Keep covered
Vice chief stresses suicide prevention page 6
TRICARE members may see changes page 3
Published for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
Vol. 60, no. 34 September 6, 2013
Hagel emphasizes DoD’s resolve in suicide prevention
Who can? Lt. Dan can!
American Forces Press Service
Gen. James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, pins an eagle, globe and anchor emblem lapel pin on actor and musician, Gary A. Sinise, after naming him an honorary Marine at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., Aug. 29.
Sinise named honorary Marine Actor and musician Gary A. Sinise was named an honorary U.S. Marine during a ceremony at the Home of the Commandants, Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., Aug. 29. Sinise shares this title with other notable people including actor Chuck Norris and Pulitzer prize-winning photographer Joe Rosenthal. “This was one of the most extraordinary nights. I was totally surprised by what the general gave me tonight. I’m humbled, shocked, moved and motivated to keep standing up for our men and women and giving back to them,” said Sinise. Gen. James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, hosted the ceremony at his home at the Barracks. “There is little I can say to enhance the rich reputation Gary Sinise has earned, both in the spotlight as an immensely talented actor, and
less conspicuously, as a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform. What I can do, what I am privileged and proud to do, is to recognize this humble patriot’s selfless service by making him an honorary Marine,” said Amos. Sinise, 58, has acted in movies and TV shows including “Forrest Gump” and “CSI: New York” and performs in his own band, The Lt. Dan Band, named after the military character he portrayed in “Forrest Gump”. Sinise is also the founder of the Gary Sinise Foundation, which supports veterans and their families through programs meant to entertain, strengthen and educate. Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band are scheduled to perform Sept. 11 at Fort Belvoir’s Pullen Field from 5-9 p.m. as part of the USO’s Invincible Spirit Festival. (Marine Barracks Washington DC Media Release)
As the nation observes suicide prevention month, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel issued a message to the men and women of the Defense Department, emphasizing its collective resolve in its efforts to prevent military suicides. Here is the secretary’s message: “The Department of Defense has no more important responsibility than supporting and protecting those who defend our country and that means we must do everything possible to prevent military suicide. As we observe suicide prevention month, the entire DoD community — Servicemembers, civilians, members of our families and leaders at every level — must demonstrate our collective resolve to prevent suicide, to promote greater knowledge of its causes and to encourage those in need to seek support. No one who serves this country in uniform should ever feel they have nowhere to turn. The Department of Defense has invested more than $100 million into research on the diagnosis and treatment of depression, bipolar disorder and substance abuse, as well as interventions for relationship, financial and legal issues – all of which can be associated with suicide. We are working to reduce drug and alcohol abuse and we are steadily increasing the number of mental health professionals and peer support counselors. Effective suicide prevention training is critical to all these efforts and we are instructing our leaders on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of crisis and encourage service members to seek support. We are also reaching out to military families and the broader community to enlist their support in this cause. Seeking behavioral health care is a choice that embodies moral courage, honor and integrity. Those values are at the foundation of what we stand for and what we defend. The Military Crisis Line is there for all who need it. I encourage anyone in need to call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 to speak to a trained professional, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This service is confidential and available to all service members and their see HAGEL, page 7
BOSS ushers out summer with Soldier Appreciation Day By Julia LeDoux Pentagram Staff Writer
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers and Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation kicked off the last unofficial weekend of summer with a Soldier Appreciation celebration Aug. 30 at Spates Community Club. “You all are important to us,” said Col. Fern O. Sumpter, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall commander, to the group. “I thank all of you for everything you do every day, for everything you do for the com-
Community Spotlight p.2 Commentary p.3 Community p.4 News Notes p.4 Feature p.10 Classifieds p. 11
munity every day.” BOSS is engaged in three pillars: Community activities, recreation and quality of life for single and unaccompanied Soldiers. “Today is Soldier Appreciation Day, not just for single Soldiers, but mainly for single Soldiers so they can have somewhere to go and enjoy company, get out of the barracks and have a fun time on the base,” explained Spc. Justin Sterbenz, BOSS vice president. “We offer single Soldiers world class spots to go to for free, or if we can’t (do it), then with a strong reduction in
price.” Sumpter and Command Sgt. Maj. Earlene Y. Lavender visited with servicemembers at the event, and Sumpter urged attendees to bring a buddy with them to the next BOSS event. “It’s only fun when there’s a bunch of people and it’s only fun if the sergeant major and I don’t stay too long,” she joked. Attendees dined on the typical fare of a summer barbecue – hamburgers, hot dogs, and all PHOTO BY JULIA LEDOUX the fixings – played horseshoes and volleyball and rocked out to Soldiers gathered at Spates Community Club on Joint popular tunes that were spun Base Myer-Henderson Hall Aug. 30 to kick off Labor Day see BOSS, page 7
weekend at a Soldier Appreciation Day event.
Feds Feed Families
Hunting Call
Pg. 7
Pg. 10
Old Guard Soldiers contribute to food drive
Turkeys plentiful on Marine Base Quantico
Friday, September 6, 2013
Patriot Day
A commercial airplane flies above the American flag on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s Whipple Field Aug. 13 during a Twilight Tattoo.
Community Spotlight • • •
• • • • • • • • • • •
Name and age? Addison Cordovez, 3. Where do you go to school? Cody Child Development Center. What do your mom and dad do at work? Mom works at ACS. Dad eats and goes to mommy’s work to pick her up. Favorite sport? Gymnastics, dance class, but not soccer. Favorite book? Halloween book. Favorite food? Chicken and rice. Favorite song to sing? “Jesus Loves Me.” Favorite movie? “Cinderella.” Favorite place you’ve ever been? Grandma’s house. What do you like most about coming to school on JBM-HH? Drawing and playing with friends. Is there something you want to be able to do by the end of the year? Color, write my name, play with friends, show and share. What do you like most about living in this area? Rooms, doors and birthdays. What is your favorite thing to do in Washington, D.C.? Color and play hopscotch. What advice would you give a friend? You have to try it. We have to try new things.
Commander, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Col. Fern O. Sumpter’s vision and philosophy: With a team of resource management savvy and technically competent DoD professionals, establish JBM–HH as DoD’s premier provider of consistent, quality services that enhance readiness and the overall well-being of our customers. We must be ... - Experts at what we do … constantly improving our skills and knowledge. - Focused … set priorities and complete the mission. - Committed … to the mission and each other, fostering a community of excellence. - Professional/respectful … remain calm, even when others are not … count on each other at all times, treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Pentagram Printed on recycled paper
Caption This
Caption This #33
If you’ve ever looked at a photo, read the caption underneath and thought you could do better, now is your chance. Each week, “Caption This” will have a photo taken from around the base. It’s up to you to figure out the best, funniest or craziest caption that describes what’s going on in the picture. The only rule is you have to KEEP IT CLEAN! “Caption This” submissions can be sent either by emailing them to, commenting on our Facebook page or just stopping by Headquarters Bldg. 59, suite 116 and dropping it off. Don’t forget to add the “Caption This” number, your name, rank or position and where you work. Every week the Pentagram staff will pick their favorite. The winner’s name, caption along with the photo, will be printed in the newspaper. Compete with your friends and coworkers and see who can come up with the best one. And if you have a photo you think would make a great “Caption This,” send it in.
The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be faxed to (703) 696-0055 or e-mailed to Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Friday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the printer. Comprint Military Publications is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.
Caption This #32 WHEEEeeeeee-ah
Carol Ann Kelly Pentagram reader
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Friday, September 6, 2013
Safety tip
Army ‘Safe Autumn Campaign’ gets in gear Julie Shelley Directorate of Communication and Public Affairs U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center
With the passing of Labor Day, minds turn from the lazy days of summer to thoughts of football parties, hunting seasons and exercise in the great outdoors. Just like any other season, however, autumn can be a risky time of year. To help Soldiers counter the hazards, the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center recently released the annual Army Safe Autumn Campaign, a resource leaders and safety professionals may use to augment their existing risk management programs. “This is many Soldiers’ favorite time of year,” said Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Edens, director of Army Safety and commanding general, USACR/Safety Center. “The kickoff of football and hunting seasons, combined with cooler weather, has a way of getting people outside.” Autumn is historically one of the Army’s safer seasons, but of the accidents that do happen, most involve private motor vehicles. “During the last several years, our Soldiers have shown they know how to stay safe,” Edens said. “That’s translated to fiscal 2013’s double-digit reduction in PMV fatalities. As long as we’re still losing Soldiers to these accidents, though, our work isn’t done.” As of Aug. 22, Armywide fatalities in all PMVs, including sedans and motorcycles, were down 24 percent from fiscal 2012. The Army Safe Autumn Campaign contains posters, feature articles, public service videos and resource documents leaders and safety professionals can use to populate their safety boards, build safety briefs and start a conversation with their Soldiers on risk management. “We can’t let our guard down just because the Army’s doing well regarding accidents,” said USACR/Safety Center Command Sgt. Maj. Richard D. Stidley. “We can all use a refresher on risk management basics. That’s what these seasonally-targeted campaigns do.” For more information on the Army Safe Autumn Campaign, visit mil. The campaign will run through Dec. 1.
Award Army Chap. (Lt. Col.) Clyde Scott, right, gives remarks about Navy Chap. (Lt.) Devon Foster’s role in suicide prevention at Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall Sept. 3. Foster also received a commander’s coin from JBM-HH Commander Col. Fern O. Sumpter.
Exchange news JBM-HH Exchange seeks input The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is constantly seeking opportunities to improve on the Exchange benefit. As part of this effort, the Department of Defense’s oldest and largest exchange service relies on an ongoing customer satisfaction index to provide localized, real time snapshots of the job exchange facilities are doing to improve the value of support provided to
Shoulder to shoulder: Standing ready and resilient
National suicide prevention week, world suicide prevention day and Army suicide prevention month
The United States Army remains the strength and families. of our nation and has demonstrated remarkable This September, in support of the Ready and skill and professionalism over the past 12 years Resilient Campaign outcomes, leaders across the of combat operations. Nevertheless, the stress of Army should assess their units and engage in events military service, the resulting strain placed on rela- and training designed to promote resiliency through tionships and families, and injuries and illnesses education and awareness activities. These activities suffered by some have challenged our resiliency. will include training in comprehensive soldier and Individual responses to these challenges are often family fitness; suicide prevention, assessments and manifested as risk behaviors which sometimes may intervention techniques; and activities that support include suicide. stigma reduction. Active leadership involvement As a part of the ongoing Ready and Resilient is critical to campaign success. We must leverage Campaign, we are committed to cultivating a healthy military and community resources to build individand supportive climate to mitigate the possibility ual resilience, strengthen Army professionals and that our Army team members will consider suicide sustain unit readiness while preserving lives. as an option in response to stress or adversity. When Suicide impacts the entire Army community. we see indicators suggesting that our battle buddies We urge all Soldiers, civilians and families to work are at risk, we must have the courage to intervene together to prevent suicide and to enhance individin a compassionate and responsible way. Leaders at ual and collective resilience and readiness through all levels must underscore the importance of aware- strong training programs. Our strength is at its ness, education and training as a way to increase greatest when we operate as a team. the resiliency and strength of our Soldiers, civilians Army Strong! Raymond F. Chandler, III Raymond T. Odierno John M. McHugh Sergeant Major of the Army General, United States Secretary of the Army Army Chief of Staff
Army Family Action Plan wants your input The Army Family Action Plan is the Army’s grassroots process to identify and elevate the most significant quality of life issues impacting Soldiers from all components in the Army — retirees, Department of the Army civilians, Family members to senior leaders. Information provided through the AFAP process gives commanders and leaders insight into current satisfaction detractors, quality of life
needs, and expectations of Army constituents, said Robin Cordovez, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall AFAP coordinator. Leadership can then use this information to effect changes that improve standards of living and support programs. These changes foster a satisfied, informed, and resilient Army community. The Army Family Action Plan is a yearround process that begins at the installation or unit level.
JBM-HH Army Community Service is hosting two issue development training workshops to help members of the community identify and frame issues that are important to them and the Army: They will be held Sept. 18 and Oct. 9 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the ACS classroom, Bldg. 201. “People can grab a slice of pizza and learn how to write an issue,” Cordovez said. The deadline for submitting issues for
AFAP this year is Oct. 31. To enter an issue for consideration, use the AFAP Issue Management System at Army OneSource, Search Family Programs and Services, Issue Management System. Submit Issue and Let your voice be heard. For more information or to reserve a spot at one of the training sessions, contact Cordovez at 703-6961229.
Changes to Prime Service Areas On Oct. 1, some prime service areas (PSAs) geographic areas in the United States where TRICARE Prime is offered are being eliminated, according to TRICCARE’s website. Prime Service Areas were created to ensure medical readiness of the active duty force by augmenting the capability and capacity of military hospitals and clinics. Prime service areas were also built around the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites are being eliminated. About 3 percent of the current 5.25 million TRICARE Prime enrollees will be affected. Check the Zip code look-up tool (http://www.tricare. mil/Welcome/CurrentTopics/ChangestoPSAs/ PSALookup.aspx) to see if you live in an area affected by the PSA change. All beneficiaries remain eligible for TRICARE Standard. The PSA changes do not affect any other TRICARE benefits, such as pharmacy or dental coverage. Note: Beneficiaries who use the prime travel benefit will be affected if they are no longer enrolled in Prime. Beneficiaries not Affected by the PSA changes include: • Active duty servicemembers and family enrolled in TRICARE Prime. • Activated Guard/Reserve members and family enrolled in TRICARE Prime. • Surviving spouses of deceased active duty servicemembers enrolled in TRICARE Prime* (for the first three years after the sponsor’s death). • Surviving children of deceased active duty servicemembers enrolled in TRICARE Prime. • Children of active duty servicemembers using TRICARE Young Adult-Prime. • Beneficiaries who already use TRICARE servicemembers and their families. The survey is administered at half of exchange main stores twice a year. JBM-HH shoppers’ opportunity to participate in the 2013 customer satisfaction runs through Sept. 12. During this time, shoppers and their families are encouraged to visit the exchange to provide feedback on local services. Beyond improving the exchange benefit, shoppers who participate will receive a coupon worth $5 off their next purchase at the exchange.
Standard and Extra. Beneficiaries using TRICARE retired reserve, TRICARE reserve select, TRICARE young adult-standard or TRICARE for life. While your TRICARE Prime coverage is not affected by the PSA changes, if you move from your current location, you may be required to transfer your Prime coverage or find a new primary care manager. Retired servicemembers and family enrolled in TRICARE Prime: You will be disenrolled from TRICARE Prime on Sept. 30. You will remain enrolled until Sept. 30 as long as your enrollment fees are paid, you do not disenroll early or otherwise lose eligibility. Once disenrolled from TRICARE Prime, you’ll begin to use TRICARE Standard and Extra, or you can enroll in the US Family Health Plan if it’s offered where you live. In some cases, you may be able to re-enroll in TRICARE Prime by waiving your drive-time standards. By waiving your drive-time standards, you will have to drive long distances for primary and specialty care, so you should carefully consider this option. Note: This is also true for others who are covered like retired service members (i.e. former spouses, surviving spouses of deceased active duty servicemembers after three years, Medal of Honor recipients, etc.) Children of retired servicemembers using TRICARE Young Adult-Prime: You will be required to switch to TRICARE Young Adult-Standard effective Oct. 1. For more information and web links to frequently asked questions, log onto http://www.tricare. mil/Welcome/CurrentTopics/ChangestoPSAs. aspx. •
MCX annual survey to begin Sept. 11 The Marine Corps Exchange annual Customer Satisfaction Index survey is scheduled to begin Sept. 11, at the Henderson Hall store. Authorized patrons are asked to complete the survey, which takes about 15 minutes, using a touch-screen device. As a thank you, a five dollar MCX gift card is given to each patron who completes the survey. For exact dates and times, please visit For more information, call 703-693-5351.
Friday, September 6, 2013
New DPW operations and maintenance chief looks to serve By Michael Norris Pentagram Assistant Editor
Denise Faldowski, the chief of the Directorate of Public Works’ Operations and Maintenance branch on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, has been in her position a month. An engineer by training who grew up in eastern Ohio, she comes to JBM-HH from Fort Carson, Colo., where she served in the engineering division. Prior to joining federal government service, she was a civil engineer involved in commercial land development. Faldowski said she chose her profession because her father was a coal miner and she wanted to become a mining engineer. Her dad wasn’t too keen on that choice, however, so she chose the field of civil engineering instead. According to Tony Taylor, O & M branch chief, Faldowski is the first woman to hold the position of chief on JBM-HH. Faldowski said she doesn’t think that’s such a big deal. “I may be the first here,” she said, “but not in the Army.” From her understanding, she said there have already been three women who headed up operations and maintenance at Fort Bragg, N.C. “I’ve been in this field since ’99,” she added. “I have plenty of women friends who are engineers doing groundbreaking stuff.” What does she like about her job? “Taking care of Soldiers every day,” she explained. “The people we help and [those on] my staff here are fantastic – they’re great people. When you work on a military installation, a lot of the times the people are prior military, they’ve got kids in the military. I believe in that mission. At the end of the day, it’s not just the job, you’re supporting a bigger effort.” While she’s only been in the position four
The Marine Corps has announced a pilot program that allows certain career Marines to temporarily leave active duty while retaining their grade, time in grade and full health benefits. The Navy has had a Career Intermission Pilot Program since 2009, and Marine Corps Administrative Message 418/13, signed Aug. 23, announced that the Corps is opening up a similar program through 2015. “The long-term intent of this program is to provide greater flexibility in career paths of Marines in order to retain valuable experience and training of Marines who might otherwise permanently separate,” the MARADMIN states. Under the program, up to 20 enlisted Marines and 20 officers could be approved each year from 2013 to 2015 to go into the Individual Ready Reserve for periods of up to three years. A stated requirement that Marines apply for the program between six and nine months ahead of time, though, may make it unlikely that anyone will go on hiatus in 2013. While on intermission, Marines will retain their full benefits and also receive a stipend of one-15th of their base pay. Those who avail themselves of the program will be required to return to the service at the end of their inactive duty and serve at least two months for each month they were away. “It’s going to take some planning and serious consideration to apply for this program,” said Gunnery Sgt. Bryant Lodge Jr., assistant operations chief of enlisted retention at the Manpower Management Enlisted Assignments Branch of Manpower and Reserve Affairs. “I don’t think it’s a quick, easy decision.” He said a Marine who wants
News Notes Simulated full-scale exercise on JBM-HH Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall will be participating in a full-scale exercise Sept. 12 from 8 a.m.noon on the Ft. Myer portion of the joint base. The exercise will include simulated responses by emergency, fire and rescue personnel. Do not be alarmed by the increased security. All exercise staff will be clearly identified. If you have any questions, please call 703-696-3290. Devil Dog 7K registration open Registration is open for the Sept. 18 Devil Dog 7K race, starting at the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium at 6:35 a.m. For details and the registration link, visit
Denise Faldowski is the new chief of operations and maintenance at the Directorate of Public Works at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.
weeks, Faldowski said her goal is to improve upon the processes the installation already has in place and getting to a point where DPW can do more preventive maintenance than reacting to problems as they arise. “That would be a tremendous goal,” she said. “It doesn’t matter who the client is, we’re here to serve our military counterparts,” she said. “I haven’t really seen the demanding side of it. I mean we try to respond effectively and efficiently. “I just try to put myself in their shoes,” she added. “If I didn’t have air conditioning, you know, we need to get it fixed. And if I didn’t have water, we’d need to get that fixed. I think see DPW, page 8
‘Career intermissions’ will allow some Marines to leave, return to active duty Mike DiCicco Quantico Sentry Staff Writer
to finish a degree or gain professional experience to bring back to the Marine Corps might consider using the program. Cmdr. Angela Katsen, who, as head of the Navy Office of Diversity and Inclusion, managed the Navy’s CIPP from July of 2011 to July of 2013, said the most common reasons sailors have used the program have been related to family, travel and, especially, education. She said the program has gained popularity, both among Sailors asking to use it and senior personnel suggesting it as a retention tool, but is still used at only about half its capacity. “We’re allowed to have 20 officers and 20 enlisted each year, but we’ve never maxed out at that amount,” Katsen said. She said the program is used about equally by officers and enlisted Sailors, as well as by men and women. The Navy renewed its career intermission program in 2012, still as a pilot because not enough Sailors have returned from their intermissions for officials to analyze the impact on promotions and other factors, Katsen said. Only about half a dozen have taken their break and returned to active duty, but one officer was promoted shortly thereafter, in a “seamless transition,” she said. “Four years into it, it’s already been a very positive experience.” However, the program is not for everyone. No Marine can participate in the Corps’ CIPP before serving the first term of service, and on the enlisted side, it’s only open to grades E6 and E7. Marines are not eligible if they can’t complete the ensuing obligation due to service limitations, mandatory retirements or enlisted career force controls. “The program targets midlevel officer and enlisted (E-6/ E-7 and O-3/O-4), as these are often the ranks that are making
personal decisions regarding staying in the Marine Corps until retirement or separating to pursue personal or professional goals,” said a written statement from Manpower and Reserve Affairs officials. Enlisted Marines in a training pipeline and officers who have not been career designated are ineligible, as are Marines under investigation or with records of disciplinary action in the previous two years, or who are indebted to the government. Aviation officers with more than a year of active duty service obligation or aviation retention pay cannot apply, and neither can Marines currently receiving a critical skills retention bonus or fulfilling obligated service as a result of a bonus. Marines may, however, opt to receive the first installment of their bonus after completing their intermission. For those who are approved for an intermission, an allowance will be paid for travel to and from one residence. After the hiatus, if a Marine can’t return to active duty due to physical or security clearance requirements or other eligibility issues, the Navy can recoup the value of whatever benefits that Marine received while in the Individual Ready Reserve. The need to stay fit is one reason that, although Marines in the IRR are not required to participate in monthly drills, Lodge recommended they do so. He also noted that attending monthly drills is a way to keep abreast of Marine Corps practices. “That way, you’re not that far behind when you go back in,” he said. Lodge said he didn’t think the obligation to lengthen terms of service would deter most career Marines, but he said any intermission should be carefully considered and used wisely. “You need a mature Marine who knows what they’re doing, who knows their future intentions and aspirations,” he said.
Intramural football league registration Registration is open for Semper Fit’s intramural football league. Games are played select weekdays from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. beginning in October on the Fort Myer field. League play is open to all authorized patrons and teams consist of 20 players plus a coach. The season ends in late November. Rosters are available online at and in person at the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium and the Semper Fit office in Bldg. 29 on the Henderson Hall portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. For more information, call 703-697-2706. Golf with us registration Registration is open for the Sept. 20 golf with us tournament at Marine Base Quantico’s Medal of Honor golf course. The fee is $50, which includes 18 holes, cart, greens fees and lunch, plus a chance to win gift cards. Register and pay online through www Fort Myer AAFES upgrades Anthony’s Pizza, located in the AAFES food court, closed Sept. 3. Construction to renovate the food court and seating area is underway. The mobile barber shop is now fully operational. For more information, call 703-522-0664. Behavioral health weekly meetings The Marine Corps Community Services behavioral health branch offers weekly meetings throughout the month. A men’s domestic violence intervention group (STOP) meets Tuesdays from 9-11 a.m. for 26 weeks in Bldg. 12’s conference room. A women’s support and empowerment group also meets; call for details on this group. For more information on the groups and other services provided to active duty personnel and their families, call 703-614-7204. Got anger issues? An anger management workshop is held every Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. in the Bldg. 12 conference room on the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH. You may start the workshop at any time, but pre-registeration is required by calling 703-614-7204. Financial management assistance Marine Corps Community Services personal financial management program assists with everything from budgeting to investing. Classes are held throughout the month on a variety of topics, including planning for retirement. For a list of upcoming topics, call 703-614-6950. Welcome to Korea Come to Army Community Service for the “411” on Korea Sept. 6 from 10-11 a.m. Learn about sponsorship, household and personal vehicle shipments, pets, passport information, as well as customs, culture and language. Class will be held in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. First Friday Help make a tradition of First Friday each first Friday of the month from 4:30-11 p.m. at the Marine Club on the Henderson Hall side of the base. The next event is Sept. 6. New wing flavors — spicy buffalo, honey BBQ, Caribbean jerk and Thai sweet curry — are available for 40 cents each 4:30-9 p.m. A disk jockey will start at 6:30 p.m. Drink specials are available from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The event is open to all Department of Defense ID card holders and their guests. For information, call 703-614-2125 and see Parents helping parents: child safety An informational play morning event for parents, caregivers and their children (infant through 6 years of age) will be held Sept. 9 from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. in the ACS classroom in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. The session includes crafts, playtime, story time and a brief presentation on child safety-bullying awareness. Space is limited. Registration is required by calling 703-696-3512. Corporals course to begin Headquarters and Service Battalion Headquarters Marine Corps will conduct a corporals course from Sept. 9-24. For more information, Continued on next page
Friday, September 6, 2013
News Notes Continued from previous page contact Sgt. Massa Taylor at 703-614-2014. Signal Officers Wives Club The next Sgnal Officers Wives Club meeting will be held Sept. 10 from 10 a.m.-noon at the home of Micki Bowman. For more information, call Judy at 703-978-1338. New in town? Marine Corps Community Services has a wealth of information for newly-arrived Marines and their families. The next welcome aboard brief is Sept. 10 from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Marine Club aboard the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH. A free walking tour of the Henderson Hall portion follows the brief, and after a break for lunch there is a bus tour of the local area, including downtown Washington, D.C., starting at 12:30 p.m. To register for the brief, call 703-614-7202. For a comprehensive overview of the classes and resources offered, visit or call 703-614-7200. ASAP September training Army Substance Abuse Program will hold violence in the workplace training on Sept. 10 and suicide prevention training Sept. 11. All training is held from 1-2 p.m. in Bldg. 230 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. If you need accommodation, call Carol Frazelle at 704-696-3787. Prostate cancer support group meetings The prostate cancer support group meets at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital the second Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be Sept. 12 from 1-2 p.m. in the urology center, Sunrise Pavilion, 2nd floor. Typically there would also be an evening group support session. However, a presentation on urinary incontinence following prostate surgery will be given instead from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sept. 12 in the Oaks Pavilion, 1st floor, room 332. Spouses/partners are invited. The prostate cancer support group meets at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will take place Sept. 19 from 1-2 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the America Building, River Conference Room (next to the prostate center), 3rd floor. Spouses/partners are invited. Military ID is required for base access. For men without a military ID, call the prostate center at 301-3192900 48 hours prior to the event for base access.
For more information on the meetings, contact retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or via email at Hearts Apart to meet Hearts Apart, the support group for spouses, fiancées or significant others of deployed or geographically separated military and civilian personnel, will meet Sept. 11 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at American Legion Post 139, 3445 Washington Blvd., in Arlington, Va. This group is designed to be a fun networking opportunity for those experiencing separation from a loved one. To register, contact Kelly Weidner at 703-696-0153 or by email at VA claims assistance available NationalserviceofficersfromAmericanVeterans will be available to assist with Department of Veterans Affairs claim filing the second and fourth Thursday of each month in Bldg. 29 on the Henderson Hall portion of JBM-HH in the career resource management center. The next meeting is Sept. 12. Bring your service medical records, private physician’s records, DD Form 214, marriage certificate, children’s birth certificates and your dependents’ social security cards. For service hours and more information, call 703-614-6828. Veterans benefits to be discussed A representative from the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Survivor Assistance will discuss VA benefits at the next quarterly financial seminar led by JBM-HH Survivor Outreach Services. This seminar is limited to surviving family members and will be held Sept. 12 from noon-1:30 p.m. in the ACS classroom in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of the joint base. Reserve your spot by emailing jin-sook.lim. or by calling 703-696-8847. New degree available The Fort Myer Education Center and Old Dominion University announce that starting with the spring 2014 term, an MSEd in counseling with concentrations in mental health or school counseling will be offered at ODU’s Fort Myer site. If you are interested in earning this degree, get more information Sept. 12 at the Fort Myer Education Center, Bldg. 117, Room 215 from 4-6 p.m. For more information, contact Iva Armstrong at or by calling 703-875-0190.
Rader holding car wash Andrew Rader U.S. Army Health Clinic personnel are holding a car wash Sept. 14 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Rader parking lot near the side entrance and gazebo. Mark your calendars and line up for a car wash. JBM-HH DPW building coordinators training It is time once again for JBM-HH DPW building coordinators training, set for Sept. 17, 18 and 19 according to the following schedule: Sept. 17 - Town Hall (Bldg. 243 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH) from 10-1130 a.m. Sept. 18 – Bldg. 62, National Defense University, IRMC, rm. 184 on the Fort McNair portion of JBM-HH from 10-11:30 a.m. Sept. 19 – Town Hall (Bldg. 243 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH) from 1-2:30 p.m. Job seeker classes The MCCS Career Resource Management Center holds three classes in September for job seekers. On Sept. 17 from 9-11:30 a.m. learn about the federal SES application process. On Sept. 18, pick up resume writing tips at a class held from 9 a.m.-noon. On Sept. 19, cracking the code to the federal hiring process is held from 1-3 p.m. All classes are held in Bldg. 29, room 104 and registration is required by calling 703-6146828. Stress management Participants will complete a stress profile and receive information on the impact that unmanaged stress has on their lives, review options for managing stress and receive materials to assist them in developing their own unique stress management plan during the stress management (introductory level presentation for adults) session Sept. 18 from 9-11 a.m. in the ACS classroom in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Registration is required by calling 703696-3512 or via email to karen.a.stpierre.ctr@ AOWCGWA super sign up The Army Officers’ Wives Club of the Greater Washington Area will be hosting their annual super sign up welcome Sept. 19 in the Koran Room of the JBM-HH Officers Club from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Along with the opportunity to sign see NEWS NOTES, page 9
Friday, September 6, 2013
Vice chief: Suicide prevention is 365-day-a-year mission By C. Todd Lopez Army News Service
September is suicide awareness month and while the Army will highlight suicide prevention this month, the service’s vice chief said the effort is year-round. “This is something we can’t just look at in one month,” said Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. John F. Campbell. “It has to be a 365-day mission to make sure we can provide our Soldiers with the tools they need to deal with the stressors of everyday life, and help them understand that seeking help is a sign of strength not weakness.” Comparing the March through July 2013 time period to the March through July 2012 time period, Army suicides have gone down slightly — by about 17. But if January and February are included in those numbers, the Army has so far had the same number of suicides this year as it had last year during the same period: 184. In 2012, the Army had a total of 325 suicides. Campbell said he’s kept abreast of every suicide in the Army; he knows the numbers, and the Army researches every suicide to try to determine what might be the cause. He said that the trends show that most suicides are the result of financial or relationship issues, often exacerbated by drug and alcohol use. The general said as a way to prevent suicides in the Army, it is critical that commanders and noncommissioned officers know the Soldiers that work for them. And it’s important Soldiers know their fellow Soldiers as well. “Much of it is just about knowing your Soldier, knowing if they have a financial issue, if they have gone through a breakup with a girlfriend, or if they have a problem in their marriage,” Campbell said. “It’s as simple a thing as sitting down and talking to a Soldier. A lot of time a Soldier is going to keep that to himself. The more you can figure out whether a Soldier is higher risk, you will watch them a little bit more closely and make sure they have the resources to get help.” Campbell said he saw a Soldier suicide for the first time in the early 1980s while serving in Germany. He was a lieutenant then. Later, as a brigade commander within the 82d Airborne Division, and then later still as commander of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), there were more suicides among Soldiers in his units. “Not only in garrison but deployed. I’ve also been in units that had family members who committed suicide,” Campbell said. As a company commander at Fort Bragg, N.C., Campbell said, a Soldier hanged himself in his room over a holiday. “The chain of command knew he wasn’t going on leave, he’d be sticking around the barracks,” Campbell said. “But it was a good 48 hours before somebody really checked in on him and found out that, in fact, his roommate had gone off... and he’d
September is suicide awareness month and while the Army will highlight suicide prevention this month, the service’s vice chief said the effort is year-round. Pictured here, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. John Campbell briefs staffers July 24, at the Pentagon.
been having some relationship issues.” Today, lessons learned from the suicides he experienced early in his career still stick with Campbell. “What I learned at that time still stands with me today,” he said. “In order to help get at this, you have to know everything about our Soldiers. And our non-commissioned officers have to embrace this, which they are.” Having experienced suicides in his own units,and as vice chief of staff of the Army, being aware of the number of suicides that occur across the force every day, Campbell said he knows exactly how a single suicide affects everybody who knew that Soldier. “One article I read said that for every suicide, there are 35-plus people impacted,” he said. “Whether that is family members or the unit, I am not sure you can put a number on it. Any suicide is tragic. But every one of them does impact the unit, the morale of that unit, that squad. And I just think the more that we can do to keep the focus on what resources are out there for people who are having issues and those stressors that would drive somebody to suicide, then we make those resources available.” When leadership is aware of the issues Soldiers are facing, whether it be relationship issues or financial issues or something else entirely, they can direct those Soldiers to the ample support services the Army provides — especially though the Army’s Ready and Resilient Campaign, which serves as an umbrella for hundreds of programs aimed at helping Soldiers resolve the issues that might lead them to consider suicide, and also develop the resiliency they need to be able to handle those challenges. There are many programs available - some that deal with Soldiers, some with families - others that affect various aspects of a Soldier’s life and well-being. The Ready and Resilient Campaign
is meant to make it easier for Solders to find the right program to help them, and at the same time, R2C will also find efficiencies within the portfolio of programs available. In practical terms, that means some programs will be cut where there is redundancy, and other programs might be merged to make them more efficient. The effect of that will be to create fewer, more effective programs, Campbell said, that cost the Army less money, but at the same time continue to provide Soldiers with the same support the Army has always provided. “At some posts you may have two or three programs that deal with alcohol or drugs that are tied into suicide, and they may not be talking to the same population,” Campbell said. “We can’t afford to be redundant, and we can’t afford not to provide to Soldiers what is important to them. What we are trying to do is take a hard look and have metrics applied to all those programs, and make sure the decisions we make are the best for each of those posts, camps or stations.” One part of the Army’s Ready and Resilient Campaign the vice chief considers critical is the Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness Program, responsible for helping Soldiers learn resilience by either becoming master resilience trainers, or by learning resilience at the unit level through Soldiers who have been through the master resilience trainer, or MRT, course. “I can’t stress enough the resiliency piece of it, and this CSF2, tied into MRT,” Campbell said. “As I went out and traveled and talked to folks that had gone through the master resilience training ... everybody I’ve talked to that has been through the MRT has said it has changed their lives and they have been able to impact other Soldiers’ lives. That’s really key.” Campbell said the Army is trying to get master resilience trainers down to company level. Right now the Army has about 16,000 personnel who are MRT-qualified, and that number increased both through MRT training at Fort Jackson, at the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia, and through mobile MRT training teams. Resiliency training is meant to strengthen a Soldier’s ability to more effectively deal with the kinds of situations that might affect their ability to do their job, or might even drive them to consider suicide. Resilience training isn’t just offered to master resilience trainers who are meant to bring those skills back to their unit. Soldiers are getting resilience training as early as basic training and throughout their career, Campbell said. As part of the September suicide awareness month observation, Army senior leadership will sign a tri-signed letter discussing the Army’s emphasis on suicide prevention. Campbell also said the Army will provide some flexibility to commanders, allowing them to have a suicide standdown day if they choose to do so.
Finances affect servicemembers’ readiness, official says By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service
Financial readiness in servicemembers’ lives has a direct effect on mission readiness, the director of the Defense Department’s office of family policy, children and youth
said in a recent interview. Noting that financial instability can affect many aspects of servicemembers’ lives, from relationships to concentration on the job, Barbara Thompson told American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel that DoD provides educa-
tion and tools people can use to build their financial flexibility. “It’s really important for our servicemembers and their families to live within their means,” she said, “and to do that, they have to have a budget, be disciplined and understand that having a debt load hurts their credit scores [and] their ability to afford [purchases].” Financial difficulties also can affect security clearances, she added.
Petty Officer 2nd Class LaTunya Howard
A Naval Support Activity Mid-South Sailor takes a moment to decide which credit card to use to complete his purchase at the local commissary.
Several resources are available to help servicemembers and their families establish and maintain household budgets, in addition to learning how to save money, she said. “We want to make sure people know [their finances] are under their control with support,” Thompson said. Available resources include financial counselors at installation family centers who can help with reducing debt, managing credit cards, and avoiding paying high interest rates, she added. Another option is the Military OneSource website, which offers financial advice, and where users can set up 12 sessions with a financial counselor per financial issue on
topics such as establishing a budget and reducing debt. Counselors are available face-to-face or online, Thompson said. Credit unions and banks on installations also offer financial education through workshops and can help families work out budgets, she said. Thompson also warned that servicemembers should be aware of fraudulent practices such as predatory lending. “People would get into them with very high interest rates, spending [significant amounts] of money just to pay off a predatory loan,” she said. “So that’s where our on-installation banks and credit unions came up with some short-term, low-interest loans.” Thompson also recommended the website as a resource for self-initiators. It offers tools and calculators to get started on establishing and maintaining a household budget, she said. Handling credit wisely and keeping spending under control are important aspects of personal financial readiness, Thompson said. “If we’re living within our means, we’re not running credit limit up on that credit card to purchase things that are maybe ‘wants’ but not ‘needs,’” she said. Paying off credit card debt every month avoids paying large amounts of interest, she noted. Having at least $500 in savings is another important aspect of budgeting, Thompson said, as emergency money that might be needed during a household move, or if a washing machine or car transmission fails. “It’s not … all about debt reduction,” Thompson said. “The idea is that you come up with a spending plan of what’s important to you, and [put away money] for savings.”
Friday, September 6, 2013
Hagel, from page 1 families. Always remember that our most valuable resource is each other. When one of us faces a challenge, we all must stand together. By fighting as one team, we can — and we will — help prevent suicide. Thank you.”
Old Guard supports Feds Feeds Families food drive Staff Sgt. Luisito Brooks The Old Guard Public Affairs
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
BOSS, from page 1 by a disc jockey. Army Pfc. Sean Swoboda took home the first contest prize of the evening, a pair of tickets and parking pass to the Washington Redskins/Detroit Lions game. “I was actually
coming here not expecting to win anything and I am the first winner,” he said. In all, 43 prizes — including a couple of televisions, a mountain bike and game stations — were given away at the event.
Soldiers feasted on typical barbecue fare Aug. 30 at a Soldier Appreciation Day event at Spates Community Club on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.
“I am proud we were able to contribute time and effort for such a good cause,” said Sgt. David Horswell. “As a parent, it is hard to think about children all over this country that go to school and go to sleep hungry.” Soldiers assigned to the 529th Regimental Support Company [RSC], 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), traveled around the National Capital Region Aug. 29, collecting food in support of the Feds Feed Families food drive. The annual food drive gathers non-perishable food and supplies throughout the summer months from different government agencies and delivers it to families in need across America. Since 2009, this food drive has raised more than 15.5 million pounds of food, and with the help from a few Soldiers, they hope to add to that number. 529th RSC motor transport operators, Horswell, Sgt. Jared Lynch, Pfc. Glen Cosey, Pvt. Jermaine Simms, Pvt. Tyler Conners and Pvt. Tyshawn Williams volunteered to help with the food drive. The six Soldiers split into three teams of two. Each team drove a large truck to various government buildings and collected food to transport to the National Capital Area Food Bank. Conners said he kept the purpose of the food drive at the forefront of his mind to
keep him focused throughout the day. “It was a long day, but as we traveled around the city, I thought about the families that were going to truly benefit from this food,” said Conners. “I know how great of an impact an operation like this can have on a community.
Horswell. The Soldiers loaded pallet after pallet, stopping only at the mission’s end. Altogether, they delivered more than 7,300 pounds of donated nonperishable food and supplies. Every two pounds of food will feed a family of four for an entire day.
Lives are changed. People realize that we really care about their well-being.” Conners believes that donating to those less fortunate is an obligation to everyone and not just a select few. “Everyone can give something,” said Conners. “You can give food, money or just some time.” Horswell agreed with Conners and said that giving doesn’t always have to be a lot nor does it have to be material. “The choice is yours on how you can serve others, and that is the beauty of it,” said
“We just wanted to take the food immediately to the food bank so it could be given to the families,” said Horswell. “We would thank the agencies for their hard work, and then we roll to the next location. We were working hard to get the job done right.” Horswell added how rewarding the experience was for him and the Soldiers on his team. “We all knew this was a big deal, and I hope that other Soldiers will see this as an opportunity to give back,” said Horswell. “It wasn’t an easy job, but it was worth it in the end.”
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Friday, September 6, 2013
Commentary: 2013 NFL preview By Cory Hancock JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public Affairs
Football is back. Players hit the gridiron this weekend in pursuit of the Vince Lombardi trophy. The beginning of a new season brings eternal hope to all fans, as this might be their year at glory. I am an avid football fan, former punter and current arm-chair quarterback. Here are my top teams for this season: I think the Baltimore Ravens will win the AFC North and have a great chance to return to the Super Bowl. The Ravens are the defending Super Bowl champions. The defense is undergoing a massive culture change and overhaul. In my opinion, Elvis Dumervil and Michael Huff are improvements over the departed Paul Kruger (Cleveland Browns) and the penalty prone Bernard Pollard (Tennessee Titans). Lardarius Webb is coming back from an ACL injury and is healthy, He is, in my opinion, a huge upgrade over the departed Cary Williams (Philadelphia Eagles). The season ending injury to Dennis Pitta hurts the Ravens offensively. Pitta, a tight end, appeared primed to become quarterback Joe Flacco’s go-to guy this season. The offense is still lacking depth at wide receiver; Torrey Smith will be Flacco’s number one guy. Marlon Brown, an undrafted free agent from Georgia, is a player to watch. He had a great preseason and could emerge as a weapon this season. Overall, the Ravens are a complete team and will be a force come January. No other team in the AFC North has drastically improved either. I think the Houston Texans
Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh (left) autographs a team lithograph for Air Force Capt. Andrew Hott following the NFL franchise’s military appreciation day held in Baltimore Aug. 11.
will make some noise this season. The Texans have been a team on the rise the past couple of seasons, and this year they are primed to break out. Arian Foster is as good as any running back in the league. Andre Johnson is an elite wide receiver. Quarterback Matt Schaub will not set the world on fire in terms of stats, but he is a solid and consistent player. Defensive end J.J. Watt is one of the best defensive players in football. Houston is balanced on both sides of the ball. Andrew Luck and his Indianapolis Colts could cause Texan fans to say, “Houston, we have a problem.” The NFC South will be a fight between two teams, the Atlanta Falcons and the Carolina Panthers. For Atlanta, Steven Jackson is an upgrade at running back. In terms of elite NFL running backs, he’s old at 30, but he is still productive and will help the Falcons offense. Quarterback Matt Ryan, nicknamed “Matty Ice” by Atlanta fans for his cool demeanor on the field, is the key player for Atlanta. The Carolina Panthers pose a huge threat especially if Cam Netwon can continue his performance from last year. The Denver Broncos are
DPW, from page 4
that comes with the territory. It’s a very reactionary environment and we try to react accordthe team to be weary of in the ingly when the calls come in.” AFC West. Any team with Faldowski said each installation has its own Peyton Manning is a threat. unique history and set of issues. The addition of Wes Welker “All bases are old. At Fort Carson, we operated adds another dynamic playinitially out of a World War II temporary facilmaker for Peyton to play with. ity. All bases have wear and tear; things aren’t Offensively everything runs perfect,” she said. “Fort Carson had a different through Manning. Defensively historical impact … more cultural resources. the Broncos are solid. Star line- We had fossils, we had Indian grounds, we had backer Von Miller is suspended hitching posts, we had original homesteads. The for the first six games of the facilities here [at JBM-HH] are much older, but season, which leaves a huge we had similar concerns there [in Colorado].” hole in the defense. Faldowski’s primary work rule is “honesty is The Washington Redskins the best policy.” hopes for this season depend “I look at it this way: I’m paying myself,” she upon the right knee of quarsaid. “If I’m not honest at the end of the day, the terback Robert Griffin III. This only person who is losing money is me as a taxweek Griffin was named the payer.” ‘Skins opening day starter, Faldowski lives in Alexandria with her Air nearly seven months after Force husband, a civil engineer stationed at the tearing the ACL in his right Pentagon, and Astro and Cosmo, two German knee. The recovery for Griffin is shorthaired pointers. “We spend most of our time remarkable. Griffin is a special catering to their lifestyle,” she said. player; he brings a unique “Right now we’re renovating another house,” dynamic to the Washington she added. “This is our second one as a married offense. Normally teams pin couple, so we spend a lot of time on that. Right their hopes on a quarterback’s now about half the house is [demolished]. It’s an arm but in the Redskins case, it interesting living environment.” is all on the right knee of RG3. In her spare time she said she enjoys the outQuarterback Kirk Cousins is a doors and photography. key player especially if Griffin “I do wildlife and landscape photography,” gets injured again. He proved she said. “That’s probably my biggest hobby. We himself capable last year, in went up to Glacier [National Park] last year and limited action. The defense I photographed 24 bears [including] two grizwas pretty good last year and zlies.” should be stronger this year with the return of linebacker Brian Orakpo. The `Skins added some good talent in this year’s Fort Myer Fitness Center is hosting a weight draft, especially, safety Bacarri loss contest. Rambo. I mean, his name is Sept. 9-10: Initial Weigh-In Rambo, enough said. I think Sept. 30-Oct. 1: Weigh-In #1 Leonard Hankerson will step up Oct. 28-29: Weigh-In #2 this year and be a big-time proNov. 25-26: Weigh-Out ducer for Washington. Joining a program, setting reasonable goals Be sure to check out my midand staying focused are the keys to shedding season report to find out how extra pounds. my top teams are doing. Call the Myer Fitness Center at 703-696(Editor’s note: Cory Hancock 7867 or email for is a CP22 Army Public Affairs program details. Start now and you’ll look and Intern assigned to the Joint feel better sooner. Force Headquarters–National Winners are determined by percentage of Capital Region/U.S. Army total weight loss. Military District of Washington.)
“Back to the Grind”
Friday, September 6, 2013
News Notes News Notes, from page 5 up to join the AOWCGWA and the many activities, luncheons and events the club holds. We will be honoring our World War II brides. The event cost is $20, which includes a hot and cold buffet. Reservations must be received no later than Sept. 10. For more information, call 910-364-5319. TOG blood drive The Old Guard blood drive will take place Sept. 23 at the fitness center on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH from noon- 4 p.m. MDW company commander/first sergeant course The USA MDW company commander/first sergeant course is conducted to introduce new and prospective company leaders to the potential challenges of command, avenues and resources available to assist them, and overall concerns within the National Capital Region. MDW regulation requires all JFHQ-NCR/MDW company
commanders and first sergeants to attend the training. Course dates are Oct. 15-18 in Lincoln Hall, National Defense University, Fort McNair. Individuals interested in participating in this training should contact their unit S-3 or installation DPTMS. For more information, call Michael Egly at 202-685-2910 or email michael.c.egly. or call David Stone at 202-685-1923 or email Anger management Anger management (introductory level presentation for adults) will take place Sept. 25 from 9-11 a.m. in the ACS classroom in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Participants can learn about the basic principles of emotions management, specific information about the impact of unmanaged anger and receive resources on how to recognize and manage the anger triggers in their own lives. Registration is
required by calling 703-696-3512 or via email to EFMP care reimbursement program workshop A workshop on the Exceptional Family Member Program respite care reimbursement program use and the changes that will be effective this October will be held Sept. 26 from noon-1 Bldg. 12’s classroom. This brief outlines the background, use, requirements, level of need, and changes to the respite care policy. The course is available via WebEx by request, as well as face-to-face at Henderson Hall. To attend the workshop, register by Sept. 25 by calling 703614-7204. Please send your news notes to the Pentagram at
Friday, September 6, 2013
Gobblers abound at Quantico as hunting season nears Mike DiCicco Quantico Sentry Staff Writer
With hunting season around the corner, Quantico’s favorite game bird is in nearly unprecedented abundance aboard the base. “This fall, the opportunities for turkey hunting should be better than average,” said Tim Stamps, head of the base Natural Resources Section. For more than 40 years, base naturalists have kept track of the turkey hens and poults — as the young are called — that they encounter in the course of their routine summer activities, Stamps said. This summer, he said, workers recorded 88 hens with 657 poults, for a ratio of about seven and a half poults for every hen, “which is very good. Anything above five poults per hen is considered very good.” The raw poult count is also the highest ever on record for the base, with the next highest being in 1996, when 575 were spotted. Stamps emphasized that the count is not scientifically controlled, but he said it is nonetheless a good indicator of population numbers. Turkeys grow rapidly, and the young that hatched in late spring will be about adult size by the time hunting season starts in early October. Numbers appear to be up among older birds on the base as well. In the spring, volunteers carry out a “gobbler count,” traveling specified routes and attempting to elicit responses from nearby turkeys, most often by imitating a barred owl call. John Rohm, head of the base Fish, Wildlife and Agronomy Program, said 130 gobbles were recorded in the spring, the highest number on record. “So there are two good signs that there are more birds out there,” Rohm said. However, he said limits on bird takes will not be altered, with hunters allowed to take no more than two turkeys in the fall and no more than two in the spring, with an overall limit of three gobblers. Stamps said a couple of factors likely played into the high poult population. Very young turkeys are susceptible to disease, so every year, the weather in late May and early spring, around the time of the hatch, has a major impact on the number of young who survive,
A turkey wanders on a wildlife management area operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah district.
he said. “During the hatch, if there’s cold, wet, nasty weather, a lot of the poults will die.” This year, another factor came into play, as the region was overrun by the thronging, 17-year cicadas of Brood II, providing a surplus of protein for the young birds and their potential predators. “There was this tremendous resource in late May to early June,” Stamps said. The same cannot be said for the coming fall and winter, when a failed acorn crop will likely drive turkeys out of the deep forest, making them easier to hunt, he said. “We believe, in those conditions, the turkeys will spend more time foraging in open fields than back in the woods.” Archery season for turkeys, as well as deer, black bear and bobcat, begins Oct. 5, and the Game Check Station opened Sept. 3 for hunter orientation classes and the sale of base hunting licenses. The orientation is required for anyone who hasn’t hunted aboard the base before and will be available from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and from 8 a.m. to
1 p.m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Base licenses will be available for sale for $20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily, except Sundays, when the Game Check Station will be closed, and there will be no hunting. A trip license, valid for three consecutive hunting days, costs $5. Hunters are also required to carry a state hunting license, a state archery hunting license and big game tags, all of which can be obtained from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. A youth deer hunting day will precede the regular hunting season on Sept. 28, allowing children 15 and younger to hunt with firearms or archery equipment under adult supervision. A youth turkey hunting day is scheduled for Oct. 19. Firearms season for turkey hunting starts Oct. 26 and runs intermittently until Jan. 25, and the deer firearms hunting season runs from Nov. 16 through Jan. 4. While the first deer archery season is basewide and allows the taking of either sex, most of the firearms season is buck-only, and a later deer archery season runs from Jan. 8 to 25, only on the mainside of base, and only allows the taking of antlerless deer. To hunt on mainside, archers need to pass an archery orientation and qualification, which is offered at 2 p.m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at the Game Check Station. Beginning Oct. 5, the station will move its opening time up from 8 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. Throughout hunting season, the station is open until 90 minutes after sunset. All hunters must check in and out of the station each time they enter the base to hunt, as different areas are open or closed each day, depending on the live-fire training schedule. A base bulletin with all the details of the hunting season will soon be available at the Game Check Station and on the base website, although Stamps said he’s not sure when it will be signed. Meanwhile, hunters can call the Game Check Station for details. For those who want to warm up their hunting skills or are simply annoyed by the other abundant bird on the base — the Canada geese — their season is already open and runs through Sept. 25. Daily bag limit: 10.
Doggie Dip The Doggie Dip will take place Saturday, Sept. 7 from 10 a.m.–12 p.m. at the Fort Myer Officers Club pool. For more information call 703-9391045. Rules for the event: Owners, not FMWR staff, are responsible for the safety and behavior of their dogs. Dogs must display current rabies I.D. tag on collar. Owners must clean up after their dog. Aggressive dogs will not be tolerated. Owners will be required to sign a waiver upon entering the pool area with their pet.
Military-Friendly Career Fair September 13 * 9 am - 12:30 pm The Waterford, Springfield VA JOB FAIR
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