighbor in the community. Mardirosian serves as a military police patrol officer at JBM-HH and distinguished himself by conducting inter-agency coordination with local law enforcement partners. “He is mature beyond his years,”

said Sgt. Maj. Steven Townsend, U.S. Army Military District of Washington provost sergeant major. “He loves doing MP work and helping as well as supporting the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall community.” Some of Mardirosian’s specific actions involved the apprehension of a felonious criminal and a suspect listed on the terrorist watch list by the U.S. Terrorist Screening Center. “This is a really great honor,” said Mardirosian. “I love being an MP because it allows me to be a cop before the age of 21. I love being able to go out on patrol.” In addition to his duties, Mardirosian has completed 80 hours of structured self-development with emphasis on preparing and managing professional correspondence, employing composite risk management and detainee operations. The young Soldier has also been certified as an operator of the Virginia Criminal Information Network.

on Fridays due to furloughs By Rhonda Apple Pentagram Staff Writer

Anyone who went to Andrew Rader U.S. Army Health Clinic on Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall July 12 noticed a big change to a typical Friday. The clinic was only open for urgent care and dental appointments. Due to the furloughs, the majority of the clinic’s government civilian employees will not work on Fridays. Staff began their furlough days July 12 and will continue to be off on Fridays through September. “Friday is our furlough day – none of our civilian employees will work on Fridays with the exception of our behavioral health providers – which include two psychiatrists, one social worker and one psychologist,” said Lt. Col. Amal Chatila, deputy commander of clinical services and nursing at Rader Clinic. “The reason we chose Friday was it was the day we have the least amount of patients and chose to close that day. We wanted to make sure we are still available for some of patient’s acute needs. We didn’t want patients to go to the emergency room and urgent care clinic for a cough, a cold, or a sprained ankle,” Chatila said. She said also taken into consideration was what services were a must-have at the clinic, what service training is needed, and who among the staff needs training in order to accommodate services needed on Fridays. Chatila, one of two deputy commanders, and a nurse practitioner will each see 20 patients on Fridays during the furlough. “We can see all ages from infants to older adults,” she added. “We only have one podiatrist, one gynecology nurse practitioner, two PHOTO BY SPC. THOMAS J. CASTELLANI optometrist – one is military and one is Spc. Timothy Mardirosian, second from right, stands with his NCO chain of command civilian – so we knew we had to have after being awarded the Military and Civilian Police Officer of the Year trophy and an Army everyone take off on the same day. It Achievement Medal during a ceremony held at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, June 28. wouldn’t work to have one person off on





Rader Clinic has reduced services on Fridays due to furloughs.

a Tuesday, another on a Thursday,” Chatila said. “Also, the providers work with support staff on teams here, so we had to take that into consideration.” Chatila said there won’t be services available which require immunization, routine care maintenance or follow up on Fridays. Periodic health assessments for active duty military members will still be performed on Fridays as well as behavioral health services. With four civilian pharmacists employed at Rader, Chatila said there would be only one pharmacist available on the furlough Fridays. “Our clinic dispenses between 750 and 800 prescriptions with four pharmacists and 12 pharmacy techs. On the furlough day, the one pharmacist can only dispense safely 150 to 200 prescriptions. That’s why on that day, we can only fill prescriptions for the patients we’re seeing on that day,” she said. Chatila said Rader Clinic is also dispensing medications for patients being seen by The Old Guard’s providers and for the patients being seen by Behavioral Health. Patients can still send Internet relay messages or call the Integrated Referral Management Appointing Center, or IRMAC, to set up appointments. Eighty-nine civilian employees at Rader Clinic are affected by the furloughs.


Friday, July 19, 2013


FMST sends off its Tennis juggernaut rolls past Fort Myer team senior swimmers By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

Tradition plays an integral role on the Fort Myer Swim Team. From the star freestyle swimmer to the swarm of relay members, tradition stands proudly next to every FMST Squid participant. And that tradition was again on display July 10 when the team held its final home meet of the year. Six Squids, who are planning or already are attending college, were honored and praised during the traditional pool-side, senior send-off ceremonies at the Fort Myer Officers Club pool complex. Squid veterans

Nate McLean, Stephen Olmstead, Maggie Burgos, Christina Bowman, Alexandra Vincent and Hanna Smith-Benjamin are completing their final seasons with the swim club, and the goodbyes were emotional and heartfelt. “As always, it’s sad to say goodbye to seniors — this group, however, were some of the longest team members we’ve had with some being on the team for 12 and 13 years,” said Fort Myer Swim Team Coach Kristina Dorville. “We have loved seeing them grow up and wish them the best as they start the next chapter knowing they will be Squids for life.”

By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

An undefeated Fairfax Racquet Club tennis team has lost a total of five individual singles or doubles matches this spring and summer. July 13, the nationallyranked group of former professionals and college standouts visited the Fort Myer Officers Club tennis courts, and the Fairfax netters left with a 6-1 victory over the Myer Officers Club squad during a hot, steamy morning of serves and volleys. In singles play, Fort Myer’s Billy Barton battled through three sets but dropped his match, 7-6, 6-7, 6-4; and former West Point and AllArmy tennis team member John Johnson lost in straight sets 2-6 and 3-6 to Fairfax’s David Emery. ‘It wasn’t the result I wanted, but it always feels good to represent Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall and the Army again,” former Cadet netter Johnson said of his match. “We played some high-level tennis. “It was also an opportunity to showcase our PHOTO BY JIM DRESBACH first-class, clay court Six veteran Fort Myer Swim Team swimmers were saluted by teammates, coaches, parents and friends at the Officers Club Pool Complex July 10. The retiring Squids are tennis facility, as well as Hanna Smith-Benjamin, Alexandra Vincent, Christina Bowman, Maggie Burgos, Nate JBM-HH, to area residents who may not have McLean and Stephen Olmstead.





Fort Myer Officers Club Tennis Team singles player Billy Barton receives a serve July 13 during a match against the Fairfax Racquet Club squad. The Myer team dropped the match 6-1 while Barton fell in three sets to his opponent.

a lot of experience interacting with the military,” Johnson added. The teams played on Myer’s six grass or clay courts, and Fairfax brought players who delivered court-time experience playing Atlantic Coast Conference and high-caliber NCAA tennis. “Currently, several NVTL clubs are made up of former professional tennis circuit and university division 1A players, and the competition has become extremely competitive,” Fort Myer tennis team spokesman Larry

Reiman said. “The Fort Myer Officers Club Tennis Team is in NVTL Division A, which is made up of the top five teams in the league.” Myer O Club team members include Club Professional Will Warren, Team Captain Abe Carmel, Bill Slenker, Bob Arberg, Andy Reynolds, Cam Funkhouser, George Topic, Dave Jonas, Page Hoeper, Sean Buck, Nick Morris, Tim Waters, Jack Ambrose, David Turner, Dan Simos, Don Brewster and Thierry Chiapello.


Friday, July 19, 2013


Volunteers needed


Boxer Alexys White (left) delivers a left jab to D'ajah Scott during an exhibition match of July Justice's amateur boxing card at Cpl. Terry Smith Gymnasium on the Henderson Hall side of JBM-HH. The White-Scott match kicked off the second half of 12 scheduled bouts.

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Sweet science

The Washington, D.C., Ward 6 Southwest Neighborhood Assembly is asking for active duty and veteran volunteers for a community garden build from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. July 31. Fort McNair is located in Ward 6. The location of the build is Lansburgh Park, located at Delaware Avenue and M Street SW. Lansburg Park was selected for this community garden makeover out of more than 400 applicants from across the country. Breakfast and lunch will be served to those volunteering to help build the garden. Following the build, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held at 4 p.m. There is no federal or Army endorsement of the commercial entities helping to fund the build. Additionally, according to ethics regulations, active duty personnel who volunteer to help with the build must do so on their own personal time, must be on leave status and cannot be in uniform. There may be no coercion of any kind for work on this project by commanders, supervisors or Army personnel. Those interested in volunteering should call 202-417-8577 or email

AGENDA INLUDES: • Successfully marketing your home • Options for the distressed home owner • The language and documents of real estate • What you should expect from your agent • Using the internet to sell your home • Information for Seniors


Henderson Hall family fun day

Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corps Henderson Hall will host a family fun day Aug. 3 at Kings Dominion. The cost is $15 per Marine and Marine family member, or $20 per Henderson Hall civilian and family member. Parking passes are available for $10. The admission cost covers an all-you-can-eat picnic as well as all-day admission to the theme park. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact the Family Readiness Officer, Renee Lilley, at 703-697-7342 or by visiting Bldg. 29, room 302 on the Henderson Hall portion of Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall.


Friday, July 19, 2013

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Friday, July 19, 2013


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