South potomac pilot 090613

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September 6, 2013


NDW Commandant tours NSF Indian Head By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

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Dahlgren Anniversary Events Calendar Page 2

Naval District Washington’s top leader toured Naval Support Facility Indian Head on Aug. 29. Rear Adm. Mark Rich met with Sailors and employees at several of the installation’s tenant commands while getting a first-hand look at the facilities and projects that will shape the future of the base. Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac, briefed Rich about the diverse capabilities and activities hosted at NSF Indian Head before the group embarked on a tour. The tour first took in some of NSF Indian Head’s recreational facilities. Many of those facilities are serviceable, but some are in dire need of repair or replacement. At NSF Indian Head’s ageing gym, Rich was shown the roof, which sustained structural damage from heavy snow in 2010 and though currently stable, might not safely sustain a similar snow load. Scientists from the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWCIHEODTD) described to Rich some of their organization’s advancements in the field of energetics research, such as the storied 67-day devel-

U.S. Navy photos by Andrew Revelos

Cmdr. Jeff Brancheau, left, public works officer for Naval Support Activity South Potomac, and Lt. Cmdr. Jake Segalla, right, project officer, brief Rear Adm. Mark Rich, center, commandant of Naval District Washington about the Agile Chemical Facility, currently in construction. opment of a thermobaric weapon for use in Afghanistan. That success was made possible by long-term, basic research undertaken for decades at NSWCIHEODTD, though that mission is not purely one of research and development; it is also operational. At the Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell (CEXC), Rich was briefed about ongoing efforts to collect and exploit the kinds of improvised explosive devices facing American troops in combat zones. Highly trained teams from CEXC deploy small, expeditionary

Lt. Adam McCallen, left, officer-in-charge at the Combined Explosives Exploitation Cell, shows Rear Adm. Mark Rich, commandant of Naval District Washington, a pressure plate from an improvised explosive device. research facilities around the world to process evidence and intelligence that

is shared across the military and law enforcement spectrums.

Rich toured an instrumented test range at NSF Indian Head’s Stump Neck Annex that collects test data from reverse-engineered IEDs. The data gathered there helps operators not only protect themselves from the latest enemy devices and tactics, but also comes up with solutions to render the bombs safe when they are encountered. The next stop on the site visit was the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force’s (CBIRF) Downey Responder Training Facility at Stump Neck Annex. In addition to his responsibilities as the commandant of NDW, Rich is deputy commander of Joint Forces Head Quarters - National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR). JFHQ-NCR and CBIRF are both responsible for supporting civilian agencies in the area of emergency management. Back on NSF Indian Head main side, Rich concluded the site visit with tours to the Child Development Center, Youth Activity Center, and base housing. Rich discussed the successes and challenges facing NSF Indian Head and its tenant commands. “I was really impressed by so many examples of world-class research and development work going on, incredibly

See Tour, Page 2

Construction begins on Dahlgren wetland project By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer Naval Support Facility Dahlgren took a big step toward reducing its environmental footprint when construction of a storm water runoff wetland began this week. The first phase of the project will add two acres of wetland to the installation and improve the quality of storm water runoff entering

Upper Machodoc Creek. A second project phase will create additional wetland habitat across the street in the low lying grass fields along Sampson Road. Service members, employees and residents onboard Dahlgren will notice an increase in truck traffic during normal working hours as construction workers remove approximately 10,000 cubic yards of soil

from the ponds. The trucks will transport the soil from Sampson Road-also the site of the construction-via Caskey and Bennion Roads out to B Gate at a rate of about 40 trucks per day. No prolonged road closures are expected and the trucks will not pass through base housing. Storm water runoff pollution has become a major environmental concern

in the Chesapeake Bay region. The same nutrients that gardeners, farmers and homeowners use on plants and lawns become pollutants when they reach Chesapeake Bay waters in excess. When too much nitrogen and phosphorous accumulate in the bay, they cause algae blooms that consume the water’s oxygen, causing “dead zones” where fish cannot survive.

Suspended solids-mainly a byproduct of construction projects-also hurts wildlife by affecting water clarity. In response, the Environmental Protection Agency established total maximum daily load rules for the Chesapeake Bay watershed across six states and the District of Columbia. The rules are a phased

See Wetland, Page 2


The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, September 6, 2013

Wetlands: Continued from page 1

approach to reducing storm water runoff pollution and the requirements vary by state. For Virginia, the nutrient reduction goal is five percent by 2018, 35 percent by 2023 and 100 percent by 2028. Phase one of the Dahlgren wetland project will remove up to 54 pounds of phosphorus a year, which is roughly 40 percent of the total nutrient reduction goal calculated for NSF Dahlgren; environmental specialists estimate that the project’s second phase will have Dahlgren very close to achieving 100 percent of the required nutrient reduction. The first phase of the wetland construction will protect the watershed from storm water runoff accumulated over 161 acres at a cost of $378,000. Phase one will be completed before the end of the year. “Our fall is off to a great start with this project breaking ground,” said Brenna White, storm water program manager at NSF Dahlgren. “We hope to be finished with all major earth work by November to meet the fall planting schedule. If we can get the wetland plants in the ground and establishing over winter, we will have a healthy, strong wetland come spring.” In addition to removing storm water pollutants, the project will provide habitat for wildlife like fish, frogs and turtles. The wetland-which will include high and low marsh zones-is not expected to cause a large increase in the mosquitoes since it also creates suitable habitat for dragonflies and other predators that will control the population. Editor’s note: Brenna White, storm water program manager at NSF Dahlgren, contributed to this article

A construction plan for the wetlands under construction along Sampson Road.

Tour: Taking care of the workforce Continued from page 1

talented people doing such important work,” he said, “but even more so by the great attitude everywhere across the installation. tenants and NSASP people as well, really doing great things despite some limitations in terms of facilities and resources.” While budget numbers tend to make headlines, the most important story in the age of military austerity is people. “The biggest challenge and the most important [one], is being able to take care of our work force,” said Rich. “We’ve made some difficult decisions in terms of resource allocation. always counting on the great, innovative work of our people to make up the difference. I think we’ve stretched them about as thinly as we can,” the admiral said. “We can’t keep asking to people to keep doing their missions with less and less, sometimes even adding mission without resources.” From top-tier scientists at NSWCIHEODTD, to child care professionals at the CDC, Rich emphasized that every employee at NSF Indian Head plays a vital role in the Navy and in defending the nation. “Quality of life services make a dif-

Joe Mannion, right, senior scientist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, discusses a nuclear magnetic resonance lab device with Rear Adm. Mark Rich, commandant of Naval District Washington on Aug. 29. The device functions like a MRI for chemical structures. ference to people, and can be a huge factor in making work-life choices,” he said. “An installation is a system of systems. Nothing works well unless it all works well. Some jobs may be more urgent than others, but every role is important.” It is no secret that budget cuts have affected operations across the Navy in the past year. While the next year will also be challenging, Rich was confident that the lessons learned will make the process a little less painful. “[Your] contributions are critically important and I appreciate, very much all

that you’ve done to keep things moving, you’ve kept customers supported and able to be successful,” he said, addressing the workforce at Indian Head. “FY 13 was a tough year, as tough as any I’ve seen in my 30 years in the Navy. FY14 will have similar challenges, but I’m optimistic that we learned a lot this past year and will avoid some of the mistakes that made things even harder than they had to be. I am confident that the Navy will emerge stronger, more efficient and more effective at the other end.”

Dahlgren 95th Anniversary Calendar of Events Speaker Series/Brown Bag Lunch Sept. 11 - 11:30 a.m. Community House - A Conversation with Jack Meyers and Leon Lysher, moderated by Ed Jones Sept. 18 - 11:30 a.m. Bldg. 1470 Conf. Room - A Conversation with Elizabeth Lyddane Agnew and Chris Agnew, moderated by Ed Jones Oct. 9 - 11:30 a.m. Gray’s Landing - A Conversation with Helen Gray and Margie Stevens, moderated by Ed Jones

NSASP Navy Ball Oct. 4 - Fredericksburg Hospitality House, tickets available at www.navyball. org. Guest speaker - Ed Jones, who grew up on “the Station” at Dahlgren and is retired editor of the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star newspaper

Anniversary Celebrations Oct. 16 10 a.m. - Parade Field Dahlgren 95th Anniversary/ Diversity Day Celebration - USNA Electric Brigade band, NDW Ceremonial

Guard performance, historic displays, Diversity Day displays, historic base tours (reserve by emailing jeron. 5:30 p.m. -Univ. of Mary Washington-Dahlgren Campus - Dahlgren Heritage Museum Anniversary Reception - Reading of proclamation from Gov. McDonnell, guest speakers Oct. 19 1 - 3:30 p.m. - Historic tours of NSF Dahlgren (register online at starting Sept. 16) 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Dahlgren School Reunion - Open to all Dahlgren School Alumni. Contact Margie Stevens, Margie.stevens.ctr@navy. mil, for more info

Friday, September 6, 2013

The South Potomac Pilot


CFS Class Graduation CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Rider wanted for 7-passenger vanpool. Departs F’burg/Gordon Rd Commuter lot @ 7AM. Departs NSWCDD/Dahlgren @ 4:30PM. Transportation Incentive Program System (TIPS) qualified van. Contact Antonio at (540) 653-1512 Rider seeks rideshare from La Plata to Indian Head. Call Louie, 276-971-9837 Employee moving to either Fredericksburg, Va. or Maryland is in need of commute to NSF Dahlgren. Ideal commuting arrangement would be transportation that could pick-up and drop-off at or close to place of residence. Please call for more information, Sheila 214-529-3690. Starting a Van Pool, A+ quality 7-passenger van, departs NLT 0635 from Fieldhouse/Courthouse Rd. commuter lot to Dahlgren, Mon-Thurs work hours (0715-1545) except Fri (0715-1515). Call Cheng at 540-653-5909. A-Gate commuter wanted only. Van or carpool desired from any rideshare parking area or Reston Town Center. Depart between 0600-0700, return from Indian Head between 160-1700. Call Moses, (301) 743-4180. Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7-430, but hours can be negotiated. 703909-3380. Riders wanted to start a carpool from the Northern Neck (Lively/Lancaster), passing through Warsaw at 0605 and Montross at 0615, arriving at Dahlgren by 0700; leaving Dahlgren at 1600. Call Lea at 540-6536776 or 571-232-5412 (cell).

Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 249-8153, or 540-653-8153.

FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. connect.html.

After a week of “financial information overload”, 15 new command financial specialists finished training last week at the NSF Dahlgren Fleet and Family Support Center. Attendees included members from Washington D.C., Indian Head and Dahlgren. Learning about preparing budgets, resources to assist those dealing with financial difficulties, ways to instruct classes on finance and counsel those seeking assistance, these hardworking sailors received certificates of completion for the intense study program. Shown above in alphabetical order are: FC1 Cepeda, IS1 Clinch, FC1 Crouch, HM1 English, OSC Glee, CSC Glenn, HM2 Jenkins, FC1 Loftin, FC1 Otto, FCC Rattanaxay, FC1 Theriot, FC1 Thibodeaux, FC1 Turner, FC1 Warner, and FC1 Worstell.

Agencies commit to transition assistance program Courtesy of The Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Labor, Education, the Office of Personnel Management and the Small Business Administration codified their continued commitment to help transitioning service members be “career ready” for civilian life by signing a statement of intent Aug. 15. “This [statement of intent] puts our shared commitment to our service members in black and white,” said Dr. Susan Kelly, principal director of DoD’s Transition to Veterans Program office. Each of the military services was represented during the formal signing of the statement of intent, said Francine Blackmon, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for force management integration. The services have aggressively implemented the various components of the redesigned Transition Assistance Program, Blackmon said. Working elbow-to-elbow with the various partnering agencies, the services are ensuring service members are provided all the necessary tools to make a successful transition to civilian life, she said. “The [statement of intent] strengthens our resolve for a concerted interagency effort working toward this common goal,” Blackmon added.

More than 250,000 service members separate from active duty each year, and they face numerous challenges as they transition to civilian life. The statement of intent is a milestone for the interagency effort to redesign the 1990s-era transition assistance program model and help service members meet those challenges. The signing shows that the redesigned TAP is not a short-term effort but a set of greatly improved transition services that the partners will sustain for the long-term. “Even in this time of budget constraints, each of the interagency partners and the services will sustain the effort to implement the redesign of transition assistance,” Kelly said. This includes staff at installations to provide face-to-face information and new skills, as well as a virtual curriculum to build the same career readiness skills for service members and Reservists in isolated and geographically separated locations, she added. The statement of intent also establishes the objectives for the new governance structure and the foundation of the new TAP Executive Council, comprised of DoD, VA and DoL co-chairs, as well as senior executives from SBA, OPM, ED and the military services. The new TAP Executive Council will steer the collaboration and partnership efforts through 2016 and implement and modify the redesigned program as needed to

meet changing needs of transitioning service members through the years. Over the last 18 months, the DoD and VA have led the efforts of the Veterans Employment Initiative Task Force interagency partners and the White House Economic and Domestic Policy Council staffs in redesigning the Desert Storm-era Transition Assistance Program to better prepare service members for these challenges as they leave the military and become veterans. The redesigned TAP provides training that will build skills to enable transitioning service members to meet career readiness standards established by DoD. The training, known as Transition GPS (goals, plans, success), is comprised of interlinked curriculum, services, and processes conducted by numerous partners - DoD, the military services, VA, DoL, SBA, and OPM. Interagency partner Department of Education and the National Guard Bureau continue to serve in valued consultative and advisory roles. Advancing their work together, the agencies will cultivate an interagency partnership that builds upon mutual respect, cooperation and shared goals to successfully transition career ready service members to the civilian sector.

The South Potomac Pilot


Support BBBS and play like a Raven Have you ever dreamed of running through the tunnel onto the field at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, with pyrotechnics and music surrounding you while you high-five the Ravens Cheerleaders and Poe while admiring your name on the RavenVision Boards? You can live that dream and help Big Brothers Big Sisters provide mentors for deserving children around the state. For every donation of $25 or more you make to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake from September 1-30, you will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win a team in the 1st annual Big Little Bowl flag football tournament, taking place at M&T Bank Stadium on Sunday, October 27, from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Teams must have two female members and you must be at least 18 to play. Donations must be received by September 30 at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be announced in early October and contacted by phone and email. Here is exactly what you can win: • An 8-person team in the Big Little Bowl ($10,000 value) • Tickets to the Biggest Little Tailgate Party • Under Armour uniform shirts for every player • An exclusive Ravens “pre-game experience” and onfield activities • The opportunity to play head to head with 15 other teams for a chance to win an exclusive Ravens experience and the first ever Big Little Trophy! For more information, contact Mia Blom, Director of Special Events and Marketing, at

Friday, September 6, 2013

MILCON P-222 Construction Update

Installation of construction fencing and silt fences continues at Secondary Nodal Plants (SNPs) and the Primary Nodal Plant on Strauss Ave. Construction fencing has been installed at SNP #3 and #4, restricting access at and around these sites. The Utilities and Energy Management (UEM) facility site at the end of Pickens Lane is fenced and site demolition has begun. Access to and from Buildings 290, 554 and 525 has been modified. Site demolition at SNP #3, #4, and #6 is scheduled to begin this week.

Base Happenings Dahlgren NSASP Navy Ball Tickets on sale

Plan to attend this year’s NSASP Navy Ball on Friday, Oct. 4 at the Fredericksburg Hospitality House. Tickets are available now at

VA Rep at FFSC

A Veterans Affairs Claims Agent will be available for one-hour appointments on Sept. 12 and Sept. 19 at the NSF Dahlgren Fleet and Family Support Center. To make an appointment, call 800-500-4947 or 540-653-1839.

ASBP Blood Drive

The Armed Services Blood Program will hold a blood drive on Thurs., Sept. 26 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Bldg. 1470 Conference Room. All blood collected benefits military members and their families at home, overseas, in harm’s way and recovering from injuries. Give our troops the best gift of all, the gift of life - give blood! Make your appointment online at using sponsor code NSF. We love walk-ins as well!

Legal Services at FFSC

The Fleet and Family Support Center has legal appointments available October 1. Appointments are for active duty military, reservists, retirees and their family members. Do you have your power of attorney and will squared away? Call 540-653-1839 to make an appointment today!

Navy Ball Lunch Fundraiser at ATRC

The Dahlgren Navy Ball Committee is selling lunch daily (weather permitting) from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the ATRC gazebo. Please come out for lunch and support the Dahlgren Navy Ball Committee.

Second Tour Thrift Store Closed in August

The Second Tour thrift store will be closed from Aug 15th- Sept 12th. There will be a summer bag sale in the first two weeks of August when the Tour is open Thursdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. We will not be accepting donations during the closed period. Please do not leave donations anywhere on the property as we will not be able to process them. We appreciate your understanding and ask that you use Goodwill at Wal-Mart or other thrift stores in the area during this time.

Indian Head T&J BBQ Selling Lunch

Starting next week, T and J BBQ will be mainside at NSF Indian Head on Wednesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the parking lot behind the library. They will be at Stump Neck Annex on Tuesday from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

“Treasures” Thrift Store Needs Your Donations!

The Indian Head Thrift Store “Treasures” is now open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’re sure you’ll love all the treasures you’ll find. Open to everyone - military and civilian! Come by and check us out. The store is located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted. Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month? Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email for information. To publish information on your event or program under “Base Happenings,” contact NSASP Public Affairs at 540-653-8153 or email

NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129

The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-

Capt. Peter Nette

Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac

Gary R. Wagner

Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac

ments, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation

is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.

Jeron Hayes

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

NSA South Potomac Managing Editor

Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter

Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, September 6, 2013


MWR Highlights Dahlgren

Bowling Center

Sunday Special

Every Sunday in September, 2 - 7 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Join us every Sunday for $2 games and $1 shoe rentals!

Ten Dollar Tuesdays

Every Tuesday in September, 2 - 9 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Every Tuesday, get a lane for one hour of bowling for only TEN dollars!

Buy One, Get One Wednesdays

Every Wednesday in September, 2 - 9 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Every Wednesday, buy one game; get a second game for FREE!

All-U-Can Bowl Fridays

Every Friday in September, 7 p.m. midnight Eligible patrons include all with base access. Enjoy two hours of all you can bowl! Rates for all you can bowl are: military $5.95/person & civilian $6.95/person. Shoe rental is extra.

Cosmic Bowling

Every Friday in September, 7 - midnight; Saturday 7 - 9 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Enjoy music and lights while bowling.

9/11 Remembered Bowl

September 11 Eligible patrons include all with base access. Buy one game; get a free second game along with free shoe rental.

Liberty Center Luray Caverns Trip

September 7 - Van leaves at 8:30 a.m.

Liberty Center patrons only: E1- E6 single/unaccompanied active duty Military. Cost: $19.50. Please register at the Liberty Center. For more information, please contact 540-653-7277.

Liberty Sunday Night Tailgate Party

Every Sunday during the NFL Season from 1 p.m. - close This is a free event for Liberty patrons. Come over to the Liberty Center and watch your favorite team battle it out on the gridiron. Food and beverages will be provided. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Fleet and Family Support Center Emergency Preparedness Training

September 9, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free to all eligible patrons including Military and Military family members. Space is limited. Being prepared for emergencies is crucial at home, school, work and in your community. Bein g prepared can save lives and property during a crisis. Please RSVP for this event by calling the Fleet and Family Support Center at 540-653-1839.

Auto Skills Center Safety Inspection Auto Class

September 9, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free to all eligible patrons If you’re a Virginia resident, you know just how tedious those yearly safety inspections can be. Join us in this free class and be prepared and ready to pass your next inspection! For more information, please contact Auto Skills at 540-653-4900.

Indian Head

Game times and days will be announced for this double elimination tournament. Free for military, $5 for all others. Register at the Fitness Center.

Navy Birthday Nautical Mile

Celebrate the upcoming navy Birthday with a nautical mile! October 10 at the Ben Rand Track and Field. Register at the Fitness Center any time before race day. Free for military, $5 for all others.

Auto Hobby Shop Self Help Classes

September 9 - Winterization Maintenance Information and demonstration classes will be held from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. These classes are free and open to all eligible patrons. For more information contact larry.shanks@

540-653-7336 Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings Price of Shows Civilians - $5; AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 - above) $4; AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 - below) - $2.50; Child (6-11) - $2; Child (5 and under) - Free; Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1 Friday, September 6th 7 p.m. - The Wolverine (3D)*, PG-13 Saturday, September 7th 2 p.m. - Turbo, PG Saturday, September 7th 7 p.m. - 2 Guns, R

Teen Center Open Rec

Looking for something to do on Friday? The Teen Center will be open every Friday from 6 - 9 p.m. and is free for all eligible teens. This program is open to all teens age 11 and in 6th grade through 18 and not yet graduated.

Friday, September 13 7 p.m. - The Wolverine, PG-13 Saturday, September 14 2 p.m. - The Smurfs 2 (2-D), PG Saturday, September 14 7 p.m. - Planes (3D)*, PG



Fitness Center

7-on-7 Fall Flag Football

designate • • • • • • • • • •

Movie Theater

a driver

Hole-In-One Tournaments sponsored by Harley Davidson of Washington DC on the East Course and by Toyota of Waldorf on the South Course


ANDREWS AFB FISHER HOUSE “CAPTAIN’S CHOICE” GOLF TOURNAMENT The Courses at Andrews AFB SEP 20, 2013 – 1:00 REGISTRATION - 2:00 SHOTGUN START Member Entry Fee – $75.00, Authorized User Entry Fee – $85.00, Civilian Guest Entry Fee – $95.00 per person RANK/NAME AMOUNT PD




K N I DR and




“Dedicated to our greatest national treasure – our military service men and women and their loved ones.” Zachary Fisher PLAYER CONTRIBUTION COVERS • GREEN FEES • CART • RANGE BALLS •DINNER • BEVERAGES • PRIZES • FUN







Make checks payable to Andrews AFB Fisher House, Inc. and mail them to: Andrews AFB Fisher House 1076 W. Perimeter Rd, Andrews AFB, MD 20762 Team Members: Please list all names if you have a pre-selected foursome. If not, we will be happy to pair you up with a great team. *e-mail used to send confirmation and directions only, not solicitation. 01040756A

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, September 6, 2013

Community Notes Dahlgren Head to Toe Women’s Expo

Plan to attend the Head to Toe Women’s Expo this Saturday, Sept. 7 from 9 a.m. - Noon in the center lobby of Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center, 4600 Spotsylvania Parkway, Fredericksburg, Va. 22408. Women, come join the fun as more than 35 companies share information and showcase products and services just for you, including jewelry, fashion, skin care, fragrance, fitness, cooking, nutrition, and more. Enjoy demonstrations, free health and bone density screenings. Free gifts and prizes! Learn more about Head to Toe Women’s Expo by calling 540-498-4054 or

Nick Mason Memorial Golf Tournament

The Seventh Annual Sgt. Nicholas Conan Mason Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held Sat., Sept. 7 at Cameron Hills Golf Links in King George. 4-person Captain’s Choice, 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration / warm-up from 8 - 8:45 a.m. Prizes for Closest to the Pin (Men/Women), Longest Drive (Men/Women), and Top Teams. Entry fee (tax deductible) $75 per person/$300 per team Includes greens fee, carts, range balls, and southern cookout buffet lunch. Enter as a foursome, or we can team you up with others. Tickets for Mulligans, 50/50 Raffle, optional ‘Poker Golf’ and ‘Hole-in-One Charity Challenge‘ games, and prizes will be available. To register, call 540-379-5104 or email

Fall Programs at UMW-Dahlgren

The UMW Dahlgren Campus is pleased to announce an array of fall programs and events including PMP courses that start in Stafford and Quantico this week, CSEP and Certified Ethical Hacker courses starting later this fall, our fourth National Security Lecture Series starting on September 26, lectures sponsored by the MOAA and the Rappahannock Institute of Lifelong Learning, the Women’s Leadership Colloquium at the Stafford Campus on November 7 and several events highlighting Dahlgren’s 95th anniversary during the week of 14 October. To register or for more information, please go to

Stolen Art at UMW-Dahlgren

The Potomac Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America is sponsoring “ Art Looted in the Nazi Era: An Ongoing Journey to Resolution” on Wednesday, September 18 at 5 p.m. at the University of Mary Washington Dahlgren Campus, University Hall, 4224 University Drive, King George, Va. The presentation, by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, is free and open to the public. Guest speaker will be Karen Daly, Registrar for Exhibitions and Coordinator of Provenance Research, VMFA. The presentation covers issues of looted art and restitution, particularly of art misappropriated during the World War II era. Daly will provide an historical overview of art looting in the Nazi era and the subsequent response of the museum community.

credentialed, experienced, and highly respected trainer and consultant. His Fredericksburg-based practice, Performance Consultants, Ltd., was established in 1993 and has served numerous local, regional, and national companies, including several Fortune 10 firms. His background includes electronics, computer science, technical supervision, human resource planning, organizational development, and most recently, project management. He holds several professional certifications in addition to the PMP including the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the Society for Human Resource Management, and has earned the Certified Manager (CM) designation from the International Certified Manager Program. Contact Kristine Stoneley with questions and for registration information at 540658-5301 or email

Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Examination Preparation Course

Mars Hill Event

The University of Mary Washington, a PMI Registered Education Provider since 2003, is offering the PMP Certification Examination Preparation Course this fall at three convenient locations: UMW Dahlgren Campus, Tuesday afternoons, Sept. 10 - Nov. 12, 1:00 - 4:30 PM. UMW Stafford Campus, Saturday mornings, Sept. 7 - Nov. 9, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM. UMW Stafford Technology and Research Center, Thursday evenings, Sept. 5 - Nov. 7, 6:00 - 9:00 PM This 35-hour, 10-session course is designed for current/practicing project management professionals who are preparing for the PMPR certification exam, as well as those individuals wanting to increase their knowledge of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOKR), project management concepts, principles, practices, and terminology. Topics include: Overview of the PMPR and CAPMR Examinations, Project Management Framework, Integration Management, Scope Management, Time Management, Cost Management, Quality Management, Human Resources Management, Risk Management, Procurement Management, Communications Management and Professional Responsibility. The course cost is $1,350 or $1,250 for two or more individuals from the same organization; this includes the two required textbooks: the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition by PMI and PMP Exam Prep 7th Edition by Rita Mulcahy, PMP. Instructor Raymond W. Gill, Jr., PMP is a professionally

The next Mars Hill event will be held Sat., Sept. 21 from 5-9 p.m. at the King George YMCA. This event is free and open to all middle school and high school aged teens. Enjoy live music, wacky games, food, youth skits and a positive message. For more info, visit KGVA.

Service Academy Day at KGHS

King George High School will hold Service Academy Day on Sat., Sept. 21 at UMW-Dahlgren Campus, just off Rt. 301 near Wal Mart in King George. Congressman Rob Wittman invites guidance counselors, students in middle and high school and their parents to attend. Attendees will receive a comprehensive overview of the United States Service Academies, their admissions process and an opportunity to meet with officials from the Academies.

Brian Strobel Shoe Fund Golf Tournament

Sign up for the 2nd Annual Doobie-Do Golf Classic on Monday, September 23 at Lee’s Hill Golf Club at 9 a.m. to benefit The Brian Strobel Shoe Fund. The event is sponsored by the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Spotsylvania with 100% of the proceeds going to the shoe fund. Sponsors are also needed to sponsor a hole for $100. For more info, call golf event organizer Dennis Dodson at 540-373-2301.

Dahlgren base housing open to civilians Environmental survey open for limited time By Gary Wagner

Employees invited to participate

For only the third time in the past five years, civilians are eligible to lease two-bedroom townhomes on Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. Lincoln Military Housing (LMH), the management company for family housing units on the base, announced last month that it is now offering a 6 month lease on the Townhomes to (in priority order) single Sailors and Sailors in geo-bachelor status and a 12 month lease to military retirees, Federal Civil Service employees and Federal Civil Service retirees. LMH was selected by the Navy to assume management of all military family housing on Navy installations throughout the midAtlantic region in a publicprivate partnership in 2005. Whereas LMH-managed housing is normally reserved for military members and their families, the company has the option to open onbase housing to non-activeduty military renters when housing units are vacant. Living on base offers a number of benefits. All utilities are included in monthly

An online survey regarding the environmental restoration program at Naval Support Facility (NSF) Indian Head will remain open for a few extra weeks in September. Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) is inviting the workforce on NSF Indian Head, along with members of the local community, to participate in the brief survey regarding the installation’s environmental restoration program. This survey and related community involvement activities undertaken by the Navy are intended to promote awareness regarding environmental topics and activities at NSF Indian Head. “If community members have not heard of the NSF Indian Head Environmental Restoration Program but are interested in this topic, their participation in the survey is invaluable,” emphasizes Nicholas Carros, manager for the program. “Responses to the survey are confidential and will help facilitate future measures to improve environmental restoration commu-

U.S. Navy photo by Gary Wagner

Townhomes on Naval Support Facility Dahlgren are now open to civilians for occupancy. rent. Lawn care and landscaping are provided by LMH. Quality of life facilities, such as the base aquatics center, fitness center, Craftech and base theater are just a short walk from the housing area. LMH also sponsors a number of free programs each month for housing residents and their families to include trips, tickets, contests and other events. As an added bonus, children in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade may attend the DoD-run Dahlgren School on base. This

benefit would not be extended to military retirees living in base housing unless they are DoD employees. Several units are available for occupancy immediately. Interested parties are required to undergo a credit check and pay a security deposit. Once a resident’s initial six-month or 12-month lease expires, the lease automatically becomes monthto-month. Interested parties should contact the Lincoln Military Housing office at (540) 6632190 for more information.

This photo shows open excavation used during recovery work at a site adjacent to Mattawoman Creek where metal parts were discarded and covered with fill from the 1960s to 1980s, and which contained material potentially presenting an explosive hazard. It is suspected that drums containing solvents buried at the site degraded over time and caused contamination of shallow groundwater. nications and community interaction,” adds Carros. The online environmental restoration community survey can be accessed at nsf-indian-head-community-relations-plan-surve y/. The survey was originally scheduled to close at the end of August, but will continue to be accessible for the first few weeks in

September in order to collect additional input. “We want to do everything we can to encourage members of the community to stay informed and attend public meetings where the community has an opportunity to review and discuss environmental topics specific to NSF Indian Head,” says Carros.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, September 6, 2013


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Houses for Sale Montgomery County

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Houses for Sale Virginia FALLS CHURCH 1BR for $149,900K. Great location/condition. Fully renovated (785sf), 6 mi. to DC off Rt. 50. New steel frnt appliances, cabinets, granite top, laminate/wood flooring, plus more. Move-in condition. Condo fee $452 includes utilities, security, front desk, gym, pool, etc. 4salebyowner/former Realtor. Open Sun. 9/8/13 from 1p to 4p. 3100 So. Manchester St., #217, Falls Church, VA 22044/ Call 301.442.5340

Houses for Rent Charles County WALDORF: 3 br, 1.5 ba TH with fenced yard, deck, & shed. $1400/ mo + 1 mo security deposit & credit check. Please call: 703-906-6774

Apartment Wanted/Rent APARTMENT FOR RENt in Solomons Overlooks Back Creek. $850 a month, utilities included. Laun-dry and parking on premises. 20 minutes from Pax River Naval Air station. One person pre-ferred. No pets. <hr />

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The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, September 6, 2013



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