Pilot 110813

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November 8, 2013


Hispanic heritage, history and contributions explored By John Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications

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INSIDE: Commissaries to start scanning IDs Page 6

Sailors and civilians celebrated Hispanic Heritage with stories, food, fun and reflection during an observance at the Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) Oct. 30. “We tend to see everything from the fun side,” said keynote speaker, Dr. Rafael Landaeta, as he cited unique traits of Hispanics. “Our strong families tend to celebrate everything.” Put Hispanics’ social disposition together with family and you will have a celebration that can last a year, said Landaeta, adding that, “we tend to have our personal space very close, if not zero. Close human interaction makes us unique.” Landaeta joined local Navy leaders - including Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division

(NSWCDD) Commander Capt. Michael Smith, Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) Commanding Officer Capt. Peter Nette, ATRC Commanding Officer Capt. Ian Hall, and Center for Surface Combat Systems Commanding Officer Capt. Don Schmieley - to interact and celebrate Hispanic Heritage with Dahlgren personnel. With a national theme of “Hispanics: Serving and Leading Our Nation with Pride and Honor,” the observance celebrated the histories, cultures, and contributions of Americans who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Landaeta - who immigrated to the United States from Venezuela 15 years ago - said he is amazed at the number of Hispanics who served in the Defense Department and who won awards such as the Nobel Prize, Emmys, Grammys and Oscars.

Old Dominion University professor Dr. Rafael Landaeta, a Venezuelan immigrant, addressed attendees at last week’s Hispanic Heritage Observance. Landaeta said that he is amazed by the number of Hispanics who served in the Defense Department. Today, more than 58,000 Hispanic active duty and Reserve Sailors serve in the Navy, including five Hispanic flag officers and 216

Hispanic master chiefs. The Old Dominion University professor also spoke about self-segregation among Hispanics.

“It’s good to segregate for a time - it gives you a path to integrating into society but we need to forget about race and color,” said Landaeta, encouraging the audience to “focus on things that really unite us and enhance what we have in common.” To spread the word among Hispanics that DoD is a model employer, the department engages with affinity groups, such as Latina Style, the National Organization of Mexican American Rights and the League of United Latin American Citizens to reach out to Hispanic Americans. The department also is pursuing opportunities for Hispanics in the science, technology, engineering and math fields - also known as STEM - by working with students, parents and teachers. “We understand that it takes a diverse, multi-talented workforce working to-

See Hispanic, Page 4


More power to you:

Marines boost energy, lighten load By Eric Beidel Office of Naval Research In an effort to move toward increased energy independence in the field, Marines used a wearable solar-powered system to extend the battery life of crucial electronic devices during a recent field exercise, officials announced Oct. 30. Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and assembled at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), the Marine Austere Patrolling System (MAPS) combines solar power and an individual water purifier to help lighten the load of Marines conducting lengthy missions in remote locations with few or no options for resupply. “The primary challenge facing the Marine Corps in expeditionary environments is that we’re carrying too much weight,” said Capt. Frank Furman, logistics program man-

ager for ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department. MAPS gives individuals the ability to manage power and filter water on the move. A key features is a flexible solar panel, about the size of a piece of paper, made possible by breakthroughs at the Naval Research Laboratory. The new gear proved to be a go-to power source to keep radio communications up and running during a field test with the 1st Battalion 5th Marines at the Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport, Calif. While in a remote mountainous area, company and platoon commanders had to rely on Marines using the MAPS gear because their radios were the only ones that still had power. “As engineers, we rely heavily on Marine feedback to improve system function, form and fit,” said Justin Miller, MAPS lead systems integrator based at based at NSWCDD in Dahlgren, Va.. “Actually observing Marines

use the system in this challenging terrain to sustain their gear is very positive, because we can incorporate their feedback into the design.” Marines use more electronic devices than ever before, including radios, nightvision goggles and GPS systems. Each comes with its own set of batteries and spares, which can add several pounds to what a Marine has to carry. “Marines planning a 24hour mission may need four batteries, but we bring eight as a safety factor, because we can never risk running out completely,” said Furman, an infantry officer who served in two tours to Afghanistan. “MAPS provides two benefits. First, we can lessen the risk of batteries running out completely. Second, the weight of spare batteries and extra water is eliminated. This directly effects on our endurance and ability to move and stay alert.” For a 96-hour patrol, MAPS has the potential to reduce the weight of batteries and water carried by a Marine from more

U.S. Navy photo by Elliott Fabrizio

The Marine Austere Patrolling System’s (MAPS) vest power manager (VPM-402) connects and manages multiple, tactical power requirements through a single interface. MAPS is a technology being developed at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division for the Marine Expeditionary Energy Office. than 60 pounds to 13 pounds. The system’s ability to sustain Marines for longer stretches reduces the need for dangerous logistics resupply operations, a goal stated in the Marine Corps Expeditionary Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan. This month’s field evaluation followed on the heels of

a similar evaluation in July by members of the 3rd Battalion 1st Marines at Camp Pendleton, Calif. The Marine Corps Expeditionary Energy Office continues to work with partner agencies to collect data from exercises and inform future development and fielding of subcomponent systems.

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES E-mail nsasp_pao_dlgr@navy.mil or Call (540) 653-8153

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, November 8, 2013

NSWC IHEODTD conducts second EOD underwater post-blast training course

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD) Technical Support Detachment (TSD) Readiness and Training department personnel concluded the second under-water post blast investigation course at the Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Md. base marina on Oct. 4. The training teaches explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians and other first responders how to conduct underwater post blast investigations. The course covers unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) localization concepts, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and manual search and mapping techniques, evidence recovery and preservation techniques, underwater explosive effects and conducting weapons effects assessments. “Accurately assessing weapons effects following a detonation on maritime infrastructure or vessels was a critical skill taught during this course,” said Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal David Prasek, NSWC IHEODTD Readiness and Training Department leading chief petty officer. A ship’s hull shape with blast damage was delivered from Aberdeen Proving Grounds to Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD) in West Bethesda, Md., for the first part of the course. “The hull was used to train the students on proper procedures for making accurate measurements to document blast effects following an explosive incident. This documentation is essential when trying to determine both the charge size and the charge type,” said Prasek. Prasek explained that this training followed the “crawl, walk, run” strategy common to most Navy training. The first day was spent in the classroom where experts discussed proper procedures and execution of underwater search and recovery techniques. The next two days were spent at NSWCCD’s explosive test pond facility. “This facility provides us with a controlled environment. Nothing is going to get washed away with a current. There is perfect visibility and the teams can take as much time as we need to make sure we are conducting both the search and the

U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Clifford L. H. Davis

Dave Wilson of Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division discusses damage assessment techniques on a blast-damaged hull shape with Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians from NSWC IHEODTD’s Technical Support Detachment.

U.S. Navy photo

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians from NSWC IHEODTD’s Technical Support Detachment measure blast damage on a hull shape during underwater training. evidence recovery properly,” said Prasek. “We worked with the EOD team to plan, develop and place surrogate IEDs [improvised explosive devices] for training. We also performed all of the explosive test operations, which included a series of five tests using varying explosive weights” said Bill Lewis, NSWCCD’s Test operations Engineer/Explosives Operations supervisor and Explosion Test Pond Facility manager. “The test pond is ideal for this sort of training because its 25-feet deep, and holds 3.5 million gallons of water filtered to within 1 micron to ensure water clarity for the purpose of high-speed video recording. The facility also has an accompanying sensor suite capable of recording pressure, strain, velocity, and acceleration data; and highspeed digital data collection system in the underwater viewing area capable of recording up to 10,000 frames per second.” In addition to facilities, NSWCCD provided instruction on underwater explosion damage characterization, and performed the explosive training events. “This course trains our team to respond to a situation where you’ve had a detonation in the water - like the USS Cole bombing,” said NSWC IHEODTD’s Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Aaron Weissman, Platoon 2 leading chief petty

U.S. Navy photo by Monica McCoy

U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Clifford L. H. Davis

Sailors from NSWC IHEODTD’s Technical Support Detachment splash down in the Potomac River during an Underwater Post Blast Investigation Course training scenario Oct. 2. officer. “We regularly conduct explosives forensics and evidence collection training on land, but this is the first time we conducted such training in the water.” The various scenarios of training began with a submerged improvised explosive device (IED) being placed in the test pool, in which after detonation, a UUV was sent to assess the detonation and blast field. “Our surface swimmers used buoys to map the blast field so we don’t swim the entire pool, just the area of the blast,” said Weissman. “Next, our divers went down to search the mapped area grid for grid. They mark where the evidence was (be-

cause that can tell us a lot when we go about putting everything back together), what the evidence was, and retrieved it.” Upon completion of the dive, technicians examined the evidence for fingerprints, DNA and tried to determine the explosive weight of the device and how it functioned - all the things the Navy needs to know in an investigation. “The training has been extremely valuable because it gives our guys a basic understanding of the physics of underwater explosions and a chance to see the actual effects of a true blast and refine their techniques. Once the fundamentals

Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD) engineers facilitated underwater postblast training for Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division’s (NSWC IHEODTD) Technical Support Detachment, Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell platoon, April 29-May 3. Training was conducted in NSWCCD’s explosive test pond facility, and taught participants how to map an underwater search area, detect evidence and preserve forensic material. NSWCCD engineers worked with the EOD team to plan, develop and place surrogate IEDs for training and performed all of the explosive test operations, which included a series of five tests using varying explosive weights. were learned and understood up at Carderock, we continued the training in the river down at Indian Head [Md.],” said Prasek. “As far as collecting evidence, it isn’t all that much different. We still take the same forensic-integrity precautions. The difference is how you go about searching, and how you put items back together,” said Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bill Weber. “The dynamics of an explosion underwater are certainly different, and this training is teaching us what to look for.”

Prasek explained that “this is the second time we’ve conducted this course. Our pilot class, held in April, focused only on Navy EOD. We plan on conducting this course twice a year as part of our pre-deployment training because another benefit is qualifying more responders in underwater post blast response.” “We anticipate conducting the course for future deployable TSD exploitation teams every six months as part of their pre-deployment work-up cycle,” said Prasek.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The South Potomac Pilot


Veterans Day discounts abound this Monday

CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Riders Needed for Vanpool from commuter lot at the corner of Houser Dr. and Rt. 208 in Spotsylvania. Depart 6 a.m., arrive on base 7 a.m. Depart base at 4 p.m. Mon. - Thurs., 3 p.m. on Fri. Drops at both sides of the base. Contact Nick Sunshine, 540-653-3816. Rider wanted for 7-passenger vanpool. Departs F’burg/Gordon Rd Commuter lot at 7AM. Departs NSWCDD/Dahlgren at 4:30PM. Transportation Incentive Program System (TIPS) qualified van. Contact Antonio at (540) 653-1512 Rider seeks rideshare from La Plata to Indian Head. Call Louie, 276-971-9837 Employee moving to either Fredericksburg, Va. or Maryland is in need of commute to NSF Dahlgren. Ideal commuting arrangement would be transportation that could pick-up and drop-off at or close to place of residence. Please call for more information, Sheila 214-529-3690. Starting a Van Pool, 7-passenger van, departs NLT at 6:35 a.m. from Fieldhouse/ Courthouse Rd. commuter lot to Dahlgren, Mon-Thurs 7:15 a.m. to 3:45p.m.; Friday 7:15 a.m. to 3:15p.m. Call Cheng at 540653-5909. A-Gate commuter wanted only. Van/carpool desired from any rideshare parking area or Reston Town Center. Depart between 6 to 7a.m., return from Indian Head between 4 to 5 p.m. Call Moses, 301743-4180. Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7a.m. to 4:30p.m., but hours can be negotiated. 703-909-3380.

Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ navy.mil or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 249-8153, or 540-653-8153.

FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. www.gwregion.org/gwride connect.html.

Although veterans are thought of and acknowledged always, many businesses have chosen Monday, Nov. 11 (Veterans Day) to offer special offers to all those that served. Below is a list of discounts offered to vets, as published by the website Military.com. Keep in mind that most businesses require proof of military service, which can include a VA Universal Access Card, Military I.D., DD-214 (Discharge Papers), Veterans Service Organization Card (VSO’s include groups like the VFW, DAV, AmVets, MOAA, FRA, and the American Legion), or in some cases businesses will accept a picture of the veteran in uniform. Note: Not all franchise locations participate in their national chain’s Veterans Day programs -- be sure contact your nearest establishment to make sure they are participating. Thank you for your service to all veterans - enjoy your special day!

Restaurant Offerings:

Applebees - Veterans and active duty military receive a free meal from a limited menu, on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11. California Pizza Kitchen – Veterans and active military receive a free pizza on Monday, Nov. 11. Chili’s – Veterans and active duty can get a free entrée all day from a special limited menu on Monday, Nov. 11. Cheeseburger in Paradise – Veterans and military personnel receive a free All American Burger with fries on Monday, Nov. 11 with the beverage purchase of $1.99. Denny’s -- Active, inactive and retired military personnel can get free all you can eat pancakes on Veterans Day nationwide. Famous Dave’s – Free or discounted meals on Veterans Day. Offer varies by location, please check the Famous Dave’s Veteran’s Day page or call your local restaurant for more information. Friendly’s – Veterans and active military receive a free Big Two Do Breakfast and coffee on Monday, Nov. 11. Golden Corral – Golden Corral is offering a free dinner on Monday Nov. 11, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Military retirees, veterans, active duty, National Guard and Reserves are all welcome. Hooters –Veterans and active duty military receive a free meal on Monday, Nov. 11. Krispy Kreme – Krispy Kreme stores are offering a free doughnut and small coffee on Monday, Nov. 11 when presenting a military ID or wearing a uniform. Little Caesars – Veterans and active military members get a free order of Crazy Bread on Monday, Nov. 11. Lone Star Steakhouse - Free appetizer for military members and veterans on Monday, Nov. 11. Taste of Texas sampler not included. McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurants – On Sunday, November 10, participating McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurants will offer a complimentary entree to vets from a special menu. Menchi’s -- All veterans will receive a free 6 oz. frozen yogurt on Monday, Nov. 11. O’Charley’s – Veterans and active duty servicemembers get a complimentary meal from a limited menu on Monday, Nov. 11. Olive Garden – On Monday, Nov. 11, all veterans and current servicemembers get a free meal from a limited menu. Family dining with them will also receive 10% off their meal. On the Border – Veterans and active duty military can enjoy a free meal from the “Create Your Own Combo menu” on Monday, Nov. 11. Outback Steakhouse – Outback Steak-

house is honoring America’s military veterans by offering active duty military and veterans a free Bloomin’ Onion and a CocaCola product during the week leading up to Veteran’s Day. This offer is available to Military Personnel who have one of the following forms of identifications: U.S Uniform Services Identification Card, U.S Uniform Services Retired Identification Card, Current Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), DD form 214 Veterans Organization Card (i.e., American Legion and VFW), Photograph in Uniform, Wearing Uniform. For more information, visit, http://outback. com/companyinfo/veteransday.aspx. Red Robin – Veterans and active duty military get a free Tavern Double Burger and Bottomless Steak Fries on Monday, Nov. 11. Shoney’s -- Shoney’s will be offering a free All-American Burger to veterans and active duty servicemembers on Monday, Nov. 11. Subway – Free Six Inch Sub - Select SUBWAY® Restaurants will offer a FREE six inch sub or flatbread to military veterans on Veteran’s Day. Texas Roadhouse – Texas Roadhouse locations nationwide will offer veterans a free lunch on Monday, Nov. 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Offer is good for active duty, retired or former U.S. military. TGIFridays – Veterans and active duty military get a free lunch from a select menu on Monday, Nov. 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Travel Centers of America -- On Monday, Nov. 11, all CDL drivers who are military veterans eat free at participating fullservice restaurants.

Travel and Recreation:

Knott’s Berry Farm – Knott’s Berry Farm is offering free admission for veterans and active duty military personnel and one guest from November 4, 2013 to January 5, 2014. National Parks - On Veterans Day weekend (Nov. 9-11) veterans will have access to over 100 National Parks that require entrance fees for free. Red Roof Inn - Red Roof Inn is offering 15% off at more than 350 properties nationwide in the month of November to veterans, active duty military and their families. Sea World Parks and Entertainment – Veterans and active duty military can get 50% off single-day admission tickets through Nov.11, 2013. World of Coca-Cola -- Military members receive complimentary admission yearround, but in honor of Veterans Day they also may purchase up to four half-price tickets for their friends and family Nov. 9-17.

Retailer Offerings:

Amazon.com – Free MP3 album download “Veterans Day Honor.” This free downloadable album includes 12 songs as performed by the military bands and ensembles of the U.S. Armed Forces. Visit Amazon now through Veteran’s Day to download the album for free(album will be full price again starting Nov. 11). Bed Bath and Beyond – Bed Bath and Beyond is offering veterans 20% off their entire purchase on Nov. 9, 10, and 11. This is good for active duty, DoD, reserves, guard, retir-

ees, veterans, and military spouses. Big Lots – 10% off your entire purchase with valid military ID. more info. Cabela’s - Cabela’s is giving their standard employee discount to all US military veterans, active duty military, Guard/Reserves, law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel on Nov. 10-11. Discount varies from 5% to 20%, depending on the item. Dollar General - 10% discount on entire purchase on Veterans Day. Offer good for all active duty military, retirees, veterans, Guard/Reserve, & immediate family members. The coupon can be found in the store circular, or by asking an employee. Also good online from Nov 11-13, use Coupon Code VETERANSDAY. Great Clips – On Monday, Nov. 11, customers who come in for a service can get a free haircut card to give to their favorite veteran. Veterans can also receive a free haircut or get the free haircut card. Haircuts are redeemable until Dec. 31. Home Depot – Home Depot offers a 10% discount to all veterans during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day. Home Depot offers the 10% discount year round to for active duty and retirees. Jos. A. Bank Specials - 1 Day Only! All Suits On Sale- 2nd for $47 Mix ‘n Match. 40% Off All Dress Shirts, Sportshirts, Ties & Sportswear. Free Shipping on Orders $195+. Valid: November 11. JoS. A. Bank Veterans Day sale orders. K-Mart - Early Veterans Day Sale – Nov. 10th! EXTRA 5-10% off almost everything with coupon code VETERANSDAY. Friday & Saturday Specials + EXTRA 5-15% off & FREE Shipping orders of $49 with coupon code HOLIDAY. Lowe’s – All veterans receive a 10% discount on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. The offer is available in stores only. Massage Envy – Participating Massage Envy locations in the Washington DC, Maryland, and northern Virginia region are offering a complimentary 1-hour massage to active military, veterans and spouses on Monday, Nov. 11. Netflix – One month free trial. 7/11 – Free small Slurpee on Nov. 11 from 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Offer good to all current and former military members. ID or proof of service required. Sports Authority – 15% off all purchases. All Veterans and Military personnel please stop by your local Sports Authority store to receive 15% off your entire purchase on Nov. 11 only. Please show proper identification or proof of service at check-out to receive this special offer. Sport Clips – Veterans Day National cuta-thon and Help A Hero program. Sport Clips is the official haircutter of the VFW and will donate $1 from every haircut during the National Cut-a-Thon to VFW’s Operation Uplink, which provides free phone time to active-duty military personnel and hospitalized veterans. Sports Clips stores also offer a offer a Heroes discount which includes active and retired military. Find a location near you. Medal of Honor Stamps -- The U.S. Postal Service will issue special Medal of Honor stamps on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

Year-Round Veterans Discounts:

Foot Locker – Veterans, servicemembers (active, guard, and reserve), and their immediate families with a Foot Locker Veterans Advantage Card receive a 20% discount every day of the year. That offer is good both

See Discounts, Page 6

The South Potomac Pilot


Base Happenings Dahlgren VA Claims Agent at FFSC

A V.A. Claims Agent will be at the Fleet and Family Support Center in Dahlgren on Nov. 21. To schedule an appointment, call (540) 653-1839. VA Claims Agents are available the first and third Thursday of each month.

Legal Appointments at FFSC

The Dahlgren Fleet and Family Support Center has legal appointments available on Dec. 3. Appointments are available for active duty military, their family members and retirees. Be sure you have your will and power of attorney up to date! Call (540) 653-1839 to make an appointment today.

Army vs. Navy Blood Drive

For the second year, NSF Dahlgren will host the Army vs. Navy Blood Drive Challenge. The Armed Services Blood Program team will collect blood donations from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Dec. 9 at the Community House. At the Army/Navy football game on Dec. 14 in Philadelphia, a trophy will be awarded to the service that receives the most donations. All blood collected benefits military members and their families at home, overseas, in harm’s way and recovering from injuries. Give our troops the most precious gift of all, the gift of life - give blood!

Second Tour Thrift Store Open

Starting in October, the Second Tour Thrift Store will be open from 12:30 - 3 p.m. every Thursday. The store currently has some great Halloween costumes and lots of fall and winter items available. Second Tour accepts donations of gently used items at their store on Sampson Road next to the USO. All proceeds from sales at Second Tour are donated to charities in the Dahlgren/ King George and surrounding communities, and provide scholarship funds to dependents of military personnel that are or were stationed on Dahlgren. Uniforms on the porch are free and available 24/7!

Indian Head Holiday food and coat drives

Navy Federal Credit Union at NSF Indian Head will be holding a food drive and a coat drive to benefit the Children’s Aid Society of Charles County. The food drive will run through November 21st and the coat drive will run through December 13th. Thank you for your support!

“Treasures” Thrift Store Needs Your Donations!

The Indian Head Thrift Store “Treasures” is now open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’re sure you’ll love all the treasures you’ll find. Open to everyone - military and civilian! Come by and check us out. The store is located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted. Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month? Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email ihspouseclub@live.com for information.

Friday, November 8, 2013

International partner views combat systems training in Dahlgren By Kimberly M. Lansdale Center for Surface Combat Systems The Education Division Director for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) visited the Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) and Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC), on board Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, for a familiarization tour Oct. 23. Capt. Tatsuya Fukuda visited CSCS and ATRC to see how the U.S. Navy trains its Enlisted and Officers. CSCS Commanding Officer Capt. Don Schmieley exchanged experiences and lessons learned during an office call with Fukuda. “One of the key goals of the Maritime Strategy is fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships with international partners and our relationship with JMSDF is a great example of this,” said Schmieley. ATRC Commanding Officer Capt. Ian Hall hosted Fukuda during the tour.

Hispanic: Continued from page 1

gether to meet the needs of today’s warfighters and provide innovation solutions for the demands facing our future Fleet,” said Smith in his opening remarks. “There is no question that our ability to meet our mission goals depends on our talent base, which is made stronger because of the capabilities of our engineers, scientists and business professionals of Hispanic descent.” About 11.5 percent of DoD’s military total force is Hispanic, and about 5.5 percent of that comprises

U.S. Navy photo by Daryl Roy, ATRC

Aegis Training and Readiness Center’s Commanding Officer Capt. Ian Hall discusses how ATRC uses instructor-led classrooms, simulation and hands-on training labs to train Sailors during the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s (JMSDF) visit to the schoolhouse. “Capt. Fukuda was able to observe firsthand how the schoolhouse uses a blended learning solution of instructor-led classrooms, simulation and hands-on training labs to efficiently train Sailors,” said Hall. CSCS’ international train-

ing is coordinated through the command’s Security Assistance and International Programs directorate. “The mission of CSCS International Programs is to provide allied forces quality training to enable them to develop ready teams capable

of operations that maintain and expertly employ surface combatants,” explained Dr. Darrell Tatro, director of CSCS International Programs. “We value our partnership with the JMSDF and we look forward to a continual successful relationship.”

officers. The greatest strides are being made by Hispanic women, or Latinas, and Latina officers in particular, whose numbers have nearly doubled to 2,000 in the military in recent years. “Being a Sailor, you will get a Sailor’s story,” said Schmieley in his closing remarks regarding Hispanics’ impact in the armed forces. The CSCS Commanding Officer told the story of Horacio Rivero, Jr. - the first Puerto Rican four-star admiral and second HispanicAmerican to become a full admiral in the modern United States Navy. Rivero graduated third in his class at the Naval academy in 1931. During WWII, he participated in

a number of notable Pacific battles. Adm. Rivero became Vice Chief of Naval Operations on July 31, 1964. During his tenure he oversaw the Navy’s day-to-day operations in the Vietnam War and was known as a big supporter of riverine forces. In February 1968, he reported as Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces, Southern Europe, responsible for the land, sea and air forces of five nations - Italy, Greece, Turkey, Great Britain and the United States - deployed in the Mediterranean area. Following Rivero’s retirement, he served as U.S. Ambassador to Spain, the first Hispanic American to hold

that position. “Adm. Rivero passed away in September 2000, but his contributions are still reflected in today’s Navy,” said Schmieley. “He not only positively impacted the Navy of the past but also the Navy of the future. He is one of many Hispanic Americans who have served and led our nation with pride and honor.” Hispanic Heritage Month was originally celebrated as Hispanic Heritage Week, established in September 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson. In 1988, then-President Ronald Reagan expanded the week and created Hispanic Heritage Month.

NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129 www.dcmilitary.com/dahlgren

The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-

Capt. Peter Nette

Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac

Gary R. Wagner

Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac

ments, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation

is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.

Jeron Hayes

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

NSA South Potomac Managing Editor

Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter

Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, November 8, 2013


MWR Happenings Liberty Center Veterans Day Golden Corral Trip

November 11, 2:30 p.m. Free and open to Liberty Center patrons only: E1- E6 single/unaccompanied active duty Military. Sign-up for this trip at the Liberty Center. Join Liberty for their annual Veterans Day trip to Golden Corral. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Liberty Paint Ball Day

November 16, Noon Location: Dahlgren Paint Ball Field Open to Liberty Center eligible patrons only Sign-up for this event at the Liberty Center. Have fun paint balling with Liberty! Liberty has some paint ball supplies for you to use, but please bring your own if you have them. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Auto Skills Center Winterization Maintenance

November 12, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free to eligible patrons Is your car ready for the cold winter weather? Let us help you make sure your car is good to go and teach you all of the proper precautions to take, to get ready for the winter months. For more information, please contact the Auto Skills Center at 540-653-4900.

Bowling Center Turkey Bowl

November 1 - 22

Movie Theater

Eligible patrons include all with base access. Bowl a turkey, three strikes in a row, and drop your name in the box with your phone number. The drawing will take place on Friday, November 22nd at noon. The winning name drawn will receive a free Thanksgiving turkey! For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540653-7327.

540-653-7336 Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings

Scotch Doubles Tournament

Price of Shows Civilians - $5 AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 above) $4 AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 - below) - $2.50 Child (6-11) - $2; Child (5 and under) - Free Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1

November 16, 6 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost: $20 per team. Teams of two will bowl three games and the top three teams will be awarded trophies. Please register by November 8th. For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540-653-7327.

General Library

Friday, November 8th 7 p.m., Prisoners, R Saturday, November 9th 7 p.m., Parkland, PG-13

Paws for Reading

November 12, 3:45 - 5 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Sign up for your 15 minute appointment to read to and pet a furry friend. Register at the Library in advance. For more information, please contact the Library at 540653-7474.

Friday, November 15th 7 p.m., Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (3-D)* Saturday, November 16th 2 p.m. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Saturday, November 16th 7 p.m. Don Jon

Youth Activity Center

Craftech/Hobby Center

Family Fun Night Bingo

November 13, 6:30 p.m. Eligible patrons include all children, ages 5 through 17, and their parents, who have base access. Come and socialize with other families in the community, while playing bingo with the opportunity to win some prizes! Snacks and refreshments will be served. Please register at the Youth Activity Center by November 8th. For more information, please contact the Youth Center at 540-6538009.

Framing and Matting Class at Craftech

November 13 - 20, 4:30 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost $35 plus materials. In this 2-day evening workshop, learn how to mat and frame a piece of artwork. No larger than 16x20, no oils or cross-stitch. Maximum class size is four. For more information, please contact Craftech at 540653-1730.

Community Notes Dahlgren King George County Veteran’s Day Ceremony

King George County Ruritan Club will hold a Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Monday, Nov. 11 at 6:30 p.m. at King George High School Auditorium. Please come and honor our local veterans and their service to our country. This event is free and open to all. Refreshments will be served.

“Retire With Confidence” Workshop

A free “Retire With Confidence” workshop will be held at Account, Inc., 7989 Kings Hwy. in King George on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. The workshop will feature information from Vicki Thorpe of Thrivent Financial. The event is free to attend and should be very informative for both individuals and business owners. There is limited seating on a first come, first served basis. RSVP at adam@account-inc.com or call (540) 709-7220.

KGHS Theater Production “The Importance of Being Earnest”

The King George High School Theater Department will present “The Importance of Being Earnest,” Nov. 13 - 16 at 8 p.m. in

the Auditorium. Tickets are $8 (ages 6 and under free).

Food Bank. For additional information contact Janine Paulsen @ 540-775-4FUN.

Great Night Out

Relay For Life Pancake Breakfast

The Rotary Club of King George-Dahlgren presents a Great Night Out with the famous dueling pianos as seen at Bobby McKey’s at National Harbor on Saturday, Nov. 16 from 6 p.m. - midnight at the Riverboat on the Potomac in Colonial Beach. Tickets are $40 each and include dinner and the show. Event will also include a silent auction featuring items such as sporting event tickets, restaurant certificates, YMCA memberships, vacations and more. Tickets are available by contacting kgdahlgrenrotary@gmail.com or calling Deanna Kroner, (540) 226-1252.

KGP&R Craft Fair and Holiday Bazaar

King George County Parks & Recreation will hold their annual craft fair and holiday bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 24 from noon - 3 p.m. at the King George Citizen’s Center, 8076 Kings Highway, King George, VA. Start your Christmas shopping early! Come celebrate the season with crafts, toys, jewelry, quilts, ornaments, lanyards, and assorted new merchandise. There’s something for everyone! Please bring non-perishable food for the King George

King George Relay For Life will hold a pancake breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 8 a.m. - noon at the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall. Adult tickets are $5, children 12 and under are $4. Family pack tickets are available. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. For more info, email Ursula@ crosslink.net.

Indian Head La Plata Veterans Day Parade

The Town of La Plata will host a Veterans Day Parade on Sunday, Nov. 10. Join us to honor the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces. The Salute to Veterans’ Parade starts at 1 p.m. at the Courthouse on Charles Street in La Plata. Bring the kids, and come enjoy an old-fashioned, hometown parade!

Walk to End Homelessness

The 11th Annual Walk to End Homelessness in Charles County will be held Saturday, Nov. 16 at 9 a.m. beginning at the La

Plata Town Hall, 305 Queen Anne St., La Plata, Md. Register now at www.lifestylesofmd.org or call (866) 293-0623.

Olde Tyme Holiday Gathering

The Town of La Plata will host an Olde Tyme Holiday Gathering on Sunday, Dec. 1 from 3 - 6 p.m. at the La Plata Town Hall. The sounds and spirit of the season bring friends and neighbors together for an afternoon of good cheer. Join us for holiday music, horse-drawn carriage rides, crafts for kids, refreshments, and a visit from Santa! Meet and greet with holiday characters, live entertainment in the Chamber Council with Gracie’s Guys and Gals Show Troupe, Peace Ringers, the College of Southern Maryland Chorale, and John the Fifer Colonial Holiday Music. Christmas tree lighting and singalong at 5:15 p.m.

Breakfast With Santa

Town of La Plata will hold Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the Town Hall. Choose from four time slots, 8-8:45 a.m., 9-9:45 a.m., 10-10:45 a.m. and 11-11:45 a.m. 25 kids per time slot. Town residents can register for time slots starting Wednesday, November 6th and general public registration will open Monday, Nov. 18. To register, call Town Hall at 301-934-8421.

The South Potomac Pilot


Discounts: Continued from page 3

online and at any store location, including Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Footaction and Champs Sports — even on sale items. Home Depot – Home Depot offers a 10% discount (up to a $500 maximum) to all active military, reserve, retired or disabled veterans and their family members with a valid military ID. All other veterans qualify for a 10% discount during Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day. Lowe’s – Lowe’s offers a year-round 10% discount offer for all active duty, National Guard and Reserve, retirees and disabled servicemembers and their immediate families. All other veterans receive the 10% discount on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. The discount is available on in-stock and special-order purchases of up to $5,000. The offer can’t be used on sales at Lowes.com, on previous sales or on sales of services or gift cards. You must present a valid military I.D. card to receive the discount.

Friday, November 8, 2013

UMW-Dahlgren Events Public invited to Monday, 18 November - National Security Lecture Series - UMW Professor Stephen Farnsworth will examine the issue of the global presidency. We also anticipate that he’ll respond to questions of national/international concern and the recent elections. The lecture is open to the public and there is no charge to attend. To register, go to http://dahlgren.umw.edu. Wednesday, 20 November- Germanna Community College informational briefing at ATRC. Here’s an opportunity to meet with GCC representatives as they continue offering relevant programs and classes at the UMW Dahlgren Campus. Two sessions - 1100 and 1500 and registration is requested (http:// dahlgren.umw.edu). Starting this spring - UMW MBA classes (delivered by VTC) at the UMW Dahlgren Campus. Students starting at the Dahlgren Campus will be able to complete their degree programs at the Dahlgren Campus. For more information, please email graduate@umw.edu or call 540 286-8030. Reminder - the UMW Dahlgren Campus will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday from 26 to 28 November.

RAB environmental restoration update Members of the public are invited to attend the next meeting of the Naval Support Facility Dahlgren Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 19, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the King George Courthouse, Circuit Courtroom, 9483 Kings Highway, King George, VA, 22485. The meeting will include slide presentations on current environmental program cleanup activities on the installation. Topics will include a five-year update on the Navy’s environmental restoration program at Dahlgren, and a report on the Gambo Creek ash dump pilot scale study. The program’s community involvement plan will also be described. The focus of the board meeting is to provide citizens with an opportunity to learn more about Navy’s environmental cleanup program and also address questions the public may have regarding cleanup activities on NSF Dahlgren, or regarding the Restoration Advisory Board. The RAB was established in 1994 to provide a forum for discussion and information exchange between community members and the Navy. The RAB also provides an opportunity for people who might be affected by the environmental cleanup at Dahlgren to provide input. The RAB is not a decision-making body, but is intended to provide diversity of perspective by including citizen participation.

Commissaries to start scanning IDs By DeCA Public Affairs Division


FORT LEE, Va. - Commissaries will soon begin scanning customers’ Department of Defense ID cards at checkouts as the Defense Commissary Agency continues its pursuit to deliver a 21st century benefit. The commissary at Fort Lee, Va., became the first store to scan ID cards on Oct. 22 as the first part of an agency-wide rollout to all stores that begins Nov. 10 and will be completed by mid-January. Commissary shoppers are used to showing their ID cards to establish their eligibility to use the commissary. By scanning the ID at checkout, DeCA will no longer need to maintain any personal information on customers in its computer systems, such as the system used for customers who write checks. Scanning will also help improve the commissary benefit for all patrons, according to Joseph H. Jeu, DeCA director and CEO. “In addition to verifying customers as authorized commissary patrons, we’ll gain information that will give us a better understanding of our patrons, allowing the agency to provide the commissary benefit more effectively and efficiently,” Jeu said. The commissary at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, Va. will start scanning ID cards on Nov. 20, said Romualda Garrett, commissary manager. Cross-referenced with other DOD data, the scan data will give DeCA useful information about patron usage, by military service, along with customer demographics that does not identify specific personal data of an individual. This will eventually help the agency identify shopping needs and preferences - information that is essential in today’s retail business environment. It will also allow more accurate reporting to the military services on commissary usage. The demographic information DeCA will use is strictly limited to: card ID number, rank, military status, branch of service, age, household size and ZIP codes of residence and duty station. DeCA will not be using any personal information such as names, addresses or phone numbers. “The methods, processes and information we’ll use will not compromise our customers’ privacy - they can be sure of that,” Jeu said. “We’re putting technology to work to better understand our customers and ensure the commissary benefit continues to remain relevant to them now and in the future.” For more information on ID card scanning, go to http:// www.commissaries.com/documents/contact_deca/faqs/ id_card_scanning.cfm.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, November 8, 2013


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The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, November 8, 2013

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