Pentagram 080213

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Rain delay

BOSS fun

Team’s new routine debut put on hold

Laser tag, day trips and more

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Published for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall

Vol. 60, no. 29 August 2, 2013

Soldier to receive Medal of Honor

60 Years

By Gary Sheftick Army News Service


President Barack Obama delivers remarks at an event to mark the 60th anniversary of the suspension of the 1950-1953 Korean War at the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C., July 27.

Korean War armistice recalled By Julia LeDoux Pentagram Staff Writer

Resplendent in the Marine uniform of his youth, John Cole snapped a salute July 27 as he and thousands of his fellow Korean War veterans and their families gathered at the Korean War memorial in Washington, D.C., to mark the 60th anniversary of the armistice that ended what has been called “the forgotten war.” “My feelings are out here with all the veterans,” said Cole, who lives in Roy, Utah. “I lost a lot of friends over there.” Cole, 86, a survivor of the Chosin Reservoir, a 17-day battle fought in subfreezing temperatures between Nov. 27 and Dec. 13, 1950, was a corporal when

he served in Korea six decades ago. “When we came out of there, my particular company had over 260 men, when we got to Hagaru [an airfield and supply location] there were eight men who were still combat effective. The rest of them were out of action with frozen feet,frozenhands,frozeneverything,”saidCole. More than 36,000 Americans were killed in the Korean War, which was fought from 1950 to 1953, and there are roughly 7,900 American servicemen who remain listed as missing in action as a result of that conflict, which ended on July 27, 1953. After laying a wreath at the Korean War Veterans Memorial, President Barack Obama paid tribute to the veterans of the Korean see KOREAN WAR, page 7

President Barack Obama announced July 26 that Staff Sgt. Ty Michael Carter will receive the Medal of Honor this month for his “conspicuous gallantry” in Afghanistan. Carter will receive the nation’s highest award for valor Aug. 26 for his defense of Combat Outpost Keating, in a remote mountain valley of Nuristan province in western Afghanistan. During a battle which raged for more than six hours, Carter was instrumental in keeping the southern flank of the outpost from being overrun Oct. 3, 2009, by an enemy that outnumbered the Americans almost eight to one. The 54 members of B Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, were attacked by more than 400 enemy fighters with heavy automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, known as RPGs, firing from high ground surrounding the outpost. The enemy infiltrated two areas of the combat outpost, known as a COP, killing eight U.S. Soldiers and injuring more than 25. Carter, who was a specialist at the time, ran a gauntlet of enemy fire to resupply ammo to fighting positions. He picked off numerous enemy with his sharpshooting and risked his life to carry an injured Soldier to cover, despite his own injuries from RPG rounds. Carter will be the fifth living recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. He’s also the second Soldier to receive the award for the defense of COP Keating, sometimes called the Battle of Kamdesh. Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha received the Medal of Honor Feb. 11, 2013, for defending the northern side of the outpost. Carter’s platoon sergeant at COP Keating said he was extremely proud of the actions of his Soldiers that day and not too surprised when he heard about the second Medal of Honor. “I was pleasantly surprised, but I wasn’t see MOH, page 9

Chaplains remember their own, others at ANC wreath laying By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

As the group of Soldiers respectfully proceeded toward the Tomb of the Unknowns, sunshine and emotion could be felt during a wreath laying observing the 238th anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps July 26. To honor men of God who were lost during hostilities and all fallen servicemembers, a pair of chaplains worked in unison to lay the wreath arrangement at the tomb. Representing the Army’s spiritual corps at


Community Spotlight Furlough Hours Community News Notes Feature Classifieds

p.2 p.3 p.4 p.4 p.6 p.11

the morning ceremony were Chief of Chaplains Maj. Gen. Donald L. Rutherford, and Sgt. Maj. Stephen A. Stott, Chaplain Corps regimental sergeant major. “I think it is one of the greatest things I get to do,” Stott said of his privilege of laying the wreath. “This is the third time I’ve done it. It commemorates those who have gone before us and world-grade heroes who we were unable to identify. Look at the heroes around us. Today, we had with us two POWs from Korea, who were with [Army

chaplain] Emil Kapaun who got the Medal of Honor.” A memorial mass for Kapaun, a Catholic priest turned Korean War prisoner of war who died in captivity, was offered at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Memorial Chapel which preceded the wreath laying. “Every year I do this [the wreath laying]; it is a great honor,” Rutherford said. “The reason I became a [chaplain] was to serve chaplains and to help chaplains serve God in terms of bringing God to Soldiers and Soldiers to God.”

Wet bulb

Device keeps track of base temperatures

Pg. 9


(From the left) Army Chief of Chaplains Chap. (Maj. Gen.) Donald L. Rutherford and Chaplain Corps Regimental Sgt. Maj. Stephen A. Stott lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery July 26.

Race countdown

ATM holds lottery for race bibs

Pg. 3


Friday, August 2, 2013



Evening Parade

The Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon performs in front of the parade staff during a Friday Evening Parade at Marine Barracks Washington D.C., July 26. For more photos, log onto

Community Spotlight • Name? Spc. Kyle Haley • Job title/where do you work? Presidential Salute Battery. • Military service? Army. • Favorite sports team? University of Michigan. • Favorite book? Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes.” • Favorite food? Asian. • Favorite band/music artist? Rock Veer Union. • Favorite movie? “Superbad.” • Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to or been stationed? Korea. • What do you like most about working on JBM-HH? Meeting all the veterans. • What are your goals for the year? Make points. • What do you like most about living in the National Capital Region? The culture. • What’s your favorite attraction to see in the NCR? Lincoln Memorial. • What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Keep pushing through the bad to get to the good. • If you won the lottery, what would you do? Leave the Army. • What advice do you have for someone getting stationed at JBM-HH? Tighten your shot group and stay in your lane.

Commander, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Col. Fern O. Sumpter’s vision and philosophy: With a team of resource management savvy and technically competent DoD professionals, establish JBM–HH as DoD’s premier provider of consistent, quality services that enhance readiness and the overall well-being of our customers. We must be ... - Experts at what we do … constantly improving our skills and knowledge. - Focused … set priorities and complete the mission. - Committed … to the mission and each other, fostering a community of excellence. - Professional/respectful … remain calm, even when others are not … count on each other at all times, treating everyone with dignity and respect.

Pentagram Printed on recycled paper

Caption This


Caption This #28


If you’ve ever looked at a photo, read the caption underneath and thought you could do better, now is your chance. Each week, “Caption This” will have a photo taken from around the base. It’s up to you to figure out the best, funniest or craziest caption that describes what’s going on in the picture. The only rule is you have to KEEP IT CLEAN! “Caption This” submissions can be sent either by emailing them to, commenting on our Facebook page or just stopping by Headquarters Bldg. 59, suite 116 and dropping it off. Don’t forget to add the “Caption This” number, your name, rank or position and where you work. Every week the Pentagram staff will pick their favorite. The winner’s name, caption along with the photo, will be printed in the newspaper. Compete with your friends and coworkers and see who can come up with the best one. And if you have a photo you think would make a great “Caption This,” send it in.

The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be faxed to (703) 696-0055 or e-mailed to Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Friday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the printer. Comprint Military Publications is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.

Caption This #27 “Anybody for a nice game of Kung Fu Tennis?” Dermita Crawford Schuyler

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Safety tip

Army on right track By Julie Shelley Directorate of Communication and Public Affairs U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center

With a little less than three months to go in fiscal 2013, accidental deaths throughout the Army continue on a downward trajectory, according to data recently released by the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center. Fatalities in nearly all accident categories have either stayed stable or declined — most by double digits — from the first three quarters of fiscal 2012, including a 19-percent drop in private motor vehicle deaths. Fatal all-terrain vehicle mishaps are on the rise, however, with three versus zero fatalities this time last year. “The Army is in flux with our combat drawdown and Soldiers returning to readiness posture at home,” said Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Edens, director of Army Safety and commanding general, U.S. Army Combat Readiness/ Safety Center. “Safety successes in the midst of this change are a reflection of the commitment our leaders and Soldiers have to one another.” Both on- and off-duty accidental fatalities were down 20 percent or more at the end of the third quarter. Off duty, both sedan and motorcycle deaths fell for the year, with PMV-2 declining 35 percent from 2012 numbers. Equally dramatic declines were seen on duty, with Army combat vehicle deaths falling 75 percent, and aviation, which experienced difficult first and second quarters, stabilized to finish on par with the previous year. Those gains are holding steady in the early weeks of the fourth quarter, with overall fatalities holding steady at a 20 percent decrease from fiscal 2012. Edens urged leaders and Soldiers to keep the momentum going by continuing to do what works for safety: staying engaged, holding themselves accountable for their personal wellbeing and always looking out for one another. “These efforts are extremely important during the fourth quarter,” he said. “The third quarter has historically been a bad time of year for accidents, but we came through this one without any major missteps. The fourth quarter is a little different, though, because summer is coming to an end and Soldiers will be in a rush to enjoy the rest of the season. “If we stay on top of risk, we can close both the quarter and the year with recordsetting declines in accidental deaths and the personal grief that comes with them.” Command Sgt. Maj. Richard D. Stidley, USACR/Safety Center, asked leaders to pay special attention to ATV riders in their ranks. “These vehicles are essentially specialty items, and many leaders don’t know or inquire if their Soldiers own or ride them,” he said. “Riders must know the regulatory requirements before they climb on their machines. Like motorcycle riding, helmets and eye protection are required for ATV operation. “At the end of the day, Soldiers who abide by the rules and regulations and know how to operate and ride responsibly may live to ride another day,” Stidley said. A range of safety products and tools are available at mil, including the Army Safe Summer Campaign, designed to help leaders address risks common to the season’s activities.


Play ball

United States Coast Guard softball team second baseman Will Miller attempts to turn an early game double play against the National Defense University squad in the championship contest of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s command playoff championship softball game. USCG edged NDU in the hourlong slugfest, July 31.


U.S.-Colombia hold staff talks at Fort McNair By George Markfelder JFHQ/MDW Public Affairs Office

The mission and capabilities of the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region were described in detail July 25 to a delegation of senior military officers from Colombia at Fort Lesley J. McNair. The visit to Fort McNair is part of the U.S. Army Staff Talks Program which serves as a bilateral forum for strategic-level discussions between respective armies. The program seeks to promote bilateral efforts in order to develop professional partnerships and increase interaction between partner nation armies. Such engagements enhance

army-to-army contacts and mutual understanding, provide training and discussions in areas of mutual interest, and assist partner nation armies in building capacity. Army South, on behalf of the office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, has engaged in annual bilateral staff talks with Brazil, Chile, Colombia and El Salvador for many years. The staff talks have been instrumental in enhancing the interoperability and cooperation between the armies, which has contributed to increased stability in the region. The U.S. Army’s efforts are integrated with the U.S. Southern commander’s theater campaign plan and linked to mission strategic resources.


Gen. Flavio Ulloa (right), chief of Joint Staff Armed Forces Colombia, and other members of the Colombian delegation listen to staff members of the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region explain their mission and capabilities during Joint Staff Talks between senior military leaders from Colombia and the U.S. at the Fort Lesley J. McNair portion of JBM-HH, July 25.

Army Ten-Miler lottery open U.S. Army Military District of Washington Public Affairs

The Army’s race will hold a special online lottery for U.S. servicemembers through Aug. 15. The lottery is open to all U.S. servicemembers and they must use a .mil email address when registering. Lottery registration will be conducted at and 500 registrants will be randomly selected by a computer generated drawing on Aug 16. Registrants will be required to enter a valid credit card but will not be charged unless selected. Between Aug.16-20, all registrants will receive an email notification stating whether they were selected or not selected. The searchable database on the registration/confirm tab of the ATM website will be updated with the names of the runners that were selected by Aug 23. Lottery winners who are unable to run may transfer their registration through the ATM transfer program until Aug. 30 or join a team until Sept. 6. Questions? Call 202-6854820. The Army’s 29th annual Army TenMiler (ATM) race is scheduled for Oct. 20 in Washington, D.C. at the Pentagon. Produced by the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, D.C., this prestigious race attracts 35,000 military and civilian runners from around the world. It is the third largest 10-mile race in the world and all proceeds benefit Soldier and Soldier Family MWR programs. The ATM event also features a two-day ATM expo, Oct. 18 and 19 at the D.C.


The race begins for thousands of runners at the U.S. Army Military District of Washington’s 28th annual Army Ten-Miler Race, beginning in front of the Pentagon, Oct. 21, 2012.

Armory. The expo hosts more than 75 exhibitors and attracts 40,000 attendees. Race day activities include a world-class race with elite athletes, live music, youth activities and the popular Hooah Tent Zone, which features interactive displays and exhibits by Army installations from around the world. For more information about the Army TenMiler, log onto To see photos from the 2012 Army Ten Miler, log onto

JBM-HH adjusted hours and closures The following is a list of activities on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall that will have abbreviated operating hours through September 30, 2013 due to sequestration and furloughs. This list is not all encompassing, and it is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. Monday closures: • Commissary • Directorate of Resource Management: Payroll Customer Service Representative Section • Retirement Services • CRD Community Activities Tuesday closures: • Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool: No Tuesday classes Wednesday closures: • Auto Shop Friday closures: • Security Office • Directorate of Human Resources - ID section • Education Services (JBM-HH, Fort Meade, Fort Belvoir) • Directorate of Safety - JBM-HH Safety Office • Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare & Recreation- ACS • Fort Myer Legal Assistance and Claims • Fitness Center on the Fort McNair portion of JBM-HH: Closing at 2 p.m. on Fridays • Myer Flyer: Will not run on Fridays • JBM-HH Consolidated In-Processing • Fort McNair Health Clinic • Fort Myer Legal Services will be open from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and closed from noon-1p.m.

Monday-Friday. • Rader Clinic Friday operations will proceed as follows: On Fridays, the clinic, to include pharmacy, laboratory and radiology, will only be open to Rader-assigned patients who have acute care appointments; the pharmacy staff, reduced to one pharmacist and one pharmacy technician, will only fill medications for the patients with appointments on that day. On Fridays, because civilian personnel will be furloughed, the clinic will be staffed by active duty personnel who will address acute treatment issues only. It is highly recommended to call ahead to the facility or activity you wish to visit for more details. For more information about sequestration, furloughs and resources available, log onto // Sequestration_Resources/. •The DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic pharmacy at the Pentagon is now closed from noon-1 p.m. every day. Weekdays, the pharmacy is open from 7 a.m.-noon and from 1-4 p.m., except on the fourth Thursday of the month. On the fourth Thursday of the month, the pharmacy will be open from 7-11 a.m. Use of the DiLorenzo pharmacy is limited to those who are authorized to use military medical facilities and who have unescorted access to the Pentagon. Get more information at PatientCenter/SitePages/Pharmacy.aspx. Call 703-692-8810 for more information. • Rader Dental Clinic will take urgent care and dental appointments on Fridays through Oct. 1. To get an “urgent care” appointment, call 1-855-227-6331; for a dental appointment, call 703-696-3460.



Friday, August 2, 2013

Local student interns with TUSAB By Rhonda Apple Pentagram Staff Writer

Some high school students spend summers hanging out with friends, on vacation, or working part-time jobs. Michelle Stroberg spent part of her summer working with The United States Army Band through Arlington Public School’s Professional Related Intern/Mentorship Experience, or PRIME program, July 9-26. PRIME is an internship program for gifted high school juniors and seniors, placing them as unpaid interns in professional organizations for the opportunity to learn more about their areas of interest. Stroberg, 16, plays piano and guitar. The rising junior at Yorktown High School has been busy working with various elements of “Pershing’s Own,” since her arrival at the band’s headquarters, Brucker Hall on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Master Sgt. Lorrie Brown, oboe section leader and Stroberg’s mentoring supervisor, was responsible for developing and overseeing the student’s learning plan during the internship. Brown said the learning plan is somewhat tailored to the interests of each individual. “When I interviewed Michelle, she was interested in learning some of the band’s logistics and the things that go on within running an organization,” said Brown. “I had different mentors from all the elements in the band take on that [mentoring] role, so she gets a better breadth of experience and input from different people here.” Stroberg received one-on-one instruction from musicians, observed performances, rehearsals, shadowed technicians, spent time with the band’s public affairs staff, and worked in the band’s library and supply. She observed full honors at a military funeral and conducted research assignments. Stroberg said it was impossible to choose one particular experience she liked best during her internship with TUSAB. “I’m glad I got the chance to see all the different aspects of The U.S. Army Band and gain experience in a lot of different areas that I didn’t know about before [coming here],” Stroberg said. “It’s also been interesting seeing how everyone works together.” During her internship with the band, Stroberg said she observed The Concert Band and The String Quartet rehearsals. “I shadowed the sound engineers at the Twilight Tattoo. … I also got to shadow them at [The U.S. Army] Orchestra concerts,” said Stroberg.

“Getting to see the concerts was fun. They’re very polished performers.” Stroberg particularly enjoyed working with the sound engineers. “There are a lot of things that go into making a performance happen, most people don’t know about. It was interesting to watch [the sound engineers]. They told me how they have to be careful where the microphone is in relation to the person speaking. If they want music to stand out, they amplify [instruments] a bit more and it would almost sound like two instruments playing,” she said. She also liked working with the band’s public affairs office. “I phoned public broadcasting stations to get the contact information so the station could be sent the DVD of the band’s holiday concert,” Stroberg said. “I also enjoyed


Michelle Stroberg, PRIME intern, receives a lesson from “Pershing’s Own” violinist Staff Sgt. Emily Leader.

working on the staff duty and front lobby reception desk answering phones and helping during Alumni Week.” The student said it was meaningful to attend the Guam wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns with the band and enjoyed assisting the videographer at the Association of the United States Army luncheon at the ArmyNavy Country Club. “Master Sergeant Brown has been very helpful, willing to spend a lot of time and effort with me and help make this a good experience. Everyone here was willing to help me and let me come to events. This has been a new environment and I’ve never experienced anything like it before … it was interesting to learn about it all,” Stroberg said. “I can definitely say that this is absolutely one of the best high school interns I’ve been asked to work with. She’s really conscientious, quick [to learn] and very mature,” said Brown.

No ordinary drill for the Drill Team group to debut new routine Aug. 7 at TLT By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

By its own admission, the United States Army Drill Team has added some pizzazz to its show repertoire. The team, an integral part of the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) and Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall’s Twilight Tattoo roster, planned to unveil a new drill routine during the July 31 tattoo in front of a crowd of hundreds on Whipple Field. Inclement weather interrupted the final tattoo of July, so the team will introduce the new drill at the Aug. 7 show. When asked the difference between the new exercise compared to past routines, USADT members pointed out that the new drill will be flashier and more attentiongrabbing. “The biggest, noticeable difference will be the change in cadence throughout the drill. Normally, we are at 60 beats a minute throughout the drill,” drill team soloist Spc. Taylor Davis explained. “In this one, we have quite a few cadence changes where we go from 60 to 120 back to 60. It is really fast-paced. “There’s a little more showmanship; we’re known for having a routine where we do a lot of intricate movements, but there’s no flair to it,” he added. “This routine has


News Notes Fort Myer Exchange upgrades and hours For the next four months, the Fort Myer Post Exchange will be relocating sections of the store, including the customer service area, PowerZone, electronics section, sporting goods, hardware, linens and pet departments. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-7p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information, call 703-522-0664. Transitioning? Think Army Reserve Sgt. Major of the Army Raymond Chandler encourages Soldiers to consider continuing their service in the Army Reserve. If you are planning to leave active duty, learn more about the Army Reserve. By serving part-time in the Army Reserve, you can build a civilian career, continue your education and keep most of the benefits you earned on active duty. The Army Reserve has positions in most MOSs in thousands of places across the country. To learn more, visit http:// and Chandler’s web page at or Military separations If you’re retiring/separating from the military, don’t wait until the last minute to complete your paperwork. Contact the Military Personnel Division or your agency administrative representative to get your paperwork started. For more information call, 703-696-0296/3521/3332. EMHD closure update Although the executive management and housing directorate will be closed on Fridays due to furloughs, Family housing residents should continue calling service orders 24/7 to Meckley Services at 703-696-2632. Barracks residents will continue calling service orders to the Directorate of Public Works at 703-696-3263. DPW no longer accepting some job orders The Directorate of Public Works can no longer accept fiscal year 2013 reimbursable (customer funded) individual job orders (DA4283s) or reimbursable demand maintenance orders. Customers may resume submission of reimbursable individual job orders/DMOs Oct. 1. The MICC at Fort Belvoir stopped accepting contracting actions in May. The only exceptions are as follows: Those involving life, health or safety issues or those approved by the DPW director. For more information, call David McCauley at 703-696-0477. New aquatics training for Marines Marine Corps Community Services Semper Fit is offering AMP-IT, aquatics maximum power intense training for active duty Marines only. Sessions are heldTuesdaysandThursdaysfrom6:30-7:30a.m.and 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool. For more information, call 703-693-7351. Marine Club service changes in August The Marine Club will have limited service in August. On Mondays, the club will offer menu service only, no buffet. Aug. 7, 14, and 28, the club will offer menu service only, no buffet. On Aug. 21, the club will service a breakfast for lunch buffet for $9.75. On Fridays in August, the seafood buffet will be replaced with a chef’s choice buffet, which will be posted to Facebook and the MCCS website, www. The club is open to all services, ranks, and Department of Defense personnel and their guests. For more information, call 703-614-2125. Half Iron swim registration open Registration is open for the Semper Fit half iron swim to be held at the Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec Pool Aug. 21 from 6 a.m.-noon. Participants will have 60 minutes to swim 1.2 miles in this single entry event. The registration fee is $15, and registered participants will receive a T-shirt. Register and pay at the pool. For more information, call 703-693-7351.


Members of the United States Army Drill Team march toward the Twilight Tattoo on Whipple Field on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall July 31.

much more flair, much more pop to the eye.” The team partnered with a drill team company from Jacksonville, Fla., to formulate the new drill, and the Soldiers will introduce the upbeat exercise following a month of training and getting approval from its chain of command. “We’ve probably had a solid two weeks of actually training on the new drill, which is kind of a record for us,” said senior thrower Spc. Ryan Smith of Valdosta, Ga. “We usually take anywhere from three to four solid weeks of training where we can specifically critique ourselves and

perfect the drill the way we feel necessary. With this one, we’ve had to rush a little bit more, but we still hold ourselves to the highest standard of the U.S. Army Drill Team.” The new drill will feature 16 drillers, four soloists and the drill master. Up to the Twilight Tattoo debut, practices took place at Fort McNair where the team continues to ace throws and catches, which will be included in the new choreography. “There will be a lot of sound, different beats going through it, so you are not only seeing but [the audience] will get into the rhythm of it, too,” Smith said.

“Pershing’s Own” schedule The U.S. Army Concert Band performs “O Sole Mio,” “Torna a Surriento,” “Grenada,” and more Aug. 2 beginning at 8 p.m. on the west steps of the U.S. Capital in Washington, D.C. On Aug. 6 at 12:10 p.m., hear a lunchtime chamber concert with American works such as “Symphony No. 5” by William Schuman at the Church of the Epiphany in Washington, D.C. Staff Sgt. Christina Wensel will perform a Bach violin concerto. See www. for more information and a full calendar of U.S. Army Band performances, which are free to the public. First Friday Help make a tradition of First Friday beginning Aug. 2, from 4:30-11:30 p.m. at the Marine Club on the Henderson Hall side of the joint base. Hosted by DJ Hood, the event includes dancing and socialization. New flavors of wings, including spicy buffalo, parmesan garlic, Caribbean jerk and Thai curry, will be available for 40 cents each from 4:30-9 p.m. The event is open to all Department of Defense ID card holders and their guests. For more information, call 703-614-2125 and see Continued on next page


Friday, August 2, 2013


News Notes Continued from previous page

8, from noon-3 p.m., at Fort Myer ter at Army Community Service, Bldg. dcmetro to receive the backpacks. Headquarters Command 201, Custer Road, on the Fort Myer Battalion organization day portion of the joint base. For reserMarine new parent support Headquarters Command vations, contact Marcia O’Connor, August workshops Battalion’s organization day is Aug. EFMP manager, at 703-696-8467. The MCCS new parent support 2 and the unit’s operations will be program holds “1-2-3 Magic” Aug. closed from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. so that all Polynesian luau, dinner show 12 from 1-3 p.m. The class, will be personnel can take part in the day’s Make reservations for the Fort held in Bldg. 29’s conference room festivities. There will be minimum Myer Officers Club’s Polynesian luau on the Henderson Hall portion of the manning from 7 a.m.-10 a.m. in prep- and dinner show Aug. 9. Cash bar joint base, teaches the 1-2-3 Magic aration for the event. In case of opens at 6 p.m., buffet is served discipline method and is offered to emergency, call the following person- from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and the fire parents of children ages 5 and below. nel: Lt. Col. Smalls (S3 OIC) at 703- and knife show is at 9 p.m. There Register by calling 703-614-7204. 217-9307 or Sgt. 1st Class McGrew will be vibrant dancers and a live If you would like more infor(S3 NCOIC) at 703-795-9202. Call disc jockey. Visit www.jbmhhMWR. mation, call 703-614-7204 or visit 703-696-8165/2974 for more infor- com for details and call 703-524- w w w . m c c s H H . c o m / N P S P . h t m l . mation about organization day. 3037 or 703-696-5147 to make a reservation. Come shred with us Movies under the moon The Directorate of Environmental The Aug. 3 movie showing at Golf with us Management is having shredding Spates Community Club has been Department of Defense person- events Aug. 13-14 and e-recycling cancelled. We apologize for the nel and their guests are invited to Aug. 15. On Aug. 13, shredding will inconvenience. Please join us Aug. golf with MCCS Henderson Hall’s occur on the Fort McNair portion of 17 for our next “Dive-In Movie” Semper Fit branch in monthly tour- the joint base at Bldg. 29 from 9-10 at the Fort Myer Officers Club naments held at locations in north- a.m. and at Bldg. 62 from 10-11 Pool. We will be showing “Ice Age: ern Virginia through September. a.m. On Aug. 14, shredding will take Continental Drift.” Showtime is 8:45 The August “Golf with Us” tour- place at Bldg. 29 on the Henderson p.m. and gates open at 8:15 p.m. nament, to be held at Lee’s Hill Hall portion of the joint base from Aug. 23, is open for registration on 9-10 a.m.; at Bldg. 59 on the Fort Marine Corps Exchange and the MCCS Henderson Hall website, Myer portion of the joint base from the Vineyard early closing 10-11 a.m.; and at Bldg. 321 on The Marine Corps Exchange and The deadline to register is Aug. 9, Fort Myer from 11 a.m.-noon. On The Vineyard Wine and Spirits on and the fee is $57, which includes Aug. 15, there will be an electronthe Henderson Hall portion of the 18 holes, greens fees, cart, lunch ics recycle event. No government joint base will close at 5 p.m. Aug. and a chance to win door prizes. For equipment is accepted; large items 5 for a private event. The activi- more information, call 703-697-2706. such as CRT monitors and televities will re-open at their regular sions cannot be accepted. Call Roy time, 10 a.m., Aug. 6. For more Backpack distribution Croom at 703-696-3791 for details. information, call 703-979-8420. Operation Homefront D.C. Metro has 5,000 backpacks that it will disNew in town? Autism class scheduled tribute this summer to military chilThe next welcome aboard brief The Joint Base Myer-Henderson dren. Each backpack is full of school is Aug. 13 from 8-10:30 a.m. at the Hall’s Army Exceptional Family supplies and children of active duty Marine Club aboard the Henderson Member Program is sponsoring a servicemembers E-6 and below are Hall portion of JBM-HH. A free “Top 10 things you need to know eligible to get one. The backpacks will walking tour of the Henderson Hall about the IEP process and extended be handed out Aug. 12 in Woodbridge, portion follows the brief, and after a school year for military and DoD Va.; Aug. 13 in California, Md.; break for lunch, there is a bus tour of civilian parents with children with Aug. 14 in Lanham, Md.; Aug. 15 the local area, including downtown autism and other cognitive disabili- in Morningside, Md.; and Aug. 16 in Washington, D.C., starting at 12:30 ties” class and support group, Aug. Aberdeen, Md. Families must regis- p.m. To register for the brief, call


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703-614-7202. For a comprehensive overview of the classes and resource offered, visit International spouse group meets Join a forum that offers international spouses an opportunity to meet other spouses and get information on various relevant topics, the installation and surrounding area. The group meets Aug. 13 from 2-3:30 p.m. in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. To register, contact Kelly Weidner at 703-696-0153 or Quantico Marine Band concert The Quantico Marine Corps Band presents an evening of iconic music from the silver screen. This free family event will be held outside the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Va. Seating is open, so bring chairs, blankets and food to enjoy during the concert on Aug. 14 beginning at 7 p.m. Women’s Equality Day 5K run/walk Women’s Equality Day will be celebrated Aug. 23 with a 5K run/ walk beginning at Bldg. 414 on the Fort Myer side of the joint base. This is free and open to all military personnel, civilian employees, family members and retirees. Registration begins Aug. 5 at www.jbmhhmwr. com or register on the day of the event between 5:15-6:15 a.m. at the fitness center. For more information, contact the Equal Opportunity Office at or by calling 703-696-8729 or mil or by calling 703-696-2964. Please send your news notes to the Pentagram at


Friday, August 2, 2013


BOSS lines up fun summer activities By Michael Norris Pentagram Assistant Editor

With a new president at its helm, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program has lined up a series of recreational activities for the remainder of the summer. Staff Sgt. Daniel Hood, the operations NCOIC for the regimental aid station at the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), was elected president of JBM-HH’s BOSS in May, replacing Spc. Erika Williams, who served for two years. On Aug. 22, BOSS is slated to hold a laser tag event from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Ultrazone facility in Falls Church, Va. A paint ball competition is also in the works for this summer, said LeRoy Harris, BOSS civilian advisor, but the organization is waiting to hear back from Henderson Hall’s Single Marine program to lock in a date that works for both organizations. Hunter said BOSS will hold a Soldier Appreciation Day Aug. 30, from noon to 5 p.m. in Spates Community Club. The event will include a performance by The U.S. Army Band’s Downrange popular music ensemble, a talent show with


Soldiers and Marines from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall run one of the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers tents during the Southwest Waterfront Fireworks Festival in Washington, D.C., April 6.

an open microphone, games, prizes and other entertainment. “Out of all our events, the biggest event will be Soldier Appreciation Day,” Harris said, explaining that based on previous years’ attendance, he expects 200-300 people. He said various games would be a highlight of the event, including horse shoes, card games and volleyball. An overnight group trip to New

York City will take place sometime in September. Hood said the trip is likely to have 50 slots, and will include scheduled group activities like a tour of “ground zero” where the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place, as well as unstructured time where groups can break down into smaller units to pursue special interests like theater, museums or sightseeing. Although details are still being worked out, travelers

are tentatively scheduled to stay at military lodging in the city. In previous years, Harris said, BOSS has taken day trips to NYC, where travel time took up the bulk of the excursion. He said the expanded trip would allow participants to do and see more. Many of the summer events are old favorites, Hood said, “things that Soldiers always want to do.” Other events being planned as the summer progresses include trips to an amusement park and community service events. You don’t have to be single to participate in BOSS community service events, Hood stipulated. In such cases, “mass participation always helps out,” he said. Hood first became involved with BOSS in 2008 when he was stationed in Japan. Although some couples do pair off in the organization, he said it’s not meant to be a dating pool for servicemembers. “The program was put in place to give them something to do,” he said. BOSS is a fraternity of Soldiers, Hood explained. “It provides an opportunity to be a mentor to younger Soldiers.” For additional details on upcoming BOSS events, call 703-696-3471.

TOG Soldiers taking it back to the basics By Staff Sgt. Megan Garcia 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Public Affairs

Did I show them right from wrong? Did I really teach them what they needed to know? Did I do all I could have done? These are questions most parents will ask themselves when faced with a child who has ventured off onto the wrong side of the law or who has just simply found themselves in a bad situation. Similarly, noncommissioned officers in the U.S. Army feel just as responsible when their Soldiers do not always live up to the Army values. NCOs are charged with the duty to not only supervise Soldiers, but to shape, mentor and ensure that the welfare of their Soldiers are always at the forefront. When 11 of the 45 Soldiers of the Presidential Salute Battery (PSB), 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice over a period of six months in 2012, many leaders questioned where they could have possibly went wrong. Sgt. 1st Class Tony Henry brought a new wave of leadership; one that would focus on getting back to the basics. Henry arrived to the PSB in November of 2012 and was immediately charged with the responsibility of restoring order and discipline within the platoon. He explained that, unfortunately, previous leaders had lost their way and had forgotten their duties and responsibilities to their Soldiers. “I’m a big believer of the NCO creed, and I believe that no one should be more professional than them,” said Henry, PSB platoon sergeant. “My mentality coming into PSB was to establish a new foundation and to conduct proper coaching, teaching and mentoring of my NCOs and to let them know what right looks like.” Henry said it is important to lead by example by first doing what every NCO should ensure they do: get to know each and every Soldier

under their care. “I really take it personally and professionally because as the senior, I look at all these guys as my kids, and I want to train them in the way that they should go,” said Henry. Henry added it was especially important for him to establish a clear understanding between him and the Soldiers who were facing disciplinary actions. “I told them that I would not ostracize them and that they were expected to assist in every way possible, short of performing in ceremonies,” said Henry. “They were still Soldiers who raised their hand to do this job and until the last day that they were in, they were still expected to do so.” Henry said his next goal was to strengthen the camaraderie in the platoon. In doing so, he said it also helped bring a better balance of structure and organization. “For the Soldiers who were doing the right thing, I brought back the Top Gun competition to establish esprit de corps,” said Henry. “The Soldiers would start the morning off with a uniform inspection, a question and answer period on PSB and then an actual inspection of the guns. The winner received a four-day weekend, a PSB coin and an impact Army Achievement Medal.” He also implemented physical fitness competitions, platoon socials and monthly meetings in the hopes of establishing a greater line of communication between himself and his Soldiers. “Once a month I would sit down with the lower-enlisted Soldiers and do a sensing session to ask them where they were at the moment and what would they [would] like to see happen,” said Henry. “I would take their answers into consideration and develop a plan around it.” First Sgt. Kevin Merriweather, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, said Henry has certainly set the example for others to follow.


Soldiers assigned to the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) participate in Gettysburg’s 150th Anniversary Commemoration, June 30, in Gettysburg, Pa. Nearly 170,000 Union and Confederate troops converged on the fields in this small town on June 26, 1863. The Old Guard honored the legacy and sacrifices of those who fought during Gettysburg.

“Sgt. 1st Class Henry’s leadership is old school,” Merriweather said. “But that is a good thing because that’s what we are trying to get back to; that’s what the Army is trying to get back to. With his back-to-the-basics mentality, he has been able to build the platoon back up to where they were and even better than where they were.” Henry said although some of the Soldiers in the PSB may have made poor decisions, the vast majority of the platoon is still doing the right thing. He maintains it is this hard-working group of dedicated and determined Soldiers who are truly responsible for the success of the PSB. “We are still improving, but the Soldiers have definitely stepped up and rallied together and pushed forward,” said Henry.

Fort Belvoir travel camp open for RV camping fun By Debra S. Taylor Marketing Director Fort Belvoir Directorate of FMWR

After many years of planning and a fall and winter of construction, Fort Belvoir’s travel camp is now open for RV camping fun. The Fort Belvoir travel camp is open year long, seven days a week, to accommodate the seasonal and holiday travelers as well as the year-round RV camping enthusiasts. Since the opening of the travel camp in May, recreational vehicles of all shapes and sizes have arrived from across the U.S. To date, travel camp visitors have come from as far as Dupont, Wash., and Kingwood, Texas, and as close as Carlisle, Pa. Even locals are taking the opportunity to have a long weekend out in nature. “The camp’s location, on the shores of the Potomac River and close to D.C., is perfect,” said Brianna Kipper, outdoor recreation director. Fort Belvoir’s location, directly off of the I-95 main artery for travelers going north and south, is an easy stop for two-week visitors or for those just staying overnight. There are 52 fully-loaded 40-foot RV camping spaces avail-

able. Each camp site has a picnic table, fire ring for grilling and campfires, and a perfect view of the Potomac River. Castle Park, two fishing piers, and Accotink Wildlife Refuge hiking trails are all within walking distance of the campground. Outdoor recreation offers additional services to include equipment rental, hunting, fishing, hiking, biking and boating. For your convenience, the campground provides:

· 40 foot long x 15 foot wide solid concrete surfaced pads. · Pull-in and back-in pads. · Wireless Internet. · Cable TV. · Direct sewer and water connections on site. ·20/30/50 amp connections. · Washers and dryers (coin operation). · Family style restroom and shower facilities. · Two ADA accessible fishing piers. · Castle Park includes a playground, volleyball net and picnic areas.

Check in is at Bldg. 778, the main outdoor recreation facility at 10155 Johnston Road, Fort Belvoir, Va., 22060. For more information on the travel camp, call 703-805-3081or visit


Friday, August 2, 2013

Korean War, from page 1 War, telling them they were not forgotten. “On this 60th anniversary, perhaps the highest tribute we can offer our veterans of Korea is to do what should have been done the day you came home,” Obama told the crowd of approximately 5,000. “In our hurried lives, let us pause. Let us listen. Let these veterans carry us back to the days of their youth, and let us be awed by their shining deeds.” Obama was joined in the wreath laying ceremony by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. “The veterans we honor today were the young we sent to the mud of Korea with very little notice,” Shinseki said. “The lessons are many, as are the arguments about how they should have been better prepared and equipped to fight that expeditionary mission. What is unarguable, however, is the heroism with which these veterans performed their missions.” Hagel said Korean War veterans stepped forward at a defining moment in the nation’s history. “America’sarmedforcesliberatedmillionsofpeople from tyranny,” he said. “We stood with our fellow citizens of the world, even though they lived on the other side of the world. And we did it not alone. We forged


Korean War veteran and Battle of the Chosin Reservoir survivor Marine Sgt. John Cole, right, of Roy, Utah, listens as President Barrack Obama speaks at the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War armistice July 27 at the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C.

a lasting partnership with the Republic of Korea.” Special Envoy from the Republic of Korea Kim Jung Hun also lauded the partnership between his country and the United States in his remarks. “The Korean people will never forget the sacrifices of the Korean War veterans,” he said.


The president said that the Korean War taught the nationvaluablelessonsaboutmilitarypreparedness. “After the Second World War, a rapid drawdown left our troops underequipped, so that in the early days of Korea, their rockets literally bounced off enemy tanks,” said Obama. “Today, as we end a decade of war and reorient our forces for the future, as we make hard choices at home, our allies and adversaries must know the United States of America will maintain the strongest military the world has ever known, bar none, always. That is what we do.” Korea also reminds the nation of its obligation to its fallen and their families, long after the guns of war are silent, said Obama. “To this day, 7,910 Americans are still missing from the Korean War,” he continued. “And we will not stop working until we give these families a full accounting of their loved ones.” ObamaalsostronglydisputedthattheKoreanWar ended in a tie, with South Korea on one side of the Demilitarized Zone and North Korea on the other. “We can say with confidence that the war was no tie,” he said. “Korea was a victory. When 50 million South Koreans live in freedom, a vibrant democracy, one of the world’s most dynamic economies, in stark contrast to the repression and poverty of the North, that’s a victory, that’s your legacy.”

Korean War heroes remembered at Twilight Tattoo By George Markfelder JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public Affairs

Veterans of the Korean War, including two Medal of Honor recipients, were honored July 24 during the U.S. Army Military District of Washington’s Twilight Tattoo at Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall’s Whipple Field. Medal of Honor recipients Cpl. Rodolfo “Rudy” Hernandez and retired Sgt. 1st Class Ron Rosser, along with other Korean War Veterans, watched the hour-long military pageant featuring Soldiers from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) and The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own.” The high-energy show’s theme, “Heroes Remembered,” commemorated the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War armistice and was hosted by the Under Secretary of the Army Joseph W. Westphal. Hernandez received the Medal of Honor for his actions while sta-


tioned with G Company, 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team near Wontong-ne, Korea on May 31, 1951. Rosser received the Medal of Honor for his actions while stationed with a Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division in the vicinity of Ponggilli, Korea, on Jan. 12, 1952. Twilight Tattoo provides audiences a glimpse into American history through unique performances by The U.S. Army Blues, vocalists from The U.S. Army Band Downrange, The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, and The U.S. Army Drill Team. All Twilight Tattoo performances are free and open to the public. Due to budget constraints, there are no bleachers for seating during Twilight Tattoo shows this year. Grass seating is available and its recommended guests bring a blanket or lawn chairs. For more information on group reservations, contact MDW Public Affairs at 202-685-2888.


Retired Sgt. 1st Class Ron Rosser (left) and Cpl. Rodolfo “Rudy” Hernandez (middle) render honors along with the Under Secretary of the Army Joseph W. Westphal during the U.S. Army Military District of Washington’s Twilight Tattoo at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Whipple Field July 24. The high-energy show’s theme “Heroes Remembered” commemorates the 60th Anniversary of the signing of the Korean War armistice.


Friday, August 2, 2013


Plans redirected as furlough days mount By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer

While a large dose of negativity has been typed and spoken during the first month of Department of Defense sequestration furloughs, many DoD workers are attempting to provide positive results with their time off. One Army public affairs officer is training for the Marine Corps Marathon. Some are canning pickles and making homemade salsa. Many have started coupon clipping and eliminating dining out. Some have spent their furlough days on

Capitol Hill, attempting to convince legislators to pass anti-furlough measures. And one government employee is filling her Fridays by volunteering at an animal shelter. One worker on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, who is a single parent, is attempting to supplement her missing wages. “I am barely surviving on my salary,” the worker said, who wished to remain anonymous. “While on furlough, I plan to take the opportunity to apply for a part-time job and work during the evenings and weekends to make ends meet. I might use my college funds given to me by my family to attend a college class toward my degree.”

Many contemplate their financial fates until September by using Mondays or Fridays away from the Pentagon or military installations on the phone re-organizing their own budgets. “I’ve had to call my loan company to ask for extensions,” one DoD worker said. “I’ve called a [satellite television] company to ask for a lower rate.” One federal employee celebrated a birthday and described his ceremonious blowing out of the candles. “As I blew out my birthday candles, I wished that sequestration would end,” he said. “Somehow, I think I wasted a perfectly good wish.”

MWR officials urge furloughed civilians to tap programs By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service

With furloughs now in full swing and many Defense Department civilian employees finding themselves with more time on their hands but less money in their pockets, morale, welfare and recreation officials are encouraging them to check out some of the programs offered right where they work. Defense Department civilian employees can use their common access cards to access many of the MWR services and programs offered to military members, their families and military retirees. Every military service provides fitness, recreational and educational services, often at no charge or for significantly less than one might pay just outside an installation’s gates, Ed Miles, DoD’s MWR policy director, told American Forces Press Service. The underlying goal of the MWR program is to give military members and their families, as well as military retirees, a safe, affordable outlet to reduce stress and build physical, mental and emotional strength

and resilience, Miles explained. “We have a direct impact on the readiness and retention and resilience of the troops,” he said. “Without a healthy and fit force, there could be national security implications.” So whenever possible, the services extend their morale, welfare and recreational offerings to DoD civilian employees, whom they recognize as essential contributors to their missions, Miles said. “Wherever we have capacity to accommodate them, we encourage civilians to use these programs,” he said. “That’s not only during sequestration. We welcome them all the time.” It’s too soon to tell if the civilian workforce is taking greater advantage of MWR facilities and programs since sequestration kicked in, but Miles said he’s expecting an uptick. “It wouldn’t surprise me to see usage go up — not just because the rates are lower, but because making use of these facilities is so convenient,” he said. A common access card gives DoD civilian employees access to free or low-cost use of base fitness centers, swimming pools, libraries, movie theaters, bowling

alleys, clubs, arts-and-craft centers, auto repair shops, golf courses, campgrounds, shooting ranges, beaches and marinas. Depending on the location, DoD civilians also can rent camping, boating, snorkeling, skiing and other outdoor gear at their base outdoor recreation office. They can visit the installation tickets and tours office to buy discount tickets to civilian movie theaters, theme parks and travel and tour packages. Some civilian employees may not realize they’re also qualified to rent at the recreational campgrounds, cabins, cottages, trailers and trailer or recreational vehicle parks with hook-ups found on many military installations. For the most part, a civilian or military identification card provides access to services and programs not just where the member works, but also at other installations, even those of another service, Miles said. That extends to the crown jewels of the MWR program: Armed Forces Recreation Center resorts at popular vacation spots. All run by the Army but open to military and civilian employees from every service, these include Shades of

Green on the grounds of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla.; the Hale Koa in Honolulu; the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Garmisch, Germany; and the Dragon Hill Lodge in Seoul, South Korea. The Navy runs a similar resorttype facility, the New Sanno Hotel, in Tokyo. In addition, the Air Force has a partnership with Keystone Resort, Colo., to offer discounts at Rocky Mountain Blue, with a variety of lodging options and recreational discounts. Like everything across the Defense Department, MWR programs are getting close scrutiny as officials look for ways to cut costs. While officials strive to preserve the services offered, Miles acknowledged that in the future, costs could go up, hours could be reduced and programs not directly linked to military readiness could even fall by the wayside. But in the meantime, he is encouraging civilian employees to make the most of the furlough situation by tapping the morale, welfare and recreation program. “MWR is here for them,” he said. “There’s no better time than now to check out what’s available.”



Friday, August 2, 2013

MOH, from page 1 shocked,” said retired 1st Sgt. Jonathan G. Hill. “In my heart I knew deep down inside that it was going to happen eventually, because knowing what he [Carter] went through and knowing the extraordinary circumstances that he and everyone else had faced, there was no way that something like this could be passed up. I couldn’t be prouder.” Carter and his family will join the president at the White House for the Medal of Honor ceremony. Carter was born in Washington state and claims Antioch, Calif., as his home of record, despite growing up in Spokane, Wash. He is married to Shannon Carter and they have three children: Jayden Young, Madison Carter and Sehara Carter. Carter enlisted in the Army in January 2008 as a cavalry scout, after serving in the Marine Corps. After completing training at Fort Knox, Ky., he was assigned to 3-61 Cavalry, 4th Brigade Combat


Staff Sgt. Ty M. Carter, part of a platoon fire team, 8-1 Cavalry, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, provides overwatch on a road near Dahla Dam, Afghanistan, in July 2012.

Team, 4th Infantry Division, where he deployed to Afghanistan from May 2009 to May 2010.

In October 2010, he was assigned as a Stryker gunner with 8-1 Cavalry, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat

Wet Bulb helps predict heat conditions on JBM-HH By Rhonda Apple Pentagram Staff Writer

For years, the Army has used Wet Bulb Globe Temperature as an index to measure air temperature and humidity. This device has been a valuable tool to indicate heat stress and prevent heat casualties. “The wet bulb is used to give Soldiers a work-rest ratio whenever heat conditions are extreme,” said Sgt. William Butusov, of the Directorate of Plans, Training Mobilization and Security on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. DPTMS employees have been using a WBGT device to monitor heat conditions over


the summer. They take daily readings and pass on the information to command leadership. “The base commander and command sergeant major make appropriate calls [about working conditions], and then we’ll disseminate the information,” Butisov said. “You fill up the wet bulb with water and the machine calculates everything. The dry bulb is telling the temperature as it sits and the wet bulb is telling you if it was saturated with moisture in the air what it would be,” he explained. “On a hot day [for example], we’ll come out and pull up the wet bulb index, and it will tell us which heat category we’re in, and more

importantly, the work-rest amounts – for example, you need to work for 40 minutes, then take a 20-minute break.” He said the chart, which comes with the device, also indicates factors for work and rest. An example of this might be you can still work, but we’d like you to be working in the shade … nothing too strenuous, Butisov pointed out. “If the temperature is above 90 degrees, it’s recommended you work 10 minutes and rest 50,” he explained. He said the chart has colorcoded sections for working conditions, used at command levels to indicate the working conditions in different heat conditions.



Team, 2nd Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. He completed a second deployment to Afghanistan in October 2012. He is currently stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord and is assigned to the 7th Infantry Division. Carter’s military decorations include: the Purple Heart, the Army Commendation Medal with four oak leaf clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Army Good Conduct Medal, the Navy Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal with two campaign stars, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the NCO Professional Development Ribbon with numeral 2, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the NATO Medal, the Combat Action Badge, the Expert Infantryman Badge and the Air Assault Badge. He has also earned the Valorous Unit Award and the Meritorious Unit Commendation.


Friday, August 2, 2013


Free certification testing program for Marines HeadquartersMarine Corps Henderson Hall’s Education Center offers a free certification testing opportunity for Marines in MOS fields 3043, 3051, 0431 and 0491 for E-4’s and above. This training initiative will help active duty Marines earn industry certifica-

tions that map to their occupational specialty. The purpose of the certified logistics technician program is to recognize individuals who demonstrate mastery of the core competencies of material handling at the front line (entry level through front line supervi-

sor) through successful completion of the certification assessments. The goal of the CLTAE certification program is to raise the level of performance of logistics workers both to assist the individuals in finding higher wage jobs and to help employers ensure their



workforce increases the company’s productivity and competitiveness. CLTAE is in two parts, the foundation level certified logistics associate certificate and the midlevel technical CLTAE certification. Before sitting for the CLTAE assessment, candidates must have a CLA certificate. Delivered online, each assessment contains 80 multiple choice questions. If you are interested in the CLT program, email Anne-Marie Guthrie at annmarie.


RCIA resumes Fort Myer will resume its weekly Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults on Sunday mornings following Labor Day after the 9 a.m. mass. If you are interested in knowing more about the Catholic church or if you just would like an update, please attend. For more information, call 703-696-3532.


Friday, August 2, 2013

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Friday, August 2, 2013



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.