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September 27, 2013


Dahlgren 95th Anniversary

Dahlgren speaker series highlights a love story By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

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Airmen Celebrate with Local Veterans Page 5

The second of three discussions about the history of Dahlgren presented a child’s eye view of the base as well as a remarkable story of reconnection and love that unfolded over the course of nearly four decades. Chris Agnew, son of well-traveled Navy officer, befriended Elizabeth Lyddane Agnew, daughter of Dahlgren’s first technical director, while both were young teenagers at Dahlgren in the early 1960s. After going their separate ways when Chris’s father received a new assignment, the pair reconnected 37 years later, married and returned to Dahlgren, where Elizabeth works as a scientist for the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. The discussion was moderated by Ed Jones, who himself spent his young years onboard the installation. “One of the themes coming through in these discussions is the multigenerational connection to Dahlgren,” he said, opening the forum.

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Chris and Elizabeth Lyddane Agnew share a laugh as they reminisce about their early teen years at Dahlgren during a forum discussion Sept. 18. The pair became friends, went their separate ways when Chris’s family moved, reconnected and married 37 years later. Chris Agnew’s parents met in 1931 along the Panama Canal; his father served on a U.S. battleship and his mother worked for the Ithsmanian Canal Commission. “They married and they raised their family the Navy

way-in Hawaii, California, Mississippi, Virginia, Rhode Island, Newfoundland, Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington state and Deleware,” he wrote. He would spend a little less than three years at Dahlgren.

Elizabeth Lyddane Agnew spent all of her childhood at Dahlgren, where her father Russell Lyddane served for 23 years as a physicist, the head of the Armor and Projectile Laboratory and eventually, as Dahlgren’s first technical

director. He helped usher in a new era at Dahlgren by leveraging the base’s ballistics computers for new and novel missions. The Agnews’ observations painted an endearing picture of Dahlgren in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the period when Dahlgren’s population was at its zenith. An on-base phone system meant that the operator, one Mrs. Dunning, played an intimate role in the lives of children at Dahlgren. “I’d come home from school, pick up the phone and say ‘Ms. Dunning, do you know where my mom is?’ She’d say ‘your mother has gone to Fredericksburg and she wants you to start dinner,’” said Elizabeth Agnew. “She knew everything. She knew everybody and all the kids checked in with her.” Elizabeth lived in no fewer than five houses at Dahlgren, starting with a unit in the now-demolished Boomtown. “We started off in Boomtown,” she said. “Daddy was in a bachelor pad with a

See Love, Page 3

Congressman Wittman tours Dahlgren

By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

Congressman Rob Wittman visited several commands at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren on Sept. 23 to meet with Navy leaders and gauge the military’s readiness on the eve of a second year of sequester cuts. Wittman toured the Aegis Training and Readiness Center, the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division and the Joint Warfare Analysis Center. At Dahlgren’s base theater, Wittman held a town hall meeting and later met with Naval Support Activity South Potomac police officers at the Tactical Response Training Facility. Wittman is currently serving his third term representing the first congressional district of Virginia and is a member of the House Armed Serves Committee, chairing the Readiness Subcommittee and Seapower and Expedi-

tionary Forces Subcommittee. The tour began with an overview briefing by Capt. Pete Nette, commanding officer of NSASP, who discussed the base’s progress on a number of issues such as the construction of the Cruiser-Destroyer Training Center, the ongoing Joint Land Use Study and other installation assets. Wittman noted that Dahlgren’s inactive airfieldwhich currently supports a small unmanned aerial vehicle mission-could become a “tremendous capability” if fully exploited. “For us these days, readiness is right at the forefront as we go back and forth about funding and where we go as far as replacing the sequester,” said Wittman. The danger of the current path, said Wittman, is that the military must neglect its long-term concerns to meet its short-term obligations. This is especially true at

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Congressman Rob Wittman addresses the Dahlgren community during a town hall meeting at the base theater Sept. 23. Wittman discussed the sequester and military budget, as well as health care, income inequality and foreign relations. military installations and on ships, where neglected maintenance issues can exponentially compound future costs. One of Wittman’s constituents, a Korean War veteran once assigned to Task Force Smith, recently approached him with a cautionary tale that crystallizes those concerns. Task Force Smith was

the first unit of American soldiers tasked with halting communist advances into South Korea in 1950. The soldiers were poorly equipped and despite their spirited defense, they were eventually overwhelmed by the enemy. “[The constituent] came up to me in tears and said ‘please Rob, don’t let readi-

ness get to where it was when I was called up for Korea,’” recalled Wittman. “We sent people [to Korea] without training and without equipment. We can’t do that.” The next round of sequester cuts will go into effect next month if Congress does not act. “We’ve got an opportunity to try and get it right this time, but we’re on the wrong path,” said Wittman. Wittman discussed many of the same themes at a town hall meeting at the base theater later that day. He answered questions on a range of issues-from health care to income inequality to foreign affairs-but the bulk of the time was dedicated to the sequester and the military budget. “I want to thank you for the great job you’re doing, especially in these trying times,” Wittman told the audience. “The work that goes

See Wittman, Page 3

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES E-mail nsasp_pao_dlgr@navy.mil or Call (540) 653-8153

The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, September 27, 2013

Purple Ribbons for domestic violence awareness

Leaders of Naval Support Activity South Potomac, including command master chief petty officer Jim Honea, executive officer Cmdr. Elvis Mikel and deputy director Karen Ramming, placed purple ribbons on their office doors Sept. 18 to raise awareness about domestic abuse. October is domestic violence awareness month; Cathy Beck, domestic abuse victim advocate for Naval Support Facility Dahlgren and Naval Air Station Patuxent River, presented the NSASP leaders with the purple ribbons.

NWC Technology Team collaborates for warfighter By John J. Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications

Top Navy technology leaders anticipate a myriad of new collaboration opportunities will arise to impact technical innovation and combat systems aboard ships as a result of their visits to Naval Warfare Center divisions across the nation, the officials announced Sept. 20. The Naval Warfare Center Command Technology Team - 10 chief technology officers and 11 lead customer advocates - have been brainstorming with scientists and engineers across the country from Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Corona Division in California to NSWC Dahlgren Division in Virginia to determine where collaboration opportunities exist. “The Command Technology Team is getting out to the warfare center labs with eyes and hands on the different capabilities that our divisions have,” said Capt. Mike Graham, NSWC headquarters staff member. “These site visits will help us improve our ability to rapidly innovate in response to complex technical problems warfighters are facing. Visiting in person gives us a better understanding of our true capabilities than a technical capability report’s wording can convey.” NSWC Commander Rear.

U.S. Navy photo by John Joyce

Members of the Navy Warfare Center Command Technology Team break for a group photo during their visit to Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Sept. 12-13. The team is visiting with scientists and engineers at eight warfare center divisions across the country to enhance collaboration that improves the Navy’s ability to rapidly innovate in response to complex technical problems warfighters are facing. Adm. Creevy chartered the 21-member team - representing eight Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Warfare Center Divisions - to enhance collaboration that solves warfighter problems and meets critical naval, joint, national and coalition needs. “The breadth of support that the warfare centers provide to the warfighter is very impressive when you take the time to understand its impact,” said NSWC Chief Tech-

nology Officer Kirk Jenne, the Command Technology Team Lead. “Our Command Technology Team is looking at the technologies the Navy is supporting and we are gaining insight at the warfare centers where unique solutions reside for challenging warfare environments.” So far, the Command Technology Team collaborated with warfare center division scientists and engineers at NSWC Carderock in Maryland and Philadelphia, Pa.,

NSWC Crane, Ind., NSWC Port Hueneme, Calif., NSWC Corona, Calif., Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Newport, R.I., and NUWC Keyport, Wash., in addition to NSWC Dahlgren. “The initial visit schedule will provide a baseline for the team’s overall understanding of each warfare center’s capabilities, its major customer base, and its strategic direction,” said Andrew Horne, NSWC Dahlgren Division Lead Customer Advo-

cate during the team’s Sept. 12-13 Dahlgren visit. “This understanding will provide the underpinning of the team’s focus and capacity as we share resources across the warfare centers in support of the warfighter.” At Dahlgren, scientists and engineers briefed Jenne, Graham and the technology team on technical programs and technologies, including Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense combat support; chemical, biological and ra-

diological defense; electronic warfare integration and architecture; directed energy, unmanned systems, electromagnetic railgun, metamaterials, and cyber warfare defense. “We are getting smarter on solving fleet problems in a collaborative fashion,” said Graham. “That’s our impetus. We are looking for opportunities to collaborate across divisions for the right knowledge and skills to address fleet problems.” The Command Technology Team is scheduled to conclude its tour of the warfare centers with visits to NSWC Divisions at Indian Head, Md., and Panama City, Fla., in addition to sites in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Va., in October and November. The NAVSEA Warfare Centers, comprised of NSWC and NUWC, supply the technical operations, people, technology, engineering services and products needed to equip and support the fleet and meet the warfighters’ needs. The warfare centers are the Navy’s principal research, development, test and evaluation assessment activity for surface ship and submarine systems and subsystems. Moreover, the warfare centers provide depot maintenance and in-service engineering support to ensure the systems fielded today perform consistently and reliably in the future.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, September 27, 2013


MILCON P-222 Construction Update Awards Ceremony Remembers Colleagues

By John Joyce NSWCDD Corporate Communications

Navy technology and business professionals paused during an academic recognition ceremony Sept. 17 to reflect and honor their Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) colleagues who were killed and injured at the Washington Navy Yard the day before. Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Commander Michael Smith read the names of the 12 victims and led the audience in observing a moment of silence. “We are closely affiliated with the Navy Yard,” Smith said at the command’s annual Academic Recognition Ceremony held in the University of Mary Washington Dahlgren campus. He asked everyone to keep the victims in their thoughts and prayers, noting that Dahlgren employees often travel to the location of the shooting on command business. Continuing with the ceremony, Smith and NSWCDD Acting Technical Director Stuart Koch honored 132 NSWCDD awardees for their academic and professional achievements. “Today we are recognizing some very special men and women within our workforce who have taken on the challenge of balancing work and home with school and have succeeded in earning certifications or degrees - all the while continuing critical support to the Navy,” said Smith. “We also recognize their families who shared in this sacrifice. Taking classes means long hours and an interruption of daily routines. No doubt, there were days when dinners were late or kids’ ball games were missed. A special “thank you” to all the family members and friends, for you are part of today’s success.” The ceremony, marking the event’s 17th consecutive year, recognized scientists, engineers and business and human resource leaders who completed professional certifications or academic milestones covering the spectrum of associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. “We are indeed proud of our employees’ accomplishments,” said Smith. “With their goals met, they will be better equipped to meet the scientific, technological and management challenges ahead. They assure us that our legacy of innovators and problem solvers will continue.” In addition to core engineering disciplines - mechanical, electrical and systems engineering - this year’s graduates earned degrees in computer science, applied physics, material science, microbiology and infectious disease as well as information assurance, engineering management, business administration and public administration. “Earning these credentials enhances knowledge that can be directly applied on the job - and is vital to continuing our mission readiness,” said Koch, telling the audience that NSWCDD employees continued to leverage the development opportunities available to them in spite of furloughs, budget concerns and other pressures. In all, 96 employees earned degrees from academic institutions while 36 received

See Ceremony, Page 5

Erosion and sediment controls at the Utilities and Energy Management (UEM) facility at the end of Pickens Lane, the Primary Nodal Plant on Strauss Ave., and Secondary Nodal Plant (SNP) #6 continue. The remaining controls, under construction, are the sediment control ponds that are being installed at the UEM Building, Primary Nodal Plant, and Secondary Nodal Plants.


Continued from page 1

bunch of other physicists, which was hilarious. The stories about that are a riot.” Chris and Elizabeth first met as young teenagers, when Chris’s family moved in next to the Lyddanes. “I was sitting on the front steps reading because this handsome guy with a dog kept walking back and forth across my lawn,” said a smiling Elizabeth. The exact moment when each party became aware of the other was not entirely clear; Chris remembered noticing Elizabeth while she was sitting inside. “Can you tell they’re married?” Jones asked the amused audience. “He was a prep school boy so he was hot stuff,” said Elizabeth, describing her budding friendship with a precocious young Chris, known affectionately as “the Professor” by his Dahlgren pals. “We had a small [group of friends] that was very close and we’re still friends with them today.” Both eventually fell out of touch in the years that followed but maintained mutual friends. “We went to the movies together when I was home on spring break in 1960 and that was the last I saw Elizabeth for a long period of time,” said Chris. Chris and Elizabeth each went on to


Continued from page 1 on here at Dahlgren is amazing. It’s really encouraging to me to see the dedication and efforts that go on here.” Wittman acknowledged that this year’s furlough was “exceptionally challenging” on Dahlgren’s workforce and praised employees’ efforts to take care of warfighters. The dedication shown by employees at Dahlgren to warfighters, said Wittman, needs to be reciprocated by Congress. “Congress needs to make a commitment to make sure the resources [are there] so that you all can continue to do the great job you’re doing. That means that during this budgeting time, we need to get off this track of continuing the budget by continu-

marry other beaus but both were single by the late 1990s. The pair next saw each other at a 1997 Christmas dinner hosted by the family of Capt. A.R. Faust, who commanded the Naval Weapons Laboratory from 1959 to 1960. They married the following April and eventually resettled in Dahlgren a decade later. Jones discussed Elizabeth’s father, an “iconic” figure at Dahlgren who played a key role in modernizing the base’s mission. “I don’t think it’s overstating it to say that without Dr. Lyddane, we might not be sitting here,” said Jones. “Like so many people at Dahlgren, he was a renaissance man.” Baltimore native Russell Lyddane was a professor of physics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill when he was drafted after the U.S. entered World War II. Instead of putting on a uniform, Navy authorities realized Lyddane could better serve his country as a scientist at Dahlgren’s Computation Lab. By the time Lyddane left Dahlgren in 1964, he had helped the mission evolve away from proof-testing naval guns and toward the development of complex combat systems. “He loved being a physicist,” said Elizabeth. “He didn’t like having to go up [to Washington D.C.] to sell Dahlgren over and over again to people who were changing every 18 months. But that’s what

he did and he did it for quite a long time.” By all accounts, Lyddane was a commanding presence during his career at Dahlgren and set high standards for his employees. He also had a photographic memory and spent his college years in labs with the likes of Albert Einstein. “A lot of people were terrified of him,” said Elizabeth. “But if they knew him well, they knew he was not somebody you needed to be afraid of unless you weren’t doing what you should be doing. He was noisy, explosive. he was very explosive, but he was fair and he was very well-educated.” Chris became acquainted with his future father-in-law while he was a young teenager on the base. Both men shared a love of reading and Lyddane often loaned Agnew books that helped inspire him to become a historian. Chris returned the favor decades later before Lyddane passed away in 2001. “I remember loaning him my entire set of Samuel Eliot Morison’s [15-volume]’History of United States Naval Operations in World War II’ and he polished that off in less than a week with virtually every page memorized.” Lyddane was also a dedicated family man. “He was a lot of fun,” said Elizabeth. “He held us to high academic standards and he was very strict. He was probably stricter than my mother. It was the Cleavers: my dad went to work and my mom stayed home. It was an idyllic life.”

ing resolutions, which we know are just short-term budgeting decisions that are an abdication of Congress’ responsibility.” In light of the alternative-a government shutdown - the continuing resolutions are necessary, said Wittman. “[A shutdown] is not a scenario that I think anybody wants.” Though Wittman acknowledged that there will be continued uncertainty as Congress nears the beginning of the new fiscal year and a new debate about the debt ceiling nears, but he offered encouraging words about Dahlgren. “I want to emphasize how important your job is to our nation,” said Wittman. “I know how challenging it can be when you’re placed on furlough and you do the tremendous job that you do, many of you working off the clock, spending your personal tie to make sure our Sailors have what

they need. That kind of personal commitment means a tremendous amount to our nation and I want you to know that I continue to spread the word about the great job you all do.” The last part of Wittman’s tour took him to Dahlgren’s Tactical Response Training Facility, a former barracks that now serves as a training arena for Navy law enforcement. NSASP police officers built several novel training features into the facility, including a video monitoring system that records training, a darkened area for training with night vision devices and mock crime scenes. Wittman said the facility was a “terrific” asset for the base and the Navy. “It’s an amazing capability,” he told police officers. “You guys are doing a great job here.”

The South Potomac Pilot


Dahlgren 95th Anniversary Events

MWR Highlights

Dahlgren Highlights Bowling Center Tuesday Mixed Military League Meeting

October 1, 5:30 p.m. Eligible patrons include all with base access. Patrons will meet to decide teams and various league rules. Cost is $7.00 per week. Bowling will commence on October 22, 2013. For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540-653-7327.

Youth Learn-2-Bowl

Speaker Series/Brown Bag Lunch

A Conversation with Helen Gray and Margie Stevens Oct. 9 - 11:30 a.m. Gray’s Landing Moderated by Ed Jones

October 5, Noon - 2 p.m. Eligible patrons include children ages (5 to 12) with base access. Register at Cannonball Lanes by October. Cost: $7.50 per child. Bowling instruction for children (ages 5-12) who want to learn how to bowl. Price includes 2 games and shoes. For more information, please contact Cannonball Lanes at 540-653-7327.

NSASP Navy Ball

Oct. 4 Fredericksburg Hospitality House, tickets available at www.navyball.org. Guest speaker - Ed Jones, who grew up on “the Station” at Dahlgren and is retired editor of the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star newspaper.

Anniversary Celebrations

Dahlgren 95th Anniversary/Diversity Day Celebration Oct. 16 - 10 a.m. Parade Field USNA Electric Brigade band, NDW Ceremonial Guard performance, historic displays, Diversity Day displays, historic base tours (reserve by emailing jeron.hayes@navy.mil)

95th Anniversary 5K Oct. 16 - 11 a.m. Free to all participants. First 20 to register get commemorative t-shirt. Visit the Fitness Center to register. Dahlgren Heritage Museum Anniversary Reception Oct. 16 - 5:30 p.m. Univ. of Mary Washington-Dahlgren Campus Congressman Rob Wittman, Keynote Speaker; Reading of proclamation from Gov. McDonnell, guest speakers. Historic tours of NSF Dahlgren Oct. 19 - 1 - 3:30 p.m. Register online at www.dahlgrenmuseum.org. Dahlgren School Reunion Oct. 19 - 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Open to all Dahlgren School Alumni. Contact dahlgrenfriends@gmail.com for more info.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Auto Skills Checking Fluids & Lubricants Auto Class

October 8, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Free to all eligible patrons Learn where to look, how to check and how to fill the fluids in your car. For more information, please contact Auto Skills at 540-653-4900.

Liberty Center Liberty Sunday Night Tailgate Party

Every Sunday during the NFL Season from 1 p.m. - close FREE Liberty Center patrons only: E1- E6 Single/unaccompanied active duty Military. Come over to the Liberty Center and watch your favorite team battle it out on the gridiron. Food and beverages will be provided. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Friday Movie Madness

Liberty Center patrons only: E1- E6 Single/unaccompanied active duty Military. Join us for movies and popcorn every Friday in October! For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Liberty King’s Dominion Trip

October 5, van leaves at 9 a.m. Liberty Center patrons only: E1- E6 single/unaccompanied active duty Military. Cost: $32/person. For more information, please contact the Liberty Center at 540-653-7277.

Fitness Center Budo Taijutsu

New session begins October 2 (3-month session) Interested in self-defense and martial arts? Bujinkan Budo

Taijutsu (combat body skills), is one of the few surviving complete martial arts. Budo Taijutsu is a complete martial art, incorporating strikes, punches, kicks, throws, locks and tumbling ideal for actual personal defense since it requires neither speed nor strength, but relies on distance, interval and natural movement. Classes are open to all patrons, ages 16 and up. Please register at the Fitness Center by October 2nd. For more information, please contact the Fitness Coordinator at 540-653-2016.

Isshinryu Karate Class

New session begins October 3 (3-month session) Isshinryu is a style of karate that originated in Okinawa. This program runs year round. Classes are open for ages 6 and up. Please register at the Fitness Center by October 3rd. For more information, please contact the Fitness Coordinator at 540-6532016.

Navy Ball 1.5M Challenge

October 9, 11 a.m. Location: Dahlgren Parade Field Eligible patrons include all with base access. Please register at the Fitness Center, anytime between September 9 and the morning of the event. For more information, please contact the Fitness Center at 540-653-8580.

Indian Head Highlights Weight House Fitness Center WHFC Personal Training

Need a little help fine tuning your workout? Check out our personal trainers Call the WHFC front desk at 301-744-4661 to schedule your session. $10 per session for Military/$15 per session for all other eligible patrons. First 2 sessions are free for Military.

Navy Birthday Nautical Mile

Celebrate the upcoming navy Birthday with a Nautical Mile! October 10 at the Ben Rand Track and Field. Register at the Fitness Center any time before race day. Free for military, $5 for all others.

MWR Special Events Season Closing of the Tiki Bar

Friday, October 18. Doors open at 3:30 p.m., party starts at 6 p.m. Come by and enjoy great views, great music and lots of fun as we celebrate the end of another fantastic season!

Door Decorating Contest

Departments and Housing residents are all invited to compete for the best Halloween Themed door during the month of October. Prizes will be awarded in both office and housing categories. Send an email to corey.mccabe@navy.mil by October 31 to register or for contest information.

MWR Halloween Spooktakular

Saturday, October 26, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Mix House. Join us for face painting, a pumpkin patch, arts & crafts, haunted house, hayride, music and more! This event is FREE and open to all eligible patrons.

NSA South Potomac • Office: 540-653-8153 • 540-284-0129 www.dcmilitary.com/dahlgren

The South Potomac Pilot Newspaper is published weekly by Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing, 7 Industrial Park Drive, Waldorf, Md. 20602, a private company in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of The South Potomac Pilot are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-

Capt. Peter Nette

Commanding Officer, NSA South Potomac

Gary R. Wagner

Public Affairs Officer, NSA South Potomac

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Jeron Hayes

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

NSA South Potomac Managing Editor

Andrew Revelos Staff Reporter

Copy/layout editors, The Gazette/ Comprint Military Publications

Friday, September 27, 2013

The South Potomac Pilot


Airmen celebrate birthday with local veterans By Andrew Revelos Staff Writer

Airmen from Naval Support Facility Dahlgren joined their comrades from Joint Base Andrews to celebrate the Air Force’s 66th birthday Sept. 18 at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home in St. Mary’s County, Md. Airmen conducted a ceremony before serving cake and swapping stories with residents at the home, many of whom served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. After a presentation of the colors by members of the Chopticon High School Junior ROTC, Charlotte Hall staff played a recording of the National Anthem. Many residents spontaneously added their voices to the song in a touching display of patriotism. Lt. Col. Steven Wieland, commander of the 89th Communications Squadron at Joint Base Andrews, was the guest speaker at the ceremony. He wished his service a happy birthday and thanked the veterans for their own service. “The people in this room laid the foundation for what the Air Force is today,” Wieland told the residents. Wieland contrasted the Air Force of 1947 with the Air Force of today. Though the equipment, accommodations and missions have changed, he said, today’s Airmen are just as dedicated as their predecessors. “Today’s force is 100 percent volunteer,” he said. “Every single person in the United States Air Force either joined after 9/11, or decided to [continue their service] after it. They know what they’re getting themselves into, serving in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.” Wieland recounted the gallantry of Airmen in the past, from the sacrifice of Maj. Lewis Sebille in Korea in 1950, to the heroism of Capt. Barry Crawford Jr. in Afghanistan in 2010. He praised both Airmen for leading by example. “I’d like to commend the men and women in this room for leading by example as well,” Wieland continued. “You’ve provided an example for today’s Airmen about what it means to serve and what it means to sacrifice. Thank you.” After Wieland’s remarks, the youngest and oldest Airmen present cut the birthday cake. Airman 1st Class Tyler Ketelhut, assigned to the 89th Communications Squadron, was the youngest at 23 years old. He was seven decades younger than the oldest Airman present, Elizabeth Wallace. Wallace served as a butcher, baker and truck driver in the Army for three years during World War II. She became a beautician in Boston after the war ended, but tired of fixing the hair of “blue bloods” and decided she missed the service. Wallace joined the Air Force shortly after its establishment in 1947. At 93 years old, she recounted her experience as though it were yesterday. “I [knew] I was going to go back into the service and when

lutely love getting to go up there.” Balaban connected with several veterans during the visit, like Charlotte Hall resident Leonard Phillips. Phillips served in both the Navy and Marine Corps and saw combat during the Battle of Okinawa. He recounted to Ballaban an incident in which he fell while advancing down a hillside. A split second later, a hail of bullets flew past where he had been standing, severely wounding his buddy. “He said it with such clarity,” said Balaban. “He remembered all of it like it happened last year.” The pair also talked about happier memories, like Phillips’ three children and his beloved wife of 38 years, who passed away. “He had such a happy face,” said Balaban. “He loved talking. His face lit up when I walked over to him and he had great stories.”

U. S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Airman 1st Class Mary Grace Balaban, assigned to the 614th Air and Space Operations Center Detachment 1 at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, chats with Air Force veteran Charles Glass at Charlotte Hall Veterans on Sept. 18. Airmen from Dahlgren and nearby Andrews Air Force Base celebrated the Air Force’s 66th birthday with the veterans, sharing cake and conversation. I saw the Air Force office, I said ‘that’ll do,’” she said. “I liked it so much. I liked the whole thing.” Wallace spent three years in the Air Force, working in communications and serving out part of her enlistment in Germany. “I liked it over there,” she said. “It was one of the cleanest countries I’ve ever been to. You wouldn’t find a scrap of litter on the autobahn.” After purchasing a car from another Airman on his way back to the United States, Wallace toured the scenic German countryside. “I just drove around on the autobahn; you could go for miles and miles and hardly see anyone, just a few clusters of houses,” she said. “Sometimes you’d see everybody loaded up in oxcarts going into the fields to work.” The stories and the small talk with veterans like Wallace were by far the highlight of the birthday celebration, for both the residents and the Airmen currently serving. While relatively few Airmen call Dahlgren home, all of them chose to spend their birthday with veterans at Charlotte Hall. The Dahlgren Airmen hailed from the 614th Air and Space Operations Center Detachment 1, the 20th Space Control Squadron Detachment 1 and the Joint Warfare Analysis Center. Airman 1st Class Mary Grace Balaban, assigned to the 614th AOC Det 1, attended the event last year and reveled in the story-telling. “I thought it was a blast,” she said. “I abso-

Movie Theater 540-653-7336 Friday and Saturday: 7 p.m. Showings Price of Shows Civilians - $5; AD, Retired, Reserve, Family Members (E7 - above) $4; AD, Reserve, Family Members (E6 below) - $2.50; Child (6-11) - $2; Child (5 and under) - Free; Tickets for a movie shown in 3-D are an additional $1 Friday, September 27th 7 p.m. - Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, PG Saturday, September 28th 7 p.m. - Elysium, R Friday, October 4th 7 p.m. - Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, PG-13 Saturday, October 5th 7 p.m. - Lee Daniels’ the Butler, PG-13

Ceremony: Continued from page 3

technical or business specialty certificates. In addition to the nine doctoral degrees, employees were specifically recognized for 48 master’s degrees, 37 baccalaureate degrees, and two associate’s degrees. Honored employees included eight academic fellows, 11 professional or academic certifications, 17 information assurance certifications and one Security Professional Education Development Certification. NSWCDD employees received nine doctorates over the past year compared to previous years when the number of doctoral degrees was typically two to five. This year, a father and daughter graduation duo was honored for their academic achievements. The father was recognized for earning a master’s degree, while working full time. His daughter was recognized for earning her undergraduate degree at Virginia Commonwealth University as a member of Pathways, an NSWCDD student program. Moreover, NSWCDD scientist Ryan Mackie, a graduate degree honoree, received George Mason University’s Impact Award. The George Mason College of Science recognized Mackie as the graduate student who published peerreviewed scientific research in a scientific journal with the highest impact factor in the 2012-13 academic year. Maintaining a diverse and highly skilled workforce is critical to NSWCDD - the Navy’s leading warfare system architect and systems engineer, recognized as the technical leader in delivering innovative, affordable and effective solutions for the Navy, joint forces, and the nation. “We are well aware of the importance of diversity, and that translates into the diversity of degrees as well,” said Koch.

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) scientist Ryan Mackie receives his certificate of achievement from NSWCDD Commander Capt. Michael Smith at the annual Command Academic Awards Ceremony held in Dahlgren, Va., Sept. 29. Mackie was among 132 NSWCDD employees honored by Smith and NSWCDD Acting Technical Director Stuart Koch for their academic and professional achievements. In an economy where many employers are reducing or eliminating support for employees to pursue advanced education, NSWC Dahlgren Division remains committed to supporting education opportunities for the workforce to the greatest extent possible and welcomes the opportunity to recognize employees who have reached an academic milestone each September at this annual event.


The South Potomac Pilot


Friday, September 27, 2013

Community Notes Dahlgren King George American Legion Benefit

King George American Legion Post 89, 10021 Dahlgren Rd. in King George will hold their Fifth Annual Wounded Warrior Pig BBQ and Bike Rally at Post 89 on Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Food, entertainment and bands are on the schedule for the day. Cost is $10 per meal or $5 for active duty military and first responders. The VA Medical Center Mobile Clinic will be on hand to enroll veterans for medical services.

Taste of Fredericksburg Oct. 3

Rappahannock Big Brothers/Big Sisters will hold Taste of Fredericksburg on Thurs., Oct. 3 from 6-9 p.m. at Stevenson Ridge, 6901 Meeting Street, Spotsylvania, VA 22553. Sample the culinary delights of local restaurants and catering establishments and have fun bidding on spectacular gift packages

in our live and silent auctions. Enjoy samples from Bavarian Chef, Brocks, Castiglias, Country Lane Catering, Kabob City, Lizz Creative Juices, Sweet Reasons, The Icing Bakery, The Melting Pot and more! Purchase tickets at www.rbbbs.org or call 540-371-7444.

KGAC Rabies Clinic Needs Volunteers

The next King George Animal Control Rabies Clinic has been set for the October 5. Volunteers are needed to assist the staff at KG Animal Control with the clinic. If you can help, please call 540-775-2120 to sign up. The clinic is from 10 a.m. - Noon, volunteers should plan to arrive 30 minutes early.

KGARL Fundraiser

King George Animal Rescue League will hold a fundraiser at Steamers Seafood Grill and Bar in King George on October 16 from 4 - 9 p.m. Enjoy great food and fun, and Steamers

will donate 20% of your total food sales to KGARL. You must take an event flyer with you to receive credit for the fundraiser. Visit www.kgarl.org to print your flyer. Hope to see you there!

Indian Head Town of La Plata Summer Concert series

Town of La Plata Summer Concert Series concludes this Friday at the La Plata Town Hall with a performance by the US Navy Cruisers from 7 - 8 p.m. at the La Plata Town Hall. A specialty ensemble of the US Navy Band, the Cruisers are named for the Navy’s most flexible and versatile ship, the cruiser. This band can handle anything, rock, pop, jazz, standards, and even some original material. Concert goers are encouraged to bring blankets and lawn chairs for sitting. Coolers are allowed, but no alcohol, please. Concessions are available from the Town’s food trailer located near the back of the parking lot, an ice cream truck is also stationed there for your enjoyment. A play area for children, the Kids’ Zone, allows parents to enjoy the concert while keeping an eye on the little ones.

210 Sportsman’s Bonanza

The Bryans Road Volunteer Fire Department will hold 210 Sportsman’s Bonanza on Sept. 28 at the Bryans Road VFD, 3099 Livingston Road, Bryans Road, Md. Over $26,000 in prizes for the event. Tickets are $45 and include food and drinks. Must be 18 to purchase a ticket. All proceeds benefit the Bryans Road VFD. For more info, visit www.brvfd.com or call (240) 427-6267.

Take Steps, Save Lives Breast Cancer Walk

Walk to save lives at the 8th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fitness Walk on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event begins at Indian Head Village Green (100 Walter Thomas Road, Indian Head) and continues for three miles on the Indian Head Rail Trail. Participants can enjoy live music, vendors, door prizes, raffles, and an exercise warm up. The event will be held rain or shine. The registration fee is $25. Fee includes morning snacks, bottled water, and a nutritious lunch. The first 100 registrants receive a free t-shirt. To download and print the registration form, visit www.CharlesCountyMD.gov. Proceeds benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. This foundation educates and researches breast cancer causes, treatments, and the search for a cure. This event is sponsored by the Indian Head Senior Center Council, the Town of Indian Head, and local community businesses. For additional information, call the Indian Head Senior Center at 301-743-2125.

Cycle for Food, Farms, and Fun at the Crop Hop


Register today for the 2013 Crop Hop - a cycling tour of Southern Maryland farms, to be held Sat., Oct. 19 in historic and picturesque Charles County. This event is hosted by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission and the Charles County Board of Commissioners. The Crop Hop highlights the connection between local farms, fresh food, and good nutrition while raising money for the Southern Maryland Food Bank. All rides begin and end at Gilbert Run Park (13140 Charles Street, Charlotte Hall). Riders cycle to local farm stops to experience farm tours, interact with farmers, and enjoy locally-sourced snacks. This year’s routes include: the Silo Century (62 miles) for serious riders, the Harvest Hop (33 miles), the Barnstormer (15 miles), the Barnstormer Lite (for those less inclined to ride the hilly terrain), and the Sprout Route (an in-park family ride). Farm stops include turkeys, cattle, horses, goats, produce, agritourism, and more. The Sprout Route features a three-mile in-park walk and ride with stops highlighting rabbits, goats, dogs, seed planting, and exercise. After the ride, cyclists will enjoy a locally-sourced picnic lunch at Gilbert Run Park, complete with entertainment and educational opportunities including farm animal demonstrations, Cornelia and Couch Potato skits, fitness activities, and other fun, educational activities. The cost per rider ranges from $20-$60. Riders registering before Monday, Sept. 30 are guaranteed a complementary lunch and event T-shirt. Non-cyclists and community members are welcome to join the festivities at Gilbert Run Park. Join us for the picnic lunch from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cost for lunch is $10 per adult and $5 per child (aged six and under). Profits from this event will go to the Southern Maryland Food Bank to purchase fresh food for hungry families. More information and registration opportunities for the event can be found at www.CropHop.com.

The South Potomac Pilot

Friday, September 27, 2013


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The South Potomac Pilot


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Friday, September 27, 2013



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