Pentagram 072613

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No autopen

Best warrior

Colin Powell signs latest book

Soldiers sweep competition

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Vol. 60, no. 28 July 26, 2013

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Published for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall

Summer blood donation campaign in full swing


By Jessica Pellegrini Armed Services Blood Program




Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and Military District of Washington Commander Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan (center) speaks to Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Commander Col. Fern O. Sumpter (left), Command Sgt. Maj. Earlene Y. Lavender (second from left) and Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Director Denise James (right) during his first official tour of the joint base July 22.

MDW commander tours JBM-HH By Michael Norris Pentagram Assistant Editor

After assuming command in late June, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, commander of Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and the Military District of Washington, sat down for a get-acquainted meeting with Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall officials at command headquarters on the Fort

Myer portion of JBM-HH July 22. Foregoing a Power Point briefing, the general shook hands with joint base leaders and directorate heads in the Bldg. 59 conference room. Attending officials went around the table introducing themselves and providing thumbnail sketches of their backgrounds and duties. While this was Buchanan’s first formal visit with JBMHH staff, he joked about hav-

ing “ambushed” joint base personnel during an impromptu visit the previous Friday. “We really want you to see the lay of the land,” said JBM-HH Commander Col. Fern O. Sumpter in welcoming the general, before Buchanan initiated discussions on various issues. Several individuals, including JBM-HH Deputy Commander Marine Lt. Col. see BUCHANAN, page 6

The Armed Services Blood Program has launched its summer donation drive. “Our summer campaign this year is a service-specific campaign,” said Julie Oliveri, ASBP’s communications and marketing director. “In this way, we hope to ensure our military Family is ‘armed’ with the blood products needed for those who are ill or injured.” Ending Sept. 30, the campaign will be deployed at 23 donor centers on Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps installations worldwide. “A single blood donation to the military blood program has the potential to save up to three lives,” said Air Force Col. Richard H. McBride, ASBP director. “That can make a huge difference, especially since donations tend to decrease during the summer.” McBride noted that donations sometimes slow down this time of year because the military blood program’s eligible donors are on vacation. Although donors get their welldeserved summer time off, he added, the need for blood donations is ongoing. “I know we are all busy preparing ourselves and our Families for summer vacations, but I hope that we can all find time in our schedules to stop by and donate a few drops of lifesaving blood,” said Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jesse G. Porter, pay officer in charge of the command support branch of the Personnel Administration Center for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif. Rose Lori Briggs, an avid blood donor at the Robertson Blood Center at Fort Hood, Texas, said that as a girl she sometimes would go with her father when he donated blood. “I would watch as the blood filled the bag, amazed that it would go on to save a stranger’s life,” she said. “I donate to carry on my father’s dedication to the value of this selfless act.” Briggs is a year-round donor and like her father, she said she doesn’t let summer schedsee BLOOD, page 8

Ironman colonel ready to spread success to Henderson Hall By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corps, Henderson Hall, Commanding Officer Col. Anthony S. Barnes is a believer of a threepronged philosophy. The Florida native, who took command of H&S Bn., HQMC Henderson Hall July 9, endeavors to make strong bonds stronger, be accessible and highly visible on Joint Base Myer-Henderson


Community Spotlight Commentary Community News Notes Feature Classifieds

Hall and use common sense while leading. “There are three tenants for me. One is relationships. Two is communication, both vertically and horizontally, and the last tenant is just crossfunctional thinking,” Barnes said. “We can help people succeed by taking them down these three pillars. I have a heart and a passion for seeing people succeed.” Touching success and tackling passions are familiar themes for Barnes, who is a self-con-

p.2 p.3 p.4 p.4 p.4 p.9

fessed “pilot by trade with a business degree.” He recently invested a year of training toward participating in an Ironman running, swimming and cycling event. “I have some really good friends, businessmen around town, who are in [a] mid-life crisis,” said the colonel, who had never taken part in a triathlon before November, but has run in the Marine Corps Marathon and the Army Ten-Miler. “We’re 45 to 55, and I started running and riding bikes with them

and swimming. They convinced me to do an Ironman. “The Ironman is a lot like life — it’s an endurance event, and the people you meet along the way are fantastic,” he continued. “Someone told me I’d finish at seven or eight o’clock at night, but he told me to go back at midnight to see the finishers. They were of all shapes and sizes. Some of the PHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE most motivating things Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters you’d ever want to see Marine Corps, Henderson Hall Commanding Officer Col. were right there. All have Anthony S. Barnes in his office on Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall. see BARNES, page 8

Reduced hours

Keeping your pet cool

Pg. 7

Pg. 3

A list of base activities affected by furlough

Vet clinic wants pet owners to think of safety


Friday, July 26, 2013






A single casket representing the remains of 1st Lt. Richard Dyer, Sgt. 1st Class Juan Colon-Diaz and Spc. 5 John L. Burgess is interred in Arlington National Cemetery July 2. On June 30, 1970 in Binh Phuoc Province, South Vietnam, the three Soldiers, along with 1st Lt. Leslie F. Douglas Jr., were killed in a UH-1H Iroquois helicopter crash during a command and control mission. Pfc. John Goosman survived the crash and was rescued.

Community Spotlight • Name? Airman 1st Class Christopher Revell • Job title/where do you work? Ceremonial Guardsman, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. • Military service? Air Force. Favorite sports team? Philadelphia Phillies. • Favorite book? The Bible. • Favorite food? Seafood. • Favorite band/music artist? A Day to Remember. • Favorite movie? “Armageddon.” • Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to or been stationed? Tampa, Fla. • What do you like most about working on JBM-HH? Everyone is friendly. • What are your goals for the year? To become fully qualified in my job. • What do you like most about living in the National Capital Region? The history and monuments. • What’s your favorite attraction to see in the NCR? The Pentagon. • What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.” • If you won the lottery, what would you do? Donate some to charity, help out family and friends, and start a youth lacrosse program.

Caption This


Caption This #27

If you’ve ever looked at a photo, read the caption underneath and thought you could do better, now is your chance. Each week, “Caption This” will have a photo taken from around the base. It’s up to you to figure out the best, funniest or craziest caption that describes what’s going on in the picture. The only rule is you have to KEEP IT CLEAN! “Caption This” submissions can be sent either by emailing them to, commenting on our Facebook page or just stopping by Headquarters Bldg. 59, suite 116 and dropping it off. Don’t forget to add the “Caption This” number, your name, rank or position and where you work. Commander, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Every week the Pentagram staff will pick their favorite. The winner’s Col. Fern O. Sumpter’s vision and philosophy: name, caption along with the photo, will be printed in the newspaper. Compete with your friends and coworkers and see who can come up with the best one. And if you have a photo you think would make a great With a team of resource management savvy and technically competent DoD professionals, establish JBM–HH as DoD’s premier provider of consistent, qual- “Caption This,” send it in. ity services that enhance readiness and the overall well-being of our customers. Caption This #26 We must be ... - Experts at what we do … constantly improving our skills and knowledge. “Who needs to shoot the boot when you - Focused … set priorities and complete the mission. can own the cone!” - Committed … to the mission and each other, fostering a community of excellence. Eileen Moore - Professional/respectful … remain calm, even when others are not … count on each other at all times, treating everyone with dignity and respect.

Pentagram Printed on recycled paper

The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be faxed to (703) 696-0055 or e-mailed to Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Friday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the printer. Comprint Military Publications is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.

Editorial staff Commander Command Sergeant Major Director of Public Affairs Command Information Officer

Col. Fern O. Sumpter Earlene Y. Lavender Mary Ann Hodges Sharon Walker

Pentagram staff Editor Assistant Editor Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Photographer

Courtney Dock Michael Norris Rhonda Apple Julia LeDoux Jim Dresbach Rachel Larue

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Safety tip Noises can drown out your hearing IMCOM Safetygram

You need sound to understand the world around you and to communicate with other people. Sounds tell you a lot about your environment. We rely on our ability to hear what other people are saying. However, too much sound can damage your hearing. An excessively loud noise such as an explosion or a gunshot can damage your hearing instantly. More commonly, hearing damage occurs over time by steady exposure to noise, such as noise caused by machinery. Your inner ear contains hair-like cells, which vibrate when contacted by sound waves. These cells communicate information to the brain, and that is how you hear. Exposure to excessive or prolonged noise causes permanent damage to these cells and the result is a decrease in your ability to hear. These are some signs of hearing loss: • Decreased hearing when you leave your workplace, gradually returning to near-normal. • Inability to hear high-pitched or soft sounds. • Ringing in the ears. Here are some ways to protect your hearing: • As much as possible, remove yourself from noisy areas. In workplaces, loud machinery should be enclosed or otherwise separated from workers. Equipment should be kept in good repair so it runs more quietly. Alternatives to loud equipment and processes should be explored. • Workplace noise should be monitored to determine if it is within safe levels. • You should receive regular hearing checks to determine if your hearing is being damaged. Be sure to co-operate with your employer’s hearing test program for your own safety. • Wear the hearing protection recommended for your job. For many work situations, this will mean disposable foam earplugs. These flexible plugs are placed in the ear canal to shut out noises. • Another type of earplug is made of hard plastic and is called a canal cap. Canal caps are often worn on a headband. • For greater noise hazards, earmuffs are used. These cover the outer ear and are often worn in conjunction with earplugs. • Maintain your hearing personal protective equipment (PPE) according to the manufacturer’s directions. Use mild soap and water to wash your ear protectors regularly. • Protect your hearing off the job, too. Use hearing PPE when working around noisy gasoline engines such as motorcycles and lawn mowers. Wear the appropriate PPE for recreational activities such as target shooting. Don’t sit too close to the amplifiers at musical events, and keep the volume down on personal stereo headphones. Noise-induced hearing loss occurs gradually, but it is permanent. Hearing loss is a lonely disability which isolates you from family, friends and co-workers. The time to protect your hearing is now.

We’re hiring, and we want YOU!

Old Guard earns MDW Best Warrior By Staff Sgt. Luisito Brooks The Old Guard

Two Soldiers assigned to the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), swept opposing competition during the 2013 Military District of Washington’s Best Warrior Competition; earning the titles of the MDW noncommissioned officer and Soldier of the year. “As I stood there waiting, I was pretty nervous until they called my name as the winner,” said Sgt. Robert Keifer, who was named the NCO of the year. “I was excited and proud that all the hard work paid off.” The competition was held, July 15-19, at Fort A.P. Hill, Va. During the competition, seven noncommissioned officers and three Soldiers were tested on basic and advanced warrior tasks and battle drills, day and night land navigation, urban warfare simulations, physical fitness, rifle qualification, a written exam, a ruck march and a board interview. The competition was no walk in the park according to Keifer, who said it was one of the toughest things he has been a part of. “I have been in a couple events like this, but at this level, you see the best out here. The key for my success was to keep focus throughout the week,” said Keifer, infantryman, Honor Guard Company. “Not only were we battling against each other, we were battling the heat as well. We had to make sure we ate and stayed hydrated.” However, with water and other proper safety precautions in place, Soldiers demonstrated their mental and physical skills in temperatures well into the 90s. In the end, only two found themselves on top. Spc. Michael Sands, MDW Soldier of the year, was nearly speechless when explaining how it felt to claim one of the coveted spots. “I can’t put it into words,” said Sands, infantryman, Delta Company. “It’s very special. I felt privileged just to be selected.” Sands said it was an added bonus winning alongside a fellow Old Guard Soldier. “It was really rewarding to see both of us win.




Sgt. Robert Keifer (left), infantryman, Honor Guard Company, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) and Spc. Michael Sands, infantryman, Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), tackle a 5-mile road march during the Military District of Washington’s Best Warrior Competition, July 17, at Fort A.P. Hill. Keifer and Sands were named the MDW noncommissioned and Soldier of the year. They will represent The Old Guard at the Department of the Army’s BWC later this year.

The Old Guard delivered a one, two punch,” said Sands, “He and I would study as often as possible to make sure we had things memorized. We really worked hard together to get to this point.” Keifer agreed it was great to win with someone from the same unit. “It’s like winning with my little brother,” said Keifer. “We have grown really close because of this experience. I am really looking forward to moving on and getting ready for the next competition. I’m glad The Old Guard will be represented at the next level.” Keifer and Sands will compete in the Department of the Army’s BWC this October at Fort Lee.

Watching out for your pet during the dog days of summer By Staff Sgt. Julie Morris JBM-HH Veterinary Treatment Center NCOIC

It’s time to get out with the family and the family dog to enjoy some recreational activities and some beautiful summer weather. Hot weather can make us all uncomfortable, and it poses special risks for man’s best friend. People need to be reminded of the seasonal dangers so summer fun isn’t spoiled by a preventable emergency or illness. On what may seem like a mild summer day, pet owners may think leaving their dog in a locked car for a relatively short period of time isn’t dangerous. However, this puts your dog in great jeopardy by exposing it to heat-related injuries, such as heat stroke. Even with the windows cracked, the temperature in cars can rise to more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of minutes; even on seemingly mild summer days.

Lead Contract Specialist (JBM-HH, Fort Myer) full time, permanent position includes NAF benefits. Manage the full range of contract management functions including all pre- and post-award functions on assigned procurements. See full description and how to apply here: 484800. This position closes July 26.

Program Operations Specialist (JBMHH, Fort Myer) full time, permanent position includes NAF benefits. Assists with planning, organizing, coordinating and oversight of the base Child and Youth Services program. When required, assumes responsibilities of the CYS coordinator. See full description and how to apply ViewDetails/347947900. This position closes Aug. 1.





Brutus, a Boston terrier, poses for a photograph. On what may seem like a mild spring or summer day, pet owners may think leaving their dog in a locked car for a relatively short period of time is safe, but it isn’t.

There are heat stroke symptoms you should watch out for in your pet because heat stroke can be fatal. Normal body temperatures for canines range from 100-102.5 F. If your dog has a temperature that is greater than 104 F and it exhibits heavy panting, rapid breathing, excessive drooling or bright red gums and tongue, immediately take it to the nearest emergency animal hospital. While enroute, try cooling the dog down by rubbing alcohol on its paw pads, applying ice packs to the groin area or feeding the dog ice chips and small amounts of cool water. It is important to keep your local veterinarian’s contact information and the address of an emergency animal hospital easily available, such as in the glove box of your car or on your refrigerator door. Dog houses provide great shelter for dogs staying outdoors. However, on hot and sunny days these structures can be death traps. Always remember to make sure there is adequate ventilation inside the dog house. You should also provide your pet with other shady areas to rest in and ensure that plenty of cool, clean drinking water is available. Try avoiding strenuous activities, such as long runs or walks, during the hottest portions of the day. If you have plans to take your canine companion to the beach or local swimming pool, avoid prolonged exposure to hot asphalt or sand, which may burn your pet’s paws. Your dog may be tempted to drink sea or pool water, but do not let your pet drink this because it may cause sickness. Never leave a dog unattended in the water. Thinking of traveling with your pet by air? Check with your airline first for specific rules when traveling with a dog. Some airlines do not allow pets to travel because of the dangers caused by heat. If you are able to fly with your dog, it’s never a

bad idea to put ice packs in your dog’s crate (try frozen water bottles) and provide plenty of water in a bowl and frozen drinking water (as backup) so that it can thaw during the flight. For the general health of your furry companion, make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date, especially since the creatures are outdoors more frequently this time of year and will come into contact with other dogs and people. You should also make sure your pet stays off lawns that have been chemically-treated or fertilized for at least 24 hours. This avoids exposing your dog to toxins that could harm it. Did you know that fleas, parasites, ticks and mosquitoes carry various diseases such as heartworm and parvo? Dogs are more susceptible to these diseases in the summer than winter months. Please protect the health of your pet and give your dog the right preventive medicine and needed care. For more information concerning dog-related health matters such as vaccinations, diseases and/or prevention tips, contact the Joint-Base Myer Henderson-Hall Veterinary Treatment Facility at 703-696-3604 and speak to one of the highly-trained animal care specialists or veterinarians on staff. To learn more about the services the veterinary treatment center provides, visit the website at /jbmhh/Services/VetTreatmentF acility.html. The veterinary clinic does not provide emergency animal care for privately-owned animals, however, there are a number of emergency animal hospitals off base that can assist pet owners with their dog’s medical needs. Contact the veterinary treatment center for a list of 24hour emergency care providers in the Arlington area.


Friday, July 26, 2013


Colin Powell signs books at JBM-HH Marine Corps Exchange By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

Part of the Army Creed reads: I will always place the mission first. For former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman and past Fort Myer resident Gen. Colin Powell, his recent missions involve not getting writer’s cramp or having a pen go dry or run low on ink. The former secretary of state was on Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall July 25 at a Marine Exchange book signing attended by more than 200 admirers. The former cabinet member greeted active duty servicemembers and the public and autographed his most recent book, “It Worked For Me – In Life and Leadership.” “We do well; we have it down to a science,” the general said about his book-signing routine. “With the help of my two assistants, the books get passed to me, and I sign them. Frankly, [writer’s cramp] has been less trouble this time than the last time I was doing book signings 17 years ago. I must be loosening up because of age, or I’m more agile than I was then.” Fifteen minutes ahead of schedule, Powell brought his humor to the exchange floor to those waiting in line for as long as an hour to meet him. Army


News Notes Death notice Anyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Spc. Vicent A. Crapps, Fort Myer Honor Guard Company, must contact 1st Lt. Jonathan Buckland, the Summary Court Officer for the Soldier at 703-963-6466. Crapps passed away July 1, 2013.

Fort Myer Exchange upgrades and hours For the next five months, the Fort Myer Post Exchange will be relocating sections of the store, including the customer service area, PowerZone, electronics section, sporting goods, hardware, linens and pet departments. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-7p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information, call 703-522-0664.




Colin Powell (center) poses for a photograph with (from the left) 5-year-old Maddie, 3-year-old Oscar and 8-month-old Henry during a book signing at the MCX on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall July 25. Mom Megan Malone (second right) and dad Army Maj. Joe Malone watch.

Capt. Jamillah Johnson of Fort Knox, Ky., was book-signeenumber-one in the active duty line; she held two Powell books — one was to be a gift for her fiancé. “This is huge; I was born in Mississippi and don’t get much of a chance to see generals like this,” said Johnson, who is in the Military District of Washington on a training mission. Since the introduction of “It Worked For Me” to the bookshelves, Powell has conducted 30 book signings during the past 14 months. The Henderson Hall

event was his fourth in 2013. While he usually is swamped by the media for interview requests; he finds it refreshing to field questions from regular folk. “Sometimes we just talk about the service. Very often [servicemembers] will tell me they’ve served with me years and years and years ago,” Powell said prior to the book signing. “We usually just have exchanges between fellow GIs, as I still like to call all of our servicemen. Very seldom do they ask any policy or substantive questions.”

Army and Air Force Exchange Service news Exchange launches eReceipts Military shoppers who prefer the ease and organization that an eReceipt provides can skip the paper receipt and have documentation of their transaction emailed to them when shopping the JBM-HH exchange. Shoppers simply provide their email address and phone number at checkout to sign up to receive eReceipts. “Purchase receipts by email makes storing and organizing easier,” said JBM-HH exchange general manager Nildy Eiley. “An additional benefit to eReceipts is that it helps reduce paper consumption, which is better for the environment.” 79 days of savings at Fort Myer exchange restaurant As temperatures heat up this summer, the discounts inside direct operated Fort Myer exchange restaurants are getting cooler for Military Star cardholders. Through Sept. 21, every food or drink order made with a Military Star card will be discounted by 20 percent. “With all of the other great discounts and contests available to exchange customers, this is truly shaping up to be a summer of savings,” said Eiley. “The Military Star card already provides its members with many year-round discounts, so promotions like these are just another added perk and thank you for shoppers’ service and sacrifice.”

Military Star card users are also entitled to a year-round five percent discount on Express fuel purchases. For information on the Military Star card, visit AAFES cutest kiddo Youngsters competing to be the Army and Air Force Exchange Service’s “cutest kiddo” will have the opportunity to flex some artistic muscle this year. Through Aug. 9, exchange patrons worldwide may post photographs of their children holding a completed coloring page to the exchange Facebook page for the first-ever Color Me Cutest Kiddo contest. Contestants may choose one of four coloring pages, all of which are available to print online, and view the contest’s rules and regulations at mily. The randomly chosen grand prize winner will be awarded a seven night resort stay and an $800 gift card. An additional $5,000 in gift cards will be divided among first, second, third and fourth place winners in each age category, who will be selected by an online pool, held Aug. 19-23, of the top 10 artists as selected by a panel of judges. Winners of the contest will be announced sometime after Aug. 30. An online entry application can also be found on the AAFES Facebook page.

JBM-HH union representatives American Federation of Government Employees Cynthia Lee Rader Clinic practical nurse AFGE Local 2 president (since 2010) Contact information: 240-210-3626 “Each one; reach one; teach one,” Lee said, quoting a union motto of “reaching out to teach each employer about fairness in the workplace.” Eduardo Bodmer Rader Clinic optometry technician AFGE Local 2 chief steward (1-and-a-half-years) Contact information: 240-210-3626 “I will protect the interest and good name of the federation at all times and will aid a fellow member whenever I can do so without injury to myself or those dependent on me,” Bodmer said, quoting the local’s oath of membership. Laborers International Union of North America Larry Doggette LIUNA Local 572 business manager (8 years) Contact information: 301-316-4888 “Fighting for your labor is my labor. I hope to make [employees] families’ lives better. I have this saying: speak your truth quietly and clearly. To be a representative you have to listen to others.” Ronald Quarles

Directorate of Public Works Entomology LIUNA Local 572 chief steward (3 years) Contact information: 703-696-5113 or 202-5783222. “Negotiations between management and labor serve as a bridge that allows compromise. We address problems before they become larger issues.” International Association of Fire Fighters Jeffrey Affolder Fort Myer Fire Department firefighter IAFF 253 president (since October 2012) Contact information: jeffrey.a.affolder.civ “We try to do what’s right for the union employees at the fire department … and compare notes with other firefighter unions [from different departments].” Michael Jackson Fort Myer Fire Department firefighter IAFF 253 vice president (since October 2012) Contact information: michael.g.jackson5.civ @mail.mail “The union is the voice of the membership and we make sure the rules are followed in the contract.”

EMHD closure update Although the executive management and housing directorate will be closed on Fridays due to furloughs, family housing residents should continue calling service orders 24/7 to Meckley Services at 703-696-2632. Barracks residents will continue calling service orders to the Directorate of Public Works at 703-696-3263. DPW no longer accepting some job orders The Directorate of Public Works can no longer accept fiscal year 2013 reimbursable (customer funded) individual job orders (DA4283s) or reimbursable demand maintenance orders. Customers may resume submission of reimbursable individual job orders/DMOs Oct. 1. The MICC at Fort Belvoir stopped accepting contracting actions in May. The only exceptions are as follows: Those involving life, health or safety issues or those approved by the DPW director. For more information, call David McCauley at 703-696-0477. Military open house A college-wide military open house will be held July 27 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at 15200 Neabsco Mills Road, Woodbridge, Va. Bring military transcripts and/or previous college-level work to discuss possible transfer credits. See for more information. This notice is of common interest to the military community and does not imply Department of Defense endorsement of a commercial entity. ASAP clinical services relocating Army Substance Abuse Program clinical services will be closed through July 28 while the office is moved to Bldg. 230, room 122 on the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Call 703-696-3446 for more information.

New aquatics training for Marines Marine Corps Community Services Semper Fit is offering AMP-IT, aquatics maximum power intense training for active duty Marines only. Sessions are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool. For more information, call 703-693-7351. Commemorating the Korean War armistice Join the Department of Defense’s 60th anniversary of the Korean War commemoration committee as the nation commemorates the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War armistice at “Heroes Remembered” July 27 at 8 a.m. at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The event, hosted by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, will pay tribute to Korean War veterans and will include wreath laying ceremonies, recognition of United Nations allies and formal remarks from senior government officials. Moving families through change A moving families through change class is set for July 30 from 1-5 p.m. in the ACS classroom at Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. This seminar is designed to provide parents with tools to create an effective co-parenting relationship through the separation and divorce process. Pre-registration is required. For more information or to pre-register, call 703-696-3512/6511. Military spouse career connections intake The Marine Corps Community Services career resource management center holds an intake session for military spouses July 31 from 10 a.m-2 p.m. in Bldg. 29 on the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH. A local job placement agency will be on site to interview military spouse candidates for employment opportunities. For more information or to pre-register, call 703-614-6828. Splish, splash and summer fun Join the JBM-HH New Parent Support Program Aug. 1 from 10 a.m.-noon at Virginia Highland Park, 1600 Hayes Street in Arlington for a morning of water fun. Parents and children (ages 0-5) are welcome. Swim diapers are required. Rain

Continues on next page


Friday, July 26, 2013


News Notes Continued from previous page

school year for military and DoD civilian parents with children with autism and other cognitive disabilities” class and support group, Aug. 8, from noon-3 p.m., at Fort Myer Army Community Service, Bldg. 201, Self defense class Custer Road, on the Fort Myer porA self defense class will be held tion of the joint base. For reservaAug. 1 from noon-2 p.m. at the USO tions, contact Marcia O’Connor, Warrior and Family Center, 5940 9th EFMP manager, at 703-696-8467. Street, Fort Belvoir, Va. Learn strateChange of responsibility gies, techniques and tips in this There will be a change of responsibilintroductory self defense class. For more information, contact KJ ity at Headquarters Company, U.S. Stevens at 571-267-2082 or via email Army, Aug. 9 from 10-11 a.m. at Spates Community Club, Bldg. 407, on the at Fort Myer portion of the joint base as Nutrition for cancer 1st Sgt. Brian St. Germaine relinquishprevention and survival es responsibility for the company to 1st Dr. Neal Barnard will discuss Sgt. Jason L. Gusman. For more infornutrition for cancer prevention and mation, call 703-696-3045/8168. survival Aug. 1 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Backpack distribution the Walter Reed National Military Operation Homefront DC Metro has Medical Center, America Building, 2nd floor, room 2525. The program 5,000 backpacks that it will distribute will also be available at Fort Belvoir this summer to military children. Each Community Hospital via teleconfer- backpack is full of school supplies and ence in the Oaks Pavilion, 1st floor, children of active duty servicemembers room 332. For more information, con- E-6 and below are eligible to get a tact retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301- backpack. The backpacks will be hand319-2918 or via email at ed out Aug. 12 in Woodbridge, Va.; Aug. 13 in California, Md.; Aug. 14 in Lanham, Md.; Aug. 15 in Morningside, Outdoor movie series Md.; and Aug. 16 in Aberdeen, Md. Want to catch a free family-friend- Families must register at www.operaly movie under the moon? The 2013 to receive summer outdoor movie series fea- the backpacks. tures “Grease” at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at New in town? Spates Community Club on the Fort The next welcome aboard brief is Myer portion of JBM-HH. Get a look at what’s showing at www.jbm Aug. 13 from 8-10:30 a.m. at the Marine Club aboard the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH. A free walk13-Summer-Movie-Schedule.pdf. ing tour of the Henderson Hall portion Autism class scheduled follows the brief, and after a break for The Joint Base Myer-Henderson lunch, there is a bus tour of the local Hall’s Army Exceptional Family area, including downtown Washington, Member Program is sponsoring a D.C., starting at 12:30 p.m. To register “Top 10 things you need to know for the brief, call 703-614-7202. For a about the IEP process and extended comprehensive overview of the classes date is Aug. 15. Registration is encouraged. Call 703-696-3512 or email for more information and to register.

and resource offered, visit www.mccs Class will be held Aug. 21 from 9-11 a.m. in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer tion of the joint base. Registration is International spouse group meets required by calling 703-696-3512 or Join a forum that offers internation- emailing karen.a.stpierre.ctr@mail al spouses an opportunity to meet .mil. other spouses and get information on Baby bundles various relevant topics, the installation Join us at our next class for couples and surrounding area. The group meets Aug. 13 from 2-3:30 p.m. in Bldg. or individuals expecting a child or with 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM- an infant under a year old. Class will HH. To register, contact Kelly Weidner be held Aug. 22 from noon-2 p.m. in the at 703-696-0153 or ACS classroom, Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Each ipant will receive a bag containing parHearts Apart meets enting resources, baby care items and a Hearts Apart, a support group for hand-knit blanket. Registration is spouses, fiancées, parents or significant required. Call 703-696-3512 or email others of deployed or geographically to regisseparated civilians and servicemem- ter or for more information. bers, meets Aug. 14 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Welcome to Korea at American Legion Post 139, 3445 Come to Army Community Service, Washington Blvd., Arlington, Va. This group is designed to be a fun network- Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of ing opportunity for those experiencing JBM-HH for information on Korea separation from a loved one. To regis- Aug. 1 from 10-11 a.m. Learn about ter, contact Jennifer Russo oat 703-693- sponsorship, household shipments, 8906 or via email at RussoJ@usmc- personal vehicle shipments, driving, pets, passport information, as well as customs, culture and language. To regWelcome to Germany ister, call 703-696-0153 or email Come to Army Community Service for information on Germany Aug. 15 Toastmasters meetings from 10-11 a.m. Learn about sponsorWant to improve your speaking and ship, household shipments, personal vehicle shipments, driving, pets, pass- leadership skills? Start your summer port information, as well as customs, right and come to afternoon culture and language. To register, con- Toastmasters on Tuesdays from 5:30tact Kelly Weidner at 703-696-0153 or 6:45 p.m. at the Pentagon Main Cafeteria, to the left of Dunkin Donuts. For more information, contact Carl Stress management Sabath at or Participants will complete a stress by calling 703-695-2804 or Bert profile and receive information on the Romero at impact that unmanaged stress has on or by calling 703-695-3443. their life, review options for managing stress and get materials to help them Please send your news notes to in developing their own unique stress the Pentagram at management plan during stress agement (introductory level for adults).



Friday, July 26, 2013




Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, commander Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and Military District of Washington, confers with leaders in the conference room in Bldg. 59 on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall July 22. This was Buchanan’s first official tour of the joint base.

Buchanan, from page 1




Jennifer Blair, spoke about how JBM-HH “hadn’t seen all the benefits of joint basing,” that other installations have experienced. Headquarters and Service Battalion, Headquarters Marine Corps, Henderson Hall Commanding Officer Col. Anthony S. Barnes, who noted he’d only assumed command himself two weeks previously, said that while snow removal contracts and building maintenance had become integrated, there were still separate family programs for the Army and Marines with each service having its own exchange facility. “We need to leverage [both services] for the benefit of the troops,” Buchanan said, adding, “I’m all about common sense.” As directorate heads went around the room citing issues Buchanan should be aware of, the general emphasized that his level of involvement was contingent upon how helpful he could be in a given situation, whether it was sitting in on a particular board meeting or being copied-in on communications. “My major job is to help you all; to help you solve problems, not cause them,” he emphasized. “If you want me involved, if you think it will be beneficial, I’ll come,” he added. The half hour conference room meeting was followed by a bus tour of the joint base, with leaders and directors taking turns sharing a bench seat with the general, where they briefed him on initiatives and projects prior to stops at affected facilities. The bus stopped at the Cody Child Development Center, the Directorate of Emergency Services, and an old Marine barracks site, making a half dozen stops across base.

Lt. Col. Macedonio Molina, DES director, had a portable shooting range, mobile command unit, community policing bicycles and other equipment on display in the parking lot between DES headquarters and the Fort Myer Fitness Center for the general to view. On a walking tour through the CDC, Buchanan noticed a bulletin board with photos of base leaders interacting with children. “Look,” he said, catching the eye of JBM-HH Command Sgt. Maj. Earlene Lavender and pointing to a picture of her on the wall, “It’s the sergeant major doing storytelling!” JBM-HH Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Director Denise James briefed the general about CDC programs while walking down center corridors with him. “This will give you a feel for the environment and the facility,” James said, gesturing to activity rooms on one side and the gymnasium on the other. “Just by the aesthetics of the place you can see why parents are trying to get their kids into the facility,” Sumpter added. On the Henderson Hall side of the joint base, Barnes and Buchanan got out of the bus at Southgate Road and the colonel showed the general the proximity of two gates and questioned the feasibility of keeping both open. “I don’t know it if makes sense to have two gates,” Barnes said. “Still, we want to always have the ability to open the [secondary] gate and have guys [come in to] train.” “He’s a people- and Soldier-oriented commander. He believes in taking care of the people he supports,” Lavender said, providing her impressions of the general at the conclusion of the tour. “He has had a lot thrown at him recently. It was good of him to come and visit us.”


Friday, July 26, 2013

JBM-HH adjusted hours and closures The following is a list of activities on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall that will have abbreviated operating hours through September 30, 2013 due to sequestration and furloughs. This list is not all encompassing, and it is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. Monday closures: • Commissary • Directorate of Resource Management: Payroll Customer Service Representative Section • Retirement Services • CRD Community Activities Tuesday closures: • Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool: No Tuesday classes Wednesday closures: • Auto Shop Friday closures: • Security Office • Directorate of Human Resources - ID section • Education Services (JBM-HH, Fort Meade, Fort Belvoir) • Directorate of Safety - JBM-HH Safety Office • Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation- ACS • Fort Myer Legal Assistance and Claims • Fitness Center on the Fort McNair portion of JBM-HH: Closing at 2 p.m. on Fridays • Myer Flyer: Will not run on Fridays • JBM-HH Consolidated In-Processing • Fort McNair Health Clinic Rader Clinic Friday operations will proceed as follows: On Fridays, the clinic, to include pharmacy, laboratory and radiology, will only be open to Rader-assigned patients who have acute care appointments; the pharmacy staff, reduced to one pharmacist and one pharmacy technician, will only fill medications for the patients with appointments on that day. On Fridays, because civilian personnel will be furloughed, the clinic will be staffed by active duty personnel who will address acute treatment issues only. It is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. For more information about sequestration, furloughs and resources available, log onto // •The DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic pharmacy at the Pentagon is now closed from noon-1 p.m. every day. Weekdays, the pharmacy is open from 7 a.m.-noon and from 1-4 p.m., except on the fourth Thursday of the month. On the fourth Thursday of the month, the pharmacy will be open from 7-11 a.m. Use of the DiLorenzo pharmacy is limited to those who are authorized to use military medical facilities and who have unescorted access to the Pentagon. Get more information at Pharmacy.aspx. Call 703-692-8810 for more information. 1038495B




Friday, July 26, 2013

MDW hosts pre-command course By Cory Hancock JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public Affairs

The Company Commander/First Sergeant PreCommand Course took place at the National Defense University on the Fort Lesley J. McNair portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall July 9-12. The course introduced new and prospective company leaders to potential challenges of command, avenues and resources available to them, and unique concerns within the National Capital Region. “One of the most important things we do as leaders is leader development; this course is one venue in accomplishing that,” said Command Sgt. Maj. David O. Turnbull, Command Sergeant Major for the U.S. Army Military District of Washington (MDW). “My advice, build and foster a strong positive command climate, and with that, all things are possible.” Topics of discussion included civilian management, sexual harassment prevention and suicide prevention. “Company commanders and first sergeants can set the environment to remain strong and resilient,” said Chap. (Lt. Col.) James D. Gray, who spoke about suicide prevention. “Chaplains are one resource a Soldier can use but not the only resource.” The course is a resident troop school and is conducted at more than 30 installations. It brings together company commanders and first sergeants from across the National Capital Region and provides them with knowledge in many key areas of command, resulting in effective leadership for the unit. “The course went great. The smaller class size allowed instructors to deliver a more effective and efficient class,” said David Stone, one of the course organizers. “These company commanders and first sergeants may have had the course in the past but many are new to the National Capital Region, so we focused on some unique aspects of the region during this course.”



Barnes, from page 1 different stories — one is overcoming cancer, one is 400 pounds and now they weigh 200 pounds. You might be running along — there’s a little pain involved in the Ironman — and you think you’re hurting a little bit then you will run by someone who is missing a leg. You might run by a fireman who’s in his full gear. That kind of stuff motivates you.” Barnes used a “quitting is not an option” mentality to finish his maiden triathlon voyage in 13 hours, 24 minutes and 44 seconds. The colonel’s passion also revolves around applying service to active duty Marines and veterans on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. He wants passionate service to increase even though budget dollars may be decreasing. “It’s really a heart issue,” Barnes said about administering service. “It’s about service to something bigger than yourself. It is also in the title of Headquarters and Service Battalion. You have to approach this as how can I serve them better in a declining resource environment. The process is you have to look at how much money you have, what you can do with that money and how you can do things a little more efficiently.” Barnes candidly stated that he wants to be highly visible at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall funcBlood, from page 1 ules get in the way of saving lives. “[My father] donated every eight weeks despite the busy summer season or vacations, and I try to do the same,” Briggs said. “Luckily, the ASBP makes it easy to fit

tions, events and ceremonies, and his hand is outreached to Army servicemembers to partner for those in uniform to achieve their goals. “The way that I want to advance the football is to deepen the relationships in the Battalion — both internally and externally and particularly with the Army,” he said. “I want to seek to find common ground where we can find common ground. That is not always easy because you have an Army culture and you have a Marine culture. Not only in those cultures, you have different regulations. Sometimes, those regulations bump up against each other. Between myself and [JBM-HH Commander] Col. [Fern] Sumpter, we will try to find those common areas where we can take the best of the Marine Corps and the best of the Army and adopt those practices and maybe save some money and serve.” This is Barnes’ third assignment inside the Beltway. Previous Military District of Washington missions have included time on the Pentagon’s Headquarters Marine Corps Staff, a stint at Quantico and now at Henderson Hall. He confessed that he was caught off-guard when named as commanding officer of the battalion. “I was completely surprised,” he said of his latest assignment. “We were heading to Okinawa, Japan. They gave me a call and said it

donating into my schedule with walk-in appointments.” Blood collected by the ABSP is collected by the military, for the military. This means that all blood, platelet and plasma donations collected by the military blood program

looks like you’re going to be the CO of Headquarters and Service Battalion here in D.C. We were mentally geared as a family to go to Japan, and it took a little while to sink in.” During his initial month in command, Barnes has been observing and taking notes in regard to the Henderson Hall side of the joint base, but he mentally understands that change in command and change in general catches some off balance. “Typically, change is not unique to the military,” the new commanding officer said. “Change is change whether in the civilian world or here. It makes people uncomfortable. As leaders, how do we manage that change and how do we bring comfort to an uncomfortable situation? We have to be smart about what we change. Quite frankly, the chemistry between the primary players is also likely to change. In the end, it goes back to service, so you can serve the people you’re serving better.” Barnes does know two of his thoughts will never change — his attitude toward leading Marines and the Marines themselves. “There are some fine Marines here, and it’s an extra bonus to work with the Army,” he said. “The exciting piece is anytime you lead Marines, it is a good day.”

directly support ill or injured service members, veterans and their Families worldwide. “While I was growing up, my father was a great example. He went out of his way to find blood donor centers and frequently

donated,” Porter said. “Ultimately, whether donating blood is a civic duty — such as voting — or a nice thing to do, by simply enduring a minor needle stick, a life can potentially be saved. That fact is motivation.”


Friday, July 26, 2013




Friday, July 26, 2010


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