NSWCDD Honor Awards Issue
April 19, 2013
2012 Year-End Honorary Awards
Ceremony honors Dahlgren Division employees
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NSWCDD Group Honor Awards Pages 6 & 7
Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) will recognize over 400 military personnel and civilian employees in the command’s annual honorary awards ceremony today.
John Adolphus Dahlgren Award
C. J. Rorie Award
John Adolphus Dahlgren Award
Two employees are receiving the John Adolphus Dahlgren Award, the command’s highest local award established to recognize individuals with significant achievement in science, engineering or management. The award is named in honor of Rear Admiral John Adolphus Dahlgren (1809-1870), inventor of the Dahlgren gun and considered the father of modern naval ordnance. Robert Dibble from the Engagement Systems Department (G) is commended for his contributions to NSWCDD’s rapid development capacity and capability. These contributions include establishing a government rapid development projects lab; the emphasis in the use of warfighter inputs early in the development; an ability to manage extremely complex projects and still rapidly deliver a product; and the ability to exploit the reuse
Baugher of standard integration software. Marshall C. Baugher, head of the Electromagnetic Effects Division, is recognized for superior technical leadership as a topside design engineer, program manager, and organizational leader. He has devoted his professional career at NSWCDD to ensuring the technical superiority of electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) capabilities and that NSWCDD continues to be the “go to” organization for all things E3.
C. J. Rorie Award
Cmdr. Marc Williams and Lt. Cmdr. Jason Fox are this year’s recipients of the C. J. Rorie Award, established to recognize military personnel assigned to NSWCDD whose excellence in the performance of their duties has contributed significantly to the effectiveness of the division’s military operations. The award is named in honor of Rear Adm. C. J. Rorie, commander of the Naval Surface Warfare Center from March 1975 to September 1977.
Fox He was instrumental in leading the center during its early years, following the initial merger of the Naval Weapons Laboratory and the Naval Ordnance Laboratory. As project manager for Griffin Missile integration on Cyclone-class coastal patrol crafts (PC), Williams’ technical expertise, communication skills, fleet knowledge and steady leadership were instrumental in the success of the program. Fox is recognized for his accomplishments as the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense
Williams Flight Test Mission (FTM) lead systems engineer (LSE) for FTM16 Event 2a and FTM18. His technical understanding of the Aegis BMD Combat System and leadership of the government/industry team were instrumental in the rigorous preparation and successful execution of this critical weapon system.
Bernard Smith Award
Three NSWCDD employees are receiving the Bernard Smith Award, established to
See Awards, Page 2
Technology to Sea Excellence Awards The Special Sensor Technology (SST) Group is cited for their innovation in systems design that enabled a U.S. Navy combatant to employ evolutionary collection, processing and cloud architecture capabilities in new ways that brought impact and relevance to tactical cryptology and cyber warfare that have never been experienced in the Fleet. The Battle Management System Integration and Deployment Team was responsible for production, integration and deployment of a 30mm Gun Weapon System as well as for development and integration of the SDB onto the Dragon Spear platform. The Riverine and Inter-
Advanced Concepts Group: Diane Bozenbury, Meagan Hom, David Hurley, Craig Martell, Dr. Robert McDevitt, Joshua Shiben, David Shuttleworth and Christopher Zuchowski. coastal Operations Team is cited for their work to develop and field a gamechanging system of networked sensors and com-
munications for deployment in adverse riverine, jungle and intercostal environments. The Laser Weapons
Riverine and Intercoastal Operations Team: Joe Campillo, Patrick Dezeeuw, Bryce Janson, Jshuntume McCollough, Shawn McDonald and James Flippen. System (LaWS) Team successfully installed a prototype Laser Weapon System (LaWS) on board a U.S. Navy Ship to participate in 2012’s Black Dart Test Exercise, demonstrating the
system’s capability to track, engage and shoot down multiple unmanned aerial systems while the ship was underway.
See Sea, Page 9
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The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards Awards:
Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
Continued from page 1
recognize individuals with exceptional, significant technical contributions in engineering or science, particularly contributions that are accomplished by exceptional persistence and competence in the face of unusual odds or significant opposition. The award is named in honor of Bernard Smith, technical director of the Naval Weapons Laboratory from 1964 to 1973. Kenneth Armstrong, senior systems engineer with the Electromagnetic and Sensor Systems Department (Q), will be honored for extraordinary persistence in the furthering of a real-time spectrum operations concept that is critical to achieve effective operations of RF systems within the complex shipboard electromagnetic environment. Dennis Larsen, combat control senior system engineer in the Warfare Systems Department (W), is recognized for his leadership of engineering initiatives supporting the Aegis, Ship Self Defense System, Cooperative Engagement Capability, Shipboard Gridlock System, Common Data Link Management System, and Advanced Hawkeye programs. His efforts have increased the extent and effectiveness of naval sensor netting, improved tactical data link consistency, reduced the occurrence of dangerous combat ID discrepancies, enabled more effective force level interoperability testing, and paved the way for further functional enhancements to Navy and joint interoperability. Anthony Nicoletti, product director for protection programs in the Asymmetric Systems Department (Z), is recognized for his expertise in leading numerous programs in addressing technical issues while two distinct organizations merged and went through several subsequent reorganizations. His technical and leadership capability has helped ensure that the Navy will receive effective chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) protection systems.
Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award
Ten NSWCDD employees will be presented with the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award. Paul Atkinson, a senior mechanical engineer with G Department, is recognized for his work to develop innovative solutions to complex technical problems for naval
launcher programs and his development of launcher analysis techniques. Bradley Hanna, lead mechanical engineer in G Department, is recognized for his innovation and diligence in pursuing new technologies and partnerships to provide the warfighter with more innovative initiation systems that enable safer, more effective weapons to achieve the desired mission objectives. Craig Bouchard, lead SEMS system engineer in the Strategic and Weapon Control Systems Department (K), is recognized for developing the widely used Ship/Submarine Environment and Missile Simulation (SEMS). Dr. Christian Wahlquist, fratricide and nuclear effects simulation and analysis technical expert in K Department, is honored for his expertise and contributions that have been invaluable to the evolution of the fratricide computational methodology and will enable Navy and Air Force strategic programs to meet the expectations, schedules and requirements of USSTRATCOM as they comply with the provisions of the new START Treaty. Blaise Corbett, senior engineer for Q Department, is recognized for his efforts to provide the Navy with an improved, effective, lowcost design for a cable shield ground adapter that will be inexpensive to reproduce, environmentally robust, and easy to install and maintain. This innovation will ultimately save the Navy over $640 million over the next
Bernard Smith Award
Dr. James E. Colvard Award
Robert Fitzgerald, senior engineer in Z Department, is lauded for his achievements in the Pentagon Shield Program. He voluntarily assumed the daunting task of constructing the largest, single chemical and biological sensing network in the country. James Flippen, lead logistician and trainer for the identity dominance system and Navy non-lethal effects programs of record, is recognized for his leadership in providing over five years of program management and logistics support for the Identity Dominance System, the Navy Non Lethal Effects, and Riverine Intercoastal Operation programs.
Dr. James E. Colvard Award
Buhr 50 years and ensure that our ships are able to effectively operate in a complex electromagnetic environment. Ronald Flatley, high-energy laser (HEL) area director for the Directed Energy Warfare Office, is honored for his contributions to the development of directed energy laser weapons, and his efforts that achieved the first high-energy laser weapon
Dodd demonstration aboard a U.S. Navy surface combatant. Anita Kirkland, human systems engineer in W Department, is honored for her contributions to the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Joint Program Office as the lead human systems engineer. Mark Vogel, AMIIP Navy Test Lead with W Department, is recognized for his
Seay leadership supporting the Accelerated Mid-term Interoperability Improvement Program (AMIIP). He directed all AMIIP test activities, which included defining force level test plans, scenarios, configurations and metrics used to execute numerous strike group level test events leading up to and including the Trident Warrior (TW) 2012 Fleet exercise.
Three NSWCDD personnel are receiving the Dr. James E. Colvard Award, which recognizes individuals who, through their leadership, have made substantial contributions to the development of the Dahlgren Laboratory as a technical institution. The award is named for Dr. James E. Colvard, who was technical director of the Naval Weapons Laboratory from 1973 to 1974 and the Naval Surface Weapons Center from 1974 to 1980. Brian Seay, Aegis Program Director in W Department, is cited for his leadership in the Aegis program. Through his technical direction, the Navy has been able to define the next generation Aegis Combat System with NSWCDD providing the technical lead in forging the way ahead.
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards Dr. Tony Buhr, senior biologist in Z Department, is recognized for his technical leadership in developing reliable spore preparation protocols and quality criteria that challenged outdated test methods to improve the quality of the biological defense products fielded to the Navy and the other Services. Jeffrey Dodd, Deputy Z Department Head, is recognized for his efforts to establish NSWCDD as a renowned irregular and asymmetric warfare institution, work that has resulted in numerous achievements that are extremely relevant to today’s warfighters, emergency responders, and the overall Global War on Terror (GWOT).
Dr. Charles J. Cohen Science and Technology Excellence Award
Five employees are receiving the Dr. Charles J. Cohen Science and Technology Excellence Award given to individuals whose work had a fundamental impact on science or technology and a measurable impact on capability. Dr. Luke Martin, engineer in G Department, is cited for his work to pioneer and develop a custom random vibration procedure for conducting multi-axis vibration testing of an encanistered Vertical Launch Missile System (VLS). Implementing this new tailored, multi-axis vibration procedure will reduce the testing time for the VLS system from 117 hours down to 39 hours. James Thomas, senior systems engineer with K Department, is recognized for his efforts to address a need for interoperability between naval systems to support Net-Centric goals. He envisioned that adapter software (middleware) would greatly reduce the cost of integration of legacy systems. Dr. Jeffrey Solka, senior scientist in Q Department, is cited for his sustained commitment to advancing both internal and sponsored scientific research at NSWCDD. Philip Irey IV, S&T and computing architecture lead scientist in W Department, is recognized for his leadership in the design, development and integration of a universal network gateway prototype that substantially improves warfighter access to information across system boundaries while providing a significantly improved Information Assurance posture. Timothy Bauer, senior engineer in Z Department, is cited for his efforts to advance the state-of-the-art in CBR hazard assessment. His
Dr. Charles J. Cohen Science and Technology Excellence Award
The Technology to Sea Excellence Award
Bowers efforts have improved the available hazard assessment capability and defense products for the fleet.
Award of Excellence for Software Engineering
Award of Excellence for Software Engineering
The Award of Excellence for Software Engineering was established to recognize software engineers with NSWCDD who have made major contributions to the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense in the field of software engineering and to NSWCDD’s recognition as a software engineering organization. There are seven recipients for 2012. Joseph Gowarty, Jr., serves as the Gun Control System Independent verification and validation lead in the Engagement Systems Department. Shawna McCreary provides software engineering for the Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) Weapon Control System across the program from modeling and simulation of the D5 missile to tactical software responsible for missile launch. Andrew Orzechowski serves as the leading software architect for the Tactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System (TTWCS) and has also made significant contributions to the software development of the Tactical Service Oriented Infrastructure (TSOI), a Marine Corps project. Michael Urann is the government software lead for both the Networked Federation of Models (NETFED) and the Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFCCA) Federation, responsible
Thomas served as the acquisition engineering agent for the Fleet’s chemical and biological (CB) detectors, and has developed innovative technical approaches to support stakeholder decision-making and standardized and streamlined key processes. Frederick Heller’s work has been directly responsible for saving Marines and Soldiers as the Sharana Regional Support Activity Site Lead for the Joint Program Office Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Program. His efforts were a direct enabler in fielding the vehicle armor kits that significantly increased personnel survivability from IEDs.
Paul J. Martini Award
for guiding the development and implementation of these architectures in order to support end-to-end system-of system analysis. Selma Alsalam is cited for her leadership and technical excellence in the development of the Story Finder V2 Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) system. Michael Kelly redesigned the Joint Expeditionary Collective Protection System Performance Model in an effort that resulted in the timely and within budget delivery of robust software and is a strong candidate for other Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) system performance models. Eric Lorden is recognized for his service in support of the Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center.
The Technology to Sea Excellence Award
The command’s Technology-to-Sea Excellence Award is given to an individual or group whose science and technology base work has made a notable impact on the Navy’s warfighting capability. Individual recipients for 2012 include Keith Bowers, Devon Clark, Christopher Bara, Nancy Haymes and Frederick Heller. Keith Bowers has supported Undersea Warfare (USW) fire control programs for 35 years, most recently directing a diverse technical team to upgrade older U.S. Navy cruisers with the latest Mk 116 Mod 7 Build 12A Fire Control System allowing these ships to take advantage of the newest Mk 54 Torpedo and Vertical Launched AS-
ROC (VLA). Devon Clark has served as the integration and test engineer for the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), Surface Warfare (SUW), Mission Package Application Software (MPAS) to include the installation and checkout of MPAS on board USS Freedom (LCS-1) and the operational support for the conduct of SUW Mission Package (MP) Developmental Testing. Christopher Bara is recognized for his role in the development of the Improved Point Detection System (IPDS) - Lifecycle Replacement to ensure that the system’s form, fit and functional design allowed for a smooth installation as it replaced the IPDS to continue to protect the Fleet from chemical and biological threats. Nancy Haymes has
The Paul J. Martini Award was established to recognize individuals whose dedication and excellent performance in a support function made a significant contribution to NSWCDD. The award was named in honor of Paul J. Martini, head of the Engineering Support Directorate of the Naval Ordnance Laboratory from November 1951 to December 1973. There were 19 recipients for 2012. Joan Fridell is recognized for her service as executive assistant to the NSWCDD Commander. Jane Scott was instrumental in the development of NSWCDD’s overhead budget and has worked with NSWC Headquarters to support many other efforts including Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), Technical Capabilities Health Assessment (TCHA), and Intelligent Workbook (IWB) updates. Debra Coppage-Graybeal is cited for her work as administrative/technical specialist for the Strategic and Weapon Control Systems Department (K). Adrian Ward is recognized for excellence in administrative support to the Strategic and Weapon Control Systems Department. Katrinia Cox is recognized for her service as executive assistant in the Warfare
See Awards, Page 4
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards Paul J. Martini Award
Continued from page 3
Systems Department (W). Judi Allen is cited for her dedication as a security specialist for the Asymmetric Systems Department (Z). Adrienne Phaler provides administrative support to the Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense (CBRD) Concepts and Experimentation Branch (Z21) of the CBRD Division (Z20). Cherry Johnson is recognized for her customer service and initiative in support of the NSWCDD workforce development program. Susan Tubman is cited for her dedication and excellence in the field of Human Resources. Debra Johnson leads budget operations in the Comptroller office and accepted the responsibility of supervisor during NSWC Dahlgren Division’s transition to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Linda Deshazo is recognized for her service as a financial analyst supporting the financial needs of programs in the Engagement Systems Department. Michelle McDaniel is cited for her sustained efforts to improve financial management in the Warfare Systems Program Office and across NSWCDD. Angela Creasey led a team that physically inventoried over 27,000 assets, enabling a clean conversion of property data to the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Wanda Shanahan is recognized for her work as the Battle Management System (BMS) configuration manager for the Engagement Systems Department. Betty Kniceley has mentored interns assigned to the NSWCDD Contracting organization, and she has consistently excelled in her ability to transition her knowledge and experience in a meaningful and effective manner.
C. Johnson
D. Johnson
Scott Michele Curtis is responsible for safety and environmental compliance that mitigates hazards for directed energy projects in the Electromagnetic and Sensor Systems Department (Q). Kimberly Green is cited for her leadership and support in the advancement
of special program security practices at NSWCDD. Larry Gallup is recognized for his service in providing cross-departmental leadership in special security requirements and implementation. Mark Carter was the architect of the effort to reduce
the Mission Assurance Division’s (Z30) IT infrastructure by approximately 50 percent without impacts to the supported community.
In-house Laboratory Independent Research Excellence Award
Dr. Kevin Boulais and Dr.
Francisco Santiago from the Electromagnetic and Sensor Systems Department (Q) are receiving the In-house Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) Excellence Award, granted to an individual or group whose research results exhibit outstanding technical or scientific merit,
are relevant to the mission and thrusts of NSWCDD, and will have a positive effect on other efforts in the command. Boulais and Santiago are cited for their project titled “Behavior of a Semi-Insulator in a Tunable Split-Ring Resonator Configuration,”
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The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards which deals with the exploration, identification and characterization of fundamental processes inside semiconductor materials that produce photo-capacitance effect. Until this work, photocapacitance was a tool to characterize electronic properties of semiconductor materials in the laboratory environment. Boulais and Santiago found a way to construct a generic circuit equivalent model where the circuit parameters are produced from fundamental charge transport properties that emerge when a semiconductor is irradiated with light. As a result, for the first time there is a way to model and extract design parameters for any electronic device application using photocapacitance. This will enable the creation of a new class of composite materials known as tunable artificial dielectrics and will enable the realization of fully tunable metamaterials systems.
Award of Excellence in Systems Engineering
Leadership Award for Employee Development
Four NSWCDD employees are receiving the Leadership Award for Employee Development for 2012. The award recognizes individuals who, through their leadership and commitment, have made exemplary contributions to the development of others. An individual receiving this award is recognized as a role model for creating a positive and supportive work environment for continuous employee development, building employee commitment to the organization and its core values, and fostering employee motivation and overall well-being. Nancy Taylor has supported employee development through her leadership as the Gun Weapon System (GWS) software architecture and design group leader and as the Lead Data Analyst for various MK 34 GWS and MK 160 Gun Computer System baselines. Catherine Ray is cited for her ability to take a new concept or tasking and lead personnel to develop a strategy to implement and execute the tasking, with her major areas of influence being in software development, systems engineering, process improvement, metrics collection, new technology insertion, and ERP Leadership. Shellie Clift Q has pursued numerous collateral duties beyond her daily responsibilities as deputy department head for the Electromagnetic and Sensor Systems Department (Q), taking a proactive approach to mentoring that has had a direct impact on the success
Leadership Award for Employee Development
In-house Laboratory Independent Research Excellence Award
Boulais of a number of senior leaders across NSWCDD. James Lee has promoted an atmosphere of diversity and creative thinking in Z Department’s Nano & Materials Science Section, contributing time and effort to mentor other researchers and support efforts to develop the next generation
Santiago of science, technology, engineering and mathematics leaders in the government.
Award of Excellence in Systems Engineering
The Award of Excellence in Systems Engineering was established to recognize NSWCDD’s systems engi-
Ray neers whose leadership has contributed significantly to customers getting what they need and to systems engineering as a discipline. There are 15 recipients for 2012. Matthew Shoffstall has been responsible for updates of current hardware and software designs with the virtualization of the Battle Force Tactical Trainer (BFTT) Operator Processing Console (BOPC). James Sharp, Jr. has supported fielding the 5” MK186 High Explosive Multi Option Fuze (HE-MOF) projectile, successfully addressing requirement fluctuations, technical challenges, personnel changes and financial pressures. Aubrey Bland provides technical and managerial leadership for all Weapons Systems Engineering Branch activities, including planning, system and software requirements, system de-
Taylor sign, testing and external interface, and has served as the chief systems engineer for requirements engineering and management activities in the Strike Weapons Systems Division. Keith Melkun has been instrumental in fielding high quality systems and software for the SSBN fleet, including a major overhaul of the TRIDENT II guidance system. Robert Newton is cited for his technical contributions to system engineering for the SLBM Submarine Weapon Control System. Bruce Saller is responsible for system engineering for the SLBM/SSGN Submarine Weapon Control Systems and development of the Launch Control System for the SSGN Attack Weapon Control System to continued efforts in the Ohio Replacement Program. Dr. Gregory Balchin supports the advancement of
Surface Ship Integrated Topside Design (ITD) and architectures for current and future naval and Department of Defense platforms. Alan Tolley is recognized for his systems engineering leadership in the development of the Dual Band Radar and the Air Missile Defense Radar. Vincent Basuino authored the update to the Software Configuration Management (SCM) Configuration Control Review Board instruction and led the successful transition to a new priority/probability scheme for computer program change requests across all SCM processes, databases and computer programs for numerous Aegis and Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense baselines. Pamela Littleton is recognized for providing outstanding systems engineering leadership to the Warfare Systems Engineering Technical Team (WSETT) and the CVN 78 Warfare Systems Wholeness Study Effort. Cindy Montrief has been responsible for the simultaneous development of three separate Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) baselines and a significant capability upgrade to the Aegis Weapon System as the Aegis Baseline 9 lead for BMD in
See Awards, Page 8
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Group Awards
Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) Cost Team: Mukesh Amin, Abby Anderson, Barton Clark, Curtis Klugh, Danny Mudd, Gregory Pillis, Mary Ann Strock, Tzawe Wang and Dawn Chandler. TSC: Tim Armentrout, Jon Hoyle and Henry Palmer. ioTechnologies: David Mann.
Warfare Systems Department New Employee Orientation Committee Team: Diana Kolodgie, Karen Kinter, Emily Lockett, Allison Popola, Wendy Schaeffer and Carly Torisky.
Group Achievement Awards
Over 20 groups of NSWCDD employees are receiving the Award of Merit for Group Achievement and Technology-to-Sea Group Award for accomplishments during 2012. The group awards are intended to promote the spirit of teamwork among employees and recognize group effort where cooperation has contributed to the success of the group. The Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar Software Team is receiving NSWCDD’s Award of Excellence for Software Engineering in recognition of their tests of operational software for the USMC Ground/ Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ ATOR) Program. As a result of the team’s efforts, the AN/ TPS-80 successfully conducted System Performance Qualifications and entered into the Developmental Testing 1B for Operational Evaluation in August 2013. The Warfare Systems Department New Employee Orientation (W-NEO) Committee Team is receiving NSWCDD’s Leadership Award for Employee Development. The committee is cited for its demonstrated initiative and leadership in providing numerous opportunities for W Department new employees to gain a technical understanding of the department and improve communication among new employees.
Awards of Merit for Group Achievement
The Simplified Acquisition Procurement Group is recognized for outstanding procurement support provided to the technical community at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren and its tenant organiza-
tions, processing 1,167 actions totaling approximately $29 million during FY12. The Laboratory and Chemical, Biological, Radiological Safety Team is cited for their collaborative efforts in establishing a culture of quality and safety in the Chemical Biological and Radiological Defense (CBRD) Division (Z20), and Test & Evaluation Division (G60) labs. The BFTT Fleet Readiness Support Team successfully supported USS Carter hall (LSD 50) in preparation for a FST-U event, guaranteeing the Battle Force Training Team (BFTT) system was functioning properly and the crew understood the system and its operation. The Emergent Response Special Sensors Team is recognized for their support to a Presidential response to an emergent crisis (Operation ODYSSEY DAWN), overcoming numerous obstacles to successfully complete two short notice overseas installations, delivering a needed capability on two platforms. The Patrol Coastal Griffin Missile Systems Development Team developed and fielded an Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW) defensive missile system for U.S. Navy Patrol Coastal combatant craft within a nine-month period. The Precision Universal Mortar Attack 81mm Development and Demonstration Team was responsible for a successful GPS guided flight test and for leading the way in prototyping of gun launched guided munitions. The 344 SLBM Fire Control System Development Team incorporated software updates that interface with the Mark 6 Mod 1 Life Extension (Mk6LE) Guidance System (GS) to extend the weapon
Simplified Acquisition Procurement Group: Cheryl Ashton, Sharon Baylor, Daniel Belcher, Bret Coons, Kimberly Curtin, Dora Fauntleroy, Karen Jenkins, Diana Moses, Doritha Newman, Janice Pilkerton, Pamela Shelton, Jean Smith and Susan Staples.
Precision Universal Mortar Attack 81mm Development and Demonstration Team: Thomas Del Guidice, Kevin Green, Michael Irwin, Timothy Josey, Nathan Joswiak, Hillar Lago, Thomas Long, Kishore Pamadi, Matthew Scott, Sanford Steelman, Michael Vittoria, George Wiles and Wayne Worrell. Army Research Lab, Aberdeen: Dr. James DeSpirito, Rex Hall, Mark Ilg, Ilmars Celmins, James Maley, Pete Muller, Doug Petrick, Dr. Sidra Silton and Benjamin Topper.
Laboratory & Chemical Biological Radiological Safety Team: Courtney Baskeyfield, Sheran Phin, Michael Simulcik, George Clotfelter, Andy Lehoskay, Brian Talbot, Christopher Bara, Meredith Bondurant, Amanda Clark, Amanda Dean-Wilson, Brian Flaherty, Ryan Kelly, Dr. Derrell McPherson, Nancy Haymes and Jeff Smith. Chugach, Inc.: Susan Straughan. Cryphon Technologies: Dallas Clavier and Lee Ward. Shipboard Data Systems (SDS) Development Team: Robert Blader, Sandra Blader, Mary Brown, Richard Buckwalter, Martin Capone, Penny Crabtree, Sam Delgrande, Diane Ditko, Linda Drescher, Brandon Haggard, Mitchel Laubach, John Patten, Calvin Pham, Nancy Raines, Joy Schoenberger, Sachin Sharma and Daniel Shimko. CACI: Dann Burrell and Anthony Noonan.
BioWatch Quality Assurance (QA) Sample Standard Laboratory Team: Amanda Dean-Wilson, Amanda Clark, Lorena De Los Santos, Shelia Hamilton, Andrea Harvey, Amanda Miller, George Payne, John Thompson and Wynn Vo.
RADHAZ Environment Characterization Group: Robert Bozarth, Tamera Hay, Richard Magrogan, Robert Needy and Steven Springer.
DAP Development Team for the Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP): Stephen Hagewood, Adam Stultz, Kenneth Thomas, Joel Gillespie, Scott Granger, Alan Thomas, Thomas Turner and Nathan Schmidt. URS: Michele Dudley. Simventions: Jeff Kraisser. SDC: John McAlexander and Ken Venable. IO Tech: Jim Tharp. system through the end of the life of the Ohio-class submarines and serve as the initial weapon system for the Ohio Replacement Program. The Shipboard Data System (SDS) Development
Team successfully designed and developed hardware and software enhancements to the mission support system onboard the SSBNs and SSGNs, an effort that involved integrating software from
multiple Strategic Systems Programs branches deploying Windows 7/Windows 2008 operating systems onboard the submarines, and implementing software solutions that aid operators in maintaining and troubleshooting shipboard equipment. The Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard (RADHAZ) Environment Characterization Group is recognized for their support of Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO), Personnel (HERP) and Fuel (HERF) onboard all U.S. Navy surface ships and shore facilities. The Data Adaptation Processor (DAP) Development Team for the AN/SLQ32(V)6 Electronic Warfare System Surface Electronic
Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP) successfully developed the Data Adaptation Processor, a critical component of the SEWIP Block 2 system. The Accelerated Mid-Term Interoperability Improvement (AMIP) Trident Warrior 2012 Team was instrumental in engineering a set of software upgrades to Aegis, SSDS, CEC, SGS/AC, CDLMS and the E-2C that successfully mitigated the Fleet’s most significant interoperability problems. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Common Combat Management System Feasibility Study Team is cited for their technical contributions to the Navy’s development of LCS combat system capabilities. The team’s technical fea-
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Group Awards
344 SLBM Fire Control System Development Team: Mark Anderson, Jason Abraham, Kevin Arnold, Hank Ball, Pam Baylor, Josh Bellamy, Sandra Blader, Jodi Boyd, Mary Brown, Martin Capone, Sandra Capone, Dave Cook, Ruth Darnell, Matt Duggan, Jared Eskey, Jim Fitzgerald, Chuck Freeman, John Graham, Jennifer Graves, Evan Greenacre, Susan Hall, Pam Hale, Eric Halter, Kevin Halter, Rebecca Jackey, Patricia Johnson, Gladys Jones, Richard Jones, Carolyn Klopp, Jim Maroney, Shawna McCreary, Brian Medved, Keith Melkun, George Miller, William Morgan, Bob Newton, Cynthia Norfleet, Bonnie Oliver, Rolando Pancotti, Theresa Pitts, Jerry Pfenninger, Calvin Pham, Jon Posch, Vickie Quann, Brandon Roberts, Andrew Robinson, Anthony Ross, R. Chris Scranton, Jason Stewart, Dawn Semich, Deb Silber, Peggy Thompson, Greg Treakle, Michael Wehrle, Linda Wood, Mary Wood and Elissa Zizzi. CACI: David Bosworth, Jonathan Bradshaw, Tom Dandridge, Jim Flickinger, Dennis Markle, John Olszewski, Johanna Payne and Brenda Wilder. URS: Ollie Smith.
Patrol Coastal Griffin Missile Systems Development Team: Lee Adler, Omayra Berrios, Scott Beszczynski, Carolyn Blakelock, Thomas Bohlmann, Kurt Chewning, Jim Chisholm, Jessica Difilippo, Charles Flemmings, Katie Hall, Bradley Hamilton, Jason Hough, Sally Huxtable, Kevin Jackson, Rachel Kennedy, John Kylander, Feliz Lopez, Dennis McCauley, Mary-Kathleen McShane, Dr. Joseph Plaia, Walter Reel, Jim Rinko, Emily Robison, Martin Sanchez, Dr. Carl Sisemore, Traver Sutton, Marcus Tepaske, Ben Tritt, Mark Turner, Dan Vavrick, Eric Wheater, Lisa Haas, James Puffinburger and Krista Mikula. NAVSEA 05H: Shane Sorenson. IWS 3: Chris Mitchell. NAVAIR 5.3.3: Sam Schrader. NSWCDD Crane: Gabe Brucker and Tim Lang. NSWCDD PHD: Jeff Burland, David Gutierrez, Rick Lomeli, Ralph Malpica, Robert Massell, Christine Nicholson, Alfonso Robles and Edward Vega. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard: Bill Vonessen. SPAWAR: John Yen. Kratos/DTI: William Carver. NGC: Sandra King. SCCI: Brian Derr, Mark Fischer and Matt Wilson. TECOLOTE: Malachi Gray. URS: Christinanne Spousta
Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) Team: Terry Banks, Gil Garcia-Rodriguez, Phil Hefner, Steve Heintz, Julius Jaskot, Sean Locker, Anthony Madalena, Nick Mastrokalos, Brandon May, Richard Oh, James Smith, David Veit, Will Webster, Craig Yachuw, Daniel Veit and Marcos Dejesus. sibility and cost analyses were completed within a highly aggressive schedule to support FY13 ship acquisition decisions and strategic program planning. The NSWCDD Integration and Interoperability Group is recognized for their efforts
that will change the way the Navy evaluates and procures warfighting capabilities now and in the future as a result of their evaluation of specific kill chains provided by the Fleet, development of an Integrated Capability Framework, modification of Systems Engineer-
ing Technical Review (SETR) and Gate review criteria, and participation in Mission Level Assessments and Evaluations. The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) Team is cited for their support to the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab Team for the Limited
Accelerated Mid-Term Interoperability Improvement Project (AMIP) Team: Bill Both, Martin Bottinelli, Anita Butler, John Colon, Le Dang, Scott Darkow, Phillip Hall, Elodie Knoeller, Megan Kozub, Steve Marple, Patrick McGee, Bradley Morris, Jim O’Sullivan, Joseph Pendergrast, Derrick Sears, William Swartz, Albert Todd, Rodney Tuten, Mark Vogel and Richard Waters.
NSWCDD Integration and Interoperability Team: James Moreland, David Hoote, Robert Larose, Matthew O’Connor, Barry Stevens, Greg Little, Nelson Mills, Sara Wallace, Greg McHone, Charles Tatum, Greg Albertson, Emily Antos, David Clawson, George Durling, Stephen Haug, Charles Hein, Laura Jones, Linda Learn, Alvin Murphy, William Ormsby, Joseph Pack, Jeffrey Peters, Huong Pham, Joel Washington, Walter Bengtson and Rudy Catahan.
Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Common Combat Management System Feasibility Study Team: Kirk Brandts, Jeffrey Brooks, Dr. Jonathan Brown, Francisco Bustillo, Amy Collawn, Mark Giewont, Daniel Heaney, Ben Holmes, James Hudson, Michael Mayros, Alvin Murphy, Dwayne Nelson, Donald Page, David Perrussel, Jeffrey Pollard, Eric Rocholl, Terry Sheehan, Jeff Truslow and Michael Bizier. NAVSEA 05C: Eric Hundley and Harry Sherman. NAVSEA 05C/NSWCCD: Paul Sjoberg and Matthew Vetting. Delta Resources: David Hipkins. Strategic Insights: Dawn Martell-Shade and Michael Wilkerson. Tecolote: Benjamin Costley, Kevin Jackameit, Remy Muriel, Tom Schaefer and Michael Warlitner. Valkyrie Enterprises: Preston Poore. Objective Experiment conducted in concert with BOLD ALLIGATOR EXERCISE 2012, which helped shape future warfighter capabilities in support of Enhanced Marine Air Ground Task Force Operations (EMO). The NSWCDD BioWatch
Quality Assurance Sample Standard Laboratory Team provided quality testing standards and services to Department of Homeland Security BioWatch Program participants who monitor the environment for releases of bio-warfare agent near
population centers and key assets. The team established the infrastructure, delivered the initial samples ahead of schedule, and is now delivering over 25,000 Quality Control samples annually for use by 29 laboratories nationwide.
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards Awards:
Award of Excellence for Program Leadership
Continued from page 5
the Warfare Systems Department. Owen Seely has made substantial contributions across a large portfolio of Marine Corps programs that include the Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR), the Common Aviation Command and Control System (CAC2S), the Defense Common Ground System-Marine Corps (DCGS-MC), the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), Marine Corps Enterprise IT Services (MCEITS), the Emergency Response System (ERS) and the Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV). Jorge Hernandez is cited for his leadership within the Joint Project Manager for Protection’s Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) Support Directorate and his efforts to standardize the implementation of systems engineering processes to ensure that chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear survivability requirements are supported by sound analyses and effectively addressed throughout
Boyce the MDAP’s lifecycle. Cory Miller is recognized for his efforts as lead mechanical engineer for Hydra Hunter. Technologies he has helped develop have saved American and coalition lives and have provided a sustained positive impact on the United States’ ability to deliver the right systems to address Combatant Commander operational needs to win the war on terrorism. Richard Teague is cited for providing quick response solutions for the operational community resulting in numerous high priority mission
successes for the Charade Red program.
Awardees are commended for their technical breadth and depth in the subject area and as leaders in program management. Excellence in customer satisfaction, demonstrated corporate perspective, and a significant impact in a Dahlgren-wide role are primary criteria for this award. Ralph Stewart is the Battle Management System (BMS) program manager for the Engagement Systems Department (G), whose contributions have included addressing financial management, organizational structure, and contracting
challenges that occurred as BMS began to grow. Barbara Boyce is cited for her leadership within the Strategic and Weapon Control Systems Department (K) to successfully deliver numerous revisions of Fire Control Software for the Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) Weapon Control System. Theresa Gennaro led a diverse team of engineers, scientists and technicians through a project to install and operate a prototype high-energy laser (HEL) weapon system onto a U.S. Navy ship for a test of the
Award of Excellence for Program Leadership
The Award of Excellence for Program Leadership recognizes project managers and program directors who have made major contributions to the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, or other government organizations as a result of demonstrated excellence in program management. Five NSWCDD employees are recognized for 2012.
Venable ability of the prototype to target and engage an unmanned aerial system. James Venable is recognized for his technical and programmatic leadership to place NSWCDD in the critical path of the DDG 1000 program. Dr. Rose Hayden led a program to provide the Fleet with critical rapid diagnosis and biological warfare agent detection confirmation capabilities. Her efforts led to her selection as the Navy’s Next Generation Diagnostic System, Technical Direction Agent and Acquisition Engi-
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division 2012 Honorary Awards Distinguished Community Service Award
Hill neering Agent for CBR Medical Systems.
Distinguished Community Service Award
NSWCDD’s Distinguished Community Service Award recognizes individuals and groups who make unique contributions to their communities through volunteer service. The award focuses public attention on these outstanding and innovative volunteer efforts. There are six recipients for 2012. Matthew Zurasky has been an advocate in the community for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental health issues and substance abuse problems, and has served president of the Arc of Rappahannock, vice chairman of the Rappahannock Area Community Services Board, as a member of Rep. Rob Wittman’s First District In-
Continued from page 1 The Guidance and Control Algorithm Analysis Team improved the flight performance of the Standard Missile through their engineering and research efforts to develop and test revolutionary guidance algorithms, leading to significant improvements in the warfighting performance of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Weapon System. The Advanced Concepts Group is cited for its support of Flight Test Mission 18. The group conducted pre-mission testing and analysis to establish ship stationing and weapon system parameters, provided underway training to ship’s force, and conducted weapon systems grooms to ensure optimal ship performance. Group Achievement Awards Over 20 groups of NSWCDD employees are receiving the Award of
McConkie dividuals with Disabilities Advisory Council, and as a coach for the King George Little League. Joyce Hill has volunteered with youth services, education, workplace activities, and health and human services for 20 years, and has served as a Girl Scout leader and as a math tutor. Deborah Shelkey-Lawson has committed to make a difference in her work place and community through volunteer efforts with the Combined Federal Campaign, the King George Relay for Life, King George Parks and Recreation, and the King George Trinity United Methodist Church as youth group leader. Randall Strock is recognized for several years of service to the Fredericksburg area through the Boy Scouts of America, as a leader with Boy Scout Troop 170. Eileen McConkie volunteers for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Merit for Group Achievement and Technologyto-Sea Group Award for accomplishments during 2012. The group awards are intended to promote the spirit of teamwork among employees and recognize group effort where cooperation has contributed to the success of the group. The Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar Software Team is receiving NSWCDD’s Award of Excellence for Software Engineering in recognition of their tests of operational software for the USMC Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) Program. As a result of the team’s efforts, the AN/TPS-80 successfully conducted System Performance Qualifications and entered into the Developmental Testing 1B for Operational Evaluation in August 2013. The Warfare Systems Department New Employee Orientation (W-NEO) Committee Team is receiving NSWCDD’s Leadership Award for Employee Devel-
Human Awareness Award
Ketner Mathematics (STEM) program and other organizations with the goal of engaging students in discussion to lead them to think about the opportunities and possibilities of pursuing scientific degrees. Timothy Thomasson has coordinated numerous volunteer aid teams that have helped develop the infrastructure for promoting health in developing
Patrick nations. He has also coordinated three teams to support U.S. communities in need and helps coordinate a local community disaster response program.
Human Awareness Award
This award recognizes those individuals who have been instrumental in improving interpersonal rela-
Battle Management System Integration and Deployment Team: Christopher Castell, Ralph Childress, Richard Darago, Lucas Delozier, Ashton Engledow, Thomas Fronzo, Stephanie George, Jason Green, David Hosie, Jason Hough, Michael Indseth, John Kylander, Dennis McCauley, Everett Lefeave, Timothy Peng, Keri-Anne Peyton, Walter Reel, Edwin Regan, Marc Santoro, Robert Schroeder, Wanda Shanahan, Gary Shearer, Chris Shoaf, Mark Sizemore, Scott Soderlund, Gerald Sopher, Matthew Spruill, Rachel Van Buren and Michael Weisman. SCCI: Kathy Bell, Robert Crowder, Sheila Fortner, Mark Fischer, Alexandra Gill, Carol Parker and Doug Schremp. DTI: Eugene Bowie III, Charles Brooks, Timothy Burcham, Derek King, Raymond Price, Bryant Ryals and Walter Smith. opment. The committee is cited for its demonstrated initiative and leadership in providing numerous opportunities for W Department
new employees to gain a technical understanding of the department and improve communication among new employees.
Stewart tions and/or in recognizing individual worth and dignity through creativity and personal initiative. For 2012, three NSWCDD employees are receiving this award. Timothey Patrick Sr. is recognized for providing leadership and expertise for all systems engineer activities in the Strike Weapons System Division. Dr. Valerie Stewart is
Zurasky regularly requested as a keynote speaker at government and non-government conferences and events to help others deal with challenges and barriers to personal effectiveness such as fear, failure, shame, and depression. She has authored three motivational books and multiple seminar curriculums, and leads a non-profit organization that provides ministry and aid to underprivileged adults and orphaned children in multiple countries. Dr. Aimee Ketner is cited for her leadership within the Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Concepts and Experimentation Branch in fostering good relations, respect for all individuals and a team atmosphere. She was instrumental in establishing and maintaining a Team Building Committee; she organized social activities, and created a positive and supportive working environment for the Branch.
Laser Weapons System (LaWS) Team: Tara Aboyoun, David Carter, Dave Czako, Emily Martin, William Murdaugh, Nga Pham, Carl Sisemore, Gunendran Sivapragasam, Eric Wheater, Joseph Barrasse, Chris Behre, John DeRiggi, Philip Dodson, Theresa Gennaro, Shannon Layton, Melissa Olson, Scott Phipps, James Puffinburger, Dr. Robert Pawlak, Jose Roman, Dr. Peter Wick, Gerry Dallara, Scot French, Ken Morris III, Paul O’Campo and Dennis Askew. Penn State Electro-Optics Center: Larry Meyers, Peter Kazunas, Thomas Lehecka and Dr. Jake Sames. Vision Engineering Systems: Brad Griffis, John Lehman and John Stryjewski. L-3 Brashear: Mark McEver and Kevin Mikulin. Bosque Computer: Thomas Morgan.
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
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The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, April 19, 2013
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