November 15, 2013
NSWC Dahlgren Division Holds Change of Command By John Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications
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NSASP Recycling Program Page 2
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren Division held a change of command ceremony at the base theater Nov. 8. Capt. Brian Durant relieved Capt. Michael Smith as commanding officer. “I am honored and humbled to assume command of NSWC Dahlgren,” Durant told employees attending the ceremony in person and an audience of more than 6,000 government civilians and contractor personnel with video on demand access to view the event. “The work we do here is vital to our nation’s defense and it is imperative that we be ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.” The new NSWCDD commander went on to tell the command’s workforce that he will be their most vocal advocate. “I am here to remove obstacles where possible, allowing you to deliver capability to the warfighter,” Durant said. “I am committed to our success, the strengthening of our Navy and our nation. Together we will overcome any and all challenges that lie ahead and emerge a stronger warfare center for the effort.” NSWC Commander Rear Adm. Lawrence Creevy, the event’s principal speaker, linked the ceremony’s
Capt. Brian Durant, right, assumes command of Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division from outgoing Capt. Michael Smith at a ceremony Friday at the Dahlgren Theater. rich heritage with the dedication and sacrifices of Sailors and their families. “None of us who have the privilege of serving and wearing the Navy uniform can achieve or enjoy our successes without the unconditional love, support and sacrifices of our families,” said Creevy. “Being the commander here has been an absolutely tremendous hon-
or - the pinnacle of my career,” said Smith. The command’s technical programs make Dahlgren great, he told the audience, including former NSWCDD commanding officers. “Aegis (combat systems), Aegis BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense), Tomahawk, strategic systems, electronic warfare, electromagnetic en-
vironmental effects, topside design, safety, radars, chemical-biological detection systems, gun systems, unmanned systems - all of those programs are really vital to the Navy,” said Smith. “We have a lot of great facilities here - integrated warfare systems lab, Potomac River Test Range, ground plane complex, the gun line, the CBR (chemical, biological and radiological) Defense Laboratory.” Smith commended NSWCDD personnel for their eagerness, honesty and technical excellence, noting that “even with forced days off last summer, they came through in flying colors,” passing every assessment. He also remarked on their volunteering, mentoring of new employees and local students, and their willingness to go into harm’s way in theater to perform missions in support of the warfighter. “It’s not just the programs and facilities that are great, it’s the people here that have made the difference,” said Smith. “The employees here are at least as dedicated and patriotic as anybody in uniform. I’m incredibly proud of all of the employees here. In the three and a half years that I’ve been here, I’ve just been absolutely awestruck at what they do.” The NSWC commander credited Smith for improvements made un-
See Command, Page 4
COMREL council meets at Colonial Beach By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer The South Potomac Community Relations (COMREL) Council met Nov. 6 in Colonial Beach, where the group discussed an initiative that helps military children transition to new schools, international opportunities for the defense industry and the results of an environmental impact study of Potomac River Test Range activities. Rob Wittman, U.S. Representative for Virginia’s 1st Congressional District, was a special guest speaker at the meeting and discussed the effects of the ongoing sequester cuts to the Department of Defense. “I’d like to welcome you today’s meeting of the South Potomac Community Relations Council,” said Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of NSASP, told the audience. “We’re pleased to have you here today. Nette also took a moment to praise Gary Wagner, NSASP public affairs officer, whose efforts helped establish the COMREL Council in 2009. Wagner will retire at the end of the year after 38 years of service. “This is Gary’s last COMREL in this capacity,” said Nette. “Gary will be re-
U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos
DaChar Lane, an eighth grader at King George Middle School and member of the Junior Student to Student Program, talks about helping military children adjust to new school at the Naval Support Activity South Potomac Community Relations Council meeting Nov. 6. The other JS2S volunteers are, left to right, Emily Hill, teacher Allison Daughtridge, Dominic Thomas and Emma Headley. tiring after many years of honorable service. I truly appreciate his support and what he’s done over the last several years, not only for the installation, but also for the community. Gary was a big player in putting [the COMREL Council] together—it was a big ef-
fort in two states and he has the right frame-of-mind into what community engagement is all about. Thank you.”
Rep. Rob Wittman Wittman told the COMREL Coun-
cil he was happy to be in the company of his constituents and thanked military and civilian leaders for their service. “This is where the rubber hits the road,” he said. “What you all do on a daily basis is critical to the region and to our state.” Ongoing budget uncertainty in Washington was “frustrating,” said Wittman. “We have those challenges and we have to address them in a way that gets things done.” Wittman hoped Congress would choose a new path in the future. “This idea of shutdown politics is just counterproductive,” he said. Wittman proposed a solution to the recent budget quagmires: If appropriations bills are not completed on time, Congress should stay on the job until they are finished. “We have to change the way Washington functions if we’re really going to turn this around,” he said. “This cycle of continuing resolutions is not governance, period.” Wittman added that if something wasn’t done about the ongoing sequester, the $1.2 trillion cuts over 10
See COMREL, Page 5
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, November 15, 2013
NSASP Recycling Program tracking, but problems persist By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer Naval Support Activity South Potomac and the tenant commands that call Naval Support Facilities Dahlgren and Indian Head home have a problem: The installations’ recycling programs are plagued by individuals who carelessly toss their trash in the wrong place. “We have a huge problem with people putting non-recyclable items in the bins,” said Heidi Morgan, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington pollution prevention manager for Dahlgren. Plastic bags, un-rinsed food containers and bottles filled with tobacco spit are a few of the problem items encountered by refuse collectors in the blue bins. Packing peanuts and plastic packing material also pose problems. Otherwise appropriate items like cardboard are also an issue if the pieces are so large they clog up the bin. Greasy pizza boxes, however, are not recyclable and should be thrown into the trash. Desk recycling bins are to be used for recycling only and not as trash cans. Due to funding issues the janitorial service contract does not pick up trash collected in desk areas or empty recycling bins. It is up to the desk occupant to put their recyclables in the large blue bin located in their office area. Desk trash is to be taken to trash receptacles in kitchen areas. Morgan advised all personnel at Dahlgren and Indian Head to fold cardboard and place it behind the blue bins. Spent printer cartridges should be placed on the
Will Solt, recycling technician for Melwood, collects recyclables at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren on Nov. 7. floor beside the bins. “We all need to be part of the solution,” said Morgan. Scrap metal and materials such as office furniture should be turned in to the old seaplane hangar at Dahlgren (Building 120B). At Indian Head, persons with this kind of waste should call 301-744-1654. Employees from the Melwood non-profit organization collect recyclable material on base. Joe Hickman, senior truck driver for Melwood at Dahlgren, discussed some of the things he encounters on the job. “You name it, we find it,” he said. “We have some people on the base who don’t care. I don’t think it’s right.” Sometimes, said Hickman, people throw entire bags of office trash into recycling bins. When Mel-
wood employees collect recyclables, the weeks-old trash often spills. “It gets all over your clothes,” he said. “It’s become an every week thing,” added Will Solt, recycling technician for Melwood. “It’s unsanitary.” Solt has pulled everything from cigarette butts to old kitchen trash from recycling bins. The latter often attracts swarms of bees in the summer heat. “[Recycling] is supposed to be clean,” he said. Problem items in the bins have marred an otherwise successful recycling program at NSASP. In 2008, NSASP installations were chosen for a pilot study that brought single stream recycling to the Navy. Single
See Recycle, Page 6
Photo courtesy of Waste Management Recycle America
Workers at Waste Management Recycle America’s Material Recovery Facility in Elkridge, Md., sort recyclable material. The state-of-the-art facility processes more than 24,000 tons material per month, including recyclables from Naval Support Activity South Potomac.
Veterans Day Observed Leadership from Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) and its sailors participated in several Veterans Day events in the area. On Friday, Cdr. Elvis Mikel, Executive Officer, Naval Support Facility South Potomac, attended the American Freedom Day at Berry Elementary School in Waldorf. Berry’s students presented a program that honored their military family members as well as those of the staff. Mikel also walked with sailors from the Branch Health Clinic at NSF Indian Head in the La Plata Veterans Day Parade on Sunday. Capt. Peter Nette, Commanding Officer, NSASP, spoke at the King George Ruritans Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, while MIkel spoke at the Town of Indian Head Veterans Day Observance.
Friday, November 15, 2013
The South Potomac Pilot
CSCS selects civilian of the quarter
By Kimberly M. Lansdale Center for Surface Combat Systems
CARPOOL/VANPOOL WANTED Riders Needed for Vanpool from commuter lot at the corner of Houser Dr. and Rt. 208 in Spotsylvania. Depart 6 a.m., arrive on base 7 a.m. Depart base at 4 p.m. Mon. - Thurs., 3 p.m. on Fri. Drops at both sides of the base. Contact Nick Sunshine, 540-653-3816. Rider wanted for 7-passenger vanpool. Departs F’burg/Gordon Rd Commuter lot at 7AM. Departs NSWCDD/Dahlgren at 4:30PM. Transportation Incentive Program System (TIPS) qualified van. Contact Antonio at (540) 653-1512 Rider seeks rideshare from La Plata to Indian Head. Call Louie, 276-971-9837 Employee moving to either Fredericksburg, Va. or Maryland is in need of commute to NSF Dahlgren. Ideal commuting arrangement would be transportation that could pick-up and drop-off at or close to place of residence. Please call for more information, Sheila 214-529-3690. Starting a Van Pool, 7-passenger van, departs NLT at 6:35 a.m. from Fieldhouse/ Courthouse Rd. commuter lot to Dahlgren, Mon-Thurs 7:15 a.m. to 3:45p.m.; Friday 7:15 a.m. to 3:15p.m. Call Cheng at 540653-5909. A-Gate commuter wanted only. Van/carpool desired from any rideshare parking area or Reston Town Center. Depart between 6 to 7a.m., return from Indian Head between 4 to 5 p.m. Call Moses, 301743-4180. Van or Car pool desired from Fredericksburg or King George to Indian Head, Monday thru Friday with one RDO, prefer 7a.m. to 4:30p.m., but hours can be negotiated. 703-909-3380.
Want to start a carpool? Need riders? “Commuter Clearinghouse” is a source for information on carpools or vanpools that already exist and need passengers, as well as a place for employees to advertise to start a carpool or vanpool. Whether you already operate a carpool or vanpool and are open to accepting new riders or need drivers, or if you are looking for a carpool or vanpool, provide us with information that might help you find or start a commuter opportunity, such as, where you will need to commute from and to, preferred schedule and contact information. You can send your information via e-mail to nsasp_pao_dlgr@ or contact our office toll free at 866-359-5540, or DSN 249-8153, or 540-653-8153.
FREDERICKSBURG RIDESHARING GWRideConnect is a free ridesharing service that assists persons who are seeking daily transportation from Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George counties to employment locations in Dahlgren among other employment sites. connect.html.
Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) recognized its Civilian of the Quarter (COQ) for the third quarter of 2013 at an awards ceremony at the Arleigh Burke auditorium onboard Naval Support Facility Dahlgren Oct. 29. “I was extremely humbled to be selected for such a prestige accolade,” said Training Specialist Eddie Taylor. Taylor has been part of the CSCS training department for nine months working as a lead analyst in the Learning Standards Office (LSO) division. “I receive, analyze and process Training Project Plans (TPP) routing to appropriate stakeholders for review and concurrence, validate content for accuracy, justification, instruction, manning, resource requirements and overall adherence to TPP guidelines,” Taylor explained. “I also provide timely guidance and support to the Integrated Learning Environment (ILE) Training Agent (TA) and CSCS learning sites / detachments in matters related to ILE Curriculum of Instructions (COIs) under development, validate and approve internal and external requests for training materials, maintain the Master Course Record / Audit Trail spreadsheet for the CSCS domain, and conduct on-site analysis and observation of assigned courses.” As a retired Senior Chief Petty Officer, Taylor enjoys working in a military, training environment. “The idea of being able to communicate on every level with a myriad of personnel from diverse backgrounds, while providing unmatched support to our military / civilian counter parts through continuous curriculum development and strategic management, is what I enjoy the most,” he said. “The hard work, utilization of resources, maintaining opens lines of communication, coupled with continuous follow-up procedures
U.S. Navy photo by Daryl Roy, ATRC
Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) Commanding Officer, Capt. Don Schmieley, recognizes CSCS Training Specialist Eddie Taylor as CSCS Civilian of the Quarter (COQ) for the third quarter of 2013 at an awards ceremony Oct. 29. produces a rewarding working environment for me.” Taylor’s supervisor, Jessie Harris, the Learning Standards Officer, nominated him for the award. “Eddie has the skill and ability to communicate with people,” said Harris. “His introduction of the ‘Circle of Influence’ methodology, a process that promotes continuous communication, coordination and consistency along with identifying an individual role and responsibility, created a communication circle chain which has aided in directing and controlling the flow of information ensuring the right people communicate with each other.” The “Circle of Influence” was instrumental in the recent completion of the Ship Self-Defense System (SSDS) Phase One curriculum development project. “We were able to meet the scheduled
Pilot and Ready dates,” Harris said. “This process has become the standard in the CSCS Headquarters LSO division and is being introduced to our learning sites and detachments to migrate issues that arise in the curriculum development arena. Eddie has truly helped modernize our communication efforts.” The Center for Surface Combat Systems mission is to develop and deliver surface ship combat systems training to achieve surface warfare superiority. CSCS headquarters’ staff oversees 14 learning sites and provides almost 70,000 hours of curriculum for close to 700 courses a year to more than 40,000 Sailors. The training center uses a mix of blended learning comprised of instructor led classes, hands-on labs, simulation and computer-based training.
JWAC Presents Quarterly Awards By Steve Moore Corporate Communications The Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) held a quarterly awards ceremony for the third quarter of November 6. Alexander F. Hanisch received the Joint Civilian Commendation Award for exceptionally meritorious achievement as an analyst to a joint task force in Afghanistan between December 2012 and May of this year. As an adviser to task force commanders, he was cited for his professionalism, technical knowledge, and analytic skill. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Veronica J. Babauta was chosen the Mid-Tier Military
Member of the Quarter. As a project team lead, she led six joint military members in support of a combatant command. The team answered more than 150 requests for information from the combatant command and provided it ten products, which influenced the decisions of high government officials. For another customer, Babauta applied more than 100 hours of the team’s analysis on an emerging strategic threat to provide engagement options. As the vice present of the Enlisted Association, Sgt. Babauta coordinated and volunteered for eight fundraisers and community programs. She helped with a wounded warriors tribute and at a Washington, DC soup kitchen where
she gave out more than 200 meals to homeless people. Bradley E. Anderson was chosen the Senior Employee of the Quarter. He distinguished himself for his analysis, providing 46 products to a combatant command, leading a five-man project team that achieved several days of work in 28 hours, mentoring other JWAC analysts, and building a complex model for a combat operation. In addition, Anderson volunteers with youth, coaches many sports teams, and raises money for the community. Anderson also received a Length of Service Award for 20 years of government service. Michael J. Muller, also received a Length of Service Award for 30 years of government service.
For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, November 15, 2013
Base Happenings Dahlgren VA Claims Agent at FFSC
A V.A. Claims Agent will be at the Fleet and Family Support Center in Dahlgren on Nov. 21. To schedule an appointment, call (540) 653-1839. VA Claims Agents are available the first and third Thursday of each month.
Legal Appointments at FFSC
The Dahlgren Fleet and Family Support Center has legal appointments available on Dec. 3. Appointments are available for active duty military, their family members and retirees. Be sure you have your will and power of attorney up to date! Call (540) 653-1839 to make an appointment today.
Army vs. Navy Blood Drive at NSF Dahlgren
For the second year, NSF Dahlgren will host the Army vs. Navy Blood Drive Challenge. The Armed Services Blood Program team will collect blood donations from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Dec. 9 at the Community House. At the Army/Navy football game on Dec. 14 in Philadelphia, a trophy will be awarded to the service that receives the most donations. All blood collected benefits military members and their families at home, overseas, in harm’s way and recovering from injuries. Give our troops the most precious gift of all, the gift of life - give blood!
Second Tour Thrift Store Open
Starting in October, the Second Tour Thrift Store will be open from 12:30 - 3 p.m. every Thursday. The store currently has some great Halloween costumes and lots of fall and winter items available. Second Tour accepts donations of gently used items at their store on Sampson Road next to the USO. All proceeds from sales at Second Tour are donated to charities in the Dahlgren/King George and surrounding communities, and provide scholarship funds to dependents of military personnel that are or were stationed on Dahlgren. Uniforms on the porch are free and available 24/7!
Indian Head Navy Federal Credit Union holding holiday drives
Navy Federal Credit Union at NSF Indian Head will be holding a food drive and a coat drive to benefit the Children’s Aid Society of Charles County. The food drive will run through November 21st and the coat drive will run through December 13th. Thank you for your support!
IH Spouses’ Club “Treasures” Thrift Store Needs Your Donations!
The Indian Head Thrift Store “Treasures” is now open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We’re sure you’ll love all the treasures you’ll find. Open to everyone - military and civilian! Come by and check us out. The store is located at 12 Strauss Ave. next door to the USO. Donations of gently used items are currently being accepted. Want to earn up to $5 in free items from the thrift store every month? Volunteer! Stop by the thrift store during operating hours or email for information. To publish information on your event or program under “Base Happenings,” contact NSASP Public Affairs at 540-653-8153 or email jeron.hayes@
Command: Continued from page 1
der his leadership to make NSWC Dahlgren a more effective and efficient organization. “You took on a full range of daunting challenges head on and delivered great things for this organization,” said Creevy, recounting accomplishments, including 64 patents and a myriad of advancements in ship capabilities and new technical products and solutions for the Navy, Marine Corps, and Department of Defense. Among the technological developments he attributed to Smith’s leadership: • Griffin Missile System for Patrol Coastal class ships. • Battle Management System for special operations forces’ gunships. • The 30mm gun module for Littoral Combat Ships. • Electromagnetic Railgun prototype launcher’s muzzle energy of 32 mega joules while advancing pulsed power from single to multi-shot capable designs. • More than 700 computer program installations, including software supporting Ballistic Missile Defense and Aegis weapons systems. • Chemical, biological and radiological collective protection systems in ships, including more than 100 installations of biological agent detection and diagnostic systems. • Construction of an unmanned aerial vehicle runway.
• Weapon system for the Precision Strike Package for Dragon Spear - 12 aircraft delivered within 36 months. • High energy laser systems including the Laser Weapons System. • Rapid counter improvised explosive device capability. The admiral also recognized Smith for his leadership in expanding science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) outreach to local middle and high schools with 60 NSWC Dahlgren science and technology STEM mentors actively engaged with students and educators. Durant reports to NSWC Dahlgren Division following his tour as Standard Missile Program Office deputy program manager from September 2010 to September 2013. “With your dynamic leadership and program management experience, I look forward to you taking the NSWC Dahlgren Team even farther in delivering cutting-edge science and engineering to our 21st century warfighters,” Creevy told Durant. Durant’s career began in 1992, first serving as ordnance officer, main propulsion and damage control assistant aboard USS Jarrett (FFG 33). He graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science in physics. Durant attended the Naval Postgraduate School earning a master’s degree in mechanical engineering while also satisfying the curricular requirements for applied physics. For more news from NSWC Dahlgren, visit
NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129
The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-
Capt. Peter Nette
Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac
Gary R. Wagner
Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac
ments, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation
is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office, NSA South Potomac. News copy should be submitted by noon on Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 540-653-8153 or fax The South Potomac Pilot at 540-653-4269. Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-645-9480.
Jeron Hayes
Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry
NSA South Potomac Managing Editor
Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter
Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, November 15, 2013
MWR Highlights Liberty Center Paintball Day November 16, Noon Location: Dahlgren Paintball Field FREE Open to Liberty Center patrons only, E1- E6 single/ unaccompanied active duty military. Have fun paintballing with Liberty! Liberty has some paintball supplies for you to use, but please bring your own if you have them. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.
Bowling Center Turkey Bowl November 1 - 22 Eligible patrons include all with base access. Bowl a turkey, three strikes in a row, and drop your name in the box with your phone number. The drawing will take place on Friday, November 22nd at noon. The winning name drawn will receive a free Thanksgiving turkey! For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540653-7327.
Scotch Doubles Tournament November 16, 6 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost: $20 per team. Teams of two will bowl three games and the top three teams will be awarded trophies. For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540-6537327.
Fitness Center Annual Turkey Trot and Great American Smoke Out 5k Run
November 21, 11 a.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost: $5. Please register at the Fitness Center by the morning of the event. Turkeys and pies will be awarded to the overall male, female and military finishers. For more information, please contact the Fitness Center at 540-6538580.
Craftech/Hobby Center Fused Stained Class at Craftech
November 21, 4:30 - 7 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Cost $45 plus materials. In this class you will learn the art of fusing stained glass. The project can be used for jewelry, sun catcher or ornaments. Please register by November 18th. For more information, please contact Craftech at 540-653-1730.
Youth Activity Center Youth Sponsorship Hail and Farwell
November 22, 6 p.m. Free and open to kids and teens, ages 10 to 17, with base access. The Youth Sponsorship Group of Dahlgren Youth Center will host a goodbye and welcome event to departing and incoming children of Dahlgren and King George. A small snack will be provided. Please register at the Youth Activities Center. For more information, please contact the Youth Center at 540-653-8009.
COMREL: Helping Virginia companies grow Continued from page 1
years would devastate the country’s military capabilities. “You can see the path we’re on and it’s not a good path for this nation,” he said.
Junior Student to Student Program
Students from King George Middle School addressed the COMREL about the Junior Student to Student Program, which helps military children adjust to new schools and make friends. Dominic Thomas, himself a military child, joined the Junior Student to Student (JS2S) Program to “help new kids who move around a lot, such as myself, make new friends.” Thomas’s own experiences as a military child help him understand the needs of new students. “I know it’s hard to have to move around a lot,” he said. “You lose friends that were close to you and that is why I help. I become their friend until they can make friends on their own and I stay their friend for a long time.” Emma Headly, student and member of JS2S, described the training that helped her help new students. Student members of the program pass on that knowledge to next year’s members. “We had a party and we trained all the new seventh graders,” she said. “Basically, what we do [with] the meetings is get together once a month and we talk about what we’re going to do,” added DaChar Lane, student and JS2S member. “We check up on everybody to see how they’re doing.” Much of the work done by JS2S members is showing new students around school. “We show them where we sit at lunch, so we can make sure they get everywhere and make sure they have friends and [know] how to make it to class,” said JS2S member Emily Hill. The young people received an enthusiastic round of applause from the COMREL Council.
Going Global Defense Initiative
John Elink-Shuurman, international trade manager for the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, discussed opportunities for Virginia-based defense companies to earn overseas
business. VEDP’s Going Global Defense Initiative helps Virginia companies win overseas contracts by leveraging in-country consultants and arranging travel. “[The initiative] has a singular focus on helping Virginia companies grow examine opportunities and win business overseas,” said Elink-Shuurman. For more information, visit
Environmental Impact Statement for RDT&E activities at NSF Dahlgren
Capt. Michael Smith, commander for the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, spoke to the COMREL Council for the last time before his organization’s change of command ceremony Nov. 8. Smith presented the findings of the Final Environmental Impact Statement about outdoor research, development, test and evaluation activities undertaken by NSWCDD at NSF Dahlgren. The study evaluated the effect of those activities on diverse group of concerns, from impacts on endangered species, to land use and cultural resources. The study found that all concerns sustained either minor impacts or no impacts as a result of NSWCDD outdoor RDT&E activities. The goal of the study was to enable Dahlgren’s largest command to “meet current and future mission-related warfare and force-protection requirements by providing RDT&E of surface ship combat systems, ordnance, lasers and directedenergy systems, force-level warfare, and homeland and force protection.” The study will allow NSWCDD to expand its outdoor RDT&E activities along the Potomac River Test Range, Explosives Experimental Area range complex, Mission Area and special use airspace at Dahlgren. “What this Environmental Impact Statement does is allow for a modest increase in activities that will allow us to continue our work for the next ten to 15 years or so,” said Smith. Future testing will include Dahlgren’s traditional evaluation of guns and explosive ordnance, as well as high-power electromagnetic energy, high-energy lasers, and testing incorporating chemical and biological simulants. “Part of our mission is to be able to detect chemical and biological agents,” Smith explained. “We don’t use actual agents
Movie Theater 540-653-7336 Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings Price of Shows Civilians - $5 AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 above) $4 AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 - below) - $2.50 Child (6-11) - $2; Child (5 and under) - Free Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1 Saturday, November 16th 2 p.m. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Saturday, November 16th 7 p.m. Don Jon Friday, November 22nd Gravity PG-13
7 p.m.
Saturday, November 23rd 7 p.m. Captain Phillips PG-13
here; we use things that are not harmful to the environment, but have some properties that are similar.” Very little of the stepped up testing is expected to produce a noticeable increase in noise. One major area of increased testing, for example, will involve small arms. That noise will not travel far off the base, said Smith. “Overall, we see use of the Potomac River Test Range increasing from about 750 hours when we’re doing testing on an annual basis up to about 1,000 [hours]… so about a 25 percent increase in the actual use of the range, but very little increase in what is going to add to the noise going forward.” After he completed the briefing, Smith thanked the COMREL Council for all its support for NSWCDD during his tenure. “I want to thank everybody for what they’ve done supporting the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division for the three and a half years that I’ve been here,” he said. “Thank you very much.”
Dahlgren Joint Land Use Study
Linwood Thomas, director of economic development for King George County, briefed the COMREL Council about the progress of the ongoing Joint Land Use Study. The goal of the study is to align the future development goals of the communities surrounding Dahlgren—King George and Westmorland Counties and the town of Colonial Beach in Virginia, and Charles and St. Mary’s Counties in Maryland—with the future missions of the base. The study is funded by the Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment and sponsored by King George County. “[JLUS] protects the communities’ health, safety and welfare so they can maintain a quality of life and continue the quality of life they are used to without any change,” said Thomas. “It also helps our economic development so [the installation’s mission] doesn’t change and if it does change, we know about it in advance. From the military perspective, the main objective is to maintain military readiness so they can support defense missions.” King George County has established a Policy Committee and a Technical Advisory Group as part of the JLUS process. The process includes a chance for public comment. “It’s important that we hear the public’s feedback,” said Thomas. More information about JLUS can be accessed at
The South Potomac Pilot
Friday, November 15, 2013
Community Notes Dahlgren The King George High School Theater Department will present “The Importance of Being Earnest,” Nov. 13 - 16 at 8 p.m. in the Auditorium. Tickets are $8 (ages 6 and under free). Dinner is also available at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
annual craft fair and holiday bazaar on Sat., Nov. 23 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sun., Nov. 24 from noon - 3 p.m. at the King George Citizen’s Center, 8076 Kings Highway, King George, VA. Start your Christmas shopping early! Come celebrate the season with crafts, toys, jewelry, quilts, ornaments, lanyards, and assorted new merchandise. There’s something for everyone! Please bring non-perishable food for the King George Food Bank. For additional information contact Janine Paulsen @ 540-775-4FUN.
Great Night Out
Relay For Life Pancake Breakfast
KGHS Theater Production - “The Importance of Being Earnest”
The Rotary Club of King George-Dahlgren presents a Great Night Out with the famous dueling pianos as seen at Bobby McKey’s at National Harbor on Sat., Nov. 16 from 6 p.m. - midnight at the Riverboat on the Potomac in Colonial Beach. Tickets are $40 each and include dinner and the show. Event will also include a silent auction featuring items such as sporting event tickets, restaurant certificates, YMCA memberships, vacations and more. Tickets are available by contacting or calling Deanna Kroner, (540) 226-1252.
King George Relay For Life will hold a pancake breakfast on Sat., Dec. 7 from 8 a.m. - noon at the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall. Adult tickets are $5, children 12 and under are $4. Family pack tickets are available. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. For more info, email
NCMA Meeting Nov. 21
The 11th Annual Walk to End Homelessness in Charles County will be held Sat., Nov. 16 at 9:00 a.m. beginning at the La Plata Town Hall, 305 Queen Anne St., La Plata, Md. Register now at or call (866) 2930623.
The Dahlgren Chapter of the National Contract Management Association is pleased to present the new NSWCDD TD, Dennis McLaughlin, as he presents, “Partnerships: Present and Future” on Thursday, November 21 at University of Mary Washington-Dahlgren Campus, 4224 University Drive in King George. Check in from 10:30-11 a.m., formal presentations from 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Program will include Dennis McLaughlin, NSWCDD Tech. Dir. presenting “Partnerships: Present and Future,” Tom Duvall, Deputy Chief of Contracts Office with iIntroduction to the new contracts organization and presentation of 2013 metrics and Kris Parker, Small Business Advocate, presenting small business data. Please RSVP to Katherine Kearney - katherine.kearney@ no later than November 15th.The cost of this function will be $5 for NCMA members and $8 for non-members at the door.
KGP&R Craft Fair and Holiday Bazaar
King George County Parks & Recreation will hold their
Indian Head Walk to End Homelessness
CSM Theatre to Hold Open Auditions
The College of Southern Maryland’s Theatre Program is holding open auditions for four upcoming productions: “Elephant’s Graveyard,” “Anansi,” “ReEntry” and “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” beginning at 6 p.m. on Nov. 18 and 19 at the Fine Arts Center on the La Plata Campus, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Those auditioning for any of the four productions must be prepared with a one-minute monologue. The auditions are open for the public to participate. To schedule an audition, contact Keith Hight, CSM’s coordinator for theatre and dance, or 301934-7827. Auditions for spring productions will take place Jan. 27 and 28. For information on the arts, visit www.csmd. edu/Arts.
Recycle: Acceptable items to place in blue bins Continued from page 2
stream recycling means that most common recyclable office items-paper, plastic and glass bottles, aluminum and steel cans, and paperboard-do not need to be sorted into separate recycling bins for each material. The amount of single stream material recycled in fiscal year 2013 was 227 tons for Dahlgren and 75.5 tons for Indian Head. Recycled material from NSASP goes to three waste processing facilities, the largest of which is Waste Management Recycle America’s Material Recovery Facility in Elkridge, Md. Opened in 2006, the facility processes more than 24,000 tons of recyclable material each month. The single stream recycling effort at NSASP installations is complimented by a shredding program for unclassified papers at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division facilities. “Shredding all [unclassified] paper serves a three-fold purpose,” said Alex Malaguti, information security and privacy act coordinator for NSWCDD. “First, it enhances the [operational security] program by making it virtually impossible for our adversaries to glean usable information from our trash. Second, it makes it extremely difficult for criminals to steal identities of people associated with the base. Third, it is great for the environment: Every piece of paper placed in a gray NSWCDD shred bin is 100-percent recycled after being securely shredded onsite.” For additional information on the NSWCDD Shred Program, contact Malaguti at 540-653-3682. A similar program is in place at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Technology Division. Employees must shred their own unclassified papers; from there, the shredded paper is bagged and placed into recycling bins.
In all cases, material placed in recycling bins, trash cans or dumpsters must be work-related; disposing of personal trash or recyclable materials brought to NSFs Dahlgren or Indian Head from employees’ homes is prohibited.
Acceptable items in and around the blue bins include: • Flattened cardboard, placed behind the bin • Ink and toner cartridges, placed beside the bin • Magazines, newspapers, paperboard and phonebooks • Office paper, junk mail and brown paper bags (NSWCDD employees should place all unclassified papers in gray shredding bins) • Plastic bottles, glass bottles and jars • Aluminum cans, foil and pie tins • Steel cans and empty aerosol containers *Any recyclable food container must be rinsed before being placed into the blue bins Items that are not to be placed in recycling bins include: • Plastic bags • Plastic tubs • Garbage • Un-rinsed containers • Any containers with food residue • Styrofoam containers, plates and cups • Pizza boxes soiled with grease Readers with questions or concerns about single stream recycling at Dahlgren should contact Mike Mcatee at 540653-7508; for Indian Head, contact Jamie Hare at 301-7444269. (Editor’s note: Heidi Morgan contributed to this article)
National Memory Screening Day Event Planned for Nov. 20
Do you worry about memory loss? Participate in the National Memory Screening Day on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Waldorf Senior Center (3092 Crain Highway, Waldorf). This free event offers confidential memory screenings and information about successful aging. Memory screenings provide knowledge about proper diagnosis and treatment, if needed, as well as healthy lifestyle choices for successful aging. National Memory Screening Day is an initiative of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America works to provide quality care and service to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses, including their caregivers and families. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease, visit the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s website at www.
Olde Tyme Holiday Gathering
The Town of La Plata will host an Olde Tyme Holiday Gathering on Sunday, December 1 from 3 - 6 p.m. at the La Plata Town Hall. The sounds and spirit of the season bring friends and neighbors together for an afternoon of good cheer. Join us for holiday music, horse-drawn carriage rides, crafts for kids, refreshments, and a visit from Santa! Meet and greet with holiday characters, live entertainment in the Chamber Council with Gracie’s Guys and Gals Show Troupe, Peace Ringers, the College of Southern Maryland Chorale, and John the Fifer Colonial Holiday Music. Christmas tree lighting and sing-along at 5:15 p.m.
Breakfast With Santa
Town of La Plata will hold Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 7 at the Town Hall. Choose from four time slots, 8-8:45 a.m., 9-9:45 a.m., 10-10:45 a.m. and 11-11:45 a.m. 25 kids per time slot. Town residents can register for time slots starting Wednesday, November 6th and general public registration will open Monday, November 18th. To register, call Town Hall at 301-934-8421.
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Friday, November 15, 2013
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