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Teen takes a ‘Stand’

Page 2

Pax People Page 8

Daylight Saving time begins Sunday. Spring your clocks forward one hour.

Awards, reenlistments Page 9


Household garbage: Not in these dumpsters By Connie Hempel NAS Patuxent River Public Affairs With spring cleaning just around the corner, where are you planning to offload your unwanted goods? If you’ve been thinking about putting them in the dumpsters on base, you’d better come up with an alternate plan. “It’s fraud, waste and abuse,” said Roslyn Williams, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington. Jeffery Boyd, the facility support contract manager at NAS Patuxent River, said while households are highly encouraged to use the recycling containers on base for their recyclables, the dumpsters are intended for governmental refuse only. “For the most part, everybody’s very good and are doing the right thing, but there’s always someone who decides to use them for their ‘weekend or night dumping,’” Boyd said. “We have found rugs, refrigerators, carpets, couches, swing sets.” Williams said she recently found a dumpster loaded with wood and concrete. “It had to have been filled within a two-week period because, it was a seasonal dumpster that was just put in place.” she said about the West Basin Marina dumpster. “I checked with the customers in that area and they didn’t know anything about it.” Although they have noticed people wrongfully using the government dumpsters throughout the year from the refuse deposited, they have not observed it in action. Boyd said “spring cleaning” is a historically notorious time when people bring in personal items to dump. While it may save that individual money by not having to pay to take it to the dump, the need for increased trash pickups can actually cost the government more. As the installation transitions to a reduced pickup schedule to conform to Commander Naval Installations Command Directive, the dumpsters, especially those in the isolated areas or seasonal containers near the camp sites and West Basin Marina, will be monitored more closely. Anyone who observes unauthorized dumping on the installation should contact base security at 301-342-3208.


MARCH 7, 2013

Hero 2 Hired Mobile Job Store visits Pax

By Lucy Balite Hero 2 Hired

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs’ “Hero 2 Hired” program rolls into the NAS Patuxent River area Friday with its Mobile Job Store operation. The “Hero 2 Hired” program, better known as H2H, is a comprehensive, multi-faceted program that uses an electronic job and career web platform, mobile applications and Facebook integration, and virtual and physical career fairs to address the unique employment challenges facing members of the Guard and Reserve. The Mobile Job Store allows Guard and Reserve service members, spouses and veterans to search for available jobs through the H2H jobs website, specifically designed to connect Guardsmen and Reservists with militaryfriendly civilian employers who have made a stated commitment

Friday event connects Guard, Reserve, veterans and spouses with military-friendly employers. to hire veterans. The Mobile Job Store also provides service members assistance with résumé building and translating their military skills to civilian job qualifications. Army Sgt. Maj. Wayne Bowser, Sr., Family and Employer Programs and Policy senior enlisted advisor in the Pentagon’s Office of Reserve Affairs, will be on the ground to demonstrate H2H program tools and functionalities. “We’re proud to provide this empowering tool absolutely free for Guard and Reserve service members, spouses, veterans and employers,” said Ronald Young Family and Employer Programs and Policy director. “The Mobile Job Store is just a small part of H2H’s focused effort to help ser-

vice members and their spouses find employment through various activities including employment assistance workshops, job fairs, employment summits, and many other local community programs.” The Mobile Job Store is traveling across the country to help members of the Guard and Reserve find employment through the H2H program.

About Hero 2 Hired:

Launched in December 2011, H2H is a comprehensive employment program designed to address the unique needs of Reserve Component members. The mission of H2H is to simplify the job search while reducing the number of unemployed Reserve Component service members. H2H.jobs also allows militaryfriendly companies to access the talented men and women in the military, post job openings, search for candidates and invite them to apply, and participate in hiring events—all free of charge. H2H is

Courtesy photo

Veteran Reuben Butler takes a hands-on approach to his job search at the Hero 2 Hired Mobile Job Store, part of DOD’s Hero 2 Hired employment program. managed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs and works in partnership with the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program and ESGR. More information for H2H can be found on their website at H2H. jobs.

British invasion, aviation style

Multi-mission operators supporting programs at Pax By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer Paul Revere warned us about the British coming by land or by sea, but it’s a sure bet he never imagined they’d ever arrive by air. NAS Patuxent River is home to nine highly experienced multimission operators from the United Kingdom, directly supporting the P-8A Poseidon Operational Test and Evaluation program at VX-1; and one of the members of that team is Royal Air Force pilot, Flight Lt. John “Digi” Ryder. Ryder arrived at Pax River in May 2012 from Yorkshire, England, where he provided basic fast jet training instruction on the Tucano T1 at RAF Linton-on-Ouse. He spent six years as a pilot on the Nimrod MR2, the U.K.’s maritime aircraft, including two years as mission commander. He has flown operations in Iraq, over Afghanistan and conducted many other peacetime maritime operations; and he has more than 17 years of military service—four with the Royal Marines Commando Reserves during college and 13 more with the RAF. When asked what he misses most about home, in addition to his mum, oat soda and Cadbury chocolate, this seasoned aviator answered, “higher speed limits.”

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

You can take the aviator out of the U.K., but you can’t take the U.K. out of the aviator. Royal Air Force Flight Lt. John Ryder, part of a nine-member RAF team supporting the P-8A Poseidon Operational Test and Evaluation program at VX-1, jokingly pauses for tea on the flightline. Although he’d prefer to travel faster, he said he wishes the roads weren’t quite so crowded. “Three Notch Road is like a NASCAR race at times, given the distance people like to drive from each other,” Ryder said. “And everyone seems to continuously drink coffee whilst at the wheel.” Traffic aside, Ryder has come to embrace American and local cul-

ture. “I really like that folks use the outside of their vehicle to advertise who they are in terms of military connection, college attendance and how their kids are doing in school,” he commented. “You will not see anything like that in the U.K. “ Other differences Ryder has noticed, besides the sheer number

of television screens in bars—not pubs—are the generous discounts afforded to members of the military and the fact that people here regularly stop to thank him for his military service which, he says, does not happen back home. While he laments the fact that

See RAF, Page 4



Thursday, March 7, 2013

Local teen takes a Stand for Freedom

Brandt, community look to increase awareness with weekend campaign By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer Rachel Brandt is determined to raise awareness in Southern Maryland about the horrors of human trafficking. “About three years ago, we adopted my 6-year-old sister from Ethiopia and I learned that there are 147 million orphans worldwide,” explained Brandt, an 18-year-old nursing student at the College of Southern Maryland. “I learned about human trafficking and the 27 million people who are slaves. Orphans are often sold or taken into slavery and I knew my sister could have very easily been in that situation.” For the past few years, Brandt, whose father is an academic flight instructor at the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School at NAS Patuxent River, has been involved with International Justice Mission, a human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of forced labor, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression by working with local authorities to ensure proper support for the victim and ap-

propriate action against the perpetrator. IJM’s national awareness campaign, Stand for Freedom, is a 27-hour “stand” college students around the country are taking for the 27 million people currently enslaved in 161 countries around the world. Working through her church, Cornerstone Presbyterian, Brandt coordinated a local Stand for Freedom event on Friday and Saturday. “When they launched Stand for Freedom a few months ago, I knew it was something I needed to do,” Brandt said. Participants in the event, including individuals from NAS Patuxent River and Webster Field, will literally be standing for 27 hours near Chick-fil-A on Route 235, Friday, between 3 p.m. and midnight; and Saturday, between 6 a.m. and midnight. “People from church, Bible study, school and the base are participating,” Brandt said. “Many will be taking three-hour shifts. We want our community to know that slavery is real and prospering.” Among the participants

Participants stand for 27 hours near Chick-fil-A on Route 235, Friday, between 3 p.m. and midnight; and Saturday, between 6 a.m. and midnight. will be Brandt’s father, Steve, who will be supporting his daughter by standing with her this Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. “I agree with what my daughter is doing,” he said. “Our family is connected with girls in Guatemala through an orphan sponsorship and many of them come out of situations similar to this. People need to act and do something about it.” Anyone interested in joining the cause is welcome to stand with Brandt and the others, or stop by Cornerstone Presbyterian, Saturday at 6 p.m., to enjoy free Bruster’s ice cream and hear Nate Joline, an IJM trafficking advocate, speak about the slavery issue and how people can help. “It’s real and it’s the largest growing criminal indus-

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

Rachel Brandt, daughter of U.S. Naval Test Pilot School academic flight instructor Steve Brandt, coordinated a Stand for Freedom event Friday and Saturday, to raise local awareness of human trafficking and slavery still in existence today. try in the world,” Brandt said. “It exists all over the world, even in places like Washington, D.C.” For more information

on human trafficking and slavery, visit www.ijm.org. For questions about the local Stand for Freedom event, contact Rachel Brandt at

rachelpbrandt@gmail.com. Cornerstone Presbyterian is located at 23101 Town Creek Drive in Lexington Park.

Celebrating Women’s History Month A look at life for first class of women at Naval Academy By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer

It literally took an act of Congress for women to gain access to the hallowed halls of the United States’ military service academies when in October 1975, President Gerald Ford signed Public Law 94-106, which mandated the admission of women in the fall of 1976. As the nation celebrated its bicentennial, the maleonly policy of the U.S. Naval Academy ended, and Barbara Ives—then known as Barbara Arlene Morris—took full advantage of the historic change. “I grew up listening to my uncles talking about their experiences in the Navy,” explained Ives, wife of July

2006-May 2008 NAS Patuxent River Commanding Officer Glen Ives. “They had adventures and told great stories. I wanted to share in that.” Wanting to be involved with ROTC in college, it was an easy transition for Ives when her high school counselor suggested she consider attending the Naval Academy, where candidates not only apply directly, but must also obtain a nomination from a member of Congress. A resident of Bucks County, Pa., Ives was what she referred to as “low man on the totem pole” when her name was submitted by Republican Congressman, Edward G. Biester Jr. “I was the fourth alternate on a list of five names,” she said. She was also the only fe-

Courtesy graphic

male; but fate prevailed, and Ives was accepted. Eighteen years old when she arrived at USNA, and one of only 81 women among several thousand men, Ives never second-guessed her decision to become a mid-

shipman. “Sometimes I think it’s easier to accept the unexpected when you don’t really know what to expect,” she said. Not everyone accepted them willingly. “I think our male class-

mates, being used to attending co-ed high schools, didn’t find it odd having women in their classes,” Ives said, “but the upperclassmen, who were used to having men-only, had a much harder time.” The media didn’t help. “From the moment we arrived, the media singled us out, and it increased animosity,” she explained. “The media always wanted to do interviews and take our photos.” After some of their own classmates began to get annoyed with the special attention they were receiving, the women decided to stop granting the media access. “We just wanted to blend in,” Ives said. Just as they struggled to fit in, the Navy struggled with

how to fit them in. Women were already serving in the Navy in administrative and support roles, and with the nurse corps; and the female midshipmen were assigned the fleet’s full dress uniform that included white skirts, stockings and heels. “That was our drill uniform, if you can picture that” Ives said. “We wore a skirt with stockings and heels and carried our marching rifle. Our heels dug into the muddy fields and our hose were always splattered.” The Navy’s first solution to the problem was to cut off the heels of their shoes, resulting in an increase in footrelated medical problems.

See WOMEN, Page 13


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Furlough financial problems: Employee tips to keeping security clearance From OPNAV Civilian Human Resources WASHINGTON (NNS) —Navy civilian employees should already be planning for financial hardships associated with furloughs which may be required if sequestration continues. One of the things DOD civilians need to consider is their security clearance. Below are some things to consider and some frequently asked questions related to security clearances, furloughs and indebtedness. A furlough could create financial strain or hardship for federal employees. Those holding a security clearance face the same financial strains as other federal employees. The Federal Adjudicative Guidelines consider the circumstances that led to a fi-

nancial problem as well as the individual’s actions to responsibly contend with financial problems. The personnel security adjudicators who are responsible for granting or denying security clearances are sensitized to and also personally impacted by a furlough. Employees who encounter financial problems due to a furlough should: Work with their creditors to maintain their debts in a responsible manner; Keep documentation of their financial situation and communications with creditors; and Keep their local security office informed if they are experiencing financial problems. Employees should make use of their Employee Assistance Program as needed dur-

ing these stressful times. The EAP office is located in the Frank Knox Building, building 2189, Room 108. For more information, call the local EAP office during duty hours at 301-757-1868 or the hot line 24/7 at 800-222-0364. Employees can also visit: www. navair.navy.mil/TFSMD/benefits/ceap.html. Civilian employees are invited to attend the free Fleet and Family Support Center's "Managing Your Finances and Stress During a Possible Furlough" briefing 5-6:30 p.m. March 21 at the Fleet and Family Support Center. The briefing offers tips on dealing with stress, and strategies for creating a family spending plan.

Frequent Questions

Q: If being furloughed

contributes to financial hardship, how will the DOD Adjudicators assess my clearance eligibility? A: A furlough is a circumstance that is beyond your control. The Federal Adjudicative Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Information specify that the adjudicative process is the careful weighing of a number of variables known as the whole person concept. Mitigating factors include: The conditions that resulted in the concern were largely beyond the person’s control and the individual acted responsibly under the circumstances. Q: The Federal Adjudicative Guidelines reference an individual acting responsibly when faced with financial problems. If being furloughed contributes to finan-

cial hardship, what actions should I take to demonstrate I am handling my situation responsibly? A: Each individuals financial circumstances are unique, so no one course of action will suit everyone’s particular needs. When assessing the seriousness of financial issues, the cause of the debts and actions taken—or not taken— to pay debts and habits and trends tell far more about a person’s reliability, trustworthiness and judgment than the amount of debt. Individuals should continue to pay their debts to the best of their ability and should maintain contact with their creditors to make arrangements to pay their debts, even if this means delaying or reducing payments. Additionally, you should keep your security office in-

formed if you are experiencing or beginning to experience financial problems. Q: I understand the need to work with my creditors, document my situation, and keep my security office informed, but what else should I be doing to protect my security clearance? A: Candidates for security clearance are evaluated to assess judgment, reliability, trustworthiness, and being an overall good security risk. If you consistently act in ways that reflect your good judgment your security clearance should not be at risk. If you start to encounter financial problems, credit counseling may be a useful tool; the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, www.nfcc.org,

See EAP, Page 9

News Briefs On base:

Burger Burn (hot dogs, too)

Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 1 pm. NAWCAD headquarters, building 2185 Come support the NAS NAS Patuxent River Recreation Committee.

Fish Dinner at NAS Patuxent River Chapel

Fridays, 5-7 p.m.; until March 22 Building 401 All are welcome to join the chapel’s Annual Fish Dinners. Menu includes fried tilapia, French fries, potato salad, Cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, green salad, rolls and desserts. Each week one additional food—fried oysters, fried shrimp, shrimp fried rice, shrimp pancit, shrimp lumpia or crab soup—will be made added to the menu. Suggested donation: $8, adults; $6, youths ages 6-12; and free for children ages 5 and younger.

Income Tax Assistance

Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. NAS Patuxent River Legal Office The Navy’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Electronic Tax Filing program offers active-duty and retired military, family members and some Reservists free self-service electronic tax filing. Stop by NAS Patuxent River Legal Office in building 409 for more details and to pick up a VITA intake form. Appointments are available until 15 April. Call 301-342-7643.

NAS mock PFAs

Until Friday The naval air station command mock physical fitness assessment is mandatory for all Sailors enrolled in the Fitness Enhancement Program and is recommended for all others. Mock PFAs are conducted by the command fitness leader or the assistant command fitness leader. A current physical health assessment is required to participate in the PFA. Sailors with overdue PHAs must contact Deployment Health to schedule their annual PHA at 301-757-7025.

Prescribed burns slated for Pax

The Environmental Division is conducting a prescribed burn in two locations at Pax River. The first site is a 22-acre area located off of Tate Road behind the skeet range. The other site is a 22-acre area located off Cedar Point Road at Fishing Point Recreational area. Prescribed burning is an alternate method of maintaining a specific habitat type. It is cheaper than mowing and offers benefits that cannot be achieved by mowing alone. Prescribed burns are weather dependent and therefore an exact date cannot be selected; however, it will occur in either March or early April. For more information, call the Conservation Branch at 301-342-3670.

NMCRS Quick Assist Loans

Active-duty Sailors and Marines can apply for a Quick Assist Loan (QAL) for up to $500 at the Navy Marine Corps

Relief Society (NMCRS) Full Service Office. Most QALs can be processed on a walk-in basis in 15 minutes. Active-duty Marines and Sailors must apply in person. QALs are shortterm, interest-free loans available to service members facing a family emergency or other urgent financial situation and are available Sailors and Marines on active duty, have no outstanding loans with NMCRS, and in need of help with basic living expenses or family emergencies.

NAS Equal Opportunity manager

The naval air station command managed equal opportunity manager is Chief Culinary Specialist (SS/DV) Michael Halavin and can be reached at 301-757-0666, michael.halavin@navy.mil or at or at building 1455.

Where’s Gnorman?

Somewhere in this issue we’ve hidden Gnorman the gnome. Be the first to call in his location and receive two free Center Stage Theater movie tickets; good for any Center Stage movie. The same person cannot win more than once a month. Last week’s winner was Chief Navy Counselor David Waters. Contest calls are not taken after 4:30 p.m. Friday. Call the Tester staff at 301-342-4163.

Off base:

College Opportunities Survey

The Southern Maryland Higher Education Council, with the support of the Patuxent Partnership, is conducting a survey to determine the demand for increased college opportunity in Charles, Calvert and St. Mary’s counties. The survey takes 5-7 minutes to complete. Responses are confidential, and nothing on the survey is used for marketing, telemarketing or commercial purposes. The survey will help the Southern Maryland Higher Education Council recommend ways to formulate long- and short-term plans to improve access to higher education in the area. Complete the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SOMDEmployerMil.

Navy-Marine Corps Ball

March 23, 6 p.m. Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C. The 2013 Navy-Marine Corps Ball benefits the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. Navy attire: Dinner dress blue jacket or equivalent. Marine Corps attire: Evening dress “B” or dress blue/white “A.” Civilian attire: Black tie. Register at navymcball. org, email navmcball@aol.com or call 202-889-8112/8113.


Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of Washington, D.C.

Deadline: April 1 The Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of Washington, D.C., is accepting applications from family members of active-duty officers, enlisted, Reserve or retired Navy service members. Scholarship awards are available to for high school seniors

and spouses. Applications are available at www.noscdc. com. Completed applications must be postmarked by the deadline. Contact Mary Page at scholarship@noscdc.com.

Marine Corps Aviation Association John Glenn Squadron

Deadline: March 15 Applicants must be high school seniors in a St. Mary’s, Calvert or Charles county school, or a family member of a Marine Corps Aviation Association member pursuing a STEM-based degree in college and show an intent to work in a career field that supports the Department of Defense. Apply at www.mcaa-jgs.org/scholarship.html.

Common Scholarship Applications

Deadline: March 15 Features 39 different scholarships offered by local businesses, organizations and individuals. Last year more than 100 local scholarships were awarded worth approximately $250,000. The Seventh Annual Scholarship Awards Event is 4-5 p.m. May 17 at the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center. Apply at www.smcbeca.org.

Patuxent River Alumni Extension Chapter

The Patuxent River Alumni Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers offers its Second Annual STEM’s Future Leaders $1,000 scholarship for Southern Maryland public and private high school graduating seniors. Students must be accepted and attend a college or university majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics in the fall 2013 and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Apply at www.nsbepaxae.org.

STEM Scholarship

Sabre Systems Inc. has established a STEM Scholarship Program which multiple $1,000 scholarships to support high school seniors planning to further their education in one of the STEM disciplines. Applicant must be graduating from a high school located in one of the following areas: Maryland countiesHartford, St. Mary’s, Charles or Calvert; Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va.; or Central Bucks East, Central Bucks West, Central Bucks South, Archbishop Wood, William Tennant or North Penn, all located in the Philadelphia area. Apply at www.sabresystems.com/AboutUs/ CorporateGiving/STEMScholarships.aspx. Scholarship winners will be announced in the spring of 2013.

Volunteer opportunities: Roadside cleanup meeting

March 13, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Building 2187, Room 2150 Volunteers are needed to clean up a two-mile highway area outside Gates 1 and 2. Join us for this informational meeting and learn to participate in Adopt the Highway, as we strive to present a public image that reflects our commitment to excellence. Contact Jorge O’Neil at 301-995-2408.



Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chaplain’s corner:

Reinterpreting Scripture for current social norms By Father Mike Dolan Guest contributor

The reading of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians in Philippians 3:17-19 applies very much in our own times, especially when he cites that many of the so-called followers of Christ conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. The letter speaks directly to our own people proposing to reinterpret sacred scripture in the light of current social norms. The issues at stake today are not trivial, but involve the right to life, the natural law, religious liberty and

more. On these issues, there are strong pressures at many levels to impose secular societal practices as the norms of behavior. It’s like saying that Sodom or Gomorrah or Chorazin or some such place can give faithful meaning to and properly reflect the word of God. The measuring rod for what is good and/or acceptable then is not God, but Sodom or Chorazin. It seems to me that the rationalization here is that religion, like everything else, is evolutionary and progressive. Society is committed to newness rather than truth.

Father Mike Dolan Since the modernists believe the only universal truth is change, then something thousands of years old could not possibly still be immutable and remain truthful.

We as Christians believe truth is in the word of God, in Jesus Christ the incarnate word of God and in his Church, and therefore immutable. What is the world really looking for? Is it looking for truth or accommodation, commitment or popularity, faithfulness or political correctness? In Mark 10:46-52 the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, answers Jesus’s question, “What are you looking for?” with “Lord, that I may see!” And because of his strong faith, his sight was restored. It was the right answer then, it is the right answer for us today and for the ages.

more effective speaking and listening skills. Participants practice insightful, productive and rewarding ways to interact with people.

SAPR Refresher Training

March 14, 1-2 p.m. Role-playing SPAR scenarios offer advocates practice time which builds confidence and skill level.

How to Create a Budget (Brown Bag) Hours of Operation Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. All classes and seminars are held at the FFSC unless otherwise noted. Workshops and seminars are open to active duty and retired military and their family members. Reservations are necessary and can be made at FFSC or by calling 301-342-4911.

Command Financial Specialist Training

March 11-15, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Command Financial Specialist training provides financial education and training counseling, and information referral at the command level. To qualify for CFS training, the candidate must be an E-6 or above, highly motivated and financially stable. Trained individuals represent their command and provide education at the command level. No cost or local orders are required.

Welcome to Pax

March 12, 1-3 p.m. Take a windshield tour of the NAS Patuxent River complex and attend a class with information about the base and surrounding communities. A local information packet is provided.

Personal Communication (Brown Bag)

March 13, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Learn about communication styles and ways to develop

March 20, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Creating a budget may not sound like the most exciting thing in the world to do, but this one-hour workshop covers the vital points in keeping a financial house in order. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to show participants where their money is coming from, how much is there and where it is all going.

Stress Management

March 21, 1-2:30 p.m. Stress is a part of life. In this class, participants will understand how their thought process impacts on how they deal with stress. Participants will walk away with specific actions to manage stress that they can incorporate into their life.

SAPR Advocate Training

March 25-28, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A victim advocate is a trained volunteer who provides effective and appropriate support and guidance for victims of sexual assault. This training prepares volunteers for the initial contact with victims and helps them through the investigative, medical and judicial processes that they opt to pursue.

Budgeting for Baby at Building 401

March 27, 10 a.m. to noon The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society illustrates the hidden costs associated with a growing family. All Navy and Marine Corps service members who attend receive a new layette worth more than $100.

St. Nicolas Chapel weekly services Catholic Services

Mass: Sunday, 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Weekdays, 11:35 a.m. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD): Sunday, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Stations of the Cross and Benediction: Friday, 5 p.m. Holy Thursday Mass: March 28, 7 p.m. Good Friday Services: March 29, 3 p.m. Holy Saturday Mass: March 30, 8 p.m. Easter Mass: March 31, 9 a.m.

Protestant Services

Worship: Sunday at 11 a.m. Bible studies: Men’s study Sunday at 6 p.m. Ladies’ study Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.


Continued from 1 it’s necessary to have a car to go anywhere—unlike in the U.K. where trains, taxis and buses connect the remotest places—Ryder appreciates America's bigger cars, better restaurant service and warmer weather. And the food isn’t bad either. “I really enjoy crab,” he said. “My neighbor is a fisherman and has been instructing me in the ways of crab catching, preparing and eating. And I eat lots of barbecue! Americans know how to barbecue!” Although the difference in accents can sometimes be a challenge, Ryder finds the work ethos of naval aviators very similar to that of RAF aviators, and most even share the same sense of humor. So what is a major dis-

tinction between the RAF and USN? Size. “The working population at NAS Pax is almost half the size of the entire RAF,” Ryder said. “Additionally, we don’t have ships in the RAF so most of us avoid the ‘boat.' And I rarely see a mustache here, which is almost standard issue in the RAF.” Ryder will be living in the area for at least another three years with his wife, Siobbhan; 4-year-old son James Alexander; and Milly, their 8-year-old Scottish Border Collie who thinks cars are sheep. As for the origin of his nickname, “Digi”? “It was given to me in my last posting by a good RAF colleague, Pete “Pie-man” Surtees,” he explained. “It is short for Digital and is connected with singing Scottish songs—but the rest is classified!”

Naval Air Station Patuxent River • tester@dcmilitary.com • www.facebook.com/NASPaxRiver The name Tester is a registered mark in the state of Maryland. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 948-1520, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the Tester are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

Capt. Ted Mills

Commanding Officer

Capt. Ben Shevchuk Executive Officer

Cmd. Master Chief William Lloyd-Owen

Command Master Chief

including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected.

Connie Hempel

Public Affairs Specialist

Donna Cipolloni Staff Writer

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

Copy/layout editors

Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office. News copy should be submitted by Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 301-342-4163 or fax the Tester at 301-8639296.

Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-862-2111.

Frederick C. Fair Volunteer

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Are You Listening?

Commentary by Al Kaniss Guest contributor

It’s ironic that we get so little training for one of our most heavily used skills: Listening. From a very young age, we’re taught reading and writing, and some people take courses in speaking, but very few have been trained in listening. There are countless meetings every day at NAS Patuxent River and it’s not unusual to have 20, 50, 100 or more people in those meetings. And what are most of those people doing, or supposed to be doing, during the meeting? Listening. But, how effective is that listening? From what the experts say, not always as good as it should be. Jane Elliott, who conducted the famous “blue-eyed, brown-eyed” diversity training in the 1960s, cited four criteria for good listeners: Good listeners have quiet hands, feet and mouth. Good listeners keep their eyes on the person who is speaking. Good listeners listen from the beginning to the very end. Good listeners decide to learn something. I wonder how many of us qualify as a good listener under those criteria. Similarly, Dr. Stephen Covey, author of, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” cited five levels of listening, from worst to best: * Ignoring; * Pretending; * Selective listening; * Active listening; and * Empathetic listening. I suspect that we all engage in all five of these levels at various times, and too seldom in empathetic listening where we really try to put ourselves in the shoes of the speaker. A big factor in what’s holding us back from being more effective listeners is that we confuse hearing with listening. A famous parental quote is:

Al Kaniss “What I say seems to go in one ear and out the other.” Due to distractions, noise, wandering minds and yes, even multitasking, we are able to hear without really listening. This sure has a tendency to degrade relationships and make our interpersonal communication a lot less effective. One thing we should keep in mind, especially when holding meetings, is people have a rather brief attention span. Let’s face it, listening, especially effective listening, is hard work, more so than reading, writing or speaking. Robert Pozen discusses this point in his book, “Extreme Productivity,” in his chapter on efficient meetings. The longer people need to listen, the less they pay attention. That’s why classes are typically only 50 minutes long. Pozen suggests keeping meetings short and end them on time. One effective but quite tedious exercise that proves how ineffective we are listening goes like this. At a meeting, no one is allowed to speak until they have re-stated the previous speaker’s position to the satisfaction of the previous speaker. Being able to successfully paraphrase and echo back what we hear is a litmus test for effective listening. Hopefully, just being aware that you are not as effective listener as you could be might make you a better one. I always like to keep in mind that we have two ears and only one mouth. That should say something about the importance of listening.

The Liberty program sponsors free or reduced-price events for Pax River active-duty E1-E6. Liberty is a component of the Single Sailor Program. Civilian guests are not allowed to participate unless otherwise stated. For more information, call 301-342-4208. Bowl with Liberty: March 11, 6-9 p.m. Come to the Bowling Center and bowl for three hours as the Liberty Center covers the cost. Free pizza and soda until 7:30 p.m. or until supplies run out. Open to all E1-E6 Single or unaccompanied active-duty and one guest age 18 or older. Texas Hold ‘em: Tuesdays Game Night: Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Movie and Munchie Night: Thursdays, 6 p.m.


Spring cleaning checklist clears out fire hazards Commentary by JP Caulder Naval District Washington Fire and Emergency Services NAS Patuxent River Although a blast of cold air has found its way across Southern Maryland this week, spring is right around the corner. And with springtime upon us, we must remember our cleaning chores. The Naval District Washington Fire and Emergency Services, NAS Patuxent River offers this “Spring Cleaning” checklist to ensure your home is fire safe for you and your family. Inspect each room listed and check off the boxes as you go.


In the kitchen, ensure: Stovetops are not too close to combustibles such as curtains and paper towels, to name a few. Electric outlets are not overloaded. A fire extinguisher is readily available for use. Re-

member, kitchens are areas most prone for fires.

Living Room

In the living room, ensure: TVs and radios have enough clearance to prevent overheating. Large, deep ashtrays are available for smokers in the house. Electrical outlets are not overloaded. Electric cords are not in a travel area where they may become a tripping hazard or frayed.


In the bedrooms, ensure: Electric outlets are not overloaded. Use surge protectors as needed. Smoke alarms are located in or near the bedrooms. The batteries are good and the unit is clean. Windows can be opened from inside with ease in case they must be used to escape a fire.


Check the yard to make sure: Trash is not accumulated. Dry grass and leaves are


Change the clock and the batteries Sunday marks the beginning of daylight savings. As you “spring forward” an hour Sunday, be sure to change the batteries in the smoke detectors around the house. Every year, nearly three children age 15 and younger die in home fires each day; that’s nearly 900 children a year. Replacing home smoke detector batteries is a small and easy step that can mean the difference between life and death. Fresh batteries are critical to insuring smoke detectors work when fire breaks out. Nonetheless, changing those batteries is something people forget to do more often than not. Courtesy of the Naval District Washington Fire and Emergency Services NAS Patuxent River, Fire Prevention Division

removed. Gas grills are away from combustibles. Check for hazards in workshops, storage areas and elsewhere outdoors. Are flammable liquids stored safely to include caps and containers?

Are fuses and circuit breakers the right size? Are outside power supplies safe? Do you have a working portable fire extinguisher? For more fire safety tips, contact the fire prevention office at 301-757-4681.

tary without a race shirt, and $12 for everyone else, which includes a race shirt. Register at the Sport and Fitness Office or download registration form at www.cnic.navy.mil/ Patuxent, click on Fleet and Family Readiness then Fitness and Sports.

Cedar Point Golf Course

For all MWR news, visit http://cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent and click on Fleet and Family Readiness.

Rassieur Youth Center

For more information on Rassieur Youth Center programs and events, call 301-342-1694. Career Launch/Job Ready Night March 12, 6-9 p.m. Center Stage Theater Youths ages 11-18 interested in the Career Launch Summer Employment Program at NAS Patuxent River are encouraged attend this event. Youths ages 11-14 are eligible to volunteer as Leaders in Training, and youths ages 15-18 are eligible to be employed as Work Wise. Employment packets for summer job opportunities at Pax and other information will be provided. This meeting is mandatory for those who want to work this summer in either of these programs. For more information, call 301-342-4498.

Drill Hall

Register for a class and get more information at the Fitness and Sports Office or call 301-757-1194. 10-Mile Relay Race March 22, 11:30 a.m. Rain date: March 29 The Patuxent River Relay Race is a 10-mile course along the Patuxent River. Teams have two to five runners with each member running between 2-8 miles, depending on team size. First, second and third place awards are given for male, female and co-ed divisions. Free for active-duty mili-

For more information, call 301-342-3597. Junior Golf Clinics On-Site Registration March 23, 8 a.m. Cedar Point Golf Course Registrations must be made in person at the Cedar Point Golf Course; phone and email registrations are not accepted. Clinics are from 3-4 p.m. and 4-5 p.m. Saturdays from April 13 to May 11. Parents can choose which session at the time of registration. Payment is due at the time of registration; cash or check only. Cost is $40 per student, which includes all five weeks of instruction.

NRC Solomons

For more information on recreational events at NRC Solomons, contact Jennifer Marchant at jennifer.marchant@navy.mil or 410-286-8365. Easter EGGstravaganza March 30, 1-3 p.m. NRC Solomons Large Pavilion Join the fun of Easter at NRC Solomons. An egg hunt and festivities of bubble making, arts and crafts, pictures with Peter Rabbit, music and dancing and more are scheduled. This Easter event is designed for toddlers to youths up to age 12. The first 100 children can dye an egg and participate in the hunt. Military children receive a free T-shirt to tiedye, or bring a white T-shirt to make your own springtime tie-dye. Cost is $4.50 for E1-E5, and $5 for all others. Eligible patrons include: Active-duty, Reservist and retired military, DOD civilians, and family members of all ages. Sponsored by Lincoln Military Housing. NAS Patuxent River thanks and appreciates it’s sponsors. However, neither the NAS Patuxent River nor the Federal Government officially endorses any company, product or service.



Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sale gives new life to excess C-130s

By Tara N. Strickland Tactical Airlift, Adversary and Support Aircraft Communications



Retired Marine Corps KC-130R aircraft will live to fly another day as part of a foreign military sales (FMS) case between the U.S. Navy and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force. Six KC-130R excess defense articles, extra to the needs of the U.S. government, are on a journey to restoration and active-duty status with the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, or JMSDF. “This FMS sale supports a global strategic initiative for preserving the security and stability of the Asia-Pacific region,” said Capt. Michelle Guidry, program manager for the Tactical Airlift, Adversary and Support Aircraft program (PMA-207), which manages Navy and Marine Corps C-130s. “We look forward to a continued partnership with the JMSDF through the sustainment of their KC-130Rs.” The JMSDF will receive KC-130Rs capable of roll-on, roll-off cargo compartment configurations to support the movement of troops, goods and services; humanitarian efforts; transport of senior leaders; and medical evacuation. Currently, four aircraft have been recovered from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group in Tuscan, Ariz., also known as AMARG, and inducted into the depot at Hill Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah, for phased maintenance interval regeneration. Using historical data from previous U.S. Navy depot maintenance, the PMA-207 FMS team determined what maintenance is required to ensure safety of flight is achieved. The first aircraft inducted into Hill AFB depot, bureau number 160015, began regeneration in November 2012 and is expected to complete regeneration by fall of 2013.

The Tactical Airlift, Adversary and Support Aircraft program (PMA-207) at NAS Patuxent River manages Navy and Marine Corps C-130s and determines what maintenance is needed to ensure safety prior to prior to delivery. “Depending on the condition of the aircraft when recovered from AMARG, maintainers are performing varying levels of structural modifications before completing JMSDF specified modifications,” said Ken Moritz, FMS deputy program manager, PMA-207. “The total regeneration, overhaul and upgrade of each aircraft is expected to take approximately 10-12 months.” Structural modifications being performed on all six aircraft include the replacement of landing gear supports, cargo door supports, center wing rainbow fittings and corrosion repair. In addition to structural modifications, the Japanese will receive thirty overhauled T56A-16 engines and digital cockpit upgrades to include a digital GPS. “The Japanese Navy is assuming responsibility for the non-recurring engineering efforts required to incorporate a new digital GPS onto JMSDF aircraft,” Moritz said. “This effort creates cost avoidance for the U.S Navy/Marine Corps if the information gathered is utilized as an interim cockpit solution for current fleet GPS systems faced with obsolescence issues.” The U.S. Navy plans to deliver the first aircraft to Atsugi, Japan by March 2014 and the sixth aircraft one year later.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday, March 7 6:30 p.m., Broken City When disgraced cop turned private detective Billy Taggart is hired by NYC’s mayor to tail his wife, he uncovers a city-wide conspiracy of corruption, sex and murder. With his life threatened at every turn, Billy finds himself faced with an impossible choice, which could have disastrous repercussions for his career and family. Rated: R (1 hr, 49)

three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand, looking forward to a few days in tropical paradise. But on the morning of December 26th, as the family relaxes around the pool after their Christmas festivities the night before, a terrifying roar rises up from the center of the earth. As Maria freezes in fear, a huge wall of black water races across the hotel grounds toward her. Rated: PG-13 (1 hr, 54 min)

Friday, March 8 6:30 p.m., The Impossible Maria, Henry and their

9 p.m., Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (3D) Five years after sib-

lings Hansel and Gretel hatched their escape from a child-snatching witch who changed their lives forever and gave them a taste for blood. Now they have come of age as fierce, formidably skilled bounty hunters 100 percent dedicated to tracking witches in every dark forest—hell-bent on retribution. But as the notorious Blood Moon approaches and a familiar wooded town faces a nightmare for its innocent children, Hansel & Gretel encounter an evil beyond any witch they’ve ever hunted an evil that could hold the secret to their


frightening past. Rated: R (1 hr, 28 min) Saturday, March 9 4 p.m., The Impossible 6:30 p.m., Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (3D) 9 p.m., Parker Parker, is a hardened professional criminal who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, living by his own code of ethics— don’t steal from people who can’t afford it and don’t hurt people who don’t deserve it. But when he’s doublecrossed by his crew and left

for dead, it’s time for payback. Assuming a disguise and forged an unlikely alliance with a sexy local Palm Beach resident, he tracks down the gang, aiming to take everyone out and hijack the score of their latest heist. Rated: R (1 hr, 58 min) Sunday, March 10 2 p.m., The Impossible Monday and Tuesday No Movies

Wednesday, March 13 6:30 p.m., Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (3D) FREE Sneak Previews: Olympus Has Fallen: March 17, 2 p.m. G.I. Joe: Retaliation (3D): March 24, 2 p.m. There will be a $1 charge for 3D glasses.

Annual Dance Banneker High School Class of 1958 Presents

An Evening to Remember

Saturday, March 16, 2013 9:00pm to 1:00am Dance to the Music of the

“Stone Pleasure Band” Hollywood Firehouse Social Hall 24801Three Notch Road • Hollywood, MD

$20 in Advance $25 at the Door Call 240-416-3072 or email jean27m@aol.com SeeYouThere! 1009798






Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pax People: Collin Tatusko A lifetime of model building By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer

Courtesy photo

Davis Morris, on the right holding the ball, observes a St. Mary’s College women’s volleyball team practice at the college last fall. Davis, who works for the V-22 Joint Program Office (PMA 275) as a senior program analyst with Bowhead Science and Technology, stepped down from coaching the college’s women’s volleyball team after nine seasons in December.

PMA-275 contractor hanging up V-Ball coach’s clipboard after nine years By Jim O’Donnell V-22 Joint Program Public Affairs This March, Morris Davis, a Senior Program Analyst with Bowhead Science and Technology in the V-22 Joint Program Office (PMA-275) at NAS Patuxent River, is going to be faced with a “problem” he hasn’t had for more than nine years: “What do I do with all of my free time?” For almost a decade, Davis has coached the St. Mary’s College women’s volleyball team earning a 173-113 record, including six consecutive winning seasons and five 20win campaigns. In December he turned in his whistle and clipboard for “honey-do” lists and playtime with his daughter. January to April have always been his prime recruiting months, but not anymore. “President’s day weekend was my first ‘realization moment,” said Davis. “I’m usually on the road up in Washington, D.C., spending 10 hours a day for three consecutive days at the Capitol Hill Classic volleyball tournament, which is one of my first big scouting opportunities of the year. But this year, I was able to stay home and actually spend time with my daughter so while it did take a little getting used to. It was very enjoyable.” Davis said he doesn’t regret his decision. However, he admits he will miss coaching, but it’s not the sounds of sneakers on

hardwood or the “thwack!” of well-placed “spikes” but the camaraderie of the team that he has led for more almost 10 years he’ll miss most. “Every year is a journey for the team,” said Davis. “We always had a returning core of girls on the team but we were always looking for and recruiting new talent to replace the ones who have graduated. So each season was always a ‘second family’ bonding experience for me.” And the team, under Davis, has done well over the years, including a pair of secondplace finishes in the Capital Athletic Conference (CAC) Volleyball Championship Tournament in 2007 and 2008. Davis also earned CAC Coach of the Year in 2007 after the Seahawks posted a school record 30 wins and advanced to the league championship match for the first-time. “Coach Davis has done an outstanding job leading our volleyball program,” said Scott Devine, St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s director of athletics and recreation. “Morris will be sorely missed by our players, our staff, and the NCAA D-III collegiate volleyball community” Davis says he will now just learn to enjoy the games from the stands. “It’s going to be hard at first I’m sure,” said Morris. “I know, I will be cheering the Seahawks on with the rest of the fans but it’ll be a different view of the court from up in the bleachers."

Ever since he was a little boy, dreaming of being a pilot, Collin Tatusko has enjoyed building model airplanes, ships and tanks. “I always wanted to fly for the military and model building was a way to keep that drive going,” explained Tatusko, assistant program manager, test and evaluation team for the Tomahawk Command and Control System run by PMA-281. “I could fly my model airplanes around my room pretending to be an aviator.” Tatusko realized his boyhood dream and even served at NAS Patuxent River U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni as a naval flight officer from 1998 Collin Tatusko, model-building enthusiast, adds through early 2001, a newly completed S-3B Viking to a display case assigned to Air Test in building 304. He built this particular model to and E v a l u a t i o n represent the same aircraft he flew previously Squadron (VX) 1, fly- in Sea Control Squadron (VS) 21 while in Japan, ing the S-3B Viking and in Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1 while at Pax River. jet. He returned to Pax River as a civilment Division. ian in 2003 and currently resides in “The models are very popular and Washington, D.C., close to the TC2S In- it’s amazing how many comments I get tegration and Test Lab, which is located on them—Who made them? How long at the Washington Navy Yard. did it take? ,” Savage said. “Collin is a “It’s a much easier commute than very talented person who puts so much driving from Pax River every day,” he into everything he does. His models are said. great for starting awesome conversaDepending on the quality of the kit tions. They’ve helped me understand and the limited time he can devote to what the engineers do, how intense his hobby in between work and family their jobs are and what keeps the aircommitments, a typical plane or tank craft safe.” model can take as many as four weeks As with most enthusiasts, Tatusko’s to complete, including painting. hobby has become a bit of an obsesThroughout the years, Tatusko ession. timates he has built around 75 to 100 “Model builders like myself are an models, some of which succumbed to boyish games involving firecrackers interesting bunch,” he said. “Not only and lighter fluid; others he gave away. do we like to build models, but most of But many of them reside in the lobby of us like to buy and collect model kits as well. I have many kits in plastic storage building 304 on Millstone Road. “When I first started working here, I bags under my porch—some I got as brought in a few of my model aircraft far back as college. I have enough kits and they immediately drew attention,” to last the rest of my life, but I still buy he said. “One older gentleman viewed new kits that hit the market. I have no a Korean War F4U Corsair and pro- plans on stopping.” Anyone interested in model building ceeded to tell us stories about how he should check out http://somd-scaleconducted flight tests on that aircraft in modelers.blogspot.com/. Club memthe early days of Pax River.” When a glass cabinet came available, bers meet the third Thursday of each it was used to display and protect the month at the Patuxent River Naval Air delicate models. Over the years, that Museum. “We have a blast showing off our latcabinet was completely filled and Tatusko recently installed a second one, est model works and sharing stories and techniques,” Tatusko said. “We have a which he purchased himself. Both sit outside the office of Donna talented group of modelers and they’re Savage, management analyst for 5.1.1 always willing to help a new member of System Test Experimentation Manage- the hobby.”


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Commands celebrate awards, reenlistments

Photo by Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Pharaoh McMillian

U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel

U.S. Navy photo by Gary Younger

Magin earns Commendation

Rear Adm. CJ Jaynes presents Lt. Jay Magin with a Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal during a ceremony Feb. 26. Magin was Jaynes’ flag aide is departing for a new assignment with PMA299 to support the H-60 Readiness Team.

Six more years for Rodriguez

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 2nd Class (AW/SW) Antonio Rodriguez, left, commits to six more years of Navy service with reenlisting officer Lt. Cmdr. Clinton Stonewall during a ceremony Feb. 22. Rodriguez has been in the Navy for seven years.

Plymel stays on the team

Cmdr. Maria “Mia” Wilke, left, director of Military Personnel Policy and Programs (Air 7.3.1), presents Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Duane Plymel of Air 6.0 with his honorable discharge certificate prior to his reenlistment Feb. 12. Plymel, a 19-year veteran, signed on for four more years of Navy service.

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

ABH2 Daniel Resheske, ABH2 (AW) Reyvin Olaes reenlist

U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel

Kurenyshev commits to five more

Both Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 2nd Class Daniel Resheske, left, and Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 2nd Class (AW) Reyvin Olaes reenlist for six more years during a ceremony led by Lt. Cmdr. Clinton Stonewell on Feb. 21. Both Resheske and Olaes have seven years of Navy service.


Continued from 3 is a nonprofit organization offering help for individuals experiencing financial problems. Your local EAP may also offer some assistance regarding financial problems or stress management workshops, among other services. Q: What kinds of financial hardships should be reported if they occur? A: You should notify your security officer or supervisor in writing if, because of furlough, you: * Face bankruptcy; * Are unable to pay federal, state or other taxes required by law or ordinance; * Require credit counseling; * Become delinquent on alimony or child support payments; * Have a judgment entered against you for failure to meet financial obligations; * Have liens placed against you; * Become delinquent on a federal debt; * Have possessions or property repossessed; * Default on loans; * Have accounts turned over to a collection agency; * Have credit accounts suspended, charged off or canceled for failure to pay as agreed; * Are evicted for non-payment; * Have wages garnished in order to satisfy a financial obligation; or * Become more than 120 days delinquent on a debt. Providing notification demonstrates responsibility which can mitigate any security concerns about the debts themselves.

Air Traffic Controller (AW) Vladimir V. Kurenyshev, left, commits to five more years during a reenlistment ceremony Feb. 27 with reenlisting officer Lt. Michael Peck. Kurenyshev has been in the Navy for seven years.

U.S. Navy photo by Information Systems Technician 1st Class (SW) Joshua Van Der Smissen

Fromme reenlists for three more years

Cmdr. Benjamin Teich, left, gives Chief Aviation Electronics Technician (AW/SW) Chad Fromme the Oath of Enlistment during a reenlistment ceremony Feb. 15. Fromme, who has been in the Navy for 19 years, reenlisted for three more.

Calvert Navy Junior ROTC joins Pearl Harbor Parade

Courtesy photo

Cadets with the Calvert High School Navy Junior ROTC are representing USS Maryland during the 2013 Pearl Harbor Day Parade in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Calvert High School’s 113 Navy Junior ROTC members are representing Maryland in the 2013 Pearl Harbor Day Parade in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. According to Calvert High School naval science instructor Chief Stephen M. Eldred, a retired chief gunner’s mate, “It was the reputation of our cadets that earned them that selection.” The unit has participated in several events at NAS Patuxent River to include individual augmentee homecomings, the

Navy Birthday Ball and the annual Pax River Air Show. In this year’s Pearl Harbor parade, the cadets are representing the USS Maryland, one of the battle ships on battle ship row during the attack on Dec. 7, 1941. Eldred said although the ship was damaged by Japanese bombs, it returned to service and played a pivotal role in seven key battles in the Pacific as a flag ship during World War II. While the cadets are in Hawaii, they will

tour the USS Missouri and many other historical military sites. “This is an extreme honor to not only represent the state of Maryland, but to honor those who were in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7,” he said. “The cadets are very excited.” For information on how to help send the Calvert NJROTC unit to the Pearl Harbor Parade, contact Eldred or Cmdr. Dan Kletter at 410-535-7349. Courtesy of Calvert High School Navy Junior ROTC unit.



Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ask the Lawyer:

Can I leave my child with my parents while I’m deployed? By Mathew B. Tully Guest contributor Q. I’m newly divorced and will soon be deployed overseas. I have joint legal custody of my 2-year-old son, who primarily lives with me. I’m afraid if I leave my boy with my ex-husband then he will try to obtain physical custody. I’d rather have my parents take on the role of caregiver while I am away. Can I do that? A. According to the Department of Defense, by 2010 there were 142,000 service members who were single custodians of a minor child. Doubtlessly, amid all the deployments from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of these parents confronted the type of dilemma you describe. While you can certainly leave your son with your parents, your ex may petition to modify your custodial arrangement and seek primary custody. How successful he will be often varies from state to state and depends on the language of your divorce decree. In some states, statute authorizes deployed service members to delegate au1037930


Mathew Tully thority regarding a minor child to a family member. Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 19-9-122, for example, provides for such delegation of authority to a grandparent in the state when a hardship in the form of at least 24 months of military duty prevents the service member from caring for the child. But, states such as Maryland lack this type of law. While some states’ statutes specify that a deployment does not provide the grounds for a change in custody, Maryland, again, is not among them. Under Maryland Code, Family Law, § 9-108 does provide for an expedited process for cases involving petitions for modifications to existing child custody or visitation orders that are filed within 30 days

after the end of a service member’s deployment. The 2009 Maryland case of Whittaker v. Dixon, illustrates the complexities parents in the military can face when they are deployed. This case involved an Army major who, before being deployed overseas, left her daughter in the care of her parents. Her ex-husband, in response, petitioned for temporary residential custody. Prior to the deployment, the major had sole legal custody of the child “so to obtain a passport for the minor child and for unrestricted travel by the child” and residential custody and she and her ex-husband shared joint legal custody “for major issues.” A circuit court initially granted the father with temporary residential custody, and while the court later rescinded that order it declined to return the child to the major’s parents and left the girl in the custody of the father. Rather than issue a new emergency custody order, the court let the terms of the divorce decree dictate custody, and an appellate

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Around Town

Calvert County events Garden Smarter—Planning for the Future with More Plants

Saturday, 10-11:30 a.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick A general discussion about starting plants from seed, by division and cuttings.

Meet Billy Poe

Saturday, 2:30-4:00 p.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick William “Billy” Poe is a poet, essayist and documentary photographer who shares his research through exhibitions, original plays and film vignettes. He is also the author of African-Americans of Calvert County.


Memoirs & Creative Writing Workshop

Wednesday, 2-3 p.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick Join author and editor, Elisavietta Ritchie, as she encourages the art of creative memoir writing. Bring 12 double-spaced copies of your memoir, 500-800 words.

Yes! You Can Use a Computer!

Wednesday, 2-3 p.m. Calvert library, Southern Branch Learn how to set up a Facebook account to locate and keep in touch with friends and family. The training is one hour. Register by calling 410-326-5289.

JobSource Mobile Career Center

Monday, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick This program offers reading, discussion and projects for students in kindergarten through third grade. Register by calling at 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.

Wednesday, 3-7 p.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick Stop by to get job counseling, résumé help, search for jobs and get connected. This 38-foot mobile center features 11 computer workstations, smart board instructional technology, satellite internet access, exterior audio visual and broadcasting capabilities and connectivity for wireless mobile device access.

War of 1812 Exhibit Barn

Winter Interludes: Zoe Mulford

Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum Enjoy the new War of 1812 exhibit as well as the farm equipment and “12,000 Years on the Chesapeake” exhibit.

Wednesday, 7-8:30 p.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick Through her personality and banjo, Zoe Mulford brings an American edge to an English folk delivery by forging a magical bond between her audience and her music.


Kids Just Want to Have Fun!







Continued from 10 court affirmed this decision. Service members could avoid this problem by having their divorce attorney include language in their

divorce decree specifying that a deployment does not serve as a ground for modifying custody arrangements. The custody arrangement should also provide for telephone contact during deployments, signifi-

cant amounts of parenting time while the service member is one on leave, and visitation between the service member’s family and the child during the service member’s deployment. Service members or their non-military spouses with

Thursday, March 7, 2013

child custody or child support issues should consult with an experienced military divorce lawyer. Mathew B. Tully is an Iraq war veteran and founding partner of the law firm Tully Rinckey PLLC. E-mail questions to askthelawyer@

Scoreboard As of March 1

Intramural Graybeard Basketball League

Lunch Crew W.W.D. Phenoms The Crew Loggies VX-23 Paxsca Hx-21 Old but New VX-1

Intramural Volleyball League

Monday/Wednesday Division Grateful Digs 23-7 Shaw Road Redemption 22-8 Notorious D.I.G. 13-17 Need for Speed 2-28 Tuesday/Thursday Division Set To Kill 21-6 Servin’ It Up 18-9 Brew Crew 13-14 Great Balls of Fire 11-13 A/O 6-21

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Monday/Wednesday Division Grind Time 10-0 VQ-4 7-2 Tigers 6-4 P&P Rangers 4-5 Osprey 3-7 VX-23/TC-7 0-10 Tuesday/Thursday Division Ballsohard U 9-2 Top Notch 6-4 Bomb Squad 6-5 Mag-49 4-6 Vx-1 4-6 A/O 2-8

Intramural Bowling League

WSI Big 10 Goat Locker Hang ‘em High Rollin’ Thunder JMWS Wafwots High-n-Low Lucky Strikes Spare Time

60-24 56.5-27.5 49.5-34.5 44-40 43.5-40.5 43-41 38.5-45.5 31.5-52.5 27.57 26.5-57.5

Do Something Good For Tomorrow 1038845

Bring in a Picture and I can do it!

8-0 7-1 6-2 6-3 6-3 3-6 3-6 2-7 1-7 0-7

Intramural Basketball League

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Thursday, March 7, 2013


Continued from 2 Finally, by their second year, the women were issued proper flat shoes and a uniform known as white works, which included bellbottom pants. Other adaptations came in the area of physical requirements. High school sports were limited for girls in the 1970s, and the female plebes were ill-prepared to meet the physical challenges required


on the obstacle course. Ives said she and her roommate would practice for hours on Sundays climbing walls and ropes. “We were the experimental group,” she said. “Throughout that first year, physical fitness requirements more appropriate for women were put into place. Today’s women are much better prepared when they enter the academy.” While Ives said that most of her instructors remained impartial and were careful not to single out the women

in any way, they were not always so fortunate when it came to their fellow midshipmen. Harassment was commonplace as some believed the women were stealing men’s jobs, were unable to do the job, or were there only to find husbands. Quite often, even the girlfriends of other midshipmen would mistreat them in social situations. “We had to maintain our decorum and live with it all,” Ives said. “Although I know a few women classmates who

had such a bad time, they have never returned since graduation.” Ives, who studied oceanography and meteorology, received her commission on May 28, 1980, one of 52 graduates from the original 81 women who entered USNA with her. In 1981, she served for one year aboard USS Harkness, an oceanographic vessel supporting the Trident submarine program, as one of only two women on the 300-member ship and was part of the piloted Women at



Sea program. That’s where she met her husband, a lieutenant junior-grade helicopter pilot. Ives went on to serve at NAS Keflavik in Iceland and at the Navy Operations Base in Norfolk, Va. She married in 1982 and by 1985 wanted to start a family. She then decided to transfer to the Navy Reserve to continue her career. In 2007, she retired after 26 years of service as a Navy captain. The progress made in the 1970s laid the foundation for

unimagined opportunities for women to serve and attain leadership roles in the Navy. “I believe in equality for women, I believe women should receive equal pay for equal work, and I believe women should serve in combat,” Ives stated. “The military is truly an equitable organization—there is no gender distinction. Promotion is based on performance. I enjoyed my Navy career, the wonderful people I met and had the opportunity to work alongside, and the opportunity to serve my country.”




Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013






Thursday, March 7, 2013

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