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March 1, 2013


NSWCDD hosts UK military delegation

By John J. Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications

Link directly to the NSASP Facebook page on your smart phone



Bomb Squad puts on a show Page 2

Navy officials briefed a group of British Naval officers on key U.S. Navy technological programs and the potential for new science and technology collaboration during a tour here Feb. 13. U.K. Royal Navy Commodore Alex Burton led the delegation of British officers who toured Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) laboratories and test sites for overviews on programs ranging from directed energy weapons and the Littoral Combat Ship Gun Mission Module to the Electromagnetic Railgun and the Potomac River Test Range. “Tightening budgets and technology advancements drive us to seek more collaborative opportunities with our international partners,” said NSWCDD Chief Technology Officer June Drake. “Through the years, our close working relationship with the U.K., fostered by our U.K. Personnel Exchange Program officers, has been key to continued discussions as we seek to define future technical collaborative efforts.” NSWCDD Command-

NSWCDD and U.K. military officials pause in front of the static 16-inch gun on the Dahlgren parade field during the U.K. delegation’s tour in February. The delegation engaged Dahlgren scientists and engineers in discussions and learned more about U.S. technological programs and capabilities. Standing (l. to r.) are Jed Ryan, NSWCDD International Partnering Office Lead; Cmdr. Ian Atkins, U.K. Embassy Assistant Naval Attaché; Capt. Michael Smith, NSWCDD Commander; Commodore Alex Burton, U.K Royal Navy; Cmdr. Jeremy Bailey, U.K Royal Navy; Stephen Waterworth, U.K. Embassy British Defense Staff Maritime Systems; June Drake, NSWCDD Chief Technology Officer. er Capt. Smith presented an overview focusing on NSWCDD facilities and capabilities to the delegation. Burton – based at the U.K. Ministry of Defense – directs the U.K. Above Water Capability and is responsible for the development, definition and delivery of all Royal Navy capability beyond the strategic deterrent. Coincidentally, a U.K.

Royal Navy officer played a leading role in planning the delegation’s Dahlgren tours and information exchange. Lt. Cmdr. Steven Conneely – the Personnel Exchange Program’s (PEP) U.K. Naval officer assigned to NSWCDD – was not a part of the U.K. Royal Navy delegation, NSWCDD International Partnering Office Lead Jed Ryan pointed out. “As a PEP, Steve was criti-

cal in organizing the visit from his U.S. position.” The Personnel Exchange Program – formalized in the 1970s to develop closer ties between the U.S. Navy and foreign services – enhances inter-service relationships, encouraging mutual confidence and understanding, and prepares officer and enlisted personnel for future assignments involving multina-

tional operations. “I have enjoyed the last two years here at Dahlgren working alongside so many dedicated, well led, and wellmotivated U.S. engineers and scientists,” said Conneely. “The value of our US/UK special relationship is illustrated by the fact that Dahlgren has been hosting a U.K. Personnel Exchange Program officer for more than 30 years.” Currently, Conneely supports the U.S. Teams for Maritime Theater Missile Defense, Coalition Distributed Engineering Plant, the Electromagnetic Railgun, directed energy weapons and unmanned systems. At the directed energy test facility, the five British military officials toured a facility dedicated to directed energy systems and applications that use electromagnetic energy to project military force and augment conventional capabilities. The energy systems include the High Power Microwave which offers a unique warfighting capability for non-lethal, non-kinetic missions. These microwave systems are capable of engaging multiple targets, re-attack, and dramatically reduce collateral damage and recon-

See U.K., Page 3

NSASP conducts Citadel Shield exercises By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

Naval Support Activity South Potomac conducted force protection drills Feb. 20- 21 as part of the Navy’s Citadel Shield 2013 exercises. Two events at Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head tested NSASP’s ability to respond to a diverse series of threats. At the first event, a simulated active shooter attacked a tenant command at Dahlgren and took Sailors hostage. At the second event in Indian Head, security forces responded to a vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) parked outside the galley. Ed Patuga, training officer for NSASP, explained the goal of Citadel Shield. “The annual event is developed to exercise

and evaluate Navy [anti-terrorism] plans and C2 architecture,” he said. “It is highly important for installations to evaluate the effectiveness of its plans, make improvements or continue best practices to better protect its personnel and property against the threat of terrorism.” The first exercise at the Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) in Dahlgren was a worst-case scenario that would test NSASP first responders to the limits of their training. The training evolution was actually a combination of two high-stress scenarios: an active shooter who later became a barricaded subject with hostages. Once the announcement was made that the installation was in a training environment, a role player entered a facility on-

board NSF Dahlgren and began “shooting.” Sailors played the role of shooting victims and first responders were forced to treat the graphic “injuries,” which were accurate enough to be the envy of any Hollywood make-up artist. First responders were able to evacuate the dead and wounded when a team of NSASP police officers provided cover by advancing down a corridor with ballistic shields. With the “gunman” only a few feet away, the exercise demonstrated how difficult the police officers’ task was and underscored the importance of training. It was a game of inches: if the team was not perfectly in sync as it advanced, they would become vulnerable to the bad guy. That game of inches cost one of the police officers who

arrived first on the scene. The officer was only exposed for a second, but the role player spotted the opening and fired. After an evaluator verified that the angle did in fact offer the role player a clear shot, the officer was declared a casualty. Just as in a real-world event, the remaining officers had to make do with the absence. Patuga was proud of NSASP police officers for stepping up to the task. “Our police officers were challenged and did well for what they are trained and equipped for,” he said. “There will always be areas for improvement and this is what training is for. I believe the training events highlighted awareness of what our limitations are and what could be done to mitigate its effects.” The role player made

See pages 6 and 7 for Citadel Shield photos. nothing easy and even lied to negotiators about the number of hostages he held. Negotiations went on with the gunman until it was clear the hostages were in imminent danger. At that point, NSASP police moved in and eliminated the threat. First responders from counties around Dahlgren helped the installation respond during the drill. Emergency personnel from King George and Westmorland Counties in Virginia, and Charles County in Maryland

See Citadel, Page 3


The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, March 1, 2013

Blessings keep coming for Christina Williams By Jeron Hayes When last we left her, Dahlgren Navy wife Christina Williams was riding a high as she left Dahlgren to compete in the Operation Rising Star singing competition sponsored by US Army MWR that took her to San Antonio. Since then, she went deep into the competition and made it to the top four of 12, and experienced appearing on live television, met several celebrity judges and even found herself at an Inaugural Ball. Her priority is to say “what an honor it was to be able to represent the Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. I cannot thank you all enough for the support that has been given to me throughout the time that I was in San Antonio and the support to get me to San Antonio. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” said Williams, who benefited from online voting by friends, family and supporters during the competition. Her journey to Texas was certainly intimidating, plus Williams was alone while working on Operation Rising Star. Her husband Cody, a student at the Aegis Training and Readiness Center, wasn’t able to go with her, but “I didn’t have a lot of time on my hands away from rehearsals and shows so everything worked out perfectly,” said Williams.

Photos courtesy of Christina Williams

Christina Williams and her husband, FC3 Cody Williams, prepare to attend the Commander in Chief Inaugural Ball in January of this year. “Since it was in San Antonio, none of my friends and family could be in the audience but I knew that all of them were watching online and rooting for me while I was there. “From the very first night that we arrived, we all knew that it was going to be a group effort to get through the two weeks in one piece,” said Williams. “The only alone time we had was when

we slept at night. From 6 o’clock in the morning to 8 o’clock at night, we were working together as groups and then working with vocal coaches individually on our own songs throughout the day.” Contestants were able to choose their own songs, and “before we even went to San Antonio we were asked to choose 10 songs to get us through the compe-

tition. We practiced these songs every day with a vocal coach who taught us so much throughout the two weeks that we were there,” said Williams. Contestants worked with celebrity coaches that also served as judges. “They would take us individually and work with us on the songs that we were going to sing for the show the next night,” said Williams. Practices ran all day, “so as you can imagine we were all very tired by the time we got back to the hotel,” said Williams. The experience of being on TV was “surreal” for the Tennessee native. “It was kind of an out of body experience being able to see yourself on the monitors and knowing that you could not go back and redo what you just sang,” she said. “I learned that you had to not put so much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Things would happen that you couldn’t go back and change and you really just had to go with the flow.” Even though her friends and family weren’t there, she found support close by. “The audience was pretty big and I was lucky enough to have the first three rows be Navy men and women. I was so excited to learn that they were going to be there throughout the two weeks. It really gave me confidence knowing that they were there to support me as well as the other contestants,”

said Williams. “The audience was amazing. They were always so supportive of us!” she said. In addition to the support of the audience, Williams was surrounded by kindred spirits in her fellow competitors. “They were a joy to work with. We quickly became friends the first night - we went to dinner and did everything together from then on,” said Williams. “We all keep up with each other through texts and phone calls. We even made a Facebook page for us to keep up with what we’re doing and where we are. This experience brought us so close together that I know we will all be lifelong friends.” While Williams isn’t sure the experience will lead to a career in music, she believes that participating in Operation Rising Star “gave me the confidence to say yes to anyone that asks me to sing anywhere.” She did keep contact information from one of the judges and looks forward to performing for any organization or event that might ask. The new year found her back in Dahlgren but a wonderful surprise awaited - she and her husband were randomly selected to attend the Commander-In-Chief Inaugural Ball. “We got to see President Obama and his wife, Brad Paisley, Alicia Keys, and

Jennifer Hudson” as well as numerous military leaders, said Williams. “It was another once-in-a-lifetime experience. We were so honored to be able to go and be in a room with so many wonderful people. “ Williams and her husband will remain at Dahlgren as he finishes school and they await orders to their next duty station in April. “I’m not really sure what comes next. I would love to continue to sing locally. I have grown to love Dahlgren, Virginia and would love to share my talent anywhere at any time.” Despite so many fantastic moments, Williams can pinpoint the one that was key. “I would say that my best experience would have to be the moment I sang the last note of my first song (during Operation Rising Star). I had a feeling of pure accomplishment and gratitude for everything that happened to get me to that place,” said Williams “I would absolutely do it all over again tomorrow if I could! It was an amazing experience and I will always be grateful for everything I gained by going.” She also had some advice for next year’s Operation Rising Star contestants - “Just do it! Don’t let your self- doubt hold you back, be yourself and enjoy it!”

Bomb squad puts on show for youngsters

By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

Members of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 12 (EODMU 12) thrilled children at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren’s Youth Activity Center with a demonstration Feb. 15 featuring two bomb disposal robots and of course, the bomb suit. EODC Jason Jordan and Lt. Sam Massey, leaders of EODMU 12, drove the robots around for the kids and even let a few lucky children handle the robots’ controls under close supervision. The children promptly used their newfound skills and maneuvered the robot’s arm to steal Massey’s cover. Massey, who participates in the Big Brother program, was assisted during the demo by his “little,” Bryson, 11 years old.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, March 1, 2013


Branch Health Clinics say goodbye to Lt. Cmdr. Day

seeing the dedication he had for the mission at hand. “ Vernere and Day worked together again when Day assumed command of the branch health clinics in Dahlgren and Indian Head. “He’s done a fantastic job with the two distinct clinics [in Dahlgren and Indian Head] and I just want to applaud him today for his accomplishments.” The guest speaker of the ceremony had a profound influence on Day’s life. His father, Lynn, enlisted in the Navy as a corpsman in 1964 and retired as a lieutenant commander. “I feel like I’m right at home,” the elder Day told the crowd. “It doesn’t

seem like I’ve been gone for 21 years.” Glenn recalled the day his son called him and expressed interest in joining the service to help further his education. “He said he was going to go into the Air Force at the time, but luckily for us the Air Force dragged their feet too long.” Day flew out to San Diego to be sworn in by his father. The two occasionally ran into each other while they both wore the uniform. When Day graduated from a Navy training school, his dad said he would not be able to attend. The elder Day was in fact the guest speaker at the ceremony. Likewise, Day told his dad he would not be able to make it to his retirement. Day showed up wearing the Marine Corps dress blues of a corpsman. This time, however, the Days did not have any surprise ceremony plans. “I think he invited me to be his guest speaker to make sure I didn’t pull anything on him this time,” said Lynn Day. Lynn Day turned serious when he put into words the pride he feels for his son. “I watched him from far and I watched him from close grow and develop into the person he is today. I am filled with pride in what he has accomplished in life and as a naval officer.” The elder Day spoke about how retirement does not mean the end of public life and public service. It merely marks the

end of a chapter in one’s life, he said. “John, may you and Laura continue to write many new chapters filled with hope, love and prosperity.” Day received the Meritorious Service Medal at the ceremony for his “exceptional professionalism” serving at the Branch Health Clinics in Indian Head and Dahlgren. His wife, Laura, was also recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation for her own service as a Navy spouse. “Although you may have never had to carry out a military order or deploy into hostile waters, your loyalty and steadfast support of your husband’s career can rightly be viewed as your service to our country,” according to the citation. Day thanked everyone for attending the ceremony and spoke about what it means when a Navy leader receives an award. “Guests, family and friends, welcome and thank you for coming to help me share this day,” he said. “One thing I want to say about that award and any award I have. It’s never about me. They get presented to me; I get to wear them. But they’re never about me, they’re about the people. So every [award] I have there is a story behind it. There are people behind it.” Day called himself a “facilitator” and credited his staff for making his last tour a successful one. “I’m grateful that in the last three and a half year I’ve had a wonderful staff,” he said.

variable effects. NSWCDD technologists have been making a difference in directed energy research and development throughout the decades. Their understanding - and discoveries - led to the methodologies behind the electromagnetic launch of projectiles using stored electrical energy. These methodologies are critical to the evolution of the railgun program. At the Electromagnetic Railgun facility, the U.K. visitors saw prototype launchers that engineers are testing. The Electromagnetic Railgun is a long-range naval weapon that fires projectiles using electricity instead of traditional gun propellants such as explo-

sive chemicals. Magnetic fields created by high electrical currents accelerate a sliding metal conductor, or armature, between two rails to launch projectiles at 4,500-5,600 mph. The Navy is pursuing development of the launcher system through industry teams to reduce risk in the program and to foster innovation in next-generation shipboard weapons. The U.K. delegation’s tour also featured the Dahlgren Potomac River Test Range – 715 acres of land and a 169-squarenautical-mile water area that stretches along the lower 51 miles of the Potomac River. The five visiting British officials looked out over the Potomac and saw firsthand how

Dahlgren’s gun test facility evolved and expanded to include numerous scientific and response-force missions serving all branches of the United States armed forces. After taking in the guns and scenery of Dahlgren’s test range on the river, NSWC Dahlgren engineers briefed the delegation on the Littoral Combat Ship Gun Mission Module – an integral part of the LCS Surface Warfare Mission Package used for counter-piracy, maritime interdiction and security missions. This mission module consists of two MK 46 turret mounted, axis-stabilized, 30mm chain gun systems that can fire up to 200 rounds per minute.

12 (EODMU 12), which serves NSASP and its tenant commands, was called out on a real world call in Charles County under the mutual aid agreement. “Mutual aid is a critical aspect of NSASP’s or any other agencies’ emergency response,” explained Patuga. “It exists to allow agencies to partner and help each other when incidents overcome ones capability to effectively respond to and mitigate an incident. It also allows agencies to share outside resources and unique capabilities, such as EOD and hostage negotiators.” While EODMU 12 was not

able to practice disarming the simulated VBIED due to the call, the rest of NSASP was busy at work in the emergency operations center (EOC). There, NSASP’s military and civilian leadership worked to coordinate the emergency response and stay abreast of developments. At the end of each drill, the EOC also served as the setting for the postexercise “hotwash,” allowing the exercise participants and facilitators a chance talk about the day’s events. Meeting all of the training objectives was itself a complicated task, with many moving

parts. Patuga thanked all whose hard work and dedication made the exercises possible, especially the Installation Training Team. “The Installation Training Team pulled together,” said Patuga. “Outside of the team, I would like to thank our active shooter role player, branch medical clinic personnel and ATRC staff. All had key roles in making the active shooterhostage-mass casualty event a better one. I hope that the other tenant commands follow ATRC’s lead in recognizing an opportunity to work together and benefit from a wellplanned training event.”

By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Van or carpool desired from any rideshare parking area or Reston Town Center. Depart between 0600-0700, return from Indian Head between 160-1700. Call Moses, (301) 743-4180. Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7-430, but hours can be negotiated. 703909-3380. Riders wanted to start a carpool from the Northern Neck (Lively/Lancaster), passing through Warsaw at 0605 and Montross at 0615, arriving at Dahlgren by 0700; leaving Dahlgren at 1600. Call Lea at 540-6536776 or 571-232-5412 (cell). From the Ferry Farm area to Dahlgren Bldg. 1500 area. Prefer early work hours. Call Mark, 540-653-2148. Riders wanted for van pool. Leaves from Richmond at Home Depot on Atlee-Elmont Rd. (exit # 86B off I-95) to Dahlgren. Call David at (540) 653-9203. Clinton, Md., to Dahlgren. Hours are flexible (0600 - 1700). Call Miranda at 703692-9590. Carpool/vanpool wanted from Montross area to Dahlgren. Can also take up to 3 or 4 riders from here if they would prefer me to drive. Call Doc at 252-670-6686. Early risers only.

Sailors and staff assigned to the Naval Branch Health Clinics at Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head said goodbye to Lt. Cmdr. John Day at his retirement ceremony Feb. 22. Day retires after 26 years of serving in the Navy, first as an enlisted man and later as a commissioned officer. Day’s Navy journey began in 1986 when he enlisted in the Navy with encouragement from his father, who was then an active duty Navy Nurse Corps officer. “Today is a day of great significance, marking the end of a distinguished and rewarding military career supporting the men, women and families of the United States armed forces,” said Capt. Mark Pressley, officer-in-charge of Naval Branch Health Clinic Naval Air Facility Washington and the master of ceremonies. Capt. Michael Vernere, commanding officer of Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River, praised Day. “This is a time-honored tradition capping 26 years of faithful, honorable and in my opinion, outstanding service from Lieutenant Commander John Day.” Vernere first met Day in 1998, when Day was a hospitalman first class. “I had the pleasure of working with him and seeing the kind of man he was,


Continued from page 1

Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 249-8153, or 540653-8153.

FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING SERVICE GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. Go to connect.html.

struction costs. This capability opens targets for which no engagement option currently exists. Potential mission sets for high power microwave include disruption of communications networks, infrastructure, sensors and vehicle stopping. Directed energy programs, such as the Laser Weapon System, offer unique “game changing” alternatives to traditional kinetic weapons such as guns and bombs because a myriad of targets can be engaged with more precision and

Citadel: Continued from page 1

responded to the base’s call for help as outlined in NSASP’s mutual aid agreement with those communities. Mutual aid would come into play the next day, when the second drill unfolded at NSF Indian Head. When the call went out that an IED was found in a vehicle outside the galley at NSF Indian Head, police responded and set a perimeter. But the bomb squad never arrived. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit

Lt. Cmdr. John Day escorts his wife, Laura, off the stage at Day’s retirement ceremony Feb. 22. Both of the Days were recognized for their many years of loyal service to the Navy and the nation.

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, March 1, 2013

DMV2Go coming to NSF Dahlgren

Base Happenings Dahlgren VITA Tax Prep

It’s not too late to get a VITA tax prep appointment! If you are active duty or retired military or a reservist, call (540) 653-1839 to secure an appointment for your free tax return preparation today!

DOSC Accepting Scholarship Apps

The Dahlgren Officers’ Spouses Club (DOSC) is currently accepting scholarship applications. All applications must be in writing and received by April 15. For an application and more information, visit

DOSC Charitable Distribution Announcement

The Dahlgren Officers’ Spouses Club is currently accepting written requests from non-profit organizations for their annual charity distribution. DOSC returns profits from their Second Tour Thrift Store in the form of donations to local charities. Submit a written request to DOSC explaining how your organization benefits the community and/or the local military population and how a DOSC donation would benefit your organization. All requests must be in writing and submitted via USPS by April 15. Include organization name and purpose, desired amount and how funds will be utilized and POC with telephone and email address. Mail to Dahlgren Officers’ Spouses Club, attn: Charities Committee, 722 Sampson Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448. For more info, visit www.dahlgrenosc.webs. com, or call (540) 413-1079.

DMV2Go at NSF Dahlgren

The DMV2Go van will be at NSF Dahlgren on March 21 and May 20 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Parade Field Pavilion. The Navy Ball committee will be selling lunch from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. both days. With the latest technology, the DMV2Go offers multiple services including state ID applications and renewals, driver’s license applications and renewals, vehicle titles, license plates, decals, transcripts, copies of driving records, applications for disabled parking placards, and many more! Stop in and take care of your DMV needs quickly and easily!

Second Tour Thrift Store Not Taking Donations

Second Tour Thrift Store is not taking any more donations at this time. We appreciate your support and will post announcements when donations will again be accepted. All proceeds from sales at Second Tour are donated to charities in the Dahlgren/King George and surrounding communities, and provide scholarship funds to dependents of military personnel - past and present - stationed on Dahlgren. Please do not donate used personal items (under clothes, socks, etc.). We are open every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - noon. Our Fall/Winter stock is now available. Come see us on Thursday!

Indian Head

IH Spouses Club “Treasures” Thrift Store NeedsYour Donations!

Plan today to visit the Treasures Thrift Store, located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. The store is open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted. Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month? Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email for information. To publish information on your event or program under “Base Happenings,” contact NSASP Public Affairs at 540-653-8153 or email

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles would like to introduce their dynamic DMV2Go Mobile Office service! The mobile office conveniently provides all the services that your local DMV office provides but they come to you. DMV2Go travels the Commonwealth to federal, state, and local government agencies, military bases, university and college campuses, businesses, and various events. The DMV2Go Mobile Office offers essential information, help, and services such as identification cards, driver’s licenses, obtaining vehicle titles and license plates, Virginia’s new Veteran’s ID card, or even applying to register to vote! The DMV2Go Mobile Office Service will be visiting NSF Dahlgren on March 21 and May 20 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Parade Field Pavilion. DMV2Go offers multiple services, including state ID applications and renewals, drivers license applications and renewals, vehicle titles, registrations, license plates, decals, transcripts, copies of driving records, applications for disabled

parking placards, and many more! The Dahlgren Navy Ball Committee will be selling lunch at the site both dates from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Come support Navy Ball and grab lunch while you’re getting your DMV services completed conveniently and quickly! Virginia DMV’s success in offering a convenient and essential service this past year has taken their mobile offices to the State General Assembly, Fort Lee/Quantico/Fort Eustis Military Bases, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Oceana Naval NEX, Old Dominion University, George Mason University, Norfolk State University, Virginia Union University, Liberty University, Virginia Tech, Dominion Virginia Power, Louisa, Shenandoah County, Floyd County, and even the State Fair, just to name a few. The DMV2Go Mobile Office offers the opportunity to save time for base employees by coming to YOU! Take advantage of this service when they visit NSF Dahlgren.

Chaplain’s Corner By Chaplain Michael Geoghegan Naval Support Activity South Potomac As February fades, March rolls in and with it comes Spring-time. With spring comes Easter and the time we set aside to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. During this Lenten season, let us reflect on what we have been blessed with this past year, recognize the power of the Lord in our lives in the present, and focus on our future with Him. What does this season of Lent and the celebration of Easter mean to you? If you ask those you work with or just meet on the street, you will get very differing answers and opinions. To some it is a time that they are forced to give up something; to others, it is a time to unashamedly give up something that they believe is hindering them in their relationship to God. Whether you are on either end of the spectrum, or somewhere in the middle, let this time be an opportunity for you to reconnect with your Creator and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Because that is what this season of the year is truly about. As Easter and Resurrection Sunday approaches, seek out your way to worship the Savior and as they say, just do it. Don’t al-

low the busyness of life to get in your way, allow yourself to stop, worship and listen to His still, small voice. Even after these many centuries, He still has a message for each and every one of us. But it is up to us to have the ear to hear and the spirit to receive. Remember the words of the Lord as He said.”He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.” Be Blessed and Keep on Living and Listening. Serving God and Country, Chaplain Geoghegan

NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129

The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-

Capt. Peter Nette

Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac

Gary R. Wagner

Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac

ments, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation

is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.

Jeron Hayes

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

NSA South Potomac Managing Editor

Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter

Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, March 1, 2013

MWR highlights Dahlgren Bowling Center 540-653-7327

Monday Bowl-A-Game, Get-A-Game

Every Monday in March from 5 - 9 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost: $20 Military, $25 Civilian. Buy a game, get a game for FREE! Eligible patrons include all with base access.

Ten Dollar Tuesdays

Every Tuesday in March Come in every $10 Tuesday, get a lane for one hour of bowling for only ten dollars! Eligible patrons include all with base access.

Family Fun Bowling

Every Wednesday in March Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost: $30 for one lane for one hour, one pitcher of soda, and one large single topping pizza. Bowling shoes are extra. Eligible patrons include all with base access.

Sunday $2 Games and $1 Shoes

Every Sunday in March from Noon - 6 p.m. Less than regular prices of: Mil. $3/game $1.50/Shoes Civ $4/game $2.00/Shoes. Eligible patrons include all with base access.

General Library 540-653-7474

Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Party

March 2, 1 p.m. FREE Eligible patrons include all with base access. Celebrate one of the greatest known children’s authors of all time, Dr. Seuss, with a crafty creative birthday party. Hear a story written by Dr. Seuss, make a special Dr. Seuss craft and have some delicious birthday cake. While you’re


at the library, why not check out one of the many Dr. Seuss books on hand! Join us after the party at 2:00 p.m. for a FREE showing of the animated movie Dr Seuss’ “The Lorax”, rated PG.

Movie Theater 540-653-7336

Saturday Movie Matinee

March 2, 2 p.m. FREE Eligible patrons include all with base access. We will be playing the animated movie Dr Seuss’ “The Lorax”, rated PG. $1 will be added to regular ticket prices for 3-D movies.

Liberty Center 540-653-7277

Liberty Paintball Trip

March 3, 11 a.m. Van will leave from the Dahlgren Liberty Center Cost: $10. Liberty Center Patrons Only: E1- E6 Single/ Unaccompanied Active Duty Military. Come with Liberty to a paintball trip to Southern Maryland Paintball. Cost includes 3.5 hours of play, equipment and 500 paintballs. Van leaves at 11 a.m.

Fitness Center 540-653-8580

March Madness Basketball

Every Tuesday in March from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. FREE Eligible patrons include all with base access. T-shirts will be given to those who complete ALL four events. March 5, 3-Point; March 12, Skills Challenge; March 19, Free Throw and March 26, Hot Shot. Awards will be given to overall and individual event winners in male/female categories.


Dahlgren Movie Theater 540-653-7336 Hours of Operation Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings Price of Shows Civilians - $5 AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 - above) $4 AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 - below) - $2.50 Child (6-11) - $2 Child (5 and under) - Free Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1 Friday, March 1st, 7 p.m. Texas Chainsaw (3D) - R *Saturday, March 2nd, 2 p.m. Dr Seuss’ The Lorax 3-D - PG Saturday, March 2nd, 7 p.m. Zero Dark Thirty - R Friday, March 8th, 7 p.m Gangster Squad - R Saturday, March 9th, 7 p.m. Mama - PG-13

Intramural Spring Sports Organization Meetings

March 6 and 7, 4 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost: Varies. Softball organizational meeting will be held on March 6. Soccer organization meeting will be held on March 7. Registration for these sports needs to be completed by March 29. For more information, please contact the Fitness Center at 540-653-8580. __________________________________________________


The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

The South Potomac Pilot


NSASP police officers advance down a hallway in tactical gear toward the role player; the “stack” had to move in a tight formation to provide cover and minimize vulnerabilities. Cpl. James Davis, NSASP police officer, sets up a perimeter at NSF Indian Head during a response to a simulated VBIED, part of the Navy-wide Citadel Shield exercise.

Sgt. Victor Davis, NSASP police officer, points to a simulated VBIED during Citadel Shield exercises at NSF Indian Head.

A “hostage” peers through a doorway at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren during Citadel Shield exercises Feb. 20. The hostage taker barricaded himself in a room and had several exchanges with police before negotiations broke down, forcing police to move in and eliminate the threat.

Tiffany Bayliss-Overton, a physical security specialist assigned to Naval Support Activity South Potomac, writes down information on a white board at the Emergency Operations Center during Citadel Shield exercises at Naval Support Facility Indian Head on Feb. 21. Bayliss-Overton used her own name, seen on the white board, as part of the exercise.

US Navy photos by Andrew Revelos, Staff Writer

The simulated active shooter runs down a hallway after “shooting” two victims during Citadel Shield exercises Feb. 20 at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren.

2013 Exercise Citadel Shield

Last week, 2013 Exercise Citadel Shield, an annual U.S. Navy force protection drill, was held at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head. On Tuesday, Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) held a training scenario that was a challenging one: first responders had to deal with an active shooter, hostages and multiple casualties. While NSASP police officers contained

and eventually eliminated the gunman, firefighters and EMTs treated and evacuated the wounded. As part of a mutual aid agreement with neighboring counties, the base received assistance from emergency responders from King George and Westmorland counties in Virginia, and from Charles County in Maryland. On Wednesday at NSF Indian Head, a simulated vehicle borne improvised

explosive device (VBIED) was reported outside the base galley. NSASP first responders arrived on-scene, simulated evacuating nearby buildings and set a perimeter. Explosive Ordnance Disposal was called to disarm the “bomb.” Meanwhile, at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), NSASP staff practiced organizing and communicating with base assets to respond to the threat.

CS2 Adam Buchanan, left, places the call reporting a simulated VBIED outside the galley at NSF Indian Head during Citadel Shield exercises. Ed Patuga, right, training officer for NSASP, managed the exercise.

Navy security personnel evacuate a wounded Sailor during the active shooter drill in Dahlgren. The barricaded gunman is at the end of the hall; a tactical response team with ballistic shields placed themselves between the shooter and the wounded to provide cover.

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, March 1, 2013

Community Notes Dahlgren King George High School Variety Show

King George High School will showcase the amazing talent of their students at their annual KGHS Variety Show, March 8 and 9 in the KGHS auditorium. Tickets are $7 at the door. Don’t miss the chance to be entertained by some of King George’s most talented students!

National Security Lecture Series at UMWD

The Spring 2013 National Security Lecture Series is a collaborative effort of the Joint Warfare Analysis Center, the UMW Dahlgren Campus, UMW faculty members and the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Military Affairs Council. Join us March 19 for “Superpower Competition in Post Soviet Central Asia: The “Great Game” Redux” presented by John (Jack) M. Kramer, Ph.D., Distinguished

Professor, UMW Political Science and International Affairs Department. The lectures are held at the UMW Dahlgren Campus in University Hall and also are video teleconferenced to the Stafford Technology and Research (STAR) Center at Quantico located at 800 Corporate Drive, Suite 315 in the Quantico Corporate Center. Refreshments are available at 8 a.m. at the Dahlgren Campus. Lectures start promptly at 8:30 a.m. and end at 10 a.m. at the Dahlgren Campus. To register for the lecture, visit national-security-lecture-series/. Reservation forms for subsequent lectures will be posted the day after the preceding lecture. The lectures are open to all free of charge.

Free Tax Prep Assistance

Tax season is here and Rappahannock United Way and the Financial Stability Coalition are offering free tax assistance. Working individuals and families in the area who

earned $51,000 or less in 2012 are eligible for assistance. IRS-certified, trained volunteers will be on-hand at 13 sites throughout the area to help those who qualify. All services are provided by IRS-certified staff and volunteers. Last year, volunteers filed 1,066 tax returns in Planning District 16, refunding over $1.5 million and saving those taxpayers $223,000 in preparation fees - on average saving each filer $209 in fees. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is one of the largest anti-poverty programs in the country. Providing this service helps achieve our goal at Rappahannock United Way, which is “more households emerge from poverty and achieve greater financial stability.” Empowering individuals and families with tools and resources, such as providing free tax preparation, can help them achieve financial stability. Tax assistance services continue through Monday, April 15. Visit for more information.

RBBBS Bowling Fundraiser

The Rappahannock Big Brothers/Big Sisters Society will hold its annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake on Saturday, March 9th at noon and 2 p.m. and Sunday March 10 at 1 p.m. at Liberty Lanes. Get together a team of four co-workers, family or friends and solicit donations online. If you cannot attend the event, you can register as a virtual bowler. Each bowler should raise $100. Bowlers who raise $200 or more will be eligible to win a $200 Best Buy gift card. RBBBS will provide refreshments, t-shirts and two games of bowling. This signature fundraising event raises money to help area youth. You can register online for the event,

Indian Head CSM Presents ‘Snow White Goes West’

The College of Southern Maryland’s Children’s Theatre Company presents its cast for the musical production of “Snow White Goes West,” a book by Jim Eiler based on the Grimms’ Brother Tale. Performances are March 1 at 7 p.m. and March 2 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are $7 for adults and seniors and $5 for youth in high school or younger. Performance is suitable for all age groups. For reservations contact, 301-934-7828, or

Wounded Veterans 5K

Sign up today for the Wounded Veterans 5K, hosted by Charles County Sheriff’s Department, Charles County Fraternal Order of Police and Charles County Correctional Officers, to be held March 24 at Laurel Springs Park in La Plata. Event starts at 9 a.m. and will include a timed 5k race and a family 5k walk. Cost is $30 for adults, $15 for ages 12-17, participants under age 12 are free. Register by March 10 to receive commemorative t-shirt. Event includes lunch, entertainment and a chance to visit with wounded warriors and thank them for their service. Register by visiting Proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.

Spring Sports League Registration Announced

The Charles County Department of Public Works will hold registration for the upcoming spring adult softball league, men’s soccer league, an “over-35” soccer league, women’s soccer league, and for the firs t time, an adult co-ed kickball league, now through Friday, March 15. League play will start the week of April 21 at Laurel Springs Park and White Plains Park. Teams may register at the Department of Public Works (1001 Radio Station Road, La Plata) weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. For more information, interested teams should call 301-932-3470 or 301-870-2778 weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. or visit

2nd Saturday Series at Sotterley Plantation


The Sotterley Plantation Second Saturday series presents “From The Ground Up” on Saturday, March 9 at 1 and 3 p.m. From the basement to the attic of Sotterley’s 1703 Plantation House there are numerous nooks and crannies rarely seen by most people. Presented by Sotterley’s Restoration Manager John O’Rourke, this exclusive tour will reveal how the structure was built and what the various spaces tell us about the over 300 year history. Program is limited to 16 people per tour. Advance reservations only. $15 per person. Open to ages 13 and up. Walking required. Purchase tickets online:

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, March 1, 2013


PilotClassifieds T H E




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Serving Our Military and Civilian Personnel

Southern Maryland/Dahlgren 1-888-406-7663 • 1-800-843-3357

Publication Day: Friday BUSINESS HOURS: MON. thru FRI. 8:15AM - 5:15PM

Advertising Deadline Tuesday 4pm - Friday Paper.

Career Training

Shared Housing WOODBRIDGE: Near Quantico marine base Ft Belvoir. $440/ all util included No Dep. or Lease Req. Call 703-494-8529

Boats supercharged with about 100 hours on it. 3 keys, 2 seadoo vests with EZ loader trailer with 2 lite stress cracks. $5500 obo. 301-399-3398

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Career Training

Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses Start Mon. 3/18/13 - 3/26/13, 9-4 or Mon. 4/15/13 - 4/23/13, 9-4.

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Legal Services

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“Helping the People who Serve and their Families.” CALL FOR AN INITIAL CONSULTATION WWW.BURCHANDVOSS.COM

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Full Time Help Wanted

Full Time Help Wanted

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Full Time Help Wanted

Full Time Help Wanted

Sales/Business Development

Base Guide Ad Sales

Comprint Military Publications publishes 11 annual base guides and is looking for an energetic, organized sales representative to sell advertising into our display and yellow page sections and online. Job requires cold calling/in person sales calls and maintaining existing advertising customers. Must be able to work well under weekly deadlines and pressures of meeting sales goals. Prefer someone with print advertising sales experience. Position is in Gaithersburg office and hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. M-F. We offer a competitive compensation & comprehensive benefits package including pension, 401(k) & tuition reimbursement. Send resume and cover letter with salary requirements to: Maxine Minar at EOE

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The Law Offices of Burch & Voss

Larry N. Burch Former Navy JAG


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The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, March 1, 2013

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, March 1, 2013

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The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, March 1, 2013

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what’s happening at all Military Installations around MD/DC/VA! go to

These guides are distributed by the base/post to all visitors and those moving to the area when they arrive and sometimes even before then! Get your advertising message out to these bases/posts and bring in new customers: *

National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD


Patuxent Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, MD


Fort Detrick, MD


Joint Base Andrews, MD


Fort Meade, MD


Indian Head NSF, MD


Naval District of Washington, DC


Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, DC


Walter Reed Army Medical Center, DC


in our Annual Newcomers Guides

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall & Army at Pentagon, Arlington, VA


MCB Quantico, VA


Dahlgren NSF, VA


Fort Belvoir, VA

Online Advertising Available on at very affordable rates! Sales consultants will create your ads at no charge to you and help you target the right audience for your products and services. Call your sales consultant today and they will help you get started immediately! No.VA/DC/Montgomery & Frederick, MD – (301) 921-2800 Prince George’s, MD – (301) 731-2120 Southern MD – (301) 866-6403 Calvert County, MD – (301) 764-2800

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