Vol. 30, No. 15
July 26, 2013
Take Your Child To Work Day
Children and adults watch ice cream being made with a few sweet ingredients and liquid nitrogen, one of the many HUB activities at the Take Your Child to Work Day event on July 17. Photo by Jenni Benson
A Take Your Child To Work Day 2013 participant works on her creation during the USAMMDA You Can Build It activity. This activity educates participants about the USAMMDA Prototype Lab and allows them to build a medical materiel prototype of their own. Photo by Richard Frederickson
Attendees of the 2012 MHSRS Conference participate in one of many sessions offered at the conference. Last year was the first time the event was combined as a joint services conference dedicated to improving the health, treatment, and care of all deployed military servicemembers. Photo by Melissa Miller Military medical clinicians and scientists, including researchers from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, will present their latest research results during the 2013 Military Health System Research Symposium Aug. 12-15 at the Harbor Beach Marriott in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. MHSRS 2013’s theme will focus on research in support of the deployed medical mission. The event will include presentations from experts on a variety of topics, including: - Traumatic Brain Injury diagnosis and treatment - Mental health care, including diagnosis and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and suicide prevention - Hemorrhage control - Advancements in treating traumatic wounds, including rehabilitation and prosthetics - Infection control, including multi-drug resistant infections - Emerging opportunities in Regenerative Medicine “This is a collaborative environment where some of the best minds come togeth-
er for intense discussion. The goal is to help identify strategies and set future milestones for DoD’s deployment related medical research programs,” said USAMRMC’s Combat Casualty Care Research Program Director Col. Dallas Hack, who has led the tri-service planning for this year’s conference. To view the full agenda and register, visit https://www.mhsrs.org. MHSRS is the DoD’s premier scientific meeting addressing the unique medical needs of the warfighter. This conference combines the former Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care Conference, the Air Force Medical Service Medical Research Symposium and the Navy Medicine Research Conference. Attendees include military medical care providers with deployment experience, DoD scientists, academia, and industry in the areas of Combat Casualty Care, Military Operational Medicine, Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Military Infectious Disease, and Medical Training & Health Information Sciences Research Programs.
What’s Inside
Social Media Find Garrison on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr! www.facebook.com/DetrickUSAG www.twitter.com/DetrickUSAG www.flickr.com/DetrickUSAG Find MRMC on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr too! www.facebook.com/USAMRMC www.twitter.com/USAMRMC www.flickr.com/people/usamrmc
DoD Holds Tri-Service Military Health System Research Symposium, Aug. 12-15
Find a Career at the Career Fair, page 3
Summer is Still in Session, page 6
On Guard Against Brain Injury, page 9
Commentary: Thoughts from Leadership Having been on active duty for 34 years, I have institutional knowledge of, and great personal experience in, this grand profession we call the United States Army. Having been the Fort Detrick Installation Commander for six months now, I also feel an increasing comfort in the various activities here on post. By all measures, we are a very small post. I’ve run around post airfields that were larger than Fort Detrick! With the “smallness,” however, comes the benefits of proximity, familiarity and “camaraderie-ship.” On the other hand, without a large housing presence (barracks and separate family quarters), we run the risk of being a “commuter post.” So the first thing I’d ask each and every one of the military beneficiaries--military and civilian, alike--is to take advantage of the wide array of Garrison-hosted functions to gather outside of work. I think you’ll find it well worth your time to socialize with Fort Detrick staff and Family. Some recent personal examples include a community pancake breakfast a few weeks ago, hosted by Col. and Mrs. Steve Middlecamp. Laura Middlecamp did a wonderful job of getting everyone in our neighborhood out on a Saturday morning to meet over a relaxing meal. Steve was responsible for the heavy lifting, and he excelled in his supporting role. Another fine example was our recent Soldier Show, held in mid-June. Those singers and dancers--all fellow Soldiers--certainly made me very proud of our institution. There were many folks in attendance, but the gym was not overflowing. If you missed attend-
ing this year’s event, please do your best to make the next one. There have also been a number of Army Band and Old Guard performances in the local Frederick community, all of which have been spectacular. These are wonderful opportunities for those of us still serving to show up in uniform. We must give our civilian partners the chance to meet and talk to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen. Many of them want to thank the military, and we should give them the opportunity to do so. Secondly, I’m finding I can do much better at understanding the challenges and issues facing our force. Over the past several years as a commanding general, I’ve made it a point to meet with many people to discuss issues facing them in their work, home and life areas. Within the past couple of years, I’ve started meeting with cohorts of female Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers. With this group, in particular, I’ve learned quite a bit, and we’ve been able to make positive changes because of feedback that I’ve received. So there you have it. Let’s make this community even better. Let’s make this Army even better. Let’s make your work and home and living situation even better. Don’t isolate yourself from others. Engage others around you. Participate. It’s all about dignity and respect, isn’t it? When we cross paths, stop me to say hello. I look Maj. Gen. (Dr.) Joseph Caravalho, Jr. forward to seeing you around post or around the Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detricka community. Army Strong!
Upcoming Events July 2013 (31) Annual Fort Detrick Career Fair (10 a.m.-3 p.m.)(CAC, Building 1529) (31) Military Appreciation Night with the Frederick Keys (6:45 p.m.)(Harry Grove Stadium) August 2013 (06) National Night Out (5:05- 10 p.m.)(Housing) (06) Student Poster Day (9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.) (NCI Building 549) (29) Women’s Equality Day Observance (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)(CAC, Building 1529)
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Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Command Staff
Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr. Commanding general, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick
Col. Steven P. Middlecamp U.S. Army Garrison commander
Editorial Staff USAG PAO Staff
Fort Detrick Celebrates National Night Out Aug. 6 BY NICK MINECCI
Find a Career at the Career Fair!
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Detrick will celebrate the 30th Annual National Night Out on Aug. 6 from 5:05 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Balfour Beatty Community Neighborhood Community Center, 6000 Ditto Avenue. To commemorate NNO, Fort Detrick will have interactive law enforcement and fire safety displays, games, inflatable play areas, food and drink. Sparky the Fire Dog and McGruff the Crime Dog will also be on hand to meet the public until dusk. As the sun goes down, there will be a “Movie Under the Stars” courtesy of Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. According to Det. Richard Sherbert of the Fort Detrick Police Department, “This is a good opportunity for the public and [Fort Detrick] law enforcement to get to meet and talk to one another in a non enforcement situation. Residents of Fort Detrick have a good chance to get to know your police.” Sherbert said NNO is also an opportunity for adults and children to see the tools of the law enforcement trade, and learn more about the capabilities of their local police. “There will be a law enforcement display, that is our [Special Response Team] truck, and we show the public our gear. Duty permitting, the K9 unit will be there, too,” he said. National Night Out began in 1984 promoting community involvement in crime prevention activities, building police-community partnerships, fostering neighborhood camaraderie and sending a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. NNO is sponsored
by the National Association of Town Watch. During the inaugural NNO, 2.5 million Americans took part across 400 communities in 23 states. Last year, more than 37 million people from over 15,000 communities in all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases worldwide. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for communities nationwide to promote policecommunity partnerships, crime prevention, and neighborhood camaraderie. While the one night is certainly not an answer to crime, drugs and violence, National Night Out represents the kind of spirit, energy and determination to help make neighborhoods a safer place year round. The night celebrates safety and crime prevention successes and works to expand and strengthen programs for the next 364 days,” Matt Peskin, NATW’s Executive Director, said on their website.
Shaleena Thomasson (left) and Daphnie Freeman from ACS show the way to The Annual Fort Detrick Career Fair that will take place on Wednesday, July 31 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Community Activities Center, Building 1529. Photo by Jenni Benson BY DAPHNIE FREEMAN
When we have a job, and we are grateful to be working, our lives move in different directions as opposed to someone who doesn’t have a job. When you are out of work, sometimes things just don’t seem to happen as well as we expect. At Army Community Service, Employment Readiness Program, we strive to support you and your employment goals to the best of our ability. We can’t take away the frustration and stress of not having a job, but we can show you all the things you can do
to ease your job search and career planning opportunities. Our annual Career Fair on July 31 will have over 30 vendors/employers seeking to hire for their company. Are you ready for on-the-spot interviews? Come dressed to impress. We held a Dress for Success business suit exchange earlier this month, and the remaining suits are available for purchase at the Fort Detrick Thrift Shop. Proper attire is vital for the interview, and for your first impression to the recruiter seeking to hire. It all comes down to how well prepared you are to obtain the job you want. Call our office at 301-619-2208 or 301619-6636 for more information.
Saving Lives by Saving Blood BY JEFFREY SOARES
In an age of ultra high-tech devices that are worthy of screen time in a big budget Hollywood action movie, one might be surprised to discover that a very “unglamorous” and simplistic medical device is being developed by the Combat Casualty Care Research Program of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Md., that may soon save lives on the battlefield and beyond. “Hemorrhage is the leading cause of death on the battlefield, and one of our most challenging forms of hemorrhage has been junctional [the junction of the legs or arms with the torso] hemorrhage, or hemorrhage from deep wounds on which it is impossible to put a deep tourniquet,” said Dr. Anthony Pusateri, portfolio manager of the Department of Defense Hemorrhage and Resuscitation Research and Development Program, managed by the CCCRP. Cue XSTAT - the new device so practical, one will wonder how the medical field has not thought of it until now. Simply put, the device looks like a large plastic syringe filled with many small, pellet-shaped sponges
The XSTAT device injects pellet-shaped sponges that enlarge to fill up a wound area quickly to prevent blood loss. Courtesy photo that enlarge to fill up a wound area quickly to prevent blood loss. “This XSTAT device allows the haemostatic material to be put [injected] into the wound tract, and then it expands from the inside out, putting pressure on the bleeding
to stop it,” said Pusateri. “It is a capability that has never existed before, and can be used in the field setting by medics, possibly even with buddy aid [first aid administered by battlefield ‘battle buddies’].” As the portfolio manager, Pusateri must
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
orchestrate matters among the various services and the company in charge of production, RevMedx, that are collaborating for the successful development and release of this new medical device. However, as he states, Pusateri came into the project during its later development, at the time the Army took over management of the program. “This project started with the United States Special Operations Command, who was working with HemCon Medical Technologies, Inc. to conduct the initial work,” he said. “The research looked promising enough that the Army chose to fund it through its completion.” While the current version of the device is useful for large wounds, Pusateri said that the next iteration will be one suited for narrower wound tracts. Due to the location of the target wounds, the original concept was for a common-size wound tract. As development progressed, the researchers found that in some cases, the wound tract is smaller, and it would not take much modification to create a smaller device to place into the wound. Pusateri said that the applicator will be narrower, although the sponge-like prodSee BLOOD, continued on page 4 Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) will change command July 30, as staff members say goodbye to Col. Bernard L. DeKoning who retires after 28 years of service to the U.S. Army. USAMRIID is a key asset for military health and national safety. Its mission focuses on protecting service members from biological threats and being prepared to investigate disease outbreaks or threats. Research conducted at USAMRIID leads to medical solutions-vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and information-that benefit both military personnel and civilians. DeKoning has led USAMRIID since September 2011. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d command such an internationally recognized organization,” said DeKoning, two years ago when he assumed command of USAMRIID. Now, as he departs, his accomplishments are recalled by leadership, as he was known well for his strategic vision and passion for USAMRIID’s mission. Under DeKoning’s leadership, USAMRIID leveraged collaborations with industry partners and other federal agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security to develop medical countermeasures. USAMRIID also forged new international relationships and partici-
pated in training exercises, helping to bring awareness to its public health resources. DeKoning also played a key role in the continued development of the new USAMRIID building, which will house the largest concentration of Biosafety Level 3 and BSL 4 laboratory space in the Department of Defense. DeKoning is a board-certified family physician and has continued to see patients throughout is 28-year career. He will relinquish command to Col. Erin P. Edgar, who most recently served as the Command Surgeon, Headquarters, United States Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.
BLOOD, continued from page 3
uct inside will be the same size. When asked about the timeframe for U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, Pusateri said it should most likely receive approval during this summer. “We have not identified any significant problems, and we expect it will fill a capability gap that we’ve had for quite some time,” he said. “Upon FDA approval, the device will be commercially available off the shelf. I expect that RevMedx will do an initial production run.” Pusateri added that the Directorate of Combat and Doctrine Development at the U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School will have to approve the device before it is offered for use throughout the military. Regarding military use, Pusateri said that units - primarily special operations forces will be able to purchase the device for themselves. Following this, the device will receive a National Stock Number, which will allow any group to purchase the device for use. He also believes that the XSTAT device will transcend military medical use and find its way into the field of civilian medicine for widespread public use in trauma scenarios. While the XSTAT device is certainly small and light enough to be carried in military aid bags or combat lifesaver bags, Pusateri said this does not guarantee its use as standard military medical equipment. So why wouldn’t the military want to have this in every warfighter’s bag? “Well, for one, this doesn’t solve all of our
bleeding problems,” said Pusateri, “but it does fill a capability gap for use on a wound area where you could not place a bandage or tourniquet.” “It’s primarily intended for deep wounds with heavy bleeding inside, with no way of putting direct pressure on the wound, and no way to wrap a tourniquet around it. Basically, it’s designed for use in the axillary and inguinal regions, or the junction of the legs and arms with the torso - too high for a tourniquet and too deep for a dressing.” Despite its specificity - or perhaps because of it - the XSTAT device seems to be a necessary part of the future of both military and civilian medicine, and it is a perfect illustration of creating a medical item to satisfy a critical need in the field. “This is a good example of very innovative and thorough work done by USSOCOM to get this started, working with the initial lead company [that later transitioned to RevMedx],” said Pusateri, “but it is also an example of excellent cooperation and communication in a joint environment, between USSOCOM and the U.S. Army.” “This could certainly be a significant advance in our ability to control hemorrhage, both on and off the battlefield,” said Pusateri. While the XSTAT device is currently on the forefront of the CCCRP’s work, Pusateri said that his group continues to work on developing blood-related items to help save lives. On the horizon, the CCCRP is researching dry plasma products to help restore/replenish blood loss quickly and help make the body more resistant to the detrimental effects of severe bleeding.
Fort Detrick Industrial Hygiene/Environmental Health Office Provides Soldiers Information to Minimize Heat Injury BY FORT DETRICK INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE AND THE INSTALLATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT OFFICE Fort Detrick Industrial Hygiene/ Environmental Health staff are continuing to ensure commanders, unit leaders, and training non-commissioned officers have all the information they need to reduce or eliminate the risk of heat injury to soldiers participating in outdoor activities. Heat stress index information is available at http://www.detrick.army.mil/ih/ ehhot.cfm from late spring through early autumn via a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature, or WBGT, device located adjacent to the Industrial Hygiene/ Environmental Health office. The WBGT device provides a composite Heat Stress Index based on temperature, humidity, direct sunlight, and wind. Also contributing to this effort is a team from the Network Enterprise Center who developed and now maintains a computer program which captures the WBGT data, calculates the results according to the Army’s Heat Stress guidance, and delivers this critical information to soldiers via the Inter-
net. The Heat Category, shown by number and flag color, is determined using Army guidance, which is based on the impact of WBGT results on healthy, acclimated, uniformed soldiers performing outdoor work or training. In addition to the Heat Stress Index, visitors to the Environmental Health - Hot Weather Internet site (http://www.detrick. army.mil/ih/ehHot02.cfm) will find useful facts, tips and other information about recognizing and avoiding heat injuries. Heat injury prevention products from the Army Public Health Command (formerly U.S. Army Center for Public Health and Preventive Medicine) are available at http:// usaphcapps.amedd.army.mil/HIOShoppingCart/searchResults.aspx?hotlist=8 by following the links. Soldiers, family members, civilians, visitors, and any other personnel at Fort Detrick who believe they, or another individual, is a victim of heat-related illness or injury, should immediately report to the Barquist Army Health Care Facility or nearest medical facility, or call 911 for rapid treatment of the potentially serious or life-threatening consequences of over-exposure to hot weather conditions.
Q: Why are local heat index reports more extreme than Fort Detrick’s? A: Most local and national heat index reports are based on a calculation of temperature and humidity in shady, light wind conditions. While these reports provide a general idea of how hot it feels, they do not include variables like heat caused by direct or reflected sunlight, and cooling effects of the wind. Fort Detrick’s Heat Stress Index, which does include these variables, is derived from the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) method. The Army’s Heat Category and Work/ Rest Table, which is based on WBGT measurements, provides training NCO’s and unit leaders with information relating to heat conditions that healthy,
Local guidance relating to hot weather activities can be found in Fort Detrick Policy Letter 10-12. Individual questions or concerns relating to military training in hot weather conditions should be directed to the unit training officer/NCOIC. Mili-
acclimated military personnel will be exposed to while working outside, performing physical training or marching, participating in field exercises, or while involved in other outdoor activities. Personnel should not strictly follow any heat index since individuals who are very young, very old, are on medication, and/or are not acclimated to the heat may be more susceptible to heat injury - even in moderate heat - than healthy adults who spend time working or playing outdoors. Individuals who keep an eye on the temperature and humidity and remember their own capabilities and/or limitations and use appropriate personal protective measures will significantly decrease their chances of becoming a heat victim.
tary training officers/NCOICs can contact Industrial Hygiene/ Environmental Health staff at (301) 619 7471 for additional information as needed. A “train-the-trainer” heat injury prevention PowerPoint presentation is available upon request.
Forest Glen Ride-On Stop Changes
Effective July 18. The number two ride-on stop has moved from Stephen Sitter/503 Loading Loop to Commissary Way. New signage will be in place between Midlate July 2013. Rider requests for arrivals earlier than 6:53 a.m. are approved but will not go into effect until October 20, 2013. Requests for arrivals after 9:14 a.m. are possible but will not go into effect until October 20, 2013.
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Roger Mason Jr. Basketball Camp
NBA Guard, Roger Mason Jr., joined campers for a week of Basketball Camp at Fort Detrick CYSS. Kids were taught the skills of the game and to work hard. Photo by Lanessa Hill
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Summer is Still in Session! CBRN: A Priority for the
As we make plans for our last summer parties and outdoor activities, remember to plan for designated drivers and alcohol-free guests! BY ARMY SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM (ASAP)
Learn responsible ways to celebrate Labor Day with Special Guest Speaker Julie Brown, Safety Education Section, Natural Resource Police, and receive an ASAP DAPE credit, IAW AR 600-85. “Summer Under the Influence” will be presented August 19 with two sessions available: 10-11 a.m., and noon - 1 p.m.at the Community Support Center, Building 1520 Freedman Drive, second floor, classroom 7. Space in the CSC is limited, and seating for each course is first come, first served. To maintain a safe and sober summer, read these myths, facts, and tips for a great party! Myths and Facts about Alcohol and Impairment Myth: Coffee can sober up someone who has had too much to drink. Fact: Only time sobers. It takes about one hour to metabolize each standard drink. Myth: Hard liquor is more intoxicating than beer and wine. Fact: A 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, and 1-1.5 ounces of spirits contain the same amount of alcohol and the same intoxication potential. Myth: Someone who has had too much to drink will look intoxicated. Fact: Someone’s physical appearance can be misleading. One drink can impair someone’s ability to drive. Judgment is the first thing affected when someone has been drinking, and important motor skills are next. What You Can Do to Stop Impairment Problems - If one of your guests has had too much to drink, pull them aside and politely, but firmly, tell them that they cannot drive home because you care. Offer to let your guest spend the night, call a cab, or ask another sober guest to drive them home.
- Provide activities for your guests, such as “Washers” or “Corn Hole.” - Offer high protein food. - Don’t let guests mix their own drinks. Choose a reliable bartender to help you keep track of the size and number of drinks your guests consume. - Provide “Mocktails,” alcohol-free cocktails, for designated drivers. Thank your designated driver with a Mocktail. Try these easy recipes at your next party! Virgin Pina Colada - 1 cup ice - 1 1/4 cups pineapple juice - 1/2 cup milk - 1/2 cup heavy cream - 2 tablespoons white sugar In an electric blender, blend ice, pineapple juice, milk, cream, and sugar. Blend until smooth. Tornado Twist - 12 fluid ounces cranberry-raspberry juice - 1 (12 fluid ounces) can or bottle lemonlime flavored carbonated beverage In a pitcher, mix cranberry-raspberry juice with lemon-lime soda. Pour over ice and serve. Brought to you by the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), Fort Detrick and Forest Glen Annex, Maryland.
53rd Signal Battalion and the Nation BY 53RD SIGNAL BATTALION PUBLIC AFFAIRS
Alpha and Bravo Company Soldiers from the 53rd Signal Battalion participated in a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Exercise at the Frederick County Police Department, Charles V. Main Training Facility in Frederick, Md., June 26-28. The exercise tested the Soldiers CBRN equipment familiarity. The exercise was conducted in support of the Department of Defense’s CBRN Response Enterprise, which is comprised of both a state/National Guard contingent and a federal military contingent that provide lifesaving capabilities in the event of a CBRN event in the United States. The federal CBRN response forces join state/regional forces, National Guardsmen in support of this effort. Those forces include: - The Defense CBRN Response Force comprised of 5,200 primarily active-duty personnel providing search and extraction, decontamination, medical treatment, and ground and air medical and casualty evacuation. - Two Command/Control CBRN Response Elements - each comprised of 1,500 Reserve and National Guardsmen providing the C2 core and DCRF structure with a small technical support (search and extraction, mass decontamination and medical triage) capability.
The Gas Chamber at the Charles V. Main Training Facility in Frederick, Md. was used by the Soldiers of the Alpha and Bravo Company from the 53rd Signal Battalion. The Battalion held a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear training exercise at the facility in June. Photo by 53rd Signal Battalion PAO The nation’s largest CBRN exercise, Vibrant Response, is executed annually and is being held July 31 - August 19. Vibrant Response tests key leaders, staffs, and units on key aspects of civil support missions and fully trains task forces in a high-tempo, simulated environment to confirm operational capability. For the 53rd Signal Battalion’s exercise, Staff Sgt. John Mitchell and Sgt. Corey McCormick provided training on proper procedures used in a CBRN attack scenario, decontamination, vapor testing, and equipment training.
Soldiers from the Alpha and Bravo Company from the 53rd Signal Battalion participate in a CBRN training exercise to the test their operational readiness and capabilities. Exercises included proper procedures during a CBRN attack, decontamination, vapor testing, and equipment training. Photos by 53rd Signal Battalion PAO
Julie Brown, from the Education Section of the Natural Resource Police, and Dallas Jones, USAMMA, demonstrate the importance of sobriety during summer activities. Photo Courtesy of USAG VI
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
The Few, the Proud, the U.S. Public Health Service: “Protect, Promote, and Advance the Health and Safety of Our Nation” BY THE CDMRP PHS OFFICERS Although a U.S. Army post, Fort Detrick is no stranger to Air Force, Marines and Navy personnel but one service you may not recognize is the U.S. Public Health Service. Officers in the PHS are assigned throughout Fort Detrick at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, the Barquist Army Health Clinic, the National Center for Medical Intelligence, and the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, just to name a few locations. Overseen by the U.S. Surgeon General, the PHS is a cadre of more than 6,500 public health professionals. These officers fill essential public health leadership and clinical service roles within the Nation’s Federal Government Departments and agencies. Such agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services include the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Indian Health Service, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, among other organizations. Officers are also assigned outside of HHS in agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, White House National Security Staff, and the Department of Homeland Security. Unlike the other services, which have dental, medical, and nurse corps, for example, the PHS is so small that it is divided into 12 categories of physicians, dentists,
behavioral health, clinical and rehabilitation therapists, dietitians, engineers, environmental health, health services, nurses, pharmacists, scientists, and veterinarians. For more than 200 years, the PHS has been our Nation’s frontline protecting against the spread of disease from sailors returning from foreign ports, maintaining the health of immigrants entering the country, and supporting communities affected by natural and manmade disasters. The Corps’ response to the health threats posed by Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Hurricane Sandy, and the bombings in Boston, underscores the value to our Nation of having a multidisciplinary and quickly mobilized cadre of medical professionals. Corps officers are involved in disease control and prevention, biomedical research, regulation of food and drugs, mental health and drug abuse, and health care delivery. According the Commissioned Corps Management System, there are 282 officers assigned to the Department of Defense on various installations and agencies. Many of these officers fall under a memorandum of agreement that established the initiative known as the DoD-PHS Partners in Mental Health: Supporting our Service Members and their Families. The PHS mental health providers are detailed to military treatment facilities to treat service members
who are returning from overseas deployment, as well as retirees and family members. At Fort Detrick, there are four PHS officers assigned to the CDMRP. Capt. Leigh Sawyer is a veterinarian, Capt. Angela Martinelli and Cmdr. Alexis Mosquera are nurses, and Cmdr. Mark Clayton is a scientist. Their primary duty at CDMRP is to serve as Science Officers by managing grant portfolios for a variety of research programs. Using their scientific training and expertise, they work with principle research investigators and various U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command agencies to facilitate processes integral to the successful execution of research awards. From providing technical review assistance to the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity during pre-award negotiations to reviewing annual technical progress reports, Science Officers play an integral part in helping to assist funded investigators with meeting their intended research goals. Both Sawyer and Mosquera are new to the CDMRP, but each comes with vast experience from within and outside HHS. Prior to joining the CDMRP, she served as the BioWatch Public Health and Preparedness Director, in the Office of Health Affairs, DHS. Sawyer is serving in the Multiple Sclerosis Research Program and holds a varied portfolio of research projects that are relevant to the
Letter to the Editor
Public Health Service Officers serving the office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs at Fort Detrick include (left to right): Cmdr. Alexis Mosquera, Capt. Angela Martinelli, Capt. Leigh Sawyer, and Cmdr. Mark Clayton.
Photo by CDMRP public affairs
prevention, etiology, pathogenesis, assessment, and treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. Before joining CDMRP, Mosquera was an epidemiologist at the FDA. At the CDMRP, she is serving in the Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program. This program supports research across the full range of science and medicine, with an underlying goal of enhancing the health and well-being of uniformed service personnel, their families, and the veteran population. Mosquera has participated in numerous national and international deployments
with the PHS as well as with other non-governmental organizations. Martinelli’s portfolio includes studies in the Defense Medical Research and Development, Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury and Lung Cancer programs. Examples of studies within her portfolio include the Detection of Early Lung Cancer among Military Personnel, Transitioning the Defense Automated Neurobehavioral Assessment to Operational Use, and A Medical Center Network for Optimized Lung Cancer BiospeciSee HEALTH, continued on page 10
The Colors of Suffrage
Thank you for a successful Dress for Success Event. I’m glad to say that the “Dress for Success: Suits of Giving” was a success. Every client left with at least 1, if not more, well fitted suit/dress for their interviews. We had 35 attendees: spouses, family members, retirees, transitioning active duty, and local sponsors. All remaining suits are available for purchase at the Fort Detrick Thrift Shop. Keep in mind that you can always find good deals at other local thrift stores as well. There is a Goodwill store on Willowdale Drive off of Route 40, one in Buckeyestown, and the Hagerstown store has 1/2 off deals for selected colors/days. Also, downtown off of Market Street is the Select Seconds Hospital Thrift Store, which has a lot of great clothes. I shop at these places often! Thanks to: The Callos Companies and Frederick Radiology for sponsoring our catering; A Tasty Nosh for the delicious appetizers and great service; Balfour Beatty Communities for providing space to host the event and drinks; Horizon Goodwill Industries, Select Seconds Hospital Thrift Shop, Daughters of the American Revolution, Fort Detrick Thrift Shop, City of Refuge Christian Church of Western Maryland, Blue Sky Farm, and the Callos Companies for providing business attire; Frederick County Workforce Services for spreading the word, helping with staffing and all of their hard work in assisting our transitioning and retired veterans with employment; Randy Miller, Move on Today 2, and Cathi Fleming, Horizon Goodwill Industries, for providing great presentations on Dressing for the Interview. And lastly, thanks to the staff of the Sustaining Base Network Assurance Branch, U.S. Army Research Laboratory who donated gift certificates for three brand new Jos.A. Bank suits as door prizes, and a spa gift card for the ladies from an anonymous sponsor. In June, we had 6 active duty family members who became gainfully employed. These opportunities were in retail, healthcare and here at Fort Detrick. CONGRATULATIONS everyone! Shaleena Thomasson Employment Readiness Specialist Army Community Service
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Photo courtesy of Division of Political History, Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History
Symbols are important for visual recognition. These were even more important in the time before modern communication, such as today’s social media. It was common to decorate local suffrage headquarters in yellow and gold between 1910 and 1920, which coincided with a major push for securing the right to vote for women. The “Golden Lane” demonstration, staged by the National American Woman Suffrage Association during the 1916 Democratic Convention in St. Louis, is a prime example of the use of symbolic color to draw attention to the fight for Women’s Equality. Gold, “God’s own primal color, purity and light,” was associated with the Women’s Suffrage movement in America as early as 1887. Purple, white and green, which represented loyalty, purity and hope, respectively, were adapted by Harriot Stanton Blatch and others who took part in the radical suffrage movement in England. Come and join us in “Celebrating Women’s Right to Vote” on August 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fort Detrick Community Activities Center to learn more!
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
On Guard Against Traumatic Brain Injuries BY BOB REINERT USAG-NATICK PAO
They tend to be older, more experienced, and more likely to have families, but deployed members of the National Guard share something in common with their active-duty brothers and sisters -- the likelihood of suffering from traumatic brain injuries. Like other U.S. service members, Guard members take the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics, or ANAM, test before deployments. “It provides a baseline of sorts,” said Dr. Kristin Heaton, a neuropsychologist at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Natick Soldier System Center. “Then if there’s an incident in theater -- an injury or a blast exposure or something like that -- we can look for changes in these scores as markers of possible injury.” What’s missing is a reference data set specific to the National Guard so that its members may be compared to their peers. Heaton and other USARIEM researchers aim to correct that by collecting data from a total of 3,000 Guard members from eight states, three different age groups, males and females, in combat support and combat arms units. What’s missing is a reference data set specific to the National Guard so that its members may be compared to their peers. Heaton and other USARIEM researchers aim to correct that by collecting data from a total of 3,000 Guard members from eight states, three different age groups, males
and females, in combat support and combat arms units. “We’ve been in active data collection now for a while,” said Heaton, adding that the process will be complete in December. “We’re aiming for a diverse geographic representation. Having a meaningful, representative data set like this could be really helpful for interpreting scores, both before and after injuries.” Why is it important to differentiate the National Guard from other service groups when it comes to traumatic brain injury, known as TBI? “In many respects, they represent a different demographic of Soldier,” Heaton said. “For example, they tend to be older, have families and children, and have dual careers. There is some evidence in the literature that they may respond to deployments, both during and after, somewhat differently than their active-duty counterparts, all of which may impact not just the Soldier, but his or her family, as well.” Heaton said that in the past, most TBI research had been on active-duty service members. The National Guard recently has become more of a focus. “Being able to better understand [National Guard service members’] unique situation and how deployments have affected them, both in the positive and perhaps not-so-positive ways, is an important area of research that really hasn’t been well developed,” Heaton explained. Heaton said she hopes to publish a study containing the results soon after data collection ends. Her team will also provide the resulting data to the National Guard Bureau and the participating states directly.
“They’ve been extremely supportive, and I think they definitely understand the relevance of what we’re doing and why,” Heaton said. “We really do want to be able to get data into their hands that they can use and that would be meaningful and relevant to them, as quickly as we can.” Just what the data will show, Heaton can’t accurately predict. “They’re going to perform probably very similar to the rest of the population,” Heaton said. “But we do feel, given that they are a unique cohort within the military, the reference data would reflect their unique demographics.” Heaton pointed out that National Guard leadership has great interest in the health and welfare of their personnel. “They’re very focused on their Soldiers, not just when they have them on drill weekends, but also when they go back home and return to their civilian jobs and re-integrate to their home life situations,” Heaton explained. “They’re extremely interested and eager to know more and to have information that they can then use to help their Soldiers. They have been quite welcoming of this work.” This is the latest in an impressive number of TBI studies done by Heaton and other USARIEM researchers. “Much of our work to date has been focused on developing and validating measures of cognitive performance as ways of assessing traumatic brain injury -- concussion, in particular,” said Heaton, who added that the goal is “to provide more efficient, more effective and relatively fieldable tools
Dr. Kristin Heaton, a neuropsychologist at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, is working with other USARIEM researchers to collect data from 3,000 National Guard Soldiers from eight states to provide a traumatic brain injury baseline.
for use by leadership, by medical command, to screen for concussion.” According to Heaton, TBI research is far ahead of where it stood several years ago. She said she wants to see that momentum continue. “Traumatic brain injuries don’t go away just because the war ends,” Heaton said. “The effects of these injuries are going to remain with the Soldiers who have sustained them, and a good number of head injuries and concussions occur during training and during off-duty activities. So this is going to be an enduring problem.”
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Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Attractant or No Attractant? That is the Question for Researchers at Forest Glen Annex BY LANESSA HILL USAG PAO
Trapping mosquitoes will soon be the focus for some researchers at the Forest Glen Annex. Researchers from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Vector Control Department will be placing multiple mosquito traps around the installation to determine species and count the numbers collected. The U.S. Army already uses these approved traps, which will be lit during the evenings and hung from trees. According to George Peck, Entomology Branch at WRAIR, some traps will have an approved attractant added while others will not. The study will allow Peck and others to compare the numbers collected by traps with attractants and without. Testing will occur July through October 2013, weeknights and once to twice weekly. The Entomology Branch is in the Department of Vector Control. This branch develops and tests vector control products to include vector (mosquitoes) traps, vector repellents, vector attractants, and other vector control methods.
HEALTH, continued from page 8
men Banking. In addition, she is the program manager for the Defense Heath Affairs Clinical Research Initiative, Intramural Investigator-Initiated Research Program. Martinelli continues to practice at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and with Operating Smile International. Clayton, a PHS scientist, currently serves as the Deputy Director for Grants Management at the CDMRP. As DDGM, Clayton provides management oversight of over 3000 active awards, acts as the CDMRP’s liaison to other organizations within the USAMRMC, and maintains a grant portfolio of over $47 million. He is also a member of the PHS Rapid Deployment Force Team #2, serving within the Admin/Finance section and was deployed during Hurricane Sandy. Prior to joining
From July to October, employees may notice these mosquito traps around the Forest Glen Annex. They are being hung from trees as part of a research effort at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
Courtesy Photo
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
the CDMRP, he was detailed to the Indoor Environments Division within the Environmental Protection Agency as a chemist. Clayton served 11 years in the Army as an Environmental Science Officer, has held academic positions, and has worked at General Electric Appliances as an analytical chemist. These officers have been warmly welcomed and quickly integrated into the DoD team. Col. Jeffrey Leggit, CDMRP director, recently described the CDMRP PHS officers. “The PHS Officers detailed to the CDMRP are some of the most professional and competent individuals I have ever had the pleasure to work with,” said Leggit. “They have become invaluable members of the team, and embody the Army Medicine motto, ‘Serving to Heal - Honored to Serve.’” For more information on USPHS, visit http://www.usphs.gov/, and for the CDMRP, visit http://cdmrp.army.mil/.
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Fort Detrick Standard July 26, 2013
Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development