Standard 090613

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Vol. 30, No. 18

September 6, 2013

World Leader Hotline at Fort Detrick Commemorates 50 Years BY LANESSA HILL


On Aug. 29, Fort Detrick hosted a 50-year commemoration of the Direct Communications Link, more widely known as the Washington-Moscow Hotline at the Community Activities Center. The link was first established by the U.S. and Soviet governments via undersea cable in August 1963, in the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the early 1970s, an agreement was signed to utilize satellite communications in the “Hotline” system and a special earth station was built at Fort Detrick to operate over the Russian satellite system. After an extended test period in August of 1978, the Detrick Earth Station became part of the “Hotline” system. The communications channels provided by the Detrick Earth Station have the highest visibility in both the U.S. and Russian governments. In addition to the Direct Communication Link between the American and Russian presidents, the Detrick Earth Station provides communication links with the Russian Federation in support of the State Department’s Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, a special link connecting the U.S. Secretary of State with their counterpart in Moscow, as well as circuits for the White House Communications Agency, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. “The system is very robust, as you might imagine,” said Craig Bouma, civilian executive officer of the Detrick Earth Station. Workers at Detrick have daily interactions with their

Mr. Roald Sagdeev, former director of the Soviet Space exploration program (left) and Mr. Jack Foust Matlock Jr., former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union (center) served as guest speakers at the 50th anniversary of the Direct Communications Link celebration held at Fort Detrick on Aug. 29. Mr. George Sevich (right), station manager with the 298th Signal Company, 21st Signal Brigade presents Matlock with a token of appreciation for his service to the Nation and his work with the Direct Communications Link. Russian counterparts via electronic exchanges. The celebration brought two distinguished speakers who shared their experiences in the Soviet Union and the importance of communication. The first speaker, Jack Foust Matlock, Jr. was a specialist in Soviet affairs during some of the most tumultuous years of the Cold War, and served as the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1991. His 35-year-career encompassed much of the Cold War period between the Soviet Union and the United States. His first as-

signment to Moscow was in 1961, and it was from the embassy there that he experienced the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, helping to translate diplomatic messages between the leaders. Roald Sagdeev spoke next about his time as a former director of the Soviet Space exploration program and now a professor of physics at the University of Maryland. The next crisis could be just around the corner, said Roald Sagdeev. “It’s very important to make sure we can keep this, especially at the time of what’s happening in Syria,” he warned.

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USAMMA Civilian Earns Commander’s Award, p. 4

Collaboration Key to Burn Innovation, p. 5

Ebola Treatment Protects Primates, p. 7


“What Can You Do in 76 Seconds?” BY COMMAND SGT. MAJ. RICHARD D. JESSUP Beginning in October, traffic at the Porter Street light and the Old Farm Gate will stop to pay respect to the United States Flag during the afternoon retreat. Our lives have become so fast paced that we often neglect to take one minute of our day to sit back, breathe, be thankful for what is around us, and pay tribute to those before us. This new action will allow each of us to reflect and pay respect to the great country we call home and say thank you to all that served and continue to serve. A lot can happen in over a minute. In 76 seconds we can kiss and hug our family before leaving home. Most of us can reply to an e-mail or text message, or even show a cashier our military or dependent ID at the Post Exchange in that time. We should also take the time to tell a veteran “thank you for your service.” Every day in less than 76 seconds Reveille and Retreat to honor our American Flag occurs. Once at 6 a.m., for 20 seconds, and later, at 4:30 p.m., for 56

seconds. Now you may say to yourself, “wow, only 76 seconds to pay tribute to all the sacrifices our service members, veterans, civilians and family members have made and are continuing to make; what can I do to show my respect and appreciation?” Well, during Reveille and Retreat bugle calls, civilian personnel should stand at attention, face the flag or music, and place their right hand over their hearts. Vehicular traffic should stop and the driver of the vehicle should exit and stand at attention until the flag is raised or lowered or the music ends. All passengers should turn down radios and remain silent. If walking, stop and render honors for those 20 or 56 seconds. All military personnel in uniform must come to attention and salute in the direction of the flag until it is raised or lowered or the music ends. Let’s not continue to shun our duty to join the warriors who stand so proud to fight for the right for our nation’s flag to wave. I ask you to stand with me and proudly give those 76 seconds to remember all of the Americans who have given their lives for our nation’s flag. Aren’t they worth 76 seconds?

USAG Employee of the Quarter Nominations USAG Employee of the Quarter Nominations are now being accepted for July-September. Nominations may be submitted by e-mail, hard copy or fax no later than October 11. For more information on the nominating process and instructions for submission please call (301) 619-2857.

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Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Command Staff

Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr. Commanding general, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick

Col. Steven P. Middlecamp U.S. Army Garrison commander

Editorial Staff PAO Staff

Army Medical Program Prepares to Upgrade EMR System BY MC4 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4), the current Army electronic medical record (EMR) system, is in the final stages of preparation for a major upgrade that will better support all EMR users, Soldiers and veterans whose care is electronically documented. Testing of the updated MC4 EMR system for fielding concluded in June. The next iteration of the MC4 software suite, known as EMR, will also include an operating system upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 and in conjunction with the new EMR, significant enhancements for medical logistics (MEDLOG). MC4 customers will receive the new suite during system fielding scheduled from November 2013 through April 2014. All customer support will continue during and beyond fielding. MC4 captures health information for Soldiers when they receive care in garrison and downrange. The system data helps ensure that Soldiers have a secure, accessible and lifelong EMR, resulting in easier access to medical benefits, peace of mind and better informed health care. MC4 is more than an EMR system. It offers commanders the ability to assess unit readiness with injury and trauma data and also provides tools for automating medical logistics. EMR Improvements The most significant change MC4 customers will notice is a new operating sys-

tem with an upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7, per Army requirements. EMR will replace Micromedex, a medical reference application, with Lexicomp(r). Additionally, a graphical user-interface for the Theater Medical Information Program Composite Health Care System Cache, better known as TC2, is anticipated in the new release. TC2 Provider Order Entry (POE) will notably improve the medical staff’s experience ordering ancillary services. Other significant changes involve distribution of a new version of the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) Customer Assistance Module (DCAM) 1.4.7, which will aid in streamlining medical logistics functions. In compliance with Department of Defense requirements, EMR will require Public Key Infrastructure - Enterprise (PKIE) certificates for each MC4 system. While these changes will result in a new business process for deploying units, PKI-E will enhance security and assure users they are communicating with trustworthy systems. Prior to receiving the MC4 suite upgrade, MC4 users must obtain PKI-E certificates for their systems or the EMR system will not work. “It’s imperative that customers are proactive and begin the process of applying for PKI-E certificates as soon as possible,” said MC4 Product Manager LTC Danny J. Morton. “We have limited resources to assist units with the upgrade. If they aren’t able to secure what they need when we come to upgrade their systems, we will not

be able to support them until they receive the certificates.” The Preparation In preparation for releasing EMR, MC4 completed a system acceptance test (SAT) and multi-service operational test and evaluation (MOT&E) to evaluate how well the new suite would function in the field. Soldiers whose expertise is point-ofinjury, medical logistics and inpatient and outpatient documentation participated in the tests. User feedback was vital to the EMR update because of the unique perspective and experience they have from using MC4 or other EMR systems in the past. “The purpose of all this pre-deployment testing is to minimize the impact of any potential setbacks Soldiers may experience when they receive the update,” said Gail Wolcott, MC4’s test director. “Detecting as many issues as possible during these test events and correcting them before fielding the update is our number one priority.” Soldiers worked through realistic scenarios with notional patient information as they used the MC4 system to document patient care. During the MOT&E, MC4 shared this information with the Air Force during the Air Force Medical Evaluation Support Activity’s (AFMESA) EMR evaluation. This data was shared in an effort to make test scenarios as realistic as possible to better detect and address system deficiencies. Soldiers were successful in identifying areas that needed improvement, including patient safety as it relates to allergies and

medication history. MC4 staff coordinated with the Deployment & Readiness Systems (D&RS) Program Management Office of the Defense Health Care System (DHCS), formerly Defense Health Information Management System (DHIMS), to resolve many of the issues that were identified during testing. MC4 coordinates issue resolution with D&RS, the software developer who designs applications to capture, manage and share data on the battlefield, in garrison and Veterans Affairs treatment facilities. The MC4 EMR suite is comprised of software from D&RS. “D&RS has really taken the time, worked really hard and really gone over and above what’s expected of them,” Wolcott said. “They’ve done a superior job transitioning knowledge to us and have really taken to heart improving user experience on MC4 systems.” With this iteration of the EMR system, the product manager hopes to draw new users to MC4, as well as encourage experienced users to embrace the changes rolling out this fall. “I’m very pleased with improvements to the EMR system that MC4 and D&RS staff have coordinated on behalf of the Soldier,” said Morton. “These changes demonstrate the program’s focus on advancing technology and will ease a provider’s ability to document care, enhance continuity of care for Soldiers from the battlefield back home and improve security of MC4 systems that contain vital medical logistics information and patient data.”

StayingSafeonSocialNeworkSites BY GEORGE ROPER


As social networking becomes an integral part of our everyday lives, there are security risks that users should be aware of so they can take proper precautions. Whether you are using social media for social or business purposes, the fundamental idea behind the networking is to meet and connect to people you already know. Social networking sites rely on connections and communication, and encourage you to provide a certain amount of personal information. When deciding how much information to reveal many people may not exercise the same amount of caution as they would when meeting someone in person because: - the internet provides a sense of anonymity - the lack of physical interaction provides a false sense of security - they tailor the information for their friends to read, forgetting that others may see it - they want to offer insights to impress potential friends or associates While the majority of people using these sites do not pose a threat, malicious people may be drawn to them because of the accessibility and the amount of personal information that is available. It is important to remember that the more information people have about you, the easier it is for them to take advantage of you. Predators may form relationships online and then convince unsuspecting individuals to meet them in person, leading them into a dangerous situation. Using information that you provide on social media such as your location, hobbies, interests and friends, can allow a person can impersonate a trusted friend or convince you that they have the authority to access other personal or financial data. How can you protect yourself? - Limit the amount of personal information you post. Do not post any information that would make you vulnerable, such as your address or information about your schedule or routine. If your connections post information about you, make sure the combined Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

information is not more than you would be comfortable with strangers knowing. Also be considerate when posting information, including photos about your connections. - Remember that the internet is a public resource. Only post information you are comfortable with ANYONE seeing. Once you post online, you can’t retract it. Even if you remove the information from a site, saved or cached versions may still exist on other people’s machines. - Be skeptical! Social network sites are full of useful business information, as well as substantial amounts of useless information. People may post false or misleading information about various topics, including their own identities. Treat anything you see online (stock tips, advance news, personal gossip, etc.) with a high degree of skepticism. Take appropriate precautions and try to verify the authenticity of any information before taking action. - Evaluate your settings. Take advantage of a site’s privacy settings. The default settings for some sites may allow anyone to see your profile, but you can customize your settings to restrict access to only certain people. Sites may change their options periodically, so review your security and privacy settings regularly to make sure that your choices are still appropriate. - Use strong passwords. Protect your account with passwords that cannot easily be guessed. If your password is compromised, someone else may be able to access your account and pretend to be you. - Check privacy policies. Some sites may share information such as email addresses or user preferences with other companies. This may lead to an increase in spam. Try to locate the policy for handling referrals to make sure that you do not unintentionally sign your friends up for spam. For more information see Socializing Securely: Using Social Networking Services at safe_social_networking.pdf or contact the Fort Detrick/Forest Glen Antiterrorism Office at (301) 619-3446 or 0329. Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013


USAMMA Civilian Earns Commander’s Award

U.S. Army Medical Materiel Command’s Force Projection Directorate Deputy Director Linda S. Foltz earned the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service. USAMMA Commander Col. Alex Lopez-Duke presented the award during a ceremony Aug. 28. USAMMA is one of 12 subcommands of USAMRMC. USAMMA’s mission is to develop, acquire, provide, and sustain world class solutions and capabilities to enable medical readiness globally. Photo by Ellen Crown, USAMRMC PAO 01040789




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Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Collaboration Key to Burn Innovation BY STEVEN GALVAN


“We’re on the verge of having a new day-to-day world in burn surgery.” Those were the words used by expert Dr. James H. Holmes IV, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center’s Burn Center’s director, at the 2013 Military Health System Research Symposium Aug. 15 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., as he discussed the state of health care for our country’s burn patients. Holmes was describing two emerging procedures -- both related to skin care -- which he believes will revolutionize burn care. Holmes shared his thoughts during a roundtable discussion with medical experts from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, including U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Director of Research David G. Baer, Ph.D; Director of the Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine Program Army Col. (Dr.) John Scherer; and Deputy Director of the Combat Casualty Care Research Program Air Force Col. (Dr.) Todd Rasmussen. Traditional treatment for skin care on burn patients has been to use autographs, which mean taking healthy skin from another part of the body to use at the damaged location. Issues arise when a patient has a large burned area. Also, if

more skin needs to be harvested, the donor site must completely heal before it can be re-harvested. This can leave a patient vulnerable to infection and other complications. Another option is to temporarily use grafts from cadavers or artificial skin, which could lead to other complications such as the body rejecting it. “We’ve invested heavily in ways to engineer and grow skin that can be collected from a small patch between the size of a quarter and a silver dollar, processed and grown in a lab and then returned to the patient,” explained Baer. “So a very small donor site can be used to treat a large area.” Baer said they are also exploring “spray on” skin. Holmes credits the advancements in burn care and regenerative medicine to the direct support and collaboration of the military and funding by the Department of Defense. “We’ve done a lot to improve burn surgical care,” said Scherer. “We are in this business to change the practice of medicine and make the lives of not only those in the military, but those outside the military better.” “We could not have gotten this far without it,” said Holmes. Baer agreed, “Collaboration is the secret to innovating in this area.”

Harvested skin requires cell segregation before being suspended in a solution that is sprayed on a wound where it multiplies and creates new skin tissue.

U.S. Army photo

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Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013


USAMMA ‘Unfurls the Flag’ to Malaria Vaccine Found Reveal New Command Colors Safe and Protective BY ELLEN CROWN


BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH A candidate malaria vaccine is safe and protects against infection in adults, according to the results of an early-stage clinical trial. Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world and an enormous public health problem. It kills hundreds of thousands of people each year, most of them young children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, there is no effective malaria vaccine. Anopheles funestus, a malaria-transmitMalaria is caused by the Plasmodium ting mosquito. parasite. Infection occurs when a person is bitten by a mosquito harboring 1 of 4 speImage by James Gathany, Dr. Frank Collins, University of Notre Dame, courtesy of CDC cies of Plasmodium. The PfSPZ Vaccine, developed by scientists at Sanaria Inc., is composed of a live Research and the Naval Medical Research but weakened version of Plasmodium fal- Center. Participants were exposed to 5 bites ciparum, the most deadly malaria-causing by P. falciparum-infected mosquitoes 3 parasite. The parasites are weakened by weeks after vaccination. They were then exposing them to radiation when they’re in monitored for 7 days and tested for infecthe infective stage of development, called tion. Those who were diagnosed with masporozoites. For many years, it wasn’t pos- laria were treated with anti-malarial drugs sible to purify these sporozoites from the and cured. mosquito. But scientists recently figured out The researchers found that only 3 of the how to isolate the weakened sporozoites so 15 who received the highest doses of the that they can be given in an injected vaccine. vaccine became infected from the mosquito A Phase I trial of the PfSPZ Vaccine took bites. Of the 6 participants who received all place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethes- 5 injections using this highest dose, none da, Maryland. Led by Dr. Robert A. Seder were infected. In contrast, 16 of 17 particiat the Vaccine Research Center of NIH’s pants in the lower dosage group and 11 of 12 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious who received no vaccine became infected. Diseases (NIAID), researchers enrolled 57 “Scientists and health care providers healthy adults, ages 18-45, with no previous have made significant gains in characterizmalaria infection. ing, treating and preventing malaria; howForty participants received the PfSPZ ever, a vaccine has remained an elusive Vaccine and 17 didn’t. The vaccine recipigoal. We are encouraged by this important ents were split into different dosage groups. step forward,” says NIAID Director Dr. AnEach group received 2-6 intravenous inthony S. Fauci. jections of increasing doses given 4 weeks Several follow-up studies are now apart. The results appeared online in Sciplanned. They include exploring how long ence on August 8, 2013. After vaccination, participants were protection lasts and whether the vaccine monitored closely for 7 days. No severe side could protect against other strains of P. effects or malaria infections developed. falciparum. Among the future challenges Those who received a higher total dosage is that this vaccine must be injected intraof the vaccine had a greater immune sys- venously-a rare delivery route for vaccinesand stored in liquid nitrogen. This would retem response. To evaluate the protection provided by quire new infrastructure, especially in rural the PfSPZ Vaccine, the scientists collabo- developing regions where the vaccine would rated with the Walter Reed Army Institute of be most needed.

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Command revealed their new official command flag Aug. 28. Leadership organized a traditional flag unfurling to distinguish the event, recognized as “historical” because, in its 70-year existence, USAMMA has not had its own command flag. “The flag is what has long been used on the battlefield by soldiers as a way to recognize their units,” said USAMMA Commander Col. Alex Lopez-Duke, as he spoke at the ceremony. “Today, as we unfurl our new flag, we also honor the people of this command, including our active-duty military, civilians, and contractors. This flag is

the symbol of our command but our team of incredible people is its lifeblood.” USAMMA is one of 12 subcommands of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, the Army’s medical materiel developer that focuses on medical research, development and acquisition, and medical logistics management. USAMMA’s mission is to develop, acquire, provide, and sustain world class solutions and capabilities to enable medical readiness globally. Accordingly, the USAMMA’s principal skills focus on materiel and technology lifecycle management; equipping, sustaining, maintaining and modernizing the medical force (Active, Guard, and Reserve); supporting exercises and contingency operations; and providing acquisition project management expertise.

Darlene Lindsey, a USAMMA staff member with almost 40 years of service, and Sgt. Maj. Leo Anderson unfurl the command’s new flag in a ceremony on Aug. 28.

Photo by Ellen Crown, USAMRMC PAO

Recognize the Signs of Suicide to Save a Life


“What? Are you serious? So-and-so tried to kill himself?” Unfortunately, at some time in your life, you may have heard these questions spoken in your circle of friends. Suicide is real. Most of us know someone whose life has been affected by suicidal behavior (a completed suicide or a suicide attempt), and the pain and stress of the suicidal behavior spreads like a ripple to family, battle buddies, friends and co-workers. All of those individuals--including you--who could be impacted by suicidal behavior can help to recognize risk factors and stressors and act to increase the chances of saving a life. There is not one single factor or set of factors that indicate a person is thinking about suicide. Sometimes, we can look back


Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013

at an incident of suicidal behavior and say, “Wow, we should’ve seen that coming,” but other times, the behavior seems to happen out-of-the-blue. Noticing the signs and risk factors of suicidal behavior is not always easy. Risk factors for suicide vary from person to person and change over time in the same person. An individual can have one or multiple risk factors contributing to a suicidal behavior. Some of these risk factors include: 1. Relationship Problems If someone has an argument with his significant other, it does not necessarily mean that he is going to hurt himself. However, relationship problems such as the death of a loved one or friend, break-ups and divorces are very stressful and can be associated with suicidal behavior. 2. Substance Use and Abuse Alcohol and drugs are often abused in a misguided attempt to help cope with life

Courtesy photo

stress. A sudden increase in substance use can signal a problem. Drug and alcohol use can increase the likelihood of risky behaviors, such as being careless or impulsive with weapons, which are associated with completed suicides. 3. Life Stressors Getting in trouble on the job, having civilian or military legal problems, and deal-

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

ing with money issues or health problems are both mentally and physically exhausting. Difficulty sleeping can add to the stress. Life stressors alone or coupled with other risk factors can lead to suicidal behaviors. 4. Behavioral Health Issues Stress can lead to behavioral health problems such as depression, anxiety and adjustment issues. For some individuals, a terrifying event may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Individuals who are feeling depressed or anxious might withdraw from social support, making it more difficult for them to deal with everyday stress. When a person is alone, he may begin to isolate from people making it more difficult for family, battle buddies, friends and coworkers to see that he or she is struggling. Without support from people who care, individuals can feel hopeless about the future See SUICIDE, continued on page 8


The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), in collaboration with Veteran’s Affairs Office of Research and Development, will support two new multi-institutional consortia focused on translational and clinical research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic effects of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). These collaborative five-year efforts are the Consortium to Alleviate PTSD (CAP) and the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC). Both consortia are part of the National Research Action Plan for Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Families. The CAP and CENC will be composed of multiple organizations, including academia, Veterans Affairs (VA), and military research and treatment facilities. Efforts

will leverage existing resources and knowledge gained through DoD and VA infrastructure and research investments, as well as public and private academia and industry to advance highly translational PTSD and TBI research. The CDMRP will work collaboratively with the VA to provide administrative and technical research management with strategic guidance from each consortium’s government steering committee. “The CDMRP is well positioned to support CAP and CENC, having assisted with military consortia research in multi-institutional settings in psychological health and traumatic brain injury since 2008,” said Col. Jeff Leggit, director of CDMRP. “The teams are dedicated to the success of the consortia research projects to bring innovative, evidenced-based practice forward to improve the care of service members.” University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Division of Behavioral Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry Chief Dr. Alan Peterson will serve as the principal investigator and director of the CAP award. The principal VA

collaboration is led by consortium co-director, Dr. Terence Keane of the VA Boston Healthcare System, the National Center for PTSD, and Boston University. Keane will provide VA leadership within the CAP Consortium and help design studies that address the needs of veterans. This effort will be focused on developing the most effective diagnostic, prognostic, novel treatment, and rehabilitative strategies to treat acute PTSD and prevent chronic PTSD. A significant focus of the CAP will be a research effort to identify and confirm clinically relevant biomarkers for PTSD and co-occurring disorders. Virginia Commonwealth University Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department Chairman Dr. David Cifu will serve as the principal investigator and director of the CENC award. Cifu is also the National Director for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for the VA. Consortium co-investigator Dr. Ramon DiazArrastia of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center will provide access to critical military populations for studies of mTBI and the

The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), in collaboration with Veteran’s Affairs Office of Research and Development, will support two new multi-institutional consortia focused on translational and clinical research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic effects of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Army image many diseases associated with combat duty. Veterans will be recruited to the studies through a number of VA medical centers nationwide. This collaborative effort focuses on examining the factors that influence the chronic effects of mTBI and common comorbidities in order to develop improved

diagnostic and treatment options. One area of critical understanding is to establish the relationship between mTBI and neurodegenerative disease. For more information, visit sites/default/files/uploads/nrap_ fact_sheet_082013.pdf

Experimental Ebola Treatment Protects Some Primates Even After Disease Symptoms Appear


Army scientists have successfully treated the deadly Ebola virus in infected animals following onset of disease symptoms, according to a report published online Aug. 21 in Science Translational Medicine. The results show promise for developing therapies against the virus, which causes hemorrhagic fever with human case fatality rates as high as 90 percent. According to first author James Pettitt of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Md., the research team previously demonstrated that the treatment-known as MB-003-protected 100 percent of non-human primates when given one hour after Ebola exposure. Two-thirds of the animals were protected when treated 48 hours after exposure. In the current study, 43 percent of infected non-human primates recovered after receiving the treatment intravenously 104 to 120 hours after infection. The experimental design differed significantly from the team’s earlier work-this time, infected animals were not treated until they developed measurable symptoms of disease. Ebola virus has been responsible for numerous deaths in Africa

over the past several years. In addition to being a global health concern, the virus also is considered a potential biological threat agent. “By requiring both a documentable fever and a positive diagnostic assay result for Ebola infection before initiating treatment in these animals, we were able to use MB003 as a true therapeutic countermeasure,” said senior author Gene Olinger, Ph.D., of USAMRIID. “These initial results push the threshold of MB-003 from postexposure prophylaxis to treating verified illness.” According to the scientists, Ebola virus replicates quickly to very high levels, thus overwhelming the host’s ability to fight off the infection. MB-003 is a “cocktail” of monoclonal antibodies that help bind to and inactivate the virus. In addition, said Pettitt, the antibodies recognize infected cells and trigger the immune system to kill them off. No side effects of the antibodies were observed in the surviving animals. MB-003 was developed through a decade-long collaborative effort between private industry and the U.S. government, with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).

“With no vaccines or therapeutics currently licensed to treat or prevent Ebola virus, MB-003 is a promising candidate for continued development,” said collaborator Larry Zeitlin, Ph.D., president of Mapp Biopharmaceutical in San Diego, Calif. MB-003 is manufactured in a plant-based system by Kentucky BioProcessing in Owensboro, Ky. According to Barry Bratcher, the company’s chief operating officer, the plant-based system allows for considerable efficacy while KBP’s automated facility keeps MB-003 cost-effective and cuts down on the production time required. “Our facility can produce these proteins in two weeks at a substantial reduction in cost to other production methods,” said Bratcher. “This advanced method of manufacturing allows us to address needs quickly and inexpensively.” Zeitlin said Mapp recently announced formation of a joint venture between LeafBio (Mapp’s commercialization arm) and Defyrus of Toronto, Canada, to consolidate their antibody programs. He said the relationship will streamline development of the most potent antifilovirus products. According to Zeitlin, the next step in the drug development process would be to more extensively test the safety of the antibodies in

Ebola virus research is conducted in maximum containment Biosafety Level 4, or BSL-4, laboratories, where investigators wear positive-pressure suits and breathe filtered air as they work. Here, scientists Gene Olinger (L) and James Pettit demonstrate BSL-4 laboratory procedures in BSL-4 training laboratory at US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick, MD. Sgt. Dereck Abbey, USAMRIID VIO animals. Once that is established, the safety of the antibodies would need to be assessed in human volunteers. Ultimately, a large efficacy study in non-human primates and a larger safety study in humans would be required for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensure of the product. USAMRIID’s mission is to protect the warfighter from biological threats and to be prepared to investigate disease outbreaks or threats to public health. Research

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

conducted at USAMRIID leads to medical solutions-vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and information-that benefit both military personnel and civilians. The Institute plays a key role as the lead military medical research laboratory for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense. USAMRIID is a subordinate laboratory of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013


Director of Army Safety visits USAARL John Ramiccio, right, chief, Flight Systems Branch, U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, briefs Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Edens, director of Army Safety and commanding general, U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center during a demonstration of the Tactile Situation Awareness System. During his visit to USAARL, Edens flew in a NUH60FS simulator and experienced first-hand the capabilities of the TSAS, a one-of-a-kind system developed to U.S. Army photo by Lori Yerdon enhance a pilot’s situational awareness and to prevent

spatial disorientation while flying. Individuals who fly with the TSAS are outfitted with vests that contain tactile simulators or tractors that help maintain pilot awareness of drift and altitude through non-visual means. Edens was also briefed on the laboratory’s sensory and injury prevention research. USAARL’s research, development, tests and evaluations aims to protect and sustain the performance of aviators and Soldiers in the operational environment.

Officer Candidate School Board

The next local Officer Candidate School board will convene at 8:30 a.m., Oct. 18 in Bldg 1520 Freedman Drive in the Medal Of Honor Conference Room #208E. Completed applications must be received at the Military Personnel Division by close of business Oct. 1. It is recommended that all applicants review MILPER MESSAGES #13180, #13-188 and AR 350-51. All packets must be processed through their S1 office first for review. The Military Personnel Division will not accept any packets directly from individual Soldiers, only through the S1’s. Points of contact for all packet submissions and questions: Mrs. Thomas at (301)619-3448/7311. michele.y.thomas@ SUICIDE, continued from page 6

and may not ask for help. Having one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean that a person is going to hurt himself. However, the risk factors described above have been shown to be associated with suicidal behavior. If we can all look for those factors and talk to the individual experiencing those stressors about how he is doing, together we can make a difference and improve the health and well-being of our family members, battle buddies, friends and co-workers. Counselors treat thousands of people for relationship problems, substance abuse, depression, PTSD and stress each year. Trained therapists are available at behavioral health clinics on post, in the civilian community and in Veterans Administration clinics. The best way to help prevent suicidal behavior is to pay attention to your loved ones, battle buddies, friends and coworkers and watch for changes in their behavior. Reach out to someone you trust in your organization or in your personal life. Remember ACE: Ask, Care, Escort. If you see changes, or if something just seems “off,” say something, ask him if he is thinking about hurting himself. Show him that you care. Take him to get help. Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Your actions could save a life. ACE Civilian Suicide Prevention Training Dates Fort Detrick All are held in building 1520. Sept. 10 2013, 9:00 10:30 a.m. Classroom 5 Sept. 16 2013, 1:30 2:30 p.m. Classroom 5 Sept. 25 2013, 2:00 3:30 p.m. Classroom 5 Sept. 30 2013, 2:00 3:30 p.m. Classroom 5 Forest Glen Sept. 4 please call number below for more information Military train the trainer Sept. 18, from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. At the Fort Detrick Chapel. Reservations are required. Classroom seating is limited for all classes to a first come first serve basis. POC (301) 619-9703



Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Fort Detrick Opens New ‘Green’ Emergency Services Center

Fort Detrick and USAG leadership joined by Maryland Congressman John Delaney cut a ribbon to signal the opening of the post’s new Emergency Services Center Aug. 28. Photo by Ellen Crown, USAMRMC PAO BY SHANNON BISHOP USAG PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Fort Detrick leadership hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony Aug. 28 for the post’s new Emergency Services Center. The 42,000-square-foot energy-efficient building is located centrally on post to allow first responders the ability to respond quickly to calls. Maryland Congressman John Delaney attended the opening ceremony and said, “This facility stands for the investment we would all like to see in Fort Detrick and what it offers to our nation.” The new center is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certified Silver. LEED certification was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council and is recog-

Whether it’s making an interception,

nized across the globe as the premier mark of achievement in green building. The certification is obtained through sustainable building materials, water efficiency, promoting indoor air quality, and energy efficiency, among other required prerequisites. The new center will be a joint workplace for about 35 police officers and 33 firefighters. “These are the men and women that protect Fort Detrick,” said Director of Emergency Services Ray Wharton during the ceremony held in the fire truck bays of the new building. As part of the ceremony, the directorate included the promotions of Fire Chief Brian Wheeler and Police Chief Stephen Brooks. Having enjoyed impressive careers, both officers said they were grateful and proud to have their families be a part of their promotions.

or intercepting your toddler...

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Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013



On Aug. 20, the 6th Medical Logistics Management Center hosted its initial Family Readiness Group Town Hall Meeting under the new commander, Col. Anthony R. Nesbitt. During the meeting, Nesbitt briefed the family members, spouses, and Soldiers on the new organizational structure, mission and vision statements, and key future events in order to inform and enforce open communication between the families and the unit. Incorporating FRG initiatives into the unit’s planning process provides Soldiers and their families with a better quality of life and increased readiness. Nesbitt emphasized the importance of family support to Soldiers by reiterating the Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno’s quote, “The strength of our nation is our Army; the strength of our Army is our Soldiers; the strength of our Soldiers is our families; and this is what makes us Army Strong.” He also stated that the FRG will play a critical role in setting strong social and environmental conditions, allowing the unit to build teamwork, cohesion, and to ultimately achieve a highly competent organization. During Fiscal Year 2014, the FRG has planned many activities and initiatives to include quarterly birthday celebrations,

Women’s History Month Observance

Spouses of new Soldiers were introduced during the 6th MLMC Family Readiness Group meeting.

Photo by 6MLMC public affairs

the Annual White House Family Tour during the holidays, the Loch Raven Department of Veterans Affairs Community Living Center visit in Baltimore, Family Sports Day at Frederick Keys baseball games, family events for deploying and redeploying Soldiers, and other volunteer events within the local community and schools. These activities promote unit cohesion, enforce family dynamics, build teams, and strengthen community relations, which is in keeping with the vision of the 6th MLMC and its Soldiers. Nesbitt stated at the end of the meeting, “We will continue to provide Soldiers, family members, and spouses with opportunities to enjoy and learn together, and keep it simple, interesting, and beneficial.”

Members of the 21st Signal Brigade and the Fort Detrick Equal Opportunity Office hosted a memorable Women’s History Month Observance event on Aug. 29 at the Fort Detrick Community Activities Center. Lt. Gen. Susan S. Lawrence (center) was the keynote speaker. As the G-6, Lawrence supports the Chief of Staff of the Army and Army Staff in performing information management, network operations (including computer network defense), force structure, and the equipping and employment of signal forces. Lawrence is a wonderful example and model of the importance of how history has paved the way for woman to serve at every level.



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Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013





Fort Detrick Standard September 6, 2013

Sustaining a community of excellence through restoration, environmental stewardship and workforce development

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