March 29, 2013
A change of Command for Dahlgren, Indian Head Medical Clinics By Andrew Revelos, Staff Writer
Link directly to the NSASP Facebook page on your smart phone
Newest ASF Members Graduate Page 3
Sailors at staff assigned to the Naval Branch Medical Clinics at Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head held a change of command ceremony Feb. 22 at x. Staff welcomed incoming officerin-charge Lt. Cmdr. Marcy Morlock and said goodbye to Lt. Cmdr. John Day, who retired after 26 years of service in the Navy. The change of command ceremony featured all the traditions that are the hallmark of Navy service. The customs are part of a “rich Navy tradition that strengthens respect for authority and insures only authorized officers take charge,” said Capt. Michael Vernere, commanding officer of Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River. Sailors wished their outgoing boss fair winds and following seas as Day starts a new chapter in his life. “He was an awesome person to have in the chain of command, someone who we could always rely on. who stands behind his people
US Navy photo by Jeron Hayes
Lt. Cmdr. John Day (r.) changes command Feb. 22 with Lt. Cmdr. Marcy Morlock. no matter what,” said HM2 Danielle Bancroft. “I appreciated having someone in my leadership that I could look to as a mentor and trust wholeheartedly.” Several Sailors attested
to Day’s mentorship of enlisted Sailors at the clinic. “It was a great privilege to him,” said HMC (SW/AW) Brooke Dorsey. “He did anything and everything he could do for the success of
the clinic and the staff. Like a true mustang, he wholeheartedly supported the enlisted and their goals and worked hard every day to ensure their success.” Dorsey praised the way
Day helped enlisted Sailors advance their military careers through training. “[Day] helped corpsman get accepted to BUDS, EOD, MARSOC and C-schools, just to name a few,” she said. “He helped me get accepted into a commissioning program. He made everyone feel like they were an integral part of the team and that they were the key to the success of the clinic.” The warm feelings were seconded by civilian staff at the clinics. “. I was extremely fortunate to be in [Day’s] command,” said Robert Tate. “His desire and ability to carry out our daily mission was reflective in his daily tasks. While we all struggle with personal difficulties, Lieutenant Commander Day always showed a cooperative demeanor, even in the face of difficult times. His willingness to listen and stand behind those in his command reflect a strength of character seldom seen today. While I understand this may be a selfish statement, I truly wish he could be around to see my own retirement. He will be greatly missed.”
Housing Residents Prepare for RECP Military housing residents at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head recently received a letter outlining Resident Energy Conservation Program, or RECP, a policy from the office of Secretary of Defense originally established for the payment of utilities in Public Private Venture (PPV) housing to encourage energy efficiency. The RECP is in alignment with the Department of Defense and the Department of the Navy’s energy conservation initiatives to reduce dependency on foreign oil and over-use of electricity and to encourage good stewardship of our nation’s resources.
What is RECP and how does the program work?
- RECP focuses on utility conservation efforts to reduce electricity and gas usage in PPV housing. - Residents will be responsible for paying utility costs that are 10 percent or more above the established utility usage target for their residence. To help offset out-of-pocket expenses, residents may accrue credit when their utility consumption is 10 percent or more below the established usage target. - Research indicates that when utilities are included in the rent, utility consumption is higher than when residents pay for utilities separately and residents can see
their monthly usage. - Cost savings will be reinvested back into the housing community in which Sailors and their families reside to fund reserve accounts for renovations and improvements to homes and neighborhoods. The program will be implemented within the Naval District Washington’s housing communities later this year. Residents will participate in a three month mock billing period followed by live billing starting in October 2013. During the three month ‘mock’ billing period, which is planned from July through September, residents will receive mock bills that they won’t be required to pay. The mock bills will
show the residents’ actual electricity consumption and billing costs, and how it compares with other homes in their Like-Type Group. This will give residents the opportunity to compare their monthly usage with the normal usage band, view their anticipated costs based on actual consumption, adjust their usage habits if desired, and/or obtain assistance with managing their
consumption. Along with the mock bill, residents will also receive tips and ideas on ways to reduce electricity consumption. The program is just one of many that finds the Navy striving to adopt green practices at work. Housing residents can play a large part in supporting energy-saving initiatives. For more info on RECP, visit mil/recp.
March 29, 2013
A change of Command for Dahlgren, Indian Head Medical Clinics By Andrew Revelos, Staff Writer
Link directly to the NSASP Facebook page on your smart phone
Newest ASF Members Graduate Page 3
Sailors at staff assigned to the Naval Branch Medical Clinics at Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head held a change of command ceremony Feb. 22 at x. Staff welcomed incoming officerin-charge Lt. Cmdr. Marcy Morlock and said goodbye to Lt. Cmdr. John Day, who retired after 26 years of service in the Navy. The change of command ceremony featured all the traditions that are the hallmark of Navy service. The customs are part of a “rich Navy tradition that strengthens respect for authority and insures only authorized officers take charge,” said Capt. Michael Vernere, commanding officer of Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River. Sailors wished their outgoing boss fair winds and following seas as Day starts a new chapter in his life. “He was an awesome person to have in the chain of command, someone who we could always rely on. who stands behind his people
US Navy photo by Jeron Hayes
Lt. Cmdr. John Day (r.) changes command Feb. 22 with Lt. Cmdr. Marcy Morlock. no matter what,” said HM2 Danielle Bancroft. “I appreciated having someone in my leadership that I could look to as a mentor and trust wholeheartedly.” Several Sailors attested
to Day’s mentorship of enlisted Sailors at the clinic. “It was a great privilege to him,” said HMC (SW/AW) Brooke Dorsey. “He did anything and everything he could do for the success of
the clinic and the staff. Like a true mustang, he wholeheartedly supported the enlisted and their goals and worked hard every day to ensure their success.” Dorsey praised the way
Day helped enlisted Sailors advance their military careers through training. “[Day] helped corpsman get accepted to BUDS, EOD, MARSOC and C-schools, just to name a few,” she said. “He helped me get accepted into a commissioning program. He made everyone feel like they were an integral part of the team and that they were the key to the success of the clinic.” The warm feelings were seconded by civilian staff at the clinics. “. I was extremely fortunate to be in [Day’s] command,” said Robert Tate. “His desire and ability to carry out our daily mission was reflective in his daily tasks. While we all struggle with personal difficulties, Lieutenant Commander Day always showed a cooperative demeanor, even in the face of difficult times. His willingness to listen and stand behind those in his command reflect a strength of character seldom seen today. While I understand this may be a selfish statement, I truly wish he could be around to see my own retirement. He will be greatly missed.”
Housing Residents Prepare for RECP Military housing residents at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren and NSF Indian Head recently received a letter outlining Resident Energy Conservation Program, or RECP, a policy from the office of Secretary of Defense originally established for the payment of utilities in Public Private Venture (PPV) housing to encourage energy efficiency. The RECP is in alignment with the Department of Defense and the Department of the Navy’s energy conservation initiatives to reduce dependency on foreign oil and over-use of electricity and to encourage good stewardship of our nation’s resources.
What is RECP and how does the program work?
- RECP focuses on utility conservation efforts to reduce electricity and gas usage in PPV housing. - Residents will be responsible for paying utility costs that are 10 percent or more above the established utility usage target for their residence. To help offset out-of-pocket expenses, residents may accrue credit when their utility consumption is 10 percent or more below the established usage target. - Research indicates that when utilities are included in the rent, utility consumption is higher than when residents pay for utilities separately and residents can see
their monthly usage. - Cost savings will be reinvested back into the housing community in which Sailors and their families reside to fund reserve accounts for renovations and improvements to homes and neighborhoods. The program will be implemented within the Naval District Washington’s housing communities later this year. Residents will participate in a three month mock billing period followed by live billing starting in October 2013. During the three month ‘mock’ billing period, which is planned from July through September, residents will receive mock bills that they won’t be required to pay. The mock bills will
show the residents’ actual electricity consumption and billing costs, and how it compares with other homes in their Like-Type Group. This will give residents the opportunity to compare their monthly usage with the normal usage band, view their anticipated costs based on actual consumption, adjust their usage habits if desired, and/or obtain assistance with managing their
consumption. Along with the mock bill, residents will also receive tips and ideas on ways to reduce electricity consumption. The program is just one of many that finds the Navy striving to adopt green practices at work. Housing residents can play a large part in supporting energy-saving initiatives. For more info on RECP, visit mil/recp.
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, March 29, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren mentors inspire students in STEM By John J. Joyce, NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications Why are Dahlgren and Fredericksburg area students becoming increasingly interested in applying science, technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM) challenges to the real world? Students, metro-Fredericksburg educators, and their NSWC Dahlgren Division mentors will tell you about their exciting robotics teams and programs such as the annual STEM summer camp scheduled this year for the week of June 24 at the King George Middle School. The National Defense Education Program (NDEP) Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) Summer Academy gives the students hands-on experience to as many STEM careers as possible in one week. “If students learn of a new STEM career interest or confirm their current STEM career interest - it affords them the opportunity to begin making plans for the courses they need to take in their high school journey,” said Jane Bachman, VDP STEM Dahlgren Academy Director. Last year, more than 100 students joined their mentors - 19 Navy scientists and engineers - to work on STEM summer camp activities and projects impacting simulated naval robotic missions at the summer camp here. The excitement doesn’t end with summer camp. Throughout the school year, NSWC Dahlgren scientists and engineers mentor students at the Dahlgren School and other area middle schools. What’s more, students are occasionally treated to special guest speakers - NSWCDD leaders who share their own personal stories to encourage and motivate the students. “Dahlgren School is very fortunate to have literally thousands of renowned STEM experts working right in our backyard,” said Kathryn Walseman, Dahlgren School Gifted Education Resource Teacher. STEM experts from Dahlgren School’s backyard recently featured NSWCDD engineer Dr. Valerie Stewart - an author, motivational speaker, and former professional athlete. “Dr. Val’s presentation went far beyond her role as an electrical engineer,” said Walseman about Stewart’s Feb. 25 visit with 75 students. “They didn’t count on meeting a former pro basketball player, motivational speaker and an author too.” The audience - including 14 Advancement Via Individual Achievement (AVID)
students - shared their individual goals and plans for their futures. They listened intently as Stewart recounted how she overcame personal setbacks, obstacles and fears to become a Navy engineer, minister and motivational speaker by applying what she called the four F’s: “finding and following your future, facing your fears, overcoming your failures and flying high.” “The students were such a joy to speak to,” said Stewart. “They really are our future and we should invest our time, talents and gifts into their futures.” Stewart’s presentation supported several goals the students and staff are currently working on at Dahlgren School. For example, one goal this year involves the students’ use of the engineering design process - “ask, imagine, plan, create and improve” - to solve problems. “Dr. Val joins a host of other scientists, mathematicians, and engineers who have rubbed shoulders with our students this year and helped them see how what they are learning in inquiry-based STEM-related challenges in the classroom translates to the real world,” said Walseman. “The curriculum for our AVID class includes standards which are met through a steady stream of guest speakers who share their college and career experiences. We are most grateful to the commands on base for providing their employees with the flexibility to support our students in this wonderful way.” NSWCDD Commander Michael Smith is another leader in the host of Dahlgren personnel inspiring or mentoring students’ STEM interest and enthusiasm. Last spring, Smith spoke with students at a Spotsylvania middle school and to AVID students at the Dahlgren School. He told the Dahlgren students how the construction project for DDG 1000 - first of the Zumwalt class of multi-mission guided missile destroyers - was broken into segments. “Over 1,000 people worked on the design. It took a lot of teamwork.” Working as a team is one of the skills emphasized in the AVID class which prepares students for future college eligibility. At the Post Oak Middle School in Spotsylvania, Smith’s brief to students and teachers answered questions such as: What is NSWC Dahlgren? What cool stuff do we do at NSWC Dahlgren? What kind of careers are available? What kind of people work at NSWC Dahlgren? What do you have to know to become a Navy scientist or engineer? What classes should you take? How can you make a difference? The following National Defense Education Program videos filmed on location at
Dr. Valerie Stewart, a Navy engineer who doubles as a motivational speaker, interacts with students at the Dahlgren School Feb. 25. The students shared their individual goals and plans for their futures and listened intently as Stewart recounted how she overcame personal setbacks, obstacles and fears to become a Navy engineer, minister and motivational speaker by applying what she called the four F’s: “finding and following your future, facing your fears, overcoming your failures and flying high.” NSWC Dahlgren will give students a better idea of what it’s like to work in a STEM career field engaged with exciting technologies that protect our nation and warfighters: - Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense: http:// - Chemical, Biological and Radiological
Defense: - Human Systems Integration on MRAP vehicles: - More CBR Defense: http://www.ndep. us/Clean-Chemistry - More Human Systems Integration:
CSCS Earns Four Training Excellence Awards by Kimberly M. Lansdale, Center for Surface Combat Systems Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) was selected for four 2012 Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) Training Excellence Awards for superior accomplishment in supporting NETC’s training vision March 18. The annual award recognizes commands
that demonstrate the highest standards of training excellence and produce Sailors who are mission ready and fortify our nation. The award is composed of three categories: The Learning Center Training Excellence “T” Award, the Training Support Center Training Support Excellence “TS” Award, and the Functional Excellence Awards. CSCS received the Curriculum Management (Black “T”), Information Technology (Gold “T”), Planning and Programming (Gray “T”), and Total Force Management (Red “T”)
awards. CSCS was one of only three learning centers who earned four Excellence awards this cycle. “Once again, I continue to be amazed with the professionalism and excellence this organization exhibits on a daily basis,” said CSCS Commanding Officer Capt. Don Schmieley. “These awards reflect the diligence, dedication and motivation of each individual throughout our headquarters and 14 learning sites.” As the leader in surface combat systems
training, the Center for Surface Combat Systems headquarters’ staff oversees 14 learning sites and provides 80,000 hours of curriculum and 670 courses a year to more than 43,000 Sailors. Courses include specialized training supporting nine enlisted ratings, as well as training for officers in system-specific skills required to tactically operate and employ surface ships. Building maritime partnerships, the command also provides training to many international students.
Friday, March 29, 2013
The South Potomac Pilot
Share the Road Safely
Safety Tips for Motorcycles Courtesy of NSASP Safety Office
CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Starting a Van Pool, A+ quality 7-passenger van, departs NLT 0635 from Fieldhouse/ Courthouse Rd. commuter lot to Dahlgren, Mon-Thurs work hours (0715-1545) except Fri (0715-1515). Call Cheng at 540-6535909. A-Gate commuter wanted only. Van or carpool desired from any rideshare parking area or Reston Town Center. Depart between 0600-0700, return from Indian Head between 160-1700. Call Moses, (301) 743-4180. Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7-430, but hours can be negotiated. 703909-3380. Riders wanted to start a carpool from the Northern Neck (Lively/Lancaster), passing through Warsaw at 0605 and Montross at 0615, arriving at Dahlgren by 0700; leaving Dahlgren at 1600. Call Lea at 540-653-6776 or 571-232-5412 (cell). From the Ferry Farm area to Dahlgren Bldg. 1500 area. Prefer early work hours. Call Mark, 540-653-2148. Riders wanted for van pool. Leaves from Richmond at Home Depot on Atlee-Elmont Rd. (exit # 86B off I-95) to Dahlgren. Call David at (540) 653-9203. Clinton, Md., to Dahlgren. Hours are flexible (0600 - 1700). Call Miranda at 703-6929590. Carpool/vanpool wanted from Montross area to Dahlgren. Can also take up to 3 or 4 riders from here if they would prefer me to drive. Call Doc at 252-670-6686.
Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 2498153, or 540-653-8153.
FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING SERVICE GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. connect.html.
Among all motor vehicles, motorcycles are the most vulnerable on the road. Because motorcycles do not have seat belts, you can be thrown off your seat in a crash, which can result in serious injury or even death. Imagine your chance for survival if a truck strikes you, or if you strike it. Hitting a truck is like hitting a steel wall. However, your chance for survival will be increased if you wear a helmet and follow the safety tips below when riding your motorcycle.
Never hang out in a truck’s blind spot or “No-Zone.” Trucks have large NoZones on both sides, the front and behind the truck. Truck drivers cannot see you when you ride in these blind spots, which allows for a greater chance of a crash. The front blind spot is particularly dangerous if you need to stop quickly. Because of their lightweight and braking system, motorcycles can stop much faster
than trucks. A truck may not be able to stop as quickly as you do, so you need to take special precautions to avoid crashes before they happen.
Make sure to always wear a helmet. Beware of helmets that do not meet U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) standards. Check for the DOT label inside your helmet. Helmets are the most important piece of equipment you can wear when riding your motorcycle. A helmet could be your only source of protection in a serious crash.
Motorcycles are the smallest vehicles on the road. Unfortunately they provide virtually no protection in a crash. Other drivers may not see you on your motorcycle, so you must be aware of everything on the road. Be extra cautious, paying attention to the signals and brake lights of other vehicles, especially trucks. However, you still need to be prepared in the event their signals or lights don’t work.
Ride with caution and drive defensively. Even though your motorcycle may be small, you must adhere to the laws of the road. Never ride in between lanes in traffic or share a lane with another vehicle. Don’t instigate aggressive driving with other motorists; you will only increase your chance of a crash.
Conduct a safety inspection of your motorcycle before each ride, and wear protective clothing including gloves, boots and a jacket. Proper maintenance and protective clothing will help reduce your chance of an crash or the severity of injury if you are involved in a crash, especially with a large truck or bus.
Of all vehicles, motorcycles accelerate the fastest, while trucks and buses are the slowest. Please watch your speed around trucks, especially in bad weather or at night. Colliding with the back of a truck will end your riding days.
SMECO Establishes $100,000 Scholarship Endowment At CSM for Future Engineers in Southern Maryland Planning for the future strength of Southern Maryland, the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SMECO) has established the SMECO Future Engineers Endowed Scholarship Fund at the College of Southern Maryland with a $100,000 pledge. The scholarship will support students enrolled in the Associate of Science in Engineering (ASE) in Electrical Engineering degree program with secondary consideration given to students enrolled in other CSM engineering degree programs. “As a major force behind the area’s economic expansion and quality of life, SMECO has demonstrated time and time again its integral role as a partner in education for our region’s workforce. They have established several education and training programs for current and future workforce, and with this new commitment to grow future engineers within Southern Maryland, SMECO reflects a significant investment in the next generation and future vitality of our community,” CSM President Dr. Brad Gottfried said. “SMECO has always been a strong supporter of education and of the College of Southern Maryland. Not only are they investing in the students that will be here in the future, but they have dedicated themselves to investing in their own workforce through continued education and workforce development at the college.”
Announcing the endowed scholarship during the 2013 Southern Maryland VEX League Championship-Senior Division at the La Plata Campus recently, SMECO Senior Vice President, Engineering and Operations, and Chief Operating Officer Kenneth M. Capps told an audience of high school students and parents, “Because we are tied to our community so closely, we are happy to work with our partners in the community, local school systems and local colleges. Recently, we started a $100,000 endowment to provide financial assistance to full-time students entering or currently enrolled in the College of Southern Maryland’s Associate of Science in Engineering, in Electrical Engineering degree program. We are supporting students in engineering because our business relies on a well-educated workforce, and we need employees who possess these skills.” Capps, who manages the engineering, operations, construction and maintenance of SMECO’s electric system in the co-op’s 1,150-square-mile service area, said, “More and more, technology plays a significant role in electric utility operations. We look forward to a day when the skills students are learning in events like the robotics competition will be used at power plants and in substations, or used in the field to inspect and repair
high voltage power lines. With this endowment, we are making a long-term investment in Southern Maryland. We value education and the partnership we have with CSM; but more importantly, we value the relationship we have with our customer-members. And we’re making this commitment because we know it will benefit our co-op and strengthen our relationship with our community.”
Demand for STEM Occupations
In the next 10 years, the need for scientists, mathematicians, engineers and other technology workers in Southern Maryland is expected to increase by 25 to 30 percent, according to estimates by the local economic development offices. The May 2011 Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the highest concentration of jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) occupations was not found in the center of Silicon Valley (San Jose-SunnyvaleSanta Clara, Calif.), but in a non-metropolitan area, St. Mary’s County, Md. (207 per 1,000 jobs). Still, large numbers of local employers find it increasingly difficult to fill a significant number of vacancies in the STEM fields. “What is really exciting is how efforts such as robotics competitions are meeting requests from the community to grow a pipeline for engineers,”
said CSM Industrial Studies Professor Bernice Brezina, coordinator of the Southern Maryland VEX Robotics League and robotics competitions at the college. Through its scholarship endowment, SMECO is among the region’s organizations instrumental in helping to build an engineering pipeline. CSM’s associate of science in engineering (ASE) degree was developed to help ease students’ transfer from two-year engineering programs to fouryear engineering programs and to help expand the pipeline into engineering careers. It is a transfer-oriented degree, built around an outcomes-based statewide agreement.
Spotlight on STEM
Upcoming in April is “Spotlight on STEM,” showcasing comprehensive events and hosted by CSM and other key partners to focus on addressing the need for aggressive STEM education at all academic levels in Southern Maryland. “Spotlight on STEM” scheduled for April 12-20 includes a variety of community outreach events and activities projected to draw hundreds of students, educators, and industry leaders, from Destination College and Career and College Readiness forums to the LEGO Robotics Championship, Student Success MidAtlantic Regional Conference, and Women + Math activities. For information about “Spotlight on STEM,” visit: www.
The South Potomac Pilot
Base Happenings Dahlgren and Indian Head Military Spouse Appreciation Nominations Needed!
In honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Month, the South Potomac Pilot would like to showcase a few of Dahlgren and Indian Head’s spectacular military spouses, to be featured in the May editions of the Pilot. Nominations for outstanding military spouses from Dahlgren and Indian Head are now being accepted. Send a paragraph describing why your nominee should be featured, along with your contact info and that of your nominee to Tina Sims at the Fleet and Family Support Center, tina.sims@navy. mil. The four spouses with the most nominations will be honored with a full article in the Pilot during the month of May. All nominations must be received by April 1.
Dahlgren Navy Ball Lunch Fundraiser Daily at Parade Field Pavilion
The Dahlgren Navy Ball Committee is selling lunch daily (weather permitting)from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on the Parade Field Pavilion. This lunch service will be available until the new Subway opens at Cannonball Lanes. Also, April 15 will be the next Krispy Kreme Donut Sales day. Drop your taxes into the post office mailbox and then make it all better with a box of a dozen original Krispy Kremes at main gate. Please come out for lunch and support the Dahlgren Navy Ball Committee!!!
VITA Tax Prep
It’s not too late to get a VITA tax prep appointment! If you are active duty or retired military or a reservist, call (540) 653-1839 to secure an appointment for your free tax return preparation today!
ASBP Blood Drive
Armed Services Blood Program will conduct a blood drive on Monday, April 15 from 7 a.m. - Noon at the ATRC Auditorium, Bldg. 1520. All blood collected benefits military members and their families at home, overseas, in harm’s way and recovering from injuries. For an appointment, visit Give our troops the precious gift of life - give blood!
FFSC Sponsoring Shred Truck on April 16
Spring cleaning means getting rid of those old documents, but you must do it safely! Fleet and Family Support Center is sponsoring a Shred Truck on April 16 from 1 - 4 p.m. at the Parade Field Pavilion parking lot across from the medical clinic. Clear out your old files and get rid of those papers you didn’t need to keep to file your taxes. Safely destruct all those papers with your important, personal information that you don’t want others to have access to. Help prevent identity theft. If you have questions, call Carol Allison at 540-653-1839.
See Happenings, Page 9
Friday, March 29, 2013
Branch Health Clinics welcome new CO By Andrew Revelos, Staff Writer Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head welcomed Lt. Cmdr. Marcy Morlock, who assumed command of the installations’ Branch Medical Health Clinics in March. The South Dakota native comes to Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) after a tour with the White House Medical Unit, where she served as the Navy healthcare administrator. As a college student, Morlock knew she wanted to go into healthcare. While she was earning a graduate degree from the University of South Dakota, Morlock joined the student chapter of the American College Healthcare Executives. The first speaker at the first meeting she attended happened to be a Navy recruiter, but Morlock was a hard target, at least at first. “I’m not from a military family, so I really didn’t know anything about it. I was glazed over during the presentation,” she said with a chuckle. A few months later, however, Morlock participated in a medical recruiting trip to Naval Medical Center San Diego, a program designed to show prospective healthcare officers what they could expect if they joined the Navy. “So I said ‘sure, I could be interested in the Navy. I’ve never been to southern California before.’” As graduation approached, Morlock consid-
ered all her options and decided to go Navy. A professor who also served in the Naval Reserves swore her in on graduation day. “I had that little voice telling me that if I didn’t try [the Navy], I would always wonder what if,” she said. “Eleven years later and here I am.” Of course, not everyone who joins the military makes a career of it, but Morlock remembers the moment she decided to stay in the Navy. “It happened in Naples, Italy when I was a department head,” she said. “It was just the culture. something clicked. Something came together and I realized this was what I wanted to do. The Navy’s been so good to me; I have no reason to leave.” Morlock broadened her experience during her first tour in the Washington area from 2007 to 2009, serving at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED). “It gave me a better big-picture understanding of Navy medicine,” she said. After a tour onboard USNS Comfort, during which she qualified as a surface warfare medical department officer, Morlock was selected to work at the White House Medical Unit in 2010. “I did get to meet the president a couple of times,” said Morlock. “It was a cool assignment and such a unique opportunity.” Morlock also appreciated the joint environment of the White House Medical Unit. “I had an opportunity to
work with all the sister services,” she said. “I learned so much from my fellow Army and Air Force [health care administrators].” The prospect of putting some of that knowledge to work at Dahlgren and Indian Head, as well as serving Navy families, excites Morlock. “I think there’s some great opportunities and challenges. both clinics are still in a transition period,” she said. “I know the crews supporting the clinics at Dahlgren and Indian Head
have outstanding reputations. There’s nothing I need to fix and I hope I can use the next three years to make their lives a little better.” Morlock has an opendoor policy and encourages her Sailors to communicate their concerns, though she emphasized the timehonored policy of keeping the chief and the first class informed, as well. “I’m thrilled to be back in a Navy environment,” she said. “It’s nice to be at bases with such a nice community feeling.”
NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129
The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-
Capt. Peter Nette
Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac
Gary R. Wagner
Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac
ments, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation
is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.
Jeron Hayes
Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry
NSA South Potomac Managing Editor
Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter
Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, March 29, 2013
April begins tick season DMV2Go at NSF Dahlgren
From George Reed Grimes, MD, MPH LT MC USN Occupational & Environmental Medicine
We are currently approaching tick-bite season, which typically runs from April to September. Ticks hide in medium to tall grass, leaf litter and brush and will bite any exposed skin surface that is brought into close proximity to the tick. Tick bites are the leading source of infectious disease in the United States. Diseases of concern in the Indian Head area include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Erlichiosis and several others. The passage of disease from a tick bite may occur almost immediately but typically requires that the tick regurgitates a small amount of blood back to the bitten host - this event usually occurs towards the end of the tick’s blood meal. Attacking the tick with nail polish, a hot match, or olive oil increases the chance of infection by stimulating the tick to regurgitate blood. The best method for removing a tick is to grasp the tick’s body with a forceps or tweezers as close to the head as possible and to pull directly away from the skin surface by applying steady force without twisting or bending the tick. The goal is to remove both the head and the biting mouth parts. If performed properly, a small crevice or pit should be left in the skin surface. Topical antibiotics and a band aid should then be applied to prevent localized skin infection. Some redness, swelling, and temporary pain at the bite site is normal. Symptoms may occur immediately or as long as four weeks after a tick bite. Immediate medical attention should be sought if the
tick head or mouth parts are retained or if the bitten individual develops weakness, fatigue, confusion, fever, vomiting, difficulty breathing, numbness, headache, or a rash. For tick bites, the best medicine is prevention or avoidance. During the summer months, individuals should avoid grassy and shrubby areas. When in these areas, you should wear light-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants tucked into boots or socks. Insect repellant marketed specifically to repel ticks should be worn on all exposed skin - appropriate repellants include 15% or less DEET for children and up to 50% DEET for adults. Insect repellant and proper PPE should be available to you at the workplace. After any exposure to areas where ticks are likely to be located, you should immediately check yourself or have someone check you for ticks. If a tick is identified, remove it immediately using the method described earlier. There is no practical pesticide treatment for either your workplace or backyard that will kill ticks. The insect repellent permethrin can be applied to outdoor areas as a spray and repels ticks, mites, lice, cockroaches, fleas, and mosquitoes for a short period of time. Permethrin is found in many of the Yard Guard type of backyard sprays. Permethrin is not known to seriously harm most mammals or birds and is available in a wide variety of sprays, powders, and shampoos for pets and a fogger system for home treatment. Direct contact with the skin by any of these forms of permethrin while they are in the wet form may cause a skin irritation or dermatitis. Inhalation of any of these products may cause serious injury. There
is a very small chance of having an allergic response, either skin irritation or difficulty breathing, in sensitive individuals. If you or a family member has allergies specific to Chrysanthemum flowers, you should not use permethrin containing flea repellents in your home. Permethrin is available in several forms used to treat clothing that will be worn while working in high tick concentration areas. Permethrin binds tightly to clothing material and is resistant to removal even after multiple washings. Permethrin treated work uniforms and yard-work clothing may remain toxic to ticks after as many as ten washings and may remain repellant to ticks for more than fifty washings. Only outer work clothing, including pants, shirts, and coveralls should be treated with permethrin. Avoid treating socks, underwear, undershirts, and caps or hats with permethrin as the close contact with wet skin may lead to a skin irritation. With the precautions listed above, permethrin treatment of clothing results in an effective barrier to ticks, chiggers, and mosquitoes while remaining non-irritating and odorless to humans. DoD approved products for treatment of work uniforms include an aerosol spray can with 0.5% permethrin (NSN: 6840-01278-1336) and a 40% permethrin concentrate that may be applied to clothing using a hand-compressed sprayer (NSN: 6840-01-334-2666). Civilian products are available at local sportsman supply stores and online. The best control for ticks is the cutting of grass and the clearing of underbrush in areas where humans and pets may travel. Call the NBHC-Indian Head with any questions or concerns.
US Navy photos by Andrew Revelos
Matt Briel, left, a scientist assigned to the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, is assisted March 21 by Josh Elkins, assistant manager of the DMV2Go. The mobile DMV set up shop at Dahlgren’s parade field and will return May 20.
Charles Doyle, a scientist assigned to the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, heads back to work after visiting DMV2Go on March 21.
NSASP welcomes Community Planning Liaison Officer By Andrew Revelos, Staff Writer
William Rau, civilian planning and liaison officer for Naval Support Facilities Dahlgren and Indian Head.
Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) welcomed William Rau, community planning liaison officer (CPLO) for Naval Facilities Command Washington (NAVFACWASH), who came to the command in March after serving as a planner at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The Long Island-native and former Sailor will put his extensive experience working with state and local governments to work for Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head. Rau’s first experience in
the Navy was as an enlisted Sailor, serving as a sonar technician on board USS Elliot. Before joining the Navy in 1997, Rau enjoyed environmental science and planning classes at college. “When I left active duty, [my wife and I] moved back from San Diego to New York and I was fortunate enough to get a planning job for the local government in the town of Islip, on Long Island,” he said. “From that point in 2001, I went on to work for a bunch of different municipalities, some towns and villages, and served on a board.” In 2007, Rau was certified by the American Planning Association. “Around that time I learned that the
Navy was interested in hiring community planners for NAVFAC and I landed one at Guantanamo Bay,” said Rau, whose family thoroughly enjoyed the sunny two-year assignment. “We did a lot of diving, paddle boarding. a lot of water stuff. When we went down my kids didn’t know how to swim; now they are little aquanauts.” The job itself helped familiarize Rau with military community planning; he implemented several projects as part of the installation’s master plan. “I felt like I grew a lot professionally,” he said. “It was different than working for a local government.” Seeing a different aspect
of his craft piqued Rau’s professional interest when he began working for the Navy, but the prospect of serving the greater good was also appealing. “What I like most about it knowing that I’m continuing to serve,” said Rau. “I’m trying to make things better for the military and its missions. That is what’s rewarding to me.” While Rau is still settling into his new position, learning about the research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) missions of Dahlgren and Indian Head-based commands has already made a positive impression. Thus far, Rau toured Dahlgren’s electromagnetic railgun facility
and the Potomac River Test Range (PRTR). “It’s obviously an important mission, as far as supporting the fleet,” said Rau of the PRTR. “I think it was a good place to start. I can see how encroachment is very relevant to that mission.” Rau has a simple philosophy when it comes to interacting with community stakeholders and planning. “Just be nice,” he said. “It works for me.” When Rau isn’t serving the Navy and the communities around Dahlgren and Indian Head, he enjoys spending time with his family, running, kayaking, fishing, painting and scuba diving.
The South Potomac Pilot
MWR Highlights
their parents that have base access, fifty three attendees enjoyed the games, refreshments and prizes sponsored by NSWC Federal Credit Union. Children of all ages and family members won a variety of board games and other surprises.
General Library 540-653-8747
Spring Celebration at Dahlgren Library
The NSF Dahlgren Library welcomed in the beginning of spring on March 22, holding its first Spring Celebration on a beautiful, sunny Friday afternoon. Patrons enjoyed a visit from the Easter Bunny, some real bunnies, baby ducks, baby chicks and pony rides.
Spring Break Youth Learn-2-Bowl
April 1 - 5, 2 - 4 p.m. Eligible patrons include children ages 5 to 12 with base access. Cost: $5 per child. Learn-2-bowl training course available during Spring break offered to children wanting to learn how to bowl. For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540-653-7327.
WE OWN IT...WE’LL SOLVE IT...TOGETHER April 25 Register at the fitness Center by 1030 on race day, race starts at 1100. $5 for civilians, FREE for military. Prizes will be given to 1st and 2nd place man and woman. Shirts will be given to the first 25 registrants.
Saturday Movie “SNEAK PEEK”
Youth Summer Camp Registration
April 8 - 19 Summer camp is a weekly program for children. Cost: Based on total family income and that there is a 20% discount for each additional child. The kids that are currently in the SAC program register April 8 & 9. New military dependents register April 9, 10, 11 New DoD Civilians register April 15,16,17 New contractors register April 18 & 19 Please register at the Youth Activities Center. For information, please contact the Youth Activities Center at 540-653-8009.
Youth Photography Contest Exhibit
April 9, 12 - 2 p.m. (Awards presentation at 6 p.m.) FREE Youth, ages 5-18, can submit photos categorically to be judged prior to award presentation in the evening. Photo Categories include 1. Culture and Tradition 2. Surroundings 3. Portraits 4. “What Moves Me” Essay or poem. Please register at the Youth Activities Center by March 29. For more information, please contact the Youth Activities Center at 540-653-8009.
Family Bingo Night at NSF Dahlgren YAC
Last Wednesday, the NSF Dahlgren Youth Activities Center hosted an exciting night of family Bingo. This quarterly family fun night is consistently a big hit every time it rolls around. Specially geared toward children ages 5 and up along with
Price of Shows Civilians - $5 AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 - above) $4 AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 - below) - $2.50 Child (6-11) - $2 Child (5 and under) - Free Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1
National Sexual Assault Awareness Month-SAPR 5K
Movie Theater
540-653-7336 Hours of Operation Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings
Friday, April 5th, 7 p.m. Safe Haven, PG-13 Saturday, April 6th, 2 p.m. 42-Free Sneak Peek!, PG-13 Saturday, April 6th, 7 p.m. A Good Day to Die Hard, R
Youth Activities Center
Movie Theater
Friday, March 29th, 7 p.m. Beautiful Creatures, PG-13 Saturday, March 30th, 7 p.m. Identity Thief, R
Bowling Center
April 6, 2 p.m. - FREE Eligible patrons include all with base access. We will be playing the NEW unreleased movie “42,” about the life story of Jackie Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey. Rated PG -13. For more information please contact the Dahlgren Movie Theater at 540-653-7336.
Friday, March 29, 2013
General Library Spring Break Fun Day April 1, 2 - 4 p.m. Join MWR and Lincoln Military Housing to celebrate the beginning of spring with a day of fun at the General Library. Make crafts, visit the petting zoo, take a pony ride and more! This event is FREE and open to all eligible patrons.
National Library Week
April 15-19 It’s National Library Week! Come in and check out our wonderful General Library. Check out a book and you will be entered into a drawing for a gift card. Open to all with base access.
Weight House Fitness Center Spring Run/Walkers April 1 - May 31 What a great way to start the day, enjoy the season, meet people and get healthy! Meet at the Fitness Center on Friday mornings at 6 am and start your day energized! Walkers and runners will be split into groups. $5 per person. Register at the WHFC by April 1.
Wallyball Tournament April 15 Register at the WHFC front desk or by emailing megan. by April 12. $5 for civilians, FREE for military.
Auto Hobby Shop Auto Hobby Shop Self Help Classes April 8 - Cleaning Tips Mary 13 - Tune Ups June 10 - Basic Car Care Information and demonstration classes will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. These classes are FREE and open to all eligible patrons. For more information contact Recreational Gear Rentals - The MWR Auto Hobby Shop rents an extensive selection of equipment for your recreational needs. Available items include tents, canoes, tarps, picnic tents, tables, chairs, moon bounce, grills, lanterns, sporting equipment and more! Rentals are available on a daily, weekly or weekend basis. Call the Hobby Shop at 301744-6314 for more information or stop by and see what we have to offer.
Youth Center Summer Camp Registration
Summer will be here before you know it and with it comes camp! Mark your calendar for the upcoming 2013 Summer Camp registration dates! April 22-23 Current SAC April 24-25 Military April 26-29 DoD April 30-May 1 Contractors Registration times are 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Fees are determined by TFI. Parents must bring LES/Paystubs at time of registration. A deposit in the amount of your weekly fee is due at the time of registration. Registration packets are available for pick up at the Youth Center. For more information call 301-743-5456.
Friday, March 29, 2013
The South Potomac Pilot
Newest ASF Members Graduate
April Classes-Fleet and Family Support Center Dahlgren 4 and 5 Apr
Small Business Brief
New Spouse Orientation
Command Leadership Br 0900-1200
Deployment Discussion
Telephone Family Support 1400-1500
Overseas Transfer
Investment Basics
Cultural Adaptation
29 Apr-3 May 1st Term Consep
Preparing for Baby
Overseas Transfer
Cultural Adaptation
Deployment Discussion
Indian Head
US Navy photo by David Fredrickson
The NSASP police department spent the last three weeks at the Police Training Center of Excellence at NSF Dahlgren with the newest class of Auxiliary Security Force members. Graduation was Friday after students received training in various areas to include weapons, tactical team movement and response to the active shooter. All new ASF members are students at Aegis Training and Readiness Center and serve as a collateral duty. If activated, the ASF would help bolster base security forces in the event of a security event. Students will continue to receive monthly on-the-job training until their commitment to the ASF is fulďŹ lled.
NEX Barber Shop Hours Effective Monday, April 1 Mon-Thurs Friday Sat-Sun-Holidays
7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closed
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, March 29, 2013
Community Notes Dahlgren Rotary Club Works to Eliminate Polio
The Rotary Club of King George-Dahlgren will hold a fundraiser at Steamer’s Seafood Grill on Tues., April 2 from 6 - 9 p.m. to raise money for the Fight to End Polio. Diners must present a copy of the fundraiser flyer along with their receipt and Steamer’s will donate 20% of food sales to the Fight to End Polio. For a copy of the flyer, visit the Naval Support Activity South Potomac Facebook page,
Win for Wesley Golf Tournament
The Win for Wesley team is sponsoring a golf tournament at Cameron Hills Golf Links on Salem Church Road in King George on April 5. Deadline to register is March 29. Check-In begins at 8 a.m., with tee-off at 9 a.m. The cost for this event is $75 per golfer ($50 for golfers 18 & under). This price includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, riding cart, lunch, door prizes and various awards. Register by email: Proceeds benefit American Cancer Society and The Thomas Wesley Berry Medical Fund.
Spotsy Dog Park Yard Sale
Sellers are needed for a yard sale to benefit Spotsy Dog Park, Inc., scheduled for Sat., April 13 at Massaponax High School from 7:30 a.m. - Noon. Cost for one parking space (including a spot to park in) is a $15 donation, two parking spaces (block of four) is $25 and 3 parking spaces (block of 6) is $35. Vendor setup will begin promptly at 7 a.m. To reserve your spot(s), call Landry, (703) 785-8756 or visit our website, www.
2nd Friday Art Walk at Colonial Beach
Spring is here! Come enjoy the 2nd Friday Art Walk at Colonial Beach, Va. on Fri., Apr. 12 from 6 - 9 p.m. Eight venues in Colonial Beach will have art from local artists on display, including paintings, graphite, jewelry, photography, pottery, mosaic art, glass art and much more. For a map and more info, visit
UMW to Host STEM Academy
Mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual FredTech STEM 16 Summit to be held April 20 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., hosted by University of Mary Washington at the Anderson Center <> on College Avenue at the Fredericksburg Campus. This annual STEM16 Summit, sponsored by the University of Mary Washington, FredTech, and the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, highlights the achievements and offerings of our region’s students, educators, and businesses in the STEM arena. This year we expect to highlight student and educator STEM efforts from over 25 local secondary schools, the University of Mary Washington, Germanna Community College and NSWCDD Dahlgren. The Summit is open to the public and admission is free of charge.
Fight for Madison Golf Cart Poker Run
The Fight for Madison Relay For Life team will hold a Golf Cart Poker Run on Sat., May 4 in Colonial Beach. Registration will begin at 11 a.m. at the Dockside Restaurant at 1787 Castlewood Dr., Colonial Beach. You will receive your first card at the Dockside and then proceed to 3 other stops to receive your other three cards. Then head back to Dockside Restaurant for the final card.
Raffle to include gift certificates to area restaurants and other shops in Colonial Beach and surrounding areas. Music from 3-6 p.m. First/Second/Third place winners will receive cash prizes for best poker hand. Golf Cart rentals are available - please call 804224-5000 or contact for more info.
Dirty Lions Mud Run
The King George Lions Club is sponsoring a Dirty Lions Mud Run on June 29 at Eagle Bay off Rt. 218 in King George County. The event will feature both a 5K Dirty Lion Mud Run and a 1-mile Leo Mud Run. Both races will begin and end at the Eagle Bay subdivision. The 5K Mud Run will be professionally timed. The first wave begins at 9 a.m. The 1-mile Leo Mud Run begins at 11 a.m. Awards for the 5K will include male and female overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Age groups will be 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 and up. Awards for the 1-mile race will include male and female 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall. Age groups will be 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-13. Otherwise, finishing is reward enough! Event T-shirts will be guaranteed to all pre-registered runners registered before June 15. Late registrants may buy shirts if any are available on race day. Registration opens Feb. 1 at $35 for the 5K Mud Run ($40 if postmarked after April 15, $50 after June 1, $55 day of the race) and at $15 for the Leo Mud Run. Register on line at or, or pick up race forms at Virginia Runner in Central Park in Fredericksburg. Packet pick-up and late registration on race day will be from 7:30-8:45 a.m. for the 5K and until 10:15 a.m. for the Leo Mud Run. A separate registration is required for each participant. Incomplete or unsigned entry forms will not be accepted.
Indian Head Curbside Collection of Yard Waste Resumes April 1
The Charles County Department of Public Works is pleased to announce that curbside collection of yard waste will resume on Monday, April 1. Acceptable items for curbside yard waste collection include grass, leaves, garden clippings, and brush. Items must be placed in brown paper bags, a reusable container, or bundled for collection. Yard Waste in plastic bags or containers weighing over 50 pounds will not be collected. Branches must be bundled and not greater than four feet in length and no individual branch more than six inches in diameter. All reusable containers must have handles and a yard waste sticker affixed to the container or clearly marked with an “X” or “Yard Waste”. Unacceptable items include loose branches and brush, plastic bags, dirt, rocks, sod, trash, and material exceeding the weight and size restrictions. Weekly curbside collection of yard waste is only available to those residents who currently receive every-other week blue bin curbside recycling services. Green yard waste stickers are available free of charge at the following locations: Bryans Road Hardware, Bannister Neighborhood Center, Charles County Sanitary Landfill, Charles Crossing Neighborhood Center, Dorchester Neighborhood Center, Hampshire Neighborhood Center, Home Depot, Kingsview Neighborhood Center, Lancaster Neighborhood Center, Lowes, Public Works, and Wakefield Neighborhood Center. Residents may take their yard waste
to the Composting Facility, located at the Landfill, or the recycling centers in Pisgah, Dentsville at Gilbert Run Park, and Cobb Island at Breeze Farm. For more information, call the Department of Public Works, Environmental Resources Division, 301-932-3599 or 301870-2778. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
Environmental Office to Host Potomac River Watershed Cleanup
The 25th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 6, at the Dashiell Marina on board Naval Support Facility Indian Head from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Join NSF Indian Head and thousands of other volunteers in removing trash from the Potomac River Watershed. Gloves and bags will be provided, but be sure to bring sturdy boots or shoes and wear appropriate clothing. The event will be hosted rain or shine. For more information and to register for the event, contact Travis Wray at (301) 7442262 or visit
Mattawoman Creek Art Center (MCAC) Announces Multimedia Art Show
The Mattawoman Creek Art Center (MCAC) presents a multimedia art show that features the work of visual artists within the commuting area. This exhibit will run from March 22 to April 21, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with an Opening reception on Sunday, March 24, from 1 to 4 p.m. MCAC is located in Smallwood State Park, Marbury, Maryland. 35 miles south of Washington DC on Route 224 in Charles County Park Fee is waived for visitors. For more info, call 301-743-5159 or visit
2013 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Begins April 6
The Charles County Department of Public Works would like to remind citizens that the first household hazardous waste collection for this year will be held on Saturday, April 6. The household hazardous waste collection site is located in the parking lot of the Department of Public Works building, located at 10430 Audie Lane, off of Radio Station Road in La Plata. Collection hours are 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Items accepted free of charge include: pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, gasoline, oil-based paint, cleaning supplies, pool chemicals, batteries, expired prescription drugs, fluorescent lights, mercury thermometers, and other poisons found in the home. Please remember to mark any container that does not have a readable, original label. Unacceptable materials include bio-medical waste (sharps, needles, anything with bodily fluids) and ammunition. Used motor oil, anti-freeze, propane tanks, and batteries are accepted on a regular basis at various collection sites. Latex paint is not considered hazardous waste and can be placed in your household trash as long as it is solidified. This can be accomplished by adding kitty litter, shredded paper, or sawdust to the liquid latex paint to aid in drying it out. Household hazardous waste collection will occur on the first Saturday of each month through December. Upcoming 2013 collection dates are: April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, Aug. 3, Sep. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, and Dec. 7. For more information, call the Charles County Department of Public Works, Environmental Resources Division at 301-9323599 or 301-870-2778, or the landfill and recycling information line at 301-932-5656. Citizens with special needs may contact the
Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
2nd Saturday Series at Sotterley
Sotterley Plantation’s Second Saturday series presents “A Taste of History: How African American Foods Influenced Our Modern Cuisine” on Saturday, April 12, at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. What did people eat during the 1700s? Come learn about the foods that were transported on slave ships during the 18th century and how they influenced colonial dishes, as well as our modern regional foods. Lecture and demonstration will be presented by the Director of Education of Historic London Town and Gardens. Limited to 60 people per session. Cost is $15 per person. Advance reservation is required. Purchase tickets online:
CSM Literary Series
CSM’s Connections Literary Series presents poet E. Ethelbert Miller at 7:30 p.m., April 5, at College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Auditorium, 22950 Hollywood Road. Miller will read from and discuss his collection of works. Tickets are $3 advanced sale through the CSM box office and $3 at the door with a student ID. General admission at the door is $5. 301-934-7864, 240-725-5499, 443-5506199, 301-870-2309, Ext. 7864 or www.csmd. edu/Connections/readings.html.
CSM Renaissance Festival
Plan to attend the CSM Renaissance Festival from 9 a.m.- 9 p.m., April 19-20, at College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center, 8730 Mitchell Road. Enjoy a full day of activities and entertainment as CSM presents its first Renaissance Festival. Inside the theatre, the CSM Theatre Company will present six different Medieval/ Renaissance plays, each intended for a particular audience (G rated - R rated) including “The Creation of Adam and Eve,” “Noah’s Flood,” “The Second Shepherd’s Pageant,” “The Creation and the Fall of Lucifer,” “Everyman” and “The Harrowing of Hell.” Additional activities will take place outdoors in the vicinity of the Fine Arts (FA) Building. Admission to the festival is free; $10 wristbands will be sold in order to gain admittance to all age-appropriate plays throughout the day. All other refreshments, activities, games, etc. are either free or priced by the vendor.
Cancer of the Colon Health Forum Set for April 11
The Area Council on Aging will host a Cancer of the Colon Health Forum on Thursday, April 11 at the Clark Senior Center (1210 Charles St., La Plata) from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Learn about diagnosis, prevention and treatment methods related to cancer of the colon. This event is opportunity to learn about serious but preventable disease. The forum moderator is Dr. Guillermo Sanchez, with Dr. Seetaramayya Nagula, Dr. Suryakant J. Patel and Dr. Krishan Mathur as featured presenters. The registration deadline is Friday, April 5 at 10 a.m. Call Ms. Janice Hamby at 301-609-5702 to register. For information on events offered by the Department of Community Services, visit, or call 301934-9305 or 301-870-3388. Citizens with special needs may contact the Maryland Relay Service at 711, or Relay Service TDD: 800-735-2258.
See Community Notes, Page 9
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, March 29, 2013
Community Notes: Continued from page 8
Third Annual St. Charles Running Festival Set for April 13th
The third annual St. Charles Running Festival Presented by Lennar will take place on April 13. The festival will consist of three different distances (10 miles, 5k and a kids fun run) and proceeds from the event will benefit the College of Southern Maryland. The festival will lead runners throughout the roads of Charles County with Regency Furniture Stadium serving as the focal point. The scenic and mostly flat 10-mile course has runners starting at Regency Furniture Stadium, then proceeding north up Piney Church Road, west on Billingsley Road, and south on St. Charles Parkway. The second half of the race continues south on Radio Station Road, east on to La Plata Rd, then back on to Piney Church Road once again before finishing outside of the stadium.
The 5k course starts and finishes at the stadium and ventures through the neighborhoods on Piney Church Rd. The Chick-fil-A Kids Fun Run will be contained within the parking lots of the stadium. The day’s events coincide with the annual Fan Fest celebration hosted by the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs. Entry fees for the three races are $55 for the 10-Miler, $25 for the 5K and $10 for the Kids Fun Run prior to March 1. After that the 10-Miler fees increase to $65 and the 5K increases to $30. For more information or to register visit or call (410) 605-9381.
nies start promptly at 10 a.m. Fun-filled events for children age 3 through 6 include running, jumping, kicking, throwing, and tricycle races. A moon bounce as well as vendors will be on site. Athletes will have their participation recorded on a special tracking form distributed during opening ceremonies. The registration fee is $10. The deadline to register is May 4. Each child will receive an award and snack for his/her efforts. Parent/guardian participation is required for each athlete. Register online at For more information, call the Smallwood Community Center at 301-743-3020.
Register Now for the 2013 Tot Olympics
Volunteers Needed for Wounded Warrior Fishing Tournament
The Olympics are here! Charles County Department of Community Services Recreation Division are partnering with the Chick-fil-A’s of Charles County to present the 2013 Tot Olympics. Magnify your Olympic spirit and watch as your toddler brings their Olympic dream to life. The Tot Olympics Games will be held at Westlake High School on Saturday, May 11, from 10 a.m.-noon (rain date: Saturday, May 18). Registration begins at 9 a.m. and opening ceremo-
Happenings: Continued from page 4
DOSC Accepting Scholarship Apps
The Dahlgren Officers’ Spouses Club (DOSC) is currently accepting scholarship applications . All applications must be in writing and received by April 15. For an application and more information, visit
DOSC Charitable Distribution Announcement
The Dahlgren Officers’ Spouses Club is currently accepting written requests from non-profit organizations for their annual charity distribution. DOSC returns profits from their Second Tour Thrift Store in the form of donations to local charities. Submit a written request to DOSC explaining how your organization benefits the community and/or the local military population and how a DOSC donation would benefit your organization. All requests must be in writing and submitted via USPS by April 15. Include organization name and purpose, desired amount and how funds will be utilized and POC with telephone and email address. Mail to Dahlgren Officers’ Spouses Club, attn: Charities Committee, 722 Sampson Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448. For more info, visit, or call (540) 413-1079.
DMV2Go at NSF Dahlgren
The DMV2Go van will be at NSF Dahlgren on May 20 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Parade Field Pavilion. The Navy Ball committee will be selling lunch from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. With the latest technology, the DMV2Go offers multiple services including state ID applications and renewals, driver’s license applications and renewals, vehicle titles, license plates, decals, transcripts, copies of driving records, applications for disabled parking placards, and many more! Stop in and take care of your DMV needs quickly and easily!
Second Tour Thrift Store Not Taking Donations
Second Tour Thrift Store is not taking any more donations at this time. We appreciate your support and will post announcements when donations will again be accepted. All proceeds from sales at Second Tour are donated to charities in the Dahlgren/King George and surrounding communities, and provide scholarship funds to dependents of military personnel - past and present - stationed on Dahlgren. Please do not donate used personal items (under clothes, socks, etc.). We are open every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. noon. Our Fall/Winter stock is now available. Come see us on Thursday!
Indian Head IH Spouses’ Club “Treasures” Thrift Store Needs Your Donations!
Plan today to visit the Treasures Thrift Store, located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. The store is open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted. Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month? Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email for information. To publish information on your event or program under “Base Happenings,” contact NSASP Public Affairs at 540-6538153 or email
Volunteers are needed for the 2013 PVA/Walter Reed Annual Bass Fishing Tournament, to be held at June 8-9 at Smallwood State Park. Volunteers are needed starting June 7 to set up for the tournament. If you are interested in more information on assisting with this event that provides an enjoyable weekend for wounded warriors, please contact
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, March 29, 2013
PilotClassifieds T H E
2 9 ,
2 0 1 3
Serving Our Military and Civilian Personnel
Southern Maryland/Dahlgren 1-888-406-7663 • 1-800-843-3357
Publication Day: Friday
Placing An Ad
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King George Toastmasters Club meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Outside the Dahlgren at Battlefield Century 21 office, First Floor Conference Room, at 15521 Real Estate Ave. King George, VA 22485. For information about Toastmasters, Please Contact: toastmasters; or Laurence Thayer 540663-4170
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Houses for Sale Montgomery County WHEATON: 3BR 1.5BA, brick, hardwd flrs, new windows, basement, large backyard, near schools. $259,900. Call 937-830-3000
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Friday, March 29, 2013
The South Potomac Pilot
The South Potomac Pilot
ACDelco takes pride in offering parts that are engineered to high standards and takes pride in offering you the right parts for your vehicle. Find out how ACDelco excels in these fine products:
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Friday, March 29, 2013