Tester 082213

Page 1

PMA-231 Production Award Page 2

Celebrating Service Page 5

Combating The Bad Guys


Celebrating 70 years of community partnership

August 22, 2013

Webster Field trucks provide integral on-site communications link By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer There’s a little piece of Webster Outlying Field in all 50 states. Whenever a state’s Civil Support Team (CST) is called into action, one of the vehicles they use is a blue truck called a Unified Command Suite — and all of those trucks are outfitted, updated and serviced at Webster Outlying Field in St. Inigoes, Md. Nick Creswell, systems manager with Webster’s Special Communications Requirements Division, described the UCS vehicle as a self-contained, stand alone mobile communications platform that can provide on-site voice, video and data communications capabilities. “It arrives and sets up a satellite reachback and acts as a central hub for all communications for the Civil Support Team and other government authorities,” he said.

U.S. Navy photos by Connie Hempel

Andrew Benckert, a BAE Systems employee working with the Special Communications Requirements Division at Webster Outlying Field, tests the equipment in a Unified Command Suite vehicle. CSTs are units of the National Guard deployed during emergencies and incidents of weapons of mass destruction terrorism; intentional and unintentional release of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives; natu-

ral or man-made disasters that result in catastrophic loss of life or property; or as a cautionary measure during large public gatherings. For example, CSTs were present during hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Super

Outfitted with both commercial and government off-the-shelf technology, the Unified Command Suite bridges the communications capabilities of the varied first response agencies. Bowl, both national political conventions and the presi-

dential inauguration. “UCS equipment pro-

See Webster, Page 8

Program prepares youth for job market By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer

It can be difficult finding a job in today’s economy, but a group of teens who recently participated in the Career Launch Summer Employment Program facilitated by the Rassieur Youth Center at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, made sure they have a head start on the competition. “The purpose of the program is to help the teens develop basic entry level job skills,” explained Sabrina Barnes, teen lead program assistant. “Useful skills they can list on a résumé in the future.” The Career Launch Program is divided into two categories: Leaders in Training, 13and 14-year-old volunteers who can apply their hours toward the community service requirement they need to graduate; and Work Wise, 15 to 18 year olds who earn minimum wage. The program launched in March with a presentation where the teens were informed about what to wear for interviews, how to present themselves and given a preview of what potential employers might ask them. “Most of the kids interviewed [for the program] are chosen unless they forget to bring paperwork they were supposed to bring,” Barnes said. “It helps teach them responsibility.”

Work Wise participants share summer experience Several students said when they signed up for Work Wise, they didn’t know what they were in for. The piles of paperwork and the selection process seemed a little daunting at first, but they endured and made it through. Below are the stories of how two Work Wise students spent their summer in the Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) department at Naval Air Station Patuxent River.

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

Kaitlyn Callander, 16, worked in the Morale, Welfare and Recreation offices during her stint as a Work Wise Career Launch Summer Program participant. Callander, pictured in her purple Work Wise team member T-shirt, photographed MWR sites across Naval Air Station Patuxent River for use in advertising fliers and on the website. The teens conveyed their top three choices of where they preferred to work based on a listing of openings, and Barnes did her best to comply. Throughout the program, she’d check in with them via email or telephone and, occasionally, dropped in on them where

See Teens, Page 8

Valencia Perry, 16 I wondered what types of jobs they’d give me, fearing that I would be cleaning up after people or catering to people all day. I signed up hoping they had a job in the writing and photography field; what better way to spend a summer? I was assigned work in the administrative offices for Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR). While I had no idea what it was at the time, the job description was a perfect fit to what I wanted to do. I thought working at MWR admin would be good training for the future since I want to pursue photojournalism or media/communications. I couldn’t wait to start working because they always said: “If you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” At first, I was apprehensive but enthusiastic. My boss, Valerie Doster, MWR Marketing director, was warm and welcoming. I thought this was my dream job and I was blessed to have gotten a job I wanted, and an amazing boss who wasn’t too hard on us. My favorite assignment working with MWR was photographing Navy Recreation Center Solomons and the golf course. I was really able to sharpen my creativity at these places. They had really picturesque features and many different perspectives to do a shot. Some parts were not as striking, but Valerie offered pointers on how to make

See Work Wise, Page 10



Thursday, August 22, 2013

Case closed: Lead attorney retires after three decades of service By Shannon Slaughter Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Public Affairs Intern

1-800-ASK-A-LAWYER? Not at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). For the past 10 years until he retired in July, James Carr was the NAWCAD lead counsel solving legal issues at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Carr didn’t have requirements to take a case, and, unlike some billboard lawyers, he didn’t ask anyone to open their wallets. “I like working for the government because you aren’t motivated by fees or money,” he said just before his retirement. “You are simply there as a resource, and the challenge is to make yourself accessible.” For more than 30 years, Carr represented the Department of Defense, a career that began in the Army as a member of the Judge Advocate General Corps with duty stations spanning two continents. The NAWCAD lawyers like to say if someone really likes their support or they win a case, their “fee” is a tour of what that person does, which helps them to connect to the work they are doing, Carr said.

May the Record Reflect Carr’s legal career started at Fort Belvoir in 1983, where his duty assignments took him to Germany and back to the U.S. after four years of active duty in the Army. He returned to the U.S. for good in January 2004 when his experience and qualifications made him a perfect


Former Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division lead counsel Education: Bachelor of Science degree from Johns Hopkins University; juris doctorate degree from University of Maryland School of Law; and Master of Laws degree in environmental law from George Washington University

U.S. Navy photo

With a career that began 30 years ago on active duty as a member of the Army’s Judge Advocate General Corps, James Carr represented the Department of Defense, with duty stations spanning two continents. He retired in July after serving as the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s lead counsel at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. fit to take over as head counsel here at Patuxent River. So, how did an “Army lawyer” find himself at a Navy base? Carr said it was the quality of the people. “Over the years, I had the pleasure of working with a lot of Navy attorneys,” Carr said. “Everyone I’d worked with I was really impressed by and I thought ‘You know, that’s a first class organization, somewhere I’d want to work.’” Carr led a team of 23 attorneys and paralegals here and at Naval Air Engineering Station, Lakehurst, N.J. “Every single one of them was top notch,” he said. NAWCAD Executive Director Gary Kessler said Carr “was one of those lawyers that anyone would want to have on their team. He al-

ways provided wise counsel and was truly interested in the things we are doing. He understood what our needs are and he developed solutions, which is something I valued from day one.” NAWCAD is primarily focused on research and engineering and Carr said he saw the legal department as more on the business and corporate operations side. “Most people here are engineers, scientists, test pilots. People on the operating end are the smartest group of people I’ve ever worked with,” Carr said. “Our job was to assist and facilitate them getting what they want and what they need.”

No Objections One of the biggest challenges

Career: 30 years as a DOD lawyer. Began career in the Army JAG Corps, then Army civilian attorney in Germany and lead environmental counsel for the Defense Logistics Agency in Alexandria, Va. He also worked for a defense agency in Europe before working as the NAWCAD counsel for almost 10 years. Family: Wife Judy and dog Scout, a rescued Australian shepherd Hobbies: Kayaking, hiking and traveling Favorite Sports Teams: Baltimore Ravens, Baltimore Orioles, Washington Capitals. Carr said he faced was getting that message across. He said he impressed upon people that legal counsel wasn’t like getting your teeth pulled. Lawyers are not the enemy, he said. They are a resource, and will find a legal way for clients to do what they want, if it is possible. “Getting to the point where clients trust you and include you as part of the team was important for us,” he said. “I tried to convey that feeling as the boss, so people aren’t adverse to coming and talking to us.” The only thing typical about his workday, Carr said, was that it was always atypical. Cases ranged from the normal to the quirky, including his last case dealing with protecting

radar programs from a new wind energy project on the Eastern Shore, to a crazy one where a man claimed to be the long-lost illegitimate son of Howard Hughes harboring secrets about the Glomar Explorer, to a favorite one where he ensured the Point No Point Lighthouse located in the Atlantic Test Ranges territory wasn’t sold to a buyer intending to set up a bed and breakfast. “Things stayed interesting,” Carr said. UPDATE: Carr has spent his first days of retirement enjoying every sunrise with his wife, Judy, and Australian shepherd, Scout, as he explores opportunities for the next adventure.

PMA-231 moves forward with full-rate production award Katherine Cotsonas E-2/C-2 Airborne Tactical Data System Program Office (PMA-231) communications specialist The E-2/C-2 Airborne Tactical Data System Program Office (PMA-231) awarded a $775 million contract to Northrop Grumman Corp. (NGC) for the full-rate production, Lot 1, of five E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft in July. “A lot of hard work has gone into achieving this contract award,” said Capt. John S. Lemmon, PMA-231 program manager at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. “The E-2D team has experienced several significant milestones recently, coming together with one vision and one goal, and the contract award allows us to continue this legacy.” The E-2D was deemed “suitable and effective” in an Initial Operational Test and Evaluation report in December, aiding the Defense Acquisition Board in approving the aircraft for full-rate production in January. Full-rate production enables the manufacturing of the remaining 55 aircraft over the next 10 years and provides opportunity for a more cost-effective multiyear procurement.

NGC called the contract award a significant milestone for the E-2D program. “Moving from low-rate production into full-rate production validates that we have a stable production line, capable of manufacturing and delivering a mature and effective airborne early warning, battle management, command and control system,” said Bart LaGrone, vice president of E-2/C-2 programs, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. The E-2D is the Navy’s all-weather, carrier-based tactical battle management airborne early warning command and control aircraft. The first of the five aircraft of the full-rate production Lot one contract is currently in production. The E-2D program is looking forward to a multi-year procurement contract award in 2014. Initial operational capability for the E-2D is planned for 2015.

Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) Jimmie Perkins, assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 20, directs an E-2D Hawkeye assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Sqaudron (VX) 1 onto a catapult July 18.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenneth Abbate

Thursday, August 22, 2013



NAVAIR wins 2013 National FEW Federal Agency Award

Members from the Federally Employed Women (FEW) Pax River Chapter presented the 2013 National FEW Federal Agency Award to Vice Adm. David Dunaway, commander of Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), in recognition for its support in furthering the goals and vision of the FEW organization, on Aug. 14 at the NAVAIR headquarters building. The mission of FEW is to end sex and gender discrimination, to encourage diversity for inclusion and equity in the workplace, and for the advancement and professional growth of women in federal service. Visit www. few.org or email the Pax River Chapter at fewpaxriver@yahoo.com. Courtesy photo

News Briefs On base:

Gate 1 Pass and ID Closed The Gate 1 Pass and office will remain closed after Gate 1 Pass and IDIDClosed

furloughs manpower independent The due Gateto1existing Pass and ID Officeshortages will remain closed of the furlough. All personnel are requested to utilize Gate 2 after furloughs due to existing manpower shortages Pass and ID Office. Use the Frank Knox Building parking independent of the furlough. All personnel are re-lot for quested overflowtoparking. utilize Gate 2 Pass and ID Office. Use the Gate 3 New Frank KnoxHours Building parking lot for overflow parking. Gate 3 hours: 5:30-8:30 a.m., open for inbound and outbound traffic; and33:30-5:30 p.m., open for outbound traffic only. Gate New Hours Beginning Aug. 19, Gate 3 will operate with the following hours: 5:30-8:30 a.m., open for inbound and Clinic ‘Tweets’ outbound traffic; andPatuxent 3:30-5:30River p.m.,isopen Naval Health Clinic nowfor onoutTwittraffic only. ter.bound Stay up to date on closures and changes by following: #nhcpaxriver.

CAC/ID Card office at PSD closed

Aug. 22 and 23 CAC/ID card services on these dates will still be available at Gate 2.

Pax River Blood Drive

Aug. 26, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rear Adm. William A. Moffett Building Atrium August can be a challenging month for blood collections. Make an appointment online at www.militarydonor.com using sponsor code “NSPR.”

2013 Women’s Equality Day Luncheon

Aug. 27, 11:30 a.m. River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center This year’s theme is “Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics,” with guest speaker Veronica Villalobos, the director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Office of Personnel Management. Tickets are $20 if purchased prior to Aug. 9, and $25 if purchased after Aug. 9. Contact: Lottie Briscoe, 301-342-7075; Jeannie Facemire, 301-342-0090; Laura Martin, 301-995-4018; Margelyn Massey, 301-757-6451; Debi Therrien, 301-995-2806.

Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1 change of command

Aug. 29, 10 a.m. Building 305 Capt. Wade Turvold assumes command from Capt. Jeffrey Davila.

NAVAIR Fellows Induction, Patent Awards

Aug. 29, 1-3 p.m. Rear Adm. William A. Moffett Building Atrium The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Fellows Ad-

ministrative Board and the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Technical Transfer Office honor newly selected NAVAIR Fellows and newly awarded patent recipients. The honorees receive official recognition for their contributions to naval aviation and their creativity finding technological solutions to challenges facing warfighters. Base employees are invited to attend. Call the Fellows Administrative Coordinator at 301-995-2651 or the Technical Transfer Program Coordinator at 301-342-3931.

Flying Club Pilot Courses

September The Patuxent River Navy Flying Club is offering two pilot courses beginning in September: Private Pilot Ground School and Instrument Pilot Ground School. The Private Pilot course is from 5-8 p.m. Mondays in the building 2189 auditorium, and the Instrument Pilot course is from 5-8 p.m. Wednesdays in the building 2189 auditorium. The courses meet the requirements for the FAA knowledge tests and for Navy Continuous Learning credits. Contact Joe Dziewit, at 301-862-1110 or stop by the club office behind and next to the Post Office on base.

Women’s Network Forum (brown bag)

“Work Should Not Hurt,”Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Training Sept. 19, noon to 2 p.m. Video teleconferencing: Building 304, room 110; Building 1489, room 145; Building 1490, room 25 and Building 447, room 109 The Women’s Advisory Group is sponsoring a national brown bag event: “Work Should Not Hurt,” Anti-Bullying/ Anti-Harassment Training for military, DOD civilians and contracting personnel. It is presented by Sara Hice at North Island, Calif., and is available to Pax employees via VTC. Topics: The differences between rude/bad behavior, bullying and harassment; examples and degree of discipline assigned to specific behaviors; and steps to take if you are a victim of bullying/harassment. Space is limited. Register at www.eventsbot.com/events. Contact: Mark Easter at 301-342-3984.

Change to Legal Office Services

The Region Legal Service Office Branch Office Patuxent River no longer provides services for: separation and divorce, child custody and support, or spousal support. Appointments for these services can be made with the Navy Washington Yard by calling 202-685-5580.

‘Keep What You’ve Earned’ Mobile

Have you downloaded the “Keep What You’ve Earned” mobile app? The app offers several resources, including a Blood Alcohol Content calculator to help track your alcohol consumption in real life. You can search “Keep What

You’ve Earned” at iTunes or Google Play Store to download the app.

Where’s Gnorman?

Somewhere in this issue we’ve hidden Gnorman the gnome. Be the first to call in his location and receive one Center Stage Theater movie ticket; good for any Center Stage movie. The same person cannot win more than once a month. Calls are only accepted between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Fridays. Call the Tester staff at 301-342-4163. Last week’s winner was Wendy Bollinger.

Off base:

Warrior Fun Run and Sail

Aug. 31, Solomons Island area Warrior Fun Run, 8 a.m., start/stop at Calvert Marine Museum; Warrior Boat Parade, 10 a.m., Riverfront boardwalk; Fouled Anchor Regatta, 11 a.m.; and Warrior Barbecue and Concert, 3 p.m., Navy Recreation Center Solomons. Proceeds benefit wounded warriors and veterans. Info and registration, visit http://warriorfunrunandsail.wordpress. com.

St. Mary’s County Hazardous Waste Days

Sept. 7 and Nov. 2, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. St. Andrew’s Landfill It’s time to clean out barns, basements, sheds, garages, medicine cabinets, storage areas under kitchen sinks of hazardous household materials. These two events allow residents to properly discard potentially toxic, dangerous and hazardous household waste materials. Call the St. Mary’s Department of Public Works and Transportation at 301863-8400 or visit www.stmarysmd.com for a full listing of materials accepted.

Lexington Park Library Sunday Hours

Beginning Sept. 8, the St. Mary’s County Library resumes Sunday hours at the Lexington Park Library: 1-5 p.m. To mark the return of this service, a special celebration starts at 12:50 p.m. Sept. 8.

Scrap Tire Drop-Off Day Sept. 14

Sept. 14, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. St. Andrews Landfill, California, Md. St. Mary’s County farmers and residents can unload up to 10 tires per vehicle free of charge. There is a limit of one trip per vehicle. Tires accepted include: passenger, light truck, heavy truck and agricultural, both on-rim and offrim. Commercial vehicles and businesses are prohibited from participating. Contact Nicholas Zurkan at 301-8638400 ext. 3550 or visit the department’s website at www. stmarysmd.com.



Job well done

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bravo Zulu awards are presented to naval air station employees for positive feedback and comments they receive through the Interactive Customer Evaluation system for going above their normal duty.

St. Nicolas Chapel Schedule

Naval Air Station Patuxent River Commanding Officer Capt. Ben Shevchuk presents Sue St Onge, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Marina, with a Zulu certificate Aug. 16.

Courtesy photos

Staff at the Outdoor Pool; presented with certificate Aug. 9 by Naval Air Station Patuxent River Commanding Officer, Capt. Ben Shevchuk, far right. Spouses are encouraged to attend from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Aug. 28 to hear recently returned IA’s experiences and important information for family support issues.

Myers Briggs

Aug. 28, 8 a.m. to noon Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is useful for self awareness, career interest, relationships and leadership. This workshop helps participants re-evaluate how they behave and interact with others.

Budgeting for Baby @ Bldg. 401 See more FFSC classes on Facebook.

All classes held at the Fleet and Family Support Center unless otherwise noted. Classes and programs are to active-duty and retired military and Reservist. Reservations are necessary and can be made at FFSC or by calling 301-342-4911. FFSC closed Sept. 2 and 24

Playgroup at Glenn Forest Community Center

Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. Moms, dads, and caregivers are invited to bring their children for playtime at the Glen Forrest Community Center.

IA Indoctrination

Aug. 26-30, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; register by: Aug. 23 Sept. 30 to Oct. 4, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; register by Sept. 27 Individuals who have been selected for Individual Augmentee (IA) are encouraged to report to Fleet and Family Support Center on temporary duty orders for this week-long process. This one-stop shop takes care of all of IA needs.

Aug. 28 and Sept. 25, 10 a.m. to noon The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) illustrates the hidden costs associated with a growing family. All Navy and Marine Corps service members who attend receive a new layette worth more than $100.

1-2-3-4 Parents (three sessions)

Sept. 3, 10 and 17, 4-6 p.m. A three-session program designed to meet the special challenges of parenting children in the 1- to 4-year-old age groups. The program focuses on developmental stages, disciplining strategies, encouragement skills, building selfesteem and bonding methods.

New Spouse Orientation

Sept. 4, 8-11 a.m. New and not so new military spouses: Learn how to make your military time more successful and enjoyable. Understand military language and customs, benefits and entitlements, as well as the culture of the military family.

Money and Deployments

Sept. 4, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Deployment can be a time of anxiety and uncertainty for

Catholic Services Mass: Sundays at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Weekdays at 11:35 a.m. Continuing Catholic Development (CCD): Sundays from 10:3011:30 a.m. Protestant Services Worship: Sundays at 11 a.m. Bible studies: Men’s study, Sundays at 6 p.m. Ladies’ study, Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

service members and their family. Finances have a tendency to take a back seat to spending time with family and preparing for deployment. This workshop will address maintaining good habits while away. Learn ways to return to a much better financial situation than when you left.

Résumé Writing

Sept. 10, 1-4 p.m. This program offers many different trends and techniques for writing the best résumé possible. Don’t get passed over because your résumé lacks keywords or isn’t in the preferred format. Seating is limited.

Transition GPS (Separatee)

Sept. 16-20 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. TAP is for separating and retiring military members. It is a joint venture by the FFSC and the Departments of Defense, Labor, and Veterans Affairs. Topics include skill assessment, résumé writing, job search methods, interview techniques, and a review of veterans’ benefits. Seating is limited; see your Career Counselor to sign up.

Consumer Awareness and I.D. Theft

Sept. 25, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Identity theft is a serious crime. It can disrupt one’s finances, credit history and reputation, and it takes time, money and patience to resolve. This workshop offers steps to take to prevent it and what to do if it happens.

Ten Steps to a Federal Job

Sept. 25, 1-4 p.m. Learn how to navigate the federal job system. A 137-page training guide is provided.

Naval Air Station Patuxent River • tester@dcmilitary.com • www.facebook.com/NASPaxRiver The name Tester is a registered mark in the state of Maryland. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, 301-948-1520, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the Tester are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication,

Capt. Ben Shevchuk

Commanding Officer

Capt. Heidi Fleming Executive Officer

Cmd. Master Chief William Lloyd-Owen

Command Master Chief

including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected.

Connie Hempel

Public Affairs Officer

Donna Cipolloni Staff Writer

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

Copy/layout editors

Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office. News copy should be submitted by Friday to be considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 301-342-4163 or fax the Tester at 301-8639296.

Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-862-2111.

Frederick C. Fair Volunteer

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Thursday, August 22, 2013


Celebrating service, continued commitment

Norris marks 45 years

Courtesy photo

Patricia Norris, Personnel Support Detachment, celebrated 45 years of civil service with an award presented to her by Lt. Cmdr. Todd Nennich, Military Personnel Support Systems Manager from Naval District Washington, on Aug. 13.

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

Petty Officer 1st Class (AW) Darius A. Latta, back, an air traffic controller with Air Operations, his reenlisting officer, Lt. Earl Drey, left, spouse, Crystin, and family gather for a reenlistment ceremony Aug. 20. Latta, who has nine years Navy service, committed to six more years.

Thursday, August 22 6:30 p.m., Grown Ups 2 Lenny has relocated his family back to the small town where he and his friends grew up. This time around, the grownups are the ones learning lessons from their kids on a day notoriously full of surprises: the last day of school. Rated: PG-13 (1 hr, 41 min) Friday, August 23 6:30 p.m., Pacific Rim (Not in 3D) When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end. On the verge of defeat, the

forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes-a washed up former pilot and an untested trainee who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse. Rated: PG-13 (2 hr, 11 min) 9:30 p.m., The Conjuring Based on a true story, the film tells the horrifying tale of how world renowned paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren were called upon to help a family terrorized by a dark presence in a secluded farmhouse. Forced to confront a powerful demonic

Cost: $10 plus a $5 material fee; all supplies are included for making four full cards.

Cedar Point Golf Course

Junior Club Championship at Cedar Point Golf Course Aug. 24-25 Two-day golf tournament featuring youths ages 17 and younger. Call the Golf Shop at 301-342-3597. *Proudly supported by Exelis.

Drill Hall Scan to see more MWR events on Facebook. For all MWR news, visit www.cnic. navy.mil/Patuxent and click on Fleet and Family Readiness. Phone list: Cedar Point Golf Course - 301-342-3597 Customized Creations - 301-342-3569 Intramural Sports - 301- 757-3943 Navy Recreation Center Solomons - 410-286-8047 Rassieur Youth Center - 301-342-1694

Customized Creations

Card-Making Techniques Aug. 22, 5-7 p.m. Discover card making in this hands-on class; includes “Waterfall” design and water coloring technique. Beginners thru advanced crafters are welcome. Register with a friend.

10K Training Program at the Drill Hall Aug. 26, 11:30 a.m. Can you already run a couple of miles, but want some help building up to a 10K? Whether it’s your first 10K (6.2mi) race or not, join us Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. to train for the Fall Classic 10K. Participants should be able to run, or run/walk, approximately three miles prior to starting program. Register by calling 301-995-3869. Fitness Bowl Sept. 5 Every person is randomly assigned to one of the top 12 NFL teams, as determined by Sports Illustrated. Each week, points are earned based on the team’s success as well as amount of time spent on personal fitness. Prizes awarded to the team with the most points at the end of the regular season. Additionally, everyone has an opportunity to predict the outcome of Monday Night games. One additional point is granted to the NFL team that corresponds with each person who correctly predicts the outcome. This program ends at the end of the regular football season however postseason fun will continue. Free for active duty, $10 for others. Register at the Fitness and Sports Office.

entity, the Warrens find themselves caught in the most terrifying case of their lives. Rated: R (1 hr, 52 min)

6:30 p.m., Grown Ups 2 9 p.m., The Conjuring

Saturday, August 24 4 p.m., Turbo (3D) A high-velocity 3D comedy about an underdog snail who kicks into overdrive when he miraculously attains the power of superspeed. But after making fast friends with a crew of streetwise, tricked-out es-cargoes, Turbo learns that no one succeeds on their own. So he puts his heart and shell on the line to help his pals achieve their dreams, before Turbo-charging his own impossible dream: racing in the Indy 500. Rated: PG (1 hr, 36 min)

Sunday, August 25 2 p.m., Turbo (3D) Monday and Tuesday No Movies Wednesday, August 28 6:30 p.m., The Conjuring

See more Center Stage movie information online.

Fall Intramural League Registrations Bowling: Sept. 3; Softball: Sept. 4; Volleyball: Sept. 5; InLine Hockey: Sept. 9. An Organizational Meeting is 1 p.m. at the Drill Hall Bowling Center; team representatives for the 2013-2014 Intramural Bowling Leagues must be present. Intramural programs are open to active-duty and retired military, Fitness and Sports members, and family members. 25th Annual Team Triathlon Sept. 7, 8 a.m. Teams of three can compete in this annual team event. The race consists of a .5-meter swim, a 13.1-mile bike and a 3.1-mile run. Competition is open to active-duty and retired military, Reservist, DOD civilians, Fitness and Sports members, family members and accompanied guests. Cost: $30 per team; participants receive a T-shirt. Trophies awarded. Register at the Fitness and Sports Office. *Proudly supported by Exelis.

Rassieur Youth Center

Parent’s Night Out: Tacos & Limbo Night Sept. 6, 6-9 p.m. Parents if you need free time for relaxation, to participate in other leisure activities or to run errands, bring your children to the Rassieur Youth Center where they will spend a few hours under our care. Parent’s Night Out is the first Friday of every month. Register at the Youth Center and pay no later than close of business on the Wednesday prior. Cost: $12 per child. *NAS Patuxent River sincerely thanks and appreciates the sponsors of this event. However, neither the Navy nor any other part of the federal government officially endorses any company, sponsor or their products or services.



Thursday, August 22, 2013

PMA-290 receives acquisition excellence award By Elana Wigfall Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft Program Office (PMA-290) Public Affairs Intern The Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft Program Office (PMA-290) has every reason to hold its head a little higher this summer. The program, which delivers improved products and cost-wise readiness to Navy maritime patrol and reconnaissance forces and national intelligence agencies worldwide, and is one of the largest portfolios in the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), was recently recognized with the Dr. Al Somoroff Acquisition Excellence Award. Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition Sean Stackley presented the award to PMA-290 and also presented two other acquisition excellence awards to NAVAIR winners on July 24 at the NAVAIR headquarters at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. “This concept of taking a commercial aircraft and

U.S. Navy photos by Steve Kays

Members of the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Program Office assemble around Program Manager Capt. Scott Dillon as he holds the 2012 Dr. Al Somoroff Acquisition Excellence Award on July 24 at NAVAIR Headquarters. marrying it with leading edge program and software upgrades is one of our greatest success stories of last year,” Stackley said. “Every mission the Navy and Marine Corps is a part of is backed by all of you.” The Dr. Al Somoroff Acquisition Award honors a program office for outstanding acquisition achievement

in the accomplishment of its mission, according to the Department of the Navy Acquisition Award website. The program received the award for its efforts in delivering the first P-8A Poseidon aircraft to the fleet, reducing program costs and improving program readiness, said PMA-290’s deputy program manager, Martin Ahmad.

“The P-8A program has reduced production costs by 25 percent from the first limited rate production lot to the third limited rate production lot, and we expect to continue this trend with the fourth production lot award this summer,” Ahmad said. “Overall, the program has reduced lifecycle costs as estimated at the beginning of development

Sean Stackley, assistant secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition, presents Capt. Scott Dillon, program manager for the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Program Office (PMA-290), with the 2012 Dr. Al Somoroff Acquisition Excellence Award on July 24 at NAVAIR Headquarters. compared to the estimate at the commencement of production, which is unique because in many cases those costs increase.” Ahmad added that PMA-290 also developed a “Should Costs Opportunities Map” model, which focuses on cost reduction throughout the program life cycle of development, pro-

duction and sustainment. “The program manager, Capt. [Scott] Dillon, and I couldn’t be more proud of and honored to work with this group of highly skilled individuals,” Ahmad said. “It is because of their expertise, hard work and dedication to the fleet that PMA290 is receiving this award.”

NAVAIR business award recognizes financial management service excellence By Andrea Watters Naval Air Systems Command Corporate Communications The ability to answer numerous drills and sequestration-related data calls while meeting program objectives are some of the attributes of the 23 business and financial managers (BFMs) nominated for the command’s top financial award. Sponsored by Naval Air Systems Command’s (NAVAIR) Program and Business Analysis Department, the AIR 7.8 Headquarters Award for Excellence in Financial Management Service recognizes AIR 7.8 civilian and military employees for excellence in financial management service within the NAVAIR headquarters and program executive office (PEO) activities. More than 200 people attended the third annual award ceremony at the River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center at Naval Air Station Patuxent River on Aug. 14. “This award recognizes individuals whose contributions have left a lasting impact on AIR 7.8 and their customers through their dedication to service; commitment to fostering teamwork, positive customer relations; innovation in establishing efficient and effective

Customers and peers nominated these business financial managers for the third annual AIR 7.8 Headquarters Award for Excellence Financial Management Service. Front row, from left: Cheryl Braun, AIR 6.0; Lucy Perini, PMA-201; Lita Enriquez, category winner and PMA-257 BFM; Linda Downs, PMA-260; and Patty Burch, AIR 4.0. Back row, from left are Sharon Gellerson, director, Program and Business Analysis Dept.; Randy Pilkerton, PEO (JSF); Monica Mattingly, P-8A Aircraft procurement account; Shawn Beavan, AIR 6.0 aviation depot maintenance airframes account; Vicki Burroughs, Air 1.4 international programs office; Melissa Miller, AIR 7.2; and Pat Lowien, NAVAIR deputy comptroller. Nominee Allan Wagaman, PMA-234 is not pictured. work methods; and commitment to quality of work life,” said Sharon Gellerson, director, NAVAIR Program and Business Analysis. Business financial managers were recognized as integral members of their integrated program teams based on their financial and business acumen as well as

U.S. Navy photos by Steven Kays

Lead business financial managers were nominated by their customers and peers for the third annual Air 7.8 Headquarters Award for Excellence Financial Management Service. Front row, from left are Melanie Colvin, PMA-265; John Waddell, senior career field manager for Air 7.8; Judy Polca, PMA-207; Helene Corum, category winner and lead BFM for NAVAIR headquarters; Susan Dodge, Navy ERP Subject Matter Expert and instructor; and Cdr. Sara Wright, PMA-273. Back row, from left are Sharon Gellerson, director, Program and Business Analysis Dept.; Sean Case, PMA-259; Heather McGuire, UCLASS ADPO; Micah Spiegel, PMA-262; Mary Ellen Russo, Navy ERP Subject Matter Expert and instructor; and Pat Lowien, NAVAIR deputy comptroller. Nominees Jere Anderson, PMA-274; and Julie Johntheir knowledge and sup- ston, PMA-290 are not pictured.

port of their program office. Teamwork and execution were also major factors. Nominations were submitted in two categories: business financial manager and lead business financial manager. Lita Enriquez, the Air Vehicle BFM for PMA-257, won the Business Financial Man-

ager category, in part, for her vast knowledge of her field and integrated program team (IPT), as well as her “ability to understand the impact of the IPTs’ changing priorities on execution and budgeting, and providing sound advice to her team

regarding impacts.” For Enriquez, the most important aspects of being a successful BFM include “being a good team player and always aiming for excellence. I was taught to always do my best in whatever I do,” she said. Her advice to

other BFMs, “Build a reputation for excellence. Embrace change and be open to understanding the diversity of the workplace in order to be a good team player. The modern workplace is no longer about individualism; you produce the product through team effort.” Execution and expertise as well as mentoring and training highlighted the accomplishments of the lead BFM nominees. The winner of the lead BFM category was Helene Corum, who is the lead BFM for NAVAIR headquarters and PEO Salary and Support Accounts and director of the Resource and Allocation team. Corum was nominated for her exceptional performance and critical advice on the impacts and ramifications of the continuing resolution and sequestration along with her development of funding strategies to minimize those impacts to NAVAIR headquarters programs. “I was grateful to be sitting amongst my peers being recognized for the hard work and skills each of us have,” Corum said. “I was surprised to say the least, but greatly appreciative to be the recipient of the 2013 award for financial excellence. I am thankful on a daily basis to be part of such a great team and community.”

Thursday, August 22, 2013



Combating the bad guys

NAVAIR teams test GPS anti-jamming device on small UAV

U.S. Navy photo by Kelly Schindler

The Navy’s Communications and GPS Navigation Program Office (PMW/A 170) mounted a Small Antenna System on an Aerostar unmanned aircraft then placed it in a room lined with signal-absorbent material, where it was subjected to GPS jamming signals at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Part of an initiative to protect GPS technologies on small unmanned aerial vehicles, the Navy conducted the tests in July to demonstrate how miniaturized GPS protection devices can prevent interruption of the mission-critical global positioning data. the footprint normally required of such a system, which is now ideal for UAV incorporation and service,” Rushing said. “What makes us smarter is knowing our enemies

are smart and that we have to stay one step ahead of them. The SAS development is the latest GPS anti-jam capability to aid the war fighter in combating the bad guys.”


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Part of an initiative to protect GPS technologies on small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), the Navy recently conducted tests to demonstrate how miniaturized GPS protection devices can prevent interruption of this mission-critical global positioning data. From July 10 to 24, the Communications and GPS Navigation Program Office (PMW/A 170), headquartered in San Diego, mounted a Small Antenna System (SAS) on an Aerostar unmanned aircraft, then placed the small UAV in a room lined with signalabsorbent material at the FARM (Facilities for Antenna and RCS Measurements), where it was subjected to GPS jamming signals. Equipped with model jammers, the FARM facility was used as a stage for the “enemy” to jam the GPS signal and try to knock the UAV off course, said Eric Stevens, the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Communications and Navigation lead for PMW/A-170, which supplied the antenna system. Knocked off course, the UAV would not be able to relay critical intelligence back to the ground control station — disrupting communications among U.S. and allied forces’ ships, aircraft and submarines. In a worst-case scenario, GPS jamming could even cause UAVs to crash. “If an enemy is trying to jam, or interfere, with the GPS frequency, this antenna

allows us to be able to track and acquire the true GPS satellites even in the midst of this jamming and interference,” Stevens said. “What we are doing is demonstrating and quantifying the value of this antenna on small UAVs.” PMW/A-170, aligned under the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) at Naval Air Station Patuxent River and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command in San Diego partnered with Naval Test Wing Atlantic, which supplied the Aerostar, to conduct July’s testing. Personnel and teams from the Maritime Unmanned Development and Operations (MUDO); the Navy and Marine Corps Small Tactical Unmanned Air Systems Program Office (PMA 263); and an engineering team from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Radar and Antenna Systems Department also supported the event. Personnel involved in the testing were optimistic about the results. “We are hoping to gain some ground and show there are smaller GPS protection solutions out there,” said Michelle Jackson, an electronics engineer with experience in testing SAS systems on other platforms. Equipped with the SAS, the Aerostar will be also used to support a U.S. Army pre-deployment war-game scenario conducted at Fort Polk, La., in August, said Donn Rushing, the project lead for MUDO. Rushing participated in the Fort Polk exercises last year and said the addition of the GPS anti-jamming antenna will give the “good guys” an edge this year. “This new anti-jam system decreases


By Paula A. Paige Naval Air Systems Command Program Management (AIR 1.0) Public Affairs



Continued from 1 they worked. The teens were required to track and submit their hours. Brothers Kyle and Eric Gronda both wanted to gain work experience. Kyle, 15, chose the Auto Hobby Shop because he wanted to learn more about cars, and kept busy assigning and scheduling work bays; recycling auto fluids; picking up vehicles for repairs; signing cars into the lemon lot and assisting with customer service, tool crib management and shop maintenance. “I liked helping customers and learned a lot about common auto repairs,” he said. “I learned you should ask for help when you need it – especially when doing a brake job – or you might end up doing circles in the parking lot with a car that can’t stop!” Eric, 14, worked with kids at the Mattapany Day Camp along with Bryan Fuesel, 16. “I played with the kids, moved boxes, got water, swept cabins and picked up toys,” Eric said, “and I learned a lot about teamwork.” Bryan had wanted to help out at the camp because he attended it himself when he was younger. “I enjoyed playing games with the kids and showing them some new things,” he said, “and I learned how to solve a problem by approaching it in different ways.” Matthew Fan, 15, has the goal of becoming an engineer or programmer some day and specifically wanted to work in an office setting. “I chose the [Information, Tickets and Tours] office where I could benefit from simple things such as word processing, customer service, using the land lines, faxing and much more,” he said. “I knew an office experience would’ve been hard to come by outside of the program.”


Tester Brian Bizier, 16, decided to join to do something interesting this summer, and he wasn’t disappointed. “I worked at the Environmental Center and previously I hadn’t really had much interest in environmental sciences, but I ended up having an incredible amount of fun,” he said. “I did a huge variety of things – bald eagle surveys, searched for Diamondback Terrapin nests, assisted with education programs, fed animals and cleaned tanks.” Bizier remembers one especially exciting day was when he observed a garter snake giving birth. “That day, I learned the meaning of the word ovoviviparous,” he said, chuckling. Valencia Perry and Kaitlyn Callander, both 16, worked in the offices of Morale, Welfare and Recreation taking photographs of the MWR facilities around the installation. “We took pictures for use in advertising like fliers and the website,” Kaitlyn said. “We also took the pictures and made PowerPoint slides that will be shown at the [Center Stage] movie theater before the movie plays.” Valencia said they went to some interesting places to shoot and “learned so much about cameras, marketing and Photoshop.” This year, there were 28 participants in Leaders in Training, and 52 more in Work Wise. “The program keeps getting bigger every year,” Barnes said. “Lots of teens return again the following year but it’s becoming harder to place them. We’re always open to more work sites taking more teens. We want to maximize the number of teens we can help by getting them those valuable work skills.” Any department interested in becoming a future Career Launch Summer Program worksite can contact either Sabrina Barnes at 995-4177 or sabrina.barnes@navy.mil; or Keetje Straub, youth center director, at 3424498 or keetje.straub@navy.mil.


Continued from 1 vides the on-site capability to tie different radio networks together to facilitate the flow between different organizations and agencies,” Creswell said, “and it can also provide secure and non-secure network access for FBI agents or local first responders to get out on the Internet and do what they need to do.” Working on behalf of the National Guard and other external sponsors, Creswell’s team does everything from assisting with the financial aspect of the UCS and acquisition of the trucks, to engineering design and analysis, program planning and management, lifecycle sustainment and logistics. The truck bodies are outfitted at Webster Field with both commercial and government off-the-shelf technology. “We’ll take the best of any one product and select the right components to go on the truck, repackaging them into the correct configurations,” Creswell said. “We’ll integrate them, test them, and bring them together as a turnkey solution. We’re hired to build a complete system, certify it, and make sure it’s safe and suitable before turning [the vehicle] over to its actual operator.” Creswell’s team also provides a 24/7 help desk and, when a call comes in about a problem, staff manning the desk must quickly determine which component needs to go to the site to fix the situation. “If it’s routine, the component will ship the next day via Federal Express,” Creswell explained. “If it’s urgent, it will be driven to the airport and put on a plane. If it’s extremely urgent, one of our staff will physically travel with the part and deliver it to the CST team on site.”

Thursday, August 22, 2013

With technology constantly improving and changing, it’s necessary to keep the trucks relevant by doing some sort of modernization every 18 to 24 months and Creswell said every truck will eventually rotate back through Webster Field for upgrade. “The commercial industry around us changes quickly and in order to remain relevant and operable with police, fire, FBI and other government agencies, we have to update the technology on board to stay right there with them, or we couldn’t talk with them on their networks,” he said. Jerry Cathey served on the 61st CST from Arkansas for 10 years and now works as a government contractor. Cathey was involved in major incidents such as Hurricane Katrina and the disintegration of the space shuttle Columbia over Texas. “In addition to providing all of the communications capabilities required by the CST, the UCS can bridge the communications capabilities of the first response community by allowing whoever needs to communicate to be able to communicate,” Cathey said. “If someone needs to talk to someone on their cell phone from a radio; it can make that happen. It can allow a hand held radio to talk with a helicopter hovering overhead. It provides television service so responders on scene can see what’s going on around them. It provides Internet to track where patients are being sent. It’s like the network closet at the end of the hallway that can do just about anything.” Creswell credits the program’s success to the people who make it work. “We have just the right mix of government employees, contractors and leadership here in the division,” he said. “Because of our people and structure — the way the contracts are set up, our personnel approach and the job’s mission — we can move quickly and at a reasonable cost.”


Thursday, August 22, 2013






Thursday, August 22, 2013

Around Town St. Mary’s County:

Meet the Airplane: A-4 Skyhawk

Saturday, noon-3 p.m. Patuxent River Naval Air Museum, Lexington Park Visit with a panel of Skyhawk pilots; special activities for children; Calvert High School Navy Junior ROTC Drill Team performs; music by the Pax Rats from noon-2 p.m.; 50/50 raffle drawings at 1:30 and 3 p.m.; Hank Caruso print raffle. Call 301863-1900.

Tryouts for Cougars Elite Competitive Cheerleading Program

Saturday, 7-8 p.m. St. Mary’s Gymnastics Center, Lexington Park St. Mary’s Department of Recreation and Parks announces supplemental tryouts for the 2013-2014 Cougars Elite Competitive Cheerleading Program squads. Participants cannot be younger than 7 or older than 18 by Aug. 31. The program’s primary focus is not only to prepare and compete in local, state and national competitions, but to teach athletes self-confidence, athleticism and sportsmanship. During the year, squads concentrate on all components of cheerleading, including tumbling, dance,

WORK WISE Continued from 1

it look more charming. It has really been a pleasure working this summer; it really built my character and created loyalty to a career and to people. I felt extremely lucky to work at MWR admin. Kaitlyn Callander Working in MWR has given me a chance to meet new people and see what it’s like to work in the office and out on a job site. I was able to go to various places around the naval air station to capture photos for informational slides that are used to advertise base happenings. The interesting part of this job was that I


stunting, jumps and showmanship. Coaches have extensive backgrounds in cheerleading and tumbling and are certified through the National Youth Sports Coaches Association as well as CPR and American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators safety certified. There is a $200 fee associated with the program. Email cougarselite@ gmail.com.

House of Dance Registration for 2013-2014 Dance Year

Monday through Thursday, 5-8 p.m. House of Dance, Hollywood Registrations are being taken for the 2013-2014 dance year for all youth and adult classes. Call 301-373-6330 or email www. thehouseofdance.org.

Calvert County: Garden Smarter: Grow It, Eat It, Preserve It

Saturday, 10-11:30 a.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick Learn to identify safe food preservation practices, how canning preserves food, and how to process high and low acid foods using a water bath or pressure canner.

got to learn about different buildings I didn’t know about before: Customized Creations, the beach house, the campsites, the golf course. Of course, there were also days where I worked in the office doing things such as paper shredding, folding, making copies and organizing; helping others with easy, but time-consuming tasks. Working around the office, I was able to learn about how things run, too, such as marketing and advertising for events, how to create fliers and edit photos. I loved that every day was different and I was able to learn things that I didn’t know before. I am glad that I took the opportunity to be in the Work Wise program and I would encourage any teen to be part of this amazing program.

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Thursday, August 22, 2013





Thursday, August 22, 2013


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