Pilot 101813

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October 18, 2013


Dahlgren History Project preserves lessons learned By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

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WAVES Officer Remembers Dahlgren Page 2

Dahlgren’s 95 years of achievement has provided invaluable, hard-won lessons for the Navy, shedding light on its past and illuminating its future. Some aspects of Dahlgren’s historythe massive naval guns still found across the installation come to mind-are figuratively and literally colossal. But those unmistakable relics of a bygone era do not explain the real reason for Dahlgren’s continued excellence. That distinction belongs to the military and scientific minds at Dahlgren, who for generations collaborated to provide the Navy with the tools it needs to win wars. More specifically, it is the Dahlgren Way. The process of aligning military goals with scientific reality is always changing, always challenging and almost always imperfect. But military and civilian leaders at Dahlgren found a way to consistently achieve success by giving rank-and-file scientists cre-

U. S. Navy photos by Andrew Revelos

Sara Krechel, historian at the Dahlgren History Project, is reflected by the mirror of a device used to inspect the inside of naval guns barrels. ative space to solve military problems. Preserving the lessons learned from Dahlgren’s more than nine decades of naval problemsolving has, regrettably, been less successful than the programs themselves. For years, scientists, engineers and managers simply saved whatever historic material they deemed important. A small museum was established by Dahlgren employee Robert Zink in Building 183 in the 1960s,

but its displays were later boxed in 1983 to accommodate Naval Space Command. Historic documents, photos and scientific devices were sent back to the departments at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division or left forgotten in offices and closets across the base. In the early 2000s, Wayne Harman, a longtime NSWCDD employee,

See History, Page 9

Wayne Harman, historian at the Dahlgren History Project, examines a pristine example of Thatcher’s Calculating Instrument, an “ultimate slide rule” patented in 1881.


The story of Gray’s Landing By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Helen Gray, mother of the late Capt. Douglas Gray, cuts a cake baked in her family’s honor after the Dahlgren 95th Anniversary Speaker Series at Gray’s Landing on Oct. 10. Young Doug Gray was a well-known personality at Dahlgren in the 1960s before his passing in Vietnam in 1969; Gray’s Landing on the Potomac was dedicated in his memory.

The Dahlgren 95th Anniversary Speaker Series concluded Oct. 7 at Gray’s Landing on the Potomac with a discussion about life onboard the installation in the 1960s, a time when the base was populated mainly by civilians. On the guest list was Margie Stevens and Lana Atwell, who grew up and eventually made their careers at Dahlgren. Helen and Jane Gray, the mother and sister of Gray’s Landing on the Potomac namesake, Capt. Douglas “Dougie” Gray III, spoke about his life and sacrifice. Gray was a fixture of the Dahlgren community, growing up just outside the fence line and working as a lifeguard at the base pool. He was killed in action in 1969 while serving

in Vietnam. The discussion was moderated by Ed Jones, who grew up at Dahlgren and like everyone on base at the time, knew and admired Gray. “We all knew Doug as he was growing up here at Dahlgren,” said Jones, “as he was the first King George resident to attend the U.S. Military Academy, so we’re particularly honored to have with us this morning Doug’s mother Helen Gray and sister Jane Gray. Having them here in this location at this time, when we’re entering the 95th anniversary activities, is a particularly special circumstance.” The Gray’s family house, located just off base, is itself connected to the Navy and its establishment of Dahlgren in 1918 as the Lower Station of the Naval Proving Grounds in Indian Head. “Many years ago, in 1948,

my husband was working on the base,” said Helen Gray. “He had just retired from the Army. He had an opportunity to get this house from Indian Head. They were giving them away if you could dismantle them and reconstruct them. So we did that.” The Grays successfully moved the house from Indian Head and relocated it to a spot alongside Williams Creek, where it stands today. Many of the houses inside the Dahlgren fence line made a similar journey, barged down the river from Indian Head. Jane Gray, who attended Dahlgren School for a short time like her brother, described how she and Doug frequented Dahlgren. “Growing up outside the base-although I always

See Gray’s, Page 8

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES E-mail nsasp_pao_dlgr@navy.mil or Call (540) 653-8153

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, October 18, 2013

Love and war: a WAVES officer remembers Dahlgren

By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

The outcome of World War II still hung in the balance when Ensign Genevieve Parker checked into her first duty station at the Dahlgren Naval Proving Grounds in 1944. One of the first WAVES officers to serve at Dahlgren, Parker still fondly remembers excitement, the dizzying pace of work and camaraderie during the war. Her year in Dahlgren was an eventful one: she met her husband Edelen and would spend the next few decades of her life as a Navy spouse. At 95 years young, Parker recounts her memories with sharpness, clarity and humor. Thousands of young women served in the Navy as Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service program, better known as WAVES, during World War II. Unlike the women who served during World War I, WAVES were led by woman officers. Parker was a teacher when the U.S. joined the war and called for woman volunteers. “I’m from the middlewest, in Wisconsin,” said Parker. “The war had just begun and they were taking all the men. You didn’t have to volunteer in those days; they just took you. They took all the men. I said shoot, this is no fun. I’m going where the guys are. Another teacher and myself, we made the decision. We went to Milwaukee, found the Navy recruitment office and signed up.” Parker completed WAVES officer training at Smith College, in Northampton, Mass. “We all got our orders,” she said. “The girls were standing around [saying] ‘oh, I’m going to New York’ or ‘oh, I’m going to Philadelphia.’ And I looked at [my orders] and said ‘did anybody ever hear of Dahlgren?’ Nobody had and nobody else got orders to Dahlgren.” Parker took a train from Boston to Baltimore and then caught a bus to the then-remote Dahlgren Proving Grounds. “When we got close I went to the driver and asked if there was a hotel in this area and everybodybecause they were looking at this WAVES officer-everybody broke out laughing.” Parker was “saved” by fellow WAVES when she finally arrived at the base. “Those were the days,” she recalled with a grin. The flurry of work undertaken at Dahlgren during the war impressed Parker. “It was a pretty lively, going thing, Dahlgren,” she said.

Courtesy photo

Lt. Cmdr. Edelen Parker and Genevieve Parker.

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Genevieve Parker in her Clinton, Md. home. “They were testing these big guns, all the way from the 3-inch, the 5-inch, whatever, all the way up to the 16inch guns.” The first task was getting used to the very noisy testing that echoed across the base. “You ever seen that 16-inch gun fire?” she asked. “When they used to test those guns at the proving ground, it would blow the pictures off the wall and the furniture would shake and rattle. It was really fun.” Parker’s primary job was to create range tables that helped Navy gunners hit their targets. In the days before computers, this was no small task and the list of wartime ordnance requiring new range tables was growing. “In those days, they had a formula,” she said. “You had to put in the speed of the bullet, the weather played a part-the wind, the temperature-it was a formula that incorporated all these

things. This was a range table. When you shoot the gun, where does it go? What is the angle? You had to put all this into your formula so you could find out if you’d hit your target or not. You had to figure it out for every angle. And [the formulas] were huge. No calculators. you had to do it all with paper and pencil.” Though that particular job took place behind the gun line at Dahlgren, the WAVES occasionally got a front-row seat to the testing. “All the women got out there to watch them fire the guns,” said Parker. “It was neat because they fired down the Potomac River and you could see the projectile if you stood right behind [the gun].” While Parker calculated range tables with pencil and paper, she witnessed one of the Navy’s most important transformations. The incredible amount of work

that needed to be done at Dahlgren led Navy leaders, including base commander Capt. David Hedrick, to seek out more efficient means of completing new range tables. Hedrick ordered more desk calculators and commissioned the project that created the Harvard Mark II relay calculator, delivered to Dahlgren in 1947. Earlier types of computers had already made their way to the base just as Parker was leaving. “It was just starting,” she said. “A computer filled a whole room. I was just getting ready to leave when they got this computer. All the bigwigs. they were so excited about his computer.” Parker was later tasked with compiling reports and scheduling appointments for two captains in one of the range offices. As one of only a few WAVES officers, Parker was also charged with leading the enlisted

WAVES. “They lived right with the enlisted Sailors,” said Parker of the enlisted WAVES. “They had a separate hallway or something. One of us [officers] had duty every night. We had go over there and sleep in the barracks with the enlisted WAVES so they didn’t get into any trouble.” That responsibility continued when the enlisted WAVES went on liberty in Fredericksburg or Colonial Beach, where Parker patrolled the boardwalk. “We had to watch out for the WAVES and make sure they didn’t get into any trouble,” said Parker. “We had to walk up and down that boardwalk and watch the enlisted WAVES. They were just like us and probably some of them were just as well-educated.” If that weren’t enough responsibilities, Parker also had one more collateral duty selling war bonds. “Everybody bought them,” she said. Despite the frantic war effort that affected every facet of base life, Parker and her fellow WAVES found time to relax. She still seems to be a little surprised by all the attention the WAVES officers received. “We had a good time,” she said. “We were only three WAVE officers, so even the captains and admirals invited us to all the parties. We were a phenomenon, I guess.” The WAVES officers saw

their male counterparts at meals and the group enjoyed movies, cards, golf outings and ping pong together. “We saw them three times a day,” said Parker of the male officers. “Every once and awhile they’d a have a little party or serve drinks before dinner. My husband came over a couple of times and we’d walk over to dinner together; that’s where I met him.” Then-Lt. Edelen Parker had already spent several years in the Navy, earning his wings in 1937. The dashing young officer was quickly promoted as the war progressed. “My husband was a dive bomber pilot testing bomb sights,” said Parker. “He said they dropped bombs and missiles all over the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay. Once, they dropped one in a woman’s back yard and boy did they hear about it.” According to family legend, Edelen Parker once flew his plane underneath the Harry Nice Bridge, then called the Potomac River Bridge. He clearly made an impression on the young ensign. “I thought that was the best year of my life,” Parker said. Edelen Parker stayed in the Navy after the end of World War II, reaching the rank of rear admiral and retiring in 1972. He shared his own recollections of Dahlgren with his wife and children before he passed away

Friday, October 18, 2013

The South Potomac Pilot


NSWCDD research featured at annual event

CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Riders Needed for Vanpool from commuter lot at the corner of Houser Dr. and Rt. 208 in Spotsylvania. Depart 6 a.m., arrive on base 7 a.m. Depart base at 4 p.m. Mon. - Thurs., 3 p.m. on Fri. Drops at both sides of the base. Contact Nick Sunshine, 540-653-3816. Rider wanted for 7-passenger vanpool. Departs F’burg/Gordon Rd Commuter lot at 7AM. Departs NSWCDD/Dahlgren at 4:30PM. Transportation Incentive Program System (TIPS) qualified van. Contact Antonio at (540) 653-1512 Rider seeks rideshare from La Plata to Indian Head. Call Louie, 276-971-9837 Employee moving to either Fredericksburg, Va. or Maryland is in need of commute to NSF Dahlgren. Ideal commuting arrangement would be transportation that could pick-up and drop-off at or close to place of residence. Please call for more information, Sheila 214-529-3690. Starting a Van Pool, 7-passenger van, departs NLT at 6:35 a.m. from Fieldhouse/ Courthouse Rd. commuter lot to Dahlgren, Mon-Thurs 7:15 a.m. to 3:45p.m.; Friday 7:15 a.m. to 3:15p.m. Call Cheng at 540653-5909. A-Gate commuter wanted only. Van/carpool desired from any rideshare parking area or Reston Town Center. Depart between 6 to 7a.m., return from Indian Head between 4 to 5 p.m. Call Moses, 301-743-4180. Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7a.m. to 4:30p.m., but hours can be negotiated. 703-909-3380.

Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ navy.mil or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 249-8153, or 540-653-8153.

FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. www.gwregion.org/gwride connect.html.

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) hosted an Inhouse Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) and Independent Applied Research (IAR) End of Year Review at the University of Mary Washington (UMW) Dahlgren Campus Oct. 3. Navy scientists and engineers presented 21 research projects designed to counter emerging threats during the annual program review. “Our annual event was well attended with representatives from Dahlgren, other government agencies, and academia,” said Dr. Jeff Solka, NSWCDD ILIR/IAR Program Director who announced the ILIR and IAR projects of the year and their NSWCDD researchers: “Exploring the chemistry and physics of stress-grown carbon nanotubes,” researched by Dr. Michael Lowry; and “Adaptive Fire Control using a Visual Targeting Algorithm,” researched by Dr. Chris Weiland. The Office of Naval Research sponsored program fosters basic and applied research at the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Warfare Centers to counter emerging threats. The program helps to ensure a next generation of technically competent scientists by supporting masters and doctoral dissertation research, and research in the areas that are essential to the future mission of NSWCDD. ONR’s website describes the ILIR and IAR process as a means “to develop the next generation of Navy scientists and engineers capable of addressing key warfighter challenges to ensure the Navy maintains a leading edge in science for national defense.”

U. S. Navy photo by Patrick Dunn

Lorena De Los Santos, scientist, and Patrick Mead, human systems engineer, from Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), answer questions about their project during the during the In-house Laboratory Independent Research and Independent Applied Research End of Year Review. Their project, “Understanding the Correlation between Warfighter Performance and Genetic Polymorphisms,” involves understanding the relationship between genetic markers and warfighter performance. Many of the projects presented at the ILIR and IAR event have the potential to result in Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). This is a legal agreement that provides a means for NSWCDD and a private sector partner to cooperatively conduct research and development in a given technical area and share in the technical results.

The NAVSEA Warfare Centers supply the technical operations, people, technology, engineering services and products needed to equip and support the fleet and meet the warfighters’ needs. The warfare centers are the Navy’s principal research, development, test and evaluation assessment activity for surface ship and submarine systems and subsystems.

614th AOC - Air Force Operations at Dahlgren

The 614th Air and Space Operations Center, Detachment 1 was activated on April 30, 2010. 614 AOC, Det 1 is responsible for providing space command and control, as well as space situational awareness for government and civilian customers. The unit mission is to maintain space command and control and enhanced space capabilities to provide CDR JFCC SPACE timely global space effects to protect DoD air, land, sea and space forces. When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I on October 1957, the space race began. The United States didn’t have the capability to detect satellites. The Naval Research Lab’s innovative design made this a reality in February 1961, developing a radar called the Naval Space Surveillance System, more commonly known as the Fence. From 1971-84, Alternative Space Command and Control (ASCC) duties were assigned to Eglin AFB, FL, while Dahlgren served as computational backup. In 1987, ASCC transitioned to Dahl-

gren, under Naval Space Surveillance Command and operated under the same until 1993. From 1993-2002, ASCC operated under Naval Space Command, then from 2002-2004 under Naval Network & Space Surveillance Command. In 2004 operational control of both the Fence and ASCC missions passed to the United States Air Force under 20th Space Control Squadron, Detachment 1. The Fence was renamed Air Force Space Surveillance System (AFSSS). At its time of activation, 614 AOC, Det. 1 assumed control of the AFSSS and ASCC missions. ASCC became Distributive Space Command and Control-Dahlgren (DSC2-D). DSC2-D serves as an alternate command and control node for the Joint Space Operations Center Space Situational Awareness Cell located at Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA and provides tasking to the space surveillance network, a worldwide network of 31 space surveillance sensors (radar and optical telescopes, both military and civilian) on

Flu shots for Dahlgren Clinic patrons The Naval Branch Health Clinic Dahlgren is open to all patients enrolled to this clinic for influenza vaccinations. Vaccinations will be available on a walk-in (no appointment necessary) basis on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 - 3:30 p.m. beginning on October 8. Vaccines will be available until supply is exhausted. The Naval Branch Health Clinic Indian Head is open to all patients enrolled to the clinic for influenza vaccinations. Vaccinations will be available on a walkin (no appointment necessary) basis 8 - 11 a.m. and 1 - 3 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and 8 - 11 a.m. on Fridays. Vaccines will be available until supply is exhausted.

high-priority satellites, processes space events (launches, re-entries, de-orbits, breakups, maneuvers, etc.) and works directly with NASA to ensure the safety of the International Space Station crews. They also work Laser Clearinghouse requests to ensure Laser test fires do not interfere with on orbit assets. Collocated and working hand-in-hand with Naval Network Warfare Command Space Operations, DSC2-D enhances the Department of the Navy Satellite Vulnerability Program by providing near real-time notification to the Naval Fleet of potential hostile Space-Based Reconnaissance Systems and provides space situational awareness products and services in support of United States Strategic Command. Effective October 1, 2013, the AFSSS mission was deactivated along with the inactivation of 20 SPCS, Det 1. 614 AOC, Det 1 continues to operate the DSC2-D mission at NSF, Dahlgren.

Correction In the article “Excellence - A Brief History of Dahlgren School” that ran in the Oct. 11 issue of the South Potomac Pilot, Margie Stevens was incorrectly identified as the Corporate Communications Officer. Stevens is in fact a contractor in the Corporate Communications Office.

The South Potomac Pilot


Base Happenings Dahlgren & Indian Head Energy fairs at NSF Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head

The NSF Indian Head Energy Fair will be held Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Autumn Fest Park. NSF Dahlgren Energy Fair will be held Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Parade Field Pavilion.

Dahlgren Child Find at Dahlgren School

Children that reside in base housing at NSF Dahlgren are eligible for the Child Find program, sponsored by Dahlgren School. The program is open to children birth to 5 years (60 months) on Thursday, October 24 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Program includes screenings for hearing/vision, speech/language, social skills, adaptation to the environment and gross and fine motor skills. Please call for a reservation at (540) 653-0197

Second Tour Thrift Store Open

Starting in October, the Second Tour Thrift Store will be open from 12:30 - 3 p.m. every Thursday. The store currently has some great Halloween costumes and lots of fall and winter items available. Second Tour accepts donations of gently used items at their store on Sampson Road next to the USO. All proceeds from sales at Second Tour are donated to charities in the Dahlgren/King George and surrounding communities, and provide scholarship funds to dependents of military personnel that are or were stationed on Dahlgren. Uniforms on the porch are free and available 24/7!

Friday, October 18, 2013

King George Relay For Life committee needs volunteers The King George Relay For Life planning committee has three key positions that need to be filled. Volunteers make this event successful each year in raising funds for the American Cancer Society. Interested volunteers should contact Jessica Delgado, Jessica.delgado@Navy.mil.

Positions to be filled include: Team Retention & Mentoring

Retain and recruit committee volunteers to help with team retention and mentoring (sub-committee members) Collaborate with Chair(s) to plan and set goals for team retention/mentoring Employ year round strategies and to retain and mentor teams Be an expert on team retention and mentoring material/resources Communicate frequently with team captions about team member recruitment, fundraising opportunities, Society accomplishments, advocacy, logistics, etc. Host educational and inspiring kick-offs, team meetings/rallies, fundraising workshops, bank nights wrap-ups (with the help/support of other committee members and

Society staff) Develop relationships with National Corporate Team Partner teams i.e. Wal-Mart, BAE, Booz-Allen-Hamilton etc. Ensure that all other committee volunteers are considering team retention/mentoring in their plans (it’s everyone’s job) Ensure that all team retention and mentoring volunteers/contacts know how much they are appreciated.

Team Recruitment

Retain and recruit committee volunteers that represent the entire community to help with new team recruitment (sub-committee members) Collaborate with Chair(s) to plan and set goals for new team recruitment Employ year round strategies to recruit new teams that represent the entire Relay community Be an expert on team recruitment material/resources Leverage kick-offs, team meetings/rallies, fundraising workshops, bank nights, event days and wrap-ups as opportunities to enlist team captains, team members, survivors,

See Volunteers, Page 5

Indian Head IH Spouses’ Club “Treasures” Thrift Store Needs Your Donations!

The Indian Head Thrift Store “Treasures” is now open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’re sure you’ll love all the treasures you’ll find. Open to everyone - military and civilian! Come by and check us out. The store is located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted. Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month? Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email ihspouseclub@live.com for information. To publish information on your event or program under “Base Happenings,” contact NSASP Public Affairs at 540-653-8153 or email jeron.hayes@navy.mil.

NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129 www.dcmilitary.com/dahlgren

The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-

Capt. Peter Nette

Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac

Gary R. Wagner

Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac

ments, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation

is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.

Jeron Hayes

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

NSA South Potomac Managing Editor

Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter

Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, October 18, 2013


MWR Highlights Auto Skills Center Recreational Gear Rentals

The MWR Auto Hobby Shop rents an extensive selection of equipment for your recreational needs. Available items include tents, canoes, tarps, picnic tents, tables, chairs, moon bounce, grills, lanterns, sporting equipment and more! Rentals are available on a daily, weekly or weekend basis. Call the Hobby Shop at 301-744-6314 for more information or stop by and see what we have to offer.

Halloween Events Door Decorating Contest

Departments and Housing residents are all invited to compete for the best Halloween Themed door during the month of October. Prizes will be awarded in both office and housing categories. Send an email to corey.mccabe@navy. mil to register or for contest information.

Campers Available

15’ Cozy Traveler Recreational Trailer (sleeps up to 6) $55.00 per day $100.00 per weekend $245.00 for a week Call 301-744-6314 for more information.

MWR Halloween Spooktakular

Saturday, October 19th 7 p.m., The World’s End, R

Liberty Center

Weight House Fitness Center Need a little help fine tuning your workout? Check out our personal trainers Call the WHFC front desk at 301-7444661 to schedule your session. $10 per session for Military/$15 per session for all other eligible patrons. First two sessions are free for Military.

Youth Center


Wicked Woods Haunted House Trip

October 19, 5:30 p.m. Eligible patrons: E1-E6 single/unaccompanied active duty Military only Cost: $25.15/person Wicked Woods is Virginia’s premier outdoor haunted Halloween attraction that takes victims through three horrifying attractions including a haunted manor, an insane asylum and over a quarter mile trail into the deep woods. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Teen Center Open Rec

Looking for something to do on Friday? The Teen Center will be open every Friday from 6 - 9 p.m. and is FREE for all eligible teens. This program is open to all teens age 11 and in 6th grade through 18 and not yet graduated.

Mix House Season Closing of the Tiki Bar

Friday, October 18. Doors open at 3:30 p.m., party starts at 6 p.m. Come by and enjoy great views, great music and lots of fun as we celebrate the end of another fantastic season!

Tutors needed for KGHS students The volunteer tutoring program continues for the 2013-2014 school year at King George High School. This opportunity is available for people with strong skills or background in algebra, geometry, trig, statistics, calculus, and/ or physics. Volunteers would tutor in one-on-one sessions held at the high school for a few hours each week either after school or during flex-time (lunch time). This is an excellent opportunity for interested employees to work with high school students needing help negotiating math and science classes on a volunteer basis. If you would like to serve as a tutor, please contact Ms. Shawna McElroy at 301-848-1024, s_ mcelroy2001(at)yahoo.com.

540-653-7336 Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings Price of Shows Civilians - $5 AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 above) $4 AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 - below) - $2.50 Child (6-11) - $2; Child (5 and under) - Free Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1 Friday, October 18th 7 p.m., Riddick, R

Saturday, October 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mix House. Join us for face painting, a pumpkin patch, arts & crafts, haunted house, hayride, music and more! This event is FREE and open to all eligible patrons.

WHFC Personal Training

Movie Theater

Bowling Center 540-653-7327

9-Pin No Tap Bowling Tournament

October 19, 6 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. The cost is $15 per person, which includes shoes and game. Prizes will be awarded. Eligible patrons include all with base access. For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540-653-7327.

Costume Bowl Ball

October 30, 5 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access.

Friday, October 25th 7 p.m., Insidious Chapter 2, PG-13 Saturday, October 26th 2 p.m., Hotel Transylvania*, PG Saturday, October 26th 4 p.m., Monsters vs. Aliens*, PG Saturday, October 26th 6 p.m., Frankenweenie*, PG Saturday, October 26th 8 p.m., Evil Dead*, R Saturday, October 26th 10 p.m., Nightmare on Elm Street 2010*, R Saturday, October 26t 11:50 p.m., Poltergeist*, R *The theater wants to get you in the Halloween spirit and to do that; all movies being played on Saturday, October 26th will be FREE! Cannonball Lanes will be hosting a costume ball for $8.50 per person. Cost includes three games and shoes per person. Please participate in a family friendly costume! For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540653-7327.

Volunteers: King George Relay For Life Continued from page 4

and other Relayers to help with new team recruitment (with the help/support of other committee members and Society staff Ensure that all other committee volunteers are considering team recruitment in their plans Ensure that all team retention and mentoring volunteers/contacts know how much they are appreciated.


Retain and recruit committee volunteers to help with logistics and hospitality (sub-committee members) Collaborate with Chair(s) to plan and set goals for logistics and hospitality Be an expert on logistics and hospitality materials/resources Create a master plan for the site selection, overall event schedule, track layout, campsite layout, signage, A/V, elec-

trical, restroom, trash/recycling, tents, safety, risk management, contingency location, security, medical support, setup and clean-up needs Recruit and train day-of-event volunteers to help create a seamless experience for all participants (e.g. set-up, site maintenance, clean-up, information tenet, event greeters, etc.) Ensure that food/beverage is available during the event (may be vendor or team-driven food/beverage sales as appropriate depending on local health department code) Leverage kick-offs, team meetings/rallies, fundraising workshops, bank nights, and wrap-ups as opportunities to educate volunteers and answer questions about event logistics and risk management Ensure that all other committee volunteers are communicating logistics needs (e.g. staging, sound,, tables, tents, power etc.) Ensure that all logistics and hospitality volunteers/ contacts know how much they are appreciated.


The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sea Cadets compete with Young Marines at Dahlgren By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer The U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps Pentagon Division pitted their military skills, endurance and spirit against the Fredericksburg-based Lance Cpl. Caleb Powers Young Marines in a Sept. 21 competition on the parade field at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. Sea Cadets and Young Marines passed through obstacles, played dodge ball and tug-of-war, ran a relay challenge and tested their knowledge in a military version of “Jeopardy.” Both sides put on an impressive show and Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac praised the young people for their dedication. For the obstacle course part of the vent, Sea Cadets and Young Marines competed in four-person teams. “As a team, they scrambled over a hay bale wall and across balance beams, low-crawled under netting, carried logs as a team around the cannon, made it through pushup and sit-up stations, linked up for a 3-legged race, hopped through tire “hopscotch,” dodged water balloon landmines, and wove through traffic cones doing the fireman carry,” said Airman 1st Class Mary Grace Balaban, assigned to the 614th Air and Space Operations Center Detachment One at Dahlgren and a volunteer physical fitness coordinator for Pentagon Division. “Sea Cadets won three of those four heats.” Pentagon Division also bested the Young Marines in the relay competition, but the

Photos courtesy of Teresa Crater

Lance Cpl. Caleb Powers Young Marines and The U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps Pentagon Division arm wrestle at a friendly competition at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren on Sept. 21.

Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac, addresses Lance Cpl. Caleb Powers Young Marines and The U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps Pentagon Division on the parade field at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren on Sept. 21. Young Marines came out on top in military “Jeopardy.” “Young Marines were also quicker and more accurate in the dodge ball tourna-


ment,” said Balaban, “but Sea Cadets had the strength and numbers to take the tugof-war competition.” Balaban said she was very impressed


with the performance and spirit of the Young Marines. “It is noteworthy that while our average cadet was probably 14 years old, theirs was 10 or 11,” she said. “The Young Marines put up quite a fight and proved outstanding in sportsmanship and camaraderie. I loved watching every one of them cheering on their teammate as excitedly as if they were competing themselves.” The friendly competition didn’t end with the conclusion of the official contest; Sea Cadets and Young Marines continued with football, Frisbee and soccer bouts. Leaders of both organizations provided laughs when they hoisted themselves atop a dunk tank and fell victim to the Sea Cadets and Young Marines’ accurate throws.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, October 18, 2013

238th Navy Birthday Celebrated

U.S. Navy photo by Gary Wagner

About 35 military members and civilian personnel from various commands at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren gathered on Oct. 11 for a ceremony to celebrate Navy’s 238th birthday. The event included a bell ceremony to mark the start of a new Navy year, along with the reading of Navy birthday messages from the Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations. Per Navy tradition, a Navy birthday cake cutting was performed by the eldest Navy member present, in this case, Capt. Peter Nette (r.), NSASP commanding officer, and the youngest Sailor present, Yeoman 2nd Class Jordan Smith, NSASP command staff.


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U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Cmdr. David Bachand (l. to r.), assigned to the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force, HN Alex Rink, assigned to the Naval Branch Health Clinic Indian Head, and Capt. Pete Nette, NSASP commanding officer, cut the cake at the ceremony celebrating the Navy’s 238th birthday Oct. 10 at Naval Support Facility Indian Head. Bachand and Rink were the oldest and youngest Sailors present, respectively. The cake-cutting kicked off a fitting birthday feast prepared by the Sailors and staff of the Indian Head Galley. A packed house of revelers enjoyed steak, lobster and shrimp, to name only a few of the birthday delicacies. Happy birthday Navy! 01040580A




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The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, October 18, 2013

Gray’s: Reflecting on the Dahlgren spirit Continued from page 1

knew we were off the baseI spent a good deal of my time, especially in summer time, on the base,” she said. “We would just hop on our bikes and ride over here and go to the pool, hang out. I had lots of friends over here.” She still recalls being on the receiving end of some brotherly teasing. “My brother was ten years older than I, so my memories of him are a lot different than other [people],” said Jane, grinning. “I was the little sister. his nickname for me was brat.” Many of Jane’s memories of her brother centered on the water: boating, swimming, barefoot water skiing and above all, fun. Jones seconded those fond memories of Doug. “He really was a golden boy here at Dahlgren,” Jones said. “He was representative of so much of the Dahlgren spirit, people who are in service to their country. People who were part of a really close-knit and sup-

portive community. A lot of that is wrapped up in his story.” Helen Gray expressed a mother’s pride in her son when she described Doug. “He was a wonderful kid and what else can you say?” she said. “He was always a good boy and I was very proud of him and still am very proud of him.” Stevens, a contractor assigned to the Corporate Communications Office at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, described growing up in base housing. “We lived in one of these little bungalows and there were four girls in one bathroom,” she said. “Nobody would ever dream of having that living situation today.” Though Stevens’ childhood home on Hall Road is no longer standing, her fond memories of Dahlgren are still vivid. “It was wonderful growing up and being able to walk to school and having the security. knowing you could play, run and go to the swimming pool. As Jane said, [the pool] was

the hub of activity in the summertime, especially if Doug Gray was lifeguarding. Whether you were his age or much younger, you were still just enamored by Gray.” Security measures around Dahlgren have changed significantly in recent years, but in the 1960s, locals could access the base with relative ease. “People from off the base were. a part of us,” said Stevens. “We played them in sports, we went to the pool together, so it was quite a community outreach, which helped us later as we [Dahlgren School graduates] went on to King George High School.” Atwell’s father worked at Dahlgren and she later spent some of her own career working on base, starting off as a secretary and taking advantage of an upward mobility program that paid many of her college expenses. She shared her own happy memories of her childhood in Dahlgren. “It was a wonderful environment,” she said. “We didn’t

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

The Dahlgren 95th Anniversary Speaker Series at Gray’s Landing on Oct. 10. From left to right, Ed Jones, Helen Gray, Jane Gray, Margie Stevens and Lana Atwell. realize it at the time, but it was a perfect childhood.” Even as young as 10 or 11 years old, Atwell remembers paling around base with relative freedom, bowling, going to the movies, water skiing, catching crabs from a rowboat, sledding, roller skating and ice skating on frozen ponds during the winter. “In winter, the cooling pond would

freeze and we would play chicken to see who would be the first one across the pond. How we didn’t die, I have no idea. God was looking out for us, that’s all I can say. We ice skated from December, January, until it thawed.” Atwell said she often enjoyed visiting the home of Stevens, whose mother would play the piano for

children and feed them plenty of “goodies” for good measure. The familyfriendly atmosphere went well beyond the Stevens’ home and was embraced by just about every family at Dahlgren. “We were porky,” said a grinning Atwell. “We exercised a lot, but we ate good. Everybody was our mother. Everybody was our dad.”

Community Notes Dahlgren Great Night Out

The Rotary Club of King George-Dahlgren presents a Great Night Out with the famous dueling pianos as seen at Bobby McKey’s at National Harbor on Sat., Nov. 16 from 6 p.m. - midnight at the Riverboat on the Potomac in Colonial Beach. Tickets are $40 each and include dinner and the show. Event will also include a silent auction featuring items such as sporting event tickets, restaurant certificates, YMCA memberships, vacations and more. Tickets are available by contacting kgdahlgrenrotary@gmail.com or calling Deanna Kroner, (540) 226-1252.

Indian Head CSM Children’s Theater

The College of Southern Maryland Children’s Theatre brings family-friendly adventure, action and love to the stage with its production of “The Clumsy Custard Horror Show” at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Oct. 18 and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Oct. 19 in the Fine Arts Center on the La Plata Campus. Audience participation is encouraged in this hilarious interpretation of an age-old love story. King Dumb is ready for his daughter to select a husband, and all the Knights of the Realm are anxious to claim her hand. But, the sweet Princess Prince has fallen for a gentle yet courageous lad she assumes to be a pauper. A Children’s Theatre Combo Ticket is available for those who wish to attend all three CSM Children’s Theatre productions of the season, with the cost for four seats to every Children’s Theatre $60. Otherwise, individual tickets are $7 for adults/seniors, $5 for youth (high school and younger). For other season ticket or ensemble combination ticket information, visit www.csmd.edu/arts or call the Box Office at 301-934-7828.

Chamber of Commerce Veterans Fair

The Charles County Chamber of Commerce is pleased

to announce its first Opportunity Fair for retired and active duty veterans will take place on Saturday, Oct. 19, at the Waldorf West Library in St. Charles, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The veterans fair will have information for the local military community about health, medical, housing, education, and employment benefits available veterans and their families. This event will be much more. It is being held in conjunction with our St. Charles Fall Festival, which will feature a concert by the USAF band Max Impact; free pumpkins (while supplies last) for children; restaurant vendors like Chick- Fil-A and Boston’s the Gourmet Pizza; an artist’s market; and farmer’s market. The Waldorf Rotary Club will be hosting a 60-mile bike ride that will begin and end at O’Donnell Lake in St. Charles.

Cycle for Food, Farms, and Fun at the Crop Hop

Register today for the 2013 Crop Hop - a cycling tour of Southern Maryland farms, to be held Sat., Oct. 19 in historic and picturesque Charles County. This event is hosted by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission and the Charles County Board of Commissioners. The Crop Hop highlights the connection between local farms, fresh food, and good nutrition while raising money for the Southern Maryland Food Bank. All rides begin and end at Gilbert Run Park (13140 Charles Street, Charlotte Hall). Riders cycle to local farm stops to experience farm tours, interact with farmers, and enjoy locally-sourced snacks. This year’s routes include: the Silo Century (62 miles) for serious riders, the Harvest Hop (33 miles), the Barnstormer (15 miles), the Barnstormer Lite (for those less inclined to ride the hilly terrain), and the Sprout Route (an in-park family ride). Farm stops include turkeys, cattle, horses, goats, produce, agritourism, and more. The Sprout Route features a three-mile in-park walk and ride with stops highlighting rabbits, goats, dogs, seed planting, and exercise. After the ride, cyclists will enjoy a locally-sourced picnic lunch at Gilbert Run Park, complete with entertainment and educational opportunities including farm animal demonstrations, Cornelia and Couch Potato skits, fitness

activities, and other fun, educational activities. The cost per rider ranges from $20-$60. Riders registering before Monday, Sept. 30 are guaranteed a complementary lunch and event T-shirt. Non-cyclists and community members are welcome to join the festivities at Gilbert Run Park. Join us for the picnic lunch from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cost for lunch is $10 per adult and $5 per child (aged six and under). Profits from this event will go to the Southern Maryland Food Bank to purchase fresh food for hungry families. More information and registration opportunities for the event can be found at www.CropHop.com.

Town of Indian Head Children’s Halloween Party/ Trunk or Treat

The Town of Indian Head will host a Children’s Halloween Party on Oct. 20 from 2 - 4 p.m. at the IH Village Green Pavilion. Children 12 years & under with adult welcome. Hayrides to the Pumpkin Patch, pumpkins for first 100 children. Open to children 1 - 12 yrs. Costume Parade w/goodie bag, fun carnival games & prizes, hot dogs, chips & drinks, DJ music and door prizes. Admission is $2 per person at the door. Children under 1 are free. Meet Francis Hayes-Children’s Author of “Spencer The Spider.” Be sure to join us for Trunk to Trunk Trick or Treating on Thursday, Oct. 31 on the Village Green from 6 - 8 p.m. along with traditional door-to-door trick or treating throughout town streets. All children MUST have an adult with them to trick or treat!!!! For more information & to sign up as trunk to trunk participant for Oct. 31 (complimentary dinner served to vehicle participants), call 240375-4061 or karen@townofindianhead.org.

Charles County FallFest Exhibitor Opportunities Available

Celebrate Charles: FallFest is taking place on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 2 - 6:30 p.m. at Regency Furniture Stadium, 11765 St. Linus Drive, Waldorf. Local artisans and crafters are invited to participate at FallFest to sell goods and show-

See Community Notes, Page 10

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, October 18, 2013


History: Uncovering the past is a rewarding task Continued from page 1

chaired the Dahlgren Science and Technology Council and helped document Dahlgren’s contributions to the national defense in preparation for what would become the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 2005. “[NSWCDD leaders] wanted us to find out what we’d done and where did it go,” said Harman. “They were trying to figure out, after all these years, what the base had done.” Harman was joined in the effort by another longtime NSWCDD employee, Robin Staton. “I discovered that Robin had been stashing stuff away for years in CONEX boxes,” said Harman. “[The effort] kind of got us started doing this. It gave us a cause.” Around the same time, the Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center sought help from the base to create an exhibit about Dahlgren. “They wanted us to reconstruct stories about the base’s accomplishments and projects,” said Staton. “It turns out, that was not easy.” Harman and Staton received support from NSWCDD leadership and began the process of collecting historical items. A broken 8,300 pound Dahlgren cannon that served onboard the USS Merrimack and CSS Virginia during the Civil War was loaned to the museum for five years, but the effort fizzled when the project ran low on funding and the gun was returned to the Navy. That situation remained unchanged until 2008 when Harman, who retired in 2007, returned to Dahlgren on a part-time basis with the task of organizing and preserving Dahlgren’s history. Harman was hired by Kratos and contracted to support NSWCDD’s history mission, a path followed by all current Dahlgren History Project employees. One of his first projects was organizing the 200th birthday celebration of Dahlgren’s namesake and the father of modern ordnance and gunnery, Rear Adm. Adolphus Dahlgren. Harman and Pete Kolakowski, operations department head for

NSWCDD, met with Rear Adm. Jay Deloach, director of Naval History and Heritage Command, in 2009 with the goal of re-establishing a Dahlgren museum. Deloach informed Harman that the Navy was changing the way it managed its museums; from that point on, museums would be privately funded and operated, but follow Navy protocol and policy. Deloach sent Dr. Jay Thomas, assistant director for collections management, to Dahlgren in 2010 to evaluate the situation “[Thomas] was very encouraging,” said Harman. “He decided on the spot. He said the Navy was doing a new museum structure and maybe you all could be the prototype for this new idea. We took him around the base and he was like a kid, taking pictures of all the guns. That got it kicked off in a formal sense.” The Dahlgren History Project would preserve the lessons of the past for the current workforce while supporting a Dahlgren museum if a private, organized effort to establish one arose. “The purpose of the history project is knowledge preservation, management and transfer,” said Staton, who became Dahlgren History Project employee after he retired from NSWCDD in 2012. “We serve as a repository for the historical information, to keep it organized and be able to respond to data calls. A major part of our role is to respond internal and public inquiries. Another part of what we do is preserving corporate knowledge and lessons learned.” The private Dahlgren Heritage Foundation was incorporated in 2011 to create a Dahlgren museum, the model program for the Navy’s new museum framework. The foundation received nonprofit designation and a temporary site for the museum at the former Virginia Welcome Center in 2011. Now, the long-neglected job of collecting and organizing Dahlgren’s history began in earnest. Karen Farley joined the Dahlgren History Project as its first full-time employee even as Harman’s own hours grew to a full workweek. When Farley depart-

ed, a series of interns from the University of Mary Washington’s prestigious historic preservation degree program lent their talents to the monumental task at hand. One of those interns, Sara Krechel, returned to the Dahlgren History Project as a full-time employee after graduation. Krechel estimates that the project has thus far cataloged and inventoried more than 1,000 historic objects and 2,000 documents, a tiny fraction of the historic items in the Dahlgren History Project’s possession. “There are so many items,” said Krechel. “You have to go through it box by box.” That mission only became more challenging after floods in 2011 forced the team to hastily relocate thousands of items from their shop in Building 492, throwing a wrench into the painstaking organization. Newspapers were strung along clotheslines in the facility in the flood’s aftermath in an effort literally to save history. Throughout it all, the list of items that need to be cataloged grew. But the study of history is not for the impatient. “We spent literally years [investigating] some things,” said Staton. One of Dahlgren’s lesser-known items is a statue of a warrior Buddha, now located behind Public Works. A Navy officer received the statue from an Army command in Korea in the 1940s, according to the plaque. “The question is, why is this here?” said Staton. “What’s the story behind it?” For two years, the team searched for the facts. “We figured out that it was given to the commander of the 7th Fleet, an admiral, and apparently his buddy was Admiral Turner Joy, who we are pretty sure brought it here when he became Dahlgren’s [commanding officer] in 1947,” said Staton. “There is a story like that for almost everything that’s here.” Office moves are the kind of events that gets the team excited since they often produce surprise finds. “We’re trying to minimize the amount of information that’s lost,” said Staton. “Most of the time it’s lost forever.”

WAVES: Wartime romance at Dahlgren Continued from page 2

in 1993. One of the most striking, and one that still affects base operations today, were the Parkers’ thoughts about working with civilian scientists. The perpetual culture clash between military leadership and the sometimes idiosyncratic scientists came to a head at Dahlgren during the 1940s. “There were a lot of civilian PhDs [in Dahlgren] that were part of the development of bomb sights and he would always kind of chuckle because they were in a different world,” said Rhoderick, the Parkers’ oldest son. “He said [Dahlgren] was full of a bunch of PhDs who didn’t know

how to tie their shoes,” added Chris, the Parkers’ other son. Some of those scientists were brought directly into the uniformed ranks, a move that either helped or hurt the situation depending on one’s loyalties. “They brought these professors, these PhDs, and gave them a rank,” said Parker. “They didn’t know anything about the Navy.” Though the tension between the military and scientific communities persisted at Dahlgren after the end of the war, the brains and the brass always seemed to find a way to accomplish the mission at hand. One such officer-scientist, Dr. Allen Hershey, stayed on at Dahl-

gren as a civilian after the war and eventually became senior member of the Warfare Analysis Department. He was highly-regarded by his peers, though his professorial mannerisms seemed a little “weird” to military service members. Hershey married Parker’s friend, a fellow WAVES officer. “He was a typical scientist-professor,” she said. “It was a good match.” Neither love nor friendship could overshadow the war and the transience it produced, however. Edelen Parker was promoted to lieutenant commander and soon received orders to San Diego, where he would be assigned to USS Manila Bay. Parker married Edelen and left the service, though

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Robin Staton inspects an item at the Dahlgren History Project with a tragic history: the 16-inch shell that was jammed into a barrel of the number two gun turret on the USS Iowa when an explosion occurred in 1989, killing 47 Sailors. Preserving lessons learned is one of the primary tasks of the Dahlgren History Project. Boxed items from the old museum in Building 183, for example, were recently re-discovered at Public Works. “You never know what’s historical until you know what’s historical,” said Harman, who cringes at the idea of losing potentially historic items. The team strongly encouraged any employee or service member at Dahlgren to contact them if they find any document, photo or item that could be historic. While the work continues, uncovering history is a rewarding task. “This is great fun,” said Harman.

“Every day is a day of discovery.” What are some of the lessons those discoveries can offer today’s workforce? “The knowledge that this base learned about how to develop computer programs for ships, these weapons systems that are so critical. They have to work,” said Harman. “To me, that is a big contribution this base has made.” “I think this base has done a pretty good job to not only discover, but to document and tell the story of how you run a successful science, technology and engineering organization,” added Staton.

the required bureaucratic maneuvering was not without its complications. “I had everybody working on it, even the head of the WAVES unit in Washington,” she said. “So I was able to get out then.” For the Parkers, World War II ended some months after VJ Day, when USS Manila Bay returned to San Francisco in 1945. In the many years since Parker left Dahlgren, she still remembers the main features of the base. “I can picture it pretty well,” she said. Parker’s fondest memories, however, are of her husband. Edelen, it seems, including lots pranks in his courtship of Parker. “He’d push the doorbell and then run off and leave me standing there by myself,” she said, smiling. The Parkers’ descendants currently manage Parker Farms, a business that began when Edelen

retired from the Navy and began growing berries at his parents’ Clinton, Md. farm. With the help of the Parkers’ sons, the business grew and the family now manages agricultural operations in seven states. The origins of the family and family business, however, are the product of a wartime romance at Dahlgren. Parker smiles sublimely as she remembers the days she spent with her groom at Dahlgren. “We got this canoe and we were out there in our uniforms on the water, so what does he do? He tips over the canoe. My hat went floating down the river. We finally got back into the canoe and he did it again. He was a real joker.” She doesn’t hesitate when asked whether or not she avenged the prank. “I married him,” she said, laughing. “That fixed him.”

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, October 18, 2013

October is Energy Awareness Month We first set aside a time to remind us about saving energy in 1981 with American Energy Week. On September 13, 1991, President George Bush proclaimed October as Energy Awareness Month. The Department of the Navy has long been conducting energy awareness campaigns that promote the wise and efficient use of energy. Our nation can benefit from the wise use of energy. As the single largest domestic user of energy, the federal government spends more than $9 billion to power its vehicles, operations, and approximately 500,000 facilities throughout the United States. Efficient energy management at federal facilities: . Saves taxpayer dollars . Reduces greenhouse gas emissions . Protects the environment and natural resources . Contributes to our national security The Energy Vision involves five (5) Energy Pillars that operate independently, but together create NDW/NAVFAC Washington’s comprehensive Energy Program. The first week of Energy Awareness Month discussed our Energy Culture. As we enter the second week of Energy Awareness Month, the next Energy Pillar is Energy Information... I. Energy Culture: Our Energy Culture is a shared vision serving as the foundation of our comprehensive energy program focused on efficient use of energy resources to ensure optimal mission readiness. All employees bear the responsibility for being good energy stewards that value responsible use of resources aligned with energy governance. The objectives include: integrating energy planning into all installation master plans; creating energy teams throughout all supported/tenant commands and raising awareness and commitment to energy excellence. II. Energy Information: Our Energy Information systems will interconnect technologies and processes to provide actionable information based on “real-time” and accurate data. All leaders will use this information to optimize opportunities to reduce consumption, integrate renewable energy and alternative fuels and enhance security. Each installation will integrate Building Control Systems (BCS) and Utility Control Systems (UCS), which includes Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). NDW data management systems will collect, monitor, analyze and provide energy performance feedback to all end users over a secure network helping drive behavioral and cultural change. Follow us next week to learn about the third Energy Pillar which is Energy Efficiency. During Energy Awareness Month, and throughout the year, we must all remember that saving energy is an individual priority and focus, and that we can safeguard our energy infrastructure in all that we do through simple choices and attention to energy efficiency. Please refer to the attached checklist to see how you can begin making a difference! To learn more about Energy Awareness, visit energy fairs planned for Dahlgren and Indian Head. The NSF Indian Head Energy Fair will be held Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Autumn Fest Park. NSF Dahlgren Energy Fair will be held Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Parade Field Pavilion. If you have questions please contact the Installation Energy Manager, Jeff Creasey at (540) 653-0472 or via email at leonard.creasey@navy.mil

Community Notes: Continued from page 8

case their talents. Spaces are available for $10. Register today to secure a spot at this family-friendly event. Registration is available online at www.CharlesCountyMD.gov.

National Memory Screening Day Event Nov. 20

Do you worry about memory loss? Participate in the National Memory Screening Day on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Waldorf Senior Center (3092 Crain Highway, Waldorf). This free event offers confidential memory screenings and information about successful aging. Memory screenings provide knowledge about proper diagnosis and treatment, if needed, as well as healthy lifestyle choices for successful aging. National Memory Screening Day is an initiative of the Alzheimer’s Founda-

tion of America. The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America works to provide quality care and service to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses, including their caregivers and families. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease, visit the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s website at www.alzfdn.org/index.htm.

SMHEC Open House Achieve Greater Future Success at the Southern Maryland Higher Educations Center open house on Thursday, November 7, 4-7 p.m. Students can meet with representatives of over 90 degree programs including 12 bachelor degrees, five doctorates and 52 Masters degrees, that are presented at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center by 13 universities. The SMHEC campus is located at 44219 Airport Road, in California, Md. All of the classes for the academic programs are presented at the Center. Now is the time to look into the new MSW and BASW de-

grees from Salisbury University and the Nursing Masters degrees for Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Educator from Bowie State University. SMHEC has welcomed students enrolling over 4,400 times in Bachelor’s upper division courses and has had over 37,000 enrollments to date in all programs. Degree graduates number almost 2,000 to date. There are 52 masters’ degrees at SMHEC in engineering, management, education, human resources management, and an MSW. There are 12 bachelor’s degrees in Criminal Justice, Social Work, electrical engineering, electronic engineering technology, mechanical and electrical engineering, management, business and information systems management and now criminal justice. Classes at SMHEC are offered during evening hours and Saturdays. Take all classes right here in Southern Maryland and get a degree from a world-class university at SMHEC. Attend the SMHEC OPEN HOUSE, Thursday, November 7, from 4-7 p.m. Call SMHEC at 301-737-2500, or visit the website at www.smhec.org.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, October 18, 2013


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The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, October 18, 2013

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