Command Fitness Leaders Page 3
Get to Know AIR 4.4 Pages 10 & 11
Farewell and Following Seas Page 16
Celebrating 70 years of community partnership
June 27, 2013
One small step for Mann... Pax River Marine Corps pilot selected as astronaut candidate
By Jamie Cosgrove Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons Public Affairs Office A lifelong dream came true for a Marine Corps pilot at Naval Air Station Patuxent River when she received news in early June that she was chosen to be an astronaut candidate. Marine Corps Maj. Nicole Mann, a naval aviator supporting the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Strike Planning and Execution Program Office (PMA281), was one of eight candidates from a pool 6,100 applicants, selected to be part of NASA’s elite astronaut program, according to the agency’s press release. “Everyone dreams of going to space, but to possibly have the chance to do it is the opportunity of a lifetime,” said Mann, who reminisced about wanting to be an explorer as a young girl. Mann said she has been interested in science and technology since childhood.
Fixing and taking things apart as well as understanding how and why things worked had always fascinated her. “As I got older, I knew I wanted to focus my education in the area of math and science, which is why mechanical engineering seemed fitting,” she said. “When I started to explore my options in high school, I felt a sense of honor and pride when I thought about serving my country. That is what drove me toward the military.” Mann said she knew she would receive a great education and have the opportunity to serve her country by attending the U.S. Naval Academy. The summer before her senior year at the academy, Mann had the opportunity to fly in the backseat of an F/A-18 for the first time. She hadn’t necessarily thought about an aviation career path before that day, she said, but it was an amazing experience that changed her life. “Wow, it’s the best of both worlds, to be a Marine
and be able to fly,” she recalled thinking. After graduating from the academy with a degree in mechanical engineering, Mann went on to receive her master’s at Stanford University. Next came flight school, where she earned her pilot’s wings in 2003 and selected the F/A-18C, a multi-mission tactical jet aircraft. More than a decade later, Mann has logged more than 1,500 flight hours and 47 combat missions. In the F/A18C, she has completed two deployments flying missions off USS Enterprise (CVN 65) in support of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. Besides her aviation background, Mann said her test and acquisition experience at Pax River definitely helped ease NASA’s interview process. A 2009 Naval Test Pilot School Class 135 graduate, Mann served as a test pilot and the operations officer for Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 before joining PMA-281, where she leads a team that provides mission planning
Mercier takes over MAD
U.S. Navy photo
Marine Corps Maj. Nicole Mann, who was recently selected as a 2013 NASA astronaut candidate, aboard USS Enterprise (CVN 65) in 2007 just prior to an Operation Enduring Freedom mission. Mann is currently stationed at Naval Air Station Patuxent River supporting the Strike Planning and Execution Program Office (PMA-281). systems to aviation and amphibious forces. “Maj. Mann has been performing at the “astronaut” level in this office since her arrival,” said Mike Paul, PMA281 program manager. “In my time in the military and as a civilian, she would be my first choice for this program.” Life for this Marine pilot, military spouse and mother is about to get more exciting.
U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni
Test Pilot School on June 15 with Class 143, and Josh Cassada, a USNTPS Class 130 graduate and instructor from January 2009 to December 2010. Mann and the team of new astronaut candidates will receive a wide array of technical training at space centers around the globe to prepare for missions to lowEarth orbit, an asteroid and Mars, according to NASA.
Mild winter stimulates abundant tick population By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer
Marine Corps Col. Andre Mercier, left, took command of the Marine Aviation Detachment Patuxent River during a ceremony June 19 from Col. Gregg “Art” Monk, who held the position since September 2011. Mercier, an EA-6B Electronic Countermeasures Officer, is the 30th commander of MAD. His previous assignments include: Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (VMAQ) 4, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 31, Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (VMAQ) 3, Commander, Electronic Attack Wing staff and U.S. Naval Test Pilot School student. He has also flown 48 missions in Afghanistan. Monk leaves his post to take charge of the Defense Contract Management Agency Sikorsky in Stratford, Conn. Saluting in the photo is the MAD Sergeant Major, Sgt. Maj. Stephen C. Smith.
In just two months, Mann and her 16-month son will head to Houston, so she can begin training at Johnson Space Center while her husband begins a yearlong deployment to the Middle East. “It will be a challenge to say the least, but I am ready for it,” she said. Also selected with Mann was Army Maj. Anne McClain who graduted the U.S. Naval
According to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland has one of the highest rates of Lyme disease in the United States, and unfortunately, the recent mild winter did nothing to thin the tick population. While only one tick transmits this potentially deadly disease to humans, Kyle Rambo, conservation director at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, cautions people to be wary of all ticks. “Only the black-legged tick, formerly known as the deer tick, transmits Lyme disease to humans,” he said.
“But, other ticks can transmit other harmful diseases.” Rambo explained that due to this year’s mild winter weather, tick hosts — rodents and deer — likely experienced unusually high winter survival rates leaving an abundance of ticks anywhere frequented by these wildlife hosts; places such as woods, forest edges, brushy areas, and in tall weeds and grass. “At Pax River, the reduction in groundskeeping services could result in higher tick populations in areas of human habitation as small mammals move in to those areas and share their parasite loads with people using the same spaces,” Rambo said.
To avoid tick bites, Rambo recommends people stay on trails and walkways as much as possible, avoiding areas frequented by wildlife. “But if you must go into those areas, wear light-colored clothing and tuck pant legs into your socks so that ticks remain on the outside of your clothing and their dark bodies are more easily seen against the light color,” he said. “Good hygiene is the key to preventing Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. Check yourself carefully and remove ticks promptly.” Of course, ticks also live
See Ticks, Page 12
By Annalise Kenney Public Affairs Intern Built three years ago, the River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center at Naval Air Station Patuxent River was constructed to replace the Cedar Point Club, formerly the Officers’ Club — an outdated, limited venue. The River’s Edge offers a grand ballroom, an in-house restaurant, an outdoor patio and the Bald Eagle Pub in addition to offices, a kitchen and meeting spaces. Events and offering include: Comics on Duty on Oct. 26 has four comics from across the country. Tickets are $15 in advance or $25 at the door, and include an appetizer buffet. A cash bar is also available. Dinner and Dancing events are hosted quarterly. A dance floor and DJ in the dining room kick off an evening of dancing, which includes dance lessons on some nights. Tickets are $18.95. Fourth of July Extravaganza features a spectacular view of the Solomons fireworks, live musical entertainment and an outdoor buffet. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for youths ages 10 and younger. Thanksgiving Dinner To-Go offers a turkey with all the traditional sides, fully prepared to keep things simple. Call River’s Edge for pricing information. Waterside Stage on Sept. 12 offers multiple performances by a local playwright. Guests are invited to enjoy the performances on the hillside in the comfort of their own lawn chairs. Light summer fare is available at a nominal charge. Seating opens at 5:30 p.m., performance begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $8.50. Weddings event packages include all the wedding essentials from the hors d’oeuvres and champagne toast with dinner, to cake cutting, linens and a dance floor. Wine Tasting Wednesdays begin again in September. This event is from 4-6 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost is $5 and covers six tastes and a special wineglass. To make reservations for use of the River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center, call 301-342-3656.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Photos and illustration by Annalise Kenney
Easy eating with Eddie’s eateries By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer If you’re tired of packing your own lunch, want to mix up your usual fare, or are looking for a place on base you may not have tried before, then check out Eddie’s. Operated by Morale, Welfare and Recreation, Eddie’s has five locations across Naval Air Station Patuxent River offering sandwiches, salads, soups, sweets and beverages. “The menu at Eddie’s is the same every day, except for a daily special,” said Laura Monto, general manager for the River’s Edge Conference Center and Eddie’s. “For instance, we used to do meatball subs on Mondays but now that the weather is warmer, we’ve recently switched to roasted chicken breast, crumbled bacon, Jack cheese and avocado on salad that’s proving to be quite popular.” Each morning, the food for Eddie’s eateries is prepared at River’s Edge and transported to each location by van — everything from egg salad or BBQ pork sandwiches to chef’s salads to bowls of soups and home-style chili. Side salads of the day may include macaroni or potato salad; you can add a side salad or soup to any sandwich for a little extra cash; grab a fruit cup or a freshly-baked cookie; or even find a hardboiled egg on the “extras” menu. Different hot specials, kept warm on steam tables with lids, are available on alternate days. “There’s a burger on Tuesday, chicken fritters on Wednesday and hot dogs on Thursday,” Monto said. Food safety and cash handling training is required of every Eddie’s employee. A staff of 10 serves about 1,000 customers daily.
“The people who work at Eddie’s are wonderful,” Monto said. “They’re hard workers who really care about their shop and their customers. They want to take care of them and they’ll let us know what’s working and what’s not. We once tried to save labor by purchasing precooked bacon, but the workers told us their customers didn’t like it, so we stopped.” The supervisor for all of the Eddie’s eateries is Larcy Kusluch, and it’s her job to keep everyone in order, track food products brought to each shop and take note of customer feedback. “We have regulars and they know what they like,” Kusluch said. “If we try to add onion to the macaroni salad, we’ll hear about it.” Customer feedback is important and weekly meetings give staff and management a chance to discuss what works and what doesn’t. “Through time, we’ll see what’s successful,” Monto said. “We started our specials to test new items.” Another test begun a few weeks ago is a limited breakfast menu, currently only being served at the Eddie’s located in building 2133, Joint Strike Fighter/Integrated Test Facility (JSF). “We’ll run the test for a couple months to see if it’s worthwhile,” Monto explained. “The labor to run breakfast is costly, so we’ll need a certain number of sales to make it feasible.” Eddie’s eateries are located in buildings 2185 North Engineering Center; 2187 South Engineering Center; 2805 Presidential Helicopter; 2133 JSF; and 2118 Atlantic Test Range. Eddie’s hours of operation are 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. weekdays. They are not open on federal holidays or weekends.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Training certifies Command Fitness Leaders By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer Training was recently completed at Naval Air Station Patuxent River for the latest class of Command Fitness Leaders (CFL) certified to oversee and administer the Navy’s bi-annual physical readiness test for commands across the installation. Facilitated by Morale, Welfare and Recreation fitness trainers, the five-day CFL course includes instruction in exercise physiology, nutrition education, injury prevention, safety issues, body composition assessment training and the administrative policies governing the Navy’s Physical Readiness Program. “Classes are 7 a.m. through 4 p.m. and about half the day is spent in classroom sessions on policy and the other half in physical training,” explained Kerry Davis, fitness coordinator. “We make sure they know what the standards are, what they’re expected to do, and the proper way to run the testing.” Training culminates with a written test where participants must earn a minimum of 80 percent to receive their certification, plus pass the Navy’s Physical Readiness Test — a combination of timed situps, pushups and 1.5 mile run — with a rating of excellent or better. “They must be a model of fitness for their command,” Davis said. Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic Kerry Staniford has been a CFL since 2004 and said he got involved initially because of his family’s history with heart health issues and high cholesterol. “I do what I do because I want to avoid the problems some of my family members have,” he said. “I figured I could head off heart disease if I started exercising earlier, rather than later; or never started at all.” Staniford is responsible for the 35 Sailors in Atlantic Test Wing and can also assist the wing’s subordinate commands, which include Air Test and Evaluation Squadrons (VX) 1, (HX) 1 and (HX) 23; Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Directorate; and the Naval Test Pilot School. “The purpose of the program is to evaluate our Sailors’ physical health, ability and endurance,” Staniford said. “It’s designed to keep them fit.”
U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni
Sailors from various tenant commands across Naval Air Station Patuxent River are shown warming up prior to physical training during their participation in the week-long Command Fitness Leader certification program, recently completed in June. In addition to administering the physical assessment testing, CFLs are also available to help Sailors who fail the test, or are in danger of failing the test, by providing advice and assistance on everything from one-on-one training to information about practical online exercise and nutrition resources such as NOFFS — Navy Operation Fitness and
Fueling Series. “Failure is serious and multiple failures can end your naval career,” Staniford said. “A CFL can’t be afraid of hurting people’s feelings; they need to be able to tell people what they have to do to succeed and then support them while they do it. If people want the help, that’s what the CFL is there for.”
On base:
Mini Mart: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays; 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays; 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays; and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Holidays.
asked by the sentries or law enforcement. Personnel who currently have a base decal on their vehicle are encouraged, but not required, to scrape the decal off.
Friday, 1-4 p.m. Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River is closed from 1-4 p.m. Friday for a mandatory Sexual Assault Prevention training. Individuals in need of medical assistance should call 301-342-1506.
Call For Diversity Advisory Team Members
Special AIAA/SWE Luncheon
News Briefs Naval Health Clinic Training Stand-down Friday
The commissary is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 4. Normal hours resume July 5.
Military and DOD civilians can now apply to become a member of Naval Air Systems Command’s Hispanic Engagement Action Team (HEAT), African-American Pipelines Advisory Team (APAT) or the Individuals with Disabilities Action Team (IWD A-Team). For more information on any of these teams or to join, contact Shaniqua Cousins at by July 12.
Man’s Ring Found
Pax River Quality of Drinking Water Report
Commissary Fourth of July Holiday Hours
A large man’s ring was found at the commissary June 15. To identify and claim it, go to the commissary customer service window.
Services Change in Hours during Furlough
The following services are altered beginning July 8 and running through Sept. 30, unless otherwise noted. Commissary: Closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Drill Hall Indoor Pool: Closed when Outdoor Pool is open. Indoor Pool reopens Sept. 3. Gate 1 Pass Office: Closed until further notice. Personal Property: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays, for training; and closed Fridays. Personnel Support Activity services: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays; CAC/ID card service hours will not change.
New NEX, Mini Mart Hours
Striving to provide better store coverage with staff and PREMIER customer service during peak hours of business, the Navy Exchange (NEX) and Mini Mart hours of operation are now: Main Store: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays and Holidays;
The annual Consumer Confidence Report on the Quality of Drinking Water for Naval Air Station Patuxent River residents and employees is now available. This annual report is mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act and is intended to raise consumer awareness about where their drinking water comes from, and to help them understand the process by which safe drinking water is delivered to their homes and workspaces on the air station. This report is available at For more information about the report or the station’s drinking water supply, contact Lance McDaniel at 301-757-2903 or lance.
DOD Vehicle Base Decals Eliminated
Beginning July 1, base decals will no longer be issued and will no longer be required for entry onto the naval air station, Navy recreation center or Webster Outlying Field as long as there is a valid DOD ID card holder in the vehicle. Those needing base access but do not have a valid DOD ID card will still have to get a vehicle pass — not decal — at the Gate 2 Pass and ID Office. All drivers aboard the installation must carry a valid driver’s license, and current registration and insurance. Military motorcycle riders must also have a copy of their basic riders’ course completion certificate. You may be denied access if unable to provide these items when
July 11, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. River’s Edge Conference Center This special American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE) luncheon features “Adventures in Science & Engineering from Space” with guest speaker, Dr. Sandra H. Magnus, the executive director of AIAA and a former NASA astronaut. Cost is $18 for AIAA and SWE members; $20 for all others. Visit , click on “Activities & Calendar,” “BWS Events List,” and then AIAA/SWE luncheon on July 11. Contact Monty Wright at 301-342-9499 or
Where’s Gnorman?
Somewhere in this issue we’ve hidden Gnorman the gnome. Be the first to call in his location and receive one Center Stage Theater movie ticket; good for any Center Stage movie. The same person cannot win more than once a month. Calls are only accepted between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Fridays. Call the Tester staff at 301-342-4163. Last week’s winner was Andrea Liem.
Journey Leadership Development Program
Deadline: July 19 Naval Air Systems Command military and DOD civilians can now apply for JLDP, part of NAVAIR’s ongoing commitment to leadership development. JLDP enables participants to enhance their productivity skills, develop a more robust personal network, increase organizational knowledge and gain opportunities for professional growth and advancement. JLDP is open to DOD civilians GS 9-13 and WG 9-13 — salary equivalent to GS-09/4 for other pay bands — and military E4-E6 and O1-O3. Visit https://mynavair.navair.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
MCAA John Glenn Squadron presents $46,000 in scholarships By Mike McGinn Marine Corps Aviation Association John Glenn Squadron executive officer
Courtesy photo by Mike Wilson
Front row, from left, Fleet Readiness Centers Commander and Logistics and Industrial Operations (AIR-6.0) Assistant Commander Rear Adm. CJ Jaynes; scholarship recipients, Kristina Sebacher, Emma Holmes, Ryan Gray, Greg Mazur; and Marine Corps Aviation Association John Glenn Squadron Commander Col. Andre Mercier. Back row, from left, scholarship recipients Tom Krumenacker, Brendan Lessel, Jake Dunigan, Noah Wichrowski and Zach Nega.
As a crowd of members, donors and awardees’ families looked on, the Marine Corps Aviation Association (MCAA) John Glenn Squadron presented nine tri-county area high school seniors with scholarships totaling $46,000 during a ceremony June 12 at the Calvert Marine Museum Drum Point Lighthouse. Award recipients were: Emma Holmes from Great Mills High School STEM Academy, who received $6,000; Jake Dunigan and Greg Mazur from Patuxent High School, Ryan Gray and
pline for children ages 2-12 seminar is an evidence-based, easy-to-learn method that promotes effective parenting for both parents. Parenting tasks are broken down into three straightforward jobs: Controlling obnoxious behavior, encouraging good behavior, and strengthening your relationship between you and your children.
Résumé Writing
July 9, 1-4 p.m. This program offers many different trends and techniques for writing the best résumé possible. Don’t get passed over because your résumé lacks keywords or isn’t in the preferred format. Seating is limited.
Welcome to Pax All classes are held at the Fleet and Family Support Center unless otherwise noted. Classes and FFSC services are open to active duty, retired and reserve military. Reservations are necessary and can be made by calling 301-342-4911.
Financial Counseling Services
The Personal Financial Educator at the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) can help Sailors and their family work toward managing their finances, resolve financial problems and reach long-term goals. With the help of the FFSC Financial Educator, military members and their family members can take control of their finances, reduce money-related stress and overcome the financial challenges of military life. These services are available to active duty, retirees and family members. Make an appointment with a counselor by calling 301-342-5442.
1-2-3 Magic
July 8, 15 and 22, noon to 2 p.m. Frustrated with trying to find an effective and positive way to discipline the kids? The 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Disci-
July 10, 9-11 a.m. Take a windshield tour of the naval air station and attend a class jam-packed with information about the base and surrounding communities. Local information packet provided.
Ombudsman Basic Training
July 10-12, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn all of the things necessary to be a successful Ombudsman during this required three-day training.
Playgroup at Glenn Forest Community Center
Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. Moms, dads and caregivers are invited to bring their children for playtime at the Glenn Forest Community Center.
Anger Management (three, two-hours sessions)
July 17, 24 and 31, 2-4 p.m. Anger is a basic emotion. Join this three-session workshop to get a better understanding of anger and how to skillfully express and manage anger in an effective way.
Tom Krumenacker from St. Mary’s Ryken High School, Brendan Lessel from Leonardtown High School, Zach Nega from Huntingtown High School, and Kristina Sebacher and Noah Wichrowski from Great Mills High School STEM Academy each received $5,000. The ceremony’s keynote speaker, Rear Adm. CJ Jaynes, commander of the Fleet Readiness Centers and assistant commander for Logistics and Industrial Operations (AIR-6.0) at the Naval Air Systems Command, along with MCAA squadron commander Marine Corps Col. Andre Mercier, presented the scholarship checks to the students. The MCAA John Glenn Squadron scholarship program, which was initiated
in 2006 by squadron member Jim King, presented its first scholarships in 2007 when $20,000 was awarded to six students. Since then, $229,500 has been awarded to 54 high-caliber local area students. The scholarships are merit based and are awarded to tri-county area high school seniors who plan to pursue a STEM-based degree in college and who show an interest in a career field that could benefit the Department of Defense and Marine Corps aviation. Funding for the scholarships comes from donations. To learn more about the scholarship program and to see past recipients, visit www. html.
Personal Communication
July 18, 1-2:30 p.m. This class provides information on different communication styles and ways to develop more effective speaking and listening skills. Participants practice insightful, productive and rewarding ways to interact with people.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Separatee
July 22-25, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and July 6, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. TAP is for separating and retiring military members. It is a joint venture by the FFSC and the Departments of Defense, Labor, and Veterans Affairs. Topics include skill assessment, résumé writing, job search methods, interview techniques and a review of veterans benefits. Seating is limited. Register through a Career Counselor.
Stress Management
July 25, 2-2:30 p.m. Stress is a part of life and this class offers an understanding of how one’s beliefs and thought processes have an impact on how he or she deals with stress. Participants walk away with specific actions to manage stress that they can incorporate into their life immediately.
Ten Steps to a Federal Job
July 31, 1-4 p.m. Learn how to navigate the federal job system. A 137-page training guide is provided.
Budgeting for Baby at Building 401
July 31, 10 a.m. to noon The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society illustrates the hidden costs associated with a growing family during this class. All Navy and Marine Corps service members who attend receive a new layette valued at more than $100.
Naval Air Station Patuxent River • • The name Tester is a registered mark in the state of Maryland. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, 301-948-1520, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the Tester are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication,
Capt. Ben Shevchuk
Commanding Officer
Capt. Heidi Fleming Executive Officer
Cmd. Master Chief William Lloyd-Owen
Command Master Chief
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Connie Hempel
Public Affairs Officer
Donna Cipolloni Staff Writer
Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry
Copy/layout editors
Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office. News copy should be submitted by Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 301-342-4163 or fax the Tester at 301-8639296.
Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-862-2111.
Annalise Kenney
Public Affairs Intern
Frederick C. Fair Volunteer
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Chaplain’s corner:
‘Good luck!’ What do you really mean? By Al Kaniss Guest contributor
St. Nicolas Chapel Schedule Office hours: Weekdays, 8:30-11 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Main Office phone: 301-342-3811 Daily Mass: Monday-Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to noon Sunday Services: Morning Catholic service: 9-10 a.m. Evening Catholic service: 5-6 p.m. Protestant service: 11 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Some expressions are so overused they tend to lose their meaning. A common greeting is “how are you doing?” I always wonder, do people who ask this want answers such as: “I have a headache,” “I’m worried,” “I don’t feel well,” or perhaps, “Fantastic, how are YOU doing?” “How are you doing” seems to have become just a euphemism for the “hello,” “hi,” or “good morning;” why don’t we just say what we mean? Another familiar expression is “good luck.” Although it’s routine to wish someone good luck upon graduation or with some endeavor, I wonder if the person saying it thinks that life and what happens in it are all just a matter of chance. After all, study, hard work, diligence and practice play a factor in success, not just luck. The link between luck and success is often refuted. The saying, “the more I practice, the luckier I get,” has been attributed to a number of famous golfers. Quite a few successful people claim that luck is
where preparation meets opportunity. I think most people would agree, getting good grades in school, doing well in a job, keeping a car running properly and having sound relationships are due to more than just luck. Putting forth effort is an important factor. Another factor in our success is God. Many people feel that rather than luck, God has the greatest influence on their lives by setting up opportunities, presenting challenges and giving blessings. What may seem a problem or “bad luck” to us could actually be part of God’s perfect plan for our life. Dr. Walter Fremont compared our lives to doing a needlepoint: God looks down on the top of a beautiful pattern he’s weaving for our lives, while we only see the ugly mess of threads on the underside. An example of God’s influence on a person’s life is that of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Joseph was a very godly person. Had he not been, the happenings in his life would have seemed like merely good luck or bad luck. He gets a beautiful coat of many colors - good luck; his brothers sell him into slavery - bad luck; he
pulled pork, rice, baked beans, corn on the cob, cookies, watermelon and more. Tickets are non-refundable and must be purchased by Friday. No pets or coolers. Cost is $25 for adults, $10 for youths ages 10 and younger. Firework viewers are permitted to enter at 9 p.m. Call 301-342-3656. Sponsored by Northrop Grumman. Naval Air Station Patuxent River appreciates and thanks its sponsors. However, neither the Navy nor any part of the federal government officially endorses any product, company or their goods and services.
Patriotic Parade at NRC Solomons For all MWR news, visit and click on Fleet and Family Readiness.
Evergreen School District Child Development Home Openings 2013-2014 School Year
The Child Development Homes program has openings for before- and after-school care for the Challenger Estates and Columbia Colony military housing areas for the 20132014 school year. The Evergreen Elementary School, which services these housing areas, does not provide bus service to the Youth Center on base, and the Youth Center does not transport to Evergreen. Call 301-342-3960.
Morale Welfare and Recreation
River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center 301-342-3656 Cedar Point Golf Course 301-342-3597 Customized Creations 301-342-6293 NRC Solomons Recreations 410-286-8047 Energy Zone 301-995-3869
Fourth of July Blast at the River’s Edge
Ticket deadline: Friday July 4: Dinner from 6-8 p.m., live music from Groove Span from 7-9:30 p.m. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to watch the fireworks and enjoy a casual buffet of burgers, hot dogs, shrimp kebabs,
July 4, 3 p.m. Join the Solomons team in the third annual Patriotic Parade on July 4. Whether it’s a pooch dressed up as Uncle Sam, a little red wagon with stars and stripes, a bicycle with streamers or a golf cart with balloons, the Solomons team looks forward to everyone joining them for this family friendly walk from the Adventure Zone to the Riverside Pool. Call 410-286-8047.
Red White and Blue Golf Tournament
July 4, tee off between 7-11 a.m. Use red, white and blue sequence for teeing off, golfers start with the color of their choice. Registration is taken before playing. Entry fee is $10, plus greens fee. Guests are permitted. Call 301-342-3597.
Ballroom Dance Class
Mondays in July, and Aug. 5 and 12, 6-8 p.m. Get some exercise or just enjoy an evening out at the Energy Zone during this dancing class. Recommended attire is leather-soled shoes. Couples preferred, but interested singles will be put on a list to be paired up. Cost is $48 per person for a six-week session. Register at the fitness and sports office.
Card and Scrapbook Class
July 10, 24 and 31, 5-7:30 p.m. Students create three cards and a scrapbook page each
Al Kaniss prospers in Potipher’s employ - good luck; he’s sent to prison - bad luck; he’s made the Prime Minister -good luck. But, the Bible tells us otherwise. God was with Joseph, watching out for him every step of the way. Joseph showed that he understood this by explaining to his brothers that while they meant his exile for bad, God meant it for good, to save His people from starvation. I don’t believe there’s actually any such thing as luck, but that God is in total control of our lives. He either causes things to happen, allows things to happen or prevents things from happening. Since we’re unable to see the entire tapestry of our lives or of God’s plan, we shouldn’t try to figure out why God thinks or acts the
way he does; Romans 11:34 says no one can know the mind of God. How much sweeter our life can be when we view it as controlled by God rather than luck. We’re no longer victims, but under his protection and control. Trusting God rather than luck for our lives is exemplified by reflecting God in our character, learning to thank God for both the good and the bad events in life, trusting God when the path of life is rough, accomplishing God’s purpose for our lives, and blessing others with our words and deeds. Just like the phrases, “how are you doing?” and “good luck!” seems to have become a euphemism for “I wish you well.” Rather than using the usual sentiment “good luck,” try this alternative from John 3:2: “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you,” and this one from Numbers 6:24: “The Lord bless you and keep you.” Not only would this sentiment be more meaningful to the recipient, it would also acknowledge the important role that God plays in our lives.
week. Cost is $10 for one class plus a $5 materials fee, or $25 for all three classes plus a $15 materials fee. Participants are encouraged to bring one to two photos each week for their scrapbook page. Participants must be age 13 or older. July 10: Bay the Seashore & Best of Flowers Cards; July 24: Best of Butterflies & Lacy & Lovely Cards; and July 31: Sponging Technique class and Easy Events Cards. There must be a minimum of four participants for this class to proceed. Call Customized Creations to register.
Drill Hall Renovation Update
During the next seven months, the naval air station’s Drill Hall has been scheduled to undergo extensive renovations. In addition to the ladies shower and fitness room renovations under way, the Drill Hall will receive new lighting, insulation and wireless fans. The fitness and sports team is working hard to avoid interruptions to patron amenities and schedules, however, due to the broad work being done, some closures and reductions in equipment and courts will be necessary during the process: Until July 12 Varsity Basketball and Racquetball Courts will be closed. Cardio equipment will be available in Fitness Rooms. The selectorized strength equipment will only be available for use after 4 p.m. weekdays, and all days on weekends and holidays. July 15 through Aug. 2 Basketball Courts 1-3, closed for two to three days each, beginning with Court 3. Aug. 5 through Sept. 27 Basketball Courts 1-3 and Volleyball Courts, closed for two weeks each, one court at a time. July 22 through Jan. 31, 2014 Fitness Rooms and Racquetball Courts, closed. Fitness equipment will be available for use on Varsity Court. The Fitness and Sports Team would appreciate patience and understanding during these renovations. Call 301-757-1194.
Thursday, June 27 6:30 p.m., The Great Gatsby The film follows Fitzgerald-like, would-be writer Nick Carraway as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz and bootleg kings. Nick lands next door to a mysterious, millionaire, and across the bay from his cousin and her philandering husband. It is thus that Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the super-rich, their illusions, loves and deceits. As Nick bears witness, within and without the world he inhabits, he pens a tale of love, incorruptible dreams and high-octane tragedy, and holds a mirror to our own modern times and struggles. Rated: PG-13 (2 hr, 22 min.) Friday, June 28 6:30 p.m., Fast and Furious 6 Since Dom and Brian’s
Thursday, June 27, 2013
9:30 p.m., The Hangover Part III
Rio heist toppled a kingpin’s empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam have left their lives incomplete. Meanwhile, Hobbs has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary
drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind is aided by a ruthless second-incommand revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty. The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Rated: PG-13 (2 hr. 10 min.)
9:30 p.m., The Hangover Part III After the death of his father, Alan turns to the Wolfpack in his time of grief. This time, there’s just one simple road trip. What could go wrong? Rated: R (1 hr. 40 min.) Saturday, June 29 4 p.m., The Croods (free showing)
The world’s first family embarks on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has shielded them from danger is destroyed. The Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures — and their outlook is changed forever. Rated: PG (1 hr. 38 min.) 6:30 p.m., Fast and Furious 6
Sunday, June 30 2 p.m., Star Trek: Into Darkness (3D) When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find a force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into a chess game of life and death, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew. Rated: PG-13 (2 hr. 12 min.) Monday and Tuesday No Movies Wednesday, July 3 6:30 p.m., Fast and Furious 6
Mousseau heads PMA-242
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For All Military Personnel
U.S. Navy photo by Kelly Schindler
From left, Capt. Al Mousseau, PMA-242’s new program manager, and Capt. Brian Corey, the former program manager, during a change-of-command ceremony for the Direct and Time Sensitive Weapons Program Office (PMA-242) at the Rear Adm. William A. Moffett Building Atrium on June 20.
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Courtesy photo
US Naval Test Pilot School graduates 36 By Rich Harris U.S. Naval Test Pilot School Nearly 40 U.S. Naval Test Pilot School Class 143 students reached the end of their 10-month course with a graduation ceremony June 14 at the River’s Edge Conference Center on Friday, 2013. The 36 students who completed the course earned designations as Test Pilots,
Test Naval Flight Officers and Test Engineers. Graduates included members from the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Army, NASA, Israel and the United Kingdom. TPS graduates earning their master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering were: Lt. Patrick McInerney, Lt. Kellen Smith and Lt. Casey Thompson. The Outstanding Developmental Phase II Award went to Marine Corps Capt. Donald
Underwood. This award recognizes the student who produced the best final report and is symbolic of the long-standing and mutually supporting relationship between the Empire Test Pilot School in the United Kingdom and the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School. Underwood was also awarded the Commander Willie McCool Outstanding Student award, which recognizes the top performing student in the categories of academics, flight
performance, and technical report writing. The Sid Sherby award went to Army Maj. Anne McClain, who also was recently selected to the NASA astronaut-candidate class. The Sid Sherby award is presented to the student who displays exemplary leadership in the class. In 1945 Sid Sherby established
See Test, Page 18
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Navy gets new petty officers with frocking Petty officers third class
Petty officers first class
Arman Hocker, a master-at-arms with the security department.
Matthew Luby, an air traffic controller with air operations.
Andrew Simmons, an aviation boatswain’s mate handling with air operations.
Petty officers second class
Darren Chernenko, an electronics technician with air operations.
Matthew Schell, a master-at-arms with the security department.
Tanner Williams, a naval aircrewman helicopter with search and rescue.
Luke Reed, an air traffic controller with air operations.
Ashley Savero, an electronics technician with air operations.
Matthew Eubanks, an air traffic controller with air operations.
Michelle Runge, a master-at-arms with the security department.
Sarah VanVelsen, an air traffic controller with air operations.
Ashley Illert, a master-at-arms with the security department.
Samrendar Sahra, an air traffic controller with air operations.
Jordan Vickers, an electronics technician with air operations.
Courtesy photos
John Hookey, a Reservist aviation electronics technician at Webster Outlying Field.
Turning on the lights for night ops
U.S. Navy photo
Dan Bischoff, Visual Landing Aids in-service engineering team lead for aircapable and amphibious assault aviation ships, installs pencil line and flight deck edge outline lights June 11 in preparation for F-35B Lightning II short takeoff night operations at an AM2 Mat vertical takeoff and landing pad at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. The Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment Program Office (PMA-251) VLA team installed the two NextGeneration Visual Landing Aids for upcoming nighttime carrier landing practices. The systems provide pilots with rotation-line lighting cues for the simulated flight deck.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Navy installations plan reduction in force
Continued from 1 right in people’s backyards. In 2004, Environmental Division Director Lance McDaniel was living on a farm in Nanjemoy and noticed a tick while taking a shower one evening. He removed it and, a few days later, observed the red bulls-eye rash symptomatic of Lyme disease. “I went to a doctor who told me it wasn’t Lyme disease,” McDaniel said. “He told me Maryland didn’t have Lyme disease.” Fortunately, McDaniel insisted the doctor run a blood test, but before the results came back, he awoke one morning in paralyzing pain. “I went to bed feeling fine,” he said, “and I woke up the next morning in such pain I couldn’t roll over or sit up.” After two-rounds of antibiotic treatment, McDaniel recovered although, to this day, he occasionally experiences unexplained aches and lack of energy. While he’s not sure if these on- and off-again symptoms are connected to the Lyme disease, he said, “I think they might be; I’m glad I got the antibiotics early.” The Center for Disease Control reports that infected ticks must be attached at least 36 hours before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted, and that is why it’s prudent to remove them as soon as they are found. People should not wait for them to detach on their own. “Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure,” said Chief Hospital Corpsman Marie Kilcoyne, Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River preventive medicine. “After the tick is removed, clean the area with an antiseptic or soap and water.” Kilcoyne advised watching for a red rash, fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes appearing within 3 to 30 days of removing a tick. “Some people get these symptoms in addition to a rash,” Kilcoyne said, “but in others, these general symptoms may be the only evidence of infection.” Patients treated with antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely, al-
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By Commander Navy Installations Command Public Affairs
Courtesy photo
To properly remove a tick, use pointed tweezers to grasp its mouthparts against the skin and pull back slowly and steadily with firm force. though 10-20 percent of patients, particularly those diagnosed later, may have persistent or recurring symptoms. “The good news is that they will get better,” Kilcoyne said. “The bad news is that it may take up to six months.” If left untreated, the infection can spread to other areas of the body producing different symptoms such as facial palsy, severe headaches and stiff neck, pain and swelling in large joints, dizziness and heart palpitations, and even neurological disorders lasting months to years after the initial tick bite. “Ticks can also spread other organisms that may cause a different type of rash or illness,” Kilcoyne said. “It’s important to monitor yourself or family member for symptoms following any tick bite and contact your healthcare provider.” For detailed information, visit and search Lyme disease. Contact Lance McDaniel at 301-757-2903 with any environmental questions or concerns.
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WASHINGTON (NNS) — Commander, Navy Installations Command announced June 19 a plan to conduct a Reduction in Force, commonly called RIF, action in fiscal year 2013 that will be completed in 2014. Over the course of the next seven months, CNIC will eliminate 745 DOD civilian positions throughout its shore enterprise in seven Navy Regions across 20 states, the District of Columbia, the Island of Guam, and in the countries of Italy, Greece and Cuba. The actual total number of people directly impacted by this RIF action will be determined once other workforce shaping measures such as Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments, Voluntary Early Retirement Authority and placement into current vacancies have been completed. CNIC, along with other Navy commands, has experienced reduced budgets and must implement cost-saving measures across the entire force. “This action is not taken lightly, but is part of a conscious, risk-based approach to future shore capabilities that are aligned with the Navy Mission,” said Vice. Adm. William French, CNIC. “I am committed to ensuring that we do all we can to assist those people directly impacted by this action by providing them access to all tools available under Reduction in Force rules and assisting them with finding future employment.” Career transition services for the employees affected by the RIF action will vary depending on their needs, but services available will include skills assessment, resume and cover letter preparation, networking and interviewing techniques, counseling, job search assistance, and retraining, if necessary. Reducing these positions may have marginal impacts on the services CNIC has provided in the past. However, it will not have any direct impacts to CNIC’s capability to support the mission of providing service to the fleet, fighter and family. For more information, visit, www.facebook. com/usnavy, or
Thursday, June 27, 2013
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Around Town St. Mary’s County events:
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Rockin’ Out
Friday, 10-11:30 a.m. Leonardtown library Youths ages 7-12 will investigate and identify different rock types using household craft items and snacks to determine the rock’s characteristics. Presented by growingSTEMS. Free, but registration is required. Call 301-475-2846 or visit
(Next to St. Mary’s Landing)
301-884-2233 • 301-399-4513
River Concert Series
Friday, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s College of Maryland Peter and the Wolf and Other Wild Things featuring Adolphe’s Tyrannosaurus Sue, Copland’s Quiet City and Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf.
Patriotic Concert Celebration
Sunday, 1-4 p.m. Waterfront at Sotterley Plantation Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy an afternoon of music, children’s activities, silent auctions and a brown bag raffle at
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the Riverside Pavilion. Featuring The Chesapeake Orchestra Brass Quintet led by Maestro Jeffrey Silberschlag of St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Admission: $10 per car, free for members of Sotterley, and active duty, retired and reserve military.
Plant Clinic
Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lexington Park library Stop by and get your gardening questions answered by Master Gardeners.
Calvert County events: Maritime Performance Series
Friday, 7 p.m. Calvert Marine Museum Grey Larsen, one of America’s finest players of the Irish flute and tin whistle; and Cindy Kallet, a superb singer, guitarist and songwriter. Wine and beer available for purchase at 6 p.m., along with “lite bites” by Lotus Kitchen. Tickets are $10 at door.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Farewell and Following Seas Energy Saving Tip: Appliances Set your refrigerator temperature at 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit; your freezer should be set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Set the power-save switch if your fridge has one, and make sure the door seals tightly.
U.S. Navy photo by Yeoman 2nd Class Nathan Sheddy
Bautro celebrates 20 years
Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Boone Bautro, left, stands with son, Boone Jr., and wife, Jovelyn, during a retirement ceremony June 14 at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum, celebrating Bautro’s 20 years of Navy service. A Preventive Medicine Technician, Bautro has deployed to both to Iraq and Afghanistan with the Fleet Marine Forces in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Jae Wah
Heveron retires after 20 years
Chief Hospital Corpsman Jeremy Heveron, right, is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal by Capt. Mike Vernere, Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River commanding officer, during a retirement ceremony June 12 at the clinic. Heveron retired after 20 years of Navy Service, the majority of which he spent in operational assignments with the Fleet Marine Forces.
Fowler bids farewell
U.S. Navy photo by Kristine Wilcox
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Children’s Resale Boutique
Guest speaker U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Jim Harp, left, presents Lt. Col. Matthew Fowler, United States Marine Corps lead for Naval Aviation Training Systems Program Office (PMA-205), with a Commendation Medal from the Marine Corps Commandant during Fowler’s retirement ceremony June 14 in the Rear Adm. William A. Moffett Building.
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Pax Noise Advisory for July 3 through August 11 By Naval Air Station Patuxent River Public Affairs Office Communities surrounding the naval air station are advised that noise-generating night-time testing events are scheduled to take place in the afternoons and evenings between July 3 and Aug. 11. Test events are scheduled to conclude by 11:30 p.m. Pilots at Pax will be training for realistic night-flight scenarios with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, including Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP). FCLP is one of the last steps necessary in bringing any aircraft onboard a carrier. Night testing and training is essential for the precision and safety of our military men and women, and the success of their mission. Area residents may notice increased noise levels due to these operations in the afternoons and evenings between July 3 and Aug. 11. As with all operations, NAS Patuxent River takes precautions to lessen the impact of testing activities on the community. For more information, call the Noise Hotline at 866-819-9028 or email
Continued from 7
the test pilot training division, which later became the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School. There were 23 students who completed the requirements for the engineering test pilot course. The new test pilots are: Air Force: Maj. Charles M. Trickey Army: Maj. Mark J. Cleary, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Jon R. Lawniczak, Maj. Anne C. McClain, Maj. Ryan B. Nelson Marine Corps: Capt. Robert G. Buck, Capt. M. Andrew Tacquard and Capt. Donald W. Underwood Navy: Lt. Jonathan S. Beaton, Lt. Michael J. Eckert, Lt. David B. Geleszynski, Lt. Michael R. Luebkert, Lt. Patrick F. McInerney, Lt. Benjamin S. Orloff, Lt. Cole C. Roberts, Lt. Brent K. Robinson, Lt. Cmdr. Jason Saglimbene, Lt. Kellen L. Smith, Lt. Casey S. Thompson, Lt. Latham H. Turner, Lt. Eric R. Zilberman Israel Air Force: Maj. Noam Gadot Royal Navy: Lt. Cmdr. Stephen H. Moseley Eight students completed the engineering test flight officer course: Marine Corps: Capt. Karl E. Igler Navy: Lt. Silas O. Carpenter, Lt. Brandon J. Colvin, Lt. Nicholas A. Denison, Lt. James C. Jordan, Lt. Randall G. Reed, Lt. Andrew J. Seator and Lt. Marlin R. Smith III. Five students fulfilled the requirements for the test project-engineering course: Adam R. Chesser, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division; Cynthia A. Parker, Army; Mihailo D. Rutovic, NASA, Craig D. Sutheimer, NAWCAD; and John Van Osch, NAWCAD.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Redesigned helicopter weapons mount brings increased fields of fire By Emily Burdeshaw Program Executive Office Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons Public Affairs
An engineering team with the Naval Air Systems Command at Naval Air Station Patuxent River recently redesigned and tested a UH-1Y helicopter weapons mount, providing extended ground-firing capabilities to Marines in Afghanistan. In response to a Marine Corps Urgent Universal Needs Statement, the Direct and Time Sensitive Strike Program Office (PMA-242) Crew Served Weapons Integration team redesigned the UH-1Y’s weapons mount, which is used to secure crew-served weapons to the aircraft. “Our first concern is for the safety and well-being of our Sailors and Marines,” said Capt. Brian Corey, PMA-242 program manager. “The redesigned mount allows them to continue Operation Enduring Freedom with weapons that can protect them in a wider range of situations with an increased field of fire. They can now defend against enemy fire while in the air and more successfully while on the ground.” While the redesign’s original intent was only for the GAU-17 mini gun, PMA-242 expanded the request to include the GAU-21 and M240 machine guns since the UH1Y helicopter can carry any combination of two GAU-17, GAU-21 or M240 weapons. The new mount brings the UH-1Y increased capability that puts its field of fire on par with other aircraft, such as the legacy UH-1N helicopter, Corey said. Field of fire refers to the range, elevation and azimuthof a weapon when firing. “Modifications to the mount ensure that each weapon’s field of fire is increased as much as possible while also ensuring that no part of the aircraft can inadvertently be shot,” said Marine Capt. Scott Roland, deputy program manager for PMA-242 aircraft gun systems. During the tests in May, engineers evaluated the redesign of the top bushing of the Defensive Armament System, which holds the weapon-specific mount and the weaponspecific mount stops. The component was redesigned to elevate upward enough to fire weapons farther while the aircraft is on the ground. “The team of engineers used in-flight data, physical fit checks and computer-design software to ensure that all clearance requirements were met,” Roland said. Testing will continue at Pax River for approximately six more months to validate the new design’s functionality. Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron in Afghanistan will be the first squadron to receive the redesigned UH-1Y mount later this year.
U.S. Navy photo
An engineering team at Naval Air Station Patuxent River continues working towards bringing a new capability to the warfighter through the redesign of a UH-1Y helicopter weapons mount. The redesign provides extended ground-firing capabilities for the GAU-17, GAU-21 and M240 weapons. Modifications to the mount ensure that each weapon’s field of fire is increased as much as possible while also ensuring that no part of the aircraft can inadvertently be shot.
As of June 21
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Intramural Softball League Monday/Wednesday A Division River Dawgs Dirty Dogs Boozin’ Ballers Chiefs Moe’s Tavern Drunken Clams
2-0 2-0 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-2
Monday/Wednesday B Division Warlocks VQ-4 PPE Softballs of Steel VX-1 Liberty
2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 0-2 0-2
Tuesday/Thursday A Division TC-7
Hardwood A/O Loaded Balls Salty Dogs VX-20
1-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-1
Tuesday/Thursday B Division Aviators It’s Not Cricket Sons of Pitches Scared Hitless Village Idiots
1-0 1-0 0-0 0-1 0-1
Intramural Golf League Goat Locker NAVAIR 6.8 SADD PMA 274 VX-1 B VX-1 A FRC VX-23
7-1 6-2 5-2-1 4-3-1 4-4 2-6 2-6 1-7
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013