Tester 091213

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Pax People Page 2

Laps for Life Page 5

Baseball Ump Retires

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Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15 - Oct. 15 VOLUME 70, NUMBER 34

NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, MARYLAND Celebrating 70 years of community partnership

September 12, 2013

NAVAIR leaders learn to harvest big results at workshop

By Emily Funderburk Naval Air Systems Command Total Force communications support

A group of Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) leaders learned how to make their figurative gardens grow at a NAVAIR Leadership Development Program (NLDP) workshop held at Naval Air Station Patuxent River on Aug. 12-13. “Letting something grow on its own rarely brings the desired result,” Jones Loflin, author of “Getting the Blue Ribbon,” told 75 employees from NAVAIR sites nationwide in one of the workshop’s interactive learning sessions. “If we are going to get better results, we have to start by being intentional.” Loflin described a four-step process to achieving better results personally and professionally. Using the analogy of a gardener, he advised listeners to grow, graft, prune and harvest. His key points: You are growing something every day. What grows and how it grows is up to you. New ideas, attitudes and actions need to be “grafted” into your work or life to achieve better

results. Changing something that is established is rarely easy, but is necessary if you want to get something better. Pruning should be done at the first sign of undesirable outcomes. You sometimes have to say “no” to things of lesser importance, so you can say “yes” to things of greater importance. Celebrating “harvest” moments is a critical step in getting more blue ribbon results. Give yourself the opportunity for small wins frequently. Loflin previously visited Patuxent River in November 2011 as part of NAVAIR’s Leadership Day, offering solutions to balancing priorities. “The overall workshop and exercises helped me to better understand and/or look at problem solving from a wider viewpoint by focusing on solving the problem without internalizing or enabling the problem,” said E-2 Deputy Assistant Program Manager (Logistics) Dorene Adams. “This is something that I will try to instill going forward both personally and professionally.” NLDP participants who, in addition to taking leadership training classes such as this workshop, will partake in job rotational as-

U.S. Navy photo by Adam Skoczylas

“We’ve got to have more moments to celebrate what is going well,” said international speaker and author Jones Loflin at a NAVAIR Leadership Development Program workshop at Naval Air Station Patuxent River on Aug. 12. “Celebrate your productive results.” Loflin used the analogy of a garden, including growing, grafting, pruning and harvesting, to describe how to achieve better results. signments, find mentors, create individual development plans, shadow senior leaders, attend

leadership and diversity events, participate in book club discussions and build a professional

See NAVAIR, Page 11

Hail to the new chiefs; pinning ceremony set for Friday

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Pharaoh McMillian

Vice Adm. David Dunaway, center, commander of Naval Air Systems Command, and the chief petty officer (CPO) selectees of Class 120 stand outside his home, Mattapany, during his meet and greet dinner Aug. 23. The admiral and his family invited the CPO selects and their families over for a casual dinner. All station personnel are invited to witness the Chief’s Pinning Ceremony on Sept. 13 at 10 a.m. in the Rear Adm. William A. Moffett Building atrium, building 2272.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pax People: Lt. Cmdr. Treaver Wright

Building a better body By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer

Plenty of people watch what they eat and work out at the gym, but not many carry it to extremes like Lt. Cmdr. Treaver Wright – who willingly stood on stage and allowed his body to be judged by members of the National Physique Committee during an NPC Grand Prix bodybuilding competition in July. Wright has been bodybuilding for about 16 years, but never participated in any kind of competition until the Virginia-based July 13 event, where he took first place in the Open Class/Lightweight Division. He also took fourth place in the Masters Class, which is contested by age and not weight, competing in the 40-49 year category. “I’ve always been athletic; I used to be a rescue swimmer,” said Wright, a maintenance officer with the Unites States Naval Test Pilot School at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. “I always worked out and ran. When I get off work, I go to the gym. It’s what I do. It’s kind of a hobby.” Wright said he figured he’d compete before he “got too old to do it” and while he didn’t know much about his competition, he just went out there and did his best. Doing his best meant successfully executing a variety of mandatory poses designed to display his sculpted physique to a panel of judges assessing his body’s symmetry, muscularity and definition. And that kind of competitive body type doesn’t come easily. “I’ve been working out six days a week, about 2 to 2½ hours per day, for 16 years,” Wright said,

Lt. Cmdr. Treaver Wright, a maintenance officer with the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, gets ready to work his triceps in the Drill Hall weight room, Sept. 9. Every Monday, Wright concentrates on the chest, triceps and calves. After 16 years of bodybuilding, he has recently begun participating in professional competitions.

Wright’s wins: • National Physique Committee Grand Prix First place in Open Class/ Lightweight Division Fourth place in Masters Class/40-49 years • Shawn Ray Classic Second place in Open Class/Lightweight Division Fourth place in Masters Class/40-49 years

“and since I’ve been stationed here at Pax, I do most of my training in the Drill Hall.” Wright’s exercise routine is extremely regimented, working a specific part of the body on the same day of every week. “My typical day is I’m up at 4:15 a.m. and at the gym by 4:45, where I’ll do 45 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach before coming to work,” he said. “Between 3:15 and 4 p.m., I’ll be back over there for another hour and a half to complete my daily workout.” His diet is no less strict. “I eat at 6, 9, 12, 3, 6 and about 8:30 each day, every day,” he said. After his early morning workout, Wright will have a protein shake at 6 a.m. At 9 a.m., he’ll have eight eggs — but only two yolks — with three pieces of turkey bacon. Lunch at noon is a boneless, skinless chicken breast with green beans or broccoli; he’ll have two cans of tuna with peas at 3 p.m.; another shake or protein pancake

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

at 6 p.m.; and then he’ll have 8 ounces of ground beef with green beans for his final meal of the day at 8:30. As part of his diet, he also cycles his carbohydrates — a typical rotation is 100, then 50, then

0 grams per day – with his only source of carbohydrates being oats or brown rice. “I’ve eaten the same food every day since Feb. 16, prepping for [competition],” he said. “There’s a

Navy FitRep, eval changes:

New CDC opens Toddlers, from left, Camden Gutridge and Amari Poirier enjoy their classroom’s new play equipment during opening day at the child development center (CDC) in building 2813 off Cuddihy Road. Children from the CDC buildings 433 and 2030, along with 30 new children, moved into the facility Sept. 9 after more than a year of construction. CDC building 2813 can house nearly 360 children, providing child care for an additional 175 children. A grand opening celebration is slated for Oct. 23. CDC building 2030 is scheduled for renovation and CDC building 433 is being demolished.

method to the madness.” Wright describes his diet as “shocking my body to keep it guessing”, with the desired result to get as lean as he possibly can. He also takes supplements, such as whey protein powder, fish oil, glucosamine chondroitin, magnesium, potassium and branch chain amino acids. “You don’t want to hold any water or fat,” he said. “You have to be able to see all of the muscle fibers.” But even as Wright continues to shape, form and build his body, he does allow himself to let loose with what he calls one “cheat meal” per week. “Every Saturday night I might have a greasy cheeseburger and fries; and maybe cheesecake,” he said. “But understand that this is a cheat ‘meal’, not a cheat ‘day’. And the closer I get to a show, I probably won’t do that at all.” Wright recently competed again Aug. 17 at the Shawn Ray Classic in Baltimore, taking second place in the Open Class/lightweight division, and fourth place in the Masters Class/40-49 years. And he already has his sights set on future competitions. “I’m ready,” he said — and no one doubts it!

Command climate can affect Sailors’ evals By Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class Xander Gamble Defense Media Activity

Navy fitness reports and evaluations continue to change as Navy priorities and requirements evolve; with each change comes a clear definition of what it takes to be a 5.0 Sailor. Now, it will take more. Navy Leaders need to do more to prevent sexual assault and harassment, said Vice Adm. William Moran, chief of naval personnel. This has prompted an update to the way annual evaluations are written, U.S. Navy photo by Connie Howard

See FitRep, Page 12

Thursday, September 12, 2013



Keeping with tradition

Courtesy photo

Four program managers assigned to the Program Executive Office for Tactical Aircraft (PEO(T)) visit with their children at the United States Naval Academy during Plebes Parents Weekend earlier this month. From left, Capt. John Martins, Air-to-Air Missiles Program Office (PMA 259), and his son, John Martins; Capt. John Greene, Airborne Electronic Attack Systems and EA-6B Program Office (PMA 234), and his daughter, Christy Greene; Col. Charlie Gray, AV-8B Harrier Program Office (PMA 257) , and his son, Ryan Gray; and Capt. John Lemmon, E-2/C-2 Airborne Tactical Data System Program Office (PMA 231), and his son, Dane Lemmon. The weekend was the culmination of Plebe Summer. All midshipmen begin the four-year program with Plebe Summer, a period designed to turn civilians into midshipmen. All four program managers are USNA graduates.

News briefs On base:

Pax River Officer’s Spouse’s Club social

Sept. 12, 7 p.m. Mattapany House (Quarters A) The Patuxent River Officer’s Spouse’s Club (PROSC) annual kick-off social is open to spouses of active-duty, reserve, retired and international military officers. PROSC is a social group that features a wide variety of activities. It serves as a support network for spouses of military officers and a charitable organization within the community. Visit www.paxosc.org and Like the Pax River Officer’s Spouse’s Club at www.facebook.com/PaxRiverOSC to get the latest information on upcoming events and announcements. Those interested in joining PROSC should send an email to paxspouses@paxosc.org.

Bldg. 409 Legal Office Closed

The Region Legal Service Office Naval District Washington Patuxent River Branch Office in building 409 will be open from 8-11 a.m. Sept. 17 and closed Sept. 18. Normal business hours are: 8-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Navy Ball Tickets Now On Sale

Event: Oct. 11 Cocktails at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center Tickets for the 238th Navy Ball at Naval Air Station Patuxent River are on sale now. This year’s theme highlights the air station’s 70 years of community partnership. The event is open to all station personnel and their guests. Prices vary according to rank and grade. Dress: full dress blues or better for military and formal attire for non-military. Join your shipmates in celebrating this time-honored tradition. Tickets and pricing, email PaxRiverNavyBall@gmail.com.

Influenza Vaccinations

Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River is offering the flu vaccine based on the following schedule: active duty from 8-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Preventive Medicine Department; all other eligible beneficiaries from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays in the Immunization Department. For questions or concerns, call 301-342-4062.

Flying Club Pilot Courses

September The Patuxent River Navy Flying Club is offering two pilot courses beginning in September: Private Pilot Ground School and Instrument Pilot Ground School. The Private Pilot course is from 5-8 p.m. Mondays in the building 2189 auditorium, and the Instrument Pilot course is from 5-8 p.m. Wednesdays in the building 2189 auditorium. The courses meet the requirements for the FAA knowledge tests and for Navy Continuous Learning credits. Contact Joe Dziewit, at 301-862-1110 or stop by the club office behind and next to the Post Office on base.

Lunchtime Q&A: International Programs Office

Sept. 17, noon to 1 p.m. Building 2272, conference room 354.13 Michael Dougherty, head of Naval Air Systems Command’s International Programs Office, is the featured speaker at the September Lunchtime Question & Answer session. The session highlights the why, what and how of International Programs from national, Navy and Naval Air Systems Command perspectives. The monthly Lunchtime Q&A Sessions are open to military, DOD civilians and contractors on a first-come, first-served basis. Submit questions in advance by emailing lindsey.noffsinger.ctr@navy. mil, or ask them at the session. Sign language interpreters and virtual teleconferencing are available upon request.

Base, school PEP program kickoff

Sept. 18, 10-11 a.m. Frank Knox building, room 100 School is back in session and that means it’s time to gear up for another year of partnerships between Naval Air Station Patuxent River and Southern Maryland schools. This PEP kick-off ceremony brings together the station’s partnership coordinators for local schools, the school principals and county public school Superintendants. Station employees interested in becoming volunteers are invited to attend. PEP volunteers tutor, mentor, provide technical expertise and serve as positive role models to boost students’ self esteem, reach personal goals and achieve academic success. For more information on the PEP program and how to volunteer within Southern Maryland schools, contact Senior Chief Master-at-Arms Scott Johnson at scott.c.johnson@ navy.mil.

Women’s Network Forum (brown bag)

Sept. 19, noon to 2 p.m. Video teleconferencing: building 304, room 110; building 1489, room 145; building 1490, room 25 and building 447, room 109 The Women’s Advisory Group is sponsoring a national brown bag event: “Work Should Not Hurt,” Anti-Bullying/ Anti-Harassment Training for military, DOD civilians and contracting personnel. It is presented by Sara Hice at North Island, Calif., and is available to Pax employees via VTC. Topics: The differences between rude/bad behavior, bullying and harassment; examples and degree of discipline assigned to specific behaviors; and steps to take if a victim of bullying/harassment. Space is limited. Register at www.eventsbot.com/ events/eb914891181. Contact Mark Easter at 301-342-3984.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Hotline

Safe Helpline, 877-995-5247; text the Safe Helpline, at 55247; Duty Victim Advocate, 301-481-1057; Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, 301-580-8212

Naval District Washington Winter Uniform

NDW shifts to winter uniform effective Oct. 7. There is no transition period. Uniform of the day: officers/chief petty

officers: service dress blue, service khaki or Navy working uniform; E1 to E6: service dress blue, service uniform or Navy working uniform.

Where’s Gnorman?

Somewhere in this issue we’ve hidden Gnorman the gnome. Be the first to call in his location and receive one Center Stage Theater movie ticket; good for any Center Stage movie. The same person cannot win more than once a month. Calls are only accepted between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Fridays. Call the Tester staff at 301-342-4163. Last week’s winner was John Altomere.

Off base:

Vanpool Openings: Charles County to Pax River

Riders needed for current Waldorf to Naval Air Station Patuxent River vanpool. The vanpool leaves from the Park N Ride at 3165 Mattawoman Beantown Road in Waldorf at 6:30 a.m. and travels to the Rear Adm. William A. Moffett Building atrium, building 2272, with a 7:30 a.m. arrival time. The vanpool leaves building 2272 at 5 p.m. and returns to the Mattawoman Park N Ride by 6 p.m. For pricing and information, contact Jessica Collert at 301-212-6490 or George Clark at 240-216-5571. Find a car/vanpool to other locations at www.commuterconnections.org.

Scrap Tire Drop-Off Day Sept. 14

Sept. 14, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. St. Andrews Landfill, California, Md. St. Mary’s County farmers and residents can unload up to 10 tires per vehicle free of charge. There is a limit of one trip per vehicle. Tires accepted include: passenger, light truck, heavy truck and agricultural, both on-rim and offrim. Commercial vehicles and businesses are prohibited from participating. Contact Nicholas Zurkan at 301-8638400 ext. 3550 or visit the department’s website at www. stmarysmd.com.

Calvert County Household Hazardous Waste Days

Sept. 14, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mt. Hope Community Center, Sunderland This event gives Calvert County residents the opportunity to safely dispose of hazardous substances free of charge. Call the Calvert County Department of Public Works at 410326-0210 or visit www.co.cal.md.us/hazardouswaste for a full listing of materials accepted.

Leadership Southern Maryland golf tournament

Sept. 19, 8:30 a.m. Breton Bay Country Club Cost: $125 per person or $450 for a foursome. Price includes 18 holes, a cart and lunch. Preregister online at www. leadsomd.org, by calling 240-725-5469 or emailing leadsomd@verizon.net. Day of registration and a continental breakfast available with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Proceeds benefit Leadership Southern Maryland. Rain date: Sept. 26.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blue skies may lead to readiness complacency Commentary by James Lettner Naval Air Station Patuxent River Fleet and Family Support Center Whether you’re a recent arrival or a longtime resident of Southern Maryland, you’ve probably noticed that this year’s Atlantic Hurricane season has been relatively quiet so far. The tendency to become complacent increases as the “threat factor” appears to be reduced. History has demonstrated that even though a hurricane season may begin quietly, they can eventually become quite dangerous as the year goes on. Being prepared now is a prudent action because waiting can be costly in terms of expenses and stress on the family. Anyone who has gone through a tropical storm or hurricane in Southern Maryland knows that resources can quickly become scarce once a warning is issued — especially for items such as portable generators, gallon size bottles of water, emergency repair supplies, the list goes on. What will you do with your pets if you are ordered to evacuate? Do you have a special-needs family member who requires specialized transportation? Do you have family members living with you who might need medical equipment to survive in the event of a sustained power outage? Where do you go to get information about resources to

Get more information on preparing for emergencies:

• American Red Cross: www.redcross.org • Federal Emergency Management Agency: www.fema. gov • Homeland Security: www.dhs.gov • MD Emergency Management Agency: www.mema. state.md.us • National Weather Service: www.nws.noaa.gov • Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed: www.ready.gov • Ready Navy: www.ready.navy.mil • Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) at https://www.navyfamily.navy.mil or call 877-414-5358 or 866-297-1971 TDD) • Weather Channel: www.weather.com

meet these and other needs during an emergency? All of these scenarios have been prepared for by both St. Mary’s and Calvert counties departments of Public Safety; visit www.stmarysmd.com/publicsafety and http://md-calvertcounty.civicplus.com. Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. Moms, dads, and caregivers are invited to bring their children for playtime at the Glenn Forest Community Center.

Transition GPS (Separatee)

Sept. 16-20 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. TAP is for separating and retiring military members. It is a joint venture by the FFSC and the Departments of Defense, Labor, and Veterans Affairs. Topics include skill assessment, résumé writing, job search methods, interview techniques, and a review of veterans’ benefits. Seating is limited; see your Career Counselor to sign up.

See more FFSC classes on Facebook.

All classes are held at the Fleet and Family Support Center unless otherwise noted. Classes and programs are open to active duty, retired military and Reservist. Reservations are necessary and can be made at FFSC or by calling 301-342-4911.

FFSC is closed Sept. 24 Ready Navy/Operation Prepare

Summer is here and hurricane season is in full swing. If you would like an information packet on how to prepare for hurricane season and other emergencies, stop by the Fleet and Family Support Center to get a free bag packed with information.

Playgroup at Glenn Forest Community Center Starting Sept. 12

Personal Communication

Sept. 23, 8-9:30 a.m. This class provides information on different communication styles and ways to develop more effective speaking and listening skills. Participants practice insightful, productive and rewarding ways to interact with people.

Budgeting for Baby @ Bldg. 401

Sept. 25, 10 a.m. to noon The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) illustrates the hidden costs associated with a growing family. All Navy and Marine Corps service members who attend receive a new layette worth more than $100.

Consumer Awareness and I.D. Theft

Sept. 25, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Identity theft is a serious crime. It can disrupt one’s finances, credit history and reputation, and it takes time and money to resolve. The rigors of military life can compound the problems that identity theft creates. This workshop offers steps to take to prevent it and what to do if it happens.

U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel

James Lettner hands out a Family Readiness kit loaded with information on how to be ready during an emergency. To get your free kit, stop by the Fleet and Family Readiness Support Center in building 2090. See Ready, Page 14

Ten Steps to a Federal Job

Sept. 25, 1-4 p.m. Learn how to navigate the federal job system. A 137-page training guide is provided.

Stress Management

Sept. 26, 1-2:30 p.m. Stress is a part of life. In this class you will understand how your beliefs and thought process has an impact on how you deal with stress. Participants will walk away with specific actions to manage stress that they can incorporate into their life immediately.

Transition GPS (Retiree)

Sept. 30 through Oct. 7 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. TAP is for separating and retiring military members. ETAP is for the retiring E8/E9 and O5 and above. It is a joint venture by the FFSC and the Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs, it is a must-attend workshop where topics include skills assessment, résumé writing, interview techniques, salary negotiations, financial considerations and an overview of veterans benefits. Seating is limited; see your Career Counselor to register.

IA Indoctrination

Register by Sept. 27 Sept. 30 to Oct. 4, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Individuals who have been selected for Individual Augmentee (IA) are encouraged to report to Fleet and Family Support Center on temporary duty orders for this week-long process. This one-stop shop takes care of all of IA needs. Spouses are encouraged to attend from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Aug. 28 to hear recently returned IA’s experiences and important information for family support issues.

Naval Air Station Patuxent River • tester@dcmilitary.com • www.facebook.com/NASPaxRiver The name Tester is a registered mark in the state of Maryland. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 948-1520, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the Tester are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorse-

Capt. Ben Shevchuk

Commanding Officer

Capt. Heidi Fleming Executive Officer

Cmd. Master Chief William Lloyd-Owen

Command Master Chief

ment by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office. News copy should be submitted by Friday to be

Connie Hempel

Public Affairs Officer

Donna Cipolloni Staff Writer

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 301-342-4163 or fax the Tester at 301-8639296.

Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-862-2111.

Frederick C. Fair Volunteer

Copy/layout editors Stay up to date with us on Facebook


Thursday, September 12, 2013


Chaplain’s corner:

Are you more like Methuselah or Jesus? By Al Kaniss Guest contributor

St. Nicolas Chapel Service Schedule Catholic Services Mass: Sundays at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Weekdays at 11:35 a.m. Continuing Catholic Development (CCD): Sundays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Protestant Services Worship: Sundays at 11 a.m. Men’s Discipleship: Sunday, 6-7:30 p.m. at the Religious Programming Center Women’s Study: Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m. and Thursday, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Religious Programming Center

Trivia question: Who was Everett Scott? Answer: Until Lou Gehrig overtook him, Scott held the record for appearing in the most consecutive Major League Baseball games. Scott is still in the all-time third place, behind Gehrig and and, of course, Al Kaniss Cal Ripken. Lou Gehrig died more than 70 years ago, before most people reading this were even born. So why is he still so well known, while Everett Scott isn’t? It could be that Ripken broke Gehrig’s record, not Scott’s. Or that ALS is often called “Lou Gehrig’s disease.” But it could also be that unlike Ripken and Gehrig, Scott didn’t set a bunch of records or have as illustrious a career. Scott’s longevity was his most significant accomplishment. The person in the Bible who holds the record for longevity is Methuselah, living 969 years. If he had any accomplishments, the Bible doesn’t mention them. Many others, who didn’t live nearly as long, accomplished a lot: Moses lived to 120 years, leading his nation of millions of people in the wilderness for 40 years to the promised land. Jesus lived to only 33, teaching and preaching to multitudes of people, performing miracles, and making the ultimate sacrifice of

his life for the forgiveness of people’s sins. So, while longevity is significant, it isn’t how long you have, it’s what you do with that time. You may be familiar with the poem “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. It emphasizes that the dash on a tombstone, between the year of a person’s birth and the year of their death, represents the person’s life. Ms. Ellis rightly claims that it’s not how long you live, it’s how you “spend your dash” that counts. Many of our newer performance appraisal systems are now geared to “pay for performance” which focuses on accomplishments, unlike the older general schedule (GS) system which put more emphasis on longevity. This is another sign that it’s more important what you get done than how long you’re here. We still recognize longevity with “length of service” ceremonies, with pins, certificates, applause and taking pictures. While this is certainly a nice gesture, I’d like to see it go further and recognize the person’s accomplishments along with their longevity. This way, we are not recognizing someone for just “coming to work.” Would Ripken’s breaking Gehrig’s record have been as significant if Ripken was just a mediocre ballplayer? We should keep up traditions of celebrating longevity with things, such as birthday parties and length of service ceremonies. But we should at the same time acknowledge the person’s accomplishments, not just their longevity. Not only would this be more meaningful, but likely encourage them to do even more significant things, not just mark time until the next celebration. And, while we’re at it, let’s thank God for enabling us to do what we do and giving us the time to do it.

ister in advance by calling 301-342-4911. Same-day registration begins at 10:40 a.m. Participants may begin walking at anytime during the event. Open to all persons with base access. Drawings held hourly.

River’s Edge Outdoor Theater Performance Sept. 12, 7 p.m. now canceled

Dinner and Dancing at the River’s Edge Scan to see more MWR events on Facebook. For all MWR news, visit www.cnic. navy.mil/patuxent and click on Fleet and Family Readiness. Drill Hall Rassieur Youth Center Intramural Sports Energy Zone River’s Edge Liberty

301-757-3943 301-342-1694 301-757-3943 301-995-3869 301-342-3656 301-342-3565

Shaun Canon and Friends

Tickets go on sale Sept. 13 at the ITT Office. Show date: Oct. 24, 7 p.m. Naval Air Station Patuxent River Drill Hall Don’t miss this one of a kind show. American Idol Season 7 finalist Shaun Canon brings his high energy concert along with Ryan and Ashleigh DiLello, finalists on “So You Think You Can Dance,” to NAS Pax River. Cost: $10 per person, includes a coupon for a free Chick-Fil-A sandwich). Activeduty military and their dependents receive free tickets on a first-come, first-served basis at the ITT Office. Email Market.MWR-PAXR.fcm@navy.mil for more information. *Please thank our sponsors: Northrop Grumman, Exelis and Chick-Fil-A. *NAS Patuxent River sincerely thanks the sponsors of this event. However, neither the Navy, nor any other part of the Federal Government officially endorse any person, company or their products or services.

Walk a Peaceful Mile

Oct. 1, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mattapany House Circle off of Millstone Road Domestic Violence Awareness Month Event: Morale, Welfare and Recreation and the Fleet and Family Support Center partner in this walk to stop Domestic Violence. Reg-

Sept. 27 An evening of food, music and dancing. Dance lessons available from 5:30-6 p.m. with advance enrollment. Serving from 5:30-7 p.m. Menu: carved prime rib, baked potatoes, pasta station, raw oyster bar, fruit cobbler and more. Dancing until 10 p.m. Call for reservations and details. Cost: members, $16.95; non-members, $18.95. Coupons are redeemable.

Cedar Point Golf Course

Admiral’s Open Golf Tournament Oct. 5-6 Shotgun starts: Oct. 5 at noon and Oct. 6 at 9 a.m. Hosted by Rear Adm. Mark Darrah. Registration starts 7:30 a.m. Sept.7 at the Clubhouse. Registration open to the first 50 paid entrants with a valid U.S.G.A handicap. Patrons may enter self plus one other. Telephone and email entries are not accepted. Entry fee: $100 per person, includes all Titliest favor bag, greens fees, carts, lunch buffet at awards ceremony. Tournament is a 36-hole stroke play, top 10 gross and net prizes and eight closest to the Green prizes. Call 301-342-3597. *MWR programming proudly supported by Exelis, Taylor Gas and Christie Dentistry.

Men’s and Ladies Club Championships

Registration closes Sept. 16. Sept. 21-22 Open to all eligible patrons with a valid U.S.G.A. handicap. Entry fees: $ 70 per player or $50 for Pass holders, includes greens fees and prizes. This is a 36-hole stroke play, two-day competition. There are assigned tee times and pairings; requests are not accepted. Gross and net prizes awarded. Call 301-342-3597.

Rassieur Youth Center Movie and Munchy Family Night

Sept. 27, 5:30-8 p.m. Cost: $2 per person Families, come dressed in pajamas to watch a movie and munch on snacks. Register at the Youth Center up and pay no later than close of business on the Wednesday prior.

‘Laps for Life’ team walk/run relay

Sept. 19, 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. At the track behind the Fire Station No. 2 and building 1489. Everyone is invited to come out and show support for this cause. To register: Military, contact Chief Air Traffic Controller Jimmie Stephens at jimmie.stephens@navy.mil; civilians, contact Twila Kopaniasz at twila.kopaniasz@navy.mil.

‘Laps for Life’ highlights suicide prevention awareness month Commentary by Twila Kopaniasz Naval Air Systems Command Total Force Strategy and Management Department

As part of National Suicide Prevention Month, the Naval Air Station Patuxent River Suicide Prevention Team invites everyone with base access to its fourth annual “Laps for Life” walk/run relay Sept. 19. Suicide leaves many unanswered questions, so much guilt and so much grief. Loved ones are lost each year to an enemy called suicide, and most of these tragedies can be prevented. Most of us have either experienced or know someone who has lived through a suicide or suicide attempt, and have asked

See Laps, Page 10



Thursday, September 12 6:30 p.m., 2 Guns For the past 12 months, DEA agent Bobby Trench and U.S. naval intelligence officer Marcus Stigman have been reluctantly attached at the hip. Working undercover as members of a narcotics syndicate, each man distrusts his partner as much as the criminals they have both been tasked to take down. When their attempt to infiltrate a Mexican drug cartel and recover millions goes haywire, Trench and Stigman are suddenly disavowed by their superiors. Now that everyone wants them in jail or in the ground, the only person they can count on is the other. Unfortunately for their pursuers, when good guys spend years pretending to be bad, they pick up a few tricks along the way. Rated: R (1 hr, 49 min) Friday, September 13 6:30 p.m., Percy Jackson:


Thursday, September 12, 2013

dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer. But Dusty’s not exactly built for racing-and he happens to be afraid of heights. So he turns to a seasoned naval aviator who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dusty’s courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar. Rated: (1 hr, 32 min) Sea of Monsters (3D) Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, continues his epic journey to fulfill his destiny, as he teams with his demigod friends to retrieve the Golden Fleece, which has the power to save their home and training ground, Camp Half-Blood. Rated: PG (1 hr, 46 min)

9 p.m., We’re the Millers David Burke is a smalltime pot dealer whose clientele includes chefs and soccer moms, but no kids after all, he has his scruples. Preferring to keep a low profile for obvious reasons, he learns the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished when he tries to help out

some local teens and winds up getting jumped by a trio of gutter punks. Stealing his stash and his cash, they leave him in major debt to his supplier, Brad. In order to wipe the slate cleanand maintain a clean bill of health-David must now become a big-time drug smuggler by bringing Brad’s latest

shipment in from Mexico. One fake wife, two pretend kids and a huge, shiny RV later, the “Millers” are headed south of the border for a Fourth of July weekend that is sure to end with a bang. Rated: R (1 hr, 49 min) Saturday, September 14 4 p.m., Planes (3D) Dusty, a plane with

6:30 p.m., Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (3D) 9 p.m., We’re the Millers Sunday, September 15 2 p.m., Planes (3D) Monday and Tuesday No Movies Wednesday, September 18 6:30 p.m., Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (not in 3D)


Thursday, September 12, 2013


High school senior’s art on exhibit in Leonardtown gallery By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer John Krizovensky remembers his daughter Megan being interested in art back in the early years when her medium of choice was crayons or children’s watercolors, but what a difference a few years can make. During September, Megan is one of the featured artists whose original work is on exhibit and for sale at Opal Fine Art Gallery in Leonardtown. “Both Megan and her sisters spent a lot of time drawing, painting, coloring and even sculpting,” said Krizovensky, chemistry laboratory branch head with Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Propulsion and Power Test Methods and Facilities Division. “I’m not sure what age we started to see her interests grow in the art area, but by middle school it was obvious she not only had a special talent, but a special desire and drive to create and express her feelings on canvas.” Megan, a 17-year-old senior at Great Mills High School, said she began tak-

ing her art seriously around 8th grade and feels her real talent began to emerge as a freshman. “My parents would enroll me in art contests and my art would always make it to [the final levels],” she said. “It made me feel encouraged to continue art, which I see as a way to express myself; like therapy. It means sending a message. I like to make people think.” Megan, who last year was inducted into the National Art Honor Society, competed through the Reflections Arts Recognition Program, a National Parent Teacher Association art program open to students across the country. The program begins with a county competition, then moves on to state, then Nationals. Her mom, Jeannie, remembers one drawing of Megan’s following the 9/11 terrorist attacks titled, “We’ll Never Forget,” which featured a crying Statue of Liberty and a light from heaven shining down on an empty space in the New York City skyline. “That drawing placed in states,” she said. “She also placed into nationals in middle school for several

of her pencil drawings, including a Dalmatian and a whimsical dust bunny. And, several years ago, one of her drawings was on exhibit at the [Patuxent River Naval] air museum.” Cynthia Rosenblatt and Angie Wathen, two of the three co-owners of the Leonardtown gallery hosting the exhibit, first met Megan when she wandered in as a visitor and struck up a conversation. “We began talking about Peter Max and she said she loved his art and paints in that style,” Rosenblatt said. “She showed us some of her work electronically, over her phone, and we invited her to participate.” For the exhibit, which will highlight artist Peter Max, Megan spent four months hand painting a colorful rocking chair with graphics from the Beatles’ movie, “Yellow Submarine.” She’ll also exhibit a few smaller paintings and pastel works. “Peter Max is genuinely one of my favorite artists,” she said. “He’s just a very bold man. The color and line techniques he uses are often described as ‘trippy.’ I can dig it.”

Megan said her art is inspired by her family, people she encounters, her faith, her beliefs, nature and a few very close friends. “Their beaming individuality inspired the works I’m most proud of,” she said, “because I have someone special to connect that work to.” A dream of Megan’s has been to major in art in college, but she’s also practical. “I think I’ll have to minor in art and keep American Sign Language as a major,” she explained. “I’ve been looking at Gallaudet University, a school for the deaf, which also has an amazing art program for their students.” Her father said he is proud of Megan’s accomplishments but is, admittedly, a little nervous about the exhibit. “Up to now, Megan’s work was [mostly] for enjoyment,” he said. “This is quite different, but very exciting.” The exhibit is on display at Opal Fine Art Gallery, 41625 Park Avenue, just off the square in downtown Leonardtown, Md., and will run through September 30.

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U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

Megan Krizovensky, daughter of John Krizovensky, chemistry laboratory branch head with Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Propulsion and Power Test Methods and Facilities Division, is shown with her Peter Max-inspired rocking chair featuring hand painted graphics from the Beatles’ movie, “Yellow Submarine.” Megan is a featured artist in an exhibit running through Sept. 30 at Opal Fine Art Gallery in Leonardtown, Md.



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fair winds and following He’s Out! Longtime Pax River baseball ump retires seas: Wescoe By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer

U.S. Navy photo by Carla Alvino


William Wescoe, deputy program manager Test Program Set for Planning and Policy, and his wife, Lyn, receive a commemorative Naval Aviation Support Equipment (PMA 260) photo from Capt. Fred Hepler, PMA 260’s program manager, acknowledging his more than 33 years of service to the Department of the Navy during a ceremony Aug. 22 at the River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center.

After 45 years of service as a baseball umpire, Bob Hmieleski stepped behind home plate one last time on Aug. 27 to officiate the “B” League championship game between Softballs of Steel and Warlocks. Co-workers and friends, wanting to mark the occasion, stopped play before the 7th inning surprising Hmieleski with a special recognition. With both teams looking on and spectators cheering “Bob, Bob, Bob,” from the bleachers of Campos Field at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Hmieleksi stood surprised and smiling as he listened to speeches and praise from Drill Hall’s fitness and sports director, Hal Willard, and Roger Hockey, the military national program director for the United States Slowpitch Softball Association . “I had no idea at all what they were planning to do,” Hmieleski said. “I was completely surprised.” Another speaker at the event was TC-7 Catapult Site Supervisor Jerry Girdlestone, fellow umpire and good friend of Hmieleski’s, who masterminded the retirement surprise. Others in attendance included various members of the Tri-County Sports Officials Association (TSOA), and Hmieleski’s wife, Joni. “Jerry pulled it off without a hitch and everyone was in on it,” Hmieleski said. “We’ve umped together for over 25 years. I love the guy. He calls me ‘my other dad’.” Girdlestone explained that he wanted to honor Hmieleski not only because he spent 45 years as an umpire but because he is one of the people who started the umpire association in St. Mary’s County. “He has held every board position in our umpire association,” said Girdlestone, who also serves as the TSOA Base Assigning Commissioner. Hmieleski was ceremoniously presented with home plate but it was taken back at the end of the game, along with his umpire shoes, so they can be mounted together and officially presented to him at the TSOA annual banquet held each March at Chancellors Run Regional Park, where more than 100 softball, football, volleyball and basketball officials will be

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

TC-7 Catapult Site Supervisor Jerry Girdlestone (right) ceremoniously presents home plate to retiring umpire Bob Hmieleski before a cheering crowd at Campos Field, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Aug. 27. Hmieleski retired after 45 years as an umpire, with many of those years officiated at Pax River. His wife, Joni, looks on. in attendance with their spouses. While never playing much baseball himself, Hmieleski got involved as an umpire many years ago when one of his three children — a son, now 52 — played Little League. “They were always short of umpires, so I became one and I was hooked,” he said. “Maybe I loved it because you really have to pay attention and concentrate. For an hour and a half, all your troubles are gone.” Officiating as many as 70 games per season for over four decades, Hmieleski, who will be 75 years old in December, decided to retire because he knows he’s slowing down. “All of the games, except for championship games, are single games with just one umpire,” said Hmieleski, who recovered from a massive heart attack in March. “When you’re all by yourself, you have to sprint to see close plays at second base and I can’t really do that anymore.” Originally from PerthAmboy, N.J., Hmieleski and his wife Joni moved to this area following his graduation from college and he worked for many years

in the St. Mary’s County School District, including serving as principal at both Frank Knox Elementary and Leonardtown High schools. Hmieleski retired from the school district in June 2001 and less than three months later started working with Morale, Welfare and Recreation in Athletic Field Maintenance, a threemember department that maintains Pax River’s athletic fields and roller hockey rink, and does custodial work on the tennis courts. He’s still on the job. “I like to be doing something,” he said. Even without baseball filling his evenings, Hmieleski will still have plenty to do, gardening and serving on his parish’s church council, where they’re about to gear up for the holidays and collect toys for needy children throughout the county. And, of course, he’ll continue to enjoy life with his wife. “Joni and I, we’re just like softball,” he said. “If you’re having fun, time goes by quickly. It’s been a good life.”


Thursday, September 12, 2013


An IA’s welcome home

U.S. Navy photo by Yeoman 2nd Class Walter Jackson

Chief (select) Kasey Bruce, a naval aircrewman (avionics) with Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 20, is greeted by his wife, Lakisha, upon his return home after more than 500 days of individual augmentee duty in Afghanistan. Bruce arrived at Naval Air Station Patuxent River aboard a VX 20 aircraft Aug. 20.


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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kendall visits NAVAIR, presents spotlight awards

U.S. Navy photos by Kelly Schindler

During his visit to the Naval Air Station Patuxent Patuxent River on Sept. 3, Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition technology and logistics, presented a spotlight award to Terry Duggan, who served as the in-service deputy program manager for the V-22 Tiltrotor Aircraft program. Duggan guided the Marine Helicopter Squadron (HMX) 1 transition to V-22s from July 2011 to July 2013, and is considered the driving force behind initiatives that provided HMX-1 with an effective and reliable aircraft and systems to fulfill the highprofile task of presidential support missions.


Continued from 5 ourselves, “What could I have done?” or “Did I miss something?” We tend to treat the word “suicide” as taboo; however, sometimes we need to ask, “Are you thinking about suicide?” Contrary to popular belief, you won’t give a person morbid ideas by talking about suicide. The opposite is actually true;


Frank Kendall presents Eric Pratson, integrated product team lead for the Cargo Resupply Unmanned Aerial System team, with a spotlight award during his visit to Naval Air Station Patuxent River on Sept. 3. Pratson was recognized for his contributions toward the successful completion and fielding of an unmanned cargo capability in support of Marine Corps resupply operations in Afghanistan.

Frank Kendall presents Trudy Carroll, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division lead operations officer for the E-2/C-2 program office (PMA 231), with a spotlight award in recognition of her role as the past performance team lead for the Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) source selection. Not pictured, Eric Brown, communications, navigation and identification integrated product team lead, was recognized for his role as the Propulsion and Power Department corporate experience lead for the NGJ source selection team.

bringing up the subject of suicide and discussing it openly is one of the most helpful things you can do for someone. By the time you finish reading this article, there will be three suicide attempts in the U.S. Every 43 seconds, there is a suicide attempt, and every 17 minutes, a life is lost by suicide. It’s not just teenagers or young adults, either; suicide affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. One life lost to suicide is one too many. How to help? Follow the acronym ACT: Ask - Be willing to listen and stay calm

Care - Let him/her know you care and take him/her seriously Treat - Seek professional help and stay with them There is very real hope. The suicidal state of mind is most often temporary and reversible with timely assistance. If you’re the one feeling hopeless or depressed or would just like to get involved, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or visit www.suicide.navy.mil. Talk to a friend, chaplain, coworker, supervisor or a mental health professional. Remember, you are never alone. Suicide prevention is an all-hands evolution! Life is worth living!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

NAVAIR Continued from 1

smarter,’ and leadership development through NLDP is just one area of the way ahead for our organization.” During the workshop, employees also learned about Emergenetics — a tool used to analyze individual thinking attributes — and how to use their personal results to explore differences in thinking related to leadership, diversity, change management and interpersonal communication. “One of the biggest challenges to these developing leaders is not about learning the organization - it’s about leading people through organizational change and being effective and intentional at it,” said NLDP Manager Stephanie Gleason. “Emergenetics prepares NLDP participants to do just that, which affords more time for innovation.” Employees learned to apply five organizational learning principles to NAVAIR’s mission. These principles, developed by Peter Senge from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Organizational Learning, are personal mastery, building a shared vision, systems thinking, mental models and team learning. Employees also participated in a book club discussion on retention and explored up-and-coming technologies, such as virtual spaces, mas-


sive open online courses and social networking. “It [the workshop] was like a fresh breath of air full of motivation, energy, people and tools that will take all members of the NLDP in the path to lead the future naval enterprise, especially during these continuously changing environments,” said Gina Caudill, head for the Corrosion & Wear and Nondestructive Inspection Branches for NAVAIR’s Materials Engineering Division. Roland Thorpe, an NLDP participant and the Automated Information Systems IPT lead, agreed. “As we face the ever-challenging, resource-constrained and fast-paced environment of the future, our leadership efforts and goals will be critical for our success as an organization in continuing to meet the requirements and needs of the warfighter,” he said. Find out more about NAVAIR’s training and developmental programs at www.navair.navy.mil/training.html.


network. NLDP includes two learning tracks focused on management and continuous process improvement. The program was recently redesigned to focus on NAVAIR Commander Vice Adm. David Dunaway’s 2013-2018 guidance, of which developing future leaders is a key part, and restructured to help participants apply their lessons to their work. NAVAIR Deputy Commander Garry Newton stressed that NAVAIR takes workforce development seriously and plans to develop a culture of continuous learning. “The only way we can be stronger is to give you all what you need to grow,” he told employees. “The jobs we have — they matter. The work we do really does matter, even though sometimes we don’t see it right away.” Deputy Program Manager Helen Wernecke, who joined NLDP in 2010, said, “As Mr. Newton stated in his talk to the group, ‘As we [NAVAIR] get smaller, we have to get



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Wallops launch shines bright on Southern Maryland shores

NASA Wallops photo by Chris Perry

In an attempt to answer prevailing questions about the moon, NASA launched a probe at 11:27 p.m. Sept. 6 from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Va. Light from the near midnight launch could be seen along the shores of Southern Maryland, including Naval Air Station Patuxent River. See when the next Wallops launch is scheduled at www.nasa.gov/centers/wallops. The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, or LADEE, is a robotic mission, managed by NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., that will orbit the moon to gather detailed information about the structure and composition of the thin lunar atmosphere and determine whether dust is being lofted into the lunar sky. A thorough understanding of these characteristics of our nearest celestial neighbor will help researchers understand other bodies in the solar system, such as large asteroids, Mercury, and the moons of outer planets.


Thursday, September 12, 2013


Continued from 2

holding Navy leaders responsible for developing a climate of transparency and accountability. A recently released NAVADMIN, effective immediately, lays out these changes. “The accountability aspect of that is, in part, dealt with in how we hold people accountable in writing, and also give credit to people in writing for those that are doing great things in the fleet,” said Moran. With the new instruction, Sailors will be held accountable on their evaluations and fitness reports for command climate. For officers, petty officers, and below, the blocks set aside for Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity (block 35 enlisted, 34 officer) and Military Bearing/Character (block 36 enlisted, 35 officer) will be tied to sexual assault and harassment prevention efforts. For the chiefs, this is related to Professionalism (block 35) and Character (block 37). To receive high marks in these categories, Sailors will have to prove their efforts in promoting a positive command climate. The change to the evaluations and fitness reports show that sexual assault prevention is more than an annual training topic. It requires Sailors to be proactive in their approach at all times. “It is to make sure that the commanding officers and those who are responsible for writing fitness reports and evals are addressing the climate and the culture of commands that are encouraging ... supporting the right kind of behaviors that we all would agree are part of who we are as Sailors and that are consistent with our core values,” said Moran. This puts emphasis on the Sailor — every Sailor — to work hard to improve command climate. “We want commanders to be held accountable and to hold their Sailors accountable for both the positive and the negative aspects of creating the right command climates,” said Moran.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Base beautification

Courtesy photo

The naval air station petty officers volunteered to make the base a little brighter last week by clearing debris from areas around the installation. The group of 18 collected nearly a dozen bags of trash in just an hour, including tire rims and engine pieces discarded in the woods. Everyone on station is encouraged to be conscientious of the environment and the beauty of the installation by properly disposing of trash.

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Around Town St. Mary’s County:

Baskets, Bags & More Bingo

Friday, doors open 6 p.m.; bingo starts 7 p.m. St. John’s School, Hollywood Prizes will include filled Longaberger baskets, Vera Bradley purses and 31 bags. There will also be a Chinese auction, silent auction, pull tabs, raffles, door prizes and a 50/50. Food will be available for sale. Admission is $20 and includes a pack of cards for 20 games and a door prize ticket. Additional cards will be available at $5 per pack. Children must purchase an admission ticket and be accompanied by a paying adult. For more information or reservations e-mail lindagreer@gmail. com or call Phyllis at 301-373-5871.

Meet King Peggy Live

Saturday, 2 p.m. Lexington Park library Peggielene Bartels, the subject of King Peggy, this year’s selected book for the One Maryland One Book statewide community read, will share her inspiring story of going from an American secretary to king of an African village and the challenges she faced to change her village. She is also co-author of the book and a book signing will follow.

Basics of Grant Seeking

Tuesday, 2 p.m. Lexington Park library Nonprofits will learn what they need to have in place before seeking a grant, the world of grant makers, how the grant seeking process works and the tools and resources available to them. Free; but registration is required at 301-863-8188 or www.stmalib.org.


Continued from 4 Even though most emergencies you might expect to be exposed to are weather-related, the reality of living in the 21st century is that there are a number of other emergencies that can arise with no advance notice: earthquake, terrorist attack, nuclear reactor incident, aircraft accident, etc. With this in mind, you should be “Ready Navy” 24/7. But, what does really mean? For one thing, you should already have a Family Emergency Plan created, and review it

Calvert County:

In concert: The Dixie Power Trio with the New Line Brass

Today, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum, 4155 Mears Avenue, Chesapeake Beach Join us for a free concert.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Celebrating service, continued commitment

Friends of the Library Gently Used Book Sale

Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Calvert library, Prince Frederick Great selection of used books at low prices. Sidewalk sale; indoors if inclement weather.

The Affair at Point Farm

Saturday, 6-9 p.m. Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum, 10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard A benefit auction and dinner,The Affair at Point Farm features exciting live and silent auctions, food, drink and lively entertainment. Proceeds support the archaeology, heritage, history and environmental education programs and events at JPPM. Reservations are required. Call 410-586-8501 or visit www.jefpat.org.

War of 1812 Lecture Series and exhibit opening

Sunday, 3 p.m. College of Southern Maryland auditorium, Prince Frederick campus Dean Krimmel, consultant for the Baltimore and Southern Maryland 1812 traveling exhibits, offers an insider’s look at the creative process which distills shelves of books and articles into brief compelling stories designed to catch the eye. Free. Also, visit the opening of The Enemy at our Door: the War of 1812 in Southern Maryland at CSM. Mr. Krimmel was the exhibit consultant. at least yearly. Also, you should have a “Grab & Go” emergency kit already assembled and located in an easily accessible place for a nonotice evacuation. Examples of these can be found at multiple internet locations: Ready Navy, FEMA and many of the websites listed below. As was written in the Aug. 29 Tester, there is a quiz you can take to assess your degree of readiness. Take a few minutes and see just how ready you really are. A few minutes now may save a lot of stress and grief later. Stop by the Fleet and Family Support Center, 21993 Bundy Road, for a free Family Readiness kit full of information designed to make you “Ready Navy.”

Courtesy photo

Pack earns commendation

Capt. Sean Mordhorst, Aviation/ Ship Integration (AIR 1.2) military director, right, presents a Navy Commendation Medal to Marine Capt. Douglas Pack upon his transfer to Headquarters, Marine Corps Office of Legislative Affairs in Washington D.C. Pack was the logistics lead for AIR 1.2 for the past three years.

Photo courtesy of Lenard Kowalko

Nixon makes captain

Rear Adm. CJ Jaynes, program executive officer for Air Anti-Submarine Warfare, Assault and Special Mission Programs (PEO(A)), right, promoted Capt. Keith Nixon, Military Director for Logistics Management Integration Department (AIR 6.6), at a ceremony held in his backyard Aug. 30.

Four more for Borom

Courtesy photo

From left, Aviation Electronics Technician 3rd Class Wendell Borom receives his honorable discharge certificate from Chief Aviation Electrician’s Mate William Meyer prior to his reenlistment ceremony Aug. 29. Borom, who is assigned to Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic Site Patuxent River, reenlisted for four years during the event.

Six more for Pacombe

Courtesy photo

From left, Lt. Ian Espich, Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic Site Patuxent River (FRCMA) assistant maintenance officer, reenlists Aviation Electronics Technician 2nd Class Lionel Pacombe for six years during a ceremony Aug. 29th. Pacombe is the FRCMA Pax River production supervisor in the Consolidated Automated Support System work center.

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Pharaoh McMillian

Fair winds and following seas: Flores

Chief Aviation Machinist’s Mate Jose Flores, right, Naval Air Systems Command Logistics and Industrial Operations (AIR 6.0) retired after 24 years of Navy service during a ceremony Aug. 31.

Photo courtesy of the Jett family

Jett promoted to captain

From left, Cmdr. Tim Jett recites the oath of office on Aug. 30 before being promoted to captain at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., with the help of Jett’s son, Tim. Jett is the supply officer for Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Rear Adm. (select) Paul Verrastro administered the oath and is assigned to the Office of the Secretary of the Navy.

Thursday, September 12, 2013






Thursday, September 12, 2013

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.