Special run
Purple ribbon
Torch heads to McNair
Domestic violence prevention
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Published for Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
Vol. 60, no. 38 October 4, 2013
Obama lauds DoD workforce, encourages resolution
By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr. American Forces Press Service
Staff Sgt. Jennifer Johnson works at her desk on the Fort Lesley J. McNair portion of Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall Oct. 2. Some civilian workers are furloughed due to the federal government shutdown.
Furloughs force many to sidelines By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer
For the second time in three months, a large group of federal government employees have been confronted with a work stoppage. As of 12:01 a.m. Oct. 1, the lack of a congressional appropriation or continuing resolution has resulted in a government shutdown. Less than 12 hours following the official start of the closures which shuttered commissaries, national parks and museums, Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall employees were required to be on base to learn of their status, and many began the process of closing
down work spaces and setting out-ofoffice replies on email and phone systems. At nine o’clock Tuesday, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Commander Col. Fern O. Sumpter addressed a mostlycivilian crowd at the Fort Myer Fitness Center. The commander explained what civilian employees could expect during the first morning of the shutdown. “The bottom line is the furlough is happening,” said Sumpter. “As of about noon today, everyone who is being furloughed should have their furlough letters issued by their supervisors. “I completely sympathize with everysee FURLOUGHS, page 6
President Barack Obama thanked the Defense Department workforce Oct. 1 in a video message and expressed his disappointment in Congress’ failure to approve a budget, resulting in a government shutdown. “As president, and as your commander-in-chief, I’ve worked to make sure you have the strategy, the resources and the support you need to complete the missions our nation asks of you,” he said. “And every time you’ve met your responsibilities and performed with extraordinary professionalism, skill and courage,” Obama said. Unfortunately, the president said, Congress has not fulfilled its responsibility and failed to pass a budget. “As a result, much of our government must now shut down until Congress funds it again,” Obama said. Obama noted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other commanders would provide more information on how the shutdown will affect DoD civilians and their families. “Today, I want to speak directly to you about how what happens next,” he said. “Those of you in uniform will remain in your normal duty status. The threats to our national security have not changed, and we need you to be ready for any contingency.” “Ongoing military operations, like our efforts in Afghanistan, will continue,” Obama said. “If you’re serving in harm’s way, we’re going to make sure you have what you need to succeed in your missions.” The president said Congress has passed, and he has signed into law, legislation ensuring those personnel receive their paychecks on time. “We’ll continue to work to address any impact this shut down has on you and your families,” Obama said. “To all our DoD civilians, I know the days ahead could mean more uncertainty, including furloughs,” he said. “And I know this comes on top of the see OBAMA, page 7
Rader Clinic pushes safe conditioning, recovery with Soldiers, Marines By Rhonda Apple Pentagram Staff Writer
Soldiers referred for physical therapy on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall are treated by the physical therapy team at Andrew Rader U.S. Army Health Clinic. Marines at Henderson Hall are also eligible for treatment at the clinic’s physical therapy department. Maj. Matthew Scherer, physical therapist and head of the department, works with physical therapist Capt. Vanessa Bonner, along with
Community Spotlight p.2 Commentary p.3 Community p.4 News Notes p.4 Classifieds p.10
Mark Zaragoza, a government civilian technician and Sgt. Marie Bunch, technician and noncommissioned officer in charge. Another government civilian, Linda Donaldson, is the department’s front-desk clerk. All patients referred to Rader’s physical therapy department for treatment are active-duty servicemembers. With a combined 33 years in the Army, Scherer and Bonner bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to Rader’s physical therapy PHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE department. Andrew Rader U.S. Army Health Clinic Chief of Physical Therapy Maj. Matthew Scherer, left, see THERA PY, page 7
and Physical Therapist Capt. Vanessa Bonner, right, pose for a photograph Oct. 1.
Then and Now
Vintage and present day looks of D.C.
Pg. 2
Holiday planning
Exchange offers layaway deal
Pg. 4
Friday, October 4, 2013
A sign on the National Mall explains the area is closed, along with all other national parks, due to the federal government shutdown Oct. 2. The government shutdown started Oct. 1 after a budget was not passed before the end of the fiscal year.
Community Spotlight • • •
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Name and age? Jayda Fleming, 4. Where do you go to school? Cody Child Development Center. What does your mom and dad do at work? My mom works in the baby room [at the CDC]. Dad works at the desk and calls on the desk phone. Favorite sport? Cheerleading. Favorite book? “The Wizard of Oz.” Favorite food? Broccoli. Favorite song to sing? “The Wizard of Oz” song. Favorite movie? “Hansel and Gretel.” Favorite place you’ve ever been? New York City. I like the statues. What do you like most about coming to school on JBM-HH? To learn. Is there something you want to be able to do by the end of the year? Kindergarten things. What do you like most about living in this area? Watch television and go out to the cookouts. What is your favorite thing to do in Washington, D.C.? Go inside. What advice would you give a friend? Just try!
Commander, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Col. Fern O. Sumpter’s vision and philosophy: With a team of resource management savvy and technically competent DoD professionals, establish JBM–HH as DoD’s premier provider of consistent, quality services that enhance readiness and the overall well-being of our customers. We must be ... - Experts at what we do … constantly improving our skills and knowledge. - Focused … set priorities and complete the mission. - Committed … to the mission and each other, fostering a community of excellence. - Professional/respectful … remain calm, even when others are not… count on each other at all times, treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Pentagram Printed on recycled paper
Then and Now
The photo illustration seen above is a combination of two photographs. The black and white images was taken March 4, 1861, during president Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration at the U.S. Capitol and is currently part of the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division in Washington, D.C. The color photograph was taken in a similar location during the early morning of Jan. 11, 2013.
(Editors Note: Due to the federal government shutdown, we have temporarily discontinued “Caption This.” Please check the JBM-HH Facebook page, www. facebook.com/jbmhh, for the latest government shutdown and base updates.)
The Pentagram is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pentagram are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, or Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Public Affairs Office. Pictures not otherwise credited are U.S. Army photographs. News items should be submitted to the Pentagram, 204 Lee Ave., Bldg. 59, Fort Myer, VA 22211-1199. They may also be faxed to (703) 696-0055 or e-mailed to courtney.a.dock-abuhl.civ@mail.mil. Circulation of 24,000 is printed by offset every Friday as a civilian enterprise newspaper by Comprint Military Publications. Comprint Military Publications is located at 9030 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Telephone (301) 921-2800. Commercial advertising should be placed with the printer. Comprint Military Publications is a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include all inserts and supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army or Department of the Navy of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser shall result in the refusal to print advertising from that source.
Editorial staff Commander Command Sergeant Major Director of Public Affairs Command Information Officer
Col. Fern O. Sumpter Earlene Y. Lavender Mary Ann Hodges Sharon Walker
Pentagram staff Editor Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Photographer
Courtney Dock Rhonda Apple Julia LeDoux Jim Dresbach Rachel Larue
(703) 696-5401 (703) 696-1363 (703) 696-7605 (703) 696-5488 (703) 696-7606
Safety tip A new perspective By Richard Cruikshank U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Seoul, South Korea
Just about everybody has seen accident videos that warn, “It could happen to you.” Fortunately, most folks haven’t experienced the loss of a friend or loved one to an automobile accident. I wish I were one of them. A single event shaped my habits for the rest of my life and gave me a perspective and appreciation I didn’t have prior. At the time, it seemed insignificant. The next day, however, after I heard all the details and had time to reflect, it had a huge impact on me. As I rushed into the emergency room with my pregnant wife, who was having some serious contractions, I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in about four months. He was sitting in a wheelchair. I quickly asked if he was OK as we hurried by. He told me he’d been in a car accident, but didn’t elaborate. Rather, he just gave a small smile and congratulated me on the upcoming birth of my child. I was totally consumed with the events surrounding me, and shortly thereafter, was once again the father of a little girl. At that point, I didn’t realize that as I celebrated this new addition to our brood, my friend’s family had just been taken away. His name is Adai (pronounced ah-day), and he was from Haiti. We’d been friends for more than a year. He was working hard to become a U.S. citizen, and joining the Navy was his path to citizenship. He was a proud father and husband. When I met him, Adai’s family was still living in Haiti, but every dollar he earned went to them or to savings to help get them to America. He’d started as a deckhand, but what he really wanted to be was a Navy corpsman (medic). He befriended the ship’s corpsman and would volunteer to help him in his spare time. Months later, after hundreds of hours volunteering, Adai put in paperwork, with a recommendation from the ship’s corpsman, to change his job classification. Two or three months later, he was approved to attend school to become a corpsman. Everything for this hardworking man in his mid-20s was finally lining up. While in school, he received permission for his family to move to the U.S. He also took his citizenship test and became a citizen. He was fulfilling his dream and it seemed as if nothing could stop him. Immediately after graduating from corpsman school, Adai, his seven-monthspregnant wife and 7-year-old daughter got into their vehicle for the 14-hour drive home. Adai preferred to drive after dark when there was less traffic on the road, and they traveled eight hours through the night before checking in at a hotel. The next night, they resumed their trip. Unfortunately, about an hour away from their destination, a car crossed the median and struck them head on. In an instant, a drunk driver took the lives of Adai’s daughter, his wife of almost nine years and their unborn child. To this day, I think about that moment I saw Adai in the hospital. I, consumed with happiness over the impending birth of my daughter, never considered what was going on in the lives of the people around me. Then there was Adai, who was struggling with the loss of his family. He had to have been full of questions. “Why did this happen to me? What will I do?” Still, through all of that, he forced a smile and congratulated me on my moment of happiness. Adai deserved so much more, but a bad decision by a man on his way home from a bar changed everything. This accident was completely preventable. That driver should never have been on the road. More than 15 years later, I find myself still asking questions. I, too, wonder why this happened to Adai. I also wondered why the drunk driver lived but my friend’s family died. Sadly, I know Adai will never get the answers to those questions. That day in the emergency room changed my life. I soon began training on the hazards of drinking and driving. I stopped being an enabler and started offering to be a designated driver. No one should have to lose a friend or loved one to a preventable accident. Take care of them and help them take care of others. (From Knowledge, the official safety magazine of the U.S. Army.)
Friday, October 4, 2013
Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month End domestic violence: To remain silent is to participate. When we prevent domestic violence, we promote safety within our Families and show respect for the dignity of all our Soldiers, DA Civilians, and Family members. It is imperative that Army leaders and community members remain focused on the urgency of this issue. When an incident of domestic violence occurs, it cannot be kept a private matter. Violence and abuse in Family relationships have negative effects that go far beyond the couple involved. It puts stress on their children, their extended Family, their friends and their neighbors. Not only does domestic violence undermine the ability of Families to be resilient, it also undermines “readiness.” The message to everyone in the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall community is: End domestic violence – To remain silent is to participate. If you are involved in domestic violence, get help. If you know of domestic violence happening around you, show your commitment to prevention. Take action. You can learn to recognize it. Recognize signs of distress as soon as they become apparent. Recognize the challenges that intimate relationships bring. Learn new skills in communication and negotiation. The Family Advocacy
Program (FAP) and other Army Family programs are readily available to help – relationship workshops, anger management classes, support groups, and counseling. You can report it. Report both perpetrators and victims of abuse. Report abuse to FAP when you learn of it. You can Prevent it. Prevent domestic violence before it starts. Prevent at risk situations by knowing that safe relationships are based on trust and mutual respect. Let people know domestic violence – whether physical, verbal, or emotional – has no place in our community. Where violence occurs, trust and respect are missing or broken. Make a firm decision to find healthy solutions. Don’t go it alone. Enlist the help of others. Let FAP be your partner in prevention. Join me to make this October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month the beginning of a year-round campaign to end domestic violence. Promote the trust and respect that make all relationships strong. Contact Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall FAP at 703-696-1200. Army Strong! Col. Fern O. Sumpter Commander Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
Message from Secretary of the Army To the men and women of the United States Army: It is with deep sadness that I write you regarding the government-wide shutdown, and the actions the Department of the Army must now take to come into compliance. This great disruption of our operations was made necessary after Congress failed to enact either a FY2014 budget or a temporary funding measure that would have allowed normal operations to continue after the 2013 fiscal year ended Sept. 30. While Congress and the
President have taken prudent steps to protect military pay for our men and women in harm’s way, our civilian workforce will likely be deeply and personally impacted. A large number of civilian workforce will be temporarily furloughed beginning Oct. 1. As Secretary of Defense Hagel noted recently, decisions about who will be furloughed are dictated solely by law. Please know that if you are furloughed, it in no way diminishes the importance of your work to the Army or our mission.
Coming so soon after a six-day furlough required by budget sequestration, this furlough will create a tremendous hardship on both our workforce and their families. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and that we hope for a speedy resolution to this impasse. Thank you for all you have done, and will continue to do, for the United States Army. Sincerely, John M. McHugh Secretary of the Army
Helpful tips for civilians facing furloughs • • • • • • • •
Think about what is essential to your family’s well being. Look at expenses that can be reduced. Some areas could include clothing, entertainment, food and gifts. For now, hold off on large purchases. If you’ve been able to free up some money in planning for furloughs, hold on to this as an emergency fund. If you have to, stop or reduce voluntary deductions like retirement savings plan contributions until the furlough ends. Be aware of any fees if you have to borrow money; shop around for the lowest interest rate. Check with your financial institution to see what information they have. Ask if and how your financial institution will be able to help. If you are a retired veteran, Army Emergency Relief may be able to help you. For more information call Trina Reliford at 703-696-3510.
For additional resources or more information, give Carol Frazelle, Employee Assistance Program coordinator a call at 703-696-3787 or send an email to carol.e.frazelle.civ@mail.mil.
We’re hiring and we want you! Below is a job available on the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The official job posting can be found online at the links listed. Administrative Assistant (JBM-HH, Fort Myer) full-time, permanent position includes NAF benefits. This position serves as the central point of contact for the Child, Youth and School services administration and is responsible for responding to a wide variety of customer needs. See full description and how to apply here: www.usajobs.gov/ GetJob/ViewDetails/ 352736400. This position closes Oct. 7. 01040791B
Friday, October 4, 2013
Army congressional fellows visit McNair By Staff Sgt. Jennifer Johnson JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public Affairs
Twenty-four Army Congressional Fellows received a Joint Force HeadquartersNational Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington mission and capabilities briefing about the command’s vast roles within
static display and the JFHQNCR/MDW Mobile Command Unit. The 43-month program includes pursuit of a master’s degree in Legislative Affairs at George Washington University, service on the staff of a member of Congress, and utilization on the Army or Joint Staff in a congressional-related duty position. “This command wears a lot
The 43-month program includes pursuit of a master’s degree in legislative affairs at George Washington University, service on the staff of a member of Congress and utilization on the Army or Joint Staff in a congressional related duty position.
the NCR on the Fort Lesley J. McNair portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The Fellows spent a portion of their day in an open forum with Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, JFHQ-NCR/MDW commanding general, an opportunity to see a 911th Engineer Company
of hats,” said Sgt. Maj. Sarita Dyer, Army Congressional fellow. “I really enjoyed hearing about the 911th Engineer Company’s unique, yet important mission.” “The 911th Engineer Company is the only activeduty technical rescue company
in the U.S. Army,” said Capt. Michael Riccitello III, 911th Engineer Company commander. “Our company conducts a lot of mine training. As you can see, there are a lot of underground tunnels and the metro system in the National Capital Region. We need to know how to get in there and get people out immediately during a manmade or a natural disaster.” The 911th Engineer Company trains for and conducts confined space and structural collapse rescue operations in support of military and federal contingencies within the National Capital Region. The unit also provides general engineering support to Fort Belvoir and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington. The 911th Technical Rescue Engineer Company is assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion, Army Air Operations Group, U.S. Army Military District of Washington and was originally called the Military District of Washington Engineer Company but was re-designated in 2006 in commemoration of the company’s rescue and recovery actions at the Pentagon after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The new company is modeled after a FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Heavy Task Force and its mission is unique among engineer units within the Army. “They have a special and important mission that can be life-saving man-made or a natural disaster,” said Sarita. “Hearing about their capabilities makes me feel a lot safer within the NCR.” “We can deploy dozers, cranes and High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) that Arlington and Fairfax County may not have,” said Riccitello. “This makes us an important asset in the NCR.”
Flu vaccine guards against additional strains TRICARE Management Activity
Each year, the flu season affects millions of people. Flu season usually begins in October, so now is a great time to protect yourself and your family by getting vaccinated. The flu shot is easy to get and inexpensive – often free – for TRICARE beneficiaries, and this year the flu vaccine offers even more protection. Until now, seasonal flu vaccines have only protected against three strains of flu – two strains of influenza A, which usually causes more cases and more severe illness, and one of influenza B, which is less common but also circulates in multiple forms. The new vaccines include protection against a second strain of influenza B, which experts expect will prevent the vast majority of type B infections. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and lungs. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, headaches and fatigue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, the flu virus can be more serious for young children, older adults, pregnant women and people with medical conditions. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. TRICARE covers both the flu shot and flu mist. Beneficiaries may be able get their flu vaccine, at no cost, from a military treatment facility, hospital or from a pharmacist at one of the 45,000 network pharmacies that administer vaccines to TRICARE beneficiaries. CDC officials also recommend steps to prevent the spread of germs, which can lead to the flu: • Avoid close contact with people who are sick; • Stay at home when sick; • Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; • Wash hands often with soap and water; and • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth. CDC officials also recommend getting plenty of sleep, being physically active, managing stress, drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious food.
Fee-free Exchange layaway now available Holiday shoppers can keep their loved ones’ gifts out of sight and under wraps until the time is right thanks to the return of the Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s feefree layaway plan. Through Dec. 24, the JBMHH Exchange will waive the $3 processing fee for all layaway purchases. Improving on the Exchange’s year-round layaway program, from Nov. 1 through Dec. 16, shoppers can put computers, laptops, notebooks and tablets on layaway (Nov. 29-30 excluded).
“With the Exchange’s holiday layaway plan, shoppers can ensure the most popular gifts are ready and
waiting when it’s time to take them home,” said JBM-HH Exchange General Manager Nildy Eiley. “Nothing says ‘happy holidays’ like no fees and a customized payment plan, thus allowing shoppers to better manage their budgets.” A deposit of only 15 percent is required when starting the layaway process. Shoppers can visit customer service for complete program details and eligibility information. (Army and Air Force Exchange Service press release)
News Notes Death notice Anyone with debts owed to or by the estate of Sgt. Richard J. Kutch, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, must contact Maj. Jeff Hillis, the summary court officer for the Soldier. Kutch passed away Sept. 6. Call Hillis at 240-2712302. Guidance on government shutdown The Office of Personnel Management has issued guidance on the government shutdown. For your convenience, a joint base resources guide is available at http://www.slideshare.net/JBMHH/potential-government-shutdown-dsd-memo-9-262013. The Department of Defense also has a comprehensive website with up-to-date information about the shutdown and its effects within the DoD. For more information, log onto http://www.defense. gov/home/features/2013/0913_govshutdown. As more information becomes available, log onto www.facebook.com/jbmhh. Oktoberfest The Marine Club will be hosting an Oktoberfest lunch and social hour Oct. 4. The lunch special is from 11 a.m.- 2p.m. and the social hour runs from 4-6:30 p.m. After the Oktoberfest event concludes, the Marine Club will be open for this month’s First Friday from 6:30-10:30 p.m. Demon Dash registration open The 2013 Demon Dash 2-Miler scheduled for Oct. 31 is open for registration by logging onto www.jbmhhmwr.com. The race begins at 6:35 a.m. in front of the Fort Myer Fitness Center. Registration is free and awards will be presented to the largest military unit, best costume, scariest costume, and best group costume. For more information, call 703-696-7867. Call a chaplain 24/7 Effective immediately, JBM-HH has instituted the on-call duty chaplain telephone number for individuals to call and talk with a chaplain, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week at 202-236-4901. Suicide is preventable The veterans crisis line connects veterans and their loved ones in crisis with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, 365 days a year. For free, confidential support call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. You can chat online at www.veteranscrisisline.net/ChatTermsofService.aspx or send a text message to 838255. Behavioral health weekly meetings The Marine Corps Community Services behavioral health branch offers weekly meetings throughout the month. A men’s domestic violence intervention group (STOP) meets Tuesdays from 9-11 a.m. for 26 weeks in Bldg. 12’s conference room. A women’s support and empowerment group also meets; call for details on this group. For more information on the groups and other services provided to active duty personnel and their families, call 703-614-7204. Veterinary Treatment Facility changes The Veterinary Treatment Facility will no longer be accepting walk-in vaccine patients. All visits must schedule an appointment through the clinic. The clinic is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. For more information, call 703-696-3604. Financial management assistance Marine Corps Community Services personal financial management program assists with everything from budgeting to investing. Classes are held throughout the month on a variety of topics, including planning for retirement. For a list of upcoming topics, call 703-614-6950. Sunday brunch Spates Community Club offers brunch every Sunday from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. You’re invited to bring your friends and family. Spates Community Club is located on the Fort Myer portion of the joint base at 214 McNair Rd., Bldg. 407. For more information, call 703-527-1300. RCIA at Memorial Chapel The JBM-HH Catholic parish is offering classes on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults at Memorial Chapel each Sunday after the 9 a.m. Mass. If you or a loved one would like to become Catholic, be confirmed, or just want to learn more about the Catholic faith, classes started Sept. 15 and run until Easter 2014. Contact David Kenehan at 703-696-5688 or Ann Berger at 703329-0838 or via email at aberger1311@gmail.com. Any adult is welcome in this seminar. Krazy Krieger 5k challenge Start preparing now for the Krieger 5k challenge run Oct. 5 at 10 a.m. at the Fort Belvoir Oktoberfest site on Fremont Field. This is a 5k (3.1 mile) race with Oktoberfest-required challenges and obstacles worthy of warriors (krieg-
Friday, October 4, 2013
News Notes ers). The cost is $30 for registration. Participants receive a T-shirt, food ticket and beverage ticket to use at Oktoberfest. Call 703-806-5589/5368 for more information or see www.belvoirmwr.com/ Facilities/SportsFitness/#5k. Jewelry and watch repair open select Sundays The jewelry and watch kiosk in the Marine Corps Exchange is open select Sundays. Upcoming opening dates are Oct. 6 and 20. A Department of Defense identification card is not needed to patronize this concessionaire. For more information, call 703-732-5374 for opening times. Recital to help dedicate new organ Mark your calendars for the inaugural recital of the new Rodgers 484 organ in Memorial Chapel on the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. The program will take place Oct. 6 at 5 p.m. The concert will feature new organists, a brass quintet and timpani, cello and harp. A wide variety of musical styles and composers will be presented, with a reception following in the Fellowship Hall, this event is not to be missed. For more information, call 703696-6635. DMV coming to JBM-HH The JBM-HH Army Career and Alumni Program is sponsoring a day with the Department of Motor Vehicle’s mobile unit on location Oct. 8 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The mobile unit will be located in the parking lot across from the bowling center on the Fort Myer portion of the joint base. All DMV services, including applying for and renewing your driver’s license, obtaining vehicle titles, license plates and decals, are available. The service is available exclusively for DoD ID/CAC holders, veterans with a DD214, DoD civilians and contractors on location. Appointments are not necessary. Army Family Action Plan The Army Family Action Plan is the Army’s grassroots process to identify and elevate the most significant quality of life issues impacting Solders (all components), retirees, Department of the Army civilians and families to senior leaders for action. Want to learn more about AFAP? Attend a session Oct. 9 from 11:30-1 p.m. in Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer side of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. For more information and to register, contact Robin Cordovez at 703-6961229. Prostate cancer support groups meet The prostate cancer support group meets at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital the second Tuesday of every month. The next meetings are Oct. 10 from 1-2 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the urology clinic, Sunrise Pavilion, 2nd floor. Spouses/partners are invited. The support group also meets at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the third Thursday of every month. The next meetings are Oct. 17 from 1-2 p.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the America Building, River Conference Room (next to the prostate center), 3rd floor. Spouses/partners are invited. Military ID is required for base access. For those without a military ID, call the prostate center at 301-319-2900 48 hours prior to the event for base access. For more information on both meetings, contact retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or via email at jane.l.hudak,ctr@health.mil. VA claims assistance If you are thinking about filing a claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs, the national service officer from American Veterans can assist you. The representative will be in Bldg.
29’s career resource management center on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Upcoming dates are Oct. 10 and 24. For assistance, please bring your service medical records, private physician’s records, DD-214, marriage certificate, children’s birth certificates and copies of your dependents’ social security cards. The national service officer will consult with you about the condition for which you are considering filing a claim. For service hours and more information, call 703-614-6828. Teen dating violence awareness Parents, discover techniques to begin having discussions with teens about healthy relationships and learn how to recognize the signs of unhealthy relationships Oct. 10 from 11 a.m.noon in the Army Community Service classroom, Bldg. 201 on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH. Parents will receive resources to continue the discussion at home with their teens. To register or get more information, call 703-696-3512 or email karen.a.stpierre.ctr.@mail.mil. Fall fiesta at the farm Join the New Parent Support Program for a morning of fun at Frying Pan Park-Kidwell Farm Oct. 11 from 9:30 a.m.-noon. Families will be able to enjoy a free wagon ride and explore the cute animals on the farm. Parents and children up to age 5 are welcome. Rain date is Oct. 18. To register and get more information call 703-696-3512 or email karen.a.stpierre.ctr@mail.mil. Family movie on the lawn Families are invited to join JBM-HH Cody Child Development Center for a free movie on the lawn Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. The move is “Hotel Transylvania,’ and is rated PG. Don’t forget to bring a blanket or lawn chair. In the event of severe weather, the show will be cancelled. No registration is required. For more information, call 703-696-3512 or email karen.a.stpierre.ctr@ mail.mil. MDW company commander/first sergeant course The USA MDW company commander/first sergeant course is conducted to introduce new and prospective company leaders to the potential challenges of command, avenues and resources available to assist them, and overall concerns within the National Capital Region. MDW regulation requires all JFHQ-NCR/MDW company commanders and first sergeants to attend the training. Course dates are Oct. 15-18 in Lincoln Hall, National Defense University, Fort McNair. Individuals interested in participating in this training should contact their unit S-3 or installation DPTMS. For more information, call Michael Egly at 202-685-2910 or email michael.c.egly. civ@mail.mil or call David Stone at 202-685-1923 or email david.g.stone.ctr@mail.mil. Education and career fair Prepare for your future and meet with local, national and international educators and employers looking to connect with you. The MCCS Personal and Professional Development Branch hosts its annual fall education and career fair Oct. 17 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Cpl. Terry L. Smith Gymnasium. Over 80 schools and employers are currently scheduled to attend, with representatives on hand to meet prospective students and employees. Refreshments will be served. Resume review and assistance services will be available during the fair, which is open to DoD
ID card holders and the general public (with photo ID). To prepare for the fair, the Career Resource Management Center offers a career fair strategies workshop Oct. 10 from 10-11:30 a.m. in Bldg. 29, classroom 105 on the Henderson Hall portion of the joint base. For additional information, call 703-614-6828. AOWCGWA luncheon The Army Officers Wives Club of the Greater Washington Area will hold its October luncheon Oct. 17 in the Koran Room of the JBM-HH Officers Club from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. This month’s program brings back an old favorite, the basic black dress skit. Written in the 1950s by a young lieutenant’s wife named Alice H. Rice, it is a funny yet poignant portrayal of the life of today’s military spouse. In addition to the skit, brides from the 1950s will be honored. The event cost is $20 and includes lunch. Reservations must be received no later than Oct. 8 and can be made online at www.aowcgwa.org or by mailing the reservation form, found online or from the reservation chair, and a $20 check made payable to AOWCGWA to AOWCGWA Reservations, attention Maria Work, 2647 S. Kent St., Arlington, VA 22202. For more information, call 910-364-5319. Special education 101 workshop MCCS Henderson Hall exceptional family member program presents a workshop on special education Oct. 17 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Pentagon, second floor, corridor 2, room 2C253. The workshop provides an opportunity to learn the basics of the special education process and essential tips to navigate the system for your child. Topics include components of the individualized education program, parental rights and influence, special education laws, advocacy skills and relocation with an IEP. The featured speaker is Karen Driscoll, associate director for federal government affairs and military relations for the Autism Speaks organization. Registration is open to Department of Defense identification card holders and is required by Oct. 15 by calling 703-693-5353 or emailing efmphh@usmc-mccs. org. National prescription drug take-back day set The JBM-HH Army Substance Abuse Program office will host its 7th national prescription drug take-back day Oct. 25 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the commissary on the Fort Myer side of the joint base. This is an opportunity for those who have accumulated unwanted or unused prescription drugs to safely dispose of those medications. Intravenous and injectable solutions, syringes and substances such as marijuana or methamphetamines cannot be accepted. For more information, call 703-696-3900. Get onboard with ACAP Army Career and Alumni Program has classes, seminars and workshops to suit your transition needs. Get a timeline of how you should plan to transition from military service to a civilian career. For more information, call 703-696-9603. See a schedule of upcoming classes and get the timeline at www.jbmhh.army.mil and click on Army Career and Alumni Program under hot topics, right side of the page. Please send your news notes to the Pentagram at pentagramjbmhh@yahoo.com.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Furlough, from page 1 thing you are going through, so just know when you receive your furlough letters with my signature on the bottom, that is my signature, and I have thought about each and every one of you as I signed those letters,” the colonel said. Sumpter promised the audience as soon as an appropriations bill is passed and the shutdown is concluded, all furloughed JBM-HH employees will be contacted with the order to return to work. Throughout the National Capital Region and the Military District of Washington, statements were issued addressing the shutdown, which gave words of encouragement to those furloughed. From the Pentagon to the White House, DoD employees were told to keep their collective heads up. “I want you to know that I will keep working to get Congress to reopen the government, restart vital services that the American people depend on and allow public servants who have been sent home to return to work,” President Barack Obama said in an open letter to government employees. “At my direction, your agencies should have reached out to you by now about what a shutdown means for you and your families.” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s memo to DoD staffers mentioned that his employees have already endured a nerve-wracking, furlough-filled summer, and he applauded them for their resiliency. “DoD personnel and families have been through a lot recently,” Hagel’s memo began. “Sequestration has meant that most of our civilian employees have already had to endure furloughs this year, causing significant stress and hardship, while service-
Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall civilian employees listen to Joint Base Commander Col. Fern O. Sumpter during a mandatory employee town hall to discuss the effects of a federal government shutdown Oct. 1 at the Fort Myer Fitness Center.
members and military families have had to deal with the needless strain of reduced readiness as well as temporary reductions in services essential to their well being.” At Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, the furloughs were not sitting well with employees. The angst of the employee anger was centered at Capitol Hill lawmakers.
“I think this is ridiculous. What is most ridiculous is – at least what I feel– is that the political battles have been fought on the backs of government employees for going on three years now, and it’s unfair,” said an employee who works at the JBM-HH educa-
Soldiers face larger workloads during shutdown By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer
The commissary on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall is closed due to the federal government shutdown Oct. 2.
tion center. “I’m hoping it will be just a few days. If it goes for two weeks, it’s going to be devastating for folks like me who rely on their paychecks. This is the wrong way to do business.” The same employee pointed out that Soldiers – even though a bill was passed to pay servicemembers late last month– will not have access to some benefits, services and resources during the shutdown. “They’re [the government is] shutting down services for Soldiers,” he said. “Soldiers will be working, but they won’t have access to the benefits that are offered through the education center. That includes tuition assistance and guidance on the utilization of their GI Bill. It’s going to be tough going.” A veteran, who now works for JBM-HH’s Department of Public Works, sounded off after the fitness center meeting about his not being able to work and the hardships he has faced this past summer. “I had to pawn my car to keep a roof over my head during the last furloughs,” he said in an exasperated tone. “Congress has put thousands of people in bad shape. This isn’t the country I grew up loving.” While JBM-HH workers displayed frustration, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey apologized to civilians who have temporarily lost their jobs and optimistically anticipated their return to their desks and work places. “For those of our civilian teammates who will be furloughed, I’m sorry,” the general posted on his Facebook page. “You are valued members of our profession, and we look forward to your return to duty. Thank you all. I’m honored to serve with you.” Nearly 800,000 federal workers have been sent home due to the shutdown. Sumpter concluded the meeting with a short question-and-answer session and provided the audience with some advice as the shutdown hits and dents home budgets.
The effect of the government shutdown is shaking many parts of the Military District of Washington. As an economic reverberation shakes cash from federal employees’ pockets, the visibility of civilian and military co-workers assembling to brainstorm and task a project has become harder to spot. Thousands of civilian workers were furloughed at the beginning of the month, so many servicemembers have been left to operate on their own or with skeleton crews. One of those is Staff Sgt. Jennifer Johnson. The second floor of Building 32 on the Fort Lesley J. McNair portion of Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall is virtually empty. Johnson, a member of the Joint Force HeadquartersNational Capital Region/Military District of Washington Public Affairs Department, has a “to do” easel board next to her desk. That list _ along with her daily and weekly assignments _ has changed and expanded drastically in the past week. “My boss, George Markfelder, who is the command information chief, he and I would work together to do our social media and websites plus our [news] stories and photos,” Johnson said while she was surrounded by empty office chairs and desks. “Now it is solely me. “It’s really quiet. I have to keep a checklist now because George and I work well together as team members, and we’ll remind each other of projects. I don’t have that luxury right now,” she continued. “I want to make sure the command runs smoothly while our civilian teammates can’t be with us.” In the basement of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall’s headquarters, Bldg. 59, the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security office coordinates upcoming events on the joint base and defines what resources are needed to successfully operate a ceremony or a special function. The office has been minimally affected by the furloughs, but Sgt. 1st Class Todd Hutchings, a DPTMS team member, remembers a time when military workstations leaned toward all-military staffs. “This is how it used to be. This is how the military used to be,” he remarked. “There were very few civilians, and all these positions were manned by military people. Up until, what was it, 2002 or 2003. It’s great civilians are working in these jobs and it frees Soldiers to be down on the line, but Soldiers then end up lacking the experience of running garrisons.”
A sign on the National Mall explains the area is closed, along with all other national parks, due to the federal government shutdown Oct. 2. The government shutdown started Oct. 1 after a budget deal could not be reached.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Obama, from page 1 furloughs that many of you already endured this summer.” Obama said DoD civilians and their families deserved “better than the dysfunction we’re seeing in Congress.” “Your talents and dedication help keep our military the best in the world,” he said. “That’s why I’ll keep working to get Congress to re-open our government and get you back to work as soon as possible.” Obama said the shutdown is occurring against the background of broader changes with the war in Iraq over and the war in Afghanistan slated to end next year. “After more than a decade of unprecedented operations, we’re moving off a war footing,” he said. “Yes, our military will be leaner, and as a nation, we face difficult budget choices going forward. “But here’s what I want you to know. I’m going to keep fighting to get rid of those across-the-board budget cuts – the sequester – which are hurting our military and our economy.” We need a responsible approach, Obama said, that deals with our fiscal challenges and keeps our military and our economy strong. “I’m going to make sure you stay the greatest military in the world – bar none,” he added. “That’s what I’m fighting for. That’s what you and your families deserve.” The president thanked the Defense Department for their commitment to protecting the nation. “On behalf of the American people, thank you for your service which keeps us free,” Obama said. “And thank you for your sacrifice which keeps our nation and our military the greatest force for freedom that the world has ever known.”
AAFES open during shutdown The Army and Air Force Exchange Service will continue operations during the U.S. government shutdown. The Exchange will be largely unaffected by the shutdown as it is a non-appropriated instrumentality. Nearly 97 percent of its funding is generated by sales and less than three percent of its budget comes from tax dollar support. “Some transactions may be delayed, such as the purchase of firearms which require background checks or other federal government actions but, for the most part, it will be business as usual at the Exchange,” said the Exchange’s Chief of Staff Col. Tom Ockenfels. “The Exchange will do everything we have to do to continue to support the Soldiers, Airmen, retirees and their families, both home and abroad,” Ockenfels said.
Therapy, from page 1 Scherer has served in clinical, leadership and research positions, including Walter Reed Medical Center, working with beneficiaries with vestibular pathology [Disorders of the body’s balance (vestibular) system], including those with blast-related traumatic brain injury, vestibular insults, complex polytrauma and limb loss. He also served there as the amputee physical therapy section chief following a deployment to Iraq in 2006. He graduated from the U.S. ArmyBaylor University graduate program in physical therapy in June, 2003. From 2007-2010, Scherer pursued scientific training in rehabilitation science with an emphasis in neuromotor control at the University of Maryland and John Hopkins University Vestibular Neurophysiology Laboratory. Scherer received his PhD in 2010. In addition to his clinical and academic credentials, Scherer is board certified as a neurologic physical therapy specialist. Scherer most recently completed a three-year postdoctoral assignment at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick,
Mass., and was assigned as the deputy director of research for rehabilitation science at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He began duties at Rader in July, 2013. Bonner received her commission from Seattle University in Washington, with dual bachelor degrees in humanities and psychology, minoring in political science. She has worked as a medical service corps officer specializing in medical logistics. Her assignments include Fort Bragg, N.C., with a deployment to Kosovo; a one-year hardship tour to the Sinai, Egypt, followed by an assignment in Heidelberg, Germany, which included a oneyear deployment to Iraq and company commander of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, Fort Meade, Md. She attended physical therapy school at Fort Sam Houston and graduated with a doctorate of physical therapy from the U.S. Army-Baylor Doctoral program Aug. 15, 2013. Bonner began work at Rader Clinic Sept. 13. Most referrals come to us from those who have primary care provid-
ers to the physical therapy service,” said Scherer. The Physical Therapy Clinic is open to any military beneficiary. He said we hope we can spread the message we are available to the Marines assigned here. At Rader, the physical therapists evaluate the patient and make a physical therapy diagnosis. “We identify their limitations, their impairments the things they’re having trouble with, then we put together a plan of care to help them rehabilitate and recover from these deficits ideally with the goal to get them functional as possible, pain-free and to return them to full duty as expediently as possible,” Scherer said. “As a clinic, we typically support approximately 450 patient encounters per month, so we stay busy here; that number will grow with Captain Bonner coming on board,” he said. “On any given duty day, Rader’s physical therapists will see from six to 10 patients and the PT technicians see double that. It makes for a busy clinic in a small space.” Additionally, the physical therapists visit The Old Guard’s regimental
aid station twice weekly. “We partner very closely with their physician’s assistants and the regimental surgeon to see patients with more acute conditions – new ankle sprain, new onset low back pain – things we can try to affect early to have better treatment outcomes,” said Scherer. Rader Clinic is Bonner’s first assignment as a physical therapist. “The difference in this clinic compared to some others [I’ve volunteered at], is that we only see active duty military,” she said. “Also, the type of injuries vary at each location, and the practice is different. There’s a very specific mission here with a lot of younger Soldiers in The Old Guard. I’m very excited to be working here.” “Having Captain Bonner here is definitely going to increase our capabilities allowing us to do more of the education mission and more of the health promotion and optimization/injury prevention mission. We now look forward to getting out to our units in The Old Guard and the Marines to promoting safe conditioning practices and to minimize unnecessary injuries,” Scherer said.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Special Olympics torch shines at McNair By Julia LeDoux Pentagram Staff Writer
The sound of a police siren and dozens of pairs of feet hitting concrete meant only one thing if you were on the Fort Lesley J. McNair portion of Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall Sept. 27. The 2013 Special Olympics torch run had arrived. For more than 27 years, law enforcement personnel have come together to support the programs and athletes of Special Olympics DC by taking part in the annual run. This year, participants stepped off from the U.S. Capitol at around 11:45 a.m., completing the 2.3 mile course to Fort McNair. “It’s a good cause,” said Metropolitan Police Department Officer Scott Brown, who carried the torch, which he called “pretty heavy” through the installation’s gates. Participants in the run came from both civilian and government law enforcement PHOTO BY RACHEL LARUE agencies throughout the National Capital Washington D.C. Police Department 5th District’s Scott Brown, right, carries the torch during the 28th Law Region. Among them was Coast Guard Enforcement Torch Run with Commander Nick Wong, Coast Guard Headquarters, near the finish line on the Fort Commander Nick Wong, Coast Guard Lesley J. McNair portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Sept. 27. Headquarters, who has been assigned to the a great event.” drive the annual fundraiser. NCR for just two months. Hocker said more than 1,400 shirts were “All the monies raised are for Special “I wanted to get involved,” he said of taking sold and approximately 800 runners took part Olympics DC,” he said. “The money stays part in the event. in the run, which was followed by a picnic President and CEO of Special Olympics DC right here for our Special Olympics sports programs, athletes and health screenings. It’s celebration. Stephen Hocker explained that T-shirt sales
Great food available at Fort McNair’s Officers Club By Cory Hancock JFHQ-NCR/MDW Public Affairs
The Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation office hosted a food tasting at the Fort Lesley J. McNair’s Officers Club, Sept. 25. “We are trying to get business back to the club,” said Christina Darensbourg, JMB-HH’s FMWR business operations and community recreation officer. “A lot of people go to outside vendors for lunch and special events; we would like them to come back to the Officers Club.” The tasting included a selection of finger foods that people can purchase for a ceremony or special
event. Meatballs, macaroni and cheese bites, buffalo chicken sliders, as well as a selection of cheese, fruit and desserts were available to taste. “We want to make sure the community is aware that we have services comparable to those outside the gate,” said Denise James, JBM-HH FMWR director. The event was attended by employees of both Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington and the National Defense University. If you are interested in hosting an event at the Fort McNair Officers club, contact JBM-HH FMWR at 703-696-3510.
Patrons from Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and U.S. Army Military District of Washington and the National Defense University participate in a food tasting hosted by the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall FMWR office at the Fort Lesley J. McNair’s Officers Club, Sept. 25.
MOH recipient leads Marines to World Trade Center By Capt. Lindsay Pirek USMC Public Affairs Office New York
The Marine Corps’ only living Medal of Honor recipient since the Vietnam War led Marines based in the Greater New York City area on a run from Brooklyn to where the World Trade Center towers once stood during the annual Tunnel to Towers run Sept. 29. Sgt. Dakota Meyer ran alongside Col. J. J. Dill, the 1st Marine Corps District commanding officer, and Sgt. Maj. Bryan Battaglia, the senior enlisted advisor to the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as they led approximately 350 Marines from 1MCD, Marine Aircraft Group 49, 6th Communications Battalion, 6th Motor Transport Battalion and 2nd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment. The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation run commemorates the heroic life and death of Stephen Siller, a firefighter who ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel with 60 lbs. of gear to help those in need at the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001. He and 342 firefighters and paramedics were killed that day. “The acts that Stephen Siller per-
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formed that day are the same acts that we expect of our Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen. That’s tenacity, bravery, courage, and that’s what Stephen Siller portrayed that day, and each and every day, as he protected the citizens of New York as a firefighter,” said Battaglia. Servicemembers from all branches of service joined runners and walkers to retrace Siller’s steps and remember the victims of 9/11. “It’s important to do memorial runs because so many men and women have sacrificed for freedom and sacrificed so we can do what we do and live in the greatest country on earth. We need to remember that,” reflected Meyer. Four years ago, Meyer was serving in Afghanistan on the anniversary of 9/11. Three days prior, his actions and bravery in battle resulted in the awarding of the Medal of Honor. “I lost my whole team on Sept. 8, 2009, three days before Sept. 11. It was by far the worst week of my life.” He also recalled where he was the day so many lives were changed. “Sept. 11, 2001, I was sitting in my 8th grade classroom, in an art class…and we heard that two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center…remember them rolling in a TV and watching the towers fall, and I didn’t know what it [meant]. It means so much more now.” After running the 3.5 mile route, Meyer reflected, “I think everyday should be memorial day, but we need to set aside days where it is just about them, it’s just about what they did for us … it’s a humbling experience, just like this
Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Dakota Meyer leads a formation of Marines from the 1st Marine Corps District, holding the organizational colors high during the last stretch of the Tunnel to Towers run in Manhattan Sept. 29. Tunnel to Towers, a 5-kilometer run, is held annually in honor of firefighter Stephen Siller. Siller, who ran to the World Trade Center through the Battery Tunnel with all his gear on during the attacks on 9/11, ultimately lost his life during his attempt to save others.
one.” Battalgia reiterated the feelings of many when he said, “I feel honored to come out here and participate, and I’m glad to see all of our service branches, especially our Corps, coming out and representing Stephen Siller and helping to carry on his legacy.”
Friday, October 4, 2013
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Friday, October 4, 2013